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Welcome to Divination General!

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>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right / wrong.

Previous threads:
AQ: I'm trying to connect with naamah . Not sure if she is right person as patron and if she will accept.
my query is: What are the feelings of F.Y (female) towards me (D.D)?
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What is this thing...

When would be the correct time to contact A?
The November peeper
Thats scary
That's a cat retard, god.... I swear you people need to touch grass
Dear divination Lords, please tell me if I will kill this mean evil person in the future
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When can I expect my next relationship? I feel like something is going down in December
Mine is how does Rx feel about
rx feel about who/what?
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Muh bruddas, it is I brudda Osas back from the booshes to give answers to da peopol dat need my guidance. You know da drill no vague shit, love queries need context and genders -those will have a limit of 4- I'll skip if I find your query retarded, less go muh bruddas!
Typed post by accident, I meant to know how does Rx (female) feel about me (male) starting yours
alright starting yours as well
Female querent.
Why don't I care about anything? What's wrong with me?
Hello, I'm under alot of stress right now. Do you think things will go well for me despite me fears?
No it's friendly
Dog at the top
Scythe - Mice - Garden
Stars at the bottom

İn hind sight, she seems hopeful about the future but she just beat her past problems either with you or problems about herself. So there is still a lot of concern going on, right now its mainly about loyality - friendship by the way. I dont see any romantic here, but she is hopeful about something, remember that. Maybe she is trying to take it slow, considering the issues she tries to beat
Female, bi my query is this
How's my career situation looking for rest of year? I have a job already, but want something better
How does H(m) feel about r(f)
what is the outcome if I change my legal name to something I have already picked out? will it change the way people treat me
Hi brudda!
My query is will I finally achieve lucid dreaming soon?
I wish to receive 500 dollars soon.

If I got 500$ I'd spend about 300$ on a new mattress and a bedframe for it since the one I'm currently using is on the floor and has lots of mold under it.
I'd spend about 30$ on a new pair of wireless earbuds since the one's I currently own only one of the earbuds lasts more than a few minutes after being charged and I can't tune out my environment around me without both earbuds even with the use of foam earplugs.
I'd spend about 30$ on a bottle or two of vitamins.
I would save at least 70$ for an emergency.

Will my wish come true?
I was told in a reading that someone was coming my way romantically, a bit older, motherly type, can you see anything about her like what she looks like or where we’ll meet? If that’s more than one query you could answer just one ._.
Queen of Wands Knight of Swords Ace of Cups
She has very positive feelings towards, she’s outgoing and extroverted and likes your wit, she feels like you can keep up in conversation, she’s attracted to your mind

been talking to someone for over a month and it's been very hard to try meeting them irl even tho we live close by. What should I expect from this person? they wanna meet me and couldn't yet or we're losing time?
Male, single
Have I already met the person who is going to be my next serious partner? (Female)
yo, this my query >>39086061

it's not rly love query but still gender is male for both parts
That sounds like some psycho shit not gonna lie

>5 of cups, hermit R, high priestess
Seems like you're bored of life in general and you haven't found something that ignites your passion you might want to try religion or at least get in to a passion project, cards also point at a mental illness perhaps autism you might want to seek professional help instead.

>Chariot, knight of swords, 6 of wands
Aye shit is going to be fine nigga, you need to stop stressing and continue to take action make yourself as busy as you can so the sabotaging thoughts don't get in the way of your success. It will all be worth it in the end

>Sun, page of cups, 10 of pentacles
You might meet someone during a holiday party, might be a woman or a young man at least somewhat younger than you, fair skin and very delicate kinda like some k-pop idol type water sign most likely. Between December and March

>Temperance, 8 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles
Hold your position for now, there's some things you still need to learn or wait for before you're able to jump in to something better, the time will come around February and April of next year. For now you should use whatever resources your current job has to offer in order to gain leverage

Third party queries are cringe, skip
male into females
Any romance for me in the cards next month? I might have a few prospects but I'm not sure if they'll pan out. If you don't want this query then can you tell me if I should shave the stache or keep it?
>something that ignites your passion
How do I go about this?
Thank you
>You might meet someone during a holiday party, might be a woman or a young man at least somewhat younger than you, fair skin and very delicate kinda like some k-pop idol type water sign most likely. Between December and March
I think I know someone like that, thanks
My bruddah
Which should I listen to more, my head or my heart?
>Empress, world, 9 of cups
It will help you gain confidence and with this new found confidence others will look at you in a different life. It's a step in the right direction, go for it. It will most likely change you from within you will feel better like a new person a clean slate if you will.

Hello muh brudda!

>8 of pentacles, 8 of wands, 7 of cups
Most likely yes but the cards do say that you're still need to investigate more there's something you're missing in order to achieve this goal, but shit nigga you quite close to that.

>2 of wands, 3 of pentacles, 4 of wands
Something to do with work or some holiday work party, she is older and has many connections, big business lady. You better be ready because she will mean business brudda, you'll meet in December or January the latest, you might miss your chance if you don't go to any parties during those months.

>Ace of swords, queen of cups, 2 of cups
Yes only if you're honest about everything, he is looking for someone down to earth and loving in every word. Let down your walls and show them your true self and you might end up making things official and shit.

>World, wheel of fortune, the star
>Queen of cups r
Not yet but perhaps there might be an opportunity during new years where you two can meet and she is going to be everything you ever wanted in a woman, but you should be prepared for her and not fumble the bag, she might be very sensitive and probably gets scared easily, go easy tiger.
Did I lose the opportunity at FM or is it still salvageable?
Is my next lover F, Ml, or someone else? starting
Das up to you to find out my brudda

>4 of cups, 4 of pentacles, 6 of swords
Jeez my brudda, either you or them are a broke ass nigga and one doesn't have a fuck to give about the other, there will come to a point where you two will give up trying and going each other's way. This needs to happen this year or it won't happen at all, give that nigga an ultimatum if they can't comply to the booshes they go

Nigga just pick a hoe and try to woo her

>3 of cups, fool, world
You got three possible options that you can persuade one who might be a bit exotic and the other who is somewhat of a friendly hippie or at least some nature hoe you know those horse bitches. Some foreign chick might dig your looks as well. Pick one of those three

As for the satchel
>8 of cups
Cut that shit off or at least trim it it's starting to scare the hoes
Could I pull B or no
Vibe check on my relationship with D

Strength, 2 of Cups, Page of Wands
4 of Pentacles, World

Absolutely, yes. Just don't give up, eyes on the prize.
Hoping my situation improves, (I am working) need to find a new home by Halloween.
thank you brother that's all I needed to know and yeah imma shave that shit I just got a new haircut and they fucked my stache up so it's got to go now back to being clean shaven.
will i get my wish
Will my November be the same shit as the last couple of months?
I've been struggling financially and have been more and more lonely, stuff is hard out there
Ace of Pent Rev Five of Coins Three of Wands
This one is over, but there's something coming in the horizon. Don't lose hope, you will find another opportunity soon.
F: Death 3 of Pentacles Moon
MI: Ace of Swords Page of Pentacles Ace of Wands
Other: Ace of Pentacles High Priestess 9 of Swords

F is out of the picture, unfortunately it is a missed opportunity that will loom over your progress, M.I is a pretty good start, they’re at a point where they’d be very open to being in a relationship with someone, and as for another well I’m getting that there’s plenty of fish in the sea for you but you’ll have trouble navigating through the dating game and getting a match, despite being a good candidate yourself. I’m getting a theme of anxiety from this spread and I feel for you, I hope this read helped with your nerves.
2 of Cups 6 of Wands 3 of Cups
It’s still in the honeymoon period but still seems like a real accomplishment you got for yourself, cherish it anon.
Yes a little anxiety one could say. I've been out the game for a while, thank you. Best of luck with your opportunities.
Bruh.. going easy is going to be a problem, but I will try

I appreciate the reading.
Trading mundane love queries.
I will match your depth.
Papa bless

>2 of cups, 3 of pentacles, the lovers
Both, find equilibrium and balance in order to see both sides, the mind and the heart have to be one. Use logic and facts but also weigh in the emotional aspects of something in order to reach a good conclusion. You need to learn how to balance both like ying and yang shit

Wat da dog doin?

Yeah you might attract some girls, asian chicks dig the clean shaven look niggas. Papa bless my brudda

Vague as fuck nigga
>King of swords, knight of swords, chariot
Yeah if you hurry stop and stop being a lazy ass, this wish requires some effort from you brudda

>Hermit r, strength, 10 of wands
It will only change if you get your ass up, you should find something like a side gig in order to keep yourself busy, find part time holiday jobs that require some physical effort that will help you find someone and get to meet people. Go jogging in the morning you will end up meeting someone who might be in to fitness slim and sort of tall.
queries? I can scry or tarot
>either you or them are a broke ass
bruuh he literally lost his job last week you got his ass
>Das up to you to find out my brudda
Therein lies my problem, brodel.
Yeah is still something I’m missing, I’m planning on making a couple purchases that will help me condition my brain to become lucid easily, but I’m still experimenting. I’m confident I’ll achieve it soon. Thanks brudda!
Will e still like me in 5 years?
Should I book a session with that photographer? (I get weird cards when I pull for myself and need a second opinion)

sup brudda, when I put up my car for sale, will I be able to get the amount I put it up for sale?
Hey I traded with you before, i asked about 2 potential partners, a younger and an older one, you talked about a moment of madness that would allow an opportunity, I think the moment came, I’d like to know: Am I living through this moment? And is there a shot with them waiting on the other side?
will I be able to sell all my gym equipment for the price I want to settle for? I haven't put it up for sale yet
starting once you confirm
Thanks a lot twomad
Can I ask you moar or you done with these type of query
confirming and starting
gay query for you, whats going on with A from grindr, we match vibes greatly and I feel we could even become actual friends, but its been impossible to meet this dude

my initial is M, lemme know yours for trade
Am I gonna get fucked in the ass without a condom metaphorically speaking soon?
Because I feel I'm out of luck.
I'm not sure if I can scry right, but I can do 2 for a scry.
Next gf?

Leave yours.

I remember you.
Next month general, if you can.

A query is a query.
How am I going to meet my next gf?
King of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles
Ace of Cups, 4 of Swords
9 of Wands

You will have success in selling it and you will be pleased enough. The whole process requires some additional work and patience from you and eventually you might find it bothersome and tiring but you will earn enough profit to consider your efforts paid off but you'll likely not take up anything like this again due to the hassle.
How's the weekend at the end of next month I have plans for going to be like ?

When should I visit that town with my old friends once more?
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If you still have any queries left after those trades, I'd like to take one too.
do i have biceps tendonitis?
Leave yours and I will come up with something.
My brudda you don't wanna scare the hoe away, be like da lion and wait for the perfect time. Papa bless

Nigga might end up making excuses, he can't meet you half way send him to the booshes!

Find a passion project or something, chicks love doing crafty shit start from there or learn some spooky shit like tarot.

Aye best of luck my nigga

I think your query is cringe but fuck it

>2 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 2 of cups
As long as you keep the flame alive you two can continue enjoying it's passion.

I'll describe them instead my nigga

>9 of wands, queen of wands, queen of swords
Go for the hot and ruthless one the one that knows what they want and aren't scared to get it they are smart as fuck and yeah they don't play around, you are probably in to their intelligence and how well they can solve things, looks and smarts all in one package that's the one you should go for.

>5 of swords, 6 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles
Yeah there might be some fuckasses that will try to haggle the price but you will sell it at a decent price, you should give it a check up before you put it up for sale my brudda. But shit will turn out fine

What's your query nigga?
ace sword, knight cups, 2 swords R, 9 sword, 2 wands, HM R, queen pent
I pulled extra cards because the first 5 didn't answer the query...you will contact them and setting up an appointment will be a bit of a pain in the ass as scheduling may be tight. despite it all, they will give you wonderful results. assuming you pick an appropriate time to meet and give him time to brush up and set the lighting and other photo details appropriately (like some light photoshop etc)
I'm just interested in a love gen myself. Not much going on lately. Will start yours when you post it, thanks in advance.
>How am I going to meet my next gf
>9 of wands, 9 of cups, 3 of cups, Magician
Effort will be needed, in a sense she wont pop up in your life, very likely you'll meet her in some social gatherings and at first you guys will want to just hook up before having a stronger romantic bond. Be active, flirt, use your best assets to get women
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Scriggly on that griggly. AQ, will my father get arrested soon?
Should I try to make my break in L.A. or New York?
alright 2 for a scry it is then, ill tell you about your next gf
my 2 is: what would be the benefits of giving some of my stuff away in terms of dharma? (dharma is the beneficial version of karma, the rewards)
will I be able to maintain a decent physical shape with just cardio and some light home exercises?
starting when you confirm
I am cringe but I am free
Tyty ily
Will I reincarnate as a Lesbian?
would be based ngl just don't get DV'd
Would I be better off in California or in New York? Not that other anon who asked.
Occult aq

do I have any spirit attached to me
No, it's just a heroin addiction.
9 of Wands Rx, 10 of Pentacles Rx, Strength, 4 of Swords

He fighting his own demons and battles ATM. I don't know if he has voiced his problems to you before, but he's going through a lot, and the problems he's going through at likely to be the ones preventing the meeting from taking place.
He has a mix of feelings right now: what's in the past is in the past, rock and roll. However, he's still trying to harness the necessary strength to move on and while he's trying to do that there's a mix of action and fear.
He wants to go, but he's still "hurt" and unsure . Once he changes his approach the likelihood of a meeting will be greater.

next 3 months
Temperance Rx, Fool, 8 of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Pentacles, Chariot, Queen of Wands Rx

I saw nothing but darkness. Things were pitch black. I saw a couple standing in the middle of it and they had some sparks to them, but nothing too bright. They were close but not close enough to do much -as if they were talking and trying to know each other.
One of them were holding something, perhaps a gift. A saw something similar to the pic you posted staring at the couple and then one of them faced the creature and forgot about the other.
I tried again and I saw a man driving an endless road

You're going to meet someone within the next three months but things won't be ideal by then. You're probably going to meet her in a period of weakness or low mental clarity which can be what will lead you to want to be with this person. However, after the initial meeting there will be a fall off and I believe you're going to be the one to decide to do something else(but it can of course be the other part). You're going to find something else while you're getting to know your next lover and you're going to perceive whatever it's as something more worth of your time and that may or may not put the relationship in jeopardy
One will need to join the other for this to work
Next gf?
your query is too vague, make it more precise...
ill trade if you redo your query
alright, starting as well yours
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>3 of cups, 4 of wands, 6 of wands
This is a wedding or something? Some big event or ceremony? Looks kinda fancy shit is going to be fine you're going to meet plenty of bros and hoes you might even end up networking some work related shit. Very good everything will fit right in place, no possible romance but you won't mind since you will be busy having the time of your life, good shit bruh.

My nigga go to an actual doctor
>Tower, magician, 8 of swords
The possiblity is there or could also be arthritis or something that is fucking up your joints and muscles. Might get that checked or it could end up worsening.

Waddya want nigga?

>5 of pentacles, 5 of wands, 7 of wands
Nigga neither, shit is going to be so bleak that you might end up giving in to vices and probably going broke, avoid those places like the plague right now.

>Ace of cups, page of wands R, page of cups R
Two but they aren't the best looking, curve your enthusiasm I guess? Beggars can't be choosers my nigga. Asking those hoes out will get your noodle wet.

Papa bless

>3 of swords, hanged man, 6 of swords
At first yes and will try to fight you or get your attention but then nigga is gonna give up and move on and it's for the best, forget about him he is a broke ass scrub fr fr.
hey brudda, could I know if the infection problem has all been cleared up at this point?
>in b4 doctor
the doctors can't tell its why im asking here
Why did she ask about me beyond basic curiosity?
I'm male
What are things like at that old workplace I left a year ago? Only kind of curious… Male
Your reading is ready. I just have to paste it and post...won't tradecuck, Ill post once I see both reads posted.
That's very insightful, thank you anon. I will keep this in mind.

>Next gf
>Eight of Reds, Ace of Reds, Eight of Acorns, Nine of Pumpkins, Under of Acorns
Not much I can tell you looks-wise, other than that you'll find her attractive right off the bat. They seem to be rather bright and loving, very pleasant to be around. However, the Eight tells me that she's also probably sickly. Not sure how serious, but something to keep in mind. I think you're going to meet this person rather soon, probably sooner than you think, and it will be immediately off to a great start. It's important to mention that you'll have competition though, likely someone you know already. Speaking of, I think you're going to meet her through an acquaintance or maybe a family member.
I think that overall this person will be a good match for you, and while things should develop rather naturally, there will be some things to look out for. I don't know if this is 'the one' if that's what you're looking for, but I think that it will be a very pleasant and fond relationship nevertheless.
Hope this helps, take care and thank you again for your read.
Who are the best readers on this thread?
9 of pentacles Rx, Knight of Pentacles Rx, 5 of Wands, Justice, Devil, 6 of swords

I'm asking because the thought came to my mind while I was shuffling: Do you get good dharma if you act expecting to receive good dharma?

The cards are a bit weird if you ask me, anon. You won't be gracious nor you will come off as a benevolent person and that can lead to some conflicts. The conflicts can be with yourself or with others around you, but you can expect them to happen. Of course, justice will be served and you're going to have what's deserved, but for some reason, the dharma you're going to get will be linked to your bad traits or vices - I'm more inclined to say it's the former.
You're going to find a way to leave bad things behind and move on to a new chapter, with a ne mentality and lighter shoulders

>King of wands, Page of Cups Rx, 6 of Wands, 3 of Pentacles Rx

It's going to be acceptable to your own standards, but I gotta tell you that it won't be a miracle.
I can see that you're going to be lacking in some aspects, but if you can deal with that well, you're going to feel satisfied at least half way through the journey. After a while you're going to become a bit lazy and you might want to get a gym membership or upgrade your gym.
A gym or fit buddy can help you.
Regarding fuckin my life up good n proper. Pls, answer.
Am I going back to my hometown for a while to lay low?
Should I contact the the Glowies in black who tried to recruit me a few years ago, last time I went there during COVID-19?
Does this mean I'll never see my Mistress again?
What does SM think of me? you?
what does O find attractive about me?( college classmate)
Ah. My vices make those places dangerous, I see. Thanks.
>Tower, devil, death R
Shit man, neither place is good the other nigga is going broke and possibly become a crackhead but you shit you might end up dying if you go to either place, you will not be okay in any of those places go to Colorado it's like California but without the homeless and expensive shit. But get a second opinion.

You might want to hit a specialist or some shit

>6 of swords, 2 of wands, 8 of cups
Mostly yes there are a few remains but you could treat them with some topical and medicine, will probably need to be really extra with hygiene and keeping dry certain areas.


>7 of swords, 5 of swords, 3 of cups
Probably gossip another topic to talk and gossip about, seems to be the nosy type that wants to get the latest and probably wants to keep an eye on you, she probably dislikes you.

>4 of cups, 4 of swords, hierophant
Business as usual, seems like no one isn't talking about what ever happened in the past or they moved on, it's rather stale and mind numbing.
first of all thank you, your next gf:
Its a young woman with straight dark hair that is pale skinned. She is short and kind of average weight or even a tiny bit of pudge on the belly. I see her being around 5'1-5'2 and about 135-145 lbs. She is cute and seems to be around 20-22 years old. Its hard to tell her age. she dresses like a mislead youth, a zoomer with a doomer personality or kind of like grudge or emo or goth phase when you'll meet her. she likes wearing black and likes putting her hair down. she's got bangs on her forehead and round cheeks (not fat). She might have a couple of extra piercings and maybe a tattoo or two, not sure I only saw her dressed. she wears kind of baggy clothes similar to billy eilish but in a goth kind of like skater version.
Did you read my op when I said that I was going to match the depth? That automatically meant that I was going to wait, but w/e. Have a good one.

I appreciate the reading, Zoli. I hope I have read true.

Is the eight of reds a bad card or...? I don't know much about your deck, unfortunately.
I'm indeed looking for someone to settle with or someone to spend a long time with. I'm not sure if there's such a "the one" waiting for me out there.

I will keep doing my own thing and hoping to meet her soon-ish.

I will leave you a throwaway if you want to trade again: neonnovaagain@gmail.com

Brazil1985.. great movie
355 its not arthritis, its the front of my shoulder.
Strength, Page of Wands, Ace of Wands

Yes! There is a good chance for an erotic and romantic adventure with a specific person. They are rather energetic and it seems that it wlll be a passionate affair that could evolve here
Yes but he ate your ass
The nobody.
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The Eight of Reds is a rather positive card. The only truly negative one in this spread was the Eight of Acorns, which was in relation to the sickly nature of this person that I mentioned.
Not surprising that you don't know much about the deck, there are basically no resources for it in English. Pic related though.
Will send an email soon
Joe Momma
Alex Jones and the gay frogs

Aye chill lady!
>2 of cups, 10 of cups, king of pentacles
Nigga thinks you're pretty cool, he is a real brudda he is going to make you happy and shit. Very peaceful brudda, let loose and enjoy things together you got nothin to worry about, he is a prize and you better move before another hoe snatches him from you.

Yeah bruh find somewhere else to move, papa bless my nigga.

Boring shit
>High priestess, 3 of pentacles, magician
It's not your looks if you're wondering about that but they are attracted to you as a person and how smart you actually are and are able to resolve things independently. Your reliance is pretty sexy to them, which is gay to say.
Should I donate blood?
>Your reliance
reliance on myself?
Yeah, that's fair. Odd though, I belive she does dislike me but we've not seen one another in years. why now?
Idk I think this could be a bit of personal bias truthfully. Those won’t work well with most users of the site but they could with me.
Something came up here’s your read
Tower Strength Star
All upright
November will be intense, it’ll start off disastrously and you’ll have to remain calm and collected to wether it through, and you will, by the end of the month you’ll get the help you’ll need, November will be a test of faith, things will go bad but don’t worry, they’ll be fixed
is my conscious mind healing from the negative thinking ive set myself to?
Thanks brudda, papa bless

Bababooey! Shashumga!

Nigga I ain't a doctor but you should visit one that shit is going to worsen over time

Shit man you know better than me but that's what the cards gave me

>2 of swords, empress, ace of cups
Make sure you're in good health and eat well before you do. But it all points to a yes my brudda

Yeah and how you're able to manage to make shit work without anyone's help.

No idea, there's people that like to hold on to old shit, ignore the wench and continue on your way.

No more readings my niggas, da booshes are calling me to go back
Stay safe
Occult AQ , I'm thinking about making some origami servitors in the future to help me. I want to make one to ward off evil spirits, one to bring me luck, one to help me heal from my past, and one to help me stay hopeful for the future. I would like to ask how well would this plan work for me?
thanks, btw why pick that name, twomad?
I thought you left. Give me 10 minutes and I will do yours.
Mine is: is A working against me or do they like me? Starting
Aaah that’s fine thank you, all my subsequent queries would’ve been cringe anyway.
Page of Pentacles 5 of Cups King of Swords
I think you’re just being horny here and once the infatuation settles down you’ll choose not to pursue them, I don’t see much happening because you’ll realize you don’t want them that much
Is he still butthurt?
Who tf is teresa
6 of Swords, Priestess, King of Swords Rx, 5 of Wands
Yes. You're going through a hars moment right now, a moment of changes and conflicts. As I have told you before: you're going to have pros and cons during and after this period, so make sure that you try to stay level headed to march towards the right direction and make the right choices. Your mind is going to be your biggest enemy right now.

>10 of Pentacles, Page of Wands Rx, 8 of cups, 6 of cups Rx

There's a shot with someone if so you desire, anon. The question is: once the turbulence is over, will you want to keep pursuing them or seek for something more solid and nurturing?
I believe that your immediate focus is going to be in the foundations of your life.
I think you got tradecucked.
They replied to my aq about some bimbo named teresa
Kek. I wish I had my cards with me.
Trading lewd
will my new project be successful?
Would either J (23, Gemini) or M (22) be down for a casual fuck?
Male asking about females
Air query for a reading of how my life will be a year from now with regard to finance, career, travel and love. Thanks :)
>3 of cups rx, 3 of swords, 10 of swords, 4 of wands
Oof. This ain't as much a yes or no and more of a "fucking don't do it". If the opportunity presents itself don't let your dick guide you. Your work life will essentially be over, you'll be the topic of cruel and widespread gossip, a lot of it malicious and made up by your romantic partner.
Nm ur too slow
Should i buy a new house or at least try? Yours?
How does A feel about me now?
definitely not me for i am blind.
now who's the best card flipper? yours truly. no one tosses pieces of cardboard like yours truly. not even gambit.
Has anyone tried using tarot to approximately find out how their loved ones will die
Hey anon got your read
Reading about other people without their consent is a recipe for disaster
Why me silly billy? I just got here
>king of pentacles, 3 of cups, page of cups
He feels very attracted to you, he sees you as a guy with a lot of responsibilities and with a lot of leadership in life, there is a real attraction between you.
Will I get this job I'm on a candidate list for or will I be traveling to another country for work? Which should I go for? Air query by the way
Did j tell my secret?
the devil. no, not yet. but J wants to tell someone your secret
Time to bring out the penis puncher.

What do first: A or F? Thanks.
a mi gustar mucho Cafe Tacuba, lindas canciones
A: 4 of wands
F: 5 of wands

A first
Trading tarot

Go on that to that far away place or just skip that trip?
6 of swords, 10 of wands, the sun. go on your trip. you need the break and you won't regret going
Hey anon you doing aq?
Could I ask how my November will be?
It's been really tough last couple of months
i feel you on that one anon, this year has been rough.

i pulled 8 of swords, king of pentacles, the star, knight of cups. 4 cards for each week of november.

november might seem like it starts off badly, but you got this. it'll be a month where you feel reassured and confident of yourself at home & in the workplace. you're going to finish a project that you're really proud of or something you've been working on for a long time. so yea november will bring a lot of personal growth and opportunities. nice way to finish out the last few months of the year

tl;dr november will be good
Nice thanks anon
This year has been giving me the middle finger financially, romantically and socially really need a win ngl
Thank you. I’ll try to find a window that works.
did the change I just madre (water) will be beneficial to their current condition? does it have a connection with what is wrong right now?

How will I find that one I daydream about?
Details? You mean a life partner? Man or woman?

Will she want to see me?
What lesson was I supposed to take from my time with M(f)? Was it simply to focus less on material pleasures and physical stimulation, or am I missing something?
Ty :)
Why did that happen today?
Aq or trade will getting a tattoo or b tattoo be better ?
I want for protection
i'll trade that for a 2 week general
i'm >>39088182
tattoo a: page of wands, queen of swords
tattoo b: wheel of fortune r, temperance

Tattoo A seems like it'll provide you more honest protection and genuinely has some logical female watching over it. Tattoo B seems to be false in the protection department, under the assumption this is spiritual protection you're trying to get. Nonetheless though, it'll still make you feel better to have and will offer you mental clarity and help you feel better, there's just no spiritual intervention present.
>ace of wands
>the world
>the lovers
If you don't have someone already , you will find someone and make some very happy memories with them.
What kind of person are they?
>king of pentacles
>the moon
>queen of pentacles
I can't tell if you're a man or woman from this but it's a very powerful counterpart
thank you! how reassuring. i'm getting married soon to someone who needs to clear some conditions before they can fly to me and elope. i'm a woman, he's a man.
will my solitude come to an end this november ?
this one>>39088262
You mind if I scry ? my deck is not with me at the moment
Looks like a beautiful connection. :)
Wrong. You're Making up shit.
Sure, my Q is: could I pull B? Starting when you confirm

Will anyone give a shit about my first release?
King of Wands Rx Tower Chariot Rx
Are you using occult means to turn this into reality? I’m getting that yes it will but it will be so overwhelming you’ll be at a risk of making serious bad decisions
No I'm not, what the fuck. Also those cards mean no. Are you retarded?
You could but you wouldn't be able to keep her for long. That's all I got for your shit fake read.
Should I cut off R and D ?
They were pretty shit friends desu?
Aq or trade
Why did that happen today?
What did what happen today? Give me a week general. And I'll start when you confirm
I can't say it's too weird
Kinda body horror
I don't want to read into that I'm going to pass
It's all good
I will become a magician?
Am I losing it rn or are these thoughts lucid?
Are you guys the fabled Norse wannabe Skinheads?
How can I expect you to read for me if you're this fucked up? No thank you
Seven day general?
I need some insight from experts (4chan users)

I was doing a general reading on myself and got the fool, the magician, and the high priestess all upright. I thought it was crazy I got them in order so I pulled another, and I kept doing this and got all the major arcana in order. I shuffled my deck as well as I usually do, so what the fuck does this mean!?
you're not shuffling yout new deck right
What if I turns out that I am indeed lucid and you get a very accurate read?
what is the outcome if I settle in or around that city that I have chosen to move to when I leave this country?
starting once you confirm
up to you, but I'm not interested in trading for potential garbage
Brother did we trade scries last night ? You want a scry for that?
oh hey, yeah that would be awesome! your query?
Why did that guy avoid me?
How will the party this Saturday be like for me? Starting yours
unrelated but if you're thinking of moving to America this place is cooked lol
just realized you asked for a 7 day general, I can do tarot or I could scry, ill let you choose.
Scry is good but I wanted to change my query asking about the party this Saturday. Hope that's okay.
I'm seeing a lot of people, most of them are sitting around or standing around people seated and shooting the shit. it seems to take place at night, I even see some people hanging out outside and smoking or standing around? A lot of people drinking, mostly beer. There will be around a dozen people and maybe towards the middle or end of the night there will be more people who show up. There's at least several all sitting down in a semi circle formation. does it take place outside in a backyard or something? I see you drinking beer, also some people smoking cigs and or joints. seems like a chill place just to relax and get drunk. nothing too crazy happens. everyone seems to be over their going wild phase
It’s ok I understand
no backyard it's at an apartment
probs no romance for me there right ;)
You're not going to like it all that much as you'll end up on the outskirts where the cost of living is a little cheaper so after a few months you'll move somewhere else, smaller but you'll see that you like it much more even if it is a little sleepy at times, like the bars close a little early. I think there you find someone you spend a long time with in that second city you move . A lot of parks there and a main river .
ahh in that case what I saw was the night sky outside. I saw several people up to a dozen, seems like both girls and guys. and no I don't see you hooking up, its a very relaxed mood. everyone is just sitting around listening to music while they drink, very little or no dancing.
thanks, trade again?
sorry just to clarify, ill move someplace first and not like it and ill end up in the outskirts of town a few months or a year after having moved in? is that correct?
There's a roof! I know what you mean now
What's your query?

Is A waiting on me to contact them?
No you move to the outskirts first/around the city and then you move somewhere you like around more but closer to the city center albeit in a smaller city
ah gotcha, thanks for clarifying. so I will move in the city I plan on going at? I just checked the housing and there's enough free places...
I plan on selling 95% of my wares one way or another, is the money I make from selling all my stuff going to be enough to pay for my housing and things? at least until I find a job
Yes you do end up moving there but again you don't stay there for long
My query: Can you scry what my life will be like in january ? like mid jan
yes I can, let's see...
you keep up a similar routine or lifestyle that you have currently. I see two other things, I see you about to kiss someone so there's a chance you'll be seeing someone romantically, a gf or dating around. and I see you clutching at your stomach and bending a bit while you hold your stomach in pain. I felt a weird feeling happening in the pit of my stomach (weird). You might get food poisoning or alcohol poisoning if you aren't careful. Or you may get sick with a parasite or some infection that will make you puke or get sick for some time. I'm not sure what that's all about but it felt like you would get sick and puke. Shouldn't be anything too serious so I wouldn't worry...
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Anyone reading?
it's going to be enough to cover you for maybe a few months at the most but you might not find a job that's high paying enough for your likes. A miserable existence where you just making it day to day and eventually you just decide to say fuck it and move again. Frugal. And then after you move again you'll be broke but happy and find a job shortly after that allows you to furnish your place and start to build.
thank you, I have one last query. sorry if I wasn't more helpful in the last reading but that's all that I saw for the time around mid jan.
That's okay, query? Mine is what do see in my life for may of 2027. far away I know but I'm wondering about something.
when will I completely get rid of my current infection? if I haven't already (in the process atm). I am currently fighting it off and applying meds. fyi they are microscopic bugs.
Have I still got a shot with M or did I fumble it
you'll be in a relationship. Your whole style or swag will change. you will style your hair and or beard and hair combo differently (letting it grow longer, no longer shaving or shaving after long periods). I see you being with a woman with straight long auburn hair. she is pretty and you will love being with her. It seems like you will be in love. a lot of kissing and makeout sessions. she will see you every day pretty much and you will spend a lot of time together. Not sure if she lives with you or just see's you often but she will be around pretty much all the time around that epoch. also you may be working a white collar job or professional job that requires you to work in office clothes or in a suit.
2 months is what I heard. You might have some scarring (?) that might linger for a little longer but by two months you'll be clear of all that shit. It's going to take some weeks to see a noticeable improvement from where you are now. Rosacea?
holy shit you think that's the woman I marry?
Can you tell me if my next bf is older or younger than me?
Been working on my own personal deck for a while, using symbolism that's meaningful to me perosnally but still aligns with the intended meaning of the card.

I realize this is a divination thread not a tarot thread but it's dominated by tarot cards so what better place to share it.

The digital phantom is a custom card I felt was missing. I can explain it more if you want.
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Forgot the pick, what a complete fucking retard.
so you gonna read for us or what?
thanks but its not something that's cured over time. its something that needs to go away with meds and by methodically cleaning every square inch of your house. 2 months heh? so the winter cold will kill them? It can be cleared in a week but you'd have to go full bio hazard mode.
I saw you wearing a suit. I did not see a wedding dress or a marriage. I just saw two people that seemed inseparable and which seemed to be madly in love.

I could check your wedding day if there is one if you'd like.
If it is rosacea I cured mine by avoiding salty foods and cutting out a lot of processed shit and changing bedding a lot more often. If not, well I'm not sure but I felt like two months would work. I think you will find something else that really works for you besides just the meds.
and yes I would love a wedding day scry!
Still got a kut 20 cards left until I have a complete deck. Ive been doing these in a random order and just finished the major arcana tonight.
Should I get a shinigami tattoo?
I didn't want to skew the result but I got mites. the fuckers won't go away.
Can you check what I'm doing wrong that the mites keep coming back?
starting your wedding read.
I know nothing about mites lol
What does your new card mean?
ahh yes I see the wedding day. it happens on a sunny summer day with clear skies. You get married outdoors. Not sure if the whole process happens outdoors or if there's a church part before or after. It seems to only take place outdoors. There's a wooden craft overhead and the bride is posing for pictures in this octagonal styled gazebo that's painted white. she is wearing a beautiful white dress with an open back showing cleavage and a see through or shimmering veil over her head. there seems to be a white flower on her hand or somewhere attached to her dress, maybe on her head while her hair is styled.
it seems to be the same lady from before as she is has auburn hair. she is very pretty btw. again idk if this is her natural hair colour but she looks good wearing it. your wife is very happy during the whole day it seems like this is something she's always wanted. later on that night you both get to your room and make love. the most present moments of that day are the ceremony, the pictures of the bride taken, the bride being congratulated and smiling happily and last but most prominently, the love making at the end of the night. a happy day where everything goes right :)
Steam. Does steam work for this? I have no idea. You have access to a steam room? Hot shower? I saw gas or steam filling up a house gas chamber style. Or maybe aromatherapy of some sort. Peppermint ? Felt a little bit of better breathing too. I also saw a burning house so either move (which I know you're working on) or be careful not to overdo things. Also do you live near pine trees? I get the feeling no for some reason. Pine tar soap? All this is to say you're not doing enough, you're too complacent with this. A lot of different fragrances.

For how long would it be good to continue in my current city?
yeah I heard fragrances like lavender oil can clear it as they don't like it and to spray it all over the furniture but I can't find any at any nearby stores.
alright thanks i'll see what I can do.
try peppermint and pine tar soap crawling fuckers hate those things . lavender is not enough. godspeeed and thanks for the reads :)
also did you see her eyes or skin color >>39089116
Should I get back on birth control?
she is pale, like very pale, mostly gets red when she gets in contact with the sun. didn't see her eye colour but she looks like a natural red head or auburn hair which is just a darker shade of red.
TRIED to KEK me ehh?
Anything about height or her body shape? sorry to be annoying
don't want to alarm you but yesterday I saw a video floating online of a woman who took BC for 10 years only to get off it (to make a family) and found out she was sterile lmao. bc makes you sterile
yeah she is like 2-3 inches shorter than you. not much shorter but its slightly noticeable. she can easily wear heels around you and you'll still be taller. also she is thin. not sickly thin but just thin enough. Has about B or C cup tits, slight curvy hips or a bit of a bubble butt. she is not a thick woman, she is thin. she's even thinner than the average woman. her arms are untrained and slender. she is not someone that will go to the gym. if anything she might do some light cardio or mostly walking around. not a gym enthusiast. also didn't see any visible tattoos
Beautiful, thank you. Sending healing energy your way.
I don't want to grow old so I probably won't have kids. I just want bigger boobs
thanks, yeah dude she's hot, you'll hit the jackpot in terms of beauty. also just curious but do you think I should seek the help of an exterminator? Its the only "thing" that comes equipped with steam and gas.
Love query

Will it work between me (V) and her (S)
>I just want bigger boobs
but having kids gives you bigger boobs, also growing old will inevitably happen, you can't pretend to be 20 forever.
I don't like the way things are going in the world too much pollution.
Anyways plenty of people on bc have babies . So I'm not worried about that if the time comes.
Honestly, yes. Take the nuclear option. Everything is on the table. Gas it.
Yeah they end up with LGBT children due to the way it screws up hormones.
Good then humans will stop reproducing as much.
Do I know my next girlfriend?
Will we bang?
Can he sense I'm getting readings on him?
Also in vitro makes them trannies and queer. My neighbor's offsprings are one normal gay tard hedonist and a ftm (or no gender special) sperg that got brainwashed by Tumblr.
Bro I'm just tryna see if my titties will get bigger on bc...
Man. Blond.
Lol wow retard alert, you do know that in order to prevent that shit birth control has placebo pills in order to let the body ovulate normally and for periods to happen as long as they have a healthy period they can have children and find ways to do so.

I've seen women as old as 40 giving birth for the first time. You're probably young but you should consider first because bringing a kiddo in to the world is a huge compromise if big boobs is what you are after consume bee pollen that shit works and myo inositol which are supplements that will help balance your hormones and yeah help your skin and stuff and foment breast breast growth
Maybe <_<
Sweetheart don't listen to that piece of shit, he is a man and doesn't have any idea how women work let alone their reproductive system
That's an interesting question! does anyone know what are the signs that someone is getting readings on you? If there are any of course.
doing a few queries. no yes and no, no incel
When will I find a girlfriend folks?
She just broke up with me two days ago.
But I know she doesn't feel good.
Is she feeling ok? I hope she will handle herself without damaging her college.
Dreams , feelings of being watched, flies
How will the rest of oct go for me?
Will I have girlfriend to spend New Years Eve with?
What will happen between me and S in the next couple of months? will we end up together or will we stay just friends?

I'm M and S is F.
Will I see my friend next year?
Im moving states
Why is he so depressed?
Will I make enough monies to pay for my bills this month?
how does th feel about b
And you're a woman who is far too confident in their ignorance.
what can i do to fuck M again, she isnt to secure about it and i am obsessed
that's nice of you. i hope you\re okay too.
8 of wands, sun reversed and judgment
yes, she is okay. she feels like she has more energy and she's free to move towards her goals.
i take the sun rx to mean she was unappreciative of what she had? maybe she thought things were stagnating? and now her life is moving on.
with the judgment i wonder if she has someone else in mind already or maybe she was just unhappy for a long time so moving on will be easy.

10 of cups, 5 of pents and page of cups all reversed and 2 of swords reversed jumped out.

you'll get into arguments, someone close to you will be upset, you won\t appreciate what you have and you'll get bad news related to something sentimental. you'll be forced to act. the good news is that if you ask for help you will receive it

knight of wands, the tower and king of wands all reversed

i doubt she likes you as much as you like her, but you have to avoid becoming the king of wands reversed. remain balanced and don't become emotional whatever happens.

justice, 6 of wands reversed, the world, hermit and 5 of cups
haha same reasons i'm depressed

a combination of past choices he wants to take no responsibility of, feeling defeated and like his goals are out of reach, he's probably suicidal btw, doesn't want to be around people, obsessing over what he lost and his past instead of being present in the now and appreciating what he does have
i think the isolation will do him good

queen of wands, 7 of pents reversed and the star
i hope so but it doesn't look good with that reversed pents. i think it says to look into alternate ways to make money, besides work, then you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel
Next month general?
I keep feeling that something will pop, bit i have no idea what going to happen.
I'll do my best to stay balanced. Thanks!
Do people think I’m pretty or somewhat attractive? Lohan vibes do I give off to others? Thank you <3
What feelings does E have for me?
What affects will the bc have on my body?
Does N like me A or is he just playing with me?
What would be better for me: trying to mend things with my ex-gf DG or shooting my shot with my friend G?
does K still hate me and want to hurt me or she is in peace yet
You're right on all the accounts. He wasn't like this before he had kids. I'm just wondering if the reasons for his depression can't be fixed (caused by reasons beyond his control).
Oh geez
Is it family or love related?
Why does J hate me?
Thank you! I'll look into alternate options aside from my main job
trading relationship/lewd
high priestess, 3 of wands reversed and 4 of wands
you'll have arguments because your plans are going to shit and your aspirations are crumbling. that is to say, things aren't going your way. spiritual good times however, you should take up meditation

6 of cups reversed, 4 of wands and 9 of swords
it'll take you out of your comfort zone and you'll enjoy the sex, might give you depression as a side effect

6 of pentacles reversed, 7 of swords reversed and 5 of cups
he is toying with you and you'll ignore this and be left broken hearted.

he can. look at the man in 5 of cups. all he has to do is turn around and look at the cups that are still full instead of crying over the spilt ones


emperess reversed, sun reversed and king of pentacles
he feels like he gave you too much and you're dismissive and unappreciative

good luck
Is that girl into me or just firendly?
First one. Thank you for the reading, I appreciate it.
will i get my wish
He never gave me anything I guess he has a big ego.
Thank you
Ty <3
Is there anyway to see what kind of a person I am or how I'm perceived by others. I've always had issues with self image and identity and just want to know
Yeah you’re probably right he’s toying with me. He’s had many relationships in the past and have many girls after him. Though I didn’t ignore you so what happens now?
How am I perceived by others?
Fuck 'em.
How do you want to be perceived.
Those that see you for how you want to be seen can be considered friends.
Others are outright enemies or fairweathers or some measure in between.
Not a read.
nah, that's retarded and narcissistic.
Putting an image over someone to quell or excuse your own misguided feelings is textbook narcissistic abuse, darling.
thinking that anyone who dislikes you are enemies is peak narcissism. Don't call me darling, homossexual.
>some measure in-between
I'm not homosexual, either.
Example of an image to quell or excuse your misguided feelings.
I’m talking to M he said he wants to see where this goes I’m completely infatuated with him.
Help is this going to blow up on my face?
What's my life's purpose?
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Got nothing I need answered. If you don't mind me potentially fucking up your Q because I'm sleep deprived I can take it for free.
This is the one, you fucked up are still better than the avg trader thank you
I just was curious y'all. My bad. Could I still get a reading though
Could see if Harmony Maxxer would.
I read for intentions

>The Sun Rx, The Lovers, Page of Swords Rx
>Queen of Wands, The Hanged Man, Page of Cups Rx
>Shadow Card: Six of Swords Rx, The High Priestess Rx
I read for intentions. He seems genuine to an extent, like he's indifferent but trying to find some kind of meaning and joy out of what's there. Can't say that he's going about it too well. I'm gonna be real I'd say get a second opinion, but the shadow cards make me think that he's not gonna just jet.
Thank you
What's my life's purpose?
Go with the flow and stop and let things happen!
Apologies. Indifferent is a strong word. I meant to say that he's letting things happen. The Sun being reversed as it is shows that things are in it's early infancy too. I thought about the read a bit more with a clearer mind, and the pages being reversed like that is a good sign if you want to have a man instead of a fuccboi in your life.
Thank you for being so kind, your reads always reflect a kind careful person.
Will do
Yeah we rooting for you invite us to the wedding!
first one. thank you. thats why I am hoping.
finna beat up some pussy walls fr?
Have I still got a shot with D or did I fumble it
If I were to pursue, who would I have a chance with: A or "eyes" or none of them?
Just some fun to show you that it's real
>mfw when there are no thristy incels to trade with
A: Five of Wands Hierophant Reversed 8 of Cups
Eyes: Queen of Swords Emperor 2 of Cups Rx
None of them: Queen of Pentacles 10 of Swords Ace of Swords
None of them is the winner, these are all bad candidates for one reason or another and you’d feel much better if you quit pursuing them
with did my classmate reply in such a cold way?
Because humans have moods and sometimes you catch them in these bad moods.

Don't you have something more useful to waste your time on?
>Have I still got a shot with D or did I fumble it

>5 of cups
>king of swords reversed

Currently, it's a fat fumble, but let's see

>2 of cups
>queen of swords

You still have a chance to get this right. Even though she doesn't have...the easiest character, you must make it it to her in a way that shows you're actually trying to connect with her genuinely.
How about you? Dumb cunt policing the threads 24/7 spewing dumb bullshit that nobody cares about instead of doing readings. typical friendless loser.
is happiness awaits me soon? i'm tired tired tired so tired
>the star
Not soon.
next year? two years? 5 years?
Don't care. Just did the aq, not following up as it's all up to you to be happy and you just want to not be responsible for yourself.
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There was a tarot reading on a YouTube channel called Good Mythical Morning earlier, and I was wondering if someone could try to interpret it. The situation was chaotic, so perhaps it's not worthy of interpretation, but I think it would be interesting. I took a screenshot.
did she block me?
or perhaps someone could name the cards?
it's not up to me. we don't have freedom of the will. there's limited amount of happiness and suffering each and everyone of us will get throught his life. maybe i already burned my limit of good feels.
Reversed image: from the top Left to right:
Ace of coins, page of swords, 10 of swords, 2 of wands, ace of wands, the Sun
Not gonna read that dumb cope, anon.
that's what i noticed in my life. can't get anything good without paying for it with x2 or x4 suffering.
womp womp. Everyone suffers, you're just too weak to grow from it.
whatever you say, big guy.
Trade again? I’d like to know what they think of me now post-fumble
did she block me?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Should I go for J, A or M to get what I want?
I wish to receive at least ten usa dollars. Ideally within the next few hours but definitely within the next few days. Please manifest this for me.

still trying, eh? Poor dear.
Wrong thread.

Hi div
Any messages for me?
I posted it there too
Hello to you too
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thank you
Did she?
>queen of wands, 6 of swords rx, high priestess rx
Seems this chick is unstable mentaly somewhat. She's got issues from her past, some kind of self sabotage or low self esteem. This seems less about you and more about her feelings that you may cause. I'm getting emotional swings or low self esteem.
How does Mg feel about me now?
I dont have my cards with me right now.
Empress, 4 of cups

Knight of swords, 8 of swords

Chariot, Queen of swords

Potentially, M is your only real choice, but not a particularly good one. You can make it work, if you don't skip a beat.
Anyone from today's activities sexually interested in me?
oh ok :)
will I score a gf this year?
9 of Swords 3 of Cups Knight of Pentacles
I think it’s a no anon people caught on to your insecurity/desire to be desired
>your insecurity/desire to be desired
Don't have that and certainly don't show anything to that effect.

>the world, 2 of cups, queen of pentacles

It seems like they are pretty happy and secure with your connection. There is a bit of a risk that this is as good as it gets, though.
thanks, I did a reading with perplexity.ai because I couldn't find anywhere that I could easily input my own cards. it seemed quite good at it.
Hii onibro how are you
I'm doing well. I'm just under alot of stress. I made a second vertion of my oni letter that words my desires better but I dont know if it will attract the same oni so I'm debating on deleting it.
Delete this post. Shit readers are gonna use it to ruin the threads further
Why penis?
Hope things will get better soon, and fingers crossed! Sometimes this kind of thing goes by trial and error sadly
why does nobody want me?
Thank you, I will try to get a reading on the second letter in the future.
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AQ please

Interesting turn of events, I introduced my friend N to my friend L and they've gotten close. If I told N about me and L, would she help wingman me with L?
What does SM think of me? You?
pass. I see you already got than answered.
Do you want you?
Difference between contentment, self-loathing and room for growth.
Why do you faggots keep spewing your dumb shit?That's not a reading and nobody cares about your opinion, fuck off
Just means I can say things and you'll dismiss them because they don't come attached to tarot cards.
Fucking nice.
Is Newtons third law of motion just karma in a nutshell?
Alright. it's 00 now. Doing short fire readings until 15.
Pay me with a primal picture.
Don't ask about occult or feelings.
Don't complain if you get skipped
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how do i overcome this deep shame wound?
Anyone wanna give me a reading as to whether imma get this Firefighter job or if I should pack my bags and go join the French Foreign Legion?
Can you tell me things about my next girlfriend?
Maybe when even?
How am I doing right now?
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Thank you
Does God have any messages for me?
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What will happen to me this halloween?
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Gotta change your perception and start preparing for the future, instead of just living in the now. Only way to profit massively one day.
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What do I need to focus on?
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Getting out of your own way/head. Need to cultivate lasting positivity in your life.
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how's things looking for the rest of the year for me?
How can I make him less suicidal?
Right in the feels.
Actually true, though.
I see what you mean, but it did a decent job of summarizing each card and then providing a brief interpretation. but, just as with any reading, you apply your own instincts and emotions and intuition and context etc anyway, so whats the difference between this and some site that tries to make me sigh up for a similar reading? unless you provide a good alternative that's hassle free and quick, then ai is a decent tool.
get a deck or stop pretending that you're a reader. AI just goes for the texbook definitions, not the particulars of each case (just like a bad reader). If your objective is to just read here whatever, but if you want to actually read cardsd properly, gotta put in the work.
trading, feels
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What is a thing that will happen to me soon that I need to know about?

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