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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz (embed) (embed) (embed)
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/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed) (embed)
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed) (embed)
A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right / wrong.
previous thread: >>39085682

What do I need to be told?
Is it too late for me to make a comeback?
Based, I hope we get some readers today.
AQ: Any message from entity I'm trying to connect with ?
I have a weird gut's feeling that something big will happen in my life on halloween. What it will be?
Starting yours
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AQ for the primal reader from previous thread

The nightmare I had with B. Was it about my insecurity, or is it foreshadowing/a warning of whats to come in the future?
Hey now anon. Just because the big guys on the thread, doesn't mean you have to chastise others.
Give me something to identify you with. A name, a nickname, anything that is strongly yours.
Also if there's any useful detail, please provide it.
>tarrot was only a card game in france is the same as praying to monopoly
is thier any truth to this sounds like bullshit.
Occult AQ: J, libra, male. I made a letter to summon a spirit called KO in the future but decided to make a second letter. If I use letter 2 in my future summoning ritual, will KO come to me?
How does the cute co-worker feel about me?
Trading occult/lewd/love qs
Darn, I dont have my cards. Sorry.
Is the awful experience I had last night demonic in nature? IF not what is it related to?

Do you have a lewd one to trade actually?
oh, okay. I have one

Will I fuck my female friend S. before the end of this year? and how will it be?

Will I do the same with f sometime next year and how will it be?
starting now
>3 of coins, 5 of coins, 2 of wands rx
Iìd say that's a yes. You'll fuck F, and there will be some really great moments between the two of you. You must be careful though. It sounds like there is potential for anxiety, heartbreak and/or unwanted pregnancies. Sex is going to be surpsingly good, and you'll both enjoy it a lot. Just be careful anon!
What path am I leading myself down as of rn and what will my life look like in 5 years. AQ
2oc aop knightop
Yeah you guys will fuck if you make your move.
Knight of cups page of cup hp
You might be less experienced than her and do more of the work to please her but you'll still really enjoy it. It'll definitely be more like making love than carnal animalistic sex
Does he want a baby?
interesting, that resonates a lot. I thought she was acting flirty but I didn't wanna ruin our friendship. Now I know that I can make a move! She's way more experienced than me that's true and I hope we'll both enjoy it. Also making love sounds great. I really wanna fuck her like an animal, but being lovey dovey is fine!

the emphasis is on protecion and surprises so, I'd say no, he probably does not want that baby.
6 month gen
I'm sure you cN work your way to it, seems like you'll be more shy so you'll take it slow.
Kk ty
this one
Starting when you confirm
and you're right once again! I'll do my best. Thank you so much for your reading!
You too :)
ace of swords, queen of swords, four of cups, wheel of fortune r, ace of pents r

Seems like you breaking free of a harmful cycle and gaining some pretty nice clarity. Though it won't feel nice at the time, you'll honestly feel pretty upset as you realize there was much time wasted done by you, a woman who is cold emotionally could be involved here and be the subject of some of your ire. No big life threatening event present, but the coming of Halloween will have you doing all this thinking on where you currently are in life, and you'll realize you just can't stand the way things are and you want that wheel of fortune to be spinning in a different, more favorable direction.
Why do christians ruin the fun? Fuck this thread I'm not doing readings here see ya on the next non religious thread
It ain't that bad anon.
Why not make a competing whatever you are div thread?
>10 of cups, 9 of pentacles, 8 of swords, king of cups, 2 of wands, page of wands
You will enter this half-year with new ideas, energy and money, yet something will tell you that you should aim to withdrawal from any new cool stuff, just to financialy secure your future by playing it safe. You will encounter some situation that will lead you to conclusions like this, but you shouldn't listen to thoughts like that much. You will have enough resources to experiment and get into new things safely, just go with right people and everything will be ok
thank you :)
i'm marrying someone who wants to give me that kind of freedom because i've never had that before. i come from an extremely poor family, one where my single mother was always choosing between rent, electric and food, so i tend to hoard my money due to that trauma. you're a good reader. i appreciate it
Ty! And you too are, as im currently in some weird life-changing moment in life, so your reading was also relatable for me!
Anyway be safe!
whine some more. There is absolutely zero reason why you couldn't do readings.
You mean the anti incel anon? I think her was in the last thread too.
Anon, you're complaining.
Im 075 and I'm saying you're complaining.
About complaining no less.
I can't trade and i have nothing to offer, but I'm at a very difficult point in my life and could use some direction. I'm a bit desperate. It's not life or death or anything, but if any kind stranger could nudge me in the right direction with a reading, I'd be grateful.

My name is Mike

I just want to know if I should file for divorce. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't it seems, but things are just bad. I just need a nudge in some direction. Thank you in advance, and please just ignore if you don't want to do it. I won't be offended.
Quite literally the textbook definition.
What is your occult query? I'll take it if you're still here.
Will I find love before year ends?
Am I about t have a good time tonight?
>Judgement, VI of Swords Rev, X of Swords Rev, Ace of Cups Rev, Empress, World, King of Cups
Yes, you should get divorced, as difficult as it may be, you need to end this cycle and start a new one.
You need to go after your peace and recover yourself, whatever has happened, there's no going back, you're just on a sinking ship.
It's time to move on, it's a hard road, but you'll be happy again.
Thank you so much for your time. You went above and beyond and I truly appreciate it. I guess that's the journey I'll be starting. Jesus I'm terrified. Thank you.
Gave this one a quick questioning.
Getting a strong yes! I have the feeling that confidence in the result will also play a factor though, so go into it feeling clear about your intent.
Wonderful, thank you. I changed the letter to be more personal and was afraid it would change the spirit that would come to me. I feel better knowing the same spirit will come, thank you.
Do ask for confirmation, always a good idea, but I got a good feedback on that
Thank you.
Hey guys, some threads ago was posted a chart for tarot readings, can someone share it?
will I succeed in new job i just started?
You can find a bunch in the OP. If you're looking for a specific one, can you remember the name?

Will future wife be a Lesbian?
How does that work anon?
I just imagine a closet Lesbian or at least bi marrying with me
thinking about killing myself. so the usual
Curry + they don't shower or do basic hygiene
Bisexual is way different than lesbian. God assigned me to a bisexual woman even though the woman I had in mind was 100% straight.
Did the masseuse want me to ask for a handy?
mate, are you still around..how are you doing?, things took a bad turn and hope a reading can help me see what is happening
Yup I went back onto this thread thinking “what if I’m missing something?” Nope, I’m not missing out on anything
Answer the question.
No :), you people are what ruins the threads
Now I am. I'm a bit tired thanks for asking, I hate staying in hotels. What could I do for you?
Yeah threads are going to shit from Jesus freaks to degenerates. Makes readers scarce and unmotivated to come around
Well one of my cats, the one that I was having more trouble. I took him to yet another vet which let me drowning in debt even more, but he has improved (hope so, I don't want to jump into conclusions too soon, but at least he is peeing now) but parallel to what was happening another one of my cats started to act more and more lethargic he was fine.. he was the one that haven't been affected in any way and now he is having "something" who knows what, and then another one that I had been struggling for months with her health that got fine like 2 months ago, ate an insect and I don't know if that fucked her up or something else, but she is again showing weird signs.

I'm really at a loss here.. it's like juggling with their health, I want to know if I'll be able to get out of this, because it looks like if something gets pissed off when I get something sort out (taking the other cat to the vet without caring for whatever) and then another one becomes sick, I don't know what this is but this ain't normal
>King of Disks Rev, VII of Swords, Ace of Disks
>Queen of Wands, Wheel, IV of Swords
Man, what a bad, weird energy I got from reading about this situation.
It's kind of similar to the reading I did for you the other day, but now it feels like whatever it is that's trying to hurt you seems to be angry, feeling like you're not keeping your end of the bargain or something.
And at the same time it seems to me that this anger is caused because he knows that this must be the last attempt he has to try to hurt you, you seem to be moving towards the end of this situation and I still have the feeling that everything will be fine.
But at the same time, it's very strange.
I've been asking if there's someone I'm in debt with, for him to tell me and tell me what to do as long as it is possible I'll make it out but don't know what it is..

I've already said that I light a candle for Marbas every monday.. yesterday I didn't light it up, but I don't feel that he is the culprit, is like this thing was really pissed off because I as about to light it up, so I gave up before it hurt my cats more, but then I don't know who or what I'm in debt with. It's making me crazy but right now I need to protect my cats 100%
Trading Bibliomancy
I asked if you should light the candle and the answer was:
>IX of Disks Rev, Ace of Cups Rev, IX of Swords Rev
Better not light it.

Now if you have something you should do or just wait:
>VIII of Wands, Wheel, Lovers Rev
It's strange that it keeps appearing to me as if this thing really feels that you haven't reciprocated what it's done to you. Seriously, I'm not the best expert on this kind of thing to know exactly what you should do, but I think I'd suggest you go urgently to some spiritual guide from your religion or something you believe in.
There's something very wrong with the energy in this situation.
I can scry for you. What's going on?
Just want some general advice and guidance.
Oddball question but if I were to give you a personal sigil I use for protection, would you trust me enough to place it where they sleep? I know I'm an anon and the situation is already fucked, but cats are my darlings.

No hard feelings if nah.
Doing 3-5 Bibliomancy reads. Feedback would be appreciated.
Yes I've juggled all possibilities and don't know what it is.. I've really believed for the longest time it is a demonic presence, but then I always get replied that it isn't.
Next possibility which I just juggled is it has to do with a death entity and that is clinging into me. but then again, why I'm in debt with him?, he should answer me instead of screwing with my life, then I could try to pay him.
I've asked for marbas several times, and it comes out that he is not the problem that he is fine with me. (in all honesty my problems started way before calling on him)

So yeah.. you are right.. I am really juggling the possibility of going to the church and ask for the guy in charge of exorcisms.. I know this isn't it, but my gut feeling tells me that's the guy I need to ask for help
of course I could try, but I would proceed with caution, but it doesn't hurt receiving it and then I will decide what to do, of course I will be more than grateful, they sleep in different places so I don't know if it can be used in more than one place
Somewhat similar: besides the love I have for my significant other, what actually keeps me going?
What do I need to hear now?
Rather, what advice is most pertinent to my current situation?
How is A feeling about us?
I'm a male and she's a woman
also I will proceed with caution not because of you.. but because this energy does get pissed off when I try to protect myself so I have to always proceed with caution, I've done a bunch of rituals and have only stayed with some, because when they're not effective they bring havoc.

I've made miracles with them.. like vets have told me about probable cancer, kidney failure, and a lot of stuff and then at the end I'm able to make it so even bloodwork goes right.. but then as I'm going out of the illness in one of my cats, the other gets sick. and I feel like my energy is not as powerful as when this started. this shouldn't be happening, I've always taken care of them to the max.
will I finally rid myself of this damn problem tonight (if you're wondering its an infection) ? I am exhausted of doing treatments...
If you have the chance, do it as soon as possible. Seriously what bad energy, it's funny that the first time I did the reading for you I didn't feel it as strongly as I do today lol
Perhaps another sign that it's passing.

What a kind energy you have anon.
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What I'm hoping to do is bait the thing to ME through this, but it's your call anon, no blame for being cautious.
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Hmmm...... So it seems your world is not exactly rosy. It's tough out there, dark stormy skies approaching. On one hand it seems that you're worried about this storm approaching but conversely are more prepared for it than you think. My advice is to trust your instincts and intuition for going through your life. We are all not afforded comfortable times to live through pray however that you have within yourself the strength and fortitude to hold your ground and the wisdom to decide the right course to follow. There seems to be some good people in your corner who have your back, don't be afraid to learn on them in times of need. Sorry it's hard to say external factors are going to be a breeze and easy, the air is thick lately on earth, but even despite that there are ways to live a more successful or fulfilling life.
Why does 4chan suddenly need 900 seconds to be able to post in threads? Is that the time it takes for backdoors to open inside your devices?
"Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish sin, to set an end to sin, to wipe out lawlessness, to atone for wrongdoings, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophesy, and to anoint to Holy of Holies."

I asked what keeps you going aside for the love you have. I take this to mean you have a strong sense of duty, or basically a need to finish what you started better than it began. It feels like there's a part of you that just wouldn't be able to be satisfied if you just gave up right now. That you can't just leave certain things to end on a sour note.

This is different enough to warrant a second read. I was already typing out the first read when you posted, but I'll throw in this second read in case it's closer to what you're actually looking for.

"Where is the dwelling place of the lions and the feeding place for her cubs? Where did the lion go, that the lion's cup should go where there is none to scare him away?"

Somewhat similar feelings to the above read. I'm getting the feeling there are questions unanswered that you need to see answered. There's something unfinished that you want, or need to see finished/answered/concluded.
Got things mixed up. Will do things again.
Np, take your time.
Appreciate the reads as well.
Keep up the good work.
I just got that, I thought it was because I posted from incognito mode, or because I was trying to use my tripcode in another device.. but it also caught me off guard, just decided to move to my computer (where I had the cookie already set) and post from here instead of waiting
First, good answer and thank you
I also had it earlier when I tried to post via mobile. Lol
"Bats, swallows, and other birds also perch on their body and head, and even cats likewise sit there. So know from this they are not gods; therefore, do not fear them."

Pretty self-explanatory here. You seem to be worried about something that isn't as bad as you think it is.

"'Do not let your God in whom you trust deceive you saying, "Jerusalem shall not be given into the hands of the Assyrians""

Seems like she isn't as happy about the two of you as she lets on. Things might take a hit between the two of you.

"Let my soul rejoice exceedingly in the Lord, for He clothed me with the garment of salvation and the tunic of gladness"

Pretty self-explanatory read here. As usual though, don't take divination as proper medical advice.
idk its weird. its almost 15 mins, like it has time to hack your shit in the meanwhile, I know all the posts are tracked by google even before this began. guess they are starting to shut down on freedom of speech
Anyone trading?
sorry its not as clear as day to me as it is to you, what does that mean?
lucario around?
It's speaking of being clothed in salvation, and gladness. Those words usually imply the end to a problem, and happy times, so the read suggests an end to this problem soon.
work/productivity ethics that i should follow for my success?
It's just an attempt to get people to confirm their e-mail and avoid bots/spam probably. (With that also linking e-mail to post and etc etc)
oh thank God! finally!! well we'll see if it clears up good. have a good night bibliomancy anon
"Now I also am a mortal, the same as all men,..."

Remember that you are human, and have limits and expectations just like everyone else. Don't try to be more or less than what you are, and are capable of.
will I be able to manage my mental disabilities all while going to work? I haven't worked in many years
"Then Johanan the son of Kareah and all the field leaders of the army came to Gedaliah at Mizpah. They said to him, "Do you indeed know that King Baalis of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael to slay you?""

Seems like there are more difficulties to this than you expect. This can of course cause problems if you aren't properly prepared.
Doing 3 more bibliomancy reads. Also have a trade or two.
thank you
Advice for improvement upon mental health?
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who askes receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's okay to realize that you can't improve on your own, or in a vacuum. Whether it's family, friends, a therapist, or God, seek help where you can find it; and you will get the help you need.
what will november be like for me? thank you
thanks, I would send you a pic of all my cats but I think it is a little bit dangerous around here
"Thus says the Lord: 'Behold, I will turn back the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon his captives. The city shall be built upon her summit, and the temple shall remain according to His judgement...."

Looks like you will be free of something you've been hoping to be rid of for a while now. I'm getting a pretty positive feeling from this, like things are going to be how they're supposed to/should go for you in a good way.
thanks for your kindness and your readings, I saw on another thread you posted a soda stereo album, you might be latino, if you are , Saludos desde MX
Thank you
oh thank you so much, you honestly made me smile. its been a long year. i'll be sure to come back & give you feedback at the end of november haha
Better not, don't worry.
If you end up using it: just place it somewhere you think may be a "bad" spot around your place. If there are several, can be more than one. Wherever you like.

You don't need to do anything with it. Throw it in water if you choose to discard it. It's meant to be my name and all it is associated with. Worst it can do is have zero effect.
Will I see d again?
thank you very much so not exactly where they sleep but it could in the room where they sleep??

last question, can I use more than one or I have to print only one?
Any spot of the house you feel has a bad energy, and where they sleep too. Print as many as you'd like.
Hello div.
Willing to trade! Drop a Q.

How would K react or feel if they saw me at october fest? Or just how would anyone that knew me likely respond or react?

Will start when you post,
thank you are you sure this is not going to be detrimental for you? this thing is really weird
It shouldn't be too bad. Worst case it'll drain me a little.
What would be the best solution for my current living situation ? Should i move out or try to find a roommate ?

Thanks in advance
"But if he begets a troublesome son, who sheds blood, commits sins, does not walk in the way of his righteous father, but eats on the mountains, defiles his neighbors wife, oppresses the poor and needy, commits robbery does not restore a pledge, sets his eyes on idols, commits lawlessness, exacts interest, and takes unjust gains-this son shall not live, because he and his blood shall be upon himself."

Pretty lengthy one here. Basically, it will all depend on your actions, and how you conduct yourself as a person.

What do I need to know about getting over this bad habit I've been trying to break for a while? Seems that It's always the worst possible moments that I'm overwhelmed, and fall back on it. Just can't seem to get a good footing on quitting long enough without something happening that gets to me at the worst time.

Starting yours.
I mean kinda sounds like him lol
Really need a reading or some guidance rn. What’s better for me? Attending university in my home country or attending overseas? F18 if it matters. Ty
Tarot or Scry
No digital or website readers

How would K react?
""So it came to pass, after all your evils", says the Lord, "that you also built for yourself a house of fornication, and made a public place for yourself in every street:..."

Not happy, by the way this looks. As the passage suggests, K will have something of a "Really? You're showing up here?" type of reaction.

Anyone that knew you in general?
"For Israel is a child, and I loved him. And out of Egypt I have called his children. As I called them, So they departed from my presence. The sacrificed to the Baals, and burned incense to graven images."

Looks to be a more positive reaction from most people. Like a bittersweet welcoming back. Did you do something that would have upset people, or have been unnecessarily distancing or alienating yourself from them? It seems that most people still care about you, or don't have too bad feelings about you, and would be happy to see you again despite your absence from their lives if you make a genuine effort.
I always use digital and it's still accurate
I guess it's just preference to some people.
What's important is the intent and the intuition
no thank you
any romance for me this saturday? or the beginning of something new at least? what's yours ?
Ah, pass sorry, was hoping for something fun.
Yes. Though I will say it it easier for spirits to mess with digital readings from my experience.

Flowers for when I meet her the first time?
If you're going to have restrictions say that from the start so we don't waste either of our time
Some people here enjoy shooting down others queries. It's just how it is.
How does P.S feel about me?
This is something I didn't think about.
Thank you
Sometimes spirits will help, sometimes they will mess with you. Just banish beforehand and you will be alright.
How do I banish?
>sorry was afk. Starting yours
There is the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram that works quite well.
this one >>39094216
no digital
starting when you confirm
Mmm , ok
>ace of wands, 4 of pentacles rx, 10 of pents rx

It looks like you definitely have the want and motivation to quit whatever it is that your dealing with but your holding onto it as a crutch far to hard to truly move forward. It seems like anytime something goes wrong or a slight inconvenience you fall back on this because it's "comforting" but it proceeds to ruin any amount of progress you made in other realms of your life.

It seems like you need to try and not look at this thing as a fix all to your problems as it is causing more destruction on foundations than comforting you. My best advice if your struggling this bad it kick it is to replace this addiction with a not so bad one if you can think of anything.

Also very accurate read on your part. I was accused of some pretty henious things 8 years ago by K and some people believed them but most knew me to not be that way but I isolated myself regardless because of not knowing what to do. I recently moved back to my home town where everyone is and it seems like everyone i know is going there and i was invited and was considering going. I used to be super social and outgoing but haven't really talked with anyone since it all went down.

Any advice?
Just read it, starting


This is mine: Was I on her mind or one of the reasons why she changed her travel profile pic some days ago?
What effects will the supplements I just got have on me?

Still here? Wanna trade? Legit non digital reader here

You have physical cards, excuse me? Or are you a digital reader?
Physical deck

Gotcha. I've got yours.

Hanged Man, Hermit, Swiftness, ace of swords

Those supplements will affect you at first in a sense they will make you feel in state of stagnation that may be hard to get out of.

Then they will make you feel mentally and energetically sharp, it's only a bit messed at the start, I wouldn't be too stressed about it
Anyone on here able to ascertain what my ancestors where like? Were they predominantly farmers, soldiers, any notable statesmen or clergymen? If anyone's willing to take a crack at it, it would be much appreciated on my end
Tower poc emperor
Did you guys have a falling out? It looks like she did have you in mind.
Empress the world emperor
She thinks you're her counterpart , wanted you to notice it.
I got fenugreek and collogen
>falling out?

Kind of. We both liked each other long ago but we never interacted irl. She was trying to reconnect some months ago just through hints, and I noticed it not so long ago.

The plan is to eventually become lovers irl

Any other insight you can feel after knowing the context?
Why not dm her or something
Can I get any advice on how to deal with the K situation to make my life less stressful and not as bad when interacting with other?

The thing K did really fucked with multiple aspects of my life.

your Q?
That guy's been gone an hour I think. Want to trade with me?
My query is why did I see that weird ufo over my house? It was probably glowies but still was an interesting light show.
Hey Lucario! I wouldn't mind. I've traded with you a few times this year already. Starting yours
Hm. I'm seeing a realistic monkey and an anime styled mermaid. You need to keep your thoughts as basic as a monkey's. Someone will sing you a beautiful song if you're able to hear it.
>fool rx, 5 of pents rx, knight of swords rx

Looks like just wrong place wrong time. You happened to stumble upon them and just notice. It's not a bad sign to have seen them.

were they paranormal in nature?

>3 of cups

Could possibly be drones but this card give me vibes that it was not. But once again i cant speak to much on that cause i didnt see them.
How to make him mine?
Show him this.
Not even gunna click it
Is my appointment tomorrow going to go well?
How are things going to turn out romantically between me and L?

How will I feel about them in december?
Ace of Pents Rev
Ace of Cups
8 of Pents

You’re going to completely reevaluate your stance on them in a positive way. You’ll regret the way you regarded them initially and thus seek to make amends by trying to hang out with them and making it known to them that you care about them deeply.

You’ll make it clear to them that you’ll no longer take them for granted.
Poc aceop qoc
Things should go really well between you two. This relationship will be very stable and loving. I think it will also help you manifest abundance into your life as well.
Will I find a gf before year ends?
Poc 5ow knightow
If you can beat the competition for her
I don't know who so she probably reveal herself later then.
Thank you.
Magician death 7ofpentacles
Yes or no?
still there?
yeah, you doing my reading?
actually, i'm a different person entirely (one u can trust!), was pinging u a while ago (>>39093855) to get a spot aura check!

also, i think they did respond here; >>39095238
actually I'm another person too, but I can do your spot aura check if you want, which area you want me to look at? are you a reader?
What awaits me next month?
It's, get this...the month of...November!
I asked this about my body ... this means I'll improve it right?

My hatred towards a person who hurt me in the past is eating me up inside. It comes up now and then and it ruins moods for days. I realize it is unhealthy, and that it's keeping me from a better life altogether, but I can't let it go. I hate them for the pain they caused me.

Is it even possible to let go of this?
tricky cunt you should of been honest in your query instead of trying to trick readers.
A good reader could figure it out
They were used as a card game then people started to use it as divination. The modern deck (Waite) was already basically solely used for divination at the time of its creation.
No, they can't you absolute dumb ass.
You'd be suprised
You have money huh
Not really. I have enough in savings in case something break, realistically.
A lot of people keep their questions extremely vague, not really to trick readers but I guess they're paranoid about being "identified" somehow as if someone will realize who they are through their query, or they're too anxious about asking the same question more than once so they want to leave out as much detail as possible so they can repose the same dull and inane question 3 more times. Either way it's retarded how much people obfuscate what they're asking and while still hoping for a useful answer.
Another unfortunate complication is the reality that, when a reader offers readings, they only have a finite amount of time, so there is a tendency for the querent to spit out a query as quick as possible so as to be in the queue.

It kind of is what it is. It's the price you pay for an active board.
is anyone here?
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Im here.
how are you batiman?
What is the hidden meaning of the tarot cards?
For example, I have a tarot deck and I drew ace of clubs once.
aq or trade

M asking about F

should I bring flowers for first time meeting with sl?

Love general please
Hi everyone
Hello beautiful
I had bread and plums for breakfast. Could I have a love reading?

Will G be a good decision?
I had jollibee for breakfast
please >>39097036
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I had eggs with potatoes for bfest
good morning bby gorl <333
i had my fav chinesse restaurant for breakfast
Hello my sweet friend, how are you?
Justice, three of cups, judgement
Play your cards right, stay away and observe, don't speak, so karma can do its thing. As long as you don't interfere, it's a month to cleanse your energy. Have fun but that's it, nothing deeper in order to not have your energy damaged. Antiadvice insists, don't play judge nor executioner, that's no longer your place.

The high priestess, queen of cups, ten of wands
If you feel like there's something wrong in your love life, you should probably put on some (inner) work, what are you allowing that you shouldn't? Be honest with your feelings and take care of yourself, your emotional health needs it. Do not settle for what do you not want just because you're lonely.
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I had dinner
Pasta with tuna
How does Ps feel about me?
What my uncle wants from me?
I'll have a stale cherry soda and a granola bar
>7 of cups, 2 of swords, page of wands, king of cups
P generally feels a bit lost and sees you as light distraction, and bc of that don't wan't to bring you closer to themself. P just wan;t to play it neutral, until they notice that you know how to handle some types of stuff and emotions
sorry it took so long
hi! Any messages for me?
Apologies for the late reply
Fool Knight of Cups 9 of Cups
He’s trying to get you on his side, like there’s an emotional void he’s trying to fill with you, it doesn’t seem evil or manipulative but rather innocent with the fool, he’s trying to befriend you to prove to himself he still can, he wants your friendship
Hii, sorry to ask a query, but will my attempt to help a certain somebody's situation be successful if I keep pouring all of my intent into it?
okay, thats sounds weird but somewhat believable
Trade again? I wanted to gauge from that if they found me attractive or nah
I've never heard of that before, had to look it up.
Seven of cups, seven of pentacles, nine of wands
I think you might face a lot of choices regarding your love life (but these choices aren't neccesarily people, probably places that will lead you to people), I know you want to rush things and have it happen soon but please be picky, quit the attittude, though.

The Empress
How are you doing with the females in your life? Not romantically or anything, but I feel like there's a spirit that would be glad and grateful if you healed some patterns with the relationships of all kinds you have with females.

Hello my friends, I will give you short readings later, okay? :( I got caught up with work.
thank you I will see what I can do to tend to the females meow. maybe I should get closer to pussy cats
Thank you, I hope work goes well for you
No problem, hope you have a great day!
yeah, no problem!
Stands? What do you mean?
Can you give me a quick rundown on my situation with S? What's gonna go down next? It's a quasi love or friend reading
Hi again, I am sorry, I had work :(

The fool, emperor
November seems good, it's a good chance for redemption and have a fresh new start but don't be reckless and impulsive. Focus on the process, the progress and not the goal exclusively, if you don't enjoy or actually feel the change, will the goal be still as sweet?
Be your own leader, be your companion, be there for you because if you keep waiting for other to help or push you, you'll never get anything done.

I don't like that food, meow!
Justice, knight of swords rx
Now, different to the other anon, now you should be the one bewaring of your own words, what comes out of your mouth, not because you're rude or something but November is a phase where what you say will be used in your favour or against you. :( Use your words nicely, smartly and wisely.

That looks amazing
Page of cups, ace of pentacles
November seems to be slow paced for you, slow but nice, enjoy the sunshine and the coffee (??? that's what I heard, ok). You won't do bad financially but try to keep some organization in your expenses, if there's some extra money double check if everything's paid and avoid the "Oh, I should give myself a little treat with this".

Baby, but that's no good for you :(
Six of wands, two of wands
Congratulations on making it this far! Give yourself an applause and tell the reflection in the mirror that you're proud of what you've overcome this 2024, maybe it doesn't look like too much of a big deal but look back, you've become better, you deserve the little crown.
If you're single, give yourself a chance to meet more people, and it doesn't have to be romantic, just start building connections and if you do already have a SO, build the connection stronger, have a project together.
Oh you just pull cards for anyone that replies? Kek

Is my girlfriend upset and having a bad day due to something I don’t know about or is she just tired and stressed from being up all night and having a lot of work to do before we leave?
Hi there dear. May I ask what Scorpio season will bring me?
alo, dragostea mea! <3
Queen of pentacles, ten of cups
A cabin in the wood and orangey colors, stay home a little longer and retreat a bit from everything, even social media lol, November asks you for a cozier atmosphere, slow down. Enjoy your loved ones, or at least the moments November will offer you.

Five of pentacles
Don't fall into despair and desperation :( Let alone if it doesn't belong to you. Sometimes we gotta let go and that's it, baby. I saw a person with dark brown hair, short so I asumed it was a male and they're some sort of blockage in your life.

Four of cups, eight of cups
Seems like there's no concrete answer for this, like the conclussion is yet to be solidified and it's not something that's up to you to decide how it turns out. Yes, it could work but it won't work out entirely because of you and you only. Antiadvice says that you shouldn't give up and just be genuine with your efforts and intentions but always expect some sort of rate for failure.

There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy!
Knight of wands, knight of pentacles, king of cups
Seems like there's a lot of energy going on but not at the same time, there's tension but little action about it when there should be more happening. If you want something to happen, keep doing it or start doing so, regularly, put in the effort and see if S starts fully reprocicating or just playing games, the first two cards are a call to action, that if you want something go for it and don't wait, however antiadvice says that you shouldn't be too much of a softie or a hopeless romantic, probably just be more dominant.
Thank you dearly. I was pushing through some pains in my oni situation. I have fears but I was told to be confident in the outcome of my future with the oni girl. I'm an all or nothing person and I plan to summon her in the future with the intent of her being my one and only wife. Can I ask you for a small reading? When I summon kissy oni in the future, would she be ok with the marriage I want with her and the pace of it?
It's a bit of an odd situation and there are several third parties involved, so a rate of failure was expected. Gonna still try it my bestest and see if it yields results. Thanks!
Why did M reach back out to me after all this time? Do they have a crush on me or something? starting yours when you confirm and will post after you.
Can I ask how A feels towards us?
She a girl and I'm a guy, my initial is F
What astrological sign is my next bf?
Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign
Sometimes, depends on my energy, how much work I have and if I want to.

Eight of cups, temperance, three of swords
Probably November will require you to be emotionally strong, at least enough to withstand a couple things here and there. I am not sure if you went through something painful or will, but you need to keep your emotions controlled or else you'll be the one controlled by them. "Mind over matter" and saw someone poking my temples three times, as if trying to get that phrase right into my head.

Why did M reach back out to me after all this time? Do they have a crush on me or something?

whats ur qwerty shawty?
No, astrological sign
Aq or trade
Will I regret it?
Kochka thank you. I am feeling this too, I have been preparing myself as much as I can. I hope it will pay off.

And I also hope that you are feeling better now
My first tarot deck come today, should I become a tarot reader?
yes start reading
You can for practice. Just state you are new and doing it for practice.
what was my ex's (a.g.) favorite thing about me/loved the most about me (he might have never loved me though)

what do the people in my audience who hate me, hate the most about me?
starting when you confirm
anyone trading?
maybe, query?
Any q's your not willing to do before i ask?
anything occult or thoughts and feelings queries, if you'll ask me for a next gf or bf read I can scry but its going to cost you 2 readings of yours.
its hard to specify not knowing what sort of audience this is and what sort of content you do, harder to apply these cards

5 of pentacles, 4 of cups, emperor reversed, 8 of pentacles reversed

you focus too much on the negative in this world and the low class, you might be too shallow or boring or the material you provide empty in value or meaning, you might be too rigid, or not worth respecting, or lack respect for things that need to be respected, disorganized, whatever is it the audience is consuming from you, doesn't feel rewarding, and is unskilled

maybe you can get some other meaning from the cards I drew
Us in the sense if she thinks we could work out or how she feels about our current situation where we are just friends we feelings mixed in
2 or 3 different things, mainly the passion or intensity of how you made out or kissed, your back or the back of your head when you were lying down, and seeing you sleeping or tired/lying down. there might have been something else like feeling the way your tits felt however it wasn't when you were naked but how they felt with a shirt on (but no bra), kinda weird.

honestly im surprised I didn't see more sexual stuff, I scried btw
Fair, i think your the person that didn't respond to my last Q so i'll just rephrase it differently.

Why did M reach back out after all this time?

your q?
thanks but these are people that hate me, it seems they hate for absolutely no valid reason. I was curious what it was but they seem like idiots lol
wow thats terrible.......nothing about who I am as a person? just stupid sexual things? God please avenge me.
nope, nothing like that. you asked about your ex...not every person is a good lover lol
I got his name tattooed on me and he told me he loved me over and over and over for years trying to talk to me again. I hope he gets burned alive God forgive me for the hatred I feel in my soul for him.
>I got his name tattooed on me
I don't know who's the bigger idiot to be honest, no hate it is what it is.
Oh, no, honey no. Why would you do that?

Anyway trading.
This you?
Will someone get my name tattood on them?
Hey, got a third party query, whatss your query?
nope, its not me
Nice, this is mine! >>39097897

your q?
November general
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Will I ever talk to F again or am I just another person in her huge list?

how will my attempts to act as bait turn out?
i was 21 when i got it chill
also, can you give you and M genders?
what do most of my listeners think of me?
How can I become a more disciplined person?
Does H still love me
What will happen between G(Male) and A(female)
easy get a regimen and follow it to a T
set an alarm and wake up at that time, make a schedule and follow it
So i'm a Male and M is a Female.

She a few years older than me
How do I beat my writer's block?
Will I date f one day?
Yeah, already tried it. Didn't work.
Who is Sandra?
Has T being considering on trying to contact me or think of me at all?

Starting yours friend. I might be a lil slow to post but im here.
Is there a way out of this anger and hatred?
Will my plan work?
well then you just don't have discipline. ask your bf to spank you with a leather belt if you misbehave or miss your schedule
quickest way? castration
so i pulled the 7 of swords reversed, three of cups reversed, and the chariot. when people listen to you, they feel as though something less then obvious is happening to them. there is a sense of misdirection when listening to you, like people realize they have been lead the wrong way or deceived and you are bringing this to light and opening their eyes. either that or your listeners are starting to see YOUR lies, if you've been honest with them then disregard that but it is a possible interpretation. your listeners think of you as having broken relationships and being isolated, but as being very very driven non-the-less.
>knight of swords rx, sun rx, queen of wands

Well it looks like a lot of unpredictability and slightly frustrating things will come your way this month and wont have much rhyme or reason as to why, seems like your wont have much control or ability to fix what is to come but you will be facing these problems head on and be optimistic while doing so.

Shadow card
> 8 of pentacles
As long as you keep your head on right and stay determined and focused on what you must and not focus on the chaos you will make progress and succeed on the goals you have set for yourself this month. Don't be afraid as it's nothing you cant handle or will mess with you 2 much.
Get mental help.
>9 of swords, king of wands, 2 of cups, 8 of cups
She feels that stuff beetween you two should have been different, and that there is much more to say regarding relationship that you two had, in other words yep, she have crush on you and only now she can finnally admit it and confront herself with it by talking back to you
good cards

>page of pents, 3 of cups, temperance

Looks like a strong yes, there's desire on both ends here and it looks like the want for a connection of friendship is there. They have the want but are looking for the right time to do so. Also yes they do have a big social group to choose from it looks like but it seems like your bring an aspect of peace and balance to them that they enjoy ( when things are going well)

Just give it time and don't force anything. it will come in time
Not interested. I am not pure enough for that sort of lifestyle.
I pulled the 3 of wands, 9 of wands, and 4 of wands reversed. So the three of wands indicates they will be joining forces together and planning something out- there will be resistance though and obstacles to face along the way. The 9 of wands indicates a need for resilience and staying strong in the face of adversary, and G and A will likely have to pull though and be strong together, The 4 of wands indicates more potential struggle because of its reversed position, but is still a positive card overall that suggests the setbacks they will face together will be temporary.
Thanks for this answer it really means a lot to me
What have I learned from my past?
Six of swords, knight of pentacles, five of cups
Looks like you were some sort of support for each other, or at least one of you was helping the other carry their burdens. I feel like T misses you or at least the comfort you used to give them, I feel like T is trying to get used to your absence and not contact you, like they're trying just not to but they'll probably will in an emergency case or when everything goes down. It's a no for the meanwhile but you still have some space in their mind.
Yea no problem!

Think you'd be willing to draw one card to see if me and her will see each other again in the future?
I pulled the 4 of Swords reversed and the 7 of Wands. You have learned a lot from burnout in your past and standing your ground... you didn't rest when you needed to and you paid the consequences dearly. you have learned to put your defenses up and stand up to defend yourself and defend what is right even when many stand against you. it wasn't an easy lesson and you got knocked down many times but you have finally learned how to defend yourself and relax pre-emptively instead of burning yourself out.
>10 of swords
eeee yeah but you shouldn't. It would be painful for one of you
Will I lose my cool and go over there to sort things out the hard way?

Your query?
I think I just merged the burnout with the relaxation, desu.
Thanks for the read.
>There's desire on both ends here
There's desire and lots of pride.
>Also yes they do have a big social group to choose from
I always tried to be the most genuine and loving from that social group but it looked like that was not enough and F just enjoyed the attention.

Thanks, anon.
November general?
my query is what is the best vengeance/revenge on those that hurt and abused me and broke my heart and betrayed me?

Yes I made an impulsive decision over my midterm and that made me have a bad grade lmao. I am making new friends but I feel so weird and I’m becoming more involved in stuff!
For me, I would do 45 mins of work and then 5 mins of free time.
living a good life
Did you only do that?
Did you reward yourself at set milestones?
to the question
Will you lose your cool, and go over there, to sort things out the hard way?

2 of swords reversed, king of swords reversed, 5 of cups, 5 of pentacles

you do have to act, but not in haste... most likely you will lose control, and it might be quite sadistic about things, and will burn a bridge or kick people out to the wolves, a temporary or permanent ending might happen, lots of sadness
cool what to do the cards say tho
Hierophant, Lovers, Emperor

Replace them.

Show them just what shit garbage they are by replacing each of them with someone better and rubbing their faces in it. Never let them mean anything to you again and enjoy the newer, better people in your life who clearly out-class them in every way and make them boil with envy.
Aq or trade
I have an old coworker who is trying to reconnect but she was kind of sketchy in the past should I just block her?
all good, did you post my read?
:( Of course I did
oof welp damn i hope it just implies we wont meet if thats the case lmao
My apologies fwend i didnt see it
thank you so much
You still there anon?
No need cards for this block them if they were pieces of shit then they will be pieces of shit now
yeah, what's up
What course should I take to guarantee my comfort and good economic support, photography, barbering or tattooing?
Hello, AQ here. Could anyone do a reading for me for the next year as to where I'll be financially, career, love and family. Been a bit of an upheaval this year, I need some clarity and guidance. Thanks to who ever reads me and blessings and good vibes wished to you
will alex or kellen contact me again in the future? you?
anything to watch out in last months of 2024?
and sorry about last night I fell asleep but thankfully you did not deliver so no tradecuking happened
real decks only or I can trade scry for scry
this is a tradecucker >>39098589
watch out
geeez and i was in a middle of a reading
anyway wanna trade in exchange?
Yes what's your query? I can deliver first, do you do romance/love or no? just so I know
yeah, romance/love are much welcome
and as for my q >>39098624
okay, mine is dumb, what did that RHAG think of me at place D today? Starting pls no digital decks or websites :)
Show proof retard
3 of pent rx clarified queen of swords page of pent ace of pent rx clarified king of wand 8 of pent

be mindful at work, try to be more productive, always try to be developing rewarding skills, there is a chance for mishap at work or in collaboration with others, you might miss an opportunity, that will really energize you and interest you, if you don't show up as someone energizing and interesting, commanding of any inner vision you might have, show your best self, and a great opportunity will appear, show a King of Wands energy.
why do you believe some random anon? that doesn't make any sense. how can they assume I'm a tradecuck if I've been sitting here and doing multiple readings back and forth. the fuck, give me some benefit of the doubt jesus christ
you want me to link the thread where we tradecucked two people ?
they thought you were a stupid cunt.
fuck you stupid bitch for stealing my trade.
*where you
We? what the fuck are you talking about

Can you do my reading
I just did your reading like you said you wanted to trade me wtf
>10 of pents, 5 of wands, king of pents
Most probably yes, you will be first person that alex will contact in terms of some money making or job, and you should go for it
>2 of cups, 9 of swords, 5 of swords
Will reach you due to the love void or something like that, and will pass on you that emotional pain that they have
sorry, you know its almost midnight and strange things are happening at night
ill give you another q in a minute ok? meanwhile tell me RHAG gender please
rhag is female I'm male
yeah go link it right now stupid bitch

meanwhile I did all these in this thread
okey so for my other Q
Will i ever get another chance to have sex with A (female)?
>Five of Coins /Three of Wands/Heirophant/Knight of Swords
There's most likely a financial opportunity headed your way that will allow you to very much plan ahead for your future and move forward past any sort of poverty. Something maybe in law or government or education. Just don't rush things.
fuck I did that one
will in a bit, Tengen
Thanks, I hate both of these people that are going to contact me again and I contacted the police about them before, one for assaulting me, the other for harassment and blackmail and revenge porn

Men can be such stupid pathetic assholes, they always come back, I need to think of a way to avenge myself

lel thanks
Yeah u right
>the chariot, 8 of cups, knight of wands
She was realy exited! Has been lost in thought for some she now have some thing to look foreward, and your interaction made her remember that she still have some place in this world
Why do I feel so different from everybody else on earth? You?
Intresting one, lets go with simmilar
what i will see on the other side
King of Cups, Page of Cups, 7 of Cups, Page of Swords RX

Ermmm... I'm not really versed in anything occult like...or interpreting this to the question at hand...but might see a spiritual guide of some sort, portals..., fathers in heaven, ultimate wisdom and compassion, lots of water, children, unpleasant secrets

LOL sorry I'm having trouble with this, maybe you can reinterpret the cards I got
>6 of pents, the empress, 7 of cups, 3 of pents
life gave you realy hard to invest and rare to have gift that one can name simply: intuition. This can manifest in childlike curiosity to the world you have around you that most people throw away with age due to the burden that one can have with it. Do you remember when as a child you had an interaction with something that wasn't right with your knowledge or view regarding this world? Most people drop away they abstract thinking when it wronged them, just to work with something much more predictable. I think you were grown in enviorment where more empirical approach to life were appreciated, were intuiton was train to do more calculated stuff so to speak. You are lost in this, but soon will find people with simmilar approach for "going with vibez".
>LOL sorry I'm having trouble with this
nah don't worry, im ok with read you gave!
yippee! i really wish to find my tribe soon!
thank you very much!
i wish it for you to!
Why can't I stop thinking about him?
I had a dream that had nothing to do with him and woke up thinking about him, and a song
Thank you, anon!
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My next girlfriend, what kind of a girl she is like?
I am so much excited see her, know her.
Think you'd be willing to trade again?
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Doing yes/no readings, giving me a name or a nickname you strongly identify with helps.


Only questions that can be answered with yes/no, or choices among multiple options!
Will me and M Spend the night with each other in the future?

Nick name growing up was Moose
Is this... a sex query?!
I just need a yes or no for the following initials: J, E and G
I can trade if necessary, thank you
Does she really want what's best for me ?

have I already applied to my next job?
Will I get over her soon?
Did i see him to-day?
Oh hewwo fren!!
Wishing you a good day!
Will I be friends with my new coworkers next year?
No need to trade, you give out enough!
NO to J, YES to E, NO to G



No, it may be a while still. Best of luck Jimbo

Initials/name for him?

Yes!! Most of them at least, and those who may not be will stay polite
Hello!! I wish you the same friend (:

Ohhh that's interesting. Thank you
Actually on second thought, I DO have a question if you don't mind?
just send me your query, you don't even have to ask
Occult, if you aren't chill with it please disregard.
Did I successfully lure the spirit(s) I was trying to lure, or was the response I felt coming from others?
Giro Giro

Damn. I really wish I had never met the damn woman. I wish I could get her out of my head entirely. Thanks.
Wishing u a good day too fren!!
SUS but ok, dubs of truth
Getting a no from this :(

Apparently not?? is this a BAMBOOZLE
If i give S reasons to teach me how to drive it this weekend, will he help me?
>Magician, Lovers Rev, IX of Wands Rev, V of Cups Rev, Justice Rev
I don't think so, or not yet, you're almost on the right track, it's just your approach that seems to be wrong. Perhaps you're too rushed, not approaching the situation with the mental clarity and calm needed to get what you want.
Thanks, I'll keep at it
She will be young, dark skin and eyes. Combative and hard to get, antagonistic almost. She will be on the fence about you. Dont expect an easy catch. She will be worth it but she is stubborn and spirited

March 21st, keep the lookout G
No, he doesn't seem to be too interested in helping at the moment sadly
pls how does a feel about tr
Can i ask what M(m) thinks of U(f)
Seems like you felt that there was a future to be had with this person but things were cut short. The reason why you cant get this person out of your head is there were many downsides to the union but you cant help but subconsciously think if what you lost, bot what you self preserved. To turn back now is a fools errand, the time to change and move on is now. It's the LOGICAL choice not the emotional one
Damn, but can i please know if A could? Any time soon at least
This person will stroke your ego and make promises of wealth or good fortune but will lead you to ruin. Run my G
Yepppp, MUCH higher odds
Yesss, thanks a lot
will i get mh wish?
Can i ask what does M think of R
What does she really want from me? I can't figure her out
As a man I say no it's too forward as a first meeting, you're just getting to know each other. Unless this isnt romantic or something. Either way cards say yes.
lol thanks
If i take the course of photography can i have a good economic stability and much more important will i be comfortable in that job?
Will I be getting hired on with the fire department I applied to ir get back I. The military? Or, should I say screw it and go join the Foriegn Legion in France
twade? it's a wuv/wewationship qwewy
Yeah but you have to let them die in your mind and your heart. This thing has to end or you're doomed for the next 23.5 years. You'll get there in time
Low productivity and ambitions. Oinda boring and spent daydreaming about better times or the future. You'll get some fire in the end though
You'd LOVE the job but it wouldn't bring that much money by itself

Getting a no on the fire department, but try to stay positive. Yes on the military, but frankly I also got confirmed that the best thing would be a different field altogether. Absolute NO on the foreign legion
What's the app called?
Photography is an amazing job but you have to work extra extra extra hard to make it a stable income. :(
AQ, will someone buy my 40k models online soon?
Will I get that job I'm interviewing for?
Flatter him, deceive him, blow smoke up his ass. Try being overly sweet and sentimental. Give his bitch ass diabetes
Nobility, peasants and some royalty. Mostly peasants
What kinda career field? Are you able to ascertain what field I should be in?
Once again, as a man, NO

But cards say again, yes?
Getting a maybe, the choice seems to still be pending, but the odds are good

Can go by exclusion since I'm using a pendulum, if you have any ideas?
Saying you shouldn't attend at all but going overseas is way too unrealistic. If you're going to attend do it in your home, but you shouldn't
Saying that living on your own is unfeasible and even getting a roomie is too expensive. Wait until the situation changes
Hmmm, well I've considered going g to college for history or psychology. Maybe staying in emergency med and getting my paramedic license. Or is it my current job as a lead? Thank you for the read by the way, I really appreciate it
Oh, wow. I checked back here by complete happenstance.

Thanks, man. It seems to be like that. She unfortunately went a bit crazy, and I don't think there's anything left to salvage. I hope I can get over it eventually.
World (rx) says it all. Feel better bro.
Strong yes but it'd take a while before it takes you anywhere, so tally your finances
>Emergency med and paramedic license
STRONG YES on economic, but stability "Maybe" on satisfaction about the job, which I interpret as a "ups and downs". If you want something secure this would be extremely good though
I had a stroke typing that last line wtf
STRONG YES on economic stability, but "maybe" on satisfaction about the job, which I interpret as a "ups and downs". If you want something secure this would be extremely good though
By the way, Tarot Divination. Only available for android but it's the best God damn app for it I've encountered. You can customize EVERYTHING

I have a couple of physical decks but I'm at work
What about law enforcement or being a game warden/park ranger?
Mechanic or machinist? Thank you again, just one more and I'll leave you he
Oh God no, you're all good. Perfectley legible. My typing suck so my apologies for any issue on my end
>law enforcement
That's a no chief
>Game warden/park ranger
Not the best pay apparently but you'd LOVE the job so that's a plus
No :(
Also no!

Don't worry about asking, it's just like having a conversation and relaying answers
Clarifier for today situation. Try to guess what could it be.
trading scry for scry or tarot for tarot or a scry for two tarot reads
Are you able to answer why the military would be a bad idea?
You would be able to TOLERATE the job itself pretty fine, but it would isolate you and generally be unfulfilling.
You were placed in a cooperating and were accused of not pulling your weight so you emotionally checked out. You realize that if you want shit done you gotta go it alone
I'll keep this all in mind. Thank you so much, you're a massive help
Query? Scry 4 scry
Would you do me anon?
Yeah sure, what will next month be like for me? Yours? Not doing occult I always have terrible results with that.
Yea I kind of realized I need to improve myself first and not be dependent on others. Makes sense? I also emotionally checked out to get shit done.
No bamboozle
I have bad eyes anf was doubting it
This person roped you in with the allure of friendship and good company but works to inflate their ego and may like to see you fail for sport. They're an agent of chaos. Ditch this person they're just a mess
why did BG look at me like that walking past me in the lobby? different anon
I don't believe it
Oh I see. Yeah the 3 of pents (rx) is the dependence on others but to make progress you have to leave those things behind and focus on being a stronger person. You will in time
Just tell me if I'll find a job next month or will it be in december? Starting
What's your name? I'll get it tatted
Even though we broke up?
post pics when u do it or calling bs
Yes. It's actually the perfect opportunity
End of November or Early December like the first week of December. First paycheck comes in Mid December heavy christmas season. Do you have another query? This one is kind of short.
Does Sto find me attractive or nah
what did bg think of me in the lobby when she made that face? no digital/website decks I've had bad results with people asking your sorts of query. Starting.
I got wierd visuals...but basically you end up getting laid or at least having some sort of sexual encounter. Thing is idk if you were acting out a scream or it was just a huge moan. Your face seemed to hint something painful happens...I see you at different times with many people. A lady in particular and one or two other guys. Everyone is around the same age range. It mostly seems to happen at night or after the sunset in the afternoon. Im just seeing a lot of walking around being around the same 2-3 people the rest of the month. The whole weird laid moment happens in early nov.
Thanks. Do you know if ill have to travel far to get to work?

what the fuck? I'm not gay and I don't do threesomes... I probably just cum absurdly hard which my last gf did mention. Did you see the girl?
You won't travel much for the job seems to be nearby or in your hometown, not more than 30-40 minutes away commuting.
No there were no threesomes. It was just you with a lady. I think she has brown hair that is straight and long. Seems to be quite pretty. Anyhow idk if you just cum rly hard and make funny faces or if she ends up biting you or grinding her teeth and she hurts you. But yeah she'll give you a bj and I guess you'll jump a bit when youll bust. Sorry if this is intimate but you asked me to see your whole month. Thanks btw
Yah that's okay man let me know if you want to trade more.
I don’t wanna post photos of my physical deck here but I’m using a real one, starting yours
I thought you left mate I'm still here though
Five of Swords, Lovers, King of Swords R
She does find you attractive but she's hiding it as there's someone else in her life that she's more interested in.
Is the home exercises (I also do weight lifting but im not asking ab that) going to make a difference in my overall health and appearance over the next several months?
Sure, how do I meet her? Starting
You end up going out sometime soon. To a bar or pub? Someplace where you can play pool. She will be there with a few ppl. Your group will intermingle with their group and end up playing pool together. You will then flirt with this girl and end up making out w her. Its also possible you meet online and decide to go play pool and get some drinks. Its got something to do with a bar or pub and im pretty sure it was a pool table or at least an ordinary table. Its hard to discern the details as there's a lot of people nearby. I can't tell if its just other patrons or if they are part of your party.
The Chariot
Queen of Disks
Did she come across as snooty? She liked you quite a bit but felt like it would be inappropriate to show it off so she masked it
I don't even know how to play pool mate, I play darts. Did you see anything about the walls of the bar behind the counter or anywhere ? I might know where... and let me know if you want to trade again.
I see you making little progress at first. You'll be frustrated and I see you grabbing fat/skin around your mid section. You dial things up, sweat drips down onto the floor because you decide to do a lot more. More to the point of near masochism but you get the results you want, albeit you'll feel terribly at first. You even puke during one of these sessions. Months pass and you have well defined abdominal muscles. So yea you get what you want but at a cost.
no not at all, in fact she smiled at me and I smiled back and said hey.
No I didn't see the background just that it had overhead lamps and a painted walls. A bar with some bottles and glasses there. It could be darts. Maybe the tables I saw were regular tables. Like I said its very hard to tell since there's a lot of moving parts. Patrons moving about in the background and your interactions with this girl.
Thanks this is great news. Do you have any other queries before I head off?
Yes indeed, any other woman I'm involved with next month or just her? and one time thing or do we meet up again? same night fuck or no? You have other queries ?
Yeah do you know if im currently free of any infections or is the infection still ongoing? They are miniature creepy crawlies. If im not free of it when will I get rid of it for good and how will it happen?
Starting your series of queries now
also these are my last ones
Starting yours
Seems to be just her at least only for next month. You makeout w her but you end up meeting several times. Each time is similar. You begin by intense makeout sessions until you both get undressed and then you pounce on her. Not sure whos house it is but you end up in a bedroom. You don't bring her back home on the first day but you do makeout and it becomes obvious next time you meet you'll fuck.
There's still something there, hiding just beneath the surface of the skin waiting for a bad day or stress to come back up and rear its ugly head. I see the tannish greyish pincers of some ugly creature... and then also the strong scent of peppermint permeating in the air. Someone's scratching themselves almost bloody. This will come to an end within three months after you use an assortment of different things but peppermint really does seem to be something key here somehow. Little by little they'll leave. You change your bandages meticulously and often. Hands of a surgeon with how precise you are. Some sort of aromatic diffuser? Mist in the house. Sunken eyes. But three months later the proverbial sun comes out and you are free of these pests.
Oh fuck. Alright thanks man. Enjoy your gal. Damn...
You'll be okay in the end, it's possible you can stop this earlier. Will you be here tomorrow? I do have more queries but I know you have to head out.
I got time now. I don't mind to keep trading...and no tomorrow I won't be here
Oh ok. I wanted an overview of December. Would greatly appreciate any love or sex you see in my life. What's your query ? Let me know when your time is up I'm in for the night.
Will I leave this country by next summer or will it be the following year after that (2026)?
Flying arrows though the sky moving swiftly. I very much see you leaving by next summer in this current timeline. An older black haired man will help you get the opportunity to leave and move abroad, but it won't be exactly to where you wanted. Either a neighboring country or a different city in the same country. You live there for a few months before moving elsewhere somewhat in the same region. Can I ask where you plan to move? Seemed cold or a little bleak for some reason.
You pretty much keep the same routine that you have throughout november except you spend time alone more. I see you grabbing a stick or bat or some sort of makeshift weapon and training with it. Wielding it around. It seems you will exercize or train. By Christmas time I see you meeting a young lady. She has dark hair that is straight however she has a haircut and her hair is short. I see you spending time around her until one day she kisses you. You begin making out and the whole process begins again similar to how it did with the girl from the previous month. Idk how you meet this girl. Maybe you'll get another job or you'll meet at school? Someplace you frequent quite often IRL. She wears business clothes with flats as shoes or small heeled shoes. She is very slender about 5'4. Has some pretty curvy hips for someone who weights about 145 lbs. She is cute and seems to have a bit of a tan. She might be latina or a mixture of races like mediterranian/italian/arabic. She has nice lips and a nice face. Very soft and hydrated skin on her. She's got a hot body. Not sure how many times you see her as it bleeds over the following month
Im moving overseas to europe. Im not staying in the western world for much longer. At most until 2026.
thank you let me know if you wish to trade again, would love to know more about how I meet her. I'm not in school but getting a new job soon hopefully.
Then you'll meet at work. Can you tell me about the next woman I end up hooking up with? If you have a timeframe that would be cool. Starting
I can do that. Starting
Yeah you end up meeting at work. Your first impressions is she is someone very cheerful. She is latina and she has long hair except she ties it into a tiny bun for work. It seems you'll get a job at a hotel that has a restaurant or some kind of inner mall inside it. She might be mexican or some other type of south american. She is young and very pretty, not too dark. You will be coworkers except you may work in different departments or shifts. While you will be doing your work she will be running around and do something else. You will be impressed and will be smitted by her. I see you staring while she is busy with her work and there's almost like tears coming out of your eyes or drool coming out of your mouth. You side eye her often but its because you'll be infatuated.
I see someone skinny and pale who likes to wear corduroys and turtleneck sweaters and darker brown colors. She feels french or british by descent and I see her as someone who likes to spend evenings in coffee shops and bookstores. A little tired looking but pretty. brown eyes. She talks to you first on a whim as she's just out of a bad breakup. Nice teeth. She likes to drink tea. I see this as something that starts off slow with coffee dates and such before you get drinks one day and go to her place late at night. And you'll have a lot of fun to say the least but you'll feel empty afterwards. I see this happening either close to the end of the year or right afterwards.
huh? I've never worked in hospitality it's not my field. trade again for more info on my next job? and how is it exactly we get closer ?
Its like a mall inside of a building or restaurant or hotel. You could be security or manager or some type of supervisor. I see you mostly standing around and watching at times. You seem to have a uniform. Which is why I said hotel. You get closer by working around each other. She is silly and likes to joke around. You'll have a crush...over time you'll get closer until one of you makes a move.

Im pretty much done. Did you see how I meet her? Just to clarify in case you saw anything
ah yes I mentioned that here >>39100476
she talks to you first after you roll in there at a place you haven't been to before. You seem quite tired that day. And she'll talk to you first it seems. Something quirky she'll say.
Thanks. going to sleep. Would keep trading but im tired. Hope my reads cleared something up. Peace!
all good, thank you

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