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Banzuke is out



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>javascript:quote('198992');
How long till the banzuke ? pretty sure it's today
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I’m back bitches
At M14 too, welcome back Wakakakaka

Meanwhile wakamotoharu at Maegashira 2, if he's lucky he might ket a kinboshi, assuming terunofuji shows up
Jesus Christ OP how do you fuck up this bad >>198992
Kinda excited to see if shonanoumi can keep the run going now that his learning time is over. It’s time to show out.
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juryo yusho soon fellow futagoyama viewers
Takerufuji isn't doing practice bouts? I guess that means it was more than a sprained ankle. Some kind of tear right? Guess it's over for him.
I am doubtful yet hopefuly
Nabatame needs about 10-15 more kilos and some inter-stable practice if he wants to properly establish himself in Juryo. I'm predicting that he gets a make-koshi this time around, but comes straight back up.
I'm going to vomit.
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>I'm predicting that he gets a make-koshi this time around, but comes straight back up.
You say this like Teru is a piñata.
>if he's lucky
He would have to be lucky to win,
>assuming Terunofuji shows up
But he can't win if he doesn't fight
You say this like Teru isn't a piñata.
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It wouldn't be wrong
I understood that as he'd be lucky that Teru shows up because it's free kinboshi.
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teru teru bozo
>Some kind of tear right? Guess it's over for him.
"Ankle sprain" is a nonspecific term for injuries to three different ligaments. When they announced his kyuujou in May, they reiterated that it was an "injury to the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle", which in normal English just reduces to "ankle sprain". Any or all of his ankle LCL ligaments could have been fully torn and it would still translate the same. In the most extreme cases, apparently it can require surgery to fix.
>it can require surgery to fix
And if it did he probably wouldn't get the surgery, right?
Takerufuji seems like the type of guy to do it, given his comment about not liking sumo all that much. It's hard to imagine that would be the guy who sticks it out for sumo pride
Someone put him out of his misery...

here we go again; he injured his biceps before last basho, now this lol.
instead going full ham 2 weeks before basho. they should do the opposite and layback on the training.
It's not an injury that is likely to effect his in ring performance and missing a few days of practice is probably not the end of the world especially if he still has the 5-6 days immediately before the basho to train. At M12 the first week should be relatively easy for him if he still has the ability to get back to Ozeki which seems to be the expectation.
Onosato is the only hope and we are at minimum 3 tournaments until he could relieve his suffering
Yokozuna Onosato would be the worst possible thing for the sumo.
No, I will not elaborate.
this, but greatest
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>be takakeisho
>promoted to Yokozuna on 13-2 jun yusho and 12-3 yusho
>new basho
>go kyujo
>refuses to elaborate
>once a year 11-4 tournament in osaka
>intai at 40
can jsa retire yokozuna on their own?
i know they sorta force the guy to do it, but what if he was a fag and didnt want to.
His shisho could hand his retirement papers to the NSK and they could accept them
>can jsa retire yokozuna on their own?
If he commits some kind of extraordinary infraction like being convicted of a felony, they can fire him.

In normal situations, though, no. They cannot force a yokozuna to quit, or anyone else for that matter. They are employees of the JSA and do have a lot of legal protections under Japanese law.

The wrinkle in this is the stablemaster's role. A stablemaster can simply turn in retirement papers for any wrestler in his stable, whether or not the wrestler wants this. (Ref.: Futahaguro) That is a right stablemasters legally retain.

Now, if the JSA wanted to fire a wrestler and his stablemaster refused, then politics get involved. The stablemaster, being a shareholder, could have his share revoked or have his stable transferred to a different shareholder. Thus, stablemasters are willing to play ball to protect their own positions.
Few shareholders are willing to take a principled stance because they paid millions for the share and expect to make that back when they leave the JSA and sell their share. They can't afford to throw away millions just to make a point.
Everyone saw that news about Assman's eye on Chris's youtube channel long before you posted it.
prediction: there will be fewer ozeki/yokozuna losses on opening day in nagoya than there were for natsu
Kill yourself
>They cannot force a yokozuna to quit
Yeah they can, that's what intai kankoku is for. Don't think the NSK has no hand in what the YDC does.
That's not FORCING a yokozuna to retire.
That's a recommendation. The recommendation has only ever been issued once and it was after Asashoryu beat up a guy in a restaurant. Asashoryu retired and, coincidentally, the victim decided not to press charges.
The question in >>203073 is if a yokozuna can simply be fired and, like >>203091 said, it's not that simple. The YDC certainly can't do anything except provide the appearance that some neutral outside parties are involved.

Wrestlers who get fired, like Wakanoho or Roho, actually have to fail drug tests (illegal narcotics, not steroids).
>That's not FORCING a yokozuna to retire. That's a recommendation.
Do you understand Japan or Japanese at all? Of course it's a recommendation and not a commandment.

>Asashoryu beat up a guy in a restaurant. Asashoryu retired and, coincidentally, the victim decided not to press charges
You're clearly not familiar with the details of that case.

At any rate - the NSK explicitly can fire people and has done so. This is detailed in the legal documentation of their becoming a Public Interest Corporation as well as cases which reference it (eg Oosunaarashi). See pic.
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Not only can the NSK fire guys, but the guys in question can also go to court if they think the firing was meritless.
I don’t think anyone would eject to the idea of a year long lay off for yokokeisho if he won the rope with 2 yushos hakuho was gone for almost a year and no one batted an eye when he came back and put up his 15-0 against surging teru. Keisho is still young but I don’t think he would want to do the run back up again He’s in a pickle.
>Now let me tell you about Japan...
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The important part of the post was the text in the image. Bear in mind that, to my knowledge, these are abbreviated versions of a much longer legal text not available online, so there could be additional details I'm missing.

Article 92 says a 3/4ths majority vote in the rijikai can kick out any toshiyori, rikishi, gyouji etc if they show an inability to understand the nature of sumo, or if their actions risk damaging the reputation of the NSK, or if their behavior disrupts regular NSK operations, and they repeatedly fail to reform despite being warned. The NSK can call a special meeting of the rijikai and the Advisory Council (appointed outsiders) to jomei that person with a 3/4ths vote.

That is their nuclear option, and Article 93 looks to be the less extreme version of the same thing, simply saying that all punishments of toshiyori, rikishi, gyouji etc must be voted on by the rijikai and must fall into one of the following five categories: censure, payment reduction, performance stoppage (imposed kyuujou), descent down the banzuke, and firing (kaiko).
Ōsunaarashi's retirement was formally requested from the JSA and he complied, but he was not actually dismissed.
Rohō is an example of someone who was actually dismissed.

Coincidentally, both were Taihō/Ōtake stable guys. Just another reminder that Ōhō, despite his size and pedigree, is still playing on hard mode.
>Ōsunaarashi's retirement was formally requested from the JSA and he complied, but he was not actually dismissed.
You're right, I was looking at the wrong tab.
>My grandfather was Ivan Boryshko
You mean Naya Kōki? He was born in Karafuto prefecture.
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>This is also Taiho's grandson.
He is Sumo Man, son of Sumo Man, son of Sumo Man. His pedigree as Japan Man is irrelevant.
I've always wondered why Yukio Naya decided not to follow the in the family footsteps. He's the eldest son after all and his mother has said that Takatoriki raised all his boys to be sumo wrestlers.

My guess is that, because he's older (29) he was around to witness all the chaos at the stable (Roho's dismissal, his father's gambling issues and divorce, Takanohana's coup attempt) and wanted to disengage.

The other sons are much younger (26, 24, and 22) so by the time they became old enough, the situation at the stable had more or less stabilized under Dairyu's leadership. They might not remember the chaos.
Yukio hated sumo growing up because of his dad's obsession with them all being sumo wrestlers. It got to the point where Taiho himself stepped in and browbeat Takatoriki into easing off. A combination of that and the other kids being younger when the divorce happened meant the others had less pressure on them, so they didn't grow up hating sumo like Yukio did.

Also I'm not sure if this had anything to do with Yukio's recruitment into pro wrestling, but Takatoriki himself was a pro wrestler for a couple years after he got kicked out of sumo. The promotion he wrestled for, Real Japan Pro Wrestling, had a lot of well known industry vets that would've been an easy springboard for Yukio.
What's your source on that? Not doubting you. I'd genuinely love to read more about this.
Yukio did an interview with Bunshun Online a few years ago, when his wrestling career was starting to get some momentum. He really did not pull any punches when it came to his dad's gambling problems.
he's like 10 at this point, what the fuck
>"Hmm wonder why my kid ran away from Tottori sumo and begged his grandfather not to do it anymore, must be Ishiura Sr.'s fault."
I'm probably the only one who cares about this show, but Grand Sumo PREVIEW airs on NHK WORLD Japan next week on 11 July, a Thursday.
Cool. Thanks.

Funny enough, they appear to have made peace to some extent. Yukio showed up on his father's YT channel to discuss sumo. He kept forgetting to call his brother Oho, not Konosuke.
has Koga ever won a practice bout?
Not even against Kikuchi.
We have Futagoyama's address, I think we should club together and send Koga some steroids.
I saw it happen about 4 months ago
Koga needs to do his rice reps. Kyoda is 1cm shorter but has 40kg on him
At least Koga has two hands.
Yeah not like Katsumi
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another beya starting their youtube channel
What the fuck
Stumbled upon him while using query in sumodb. Depressing way to leave sumo
It was his own fault. There are worse ways. https://sumowrestling.fandom.com/wiki/Toyonishiki_Kiichiro
what channel is this? i follow futagoyama (?) stable youtube channel, are there any more? well there must be, but like with english subtitles that arent completely shit. also, it really is fucken weird reading the japanese comments, like 98% are so nice and polite. you go to any western minecraft video and its atleast 50% nigger faggot
First I've heard of a rikishi being drafted, I'm surprised they weren't excempt.
>what channel is this?
Blind anon...
This time is THE time kotobros the zak starts his run for the rope NOW
>retires without ever getting a make-koshi
>survives the Pacific theater on the losing side
>makes more money than he did as a rikishi
>dies an old man in his comfy traditional inn
I don't know about you, but that sounds incredibly fortunate and a good deal better than a lot of ex-rikishi.
How do sumos bulk?
Literally 10,000 calories of food every day.
speaking of, what happened to Kikuchi? i havent seen him in the recent videos
He is away at sumo school most of time
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Why did sumos do so badly in MMA?
>explode your knees and acquire brain damage
>subsequently seek a new career age 30+ in a fighting sport which has no skills transferable from sumo
this. being an US interpretor under the God King McArthur would have been enough to set him up for life
there's also youtube.com/@kisebeya
There's a watermark with their name on the picture.

>skip breakfast
>morning training
>consume truckloads of food and beer at lunch
>immediately take a nap after

There haven't been many good sumo wrestlers to compete in MMA. The most infamous ones that got heemed in early UFCs were nobodies in the sumo world. The ones that were elite in sumo (Baruto & Akebono) only competed in MMA well after they left their prime and had multiple serious injuries. Baruto did decent and Akebono primarily competed in kickboxing where he couldn't actually use his sumo.
See >>203445
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We're getting new fat ugly bastard this basho at ms60TD
>This time is THE time kotobros the zak starts his run for the rope NOW

The body and skills are beyond question, but I still haven't seen that killer instinct in him. He wants to win, but he doesn't yet NEED to win.
Wow I never knew baruto did so well. I'm going to check out his fights
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Onosato looks like a fucking demon in this pic
I'm sure he's a nice enough young lad, but my God he has a knack for looking uncanny. If he works on his staredown a bit more he's got the potential to look more intimidating than the late Akebono.
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Which MMA fighters do you think can do well in sumo?
Sumos is fine, IMO. In Japanese, you can refer to a rikishi (not so much in third person but more so talking to them or next to them) as Ozumo-san, pretty much Mr. Sumo. I don't mind Sumos.
You can also say sumotori.
Who is your favorite baseball?
They're not very exciting to watch, but it worked and he used his skillset to his advantage.

>take other guy down with his sumo skills
>use weight advantage to smother and tire them out

All the guys he beat were old, but legit fighters. Only loss is to Cro Cop who's one of the heavyweight GOATs.

Guys with a wrestling heavy game would do well in MMA. The level of wrestling at heavyweight isn't very high. A good yotsu rikishi would be extremely difficult to take down but could take the other guy down easy. Pusher-thrusters are of limited value in most MMA formats simply because they're in a cage or ring. In raised platform formats like sanda/leitai or Ganryujima, they'd be more effective.
On the banzuke at jonokuchi 16w
I read that Onosato might get exception if he does well this tournament and get Ozeki promotion. Is it true bros?
We will never find out because Abi will go 14-1 and get the ozeki promotion.
I don't watch any sport except Sumo.
demon frog will not
>Is it true bros?
even if he wins this, he won't be ozeki in september.
Ozeki is not something you are gifted like that, it must be earned by proving to be a constant, strong presence in the ring and top charts, this is gonna be barely his 4th top division basho, sure things are not like they used to be but it's not a reason to be giving away the rank like that. By that logic if he wins 2 in a row he should be promoted to Yokozuna, right?
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>you will never join a stable at age 15
>you will never clean the toilets, make the chanko, and train hard with your bros
>you will never peak at mid makushita level
>you will never retire at 160kg in your 30s and take on a menial job with type 2 diabetes
>you will never reminisce about how you almost made salaried rank but were held back by an old injury
He will, and it will ruin sumo forever.
>first move is to retreat

I knew i was right to hate this faggot twink
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Kaio got the same thing 24 years ago. Not sure what the circumstances were, but that is the most recent instance. I doubt they'll do it nowadays, given that even then it was a once-in-a-decade move.
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Exception to what? He was joi-jin in March and sekiwake now, so if he does well he could get promoted. What they'll look at is that he had weak results against ozeki in March (beat 8-6-1 Takakeisho, lost to the other two, Teru injured) and say that plus being maegashira (even though joi-jin) means he needs a very strong result July to get promoted. I'd say another yusho guarantees it, a strong jun-yusho plus strong ozeki performance would also do it, anything less than that would make them say "we need to see more in September."
Joi jun yusho, komusubi yuusho, and 11+ jun or yusho would be earning it. thats better than a bunch of the three tournament runs others have had to get promoted.
why do you fools keep forgetting there are hard requirement for yokozuna? ozeki and two yusho (or yusho equivalent)
>I read that Onosato might get exception if he does well this tournament and get Ozeki promotion. Is it true bros?
I don't know where you read this, but there has been that kind of speculation around up-and-comers like that forever.

M5 is simply too low to be the start of an ozeki run.

Certainly, there are exceptions to every rule and, if he were to win this basho convincingly, that would be two in a row and the banzuke committee might be inclined to celebrate his accomplishment.
But, even in that instance I would recommend you look at the example of another champion who started very quick: Takanohana. He had a number of JY and Y combinations when he was really young and he was not promoted, with the reasoning:
>He's still very young. If he's that good, he'll make it without our help.

Say Onosato has his worst basho as a pro and only goes 10-5, then he would need 11-4 the next time to make ozeki.

tl;dr: he'll get there. No need to speed things up by a couple basho. He's still only 24.
>No need to speed things up by a couple basho.
Moreover, no need to take the risk of an early promotion. Injuries claim probably half of this sport's rising stars.
Zak was quoted in the latest Chris video talking about wanting to level up his rank. WTF is wrong him? He has never won a cup, so how does he get the idea of making yokozuna into his head?
Indeed. This is getting sad really, Hakuho managed to come back and get a exhilarating 15-0 vs a turure yokozuna on day 15, that's about as good an end as you can get.

Meanwhile Teru shows up, gift a few kinboshi's then get's back to the shed by day 6. He merits better but he's not getting it
He's probably assuming phrasing it that way that most people aren't retarded
zak vs kiriSHITma in practice
>wants to make yoko
>can't even beat kiriSHITma
That's what Hakuho did as well, in 5 different bashos. Teru 4 times so far, but his body is in much worse state obviously..knees, back, diabetes and who knows what.

I know you hak fans will seethe, but you have to count this as 5 basho kyujo basically
I think hepatitis too.
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This is ryudens basho. He will yusho and make onosato cry like the bitch he is.
enho is back... in jonokuchi. I hope his body allows him to get to juryo to get the 30th basho.

Probably a stupid question, but is there an outside chance that Enho (Jk13w) fights Kikuchi (Jk16w)?
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>Takanohana. He had a number of JY and Y combinations
We are talking about getting ozeki, not yokozuna. What you are saying about Takanohana is going ozeki to Yokozuna
Nah, they'll put Enho up against the biggest men in the division - he'll either get some spectacular looking victories or some clumsy oaf will cripple him even further.
>El abortista
>some clumsy oaf will cripple him
That's why I was hoping they would fight.
>Is there a chance
>his body allows him
whats with this garbage where people think that their body or someone else's somehow isn't part of them?
Are you retarded?
You are not your body. You are piloting your body. If Miyagino killed moto-Hokuseiho and transplanted Enho's consciousness into the hulking corpse, the resulting man would still be Enho. Unfortunately, Miyagino does not have the power to do this, nor would the JSA let him even if he did, so Enho must continue to abuse the body he currently has.
There is a difference in go time vs show time
>show time
Zak is on a run he’s the highest ranked ozeki tied for most wins with onosato(who he beat three straight before last basho) with better quality of opponents and has put up consistent double digit efforts. The only thing that could stop this train right now is his mystery foot injury.
>this train
train of zero cups
Slow and steady sumo all he needs is one for a rope run
>Zak is on a run he’s the highest ranked ozeki tied for most
None of that matters right now. takakeisho could win the next two and sit out November (under 40% win rate for 2024) and people would consider it a more successful year than koto.
he needs to win yusho. i think he will, but that needs to be the focus. how aggressive he his each match will be big. hes missing the killer instinct.
This one might be his best opportunity for a while. In September Takerufuji will probably be back and having the advantage of starting from a low rank and Onokatsu doesn't seem to be anywhere near his ceiling yet, but his makkuchi debut will probably be September and he could end up challenging too, in this upcoming one there will only be one of the genius noobs to deal with, but Wakatakakage's return could also cause problems for upper rankers seeking a championship. Ozeki and above just doesn't seem all that impressive as things currently stand, seems like Onosato is currently the final boss of sumo, but maybe Teru will magically return to form and save face for the top ranks like he did in January.
Takakeisho is barely alive. It was reported that his neck hasn't gotten better and he's repeatedly gotten heat stroke trying to train this summer.
And a coach in his ichimon has recently retired well ahead of schedule. If Takakeisho can't keep ozeki, he's gone.
>>you will never retire at 160kg in your 30s and take on a menial job with type 2 diabetes
pretty sure you are still on time for this one
mind and body are not the same, read a book or something nigga.
it was an example, not a likely occurrence
>Terunofuji in
Please, you don't need to do it. I don't need to watch this.
It's a clever ruse. "Terunofuji" will appear even more bandaged up than usual, but will nonetheless go 14-0, and on the final day the bandages will be accidentally dislodged, revealing that it was Hakuho all along.
You keep talking about things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Please leave.
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Terunomecha will be your yokozuna for the next decade.
Slowly replacing parts.
Bold of you to assume his legs are made of flesh right now.
Last I heard Takerufuji wasn't at practice bouts and stuff, is he back to full fitness even? What makes you think he'll ever be back with those skinny lower legs that are about to break off?
Supposedly he's been doing butsukarigeiko, so it may well be a training decision, rather than a necessity, to skip out on proper matches to prevent possible reinjury.
Once again, Grand Sumo Preview airs today (if anyone other than me cares).
Kikuchi will pound him, Kikuchi was looking huge in the latest futagoyama culinary extravaganza
I looked on NHK's website and its not available yet, but they had a new episode of Dosukoi Sumo Salon ready to go so I watched that instead
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They should have a VOD up soon, maybe. They're really fucking finicky with their Preview show. I try to catch it live every basho, but even I missed it this time. I forgot to set my alarm. Fuck. Oh well.
It seems to be up now, they're really putting their hopes in Onosato.
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>September Takerufuji will probably be back
He's on the absent list, is there word he's going to come back mid-way or something?
its over
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Makuuchi matchups for the first two days have been posted and the first day of juryo as well. Nabatame is up against Fujiseiun
Hell of a story, though.
He's expected to come back midway to get at least one win because missing the entire tournament will drop him back to makushita.
>shows up
>breaks records
>leaves (intai)
Koga must have a humiliation fetish. Still haven't seen the guy win a bout in practice.
He has more soul in a single eyebrow than you do in your whole body.
He generally picks up 2 or 3 wins in a tournament. I think his main problem is a lack of stamina, either physical or mental - once he's lost his first practice bout he simply can't resist being forced out anymore. On the dohyo, he has plenty of time to prepare himself and go through the various pre-bout rituals, and can give it his all for a short burst of time. If I was Futagoyama, I'd tell him to start skipping for the physical stamina, and make him play Dark Souls for the mental side of things.
He is a couple dozen kg less that everyone he faces in the practice ring, but he takes them all on head on. He would have to be massively muscular to stand a chance doing that and he isn't. He needs to stop eating like a noob and put on some mass.
He has a similar size disadvantage in his tournament matches, yet still manages to regularly pick up a handful of wins. I agree that his sumo is one-dimensional, and that he needs at least ten extra kilos of muscle mass, but I still hold that his biggest issue is his apparent inability to use anything close to his full power in the second practice match, and any subsequent ones. This effectively means he's only getting any actual practice from the first match. For Koga to improve, it is vital that he and his oyakata figure out a way to keep him at maximum exertion for longer periods of time.
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Practice ring matches @stables have different rules of engagement. Plus they don't count for anything, Koga might just see them as a strengthening exercise and not take his winning percentage there too seriously, he clearly does better in real competition matches where he has a 37% winning percentage. He just needs to bulk up to a respectable weight, picking up Chioyonofuji's habit of 1000 pushups a day would also help him out a lot. If he would do that they could call him "the owl"
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>usagi yojimbo distance fat human cousins
Onosato Yokozuna in 2 years.
Trust the plan.
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the goods are all buried by now, we are less than 24 hours away from the comencement of competition at this year's nagoya basho.
summo soon
Teru is looking for revenge against Onosato for the humiliation Onosato dished out on day one at natsu. Teru will armlock Onosato and break both his shoulders when they match up.
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Onosucko is lucky maegashira sucks right now. He lacks any technical sumo ability, he just is a giant retard man baby who pushes the cripples at the top of the division around as half of them have no knees left.
t. Ozeki
t. NSK
>get a freak of nature in hokuseiho
>never teach him real sumo
why did he do this
Don't underestimate the ancient art of wallet gluing.
File: dumbass.jpg (35 KB, 507x450)
35 KB
>get a wrestler with the size and reach of akebono
>"gee i think i'll teach him to be a belt fighter"
Being the best at something doesn’t mean you can teach some slack jawed moron to do it.
Amateur sumo from 2006 with a lot of familiar faces
What’s the best stream to watch tonight
I think /sumo/ viewership is like 80% Abema, 20% NHK English. If you're watching Abema, karla is good because it's an uninterrupted stream, no overlays, no le wacky Japanese ads over the normal ads, etc. If NHK English, then mbovo is the only option. I personally watch NHK Eng.

...Speaking of mbovo, his usual stream at https://kick.com/dondondondon is dead. Does anyone know where he's streaming now? I'm glad I checked.
s0desune on kick
Thank you!
0 Sleep-O till Sumo. I'm fucking ready

Personally i just watch karla till we get to the big boys then switch out to NHK.
The ads were the only good part of Midnight's channel.
Not the sumo?
We're back

Kikuchi & Enho weren't on the opening day jonokuchi fight card, so old man Satonofuji winning his match in jonidan seems like the biggest news so far
Any sumo historian know why there are the number of slots that there are in makuuchi and juryo
I was looking through older banzukes on sumodb and I saw that it would grow and shrink in size
No idea, did you check out 1958? January and I think a few after that had 48 in juryo.
It's Futagoyamover...
Lots of heeming this basho in lower divisions

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