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File: Hoodie_boi.jpg (558 KB, 2781x2090)
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"Twitch chat" edition
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/2988436/

1. Thread is for ART related to YOUTUBER/STREAMER of all sorts. | NO REAL PHOTO / IRL CONTENT! For such content, check: >>>/hm/celeb
2. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Contentless bump(s) are also not allowed.
3. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on.
4. OTHERS: "Hardcore" yet not /d/ worthy? As long as it is related to the thread & abides /y/'s rules then it should be fine, just please don't spam & keep it to a bare minimum.

>To make a new thread, wait for current one to reach page 8 (while at bump/image limit) in catalog.

*Artist List (Youtuber-focused): https://pastebin.com/YyFEHtxH
*Legacy Threads: https://pastebin.com/aspkSPCt

Vocaloid & Vtubers: >>>/y/vtub
Hot e-celebs: >>>/hm/celeb
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the best thread is back
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i unironically find gypsycrusader hot. He could call me a pozzed faggot kike while jerking me off and I'd thank him for it! Pic unrelated because I can't find porn of him
damn has it been a whole ass year or some shit since the last one??
No, like 5 months
is that kwite?? bro
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Red Cock(s)
Oh fuck yes more vinny art
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Some goog fucking AntRad porn
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i have a thing for marshmello
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Have some more!
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Wasn't planning on posting the images above but might as well
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He looks very familiar...
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Who is that?
Nice some manly art
Who is the artist?
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Any chance at TomFawkes? Either normal or VTuber version?
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Found this by accident while browsing for LORA...
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Now this is the real gay porn, not like all this femboy porn. You have outdone everyone, anon, congratulations.
Ew, why did you post roach porn?
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And another one: https://civitai.com/models/374181

Wish there was a Kwite LORA...
what game is this based on?
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Funny you say that since Hasan only dates/fucks femboy twinks.
Toilet Chronicles, pretty fun game that Manly played
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>3. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing, off-topic, etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on.
They've been doing it here >>3042801 here >>3027672 and here >>3049530 too, mods don't care your thread will probably get spammed just like those. This board's got no moderation.
Thanks for the head-up!

That post was mainly to warn others not to interact with and fuel the troll even more.
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Finally, some good fucking NitroAnt porn
be more original
who’s the aizu and why is she angry
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just ignore

it's just the same spammer deciding to take name, easier to spot and hide posts now so a good thing
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asking for rare jerma pics if anyone has them

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