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>>3053476 >>3053683
>>3054288 >>3054289
>>3054325 >>3054321
>>3054327 >>3054329
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Seriously what's the point of a board if it's just going to be filled with a bunch of shitposts
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It's not even creative trolling either, just literal spam
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just proving the point
Janny here only cares if you complain about the shota spam, shota spam are A-OK with it.
Yeah it sucks but I'm not mentally infirm enough to use IRC in 2024
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it is a mystery
idk anon, they look pretty gay to me
kill yourself
mods are trannys
Looks like she's targeting the Chilchuck thread now.
trannys wouldn't allow this fucking trash
I still can't figure out what triggers the Fillion spam in any given thread.
because he's a god tier artist
>"god tier artist"
the way i fucking kek'd hard to this retard
that fag can't even get to the mainstream of yaoi because people already have better stuff to look at
Do you have a hard time comprehending English? That response isn't relevant to the post you replied to.
it's just ugly to look at

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