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Welcome back, everyone
Today, Popp and Hyunkel finish their fight against the Dragon Riders
Previous Threads:
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Clean thoughts lads.
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>that first panel
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For someone who hates humans and wants to destroy them all, Baran sure shows a ton of restraint, even more surprising given he's in what's supposed to be a bloodthirsty form.
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oh no
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My fucking HERO
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oh no
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Popp is the best!
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Reckless suicide move is a go.
>character doing a last ditch suicide attack
>next chapter cover is just a picture of him smiling
I fucking love this trope

RIP best boy.
>High pitched "IYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" in the anime
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W-what is it? I'm worried now.
>incompetent magic user
He's got you dead to rights, Baran. Put some fucking respect on Popp's name.
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To be fair, it's less of a reckless one and more of a well planned and calculated suicide move in this case
Oh shit that is the spell with the 100% mortality rate.
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Popp? The undisputed smartest magic user.
>Hyunkel so worried about Popp
He's grown so much.
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>"What crossed Merle's mind was not assurance in Popp's victory, but a premonition."
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>Baran's face when the rape correction kicks in
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Not like this...
>Fingers directly piercing Baran's skull and touching his brain
All Popp has to do is wriggle his fingers a bit and by all means Baran should be having a seizure right now and become braindead. If only that was how manga worked.
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Vital organs are protected by an extra thick layer of dragonic aura.
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Popp just got totally vaporized.
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Merle you've joined JUST in time to see your crush EXPLODE
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...why couldn't you remember faster, you DUMBASS!!!
Where is the translator's note that says this is an extremely girly way of crying?
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>Easily causes the most damage and pain to Baran the entire arc up to this point
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fuck ;_;
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There was something I never understood here.
>Popp directly has a hold of him while detonating
>Baran supposedly got away last millisecond
>But he's holding Popp indicating he's been in contact with him the whole time
So did the detonation not move along with Popp? How did it work? Did the epicentre of the explosion stay in one place or does it remain where Popp is? I do not understand Megante physics, how could Baran have avoied an omnidirectional blast if he was holding onto him?
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DORAGONIKU OORA(read:ryu no touki)
ain't gotta explain shit
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Not gonna lie
Dai is looking kinda rough there
>our adventures... what you would call
>Dragon Quest: the Adventure of Dai, so to speak
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A post I made years ago as the anime was running.
>He's by all means a complex character means
I fucking hate that I made a typo here.
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That´s some bullshit
Goddamn it.
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Rough as in the art?
Yeah he looks kinda wonky.
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I don't see it aside from the ears being big. His bigger arms now I feel emphasise his strength.
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They are a lot closer to the explosion than expected.
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>Popp's body is barely even phased
>Could have KILLED Baran if he didn't bitch out
Yup. Strongest. KEKran lost.
>no response, it's just a corpse.
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>Her crush just fucking died and she came out right as it happened
>Doesn't waste time grieving, immediately tries to help
I don't know if it was intentional but she's really good at situations like this. Very selfless and quick to act despite not having any combat ability.
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It was better in the anime. Anyone got a good webm?
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Thank God it's not a subway train
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I still think it's funny we got omniman and baran crossover art, because both father son fights aired within the same month.
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And they look similar at that, with similar colour schemes.
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Bitch slapped that beam.
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I like how crocodine and HUNKel have just been lying on the ground while doing sports commentary of the fight.
There was fanart of that back when it was happening. I wish I could find it again.
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Heh, that's a funny coincidence.
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>Hyunckek's turn to hug the ground
I remember seeing that too.
Didn't know he's still red even when transformed. I thought he'd be green or bluish.
Toriyama would be proud.
He knows deep inside that he's wrong.
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Oh, hey, they finally got it right
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Wonderful moment for two reasons.
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what ost are you listening right now?
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He finally did it!
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"He" is "scaling the wall"
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No shit, you took your sweet ass time, bitch.
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How would this look in modern releases?
Crocobros, we're still in it!
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>Looks at Popp
>Monologues about manliness
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>He needs to "get the timing right"
I fucking hate Sandrobitch
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fucking kek
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Hey, just like Vegeta did!
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Done for today
Come back tomorrow to see what's next for our heroes
Thanks anon.
NEXT TIME Hadlar decides to step the fuck up after Popp calls him a huge coward
What was that about having no MP left?
He's also DEAD. It's a miracle, I ain't gotta explain shit.
Fun trivia: Hadlar's character development was decided on after the manga's renewal and IIRC Sanjo referred to him as the 'Popp of the Demon Army'.
Its moments like these that make this mango so frustrating, this has legit one of the best character compositions and power scaling.
Yes Dai is fucking leagues above everyone else, but his victory wouldnt be possible without the supporting cast, Hyunkel and Mam might tickle the big bads but theyre not useless jobbers like Yamcha or Krillin, without their involvement Dai fucking dies.

And that is great, Pop´s arc and conclusion is perhaps the best of the archetype ive seen developed because when he has to do his shit he does it so well even god´s are left without words.
Which is so infuriating, that we were this close to perfection and greatness, and we missed it.
I'd argue that the point of the story is that the humans can't win on might alone but they inspired the mightiest warrior to fight for them.
This is more Dragon Ball then Dragon Quest
Will Dai acknowledge his dad?
I'm glad the nips found it funny enough to make fanart of it too.
d...did these two just watch literally all of their enemies exhausted on the ground and then leave???
I advise the new reader to watch the two episodes fight from the new anime, it's very good
Fucking based
at what point the renewal was decided?
Pop inspiring Dai never got old
Judging by the way the manga was written, it was likely decided some time during this arc.
Well it's a fair comparison since both were held back by their personality flaws.
[SPOILER]If I bend my back backwards... the reason they dont jump in front of them is because of each other, myst and kill hang a lot because they got to keep each other in check, the minute one shows an opening the other will almost 99% capitalize on it and with Baran and Fly there it would have to come to that.

Besides Baran and Fly would still have fight left on them, they just had enough of each other [/spoiler]
If only I could find the interview that mentioned it, there was also one where he described how he planned his characters/
I knew it. I knew somone was going to point it out!
The cross is censored to a T or Y shape IIRC
Arguably the first appearance of Gigaslash in the Dragon Quest franchise.
For those of you wondering about the initial Toei anime, this is the given reason.
>we were this close to perfection and greatness, and we missed it
You got a problem with attacking while dead? It's fucking awesome
I fink this bloke meant kamikazee
I fink this bird meant heal.
I fink this bird meant zing.
I fink this bloke meant zapple.
I fink this bloke meant Gigagash.
I fink this bloke meant kazap
>According to the Dai Perfect Book, the original plan was for the manga to run a year or two, with the final battle with Vearn following directly on from the Baran arc (in this scenario, Popp would’ve stayed dead). But the series’ popularity resulted in a change of plans.
There we go!
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I can really see that this was supposed to be penultimate arc in hindsight since this is where powerscaling totally went out of wack.e
Massive spoilers ofcourse So baran beats Velzar and velzar is supposed to be equal Vearn's equal to the point that they were always at a stalemate.
Even if we lowball Velzar and say he is equal to oldman vearn and true tenchimatou spam vearn.
Dai needed the twin dragon crest + the upgraded Sword of Dai on top of just to being stronger in general with all the battles he has been through and new techniques he learned.
So how the fuck did Dai beat Baran who beat Velzar when Velzar is as strong as oldman Vearn.
Was Baran just holding back and he could actually beat vearn even when he is back in his true body?
Holy shit, this art is great.
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Found it in the archives while looking for this
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Who had it worse?
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Probably baran
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When will Ruby do this?
I love the chess pieces so I'm fine with this change.

The chess pieces themselves were picked for a Western motive and to protect the king.
The rest are pretty obvious, but who are meowth and piccolo supposed to be?
I assume amogus is gome-chan?
Combination of Dai's allies tiring out Baran before the fight, and Baran not wanting to kill his own son

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