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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library



>Previous Thread
First for Neville
Yes, this is how most people teaching the law of assumption define "letting go" indeed, but I tell you, at least for things you really want like SP, it really seems like it wasn't working in my case.

Think about it. When you're in a relationship with someone, it definitely works in a different way from getting some object you found pretty, got happy about having gotten it, placed it on your windowsill or whatever and then didn't care about it anymore 3 days later. You want the person every day. So phrases like "you can't desire what you already have" don't really apply, you can't really "have" a person, it's a relationship that needs constant maintenance. Even if you already did everything you wanted with the person a thousand times you can still be missing them.

So what was happening to me while following the Abdullah method of keeping doing it until it comes was that it got really intense. Instead of feeling like I already got it and now I'm chill about it, I was instead getting more and more obsessed and addicted and the discrepancy between the 4D and the still not conformed 3D became so immense that I'd freak out internally and feel the most anxiety I've ever felt in my life whenever I even saw her on the 3D.

I'm not sure, but it doesn't feel like I was doing it right. I decided to give the 3D a good rest and drop it after getting my final confirmation dream I talked about in the last thread and now my feelings are stabilizing again. I really feel like it's done.

Another good argument is that there are other things to be manifested, how long do people plan on obsessing about one single thing? Things that I wrote on my list once and never thought about again happened, so I'm pretty sure months of intensive work with all the techniques imaginable are enough for this one.
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i am letting go of my limitations, it feels so fucking good guys. like nothing can stop me. we are all going to make it (except the shills but who gives a fuck about those anyways).
>There is no order of difficulty among miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.

I think everything is the same. For me, there is no difference between an Xbox One and a pair of socks, there is no difference between a girl and a cookie. Everything in existence is the one and the same, an idea, part of the dream of god. When you share something that is matterial, is the same thing as sharing an idea. When you recieve something, is also the same thing. The first cause was a thought.

I think of it in this way. I think broad understanding helps more in the long run that shoehorsing methods, but you figure it out at the end. ¿What do you think?
Wow.... real life.
Outta the dream and rapidly back into the dream ... okay.. now ...we so what.?

Am lowd to masturbate?
I think you're right in a sense. Considering that God is the infinite consciousness that created everything is this insanely complex existence, the pair of socks, the Xbox and the SP are indeed all easy. But the problem is that we as humans are different and thus subjectively value things differently and have different tendencies and behaviors towards different things.

There are people who are "naturals" with relationships, while others are "naturals" with money. Whereas some other people, sadly, tend towards obsession, anxiety, clinginess, etc, with some types of things, which, like I said earlier, I think can get in the way of the subconscious doing its job bringing you the desire. So maybe both the Abdullah method and the "dropping it" method work, but you have to gauge what works better for you with each desire you have.
the only shill here is you, you're literally only here to (attempt to) derail these threads and demoralize newfags
All pepe posters will suffer horrible accidents that will maim if not kill them.
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I agree with a lot of what you said. For me too, especially with SP, it became a consuming fucking forest fire with the intensity i was shoveling in it, and it just didn't feel right.
I dropped it entirely to the point of almost forgetting, had a similar experience to yours to where it now feels like it's done and i don't need to fuel it anymore.
Just focusing on my self-concept for now and it is a far, far better feeling

picrel from last thread, Idk i like it. Will be mulling over it for a while i think
Would it be possible to use LOA to develop psychic powers? I know, IF you think is possible then it will be, but, would it actually be? If so, would it actually be worth it? Or would it have bad consequences?
Not trying to sound like bullshit, just that idea popped up in my mind and felt curious.
>Would it be possible to use LOA to develop psychic powers?

Yes, everything is possible, in any way you imagine to accomplish it. I read robert b stone magic book once, here is a case he talks about:

>An American woman read how a Russian woman could move objects with her mind. It was done repeatedly in a laboratory with Russian scientists observing, measuring and recording. If a Russian woman could do it, certainly an American woman could do it too, she reasoned. She practiced at first with aluminum foil. There were long hard hours of manipulating her thoughts,but nothing definite happened. Then she started staring at the aluminum foil and manipulating her fingers about a foot away from it. It rippled. It moved! A few months later, this woman was being observed and photographed moving aluminumfoil, paper clips, and other small objects placed under a glass hood, by scientists. These are interesting demonstrations of psychotronic energy and the power it can exert. But moving objects is a distortion of that power’s real benefits. It is a nonmaterial power thatintersects this material plane only slightly. It is somewhat like the iceberg. Ninety percent is below the surface.

Not only that, there was an user in Dreamviews site that ended up realizing that life is trully a dream, and draw connection to parapsychology and clairvoyance. Here's the thread: https://www.dreamviews.com/dream-control/57283-nature-dream-control.html

Look up also Magus Of Java, the guy who could set things on fire with his mind using energy. Remember also the shamans. Yes, you can train yourself to develop any power you imagine, now that you know, your task would be to figure it out how.
>If so, would it actually be worth it? Or would it have bad consequences?

Not really, just decide that it doesnt have any "bad consequences", is only matter of doing it as you plan to do so.
If I should want to say a mantra: can ANY well-known "traditional" mantra do? AUM, Daimoku, ram-mantra, etc? Or make my own? just repeat my specific Wish?
>No perception, no experience, no excuses
>it really seems like it wasn't working in my case
Sounds like you weren't letting go. You didn't accept that you are one with your desire, and therefore already have it.
>it definitely works in a different way from getting some object
That's your assumption.
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idk how many times this needs to be repeated every thread before you guys realize that this doesn't help
yes, it is correct
yes, it will help to be able to do this
no, not everyone can do this out of the gate
the least you can do is encourage anons to start unpacking this and recognizing their power rather than just going "OH OF COURSE YOU DID IT WRONG"
>That's your assumption
yes, that's the whole reason people like us even post on 4chan. to talk about people who also go through it and help each other recognize what works for US at this point in time so we don't write the whole process off entirely
For anyone who struggled to let go, but figured it out eventually and had results: how did you do it?

Only way i ever let go of something was forgetting it, which is obviously difficult or impossible for things you actually care about
Has anyone here managed to shrink their height or grow boobs
>For anyone who struggled to let go, but figured it out eventually and had results: how did you do it?
Originally I used to let go out of frustration/rage. Once I figured out it was a necessary part of the process I started just clearing my mind, being grateful for receiving and taking a deep breath and letting go of all of it. Now I mostly forget as soon as the manifest sets.

>Only way i ever let go of something was forgetting it
Best way

>which is obviously difficult or impossible for things you actually care about
>care about
You're talking about obsession, not caring. You can care and know that it's going to be all right, things are taken care of. You obsess when you think it's not and can't be.

Neville talks about saying "Thank yous" at the end of your manifesting. How many Anons here are doing that instead of wondering where it is?
Read TriumphantGeorge, it could give you some useful insight. Here's something he said about "letting go"

>"So you're saying that all those steps basically get boiled down to: allow the world to shift".
Once you look at what you're actually doing: yes. At first though, we might think we are going through various steps, thinking things through, deciding what we want (as if we don't already know deep down), choosing something then letting go, letting it happen. The four steps I listed. But we only need to do that because we went off track at some point. In the end, what we're really aiming for is a state where we're balanced, and our desires and the world are aligned anyway. No resistance. If we hadn't "fallen" at some point during our lives - started pushing and pulling instead of flowing - we wouldn't feel the need to do magick in the first place. Our world would be us, effortlessly, whereas currently its movement is busy fighting through our defences. However, while we still feel we've got things to "work through", there will still be stuff to "be done".
I may have some help to offer here.

SP, job, house. All manifestations came when I gave up on the idea.
In each case, I was saturating myself to the extreme with "I desire this so strongly" and "it must happen" and "it's showing up ANY day, I can feel it". In every case breadcrumbs kept showing up in my reality.
>Rejected for the job I was working super hard to manifest and went through 6 rounds of interview for
>SP kept saying she was unsure of what she wants
>Constantly rejected for houses in the locality and range I wanted for the most asinine reasons

For each of these three things one day I just got tired and said, almost verbatim - "you know what, fuck it, I don't care if it happens or not.
>If I don't get a job I'll just be unemployed
>If i don't get a house fuck it I still have the rental I'm living in
>If she doesn't want me, whatever"
And really made my peace with not having it. I think i was actually starting to plan the work I wanted to pick up for the next few months (artist for hire) in the absence of a job, and then the perfect thing just landed in my lap out of nowhere.

>4 days or a week: planning out the work for hire situation
>Immediately next: the company i'm working for now contacts me
>2 interviews in all, hire me at my asked-for salary, with quarterly bonuses and a promised appraisal in 6 months

It's true what they say -- I was good with it and good without it, so it all came immediately.
Your inner being already knows what you want, so you can stop constantly thinking about the "important" things - take from my example, nothing is so important you can't live without it - and just focus on something else while it flies to you.
I swear, every time I have doubts or start to spiral there's some weird synchronicity or one of my small manifestations barges its way into my life. We've already made it bros.
Can LoA restore my foreskin?
Can I manifest an asteroid falling on the Middle East?
Hey anons,
I've also made a file of screenshots I've seen of people using the list method to get stuff. Mainly a person that has qualities they want, I think this is a good method to manifest as it seems to have the highest success ratio to get a long term partner. Though it also seems like a more long term manifestation, as the listed person doesn't always come straight away, you guys should try this.
>Pic related
I also found that retarded balding dj guy, who made the reality synthesis nonsense. He apparently also used the list method to manifest his desired girl. Mind you that's the only thing he's actually manifested, no idea how he started an entire loa theory based on him being an angry sperg, as you can see with the other screenshots it's not necessary to do that. Either way, makes sense why he can't fix his hairline.

>List method links

>Additional examples




Also here is the gf letting go file, if any newbies haven't seen that
>Gf letting go file
You can’t set stuff on fire with your mind. This is the crazy posting that leads to the return of the
>can I become an anime girl uwu!
All of the known LoA gurus had definitive limits. They don’t do any of that stuff. Look at what they did. No flying, teleportation or physical immortality. No, I am not trolling. This is how it is. Only those like Lilanon make such claims and he refuses to reveal himself or show anything at all. It’s childish.
> Robert Stone wrote about an an American woman who read about a Russian woman.
That’s third hand info and totally unreliable.
>magus of Java
Not LoA
Exterior practices and totems. Not LoA.
Can LoA make me grow taller? I found out that 183 cm is average...
based Lao Tzu quote, i believe that he preached the same truth as Neville did.

oh no mat found his way here now.
>The power of Creation
>It hurts you
Oh boy...
>You can’t set stuff on fire with your mind
...How do you think you build a fire? You don't use your mind?

>All of the known LoA gurus had definitive limits
So? They didn't have the same limits. Some of them had harems, others were millionaires, Neville did whatever the fuck he wanted.

>he refuses to reveal himself or show anything at all
That's right. You wouldn't believe it if I showed you anyway. You've already made your mind up, you're just showing us all of your weaknesses and insecurities over and over again.

>Not LoA
>Exterior practices and totems. Not LoA.
Everything is powered by LoA, that's why we are laughing at you. You used LoA to post your comment here. You disbelieve something you are using every minute of your life.
>How do you think you build a fire? You don't use your mind?
Your mind directs the hands/tools you use.
> Neville did whatever the fuck he wanted.
His miracles include?
> That's right. You wouldn't believe it if I showed you anyway.
If you can show me you flying or setting something on fire with your mind then I would believe.
>You used LoA to post your comment here.
No, I typed it on a device and it used the internet to post it in this hell site. That anon asked about psychic powers. Neville needed hands to do things. As do you. You can’t manifest setting something on fire with your mind.
>that's why we are laughing at you.
Yet you got butthurt with Sigils being off topic last thread right? Shamanism is equally off-topic. You can’t have both, larper.
Lilanon says yes.
But no.

all cope, just be attractive and somewhat charismatic. if you can't manifest even that, it's a skill issue
>Your mind directs the hands/tools you use.
You really think you are just your body?

>His miracles include?
What I said- he did whatever he wanted to. Manifested money, success, fame, women, spiritual powers and Christhood.

>If you can show me you flying or setting something on fire with your mind then I would believe
No you wouldn't. You'd be looking for wires or chemicals or optical effects. Proof that someone else could do it and not you is unbearable to your ego.

It's ridiculous that you think this way- everyone has things they are good at. You suck at LoA, trolling and science. You should stick to things that work for you.

>No, I typed it on a device and it used the internet to post it...
How? What was involved with that? Walk me through it step by step.

>...in this hell site
...Why are you here if it doesn't make you happy? 4chan is one of the most amazing places in the world. That's my belief, so it is for me.

>That anon asked about psychic powers
So? Why do you think that's different than how you do the rest of the things in your life? Your awareness makes things happen. There is no "but only for this" in that statement.

>Neville needed hands to do things. As do you
That's not actually true. I've manifest things I had to do nothing to receive. It simply showed up. You're just wrapped up in your assumptions and assuming the rest of us are as limited. There's just one problem- you know deep down it's not true. We do these things. You could too.

Why aren't you doing them?

>Yet you got butthurt with Sigils being off topic last thread right? Shamanism is equally off-topic. You can’t have both, larper.
Sigils and Shamanism are OT for practicing LoA "better" because they are second causes. They are perfectly fine for discussing how the Law works because the Law is the first cause.

Nice attempt to shift topic there though- "That doesn't count, it's not LoA!"

It's all LoA. You're just being stubborn and silly.
Well you don't exactly have much options if you're not already good looking. So still the incels will benefit from my research. Also manifesting better looks barely makes a difference if you're already a subhuman. The subliminal subreddit proves that, look at the results people get, there's barely a difference.
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I think this is more than enough of an affirmation.

Any others feel like a damn chore.
Even the "I am God and there is no other" affirmation seems to be more distracting than anything.

So a skill issue. Who cares about what someone else does, specially somone who uses subliminals? So they believe they can't manifest shit without their mp3s = powerless mindset

Just imagine/script your good looking face, can't be that hard. if you're fumbling at the most basic manifestation like this then you should go on pua and try that route

LoA is making you whatever height you are now and whatever height anyone else is now. so you can manifest being 5 inches taller the next second

How about a better perspective;

Tell me a reason why it would be possible and explain your reasoning
how to do I reality shift into into alternative past timeline?
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You clearly have no clue about loa.
Just gtfo, I'm literally done with you faggots.
I'm going to wait for results on your scripted face, where you go from 4/10 to 10/10 in one month.

you're not done, you're still here coping
Guys, what did you manifest for 2024?
Me? Nothing because it doesn't work.
Not me though

I manifested more bad shit than the good ones.
There's probably a few naturally optimistic people who can manifest easily. But for most others, manifesting should be done alongside a serious spiritual practise otherwise its just a form of delusional narcissism.
Dont underestimate the power of feeling and visualisation, but its also pointless if your nervous system is crippled and ur an anxious wreck, some deep "cleaning" is required that comes with serious spiritual practise
Is this related to the simple fact that people who have successful parents will simply pass on that same mindset and beliefs onto their children and people with poor parents will inherit the doomer mindset from the shitty environment?
How would one go about using /loa/ to manifest knowledge? If I wanted to possess a fluency in a foreign language, how could I picture a fluency in that language without having gained an understanding of it through empirical means?
>Only those like Lilanon make such claims
hey at least he admitted to being insane in the previous thread
came here just because NMH3

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>Some people fuck in funerals. I cut off hands
please direct me as to where I can find more information about cleaning
anon-Mother-kun and
this is for you
Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. Apply to palm, apply warm water to palm, lather, and rinse.
Thanks fellas, all good advice
Happy 2025
Whatever your opinion of it Neville did say he teleported. He went to his sick child nephew (or someone i forget)'s house and said something to the kid's mother there. Then she wrote Neville up like "I saw you in my living room instead of my son" ...check his lecture Brazen Impudence
Thanks for sharing. I remember that DJ guy, if he actually managed to get an attractive gf using this it would legitimately impress me more than if he became rich
I need help making a list of small insignificant things to manifest so that I can practice holding on to an assumption. No ladders, no specific license plates, no specific cars with a certain color paint and chrome trim. No pink tennis balls. No random money from an unknown source because that could cause problems. If I had a list of things like this, I might get better but reality has been hitting hard for me lately and I think I've been deluding myself about some things that I either need to A) properly manifest or B) take a different approach to because I'm done with living like this.
>How would one go about using /loa/ to manifest knowledge?
The same way you usually do it

>If I wanted to possess a fluency in a foreign language, how could I picture a fluency in that language without having gained an understanding of it through empirical means?
You can do it a couple of ways, but living in the end would probably look like you speaking with people easily in the language however you intend to use it(Vacation, speaking with locals in your area that speak it, etc.)

Remember that what you are visualizing is less important than knowing what you want out of your manifest.
I'd love to speak fluently in any language. I love the babelfish. I hope someday..
>The other day, someone posted a link to a compilation of accounts from people who got their SP/GP as soon as they gave up for good and going by my experience and the accounts of experienced manifestors and magicians I watched as well, I'm really convinced that letting go is a crucial part to any LOA/prayer/magick practice and probably the main reason why so many people fail.
>I don't think it happens because of some redpill bullshit about women only liking guys who don't care about them and treat them with disdain, bur rather because this type of process really seems to require faith. It's written in the book of Hebrews in the bible that without faith, it's impossible to please God.
>If you don't let go after doing it to a point you're confident it's enough and it's definitely impressed on your subconscious, this means you're not having faith and trusting God the Father to do his end of the bargain (or angels, demons, the universe, whatever, I'm a non-dualist like most of you so deep down everything is God anyways). Same goes for periodically checking the 3D for it and so on.
>That said, we all know it can be tricky. Especially when there are a lot of feelings, neediness, urgency, obsession and things like that going on. So, I'd like to ask for any tips, anecdotes or material focused on detaching/letting go.
So here's my thoughts on that
Many people say that if you keep thinking about the thing you're trying to manifest, it will mess up the manifestation
"Oh did it work?" "I hope it worked" "I'll just check on it"
I think you're right that this is essentially worrying that it didn't work. And maybe then you manifest that instead.
However, I've worried about things, checked on them, etc etc and it worked.
And sometimes I did something, set it and forgot it, and then it happened and surprised me.
Usually however, I agree. Do your thing, set it and then forget it, and it works better that way.
I wonder why this is?
I think the best approach is to do your manifesting, however you approach it.
Then forget about it, for like a week. Or let's say you're manifesting something that happens in a couple minutes (like manifesting a certain type of person in the grocery store, for practice), so then you forget about it and it'll happen a couple minutes later.
You're walking down the aisles, turn down one and BOOM a bunch of people who look like what you were trying to manifest.
Or you turn a corner, and boom there it is.
You look away, and then when you look back, there it is, by "coincidence".
I think that makes sense.
Is this the best practice? Manifest it, wait a week (or whatever it is), then check. If it worked and appeared then great. If not, then manifest again and forget it again and wait another week.
And go through these cycles, as the manifestations get stronger, the coincidences and "signs" start piling up, you start to feel that feeling of "destiny" or "the universe is talking to you" or whatever, and then when you are satisfied with whatever level you have achieved, then you stop with the best iteration of that manifestation.
>So what was happening to me while following the Abdullah method of keeping doing it until it comes was that it got really intense. Instead of feeling like I already got it and now I'm chill about it, I was instead getting more and more obsessed and addicted and the discrepancy between the 4D and the still not conformed 3D became so immense that I'd freak out internally and feel the most anxiety I've ever felt in my life whenever I even saw her on the 3D.
Yeah I feel the same way, and I sort of posted that here in this one
>Is this the best practice? Manifest it, wait a week (or whatever it is), then check. If it worked and appeared then great. If not, then manifest again and forget it again and wait another week.
>And go through these cycles, as the manifestations get stronger
Do you just keep manifesting, more and more, and it gets stronger and stronger?
Or just do it once, trust that it is "done", then forget about it? These 2 methods seem opposite of each other. But I still feel like, they both have their place. I'm not sure if I can say one is better than the other.
>the only shill here is you, you're literally only here to (attempt to) derail these threads and demoralize newfags
how is mother anon demoralizing anyone, or derailing anything
you might not like him, but that's on you.
>All of the known LoA gurus had definitive limits
This stupid fucker can't understand the difference between everything being technically possible and something someone did
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I will now add more pepe memes to my posts
Don't worry bro, I'm just manifesting your resistance. You just weren't aware of it, but this is the journey you're on. Now try to manifest me NOT posting pepes
>Would it be possible to use LOA to develop psychic powers?
Developing psychic powers could probably be done using manifesting, in some way.
psychic powers are real, and you can learn them if you try. I go by the motto of "if someone else can do it, so can I"
So if someone else can do some cool psychic shit, I ask them how they do it, and then I try to replicate it. I have done this many times, and learned a lot of different "abilities" this way. I put scare quotes on "abilities" because I think actually of lot of them are related and aren't separate abilities. If that makes sense.
Anyway, just ask people to explain how their shit works, then try it yourself. That has been very productive for me.
You can manifest a better teacher, more people appearing in your life who are psychic, a better book, more videos to explain it, etc etc
In other words, you can use magic to learn magic. Use your manifesting or psychic powers to make it even easier to learn more/faster. The sky is the limit.
>Would it be possible to use LOA to develop psychic powers?
You manifested the lack of psychic powers with loa, therefore the opposite is of course possible
How can someone like Neville who taught the law but wasn't really into all of this organized religion stuff and basically preached that no one has the "power" but oneself belong to the same subject (new thought) as stuff like the unity church?
Aren't these like opposite ways of doing things from basically individualism to collectivist religion?
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great post, thanks for the info
I will check out those links
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>>List method links
started reading through this
>Manifested an oxycodone 30mg prescription
>Can LoA make me grow taller? I found out that 183 cm is average...
epigenetics and a growth spurt is definitely possible
The question you have to ask yourself is "has it already happened?"
go and check your height again. Maybe you're 1 cm taller already.
Maybe? Right? That's how it works. It's definitely possible, so maybe the next time you check it WILL be there.
Do you think so? Is this a firm belief?
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he's been posting here for over a year, it's mostly off-topic blogposts about his "mother", rando cashiers, failing to win the lottery, upgrading his PC, getting a PAWG girlfriend etc.
but he's had absolutely no successes so far, other than buying a RAM stick with money that's presumably his but for which he needs his "handler’s" approval
>how to do I reality shift into into alternative past timeline?
forget about the past of your current timeline
Pretend you never read a history book, and don't really know what happened before you were born
Then imagine, "Maybe it's actually true that I misremembered that one thing I heard about?"
"It is possible, right?" "Yes, it is possible"
And that's possible isn't it? You just misremembered something about history, so it really could be anything, couldn't it?
So then go back and check. Is it different?
This method essentially instrumentalizes the mandella effect and turns it into a tool/technique.
Is it the bearenstein bears or the bearenstain bears? I dunno. It could be anything. Maybe I'll go check and it'll be the OTHER way! Woah! Mandella effect!
That's how it works. Forget what the past is. Then convince yourself it "really could be anything", and try to make small changes.
You forget the current reality, destabilize reality and add much uncertainty, then check to see if it changed or "changed".
This is especially powerful if you are "revealing new information" that "changes the way you interpret certain events" or "historians now view these events in a new light"
But that's the same thing. A new "interpretation" is essentially saying something different happened, without anything "technically" changing. Make sense?
>Guys, what did you manifest for 2024?
The list is so long I've honestly forgotten most of what I manifested. But a lot actually
Got someone fired from my job, who previously was the "golden child" in management, top performer, and had nepotistic connections that shielded him from any criticism.
So I thought I could never get rid of him. He'd never get fired, he'd have to quit.
I just kept manifesting the scene of my boss explaining to me that "Oh, he's no longer with this company" which is fancy corporate euphemism for "we fired him".
Tone of voice, the room the conversation happened in, what my boss looked like when he explained it to me, etc
And I made it as realistic as possible. How would my boss phrase it, if he did fire that guy? When and where would he explain it to me? Then I just kept imagining it.
>I need help making a list of small insignificant things to manifest so that I can practice holding on to an assumption. No ladders, no specific license plates, no specific cars with a certain color paint and chrome trim. No pink tennis balls. No random money from an unknown source because that could cause problems. If I had a list of things like this, I might get better but reality has been hitting hard for me lately and I think I've been deluding myself about some things that I either need to A) properly manifest or B) take a different approach to because I'm done with living like this.
go back to what you have gotten results with.
To avoid any problems with deluding yourself or being dishonest, be hard on yourself. Only count an event as a success if it really closely matches or exactly matches what you wrote down.
And also, keep a record of what you are trying to manifest.
Then check it every week. Be scientific about it. Do controlled experiments, and do a bunch.
The amount of times you got EXACTLY what you wrote down will astound you, and wipe out any remaining doubt.
The only question after that will be "how do I make this more reliable, and then how do I manifest even bigger stuff?"
So what's your problem with him?
That he doesn't give up even though he doesn't have the successes you think are "good enough"?
What advice would you give him, rather than just being a hater?
What would you do differently?
If you really think he is trash, then pity him and try to build him up. Being a hater implies you think he's worthy of your time (which implies he ain't beneath you)
It's cringe and a low power move. Be bigger, be better.
Now, what advice would you give him? What would you do better?
NTA but when you use a tripcode you say 'look at me, I deserve to stand out'. Okay, why? LilAnon provides advice and claims to have great success, Mother Anon brings no value to the table, he just treats this general as a blog and at worst can be used as an example by people with doubt that LoA doesn't work.
If I was him I would drop the trip and work on actually achieving something noteworthy, and come back to share your wisdom when you have something to share. Which is pretty much what I'm doing. I'm in these threads often enough but I have fuck all to share, so I have no reason to stand out. If I did, I'd consider using a trip.
>So what's your problem with him?
him derailing the thread with his blogposting and sheer incompetence
>That he doesn't give up even though he doesn't have the successes you think are "good enough"?
he doesn't have any successes
>What advice would you give him, rather than just being a hater?
read the fucking material and go put it into practice
What would you do differently?
would read the fucking material and put it into practice, would not blogpost about irrelevant things
>If you really think he is trash, then pity him and try to build him up.
told him to read the fucking material and/or get professional psychiatric help countless times
>Being a hater implies you think he's worthy of your time (which implies he ain't beneath you)
he is, I genuinely do want the fucker to be and do better
>It's cringe and a low power move. Be bigger, be better.
kys r*ddit immigrant
>Now, what advice would you give him?
read the fucking material and put it into practice, stop blogposting
>What would you do better?
I'd read the fucking material and put it into practice

boy what a conversation, we should do it again some time
what do you two gain by hating on mother anon?
He isn't going to leave. You're just stooping to his level and wasting time hating on someone else. How is that going to help you?
But of course, this is exactly what you want. If you could let it go, you would.
So good luck on this I guess. You'll keep doing it if you want.
I dont hate him, I want him to make it like I want everyone here to make it. Even the shills and the retards and whatnot. I've only interacted with him once by asking him why he feels the need to use a trip code, I usually ignore him.
I simply answered why there is animosity towards him, why he lowers the quality of this general, and what he should do about it.
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Sup from this excerpt

>Sit quietly and decide what it is you would like most to express or possess. After you have decided, close your eyes and take your attention completely away from all that would deny the realization of the thing desired; then assume a receptive attitude of mind and play the game of supposing by imagining how you would feel if you were now to realize your desire.

>Begin to listen as though space were talking to you and telling you that you are now that which you desire to be.

>This receptive attitude is the state of consciousness that you must assume before an impression can be made.

>As this pliable and impressive state of mind is attained, then begin to impress upon yourself the fact that you are that which you desired to be by claiming and feeling that you are now expressing and possessing that which you had decided to be and to have.

>Continue in this attitude until the impression is made.

>As you contemplate being and possessing that which you have decided to be and to have, you will notice that with every inhalation of breath a joyful thrill courses through your entire being.

>This thrill increases in intensity as you feel more and more the joy of being that which you are claiming yourself to be.

>Then in one final deep inhalation, your whole being will explode with the joy of accomplishment, and you will know by your feeling that you are impregnated by God, the Father.

>As soon as the impression is made, open your eyes and return to the world that but a few moments before you had shut out.
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>I dont hate him, I want him to make it like I want everyone here to make it. Even the shills and the retards and whatnot. I've only interacted with him once by asking him why he feels the need to use a trip code, I usually ignore him.
oh okay, that's reasonable then
Keep bee-ing yourself
Where we can read more from triumphantgeorge, I've heard his name being thrown around here
Who gives a shit? Just ignore him, he has a tripcode so you can easily do that, you can even use the filter to not see his posts. Stop whining like a bitch over nothing
nice guide
it describes continuing to visualize the scenario until you feel something different, in this case a thrill or joy
I usually just do a little burst of intention, and don't sit down and really settle in on manifesting something
I think I'll try this way
>it describes continuing to visualize the scenario until you feel something different, in this case a thrill or joy
>I usually just do a little burst of intention, and don't sit down and really settle in on manifesting something
>I think I'll try this way
okay, I just tried it. I was able to encounter and identify more resistance this way.
I kept saying my affirmation until I started feeling resistance. In this case, represented as a version of myself who had the feelings representing my resistance. I had a conversation with him, which was sort of effective.
Then I got him to say the affirmation. And keep saying it, until he felt it was genuine and authentic.
And I actually started feeling better, like a joy. And the version of me that represented the resistance started smiling.
So I think there is something to this. Keep repeating the affirmation until you feel joy or bliss. That means you're actually getting somewhere.
>Who gives a shit?
the other anon who asked how m*theranon is demoralizing newbies and derailing threads, learn to read fagget
I'm new to Neville. I'm halfway through The Feeling is the Secret, and I think I understand the concepts, but I don't think this is possible for a guy like me. I made a dumb decision to quit college years ago because I was depressed, and since then, the only thing I've been good at is self-sabotage. I've backed myself into a corner. I'm over 30, I live with my parents and the only way I'll ever be able to afford to live on my own is through my personal projects. No one will hire me. I haven't spoken with my old friends in years. I could manifest a free coffee, but I would never get one because I go outside about once a week. I don't know of anything that I want that seems like it could come to me in a natural way. It has to come by coincidence, because that's how it works for people. For the things that I want that are big, I can't see any pathway that I could walk on to get there. Let's say I wanted a car. My parents both live paycheck to paycheck and I don't really know anyone so how would this ever happen? Even if I got the car, I wouldn't be able to afford to pay for the insurance. It all seems like too much for me. Am I doomed to failure even with this?
interestingly enough one of my major limiting beliefs just got turned in it's head, i used to think that women (especially young women) would just laugh at me and mock me. but someone here in /x/ said that women don't laugh at you just to be mean, they are simply looking for someone to laugh with and want to laugh with you. and it does make sense, those women who clearly feel disdain towards me never laugh at me, they just ignore me (although one of them does give me contemptuous looks in civilian). so next time when i tell myself that women only laugh at me it actually means that they like me and want to be with me.
do you want to be happy?
that is the most important question you need to answer
The answer should be "yes", shouldn't it? And yet maybe your answer really is "No"
Why is it "no"? This is the fundamental of resistance. Why do you have resistance to being happy? Do you want to punish yourself. Do you feel you don't "deserve" happiness? Do you feel it will never happen, so it's better not to try?
You are engaging in self defeating, or as you put it, self sabotage.
Stop doing that. Overcome it, and your life will be a lot easier.
If you ever get back into a funk, go back to the question "Do I want to be happy?"
It should be yes. If it's not, go back to identifying WHY you have resistance to happiness. Then you will learn the skill of truly wanting happiness, rather than wanting to self sabotage. And how to avoid negative self image and negative thought patterns.
>and I think I understand the concepts
Based on the long paragraph you wrote, you clearly don't understand it at all.

Reality is completely imaginal. What you imagine is what you get. The only level that is creative is at the level of the mind. Whatever anyone does or doesn't do is created at the mind level not at the physical level. Nothing is created at the physical level. Take your post for example, you physically wrote it out because you imagined writing it in your mind, that's where you actually created this post, not when you were physically typing it out on your computer or phone, all those actions unfolded by themselves automatically afterwards.

What does this mean? It means circumstances do not matter. You keep looking at the physical to tell what you can or cannot get or do when the physical is simply the result of your imagination. You're looking at a result and think that it's the cause. You want something? Then imagine having it and the physical will conform to your imagination. How will it happen? How can it happen? You don't have to care about any of that. Your job is simply to imagine what it is you want, assume you have it and reality will unfold by itself. This is how reality actually works for everyone. Don't believe it? Can't believe it? Then test it out for yourself and keep testing until you get certainty.

>Am I doomed to failure even with this?
If you continue telling yourself that same story then you will be. Change your story and you won't

dawg. stop wasting your time on 4chan. get any real job bc obviously ur projects aren't doing shit. go work at Walmart or something they pay like 19/hr. help out ur poor parents instead of neeting in ur basement. if u try LoA, ur just gonna trick ur brain into getting an actual job, just skip that and make some money already. when ur parents die what r u gonna do, kill urself??
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1 month of progress, 30th of november to 31st of december.
Any opinions on Walter C. Lanyon?
Also is the Abduallh (Abd Allah) he writes about in two of his books really the same one that taught Neville?
>The only question after that will be "how do I make this more reliable, and then how do I manifest even bigger stuff?"

NTA but what is your thoughts on that? More specifically, the former since size is relative and at the absolute there is no difference and a return is just a return no matter the "scale".
listening to the Law in Neville's better just feels better. It hits different

>it's A.I.
I know, we all know. It sounds decent enough.
I'm glad. I'm just quoting Neville after a read.
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What is your manifestation bro? Your nipples are a bit smaller I see.
Neville AI is fine if the words were originally written by Neville.
cum in her guts
>And I actually started feeling better, like a joy. And the version of me that represented the resistance started smiling.
This is a good example of what I call "setting" the manifest. You feel the change and usually get a positive emotional response, or at the very least you feel you/the world has changed.

>I kept saying my affirmation until I started feeling resistance. In this case, represented as a version of myself who had the feelings representing my resistance. I had a conversation with him, which was sort of effective.
>Then I got him to say the affirmation. And keep saying it, until he felt it was genuine and authentic.
This method has been mentioned here before but good reminder and use of it Anon. Congratulations! I believe there are great things in your future.
Clever :)
Anyone have any insight on dreams?
I know people say to pay no mind to them, but this is a recurring problem for me. I'll set a manifestation, then some time after I feel I let go of it, I have a dream where I'm living my ideal life, and wake up in despair that it wasn't real. So far none of the manifestations that I dreamed about came true (one was 2 years ago). It's as if God/my mind/ the universe or whatever is telling me that I'll only have what I want in my dreams.

Before I learned about manifestation, I also had this pattern, where I would dream about things I deeply desired, either before I knew I desired it, or after I forgot about it (an example would be dreaming of someone and waking up with a crush on her, or dreaming of an island made of Lego when we were too poor to afford toys).

Is this some kind of self defense mechanism of the mind against shit that it thinks is unattainable? Or maybe that is actually unattainable? Is my subconscious trying to communicate something to me? I already know that I want those things, so what else is there?
>I'll set a manifestation, then some time after I feel I let go of it, I have a dream where I'm living my ideal life, and wake up in despair that it wasn't real
Is this all of your manifestations or only some of them?
Only some, but it's true for the ones I want most and deepest. I dream of perfect interactions with my perfect woman while living a perfect life. I don't dream about things that are just 'nice to have'.
That being said, I never had a single intentional manifestation come true yet, from a ladder to a perfect gf.
>However, I've worried about things, checked on them, etc etc and it worked.
Thanks, that's reassuring. I think it's normal to experience some degree of worry/anxiety with some things.

If someone were manifesting that their kid who is with a terminal disease and the doctors gave them 1 month to live was healthy again, I think any single human being who's not a sociopath/psychopath or some kind of really advanced master who could set himself on fire and stay still would feel anxiety and worry.

>I wonder why this is?
My best bet is that faith is necessary, considering that the bible is a top tier esoteric book about manifestation which got many things right in my experience (for instance, the idea that there's a mediator; you don't control anyone directly when you do these things) and says so.

>Then forget about it, for like a week
With SPs is tough though. Just tonight I felt needy and like manifesting my SP again.

I'm starting to think that the best strategy is finding and starting manifesting a new SP. My original one is more than definitely done and the less I mess with it now the better I think. God is a God of abundance, if Salomon could have hundreds of wives, I don't think it's that bad to move on to a new one while the old one unfolds. It's the single thing I can think that would make me forget about her the fastest.
>That being said, I never had a single intentional manifestation come true yet, from a ladder to a perfect gf.
Ok, so essentially it is all of your manifestations- they come as dreams or not at all.

I would focus on being very clear in your manifests that you receive them in the 3d and start with easy things. This is most likely your mind saying "This isn't possible, but it is in your dreams so that's how we are going to manifest it."

Jump off that cliff and believe it can happen in the daytime world. All you have to lose is your current situation.
Alright, so essentially should I just focus on ladders and free coffee until something works?
The reason I even went to manifest things I truly want was because after a few months of trying to get a tennis ball or ladder with no luck, I was told that it was because I didn't truly want it so there was no strong intention (which is true I suppose).

>Jump off that cliff and believe it can happen in the daytime world. All you have to lose is your current situation.
Trust me I'm trying to. I'd blow my brains out and forsake everything and everyone in my current life if it meant I could wake up in my desired reality.
>Alright, so essentially should I just focus on ladders and free coffee until something works?
Free food is good, I wouldn't do the ladder, that is less of a beginner exercise, it's more of a faith reinforcement for the people who believe this is just giving you a mental edge.

>The reason I even went to manifest things I truly want was because after a few months of trying to get a tennis ball or ladder with no luck, I was told that it was because I didn't truly want it so there was no strong intention (which is true I suppose).
This is kind of a problem with the beginner exercises. The idea is to do something you want, but not badly. Nice to have. Some of the more obsessive teachers went overboard with this and went for "don't care at all about" items.

>Trust me I'm trying to. I'd blow my brains out and forsake everything and everyone in my current life if it meant I could wake up in my desired reality.
That's a good commitment lol. Take it a bit slower though. Plant some seeds of doubt where you are having trouble believing- I know that sounds weird, but you are having trouble believing in LoA because you believe something else more strongly(frequently it's that the "real" world is more real than this). Plant a few doubts about the thing that's getting in your way and watch it crumble.

I know I joked about insanity being an advantage here, but really it's just being open to possibilities rather than digging in and believing in something that is hurting you with all your might.
I will work on the "nice to have" things then, thank you.

By "seeds of doubt" do you mean doubt about physical reality?
On a conscious level I have no problem believing LoA. That's why I'm still here after so much failure and despair, even as an engineer who loves evidence and neglected his inner world for like 30 years.
I guess subconsciously I either don't believe it all the way, or something, whatever is blocking my efforts.
Let's strip this Law of all the bullshit theories people have attached to it:
>you must be relaxed when visualizing to be successful
I have imagined things in a very 'hyped up' mood or even being super angry and it still came to pass
>you have to let go
I've had manifestation where I was intensively thinking about it to the very last second
>When you feel it 'done' then nothing can stop it
I've ruined one of the most intense SATS session where I felt pure bliss with negative self talk the following days.
Feel free to add to this list.
>Then imagine having it and the physical will conform to your imagination. How will it happen? How can it happen? You don't have to care about any of that. Your job is simply to imagine what it is you want, assume you have it and reality will unfold by itself.
IT's true
I've imagined certain scenarios and then just focused on them already existing. Just in the end state
And then wild coincidences would unfold that would lead toward that end state.
I wasn't visualizing those coincidences, and probably if I tried to start at the beginning it wouldn't have worked as well. Since then I'd just manifest the beginning and still need to get to the end on my own.
The easiest and simplest way to do it is just to manifest the end state. And then coincidences will pile up that just strangely lead you toward it. Sometimes really in your face ones, too.
>>The only question after that will be "how do I make this more reliable, and then how do I manifest even bigger stuff?"
>NTA but what is your thoughts on that? More specifically, the former since size is relative and at the absolute there is no difference and a return is just a return no matter the "scale".
I don't really know myself. I have been able to increase the size and reliability, but not to the full extent that I want. I'm still learning, and sometimes my manifesting still doesn't work (and I don't know why), other times it works when I thought it wouldn't and it's also a mystery.
In any case, the method I have used is to work your way up from whatever results you have gotten. Get bigger and bigger results. Go back to whatever technique works, and then do that over and over again. It's like lifting weights
You start out lifting 50 pounds, then 60. then 70, then 80. And more and more.
But if you start out on day one and can't lift 500 pounds, then trying that is basically pointless. Better to start out with what you CAN do (in this case 50 pounds), and do that over and over again until you can do 60. Then 70, then 80, etc.
I view manifesting as a skill or a sport. You make progressively larger improvements over time.
thanks for posting that
>Is my subconscious trying to communicate something to me? I already know that I want those things, so what else is there?
Yes, it's your subconscious communicating to you.
And it's not some kind of mysterious super meaningful message from the beyond. You are loading up your subconscious with a lot of energy and a specific intention (your manifested target). And then it starts showing it back to you, because it's on your mind.
In other words, what you're doing is working, at least on a subconscious level.
One I see kinda often here is:
>don't post about what you're manifesting
I like talking about it. The discussion part makes this fun. I also like when people give practical advice that's a bit outside of the stuff that's practiced here, but I see it as part of LoA/manifesting coming true anyway, since it brings you closer to your goal.
>That being said, I never had a single intentional manifestation come true yet, from a ladder to a perfect gf.
Oh. So in that case you really need to go back to the basics and manifest something. anything.
And then work your way up from there. Starting off with no results kinda sucks. But yeah you gotta break through and get that first result.
I've always had this too.
>Is this some kind of self defense mechanism of the mind against shit that it thinks is unattainable?
Yeah I've had this thought lots of times as well. I've realized this thought doesn't mean anything about it being unattainable, more like I'm just feeling frustrated I woke up and 'lost' something I was sure I had. I try to turn that into gratitude that I had it, which means it's closer to me, which means it's meant for me somewhere somehow. Anyway I try not to take an amazing dream I had and make it something depressing, I think of it like wow my brain was so good to me, I should thank it, not make it feel bad for helping me. That'll help your brain want to give you more good feelings, and this all helps with manifesting I think, because some of that resentment is in your subconscious. Maybe that's what these feelings are trying to say to you, it's not the good dreams you should be doubting, but your own doubts about them.
at the worst discussing it may mess you up for a while, but you can always get back to it in the end.
>By "seeds of doubt" do you mean doubt about physical reality?
That can be an issue, but strongly held beliefs that can get in your way can be much more nebulous- "That could never happen to me" or "I'm not worth it."

>On a conscious level I have no problem believing LoA
Good, that means you can persist through your deeper beliefs, because you and I well know that what you "think" is not the same as what you *believe*

>even as an engineer who loves evidence and neglected his inner world for like 30 years
Don't let that get in your way- I take an evidence-based approach to this. Look around and see how people's experience has more to do with their outlook than it does with their talents and assets.
>Plant a few doubts about the thing that's getting in your way and watch it crumble.
>I know I joked about insanity being an advantage here, but really it's just being open to possibilities rather than digging in and believing in something that is hurting you with all your might.
manifesting the belief that "reality is unstable" and "anything could happen, even supposedly impossible things" does make magic easier
It also makes life more dreamlike. Things start to work on "dream logic" while awake. It's kinda weird, but it's also fun.
Anyway, manifesting that will make things easier. And it counter acts the "its impossible" resistance. What if wacky things can happen? Then even stuff like that is possible.
Listen to this anon. This is the easiest way to gain r00t privileges in this reality.
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i dream of a big spacious kitchen and a beautiful view of the finnish rocks rolling over the vista, it is absolute freedom and true connection with the land i desire.
Interesting perspective, I suppose being thankful for a good dream can mean treating it like a preview of a movie you really want to see. Being excited rather than in despair. I guess I'm only upset because last few times this happened I never got what I desired, even though I didn't despair, but who knows what else is going on.

Yeah man, I'm going to build it up from scratch.
>>you must be relaxed when visualizing to be successful
>I have imagined things in a very 'hyped up' mood or even being super angry and it still came to pass
Both are valid. Relaxation can reduce resistance while strong emotional states can reinforce conviction.

>>you have to let go
>I've had manifestation where I was intensively thinking about it to the very last second
But you let it happen, did you not? You let go of your old state and became the new one.

>I've ruined one of the most intense SATS session where I felt pure bliss with negative self talk the following days.
How did you manage that? Did you manifest it dead by accident?

I've had things I think I set but had to redo again later. I think either item could be at play here but curious how you managed it.
I’ve been interested in this shit for like two years now but have yet to really put it in to practice, both because I lack discipline and because I don’t even really know what I’d want to manifest, I hope that the new year will bring clarity and motivation for me to really take conscious responsibility for my thoughts and manifest a positive direction for my life
>Look around and see how people's experience has more to do with their outlook than it does with their talents and assets.
Absolutely. Not to toot my own horn, but consciously, I absolutely feel that I "deserve" somethings more than those around me, because I worked hard on myself and to get to where I am. Yet my self concept is absolutely that of a worthless loser, I have some weird kind of martyr complex I think. Meanwhile, these actual loser slobs around me who still somehow like themselves are living in objective heaven compared to me. Consciously speaking, I don't need any more convincing, but there is some deep rooted mental disease I need to fix.

You know, this reminds me. I want to take back what I said about never having an intentional manifestation come true. There was a short period in high school (before I knew about LoA or anything) where I was really mad at the world, and I remember challenging God and screaming in my head "Do your worst, fuck my life up" etc, and these absolutely out of this world coincidences kept happening to make my life worse and worse due to no actual action of my own. I was able to easily and deeply feel the negative emotions of that reality when thinking about it too (still can). The shitstorm stopped when I stopped thinking that.

Keeping that in mind, I imagine if I could just as easily tap into the positive version of those thoughts and feelings, I'd be the luckiest guy in town.
>Did you manifest it dead by accident?
I wish I knew for sure. Only thing I can say is I felt the usual relief/bliss after a intense SATS session. I was sure this would come to pass very quickly, but then days went by and I started doubting it, even furiously lashing out at Inner Self . It was the first time I was actively thinking about the time interval it takes to externalize. Maybe that was the mistake.
>Keeping that in mind, I imagine if I could just as easily tap into the positive version of those thoughts and feelings, I'd be the luckiest guy in town.
Yes, exactly.
Go back to whatever method worked for you in the past, and then do that again. In this case, wish for good things obviously haha
But yeah, that should be more effective for you. and then do it over and over again.
>Keeping that in mind, I imagine if I could just as easily tap into the positive version of those thoughts and feelings, I'd be the luckiest guy in town.
Do it :)

Believe you have God's blessing now instead of his wrath. I do that more directly by requesting/accepting love and blessings from the Creator(Us).
>It was the first time I was actively thinking about the time interval it takes to externalize.
My guess that it wasn't quite set yet. It's disappointing when you think you have it and you don't but you can always do it again.

I've had some of my more crazy manifests lately feel like they click but then aren't there yet, and in fact I have needed to do a lot of mental adjustment to keep the work going.

Don't get discouraged- you've had successes and you will have anything you don't give up on. You've already made it :)
>how could I picture a fluency in that language without having gained an understanding of it through empirical means?
A huge part of picking up languages quickly is to just start thinking in that language, without translating every word in your head or reviewing the grammar rules so that you're saying things correctly. You're going to be speaking a broken version of it initially but you'll be surprised that you can actually communicate. It helps your brain with figuring out the grammar patterns by itself. When you're fluent you're not actively thinking about any of this stuff, it's just how your thoughts spill out. Even if you don't even know any words in that language yet it helps to mimic the accents and "gesture" the cadence, where the sounds are stressed etc. Then as you pick up new words incorporate it. Try to think of it as less oh I'm actively trying to do xyz in a new language, but more like. Just thinking/communicating thoughts as you usually do, but with different sounds/symbols. This includes reading, hearing, and writing too. Try to read/hear to understand, not to understand the language necessarily. And write to feel comfortable writing it/so you can read it later (like your grocery list), not to get your handwriting look native/write paragraphs with perfect grammar. Fluency really comes way earlier than you think.
I got everything I wanted. Even a few people's deaths :(
Bros… I really really need help. I was manifesting a very important thing, doing SATS, feeling good, letting go, living in the end etc. same as I’ve done for other things. But I just got news about the manifestation and it was the worst possible outcome and it blindsided me and I feel so bad right now. What do?
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Check the OP
pay homage to the breathing tree that you are still in this place to breathe with it. Begin again

Read Universal Line, there is nothing to "strip" because there is no "law", only the truth, and it's all (You), methods doesnt matter. It all boils down essentially to idealism. This entire thread and the countless of threads before it its the living proof that almost nobody here read the material available in the subject, even less put it to test earnestly. People would have already figure it out eons ago just skimming trought Murphy, but i don't think its lazyness anymore, because you just need some deligence to keep posting the same shit over and over like this moron >>39534986, i just don't know. Maybe the "Dead Internet" theory is right and most of the posters all across the web are bots or puppets or some collective consiciussnes, because everything in this general most of the time contradicts what's written and works and the underliying truth of all of it.

Anyway, read UL, if you have difficulties grasping it (i don't know how its possible because is well explained) read this, it could help to understand better: https://www.earlymoderntexts.com/assets/pdfs/berkeley1713.pdf https://www.reddit.com/r/Oneirosophy/comments/2r39nc/overwriting_yourself/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=DimensionalJumping&utm_content=t3_38c3yk

Every doub and error in this thread is just lack of understanding, and this understanding is personal. It's all up to you.
>it's all about (You)
no shit, every LoA 'guru' and his grandma says this. The real question is how to effectively change self.

Read UL so many times (100+) did lot of sessions but didn't manifest anything
>Read Universal Line
where should I start on this?
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>no shit, every LoA 'guru' and his grandma says this.
Never read or watched or went to "gurus", i did my own homework, but yeah, all this shit literally boils down to "Just bee yourself", but you have to come to the realization that IT IS TRUE. The reason why external info like 4chan and reddit posts conflict with each other is because you decide what works for you, but the material itself overlap or complement each other, letting you choose how you are going to go about this. But its all down to your decision.

>how to effectively change self.
Just decide to change. That's literally all you have to do. Observe this exchange right now, its all you talking to yourself, triying to rationalize everything to "being right" when you are ALWAYS RIGHT no matter what, triying to find the answers to a question that only you can answer because the reality around (You) is handled by your conclusions and interpretations of what you experience. There is no right or wrong because you decide what is right or wrong, you decide what works, because your life is an endless SATS session. This fucking thread always comes a moron that keep asking "how do i ignore the 3d" and Paolucci, Murphy and Neville already answered this question in different flavors that you can try. Again, read the damn material and follow suit, then do whatever you want.

Also, here's a thing that no guru will tell you: Blind optimism is not the same as idealism, whoever character you have, whatever thing you do, being angry, being mad, not giving a shit about the collective "good", is alright, as long as you agree and accept that it's alright, and no matter what, you decide right now to have whatever you want not matter the circunstances. It's you man, its only you. You already got this, but you have to UNDERSTAND that you do.

>"No i wont read shit"
Then is your choice. Is that simple

Try something else then, solve it

I tried. Nothing manifested. from 2018 until 2024
This is a bot, pay no mind

Start by ATWA, then read this https://files.catbox.moe/fxv61u.pdf
Again, there is a difference between reading mindlessly the information, and acting upon knowledge. I always see people with methods and methods and methods, but maybe the nail is chaing philosophies, knowing who you are, this is what did it for me, just allowing things to happen, just accepting, just deciding. Seeing this is this new light, you just accept that any method work, that no mather what you do, is trully yours.

Then read Murphy. Is a good alternative. Also look up Triumphant George. Seriously, understand your situation, understand the truth, everything goes from there. But you hace to make up your mind.
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>Read Universal Line
okay I tried reading his book I'm The Original Cosmic Supreme Master Right Here
Did I get the wrong book, or was there a joke I missed?
>there is nothing to "strip" because there is no "law", only the truth, and it's all (You), methods doesnt matter.
I don't mean to be rude, but this seems a lot more complicated than "there's no methods, there's just you"
Like a lot more complicated. And furthermore, I again don't want to be rude but uh, this guy is nuts. Is this supposed to be an art project that doesn't make sense, or he is actually trying to communicate here? Did I miss a joke or something?
He's not very good at explaining things, and he seems very good (in a bad way) at coming up with overly complicated nonsense that is not obviously helpful or useful.
So help me understand. What is the most useful and practical thing you've gotten from UL? I'll listen to you, and give you the benefit of the doubt here. I'll try skimming this book of his but uh.... yeah. Dude's incoherent. It's hard to tell what he's even trying to say, other than expanding on an ever expanding system that never quite gets to the "point" and never directly explains what do you supposed to DO or HOW to do it.

Further reading won't help me. I read several of NG's books, listened to a couple of his lectures. I get what he means. But the practical part, like SATS not possible since I got aphantasia and I cannot see anything in my mind's eye. I probabably did 100 of hours of visualizing. As for other techniques like affirming the same, spent even more time on this, nothing. As with TG, I read some of his posts when SManon presented his hand raising method, couldn't even raise a finger after like 5+ sessions
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>I don't mean to be rude, but this seems a lot more complicated than "there's no methods, there's just you"
Is alright, speak up your mind if you need to. Yeah, John metaphors and artstyle can be off putting, but the essential idea is that everything flows from one source, the first cause was an idea, a though. In neville terms, in the bible, it said that "Women and men were created" before they were actually given a physical form, creation is like this, experience is like this. What Paolucci do is to ilustrate this observing your perception and how things came to be from logic. It seems nonsensical but its all metaphor to understand where the experience come from, and what to do to "stop it", that its, to see things differently. It worked for me.

>Pic related

I just read from ATWA and Advanced Financial Gain, as well "I Am Totality", haven't went trought the LK stuff just yet, but the fundamentals so far have reasonated with me. But see my pic rel, it could reasonate better with some situations that are given here.

In this case, i would reccomend A Course In Miracles, i have see it mentioned a lot recetly and i agree. I dont know any of you personally but its clear that MAYBE some of you have went some trauma and need to fix it up. This is what idealism is aimed to. I can't give you direct plans of actions because this is trully personal, but you can start by asking yourself what's holding you back. Don't lie to yourself, but if nothing is working so far, you may as well treat this as a "traning of sorts". At this point, any storm of ideas would do. This is a problem as any other, you need to solve it.

Not gonna lie I do have childhood trauma that I'm trying to resolve with non-manifesting means. At the same time I was doing UL sessions semi-regularly these days for my vessel in 2018 before I fucked myself by ignoring my teeth, getting health problems etc. I feel UL is the best way for me attain this but I might read ACIM for general healing
>like SATS not possible since I got aphantasia and I cannot see anything in my mind's eye.

Further reason to try ACIM, the workbook you do there is with your eyes wide open and conscious. I don't like shilling, and again, UL is all there is to it because visualization is simply a tool or crutch as any other, decision is enough.

>I decide to have X
>I decide to become X
>I decide to X to happen
>I decide to X to be

Also, btw, and just to ask, how do you navigate your memories if you can't "visualize"?"How you remember dreams when you do? Maybe if we can start asking questions of the experience, some idea comes up. Anyway, reading is one thing, but no action will bring nothing. Even doing nothing IS an action, but you have to decide, you have to assign a meaning to what you do. Threat life as an story you proactively write, and give it an ending that fits.

Here's a part of TG:

>">Although there's a point at which all the studying must stop, and Faith must rule." Right. Something that happens with those chasing 'the truth' and those chasing reality changes is that... they end up just talking about it. Putting off the doing. And you can understand: implicitly, everyone knows that realising the truth (dreamlike reality with no solid foundation) or changing experience (transforming the dreamform) corresponds to a sort of death."
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>Start by ATWA
What is ATWA?

alright, I got further. This page makes way more sense, and has actual useful advice.
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>What is the most useful and practical thing you've gotten from UL?

You just decide. Yes, you think is bullshit, but the twelve attributes are there for a reason. I know that the images may be retarded but the information there is all there is to it.

>never directly explains what do you supposed to DO or HOW to do it.

Read Advanced Financial Gain and AWTA. Especially AWTA, its "less weird", and he actually give the plan of action straight away. Here's the workflow in pic related. Simply decide your outcome, and don't accept what you see as a contradiction to it. You have to compromise with the choices, the higher orden cognition is basically a permanent "reality shifting" (quotes needed, because is all a metaphor to the subjective experience anyway, a way of many to see things as they arise). The goal is to priotitize your ideal over anything, and do this in any way you see fit. Coompare this info with your experience, and DO, for the love of god please, just DO. Again, deciding is DOING, as long as you decide that it works. Is really simple, but you have to understand that its simple. Nobody can prove this to you and thats for a reason: Is because we get the proof from what we accept, that's all. Accept as true everything you need to heal. There is no future, is like chasing a carrot on a stick, everything is NOW.
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Archivement Throught Wholeness of Awareness. Check the mega library, the epub is there

>Guides and methods > John Paolucci

Is there. Check it out, take your time. Time is a tool anyways, and it will cease its function when is no longer needed to learn who you are and what you trully are capable of. I agree paolucci sounds extreme, and his ways are excentric, i have no grip with any of that because i trully don't give a fuck anymore, but i stand by what i said, the difference between people who move on from this general and others is their lack of understanding of your experience. Put aside your ego, this is not about "being right" because you will always be, this is not about "proving something" because you will have (and already had) every proof that you need. For some reason you still here.

Change your worldview and it follow suits, but stick to your guns, this is what i refer to when i say "just decide". Not lifting arm bullshit, no ritual, no SATS. Just decide, accept that IS TRUE, allow shit to happen. Do this in any way you see fit. If methods didn't work is because is not about methods, you are going straight to the root of the problem and changing permantly your way to observe things. This is the sole purpose of UL, to finally accept life as your own dream.

>Further reading won't help me.
Remember to don't go over material with your mind fixed in "not working" or "this wont do", you can ditch all this shit and just decide, but if this is the case, again, read Murphy, he talks about this when it comes to the bible, reading things or doing this with a fixed mind of failure outcome may be what's cockblocking you.
>What is ATWA?
still can't find it. What even is this acronym?
>Advanced Financial Gain Through Universal Line
And also can't find this. It's like it's been disappeared from search engines. I can find references to this, but never the actual source material
>>What is ATWA?
still can't find it. What even is this acronym?
>Archivement Throught Wholeness of Awareness. Check the mega library, the epub is there
>>Guides and methods > John Paolucci
okay, thanks
I will never stop insiting how you people miss out things this easily. In the OP is the compilled PDF of (most of) his works, here >>39540831

And i mentioned here where ATWA >>39541014
I understand that maybe this amount of information is overwhelming. Maybe is this idea that "nothing i do work", but i swear, this is going straight to the source of things: Your experience, your perception of life, your worldview. All of these things are easily malleable by You. Don't fall for anons, don't fall for reddit users, don't fall for gurus. Look within. The UL material is aimed to idealism because is about putting your ideals over everything else. YOU ARE NOT YOUR SENSES, pair up UL with TG and you will get it eventually.

I will keep repeating this. Read the material. And not just read, actually do something. "Doing something" could be anything. Do what you think is right.
okay reading through this one about universal line

And it kinda sounds like bull shit
>Can someone explain to me the 10 minute command session from Universal Line
specifically the three-step process? I am still trying to wrap my head around this
>You are literally sitting and intentionally doing nothing as a means to get your result. This is
why you remain conscious of why you are sitting there and doing it instead of dreaming yourself
away like in SATS or whatever. The reason you close your eyes and relax is because this time
isn’t about focusing on wave, it is about being line. If a wave such as a negative or disparaging thought enters your head, that is still a valid part of your session and does not invalidate it,
because that negative thought is just wave and you are line, you are not responsible for reacting
to or responding to wave during this time, you just sit for 10 minutes and do nothing, there is no
way to fail this or to mess it up even if you open your eyes, scratch your ass, or think something

>so don’t fall victim to the wave of ”I don’t know enough yet about
Who I am”, that’s just another wave, you will do everything right now with what you now know,
it is always sufficient, you never fail.

"even if it doesn't work, it still worked"
Okay, so that means it didn't work.
"if it didn't work, that means you didn't want it to work. You are god, so that means you used your all powerful god powers to make it not work"
Okay, but that still means it didn't work.
How to make it work? These instructions are basically useless, if you follow them and they don't work.
What is more important (going along this perspective) is to figure out how to change yourself so these instructions actually do work.
Not some gas lighting or head-fake, where you try the technique which supposedly never fails or can't fail... and yet it fails, then claiming "Actually I was trying to fail"

>okay reading through this one about universal line

And it kinda sounds like bull shit
>Can someone explain to me the 10 minute command session from Universal Line specifically the three-step process? I am still trying to wrap my head around this
>You are literally sitting and intentionally doing nothing as a means to get your result. This is why you remain conscious of why you are sitting there and doing it instead of dreaming yourself away like in SATS or whatever. The reason you close your eyes and relax is because this time isn’t about focusing on wave, it is about being line. If a wave such as a negative or disparaging thought enters your head, that is still a valid part of your session and does not invalidate it, because that negative thought is just wave and you are line, you are not responsible for reacting to or responding to wave during this time, you just sit for 10 minutes and do nothing, there is no way to fail this or to mess it up even if you open your eyes, scratch your ass, or think something bad.

>so don’t fall victim to the wave of ”I don’t know enough yet about Who I am”, that’s just another wave, you will do everything right now with what you now know, it is always sufficient, you never fail.

"even if it doesn't work, it still worked"
Okay, so that means it didn't work.
"if it didn't work, that means you didn't want it to work. You are god, so that means you used your all powerful god powers to make it not work"
Okay, but that still means it didn't work.
How to make it work? These instructions are basically useless, if you follow them and they don't work.
What is more important (going along this perspective) is to figure out how to change yourself so these instructions actually do work.
Not some gas lighting or head-fake, where you try the technique which supposedly never fails or can't fail... and yet it fails, then claiming "Actually I was trying to fail"
>In the OP is the compilled PDF of (most of) his works, here
Yes, I got that now
I tried googling his name, and found his reddit
Then found his completely wack ass pdf I'm The Original Cosmic Supreme Master Right Here
this one
And I'm sorry to say it, but this guy is incoherent.
And it seems like his technique is bull shit, which I explained here
>"even if it doesn't work, it still worked"
>Okay, so that means it didn't work.

But again, I'm willing to give benefit of the doubt. How do you make it actually WORK
Not some gas lighting "oh it worked, but you didn't want it to work, so it worked but it didn't work"
This is nonsense.
But from the perspective of this technique, how do we get to the point where we can actually manifest anything we want just by sitting still for 10 minutes?
Because that would be the real secret sauce, and the whole crux of his technique.
So how do you do that?
Also if you reply to me also replying to trip fags i wont see it, i have them filtered out. I keep coming to these thread to keep tabs once in awhile, but my time left here is running short.

>And it kinda sounds like bull shit
Found your problem (maybe). Are you going to read all this shit with this plan? If the idea of changing the model of reality with endorsing an idea is "bullshit" then drop LoA, forever, is not for you, or maybe is not for you right now. The idea to explore these things is to accept shit as true and having an experience of it to understand that "Oh shit, anything CAN be true", so the part of neville of "there is no fiction" makes sense. But if you go ahead with this with no experience, and "yeah all this is bullshit man" but keep reading, you are already contradicting the meterial, everything. Neville, Murphy, Paolucci, you are not compromising with yourself. Sorry man, but is what i think. If you agree accept it, if you dont, ponder.

>Can someone explain to me the 10 minute command session from Universal Line

Is literally just deciding. I see it as an "infusion", and another crutch provided. Another tool, and these tools are alright. Do what works.

>How to make it work? These instructions are basically useless, if you follow them and they don't work.

I repeat, maybe is your expectations.

>Not some gas lighting or head-fake, where you try the technique which supposedly never fails or can't fail... and yet it fails, then claiming "Actually I was trying to fail"

Yeah, that's why i think pairing it up with TG is a good idea. You allow the experience to arise. You accept the ideas as a fact. You don't look for signals or conventional means, you just have to do it.

Maybe im replying to a bot for the way you type, but what gives
>? If the idea of changing the model of reality with endorsing an idea is "bullshit" then drop LoA
>But if you go ahead with this with no experience
No. I am good at manifesting things. I have experience and I think this is real.
I'm just having trouble understanding how this technique works.
And it doesn't help that the text explaining it says "well if it doesn't work, actually it worked, but you are still god so that means you didn't want it to work, which is what you really wanted, so you actually got what you wanted, you just didn't know it"

No. You sat still for 10 minutes, tried to get something, and it did not work.
So how do we get to the point where it does actually work?
Just try again, sit still for another 10 minutes and hope for the best?
How do we get to the point where you can actually just sit still for 10 minutes and do nothing, and then you get 1000 bucks in your wallet (as the example question asked)?
>This is nonsense.
You will go ahead and read the material with this idea fixed. Drop it if you can't, Paolucci is just one way of seeing things. Murphy, again, is a good alternative, his approach is psychological and can reasonate better with the west and your lineal way of thinking shit. Ordinary cause and effect could work, but you will have to drop it at one point too.

>Because that would be the real secret sauce, and the whole crux of his technique.
There's no fucking secret. There's not definitive technique. How many times i will have to repeat this? How many thread of some faggot bargin in with some groundbreaking technique only to fad and keep the average frustrated chump in line is necessary for you people to realize the truth?

Read Murphy, this is your first and last task in LoA, if Murphy doesnt do, if ACIM doesnt do, take a break, or drop your flags. I genuinelly don't know what to tell you or the other guys in this thread, but you guys have proved here that you guys don't read shit. This is not to get you mad (but if you do, i dont give a damn, actually, is better that you get mad and woke up once and for all) but you really need to heal your mind. The first thing murphy tells you is that all this tension comes from somewhere, and most of the time is what's blocking you. Keep exploring, one of the best teachings of jesus is that if you keep looking you find what are you looking for, this ALWAYS have been true to me, it can be true for you.

>I'm just having trouble understanding how this technique works.
Again, is not the technique, don't become a methodcuck. Is the mindset, is what you accept as true, is your worldview.


Fix your mind if nothing is working, because if that's the case, you need to fix that, is mandatory.
I see a lot of UL suddenly so I am going to throw my 2 cents in.

Paolucci knows what he is talking about, I had firsthand experience with it through other sources when I ran into it here. His method of communication is completely off-putting except to certain rare Anons, I find it nearly impossible to slog through and I would not have gotten the concepts had I not know them already.

That actually leads to another problem: I suspect many Anons don't get UL because they are not ready for that level of information. Once you are ready this all seems simple and logical, but if you aren't it sounds like utter crap.

Good on you if you can make it work for you but I don't think it's suitable for a wide audience and it's certainly not a quick fix.
>>This is nonsense.
>You will go ahead and read the material with this idea fixed. Drop it if you can't
No, I have no problem with it working, or being a good or useful technique.
It's just that "Oh it didn't work, but actually it worked"
"This technique can never fail, you always get what you want, even though you didn't get what you want"
Is literal nonsense. I'm sorry my friend.
Now can you explain that to me without going off on a tangent about how I'm approaching it all wrong?
Can you explain in simple direct terms, how something "doesn't work, but actually it did work!" isn't nonsense?
What is the real factor at play here? Because either there's something I'm not getting (and if so, please explain it to me. Go ahead) or it's nonsense.
>>Because that would be the real secret sauce, and the whole crux of his technique.
>There's no fucking secret. There's not definitive technique.
Yeah again, so you're kinda going off on a tangent again.
If I try the technique that supposedly never fails, and then it fails... something has gone wrong.
And if I can somehow make the technique actually work, just by sitting still and doing nothing for 10 minutes, and hey, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt here, HOW do I do that?
Like in the example question. How do I manifest 1000 bucks in my wallet right now? Just by sitting still for 10 minutes?
And let's say I try it. And it doesn't work.
How do I get from point A to point B, where I actually CAN just manifest 1000 bucks in my wallet by sitting still for 10 minutes.
I am willing to listen to you.
>Again, is not the technique, don't become a methodcuck. Is the mindset, is what you accept as true, is your worldview.
Yes, that's exactly what I said above.
What is the mindset, and how do I get there?
And if I still do the technique of sitting still and doing nothing, and it doesn't work, how do I change my mindset so this does work?
>No. You sat still for 10 minutes, tried to get something, and it did not work.

Why were you sitting? Because if you didn't have a plan, and lay sitting there for nothing, well, you get nothing. Also, is not about to "try", you do something to "try" and you get the experience of "trying", you have to go STRAIGHT to get it. The reason why UL put all these excersises is that you do something as mundane as doing nothing TO GET SOMETHING, not to try, if not to GET IT. The implications of this would be that you could do ANYTHING and interpret it as "a way to get things done" and get shit done. Is making up your mind, and doing this with intention. He mentions it several times in AWTW. He's not vague, he's just detailed, really detailed, is what filters people the most from this.

>So how do we get to the point where it does actually work?
Change your worldview, ditch your methods. There is nothing such as "enlightenment". The ultimate lesson of this is that life is a dream or a nightmare, and you have to wake up and take control. But being already your dream, you already in control, but you have to figure it out. This is what filters the most of people. Murphy directly says to ask for the answer, coming to you at sudden. maybe that could work.
>The reason why UL put all these excersises is that you do something as mundane as doing nothing TO GET SOMETHING, not to try, if not to GET IT. The implications of this would be that you could do ANYTHING and interpret it as "a way to get things done" and get shit done.
okay great. That's fine. And I agree with that. You can really use whatever technique you want.
However. If you say "this technique never fails" but actually it does, that is nonsense. If you say "this technique worked, but it didn't work but actually you're god so you didn't want to work, so it worked but it didn't" that is straight nonsense I am sorry. It worked but it didn't work?
No. That just means it didn't work. But let's make this more simple.

Let's say an anon sits down with his wallet in front of him.
He tries to manifest 1000 bucks in it.
He sits down, for 10 minutes, doing nothing.
He opens the wallet. There is not 1000 bucks there. That is a failure, that means it did not work.
So what should he do now?
How would that anon actually fix his problem, and actually get that 1000 bucks? What advice would you give him? What should he do differently, or how should he think differently?
How would YOU do this, so that you could just sit down, and open up your wallet and somehow there is 1000 bucks in there (that wasn't there before)?

ULanon, one that got 10k with UL, did at least 2 sessions of 10 minutes along with studying daily and giving thumbs up anytime he thought it doesnt work he doesnt have money etc and after many sessions he got 10k. there is even a short pdf about his proof and explanation of UL
>That actually leads to another problem: I suspect many Anons don't get UL because they are not ready for that level of information. Once you are ready this all seems simple and logical, but if you aren't it sounds like utter crap.
Having tried to read it, I agree.
UL is particularly difficult to read (being basically nonsensical most of the time), and if you're already "against" ideas like manifesting, then it paolucci will jump out as especially offensive to normie sensibilities
I still have no idea what exactly UL has to offer that is special or useful. It sounds pretty basic and simple, and doesn't really explain anything differently than any other book
"You are god. You can manifest anything you want. To change the outer world, change yourself"
like the other anon said
>>it's all about (You)
>no shit, every LoA 'guru' and his grandma says this. The real question is how to effectively change self.
The entire secret sauce is how to change yourself
"Just change yourself bro" "Just accept that you are god"
No. That is terrible advice because when you give it to people... they don't listen and it doesn't work.
How to actually get people from point A to point B, so that they really can change on the inside, that would be far more impressive advice or a "system" if you want to think about it that way.
"Just change bro, it's easy, just change" might ultimately be true, but most people can't accept that.
Again, it's how to get from point A to point B. How do you teach someone who is shit at manifesting to actually manifest what they want? That's the real secret sauce here.
"Once you realize you're god, you can manifest anything" is basically useless advice because people don't believe they are god. How can someone recognize they are an all powerful god?
Show your ability, move into the ranks; if you can’t do that, then step aside.
>ULanon, one that got 10k with UL, did at least 2 sessions of 10 minutes along with studying daily and giving thumbs up anytime he thought it doesnt work he doesnt have money etc and after many sessions he got 10k. there is even a short pdf about his proof and explanation of UL
Yeah, I read it, it's this thing
The problem is, that's the example I'm using. And the author of that pdf used that example, of sitting still doing nothing for 10 minutes and getting 1000 bucks.... and then just drops off, doesn't explain it, and goes off on another tangent.
And it seems like the other guy in this thread trying to explain UL... well I won't say it's as bad as paolucci himself (that man is incoherent and actually insane, though maybe there could be useful info in there if I could somehow slog through and find the method to his madness) are also not very good at explaining things
Go on on tangents, never actually answer a direct firm question with a direct firm answer.
I'm guessing they "get" paolucci because they are also little "off".
And hey, that's okay. I guess that just is what it is. Maybe for the anons who like that sort of thing, they can read paolucci. And there are people who dance to the beat of their own drum, and that's okay.
I still don't really quite understand what is so special about paolucci, or what he says which is so different or useful, compared to other authors. He seems very incoherent though, and hard to read. That's mostly what I got out of this adventure into trying (keyword: trying) to read UL and paolucci.

You're missing the point of UL. It's when you can prove One Thing like you know that water is wet is when you'll be manifesting consistently. That takes a lot of time studying materials and doing sessions. Neville and others never bothered to prove why everything is one thing and why can you manifest, but UL (and some other non-dualism sources) do
>Show your ability, move into the ranks; if you can’t do that, then step aside.
What are you trying to say here?
> is when you'll be manifesting consistently.
I already am.
>That takes a lot of time studying materials and doing sessions.
I guess? Depends on the person. Some people start off and straight away they get results. Other people struggle and struggle and don't get much.
Different people get different results. It is what it is.
>You're missing the point of UL.
Yeah, and I'm not sure I ever will "get" it. Seems like a lot of spilled ink, extra fluff, symbolism, making entire new systems filled with more jargon and terminology for....
Yeah I'm not exactly sure what. I think it should just be simple. Boil it down to its raw essentials, and then just do it. Whatever works for you, just do it. Keep manifesting more and more. Do magic every day.
>Neville and others never bothered to prove why everything is one thing and why can you manifest, but UL (and some other non-dualism sources) do
I'll have to trust your word on that one. I think paolucci is crazy, but maybe somewhere in there is some incredible insight.
What? I really need help or I’m FUCKED
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The reason why i love Neville is because faith finally did make sense for me. Everything you have to do is to have faith in what you are. There is something beautiful in his teachings because just like Jesus, you rise from the dark and reborn into light. Paolucci falls apart for me because is ditch this simple confidence to sistematize something that doesn't have to be intelectualized, it takes away the beauty of it all. At least in my opinion.

Since i discovered LoA i only had my Bible, Murphy and Neville, and i have never been happier. It gave a new meaning to my relationship with god and with life, and this emotional understading is what makes it click for me. My prayers were finally answered. This is just something that i have never found nowhere else, this reconciliation between my soul and my reality. I trully feel i don't need anything else from now on. This sense of belonging and prosperity while keeping your humanity is what i think christ trully intended.
>after a few months of trying to get a tennis ball or ladder with no luck, I was told that it was because I didn't truly want it so there was no strong intention (which is true I suppose).
That's not it. There's no strong intention but there's also zero resistance to something as inconsequential as that. If you did it correctly a ladder/ladders should appear. Are you sure you did it correctly?
>Are you sure you did it correctly?
lmao it's like clockwork
Same. I had a health scare and existential crisis, I was raised Catholic by atheist parents bc of the school I went to, but by adulthood I was just confused, I still held on to bits of Christ that resonated but I wasn’t religious. During my health scare I thought I was going to die, I almost did. I started researching the occult reading Tibetan book of the dead, emerald tablet (which have manifestation teachings but I didn’t realize) etc etc. eventually I was left with nothing because none of the religions/teachings brought any solace. That was until I discovered Neville and it feels like I have been reborn in the light, I don’t feel scared anymore, it makes sense and I can test it and see results. It’s brought me to realize what Christ was actually teaching and you’re right the emotional beauty of it really brings meaning/happiness

You don't even need to read entire UL. You can just spend time with first page or two in advanced financial gain where he explains why any two or more things need something third in common. Then, when you fully understand that, move on to next page
>I still don't really quite understand what is so special about paolucci, or what he says which is so different or useful
What Paolucci is doing is cutting to the core. Everything is One thing, you are part of that One thing so you are all of it.

That's also not necessarily useful information for Anons that just want their things. I'm not against that, in fact I encourage it because you only get a slim sliver of time where you can manifest easily before you realize everything is irrelevant.
I've done my affirmations, and visualizations for the day. I made sure to do a brief fast before the new year as well. I've also been combining this with semen retention, 5 days into the streak. Won't mention what my manifestations are, just to be safe, but am feeling good on my progress and that the manifestation has worked.
>You don't even need to read entire UL. You can just spend time with first page or two in advanced financial gain where he explains why any two or more things need something third in common. Then, when you fully understand that, move on to next page
I'm not entirely sure what I would get if I even tried to understand the first page, nor do I think it likely that I would really understand it anyway.
Much less "page" 2. They aren't really pages of a book, more like different segments of an art project.
Paolucci isn't really trying to give you coherent information, more trying to ... how do I put this. "Express" himself in some kind of indirect poetic way. And that's great, but I'm not sure if he's even trying to communicate to the audience in any way that's understandable. So I don't see much point in reading it.
>What Paolucci is doing is cutting to the core. Everything is One thing, you are part of that One thing so you are all of it.
"You are god" "You are the universe" "You are the Source" "you can control everything" "the outside world is merely a reflection of what's in you"
Again, not really any ground breaking stuff here. So I'm not really sure what paolucci says which is so special, or different, or useful
Emphasis on the "useful" part. Reading his shit is like smacking myself in the head with a hammer.
Finally have a bit of downtime after traveling again out of state and before I head out again

>Leave your worries behind.
Currently am telling myself to do it, I find it ridiculous I really put too much thought into everything. Its like a crazy meta build I have that needs some good aim to be viable with my inner monologue.

I NEED to just develop the habit of commanding my own mind to stop.

>it's funny that you even overthink breathing.
That's what I've been saying this whole time with my own thinking, its that bad. What is second hand to me is delving into random things and my own fears. Now that is the "normality" I don't want anymore, its the real insanity

Then again you can't blame me for coming to the statement I had, it sounded dead on you knew what I dealt with. Cats outta the bag for the better.

>Trust is hard to find in the hurt.
It really is, my parents reminded me indirectly my own tendencies that they also have. Oddly enough I was scolded since I wasn't affiliated with the church anymore and that being the reason why I have "bad energies" and lack of God's "permission" I found their talks really off putting, very second cause-y and reminds me of my own patterns. REALLY fucking sucks.

Outside of that, had an accidental manifest happen that I didn't intend on manifesting. So yeah I think LoA might be getting a bit easier but idk too sure.

>And you are holding on saying "I can't let go!!"
I am holding onto the belief one way or another, I gave up on closure on the past since its the present me thats determine what is what today and future wise. Plus its really what I think now i what creates the resistance. Its all me today thats the reason im stuck, not what happened a while back

I need more time to think the last part–I will be traveling so that shoudl give me time to think. Happy New Years!
Then stop complaining and move on. Holy shit, dude, you've spent a quarter of this thread complaining it doesn't work for you while other teachings do. Just stick with those.
It's only irrelevant if you think it's irrelevant. If you can care about characters and things in a video game or movie, you can care about reality even when you know everything is an illusion.
>It's only irrelevant if you think it's irrelevant
I'm the poster child for enjoying the fiction, but this was a little too real for me. Maybe that's the problem?

But if you asked me if I would give up what I know now and just perfectly manifest in bliss I never would.

Growing up is hard to do :)
So now what do you do? I thought you were a based teacher but you can’t even manifest anymore? What’s the point then
>So now what do you do?
I still manifest, it's just taking less effort to do so. In a lot of cases I don't have to do anything at all for things to work out the way I want them to.

That ease is great, but it's also a problem for a challenge addict like myself. Also I liked it better when I thought other people were actually other people. Learning the truth is a mixed bag, but I still wouldn't give it back :)
>Then stop complaining and move on. Holy shit, dude, you've spent a quarter of this thread complaining it doesn't work for you while other teachings do. Just stick with those.
Well I just spent the last couple hours giving the benefit of the doubt and honestly trying to figure out what "incredible" and "ground breaking" knowledge paolucci has to offer, only to run into a bunch of frustration and basically zero answers.
I mean not a single straight answer. A bunch of incoherent nonsense, tangents, and non sequiturs from his fans.
Like the one I just got.
I asked "What does paolucci do that is so special, useful, or helpful" and I got the same stuff that everyone says
"You are god" "you are the one" "you just have to realize you have the power, and you have it"
Yeah this is nothing new.
So from now on, I'm going to just ignore anyone talking about paolucci becuse it seems all his fans are a little crazy too, and can't seem to give any straight simple direct answer to straight simple direct questions.
And reading paolucci, or trying to anyway, also doesn't seem to be much help. So yeah.
It is what it is. There's always going to be a few "experiment" or "eccentric" (this is putting it politiely) books out there. That have some useful stuff in there, but man the signal to noise ratio is just garbage.
No real need to sort through all the weeds, when other people just explain things simply and easily.
People with schizophrenia are really just selfish honestly. They love to talk, but they don't really care if anyone understands them.
>cant' even manifest a ladder
Alright then if you're sure you did it correctly then it must be because loa isn't real. So quit loa. No need to come here anymore
Until you accept that your search for the secret sauce is keeping you from the secret sauce, you'll never get UL.
Nta but making reality dreamlike sounds like a lot of fun. I'm gonna do it.
Why does he need to accept anything? If he doesn't get it, then he doesn't get it. It doesn't matter

You haven't read a single page, you're just complaining here

benefit of the doubt, no, you just want everything on a silver platter like a spoiled brat you are

you don't wanna devote, you just wanna lazy your way out of some 'secret method' that's gonna manifest instantly

ain't gonna work like that, you gotta put in the hours, dozen of hours studying practising and not moaning on here

muh art muh schozo no you're just a lazy fuck
Ah I see what you mean. Yeah the realizing everyone is me and they don’t have free will was scary. Sometimes I let go of everything and forget then come back to that realization. I’m still working through old patterns that keep showing up and learning so I haven’t gotten the super easy manifestations for some reason but I guess it doesn’t matter. I just make sure I affirm “everything always works out and usually better” and it does. I don’t have that fear/anxiety of 3D anymore, just on an existential level of seeing reality for what it is. Oh well, I guess it’s like changing the channel on tv or playing a different game
>Until you accept that your search for the secret sauce is keeping you from the secret sauce,
I already understand that. That point has been beaten to death, over and over in this very thread.
>"You are god" "you are the one" "you just have to realize you have the power, and you have it"
>Yeah this is nothing new.
In the post you are replying to. And every other post in this thread explaining how UL isn't ground breaking, and doesn't have some special thing in it.
>you'll never get UL.
It seems like all the paolucci fanboys think there is some incredible amazing insight, some secret mystery to "get" in his art project.
They can't in any way actually explain what that is, but they assure you there is one.
Now, apparently, in yet another linguistic flourish of absolute nonsense, they claim there is no secret sauce, but ALSO there is something to "get" in UL (which is a contradiction)
While ignoring the 15 billion posts explaining exactly that point, beating that horse to death already, in this thread.
You can't fix stupid.
I guess they really want to feel special, and members of an exclusive club.

>If he doesn't get it, then he doesn't get it. It doesn't matter
Again, as noted above (and in many other posts besides), the point in question has already been made and beaten to death.
"You are god" "Just accept you have the power" "everything is you pushed out"
This is nothing new.
>Nta but making reality dreamlike sounds like a lot of fun. I'm gonna do it.
It is fun, it can also be confusing but I guess that's the point. Reality becomes a bit more destabilized.
Things can "move around" and it's easier to get lost. But it's also easier to manifest things for that very reason.
I think I should do it more often.
>You haven't read a single page, you're just complaining here
No, not really. I really did try to ask these paolucci fanboys to explain what's so special about UL or whatever the fuck it's called and not a single one could explain it.
Not a single one.
I read multiple pdfs, posts in multiple forums, googled, went to paolucci's reddit, and I have to say his stuff is just hot garbage. It's not really a book, it's more like an art project, and not a very coherent one
>you don't wanna devote, you just wanna lazy your way out of some 'secret method' that's gonna manifest instantly
No, not really. But that was EXACTLY what was promised, and so I was patient and asked for an explanation.
"How does that work?" A very simple question. And the answer I got was pure nonsense.
"Well it works, but it doesn't work"
"This method cannot fail. It is always successful. So even if it doesn't work, it still worked"
Yeah that's garbage, sorry.
And then, FINALLY when the debate turned back to the original and most important fucking point which was mad at the VERY BEGINNING of this entire debacle, that if "the world is you, then changing the world requires changing yourself, so HOW do you change yourself?" those guys had nothing.
"Just change yourself bro"
Yeah that's terrible advice. Is that ultimately how it works? Yeah. But it's useless because the average person can't do it and they have to work at it.
>ain't gonna work like that, you gotta put in the hours, dozen of hours studying practising
Which I have already done. I am already good at manifesting things, and I am interested in learning new techniques, new perspectives, and talking to new people. That's why I tried to learn whatever the fuck paolucci was trying to preach. But the dude is crazy. It is what it is. His "work" isn't really meant to be understood. It's just his art project. An act of self expression.
And that's fine. but it's not very useful.
>life is an endless SATS session.
Damn. That's deep
>"if the world is you, then changing the world requires changing yourself, so HOW do you change yourself?"
I'm going to ask this question again next thread. I think it really the heart of how to make more progress at manifesting.
And I think there are certain core practices that work for most people to rethink their perspective, rewire their brains, and sort of push off in a new direction.
I'm interested to hear what other people have to say about this.
Honestly even the confusion part, if the dream is overall fine and you have a good feeling about it, it should be fine so irl should be fine too. I get lucid dreams sometimes and I love the fluidity of them, having that kind of frictionless existence irl seems awesome.
i don't even care about the complete shitshow that has transpired in this thread overnight but god DAMN these two pages slid SO MUCH into place for me all at once.
gonna deep dive through UL now, no wonder book-anon called it "the end" a couple threads back

and for everyone raving about "BUT HOOWW" anons that IS the work
find out YOUR way of stopping in your negative beliefs and cultivating ones that serve you better, find your ways of expanding your perspective, tips and videos and plebbit will only get you so far
you gotta take radical control of your own mind and the things it throws at you. you have all the literature and your brain will literally make manifest anything you want to be real.
but if you can't even take ownership of the garbage in your life as having come from yourself, it's pretty clear to me why you guys can't even manifest a tennis ball - clearly you will never own up to being a master and a creator, both things signify too much power.
it's ok to be scared, just stop lying to yourself at some point
it's brilliant really
>try thing and it works: see told you it worked
>try thing and it fails: uhhh sweaty are you sure you did everything correctly? bet you didn't believe hard enough…
pedolucci $hill$ b t f o 'd
Nah it's quite simple
>1) you didn't do it correctly
>2) the law isn't real

1) is an impossibility according to you which means the law must not be real. So leave. Why are you still here?
3) the "law" isn't a law, it's a metaphysical concept that has some merit to it (and is worth exploring further), but that no one can manipulate to the extent claimed to be possible in these threads
I know “absolutely nothing is impossible to manifest” is a common refrain on here, but how far does that really go? I have a desire for something that is completely “impossible”, contradicts biology and physics and has never been done before. Going off how a lot of people talk on here this should be a commonplace happening for practicers of the law, yet I’ve never heard of such things. Not a troll, genuinely wanting someone to enlighten me as to the seeming discrepancy between what’s said on here and what actually (doesn’t) happen irl
From the PDF:
>So if you really read the Advanced Financial Gain stuff, he covers why this is and what to do to overcome it. The relevant term to search in both documents is ”proof loop” and ”proof-loop” (the hyphens are where he talks about breaking it) if you want to take a peek. Think of it like this:
>1. You intend ”I have free food”
>2. You look, and you don’t have free food
>3. You think ”Well, guess I don’t have free food”

>That last thought gets taken in, right? It’s no weaker than the first thought, but it was also
the state you were in before you intended to get free food. So that’s why you prioritize your inner self, being indifferent to what you see.

>...The weakness and strength of the UL stuff is that it explains to you why that you’re God
first, without needing to manifest anything to give you proof.
>The weakness is that you don’t really get to go to the practical stuff without that explanation.
>The strength is that it actually lets you logically sort out why things are the way they are, without just blindly trusting (which leads to half-hearted belief) any random poster or some Neville quote that says that you’re God.

fucking based
>the "law" isn't a law
>but that no one can manipulate to the extent claimed to be possible in these threads
Yawn, it's that same dumbfuck again and of course he has understood nothing
record yourself breathing fire while floating mid-air
>dumbfuck says even more dumbfuck things
This guy will never get it and it's great. Remember to practice the law and ignore dumbfucks like these
lilanon will say it's possible, but bear in mind that he also says he was a vampire at one point, he ages at "half speed", and he admitted to not being sane, so make of that what you will
it's clear no LoA "master" who wrote books on the subject has ever defied the laws of physics, and no anon here is a "master" to begin with
what, you can't do it? how come?
Presumably due to a lack of belief. The law works by you believing it works (to dumb it down), and so the more extreme of something you propose, the more difficult it is for someone to believe. If he truly could purge all doubts and truly believe he can breath fire right now, then by the law he could breath fire.
I thought I did. I visualized climbing a ladder as vividly as I could for a few nights before bed, then I repeated that I won't climb it during the day.
No ladder. Idk where I may have went wrong, I tried this 2 or 3 times in total.
Also idk if I'd say there's no resistance. While I don't have any resistance to ladders, I do have some resistance to conscious manifestation, so maybe some deep part of my mind was thinking "this is bullshit" for something as mundane as a ladder.
Before I discovered the law, I've had it happen where whatever I think about, I'd consistently get the opposite. Good or bad. For example I'd see something in the store I want, go home to get money to buy it, thinking about it excitedly the whole time, and it's gone when I'm back 30 minutes later.
Experience trumps everything. If you only read theories from other people, you'll almost certainly get analysis paralysis since there are so many contradictions in people's methods.

>persist x let go
>intense desire x not caring
>focus on many things x focus on one thing
>do conscious actions together with your manifestation x don't do any conscious action, just manifest

So on and so forth. People try to reconcile those in many ways but it's still confusing. So just try everything and really pay attention to what worked and what didn't after a while. Anytime something at least minimally "major" or specific works, reflect intensely on everything you did for it to work.
Basically take your thoughts super serious. Like I am getting to the point where I never lose stuff. It is a feeling almost of disconnection and then I KNOW where it is and it is right there everytime. I used to lose things constantly.
>Yeah the realizing everyone is me and they don’t have free will was scary. Sometimes I let go of everything and forget then come back to that realization.
I still deal with people as they present themselves at the moment, but I get frequent reminders that it is not so. A begger this morning I tried to give a blessing to refused it, they chose this path. A friend of mine is doing "it's complicated" with someone they met recently and she pointed out that he does exactly what she does that piss other people off. She flat said the universe sent her a mirror to show her that.

> I’m still working through old patterns that keep showing up and learning so I haven’t gotten the super easy manifestations for some reason
You may not have noticed it, but I bet some of your manifests are stupid easy now. Not all of them, but I bet more than a handful. I still have manifests I need to SATS for but other stuff I just think of and it's done.

>I just make sure I affirm “everything always works out and usually better” and it does
That's a powerful one. Try to also do the "I've already made it/won"- because you have. You're far along enough on the path that you cannot leave it for long, even if you want to.

> I don’t have that fear/anxiety of 3D anymore
Awesome :)

I'll see you at the end.

>And I think there are certain core practices that work for most people to rethink their perspective, rewire their brains, and sort of push off in a new direction.
Yep, it can be as simple as changing your mind, or doing deep hypnosis sessions, visualizations or rituals to push the change.

At base, we are awareness. What we are aware of and what we focus on determines everything.
>Presumably due to a lack of belief
Don't forget lack of desire. That Anon that's asking us to showboat is challenging us to provide HIS desires for his consideration.

Not only do I not have a desire to showboat for him, I have no desire to do the things he is coming up with.

Desire has to be genuine, your deep mind knows when you are not into it and does not respond as a safety mechanism
>I thought I did. I visualized climbing a ladder as vividly as I could for a few nights before bed, then I repeated that I won't climb it during the day.
Did you start doing the "I won't climb a ladder" after the 3rd day?

Also, were you visualizing you were climbing a ladder or did you believe you were? The visualization and making it as real as possible is meant to trick your mind into believing it happened(or will).
he cant even count to twelve idk if i should trust him
My manifestations have sort of taken the form of lying in bed, thinking very happy thoughts until my stomach relaxes completely and feels very warm, then the emotions take over. It feels like it sets at that point, is this what anyone else gets?
>Did you start doing the "I won't climb a ladder" after the 3rd day?
I did

>Also, were you visualizing you were climbing a ladder or did you believe you were? The visualization and making it as real as possible is meant to trick your mind into believing it happened(or will).
I definitely visualized it, and I thought I believed it, in the sense of 'this is sure to happen', though clearly I didn't if it didn't happen.
I was skimming through the book summaries of neville goddard (which is a great refresher since it boils down everything to raw essentials) and came across this
>Manifestations appear through consciousness, and it is important to focus on the
desired consciousness before expecting the manifestation to appear
It's so important. You focus on what you would feel or perceive if XYZ thing happened, and it will appear in the world.
This means that consciousness somehow decides reality.
And that the way to make manifestation happen is to replicate the same state of mind you would have if it did manifest.
I remember all the times I learned magic, and got better at manifesting things. When I doubted it, or sort of thought "this won't work, it's just a joke" and it did work, I thought "Holy shit! This is real?!"
And that reaction kept happening.
I think that is what broke down my resistance to magic working, and what made me stronger at doing magic. The "Holy shit, this is real?!" reaction. Other people will have different reactions.
But now remembering that, I think I will focus on that specific reaction, if there is something I have difficult manifesting.
"This isn't real" "It's all fake" "I can't do it" "Well that didn't work, once again, what did I expect?"
Whenever I have those thoughts, I will instead simulate the experience of it actually working, and focus on my reaction in the future of "This is real?! This works?!"
And I think that will wear down the resistance I have in the present. Which will then make it actually happen (sooner), meaning the future will occur quicker so the future and the present will be the same.
Meaning what I imagine or simulate in the present as some event "in the future" will just happen "right now", and the future and present will be the same.
Which is exactly what people want. How do I get manifesting to work better? I think this is the real key.
Focus on what it felt like when you "proved" it worked.
If I asked for someone to be brought into my life, how do I know who is the right person or if they're even here yet?
Be careful because if you get to the top of the meter they'll probably just kill you.
I’ve only recently gotten into mysticism and I’ve been experimenting with various mindfulness practices around LoA, Taoism, etc with encouraging results. Through self reflection I’ve realized how many things in my life have been the result of trusting the universe and letting go, which has really helped me get out of my head and live a happier life.

But since I’ve started doing this, I keep waking up with scratches on my body. Particularly around my neck. Does anyone else experience this?
>Whenever I have those thoughts, I will instead simulate the experience of it actually working, and focus on my reaction in the future of "This is real?! This works?!"
another thing I remember was this "Feeling of destiny" or reality getting "weird"
Things lining up strangely, weird little coincidences or "signs". These are called synchronicities.
And when I did a big amount of magic, I would start to see all these weird little signs, things lining up, matching, symbols, stuff like that.
And I think I can just replicate that.
So in doing my experiment of walking out of the house and finding money on the ground (just laying out there), instead of doing that in a normal state of mind, I will do my manifestation beforehand, and then induce the "feeling of destiny" and "things feel weird".
I might also experiment with "anything could happen" and "reality is becoming like a dream" which I tried last night though it didn't work. So I think I'll go back to the "feeling of destiny" thing and try that instead this time.
>"Feeling of destiny" or reality getting "weird"

I know exactly what you mean. There’s a definite vibe shift once you realize what’s going on
I wonder how it can be explained that you think 'this is bullshit it won't work' etc but it still comes to pass. I mean, if I had a new car, I wouldn't be thinking that the idea of a new car is bullshit, so clearly 'state' doesn't necessarily mean you even need to believe it.
>I wonder how it can be explained that you think 'this is bullshit it won't work' etc but it still comes to pass.
yes, there are many people who try it as a joke, and it works
and other people who do a ritual, and think "yeah that's the one" like it's totally certain it will work, and it fails
I think the easy confidence is the most likely to work, the way you are confident you can walk down the hall
Of course you can just walk down the hall. you just do it. you do it without thinking.
But how to get from point A to point B? If it's not easy for you, and you can't just assume it will work like that?
How can you really get to that point, where it's "just easy" and "of course it will work"? I think that's the real process at play here. Once you get there, manifesting is easy.
I manifested my wife and children into my life. I can share some thoughts that might be helpful.

Don’t think about a specific person or what you’d have to do to get a girl to like you. You have to imagine what it would feel like to already have it.

Imagine being in love. Imagine traveling the world together. Imagine doing the mundane together. Imagine introducing her to your friends and family. How would you feel? Imagine how nervous you’d be as you propose to her, or standing at the alter on your wedding day.

Then, I think this is what was critical, is I realized the girl in my dreams is a real person who is alive and exists right now!

Throughout the day I would randomly think “I wonder what my future wife is doing right now”

You have to cement into your mind the idea that your person is real.
Thanks Anon. I've already daydreamed a lot about the first things, so I'll start realizing she's someone out there alive in the world right now. How will I know once I find her?
you can do all that but thinking of an specific person and will work the same, i know because i did it
Everybody talking about SPs, has anyone manifested becoming a hot Chad and having lots of casual sex, women flocking to you at clubs, etc?

Not personally, but I know a guy
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so, is indivisible and completeness supposed to be two separate attributes because if they are one thing its only 11 attributes of ONE thing. Also since I made the handshake (I know he knows i Know) that means im good for my return no matter what conclusions i make. and yet... no return. Starting to feel like im being bamboozled by a charlatan. I've been reading this shit for like 6 months and no changes... If anyone reads UL can you help please?
meant all-inclusive not indivisible my mistake.

you've read it for 6 months, alright

can you confidently say that everything has a reference field?

and I recommend advanced financial gain pdf instead of new overcomplicated materials
No that's the whole problem I think, I don't know how to increase agreement with the statement, or know that its true more. I can see how if the first fact is true everything else follows but I need to know the first fact is true more strongly.

He said not to read the old materials but ill try that one out. Thanks for the response.

Yeah, if you don't get point 1 everything else crumbles. His old texts explain it way better than just new one Presence of "Universe gone" which is confusing af

Advanced financial gain part 1 & 2 and maybe I am totality and it will finally make sense
ok ill read it thank you, hopefully that one will make me get the first point better.
Nice. Just LoA or did he do anything else?

Not loa, subliminals. However he got lucky, it was lightning in a bottle thing for him. When I did everything exactly as he did I got no results
Interesting, I also got no results with subliminals. Frankly I thought they were bullshit but I believe you. Why do you think he got lucky? Did he have a good self concept regarding women or maybe had results with subliminals for minor stuff before etc
I manifested being extremely attractive, even people who never spared me a glance or treated me with indifference now constantly stop me to compliment or talk to me.

No I did not change my looks, I look the same as ever. No manifestation requires that you do anything other than feel.

No, he got piss poor self concept actually when he was morphing. The only reason he morphed, is because he believed that specific sub will work and that it will grant him a specific result. And he was listening to youtube sublimjnals for years before with zero change, he was desperate

The only thing that matters is belief, or expactation that something will work, and you can't force that. It came organically for him due to specific circumstances
Good to know. That's probably exactly what I want. Did you just imagine people complimenting you, etc?
I've been getting frustrated because I'm having trouble with this, haven't been on a date or nothing, so I'm wondering if it might be easier to imagine a different scene.

Interesting, I guess he got lucky.
>Not only do I not have a desire to showboat for him, I have no desire to do the things he is coming up with.
keep coping lil, you know as well as I that you can't - not won't
no anon clearly your faith was not strong enough, it's gotta be you because loa is infallible
I imagined myself beautiful in every reflection, specifically because that is what I look at and value the most. If everyday I see I am beautiful, then that is what others see too.

I also used nightly affirmations.

Try something simpler, complex scenes can be too difficult to hold faith in.
Right, that makes sense, thanks for sharing
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>Praying, then, is recognizing yourself to be that which you desire to be rather than begging God for that which you desire.

>Consciousness being God, one must seek in consciousness for the thing desired by assuming the consciousness of the quality desired. Only as one does this will his prayers be answered.

>To be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being, namely, poverty.

>Prayers, to be successful, must be claimed and appropriated. Assume the positive consciousness of the thing desired.

>With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired.

>When you emerge from the hour of prayer, you must do so conscious of being and possessing that which you heretofore desired.
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>tattoos haven't been removed
One of my hobbies is drawing degenerate porn. If I believe my future girlfriend wouldn't approve of this, should I stop doing it now? If I believe I'm already with her, how do I reconcile the two beliefs? On one hand I'm passionate about drawing what I draw, and on the other hand I want to be with my girlfriend. This is a serious question.
>If I believe my future girlfriend wouldn't approve of this, should I stop doing it now?
Discard this mindset. When you manifest you do not need to do or change anything other than the feeling of having.

Believing you need to change is a lack of faith in LOA. It causes even more doubt because you start to feel inadequate. The girlfriend you manifest is perfect for you.
what does Bill Clinton have to do with LoA?
down with the sickness
I affirm "I am burning visceral fat and subcutaneous fat" and "I am becoming more muscular and stronger".
I affirm, then wait 5 minutes (using a timer), then affirm it again, waiting again. I repeat it a lot of times.
I don't know what you imagine manifestation to mean, but I've seen a bit of my overworked self and you can probably rule the fucking world if you had control over your own mind.
Anon, I ran into the same thing of -
>I know all this shit, why isn't my world changing.

Your world is a reflection of who you are. Your thoughts, the things you encounter "outside" of you and all your circumstances all reflect who you assume to be. So when you get thoughts of "where's my shit, I understand this fully?" Then the answer is in the question. If you understood it fully, then you would have your shit, because you would be your shit.

My suggestion is whenever to you (and to me) is whenever you get thoughts of, "wheres my shit", that's the universe telling you there's something missing in your understanding. Try and go back through in your understanding and find weak/rocky spots or alternatively a non-UL method is to try and identify weaknesses in patterns/thoughts/beliefs surrounding specific manifestations.

> I've been trying to manifest 10k dollars
a - Pure UL, continue to command regardless of perception's conclusion, don't allow the effects of the world you've created affect the one you wish to create. You're the one who decides what your thoughts/ideas/beliefs mean.

b - find specifics in your belief/thought patterns regarding your 10k. Maybe you think money is bad, because some faggot told you that a wealthy man cannot enter heaven or that it's the root of all evil. Maybe you think production and consumption of goods is hurting the environment/world. All of these are just thoughts in your head, that you can change.
>Hurr,durr how do I change them?
Allow them to be there, don't try and fight them and they'll decay on their own, then start to believe/think the patterns you would like. Can be through scripting/sats/dedicated time/affirmations, it's whatever gets your dick hard.

c - A mixture of all - Continue to command, do your preferred "method". Maintain a good mental diet, I prefer letting the thoughts decay and then using my own thought patterns, but ymmv. Identify "when did I start believing this?" Persist a time and a half.
Definitely some beliefs in there anon.

>my future girlfriend wouldn't approve of this

Why? Women are just as degenerate as men. Who do you think reads all that shitty romance smut or reads beastiality fan-fiction or writes naruto pregnancy fan fiction or draws furry porn?
[ this is actually a solid example of attacking specific beliefs/thought patterns from >>39549600 ]

What about big crazy desires? Should I go straight to that or do some smaller ones until I get to crazy big one? Concrete example, manifesting my 2020 vessel with current memories retained
kill me? i'll fucking kill them, i'll kill them with my bare hands if i have to and then take mount meru back from them. i will order this world in the image of god just as it should be.
Anon you're the captain of your ship. You don't need mine or anyone else's permission to do what you want.

If you absolutely must have my advice, the idea/feel of progression can lead you to "am I good enough to get what I actually want" vs straight big crazy can lead to "Am I good enough to get what I actually want and why is it taking so long".
You run into the same issue, which the solution to was covered before (disregard perception's conclusion). I'm going to suggest what JP suggests, live your life AND command what you want. If you want progression, then command for that, if you want your cake now, command for that.

Yeah makes sense, I'll just do my "big" desire first as I cba to get smaller stuff

As with studying UL, any particular tips?
hold your horses pardner, you might wanna go for not having to rely on a "handler" for your personal finances first, then do the world stuff
some thoughts on "everything is you pushed out"
and "the world comes from you, you manifested everything"
I don't remember sitting down and trying to manifest every event of my life. Or every event of the last week, let's say.
I didn't do a SATS session, or affirmations, all those things "just happened"
Or did they? According to this idea, actually I manifested them.
But I didn't really spend any effort to do that. It all "just happened".
And maybe that is the most powerful form of manifesting. When it "just happens". If everything in this world is an illusion that I created, then all the stuff I didn't even think about is way bigger, vast in scope really, compared to the stuff I "tried" to manifest.
So I should stop "trying". It just is. I assume it's like that, in a really easy way. Instead of trying to force it, add a lot of energy, really think it over in my mind, I just think to myself "it just is". And then it is.
So then it's done.
I'll have to experiment with this technique, and try to figure out if I can make it work better, but maybe this is the approach I should be using.
Give yourself time.

Don't "seek" answers, lest you get caught in the cycle of looking for the perfect answer that will solve everything.
Things that help you realize ONE/NO-thing can be in strange places (some of the Triumphant George recommendations are quite good for this and very unusual).
If you get thoughts of "but where's it going to come from", then that means your knowledge chain is shaky and can be shored up, alternatively you can always command, "no i don't need that, here I am, fully in-charge complete."
Read through it, then slow way the fuck down and understand each section before moving on. [What is common reference field->Final reference field non-change why? -> what does this mean in regards to you?], [How does understanding layers of truth serve me?], [Whats so important about the 2 jars?], [whats so important about the 3 jars?], [purpose of the pan of water analogy], [A vs B tile], [purpose of H2O analogy], [what is OAP], [how am I OAP]. This is sufficient to get you jump-started.
Divisive opinion, but you should start commanding even without knowledge backing you up. The knowledge is there to make it easier to transition into commanding, but you never "NEED" it.

Give yourself time.
here is a 2017 q&a for UL content addicts

Here is an interesting question/thought experiment:
How would you explain to a wild man from a jungle what beliefs or state of consciousness is? You can't use any words.
For those saying rituals are not necessary. Lol they are used sinces ages even by kings and queens. If your LOA doesnt work it's because you don't use rituals, period.
but I must admit is sounds very evil and I dont advise to use this
>If your LOA doesnt work it's because you...
...didn't let it work.
Conjuring up mental images in your mind is also an ritual, and it's the only one that is not cringy.
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>go to sleep
>imagine what I desire
>feel as if it's happening at that moment
>be overwhelmed by the feeling
>get agitated
>can't sleep
>feeling is gone
Please, help!
Funny thing is, during the afternoon, when I'm feeling drowsy, even if I don't allow myself to fall asleep, I'm able to assume the wish fulfilled much easier and stronger than before going to sleep at night.
By the way, do you think an intrusive thought during the day can cancel the assumption? Or does it only matter if the thought becomes recurrent and dominant?
How can I properly use rituals and sigils as techniques?
Sleep is not necessary. I've imagined things in the morning that showed up in the '3d' the same day.
>does it only matter if the thought becomes recurrent and dominant
yes, stronger magnet wins.
Is trying to do any of this while constantly depressed a waste of time? Will negative feelings just sabotage anything good I try to manifest?
go speak Mexican in >>/int/
>>>/int/, pardon me
There is no doing it or not doing, as >>39550161
rightly pointed out that even when you don't 'imagine', things still happen (according to your structure of beliefs).
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People keep talking about manifesting an specific person.
How does that work?
Does your will can brainwash another person's mind and make her desire you even if she hates you?
Are some manifestations necessarily harder than others?
Are any of them just not possible?
Other people essentially are you, and have no free will. You can manifest anyone and anything, the only limits are your beliefs and how open minded you are
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What can I do to keep my mind free of intrusive and negative thoughts?
I feel like I'm constantly creating imaginary scenarios for me to fight against other people.
It almost gives me some sort of twisted pleasure.
Is there anything I can do?
I never tried meditation. Does that help? Is there anything better?
How does it work if I agree with most of what Neville teaches, except for his core belief that 'I am God'?
I find his practical techniques resonate with me because they align with many older traditions, such as Christian and Asian philosophies.
From this perspective, is it still possible to manifest an specific person or only if what he says is true?
It doesn’t have to mean “God”, you can view yourself as a higher power, your higher mind/ subconscious etc. your awareness itself is whatever that God is, it took me a while to reconcile that coming from a Christian background. It’s still possible you have to have faith that’s essential
I wouldnt say it's a waste of time, but you will sabotage yourself probably. I'm also a very negative person, and while I still do my SATS and meditations, my main focus is menal diet and introspection to get rid of negative beliefs neuroses and self concepts, while focusing on maintaining a state of easy confidence and presence.

This has the added benefit of already probably being closer to the state of your wish fulfilled anyway.
Being aware of it is the first step, so that's good. When you catch yourself thinking like this, simply observe it. Don't engage with it, don't suppress it, just let those emotions play out in your head and try to remain calm, while watching your mind and body.

Meditation does help in being more aware of your mind, as well as being able to detach from your thoughts and emotions if needed.
As for if there's anything better than meditation, I'm sure there are other methods, see what works for you. For some people it may help to see yourself as a righteous soul fighting demons, for some therapy, for some a yoga retreat.
Personally when I dropped acid I'm high school it helped temporarily, but I didn't have the wisdom or discipline to maintain what I learned, so any benefit I gained from those insights was lost quickly.
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I just read "I'm the Original Cosmic Supreme Master Right Here", and have read a few writings by Neville. I'm busy trying techniques to manifest and develop confidence, I will say that Paolucci's arguments about the world being one substance are pretty intuitive and obviously true, the goal now is to use the power as reality (which everything is fully), to control the world and change it with that intention/power.
Two things worth bringing up to discuss, mostly in the best ways to develop true belief in your power as God to control reality, and that it would seem that these arguments (especially the obviously true one of the universe being one substance/field) more or less remove any morality, no? If anything you interact with is just yourself, then nothing you do to anyone harms anyone but yourself.
Food for thought, I suppose, I am feeling hopeful and looking forward to doing more reading and developing my abilities as the Universal Line, as well as reading Murphy's power of the subconscious mind as well.
need to manifest a 5m house anons. how 2.
is it working, guys? or are people here just coping
>and sometimes my manifesting still doesn't work (and I don't know why), other times it works when I thought it wouldn't and it's also a mystery.

Life is made of random events, you just experienced this and proved to yourself LoA is not real.
anyone here gets what triumphant george means by portal obe?

>2nd Process
>During the day, write out several notes saying “I will not climb a ladder” and place them in many different places you will see them through out the day...

Whats the purpose of writing it in negative?
this always gets copied out of context from the book. it is intended as an exercise demonstrating that imagination overcomes thoughts when the two contradict.
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I did the same thing. Affirmations (thinking, saying, journaling):
- I am extremely attractive
- my face is angular and symmetrical
- my eyes are bright turquoise blue
- people notice my looks and ask if I model
- I have very unique looks that people remember

People comment on my looks a lot now, and that was NEVER the case before. Now I am in late 30s and total strangers comment on my eyes, how attractive I am like it's just an obvious thing ("Well for someone who looks like YOU..."), say things like "wow, you're beautiful!" upon meeting me (happened just a few days ago on NYE), etc
Do I look any different? I think so, actually, but perhaps I have convinced myself, as well. Now it's like being physically attractive is a known thing about me, like it's just a given that everyone agrees on.

Took me about a year of affirming / journaling and it happened gradually.
Nice results anon, a year for a physical appearance change is really impressive!
eerie narration
Nice, thanks for sharing
How helpful do you think journalling was vs affirming just in your mind? And did you write just the affirms as you said or make up written scenes? I may pick up journalling for 2025 too, and I'd love to be a pretty bastard lol
anyone has a success story with a SPECIFIC person? and I mean specific.

>muh free will
if you're manifesting anything at all, you're messing with someone's free will
This was before I knew about LoA but I had a crush on my manager at a job, and I was split 50/50 on her because on one hand, she was kinda nice or even flirty, so I thought I had a chance, but she was also like that with everyone and most guys there were into her so I thought she was out of my reach. Also I had a gf I was miserable with at the time, which led to more conflicting feelings. Yes I'm a bastard, not the point.
Anyway, I yo-yoed between fantasizing about this girl, imagining full confidence "yeah she's into me" after every nice comment, to complete despair about not being with her and thinking im stupid for even thinking i had a shot. After all this turmoil, one night at a party I remember all of a sudden I kinda lost interest in her, on a dime. She kissed me later that might.
Some time later I broke up with my gf and dated this girl.
Karma did get me because this girl turned out to be horrible. Taught me a lesson about pedestalizing any particular person. Now that I know LoA, I just go for GPs that match what I like in a would be SP.
how do you know what to manifest
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>The man who is conscious of being healthy (not because of inherited health, diets or climate, but because he is awakened and knows the state of consciousness in which he lives) will, in spite of the conditions of the world, continue to express health.

>This quality of denial – when disciplined – protects man from receiving impressions that are not in harmony with his nature. He adopts an attitude of total indifference to all suggestions that are foreign to that which he desires to express. Disciplined denial is not a fight or a struggle but total indifference.

>Such a man never questions the manner of its expression. He knows that the plan of expression is never revealed to man for God’s ways are past finding out [Romans 11:33].

>He fully accepts his desires as gifts already received and goes his way in peace confident that they shall appear.

>When this quality of praise and thanksgiving is awake within man, he walks with the words “Thank you, Father” ever on his lips.

>He knows that his thanks for things not seen opens the windows of heaven and permits gifts beyond his capacity to receive to be poured upon him.

>The twelfth and last of the disciplined qualities of the mind is called Judas.

>When this quality is awake, man knows that he must die to that which he is before he can become that which he desires to be.

>Until man lets go of that which he is now conscious of being, he will not become that which he desires to be; and Judas is the one who accomplishes this through suicide or detachment.
I usually go for health and wealth, so far it's been working but slower than I want.
Do you know any famous examples of successful manifestations?
One that comes to mind is Jim Carrey’s story about manifesting his successful career. In an interview, he shared how, before breaking into the film industry, he would drive his car and repeatedly affirm that he was a successful actor.
He visualized his success so vividly that it eventually became a reality, leading to him earning millions for starring in films.
Death grips used manifestation/power of intent
Very useful, thank you based demon poster
This is kinda niche but Gary Numan's wife. As a school girl when they were asking about future careers at school, she said she'd become his wife. She was already a fan, but later on I think her mom died or something, and he called up with condolences or something and they started communicating regularly. They've been married since 1997. It's not outright loa, but I do think she "spoke it into existence" and manifested it, cause beyond being in his fanclub, there wouldn't be a real reason for him to choose this one random woman over like...thousands of others.
Christian bale for his role in american psycho



because she had so many known actors

who were stepping up and wanted to do it.

And she just said, no, I want Christian,

even though all the financiers were saying

we're gonna give you no money.

And then actually kicked the two of us off.

You know, we went

and we did a stage reading in New York for it.

William Defoe was there, Chloe Sevigny was there,

and Brace and Ellis was there.

And then we got the money. Yay!

But what our agents forgot to do,

our agents at the time forgot to do

was to include us in the package.

And so we raised the money and then they said,

right, and the two of you bye-bye.

But I went a little bit psycho myself in that

and I just said, no, I'm still making the film.

And even though other people were cast,

other directors were on board,

I just kept on prepping and I would call Mary up

and she would say,

Christian, they've given it to other people.

And I was like, yeah yeah yeah, no, it doesn't matter.

We're still gonna make it.

And she was like, oh, he is lost the plot.

And all my friends were saying that to me like,

what are you doing?

And I was turning down.

This wasn't like I was getting offered much, but you know,

couple of projects, not very good ones,

I turned them down. And kept on going.

And lo and behold, look at that it did eventually come back.

So that felt like a great victory.

Don't doubt. You got instincts.
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Sauce on that?
what tests should i do to practice LOA? particularly letting go
You can't stop manifesting, you're doing it 24/7 no matter what. When you're constantly depresssed you will naturally manifest more shit things to keep you in that state. Now that you know this, change

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