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Old thread >>3038631 facing impending death, starting a new one.
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Post more Shuro if you have it
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based retard >>3043097
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>American hours come
>fat spamming begins
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That's the best that country can offer
she's always seething who knows why
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I usually say to each their own since porn is full of wild kinks that aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.

But, my God. Don’t spam a series thread with it. Chub thread is over here >>3038173
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Stfu you shitflinging retards. Don't look at what you don't like instead of crying about it.
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to be expected when you put estrogen tits in the op desu
cute lil bear
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Blonde fit aryan men are literally no comparison to any other type of male. Its not even close
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>copypasting from the other thread
dwarf laios is sexo
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nice edit
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What are those from? I don't remember this scene in any episode
I must know because of reasons, ty
Episode 20
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Childchuck dump
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you have your own thread for the shotacon go there
What do you call this type? Big tall, chubby with fat tits, a huge cock and a baby face? Neither twink nor bara, absolute perfection but there's very little representation for this unfortunately and i never know what to search for
>very little representation for this
All yaoi made by women and koreans looks like that.
Most women just draw muscular men not soft bodies (The best type of men desu)
It's called "gachimuchi" (literally "muscle-curvy" or "muscle-chubby") but if you search that you'll probably just get Billy Herrington memes
OP is muscular
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Good shit. This fandom needs more selfcest (with the shapeshifters).

We also need more tallman Chilchuck!
Anon is right. You can search on Pixiv for ガチムチ and get more of this body type. X also has a lot of Asian e-boys posting selfies and videos where their body looks roided to fuck but their pecs are soft and squishy like breasts.
Why have I been seeing more and more art lately where people draw tufts of hair between balls like it's fucking furry art? That's not a thing.
Fucking love these latest Chils
i think it's supposed to be taint hair but they shaved the balls idk
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Keep your retardation to yourself, retard.
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Chilchuck is 35 in the series.

You're a virtue-signaling idiot who's probably a pedophile yourself.
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Fuck off, retard.
Go to your own childcuck thread.
you fuck off, nonce.
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>ugly tumblr art
that’ll show em
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Looks like Childchuck topping Laios
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You enter the wrong thread, pal?
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What should I watch while we wait for season 2? I need an anime with cute guys like Laois and Chilchuck
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ai no kusabi
ancient magus' bride
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Wrong thread...?
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Just an observation, but I think it's probably the Karen who's been lurking around frequently policing this thread, and when she doesn't get what she wants, she starts spamming it.
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Too much girly fujoshit spam by the roastie bishitnen trapKaren.
Post real men, this is a board for men.
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At least make your spam relevant to the thread, retard. There’s plenty of bara art from DM for you to post. I come here for porn of specific characters, not to wade through discourse and shitposts. If I wanted that I’d go to X.
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The estrogen in the spammer's blood makes her retarded, sadly.
Are there anymore pictures of this guy fucking the short one?
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The only ones I have left
>giving Chilchuck body hair
Weak moralfags are the worst.
Hairy boys are hot
Then you have Senshi for your hairy needs.
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>always some shitstirring retards coming in hating women to feel more male
Tiring. Nobody is this obsessed with being anti-female except larping troons.
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Both hairy and smooth Chilchuck are hot. I’ll take what I can get.
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Needs more Shuro
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Nah he's ugly
you are, senshi's hot
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Imma fap to this tonight til my dick is sore
i want to have GAY sex with kabru so bad bros...
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Dear God I need to breed this chocolate twink
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Please don't post canonical transgirls like her in the male dungeon meshi thread~!
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coincidence the offtopic spam comes back at the same time as these posts
just little things you notice on /y/
meant to also quote >>3053242
Dare I even ask why this creature is doing this? Does it hate dungeon meshi? Is it even possible to hate this manga/anime?
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Fucking moderators not doing their job
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cm is 10x worse so i guess gay boards aren't popular enough/cared about enough to warrant it
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Don’t spam. The moderators have decided to accept canon shotas like Childchuck here like they accept canon transgirls like Ferris and Naruneechan~
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Stupid tourist fat faggot nog. He's a middle-aged man for his race.
You have a cheek telling them not to spam when you keep posting unrelated shit. Go find someone who cares
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That and the spam is someone else reposting intentionally off-topic images
and in other threads than these, probably, too.
The mods don't care so the best bet is probably to complain to IRC until they do something.
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Here too huh
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why u spammin
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