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Kunst edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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I want to pet that cat

I know, I'm a little bit of a sick freak
Cute self portrait :3
Update: She has now ruined my couch. I'm at the end of my rope here. She's been on Orbax for a week and I thought we were making progress. She used the box Thursday. Friday she shat on the carpet. Today she soaked through two couch cushions while I was at work. I've put out a new box in her confinement area (stainless steel, same litter with an attractant powder). I honestly don't know what else to do. I don't want to rehome her, but I am not made of the money it will cost to keep replacing things she ruins.

I'm begging for advice here.
What did they do at the dental exam and groomers? She could be in pain from something they did incorrectly.
Not 100% because of course they wouldn't admit fault. According to them, bloodwork, shampoo, and checked her anal glands.
Does she ever do it when you're at home? Or is it always when you're away?
Before we started the Orbax she did it while I was home but never while I was in the room. Now, when I'm not home. Adter we got back from the dental/grooming she would literally crawl between my sheets to do it.
That sounds stress related to me if she's now picking when you're away to do it outside of the litter box
I've got a Feliway plugin. I don't want to put her on, like, kitty Prozac (former owner did that when Stevie for some reason reacted negatively to being declawed).
Is your carrier near her litter box? Or anything that could cause her stress?
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Did this start after she went on Orbax? Orbax sounds pretty similar to Cipro which can cause psychiatric issues in humans. The dental exam could definitely upset her as well. As for meds gabapentin or benzos might be a viable option. They aren't SSRIs like prozac and can be used temporarily so it won't fuck up your cat in the long run. Gabapentin helped my boy adjust when he moved in with me because he was incredibly nervous and didn't want to eat. My old cats usually got gabapentin or benzos when they got their lion cuts.
As for Feliway, I had good luck using the collars for my old cat. She started to lose her vision in low light as she got older and it made her really nervous at night. Feliway and night lights helped put her at ease again.
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Do you walk your cat?
Yeah. One bedroom apartment without a lot of storage options. There's a second box in the living room, away from that. It was maybe eight feet from where she pissed on the couch.

Doc sent her home with a five-day Clindamyacin script, which they told me after the fact she "didn't really need, it's just preventative". This all started three days into that. I'll ask about Gabapentin when I call today. I don't think I'd get her to keep a collar on.
never gotten her into the harness, tempted to just leash the collar like a dog
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Not on a leash because I'm not a sociopath.
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Have you replaced your cat's oil every 6 months?
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My cat is always sleeping like a camel. Why is she doing this?
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Fat cat in my backyard
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big, fat, dumb stupid idiot tortieshell cade
reposting from last thread
my cat is TERRIFIED of the front door opening. First I thought it was new people, then I thought it was the doorbell, and now she's sprinting away and hiding when I open the door and no one's there. If I hold her she'll start flailing in my hands. What do I do? It's not like if I go and get her it'll be fine, she's shaking for an hour.
My cat sleeps like that sometimes. I think he does it because he's bored or depressed. I don't know if your cat is bored or depressed.
Oil the hinges, they're making an ultrasonic screeching that you can't hear, but kitty can.
No but I’m kind of tempted to try
I’m still confused where I need to put it
Hey, my cat Smooch has been strange this morning. She's been lethargic, whimpering a bit when touched, and threw up bile thrice today. I'm at work, but my mom said she was hiding in my sister's room and breathing kind of fast. My vet is currently booked, and I'm wondering if we should bring her to the hospital. She's not eaten today.

For context, she's 17. Last night she was perfectly fine. She's been sick in similar ways before, but it didn't last as long and got better by either the evening or the next day. To be fair, it's 2:00pm now and we noticed at 7:00am.

Should I bring her to the hospital? What would you guys recommend. Her sister gets subcutaneous fluids twice a week to help with her kidneys, we were thinking of maybe administering some to Smooch as well in case she's dehydrated.

Thanks guys. This is her picture
Take it to the vet
Hopefully final update:

Got her an anti-anxiety med to go with the Orbax. Ordered new couch cushions. Found put she peed on one of their scratch pads too (circlular track woth a ball on the outside, cardboard scratcher in the middle) and it's just been saturating.
that was your response last thread, I did that but it didn't work
Those are all the hallmarks of a sick cat, would go to the vet. Mine takes emergency calls if you call as soon as they open but otherwise yeah pet hospital if you have the means.
That was what mine did when he was experiencing kidney failure
He didn't last long after that
Get it looked at stat
She's on the way to the pet hospital. I'll keep you posted.
can a cat unspay herself? My cat is spayed like 2 years now, but recently this other stray male cat keeps coming around and trying to get at her. I don't understand.
neat eyes
nature uhh finds a way
doubt your kitty is gonna regrow her uterus
ok but why is the one male to after her? is she hormoning all over the place or what?
How much would you spend on your kot if they got sick?
How sick are we talking?
Eye infection? $5 for triple antibiotics at CVS.
Cancer? $0 cus that nigga is already dead.
I just dropped like 1.2 K on my cat like a month ago for hepatitis treatment but only because the vet was confident something could be done. Beyond that it depends on the situation I guess
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In one go? Not like, multiple payments over time for repeated treatment? I'd go as high as maybe around $3k before it becomes unreasonable for my income. If they are absolutely positive it'll do something for my animal, I'd be willing to go as high as $6k. Anymore than that, and that's basically my paycheck for a quarter of the year. At that cost, though, you're probably deal with some kind of organ failure or cancer in which case most vets put the option out there but tend to lean more towards euthanasia.

If you're asking for monthly payments, I'd probably pay as high as $1k a month for treatment for my animal. I could definitely afford that and be thrifty in several other areas to make up the difference. It's hard to ask this question because I remember when my cat was going through kidney failure and vet costs weighed on my mind. I was thinking things like, "I have to be rational, I can't go beyond this amount....". When the time came and my dying cat was in a carrier with the vet asking if I was interested in doing costly test procedures to figure out what was wrong, all that disappeared from my head and I thought, "Yes, yes, of course, I'll pay however much I can. I'll put it on my credit card bill if I need to".

I remember when we decided on euthanizing and they handed me the paperwork for what to do with the remains while she was still alive. The options were very limited and extremely expensive. They wouldn't just give me the ashes, for example, it HAD to be in a custom box that adds to the cost. When your animal is still sitting next to you alive and you're looking at paperwork that basically says, "Would you like to donate their body to science?", it hurts enough that all your previous beliefs about not giving a shit if you bury your pet or not goes out the window. Suddenly, I REALLY cared about my pets remains enough to spend a lot of money on it when a month before, I would've said, "What do I need the ashes for? That's a waste of money".
My cat got some blood work done, some numbers were pretty bad, like creatinine for example is at what would qualify for stage IV ckd, having said that, he got a subq shot and he's now eating a lot like he used to, renal prescription food, he seems to have reacted well and in a month he'll have to get his blood work done again, I was wondering if anyone here thinks AIM30 is worth trying out or if the non injected stuff is a complete scam, some people suggest it's just not as strong
I think I'd only spend upwards or over 1000 if it were a young cat and I were guaranteed the treatment it needs would work.

It's mean to think about, but when pets get really expensive the "it's just a stupid animal" part of my brain starts telling me to just put it down and buy a new one. I've seen some close friends blow unreasonable amounts of money on a senior dog that was already on death's door regardless of its illness, and for the sake of my financial well-being I'd like to think I could resist doing the same.
>They wouldn't just give me the ashes, for example, it HAD to be in a custom box that adds to the cost

>it HAD to be in a custom box that adds to the cost.
Fucking really? My friend got their euthanized cat's ashes in a baggie and put them in a box they bought cheap and then painted themselves.
I didn’t even have to ask for anything, when I had to put one of mine down they just gave us her own body bag. Thought that was standard for all vet places
Yeah that sounds like a typical funeral scam, tricking people into thinking they have to pay for a bunch of unnecessary shit when their loved ones die. Should have just took the body in a box and told them to fuck off, but it wouldn't be a scam if you were in a mental state to realize you could do that.
we all have kots here
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just had to kill this little chick that my cat almost killed. Fuck.
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I can't answer a hypothetical. It all depends.
My girl had an archipelago of tumors stretching on the outside of her chest between her nipples a few years back. She hates to be picked up so I don't know how long they had been there but the smallest was probably the size of a large wart and the largest was the size of a small marble. I got her to the vet within 3 days of discovering them and they turned out to be cancerous. We had her in surgery within 2 weeks to have them removed. All in all cost under $2k. They told me in no uncertain terms before I paid them anything that they couldn't guarantee that the cancer hadn't already spread and could spread to an internal organ where there would be little to no chance to remove or stop. That was 3 years ago and she's in prime health for her age. Best $2k I've ever spent in my life, without question. I'd do it again if it gave me even just 1 more year with her.
I recently got a little Scottish fold kitten and she is regularly fighting with my 3 year old tabby tom cat. He gets really rough with her and i can't tell if he attacks her or they are playing, she tends to scream when he does it, so i assume the former?
>try to have sleepover with cat
>cat hates it
>sleepover canceled
I live on 288 acres and I have a deer fence that can double as an enclosure, what hoops do I have to jump through to get an ocelot or serval? I live in PA. Anyone have any experience with exotic (yet still smaller) cat breeds?
(x) touch belly
i know a grey cat like that. she's a grandma cat and comes over sometimes. i miss her
what temperature do DSHs like best? it's been hot for the past few days so my kitty has been hanging out in my lower level and ignoring me. is that normal?
Cats prefer temps a little higher than us so like 30 C but around 30-35 C I'd say it's common for them to stay in cooler spots. It's been around 35 C here recently and mine's been laying all over the floors.
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This fucker went absolutely feral on my hand the other night. Had the window open while we were sleeping and something tried to attack him.

It's funny, whenever I tell people why my hand is all bandaged up, there's only one of two replies; they ask if myself and/or the cat is okay, or they ask if I killed the cat in retribution. What is it about some people that makes them so fucking psychotic about cats?

my cats always get more independent in the warmer weather. They lose interest in food and attention and just flop on the floor for most of the day.
It's not normal for your cat to attack you, you humorless twit.
Under the circumstances it was entirely normal. Cats are not capable of logic and reasoning. Apparently neither are some humans.
>"what happened to your hand?"
>"my cat got scared by a wild animal and attacked me when I touched it"
>"lol fuck that cat, did you kill it?"
Perfectly normal and sane response, I agree, fellow sociopath.
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this cat has been expelled from 109 veterinarian's offices, isn't this unfair?
Incredible pic
This is so unfair… fuckin anti-catmites…
kk got a question for male black cat owners out there, mine truly acts like a crazy boy sometimes, he is on the fat side (nick named pregnant goat), but acts up all the time, 3 years old, but he cool and all, but do your "black" cats act like niggers?
Mine does get really playful sometimes but he’s mostly just really friendly, my friendliest right actually, I love him
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What to do? Our cats keep killing birds every day and bringing them to the house. I am thinking of keeping them inside to avoid this. Anything else that can be done? I am afraid our neighbors will get angry...
thats normal
eat the birds in front of your cats to show appreciation for their gifts to you
Call your local game warden for that kind of info. They'll be able to give you much more specific info regarding your county and it's more direct than trying to find the info online.

I'm thinking of turning my 2 strictly indoor cats into strictly outdoor cats in a small-ish city (10k) of which we are pretty close to the outskirts. Am I going to get in trouble doing this? They're chipped but we moved since first getting them. Will my cats, who haven't been outside since they were kittens, be able to make the adjustment assuming I leave them food, water, and an insulated shelter in our yard?
Any of y'all into these videos:


I absolutely love them. They're high drama but always a happy ending.
thank you for deciding to feed the local dogs! but why your cats?
One of them is peeing outside the litter box and I can't get him to stop even after spraying the spot he's peeing with cleaner and oils. The other one keeps trying to escape the house, I think he yearns for the outdoors. It's either this or I find someone who wants them.
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Which mammal is this in her mouth
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Have you tried:
>cleaning the litterbox more often
>getting another litterbox
>putting litterboxes in better locations
>changing the kind of litter
>taking the cat the the vet because it might have a UTI or something
that would be a rat
That is a shrew
Nope not a shrew
Scary ghost
How terrible is 5 cats in 740 sq ft? I'm probably going to because I'm desperate.
That's really bad, even 1 cat would struggle a bit with a space that small. Having 5 cats, they'd just be stressed every waking hour.
That sounds horrendous
I have 3 already and I'm managing. It was an additional 2 I am considering before they get killed outside.
are there no foster homes nearby you can take them to?
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That's pretty rough. You would have to make a lot of vertical space for them, like wall mounted shelves and beds. Having multiple litter boxes is important but would be difficult with that space. I know you want to help these other 2 cats, but you also have to think of the 3 you already have first.
>Have you tried:
>>cleaning the litterbox more often
When I can, yes
>>getting another litterbox
No because we don't have a spot to put it, we have small children and are limited in space
>>putting litterboxes in better locations
See above
>>changing the kind of litter
We use wood pellets and have for years, I'm not going back to clay
>>taking the cat the the vet because it might have a UTI or something
First thing we did, no UTI, it's behavioral
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Am I missing something? Is 740 sq feet not something like this? It seems like an awful lot of space to me
740 sq ft is basically a studio or 1 bedroom apartment. You might have 2-3 separate "rooms" and that's it.
In Germany, these days, 740 sq feet is a luxury apartment only the top 5 % earners can afford. And only if the apartment is rundown and an old building. Our politicians fucked everything up.
That’s the case for all of the West unfortunately. Housing market has been absolutely destroyed.
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Here's a follow-up. It's been determined what's wrong with smooch is a partial obstruction of her bile duct. She has some sort of mass in her gallbladder which has been determined to be gallstones.

She's been in for several days, and the vet has proposed surgery if the medication isn't enough. It's gonna be between 10-12k CAD, which I'll be using the inheritance from my grandmother. I set up a GoFundMe on my social media as well.

She might not make it bros, I appreciate all the good wishes and thoughts. She's a very spicy, silly cat. It's so hard seeing her get like this..
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One of my favorite pictures of her when she was young
She and her sister Ariel before they hated each other
Smooch a cute. Post more.
This will be my last photo I post before I visit her in the emergency vet tonight. I hope tonight is not my last night with her.

Please keep her in your thoughts and pray for her. Thank you /an/.
You WILL live in a pod and you WILL be happy
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Check out this cat who comes and visits me once or twice a day. I love it :)
Once I saw a little girl with a cat on a leash in the park. Cutest sight ever
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rate my floof leopard
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Just had a chance to see her. If you guys are okay with it, I can definitely post more
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My baby
poor kitty :(
I WILL resist the will of Schwab…
That’s no leopard >:(
At 17 I don't think I would pay that much personally but you do you. Also she cute, hope she makes it regardless.
Whats wrong with her?
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What's helping in this case is that my sister and I have an inheritance from my grandmother that's almost out, that basically covers this particular instance. I just want to see her and his sister reach 20. It's lofty, and even entitled of me - but I want to know I tried.

What's happened is that her bile duct has a partial obstruction. She stopped eating and was vomitting bile. After the vets did all their procedures, they found that Smooch's gallbladder has a mass that's consistent with stone.

So they're trying to tackle the stone with medication, or surgery as a last resort. Tomorrow they're going to make the vets are prepared to do the surgery but if her blood readings are better, they'll hold off and just Medicare.

She just got a feeding tube, so she's finally getting nutrients. She hadn't eaten since Sunday.
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Oh, I missed the most important part. The gallbladder mass IS what's blocking the bile duct. That's apparently a thing that happens for cats.

This is her and her sister Ariel btw
I wouldn't open a window for my cat because it was damn near 40c all day and this guy spent all fucking day whining
Hope she gets better soon
So I completely fucked up and got my dose of revolution plus on the SIDE of my cats neck and not the middle. I applied it while he was laying down sleeping (it's a bitch otherwise) and I guess I completely misjudged. Do you guys still think it'll work fine? I'm more afraid of it rubbing off on stuff while he lays down more than him licking it (cause it still goes in his body if he licks it at least). I'm a complete fuckup.
where do you even get kittens that aren't strays that don't cost an arm and a leg? All I want is something with short hair, young enough that I can name it, and doesn't have any nasty diseases that stray lines always have.
It'll work but the reason you put it on a place where they can't lick it is so they can't lick it
I just want you to know that I hope your cat pulls through, set up that GoFundMe, I'm europoor but even I can spare a few bucks to ease the load
I am really shit at doing that, next time I'll try my best to get it on the neck, and maybe apply it higher up. They always seem to be able to lick it even if I do it the best I can. Thankfully they don't seem to foam at the mouth or drool because of the taste, but still.
cute girlies
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I really appreciate it. The link, if anyone is interested, is here:


I felt really strange about resorting to a fundraiser, but with surgery it's looking to be 15,000 to 19,000. Anything helps.

I really wish I got pet insurance.
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UPDATE: The feeding tube seems to have worked, as the vet stated her Bilirubin levels have gotten better. This means we might be able to avoid surgery. She even ate some of the tuna we brought her - the first time she's willingly eaten since Sunday.

The big question is whether or not she can remain in this upward swing. We don't want this gallbladder problem to return. Surgery might be too much for her, so hopefully there's a type of medication or diet she can have that will prevent any from forming.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes
What is revolution plus? Is this a medication for your cat ?
>kot used to be more independent as a kitten
>now hear him whining when I'm in another room
What went wrong?
Good to hear. Hope things get better
Got smarter and realized you’re the only one he has
But he has a brother.
Ah. Then I don’t know
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Are some cats Ancient Deities?
No. Jesus created cats on a saturday, giving them only one day before the workweek started. That's why they hate mondays.
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he's my leopard
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Maybe he just realized how much he loved you
Kot is sleeping against my pillow all the time now instead of against the blanket
Is there a way to encourage her to not use it that isn't as autistic as putting the pillow in a special no access place when Im awake
Dont want her cat stink all over my face all night while I sleep
why do you care
toxobrain causes illiteracy it seems

>Dont want her cat stink all over my face all night while I sleep
why don't you want her cat stink all over your face
my cat stinks good, he curls halfway on my pillow and I nuzzle him to sleep
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El Gato de Tsushima
Yo bros my gf moved in to my place about 6 months ago with her cat. I thought I was making progress with him when he would be comfortable enough to be near me without running away. Now he randomly acts really scared and runs off and hides whenever I come near him. What should I do to get him to trust me fully? Be the one to feed him every time? He used to be an outdoor cat but now he's 100% indoor and got used to that so he probably has cat PTSD from seeing his fellow brethren get ripped to shreds by coyotes since he sometimes rarely hisses at me too
Is there a way to get a cat to stop being a retard and actually cleaning the litter off of their paws so they don't track it everywhere?
Make them wear shoes
This is a UV/IR reptile bulb in a chicken lamp clipped onto a microphone stand. My cats like it
Planning to get my deck screened in for the cats to go "outside". Also so I can go "outside" without being instantly eaten alive by a billion mosquitos. Any thoughts?
based sushi cat
That’s… pretty resourceful anon. Just make sure you don’t accidentally cook him
My cat likes takis.
I originally bought it for myself for winter to get some UV and would just point it at different parts of my body for the vitimin d. But now both my cats are enjoying it. This one is my blind cat. It's not actually rated that hot. I could get much warmer pure IR bulbs and have considered making a cheap DIY sauna with them and more chicken lamps.
Mine likes Pringles I swear I can't open one bottle with out him waiting beside me to get some. He doesn't even eat them just licks the chip
i had to put flea drops on my cat and she's so upset with me now. i had to hold her while my dad put them on her, but she doesn't like being restrained so she struggled and whined like crazy. i gave her her favorite treats afterward and she didn't even meow and circle my legs like usual when she heard me take out the plate i put them on... i feel so bad bros...
>blind cat
Stared at the UV bulb too long.
>He doesn't even eat them just licks the chip
many such cases
Any suggestions to get my cat to stop meowing obnoxiously whenever I go into another room and close the door?
open the door
Thanks nigger. Now let's assume I can't do that
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My house panther, Luna.
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>Neighbor has a fat ass indoor/outdoor cat that like to come to my property in the morning
>Shes a super sweet and friendly cat with the slow blinks and tail quivers
One day cat stops showing up for scritches
>ask neighbor about it
>Shit ass coyotes killed her
>Neighbor found her body not too far from his house all torn up
>Righteous fury burns my soul
>Offer to kill the coyotes that come onto his property for him since I have a sound maker with a little wiggler thing that draws them in like flies to shit.
>neighbor agrees, but only if I let him shoot a few of them too.
>Hell Yeah!
>we set up the sound maker with injured bunny noises and chill.
>No luck on the 1st day, but neighbor gets 1st blood on the 2nd day.
>He split a big males head open with his deer gun, a .270
>I get a couple with my .243
>This continues for another 2 days.
>we end up with 8 usable furs and 5 that are too destroyed to be good for anything
>neighbor invites me to join him for next years deer season which is neat since I didn’t have a hinting buddy till then.
>We still hunt deer and wild hogs together every year.

RIP Libby the Kitty. I like to think that the 1st coyote that we killed was the one that killed Libby. I still shoot every coyote that I see enter my property in her honor.
inb4 tourists start screeching in impotent rage at this
based coyotes eating eco-terrorists
Last taki she did exactly that, and was actually tearing up because it was so spicy for her. The previous taki was entirely consumed with very satisfying crunches.
why are they like this
Best wishes anon
Upsetting news bros, I found a dead cat alongside a highway this morning. I understand accidents happen but I feel like it’d be pretty obvious if you hit a cat. It had a collar but I think it was from a shelter as I couldn’t find any sort of identifcation/phone number apart from the number for the city I was in. Pretty upsetting. I fucken hate people bros, literally no-one else stopped to check the poor thing out. Granted it was on a busy highway but still you’d think there’d at least be a few people with human decency, there were places to stop and multiple different exits where you could easily wrap around. I just hope it didn’t suffer long
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I really feel like my cat is perpetually bored. His previous owner (who had him from 6months to 7 years old) told me she wasn't home a lot and maybe saw him 1-2 hours a day. I WFH and spend a lot of time at home and I try to play and give him attention but I spend a lot of time chilling at my computer desk. I give him outside time on the patio, I make sure he's well fed. He has a cat tree to see outside the window along with two big floor to ceiling windows. I don't live in the biggest space but it's a 2bed-2bath apartment and I don't even have a roommate so he has access to the other room right now.

He meows at when I'm sitting at my desk a lot and idk what to tell the dude, I can't spend all the time with him. pic related, the big boi
How long have you had him for? He could just be taking time to adjust
If I hit a tiny animal on the highway no I'm not going to check what it is.
>hmmm a cat?
>ohh well...
you are a soulless faggot
Maybe people who live near highways shouldn't let their cats outside.
cute cat
are tortoiseshell cat just a regular cat with orange/ginger patches on it?
interesting. full orange cats are almost all male and the ones who got orange patches like tortoise shells are almost all female.
What the hell is that
don’t use words you don’t understand
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mutant fingered cat
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She's home brudda!! She's on a cocktail of medication, plus one that she'll be on for the rest of her life - to hopefully prevent any more gallstones from forming.

Yesterday morning the vets found her bilirubin levels had dropped to 12, which had been in the 90's on Wednesday. They felt she was better enough to return home.

We had to spend a lot of yesterday wiping her up. She made a mess of herself at the vet and has a bit of a poopy butt. She's been extremely sucky at home and putting at every but of human interaction. It's actually strange as she's a very spicy cat usually.

Thanks again for all the encouragement and good energy from everyone who replied. I really appreciate it, and Smooch does as well.
>for some reason reacted negatively to being declawed

Nigga how would you react if someone cut all the tips of your fingers off?
Declawing is animal abuse.
>adopted cat 3 months ago
>previous owner says he's only thrown up like 4 times a year
>the cat has thrown up probably 8 times so far from me trying to feed him with gourmet shit

rip my fucking carpet. what a mess
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Cats (usually males) can still get horny especially if they were fixed later on. My tom is neutered but he still jerks himself off and chases after his female buddy (also spayed).
As a heads up, excess UV exposure can cause skin cancer in cats. It's like putting them inside a tanning bed. A portable heater is a safer bet.
It's because fur color is an X linked trait. Orange cats are primarily boys because they only need to inherit one copy of the X linked gene from their mother. Whereas patched kitties are primarily XX because they need it to exhibit three fur colors. I have a boy with Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) so he has three different fur colors.
I'm so glad that your baby is doing well and back home now. If she needs it, I recommend getting her on fluids and buprenorphine if you can. They're easy to administer at home. My first cat had similar issues and died of a bowel obstruction when I was four. The vet didn't give her a proper diagnosis so my parents just force fed her which caused her to vomit blood because it didn't treat the underlying obstruction.
It was really hard to see her like that. My parents didn't tell me when they decided it was time to say goodbye. We went to the vet one day and my mom returned with an empty carrier. I'm glad that they didn't lie about her dying though. I wasn't told that she went to live with Santa on a farm or something.
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This was my cat this morning. She has been on a cuddle streak the past few days.

That is all.
Why do people think Cats can't be trained?
People think you can't call a cat, but any time I'm not sure where my cat is in my house, I can call her name and to a tongue clicking sound I've trained her to respond to, and she'll always come to see me.

Maybe they just abuse and beat their cats like how they train their dogs and the cat hides when they call?
My cat knows her name but only sometimes chooses to come to me when I call for her. She'll often just be laying in her bed staring at me from across the house if I call to her like I'm an idiot.
dumb toxobrain
Could be gut parasites. A lot of cat food has had contamination events. Maybe try changing food again. Alternatively it could be a flora thing where her stomach just doesn't agree with one thing or another in there.
I know she says the n word
Do you have a better word for something that spends its life massacring native wildlife for fun?
another turtle cat with thumbs
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who the FUCK puts a breakable dish on a staircase with the intention of it being accessed by an ANIMAL that is ALSO noticeably NOT EVEN FULLY MATURED

IMAGINE putting something breakable where it is liable to be broken with the intention of access to something that is not only capable of breaking it as an accident, but does not have full coordination of its body, nor any understanding that it will break in the first place
I imagine it was a teachable moment for the human and the kitten both
And the word for something that spends all day coping and seething about it and other imaginary issues in a thread for things they hate is "Redditor"
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> Orange cats are primarily boys because they only need to inherit one copy of the X linked gene from their mother. Whereas patched kitties are primarily XX because they need it to exhibit three fur colors. I have a boy with Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) so he has three different fur colors.
Interesting. I had no idea cats could even get Klinefelter’s lol
you’re very desperate for the attention you were never given as a child
you won’t get it from me :)
Technocolor kitty
There’s nothing wrong with declawing a cat. They’re just animals. I declaw feral cats.
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Two excellent cats.
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Chai is officially below 14lbs now and around 1lb away from her goal weight!
Nice healthy kitty
not clicking
if you got rangebanned from posting files on /an/ of all places then it's time to think about your choices in life
just did :)
thanks for the acknowledgement of my post
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She's finally starting to show signs that she wont eviscerate the dog (who weights 10x as much as her but just wants a friend because he's stupid) every time he tries to go near her
Does anyone here have a Sphynx? I've never had a cat and I was thinking in getting one of these but I've heard they're kinda hard to take care of (constant baths, attention and expensive treatments).

I don't mind other cats it's just that I love that race in particular and having almost no hair seems like a good idea if I don't want to clean the house everyday.
first one is a kitten knocking over a bowl and looking sad and the second one is a man jumpscaring a woman holding a cat and they both laugh at the cat's reaction
yeah but just post it here instead of making people hop boards
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My kot is really getting used to my house now, I'm really glad that she's able to feel comfortable with most of it. I'm still having a few issues - one is pretty typically in that she hates going into any carrier. I thought maybe she just didn't like hers, but I got two different ones and she hated both of those too. So I started putting her in before her meals, walking around/outside the house for less than 5 minutes, and then feeding her right way. She obviously doesn't like this, but will this eventually help her get over her fear?
you trade not needing to occasionally clear fur (which you can lean as part of your usual cleaning chores) for needing to bathe a cat weekly
Unless the cat got used to it as a kitten I don't think you'll ever make a cat like carriers as an adult. Honestly though, the problem to worry about is getting the cat in the carrier, not making the cat like the carrier, so judging by your routine I think everything is already as good as its going to get.

The only real trick to making a cat like a carrier is to just leave it out and to toss a treat into the back of it so the cat can explore it of its own choice and get familiar with it.
she's still less than a year old, but she was a catch and release stray so I assume that's where the fear came from
and I've been doing that too, but she'll grab the treat and quickly back out. It's mainly the "being ok with being in it" is the issue
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>if you got rangebanned from posting files on /an/
fucking never
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do i need to be worried about this?
she was licking it just now (along with other fur in the area), so it's probably not causing her pain.
Being fair rangebans affect people they weren’t intended for too
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My kot's shit has come out with these white pellets in the last month or so, should I take her to the vet?
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Thanks anon. I got her and her buddy back in February. Her past owner free fed her kibbleslop and I'm pretty sure it messed up her hunger cues to some extent. Switching over to 100% wet food has helped a lot. I'm hoping that her arthritis will improve after she hits her goal weight.
My boy goes ballistic when I try to put him in a carrier. I recommend keeping a harness around in case if an emergency (like a fire) or if you're running late to a vet appointment. If your vet still requires a carrier, the carriers that open at the top are easier to get fussy cats into.
Things like fungal infections (particularly ringworm) can cause fur to come off. I'd get her checked out. If it's an infection, it could spread to you.
I think those might be tapeworm segments anon. Get her checked out asap. Be careful when handling her poop too.
does anyone own a breed that theoretically produces less allergens (Siberian, Rex of some kind, Sphynx, etc) and if so how has it worked out for you/anyone they’ve come into contact with that’s usually allergic to cats?

>inb4 nO cAt iS HypoALLerGeniC
i know
I owned a pair of female Siberian kitties. Spayed females make the least dander overall (males regardless of breed make a shit ton). My cousin's husband has a bad allergy to cats and he still had to stay outside, but their kids could at least play with the cats and the trace dander on them wouldn't cause a reaction. If you're allergic to cats, immunotherapy might be worth considering.
Siberians are lovely cats but sadly they are prone to genetic cancers (especially if they are solid or Neva). That happened to one of mine.
As for Siberians, I think you'll be hard pressed to find a reputable breeder too. It's pretty common to travel out of state and some people even import theirs from Russia. The good breeders import Queens and Kings from Russia to encourage genetic diversity and test for genetic cancers, but the bad ones will skimp and they'll get inbred quickly. Don't know anything about Rexes or Sphynxes. I reckon they're easier to find, but I could be wrong.
This is Ellie, she's 11 and got diagnosed with chronic kidney failure recently. She's now rejecting every type of food I give her, despite meowing for food frequently. It hurts so much, bros. I've had her for 6 years now, she ate rat poison around age 5/6 and was near death but somehow recovered until now.
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Wouldn't know mate, my two longhairs are dandruff factories. I'm more dander than man at this point. My immune system has just given up.
Praying for kitty
How's she doing?
So is there any hope? Hopefully she has a few more years left
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>tapeworm segments
You are correct, I've sent that pic to the vet and she agreed, I'll bring her to the vet when I finish working, thank you.
She'll happily eat treats and I can get her to eat some of the veterinary wet food when combined with a paste treat (basically baby food).
But if she's going to keep rejecting food she'll just starve until I have no choice but to put her down.
The vet gave her a few weeks or months unless she improves greatly.
I rescued a pregnant cat a few months ago, she was extremely aggressive when I got close so what I did was chill in the same room as her for about a week until she let me get closer without hissing, then I started hand feeding her wet food and by week 2 she was a purring machine.
We’re saved :)
Yeah, that’s a tough situation. Hope things improve for her
>>4827537 *
fucking never
name him correctly
My cat keeps licking the fur off of one spot in his leg, even though it looks like there's nothing on his skin. What's his problem, is he gay or something?
It's official. I'm getting a cat. Previous owner is under some financial stress and couldn't afford to care for her any more. I'm getting all the essentials, bowls, litter box, scratching post etc
What can I do to make the transition for her as easy as possible. I've heard it's a good idea to keep cats confined to one room while they get used to the change. Should I be in the room with her?
Nah just let he acclimate to the new place, you can leave the door open and she'll start exploring when she's ready and get used to your presence too.
My last cat went through the same thing. Don't give her appetite stimulants or force feed. My second last cat went through the same thing and appetite stimulants caused her body to shake randomly and she approach her food bowl, but she still wouldn't eat.
Some human food or treats might comfort her and prevent her liver from shutting down if she likes that as a treat. The liver will shut down pretty quickly after a couple days without food and there's not much that can be done about it.
As for palliative care, buprenorphine and fluids gave both of my kitties relief. The fluids will help her perk up in the meantime and her face will look less sunken. Cats will also feel self conscious and hide a lot if they struggle to groom themselves due to being sick. Assisting with grooming will help comfort her. Hang in there anon.
Mine were in the same room because there wasn't an alternative option. I live in a studio and they still found places to hide until they got comfortable. Don't worry if she doesn't want to socialize with you.
What a sweetheart. I wish I had someone like that in my life.
I fucked up and taught my cat to open a door.
Hi /kot/ I need names to make fun of my fat cat until he loses weight. His real name is Maximilian, so far I have
>Magnum Max
But nothing is working, he is still 30lbs and diabetic. Help me incentivize him to be healthful
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That's where it starts
>cat learns to open door, a latch type no less
>put wedge high up in door frame to thwart him
>he learns that the wedge is hindering his progress, so goes after that first
No, you should pretty much leave her alone. Also you should not leave the door open like moronanon recommends. You should feed her and squint at her, cats love squinting.
Keep in mind that female cats are all neurotic.
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I wish my cat was smarter, I swear to got he's fucking braindead. He seriously doesn't even associate shaking bags with getting a treat, it's frustrating trying to get his attention, especially when he gets outside, can't lure him with anything.
Why do they like chewing grass anyway
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I love my cat Dio, he's my boy.
However he is a vicious goddamn hunter and it's making me sad.
Just now I had to cut some poor bird's head off with a kitchen knife because Dio brought it in and was playing with it, but not killing it.

the poor thing was all messed up and didn't have a chance so I know it was a mercy but I still feel like shit.
Sometimes it's to alleviate stomach problems. Sometimes it's just a habit.
If a cat goes missing for 3 days, it is much more likely than not that it will never come back, correct?

I had an indoor cat disappear for over a week, and then zoom in through the front door as I opened it one morning.
They are very good at surviving.

But yes, the longer the cat has been missing the likelier it is that it is missing because something happened to it, not because it's having adventures.
Just worried because my cat has been gone for 3 days, and he has a very strong homing instinct. Been looking non-stop for three days and haven't found a trace.

There are red foxes in the neighborhood too. I heard they are not likely to pray on cats, but they have to eat something...

If you haven't yet I suggest speaking with your neighbors and asking them to check their garages and sheds, cats often enter those unnoticed and then get locked in.
>you VILL eat ze bugs and you VILL like it
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>I let my cat outside where it is liable to be killed and eaten by known predators in the area
>I'm worried for her what if something bad happened :(
Since when are foxes predators for cats?
Since all the time? Almost everything is. Cats are domesticated animals, so their survival instincts are much weaker. Every few years the UK has a panic about a future serial killer cutting cats into bits for no clear reason, and it turns out it's a fox.

The only reason they're more likely to come back than dogs is because they have less mass to move out of the path of a car and there aren't 2 billion cranky faggots who shoot them for being within a mile of their backyard chickens, unless you're australian, then, i'm sorry.
My cat had to have her left eye removed and it seemed everything was fine afterwards but now it seems that the area where the eye used to be is filling up with sort of liquid. It's been 2 months since the operation.
Is this normal or should I be worried? I've already sent some comparison photos to the vet just in case but it takes days to get a response from them.
You are an idiot. Foxes rarely ever prey on cats, and if they do, it's either kittens or elderly.
Foxes have absolutely no trouble taking out cats. You're like those people who think cats are too "smart, agile, and evasive" to be eaten by dogs. You've never seen actual predatory behavior. It's quick and brutal, not like play attempts and dominance posturing.

In the end, most of cats behaviors are based around avoiding detection by most other predators for a VERY good reason.
Again, you are an idiot with zero idea. The relationship between foxes and cats has been studied more than enough and foxes are not predators. There are even videos on youtube showing foxes approaching cats without any aggression.
my cat has gone from smelling like fresh laundry to smelling like wet dirt in the span of a day
what do
that is what your cat actually smells like. the dominant body odor of most carnivorans is something like wet leaves or dirt and the other smells are the ones that are left after you go noseblind.
They might be getting sick, keep an eye on them. Check their teeth too. If they seem fine it's probably nothing to worry about.
I started noticing it after she got spooked by a repairman, I'm hoping that's the reason. That was only yesterday so idk
Looks a lot like my cat Destry that I had euthanized not too long ago because liver cancer.
Throw it back in the wash
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Looks like a deer mouse/field mouse/whatever your area might call it.
Best to drive to them yourself and find out. I’m taking my cat for an issue he’s had for forever
>There are even videos on youtube showing foxes approaching cats without any aggression.
there are also videos of dogs approaching cats without any aggression, yet dogs still kill cats. There are videos of lions taking care of baby gazelles. You know what ity signifies? They're not hungry right at that moment. If a fox has been seen, it can't attack with any guarantee of success, and so it might choose to just investigate. Stop living in la-la land, toxobrain.
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On a somewhat related note, would anyone be interested in a calorie counting app for pets? I fell for the learn to code meme and I'd like to put it to use. It would have a database with common cat foods, BCS tracker, weight graphs, stuff like that.
I call my white kitty goodyear blimp. Are you counting his calories? Mine need about 180-200 each a day to lose weight. I got them back in February and they're dong great so far.
I recommend getting him on wet food because it's more filling than kibble and has a lower glycemic index. Make sure to take note of calories in wet food too. Some can be as low as 50 and others are as high as 120. Tiki Cat has a lot of lower calorie options.
Yeah he's a good boy. I randomly mentioned his extra orange/white patches to the vet and she confirmed that he has it. Some cats also have chimerism which causes the appearance of a "split face" (two sets of DNA in one body) and a calico like appearance.
No problem. Glad I could help. Be very careful about picking up her poop and wash anything that she sits on. Hope she feels better soon.
Never heard of foxes preying on cats but coyotes are notorious for butchering them. I live in a big city and in spite of that they're everywhere. Eagles sometimes try to pick up cats and their claws screw them up in the process.
Infections are a major risk of surgery for both humans and pets. I'd get it checked out.
I wish my cat would chew things to help clean his teeth. I tried eating card board in front of him but he doesn't understand peer pressure and it didn't work
That's dependent on dog breed, idiot.
Foxes don't naturally prey on cats. They would rather eat the cat's food than the cat.
Buy him patches of grass so he can clean his teeth when he chew it
>peer pressure
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>>4828909 here

He came this morning. Was missing for three days.
As I was taking down all the fliers, I managed to walk past the severely mutilated remains of a possum which I don't think was there before. If that was his doing, I guess I can take some comfort in that he wasn't hungry while missing.

Will be taking him to the vet ASAP for a neutering and never letting him out at night again. Seems to have a slight cough as well, though he had that before he went missing.
Glad he came back but neutering at his age isn’t likely to help with a desire for roaming. All of mine are fixed and will still wander around if I let them
I had a male cat neutered as a kitten and he'd still roam. I'm pretty sure it's just always going to be a thing, especially for males.
At the very least I'm hoping it at least stops him from roaming very long distances, like 5km+ (if he does that).
stop letting your fucking cat outside
He's smart, he'll be fine
you need to kill yourself
Nah I'm going to keep doing it, don't care what a sperg like you says.
It's only a major problem at night time anyway.
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This shit has been happening for years now but I can't figure it out what the fuck is causing this. Basically most of my cat's kittens just die while being months old. It usually starts with them being tired and wobbly then they just drop with barely any force left in their bodies. Within the hour they just get weaker and weaker then start twitching and opening their mouths at some point. They usually then just die within an hour and their bodies look very empty. I can't figure out if this is something hereditary or just something that happens outside. No unfortunately there are no vets anywhere near where I live but I at least just wanna have an idea of what the hell is causing this.
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what are you feeding them? do they have swollen eyes with pus?
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Adopting the cat of my cousin who passed away suddenly. I'm going to rename her because the name my cousin gave her is awful. Any suggestions?
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how do you recover from this? is this cat condemned to inceldom?
Hila (pronounced 'eela')
this one is good :)
cute :)
>doesn’t get back up
he’s down for the count…
Leftovers, soft foods mixed and lightly heated. No swollen eyes w/ pus. Honestly idk wtf this is... Barely seen it on other's kittens but seems to happen alot to mine. Either it's a bloodline thing or something's wrong with my nurture.
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>it's over...
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I've been letting my little shit of a cat go outside now, and for the past week she haven't used her litter box.
Now, I figured she just shat outside, since the time of her going out coincide with her taking a dump. But the crap on her ass (she's a white cat, her unwashed ass sticks out like a sore thumb) haven't changed since then, so I'm a little concerned she might be constipated.
Still, she's still eating normally and don't seem to have a changed in her behavior or energy.
I'm tracking you ip motherfucker
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is it normal for a cat to just chill out in their catbox
no, get him a normal box where he isn't surrounded by piss and feces, or teach him to ponder in a window instead
>Hope she feels better soon.
To be fair, she ever displayed any sympthoms, I just noticed the segments in her poop. I grab her like a baby to scratch her every day and she never complained
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Can you name her after your cousin? Maybe a middle name or someone that was close to your cousin?
Yeah my boy kitty still does this even though he's neutered. The girl gets way angrier than this one. He's probably an incel for life but he at least figured out how to jack off.
Shit can stay on a cat's ass for a long time. I recommend getting a pet trimmer and using it to shave her butt.
Mine do this when I'm taking a shit. I think they like to mimic what I'm doing. I'd recommend getting some bedding and cardboard boxes for him though.
Gorgeous kitty
Is it just an accepted fact that dogs are smarter than cats? Or do we cope and say their somewhat similar intelligence is just presented in different ways?
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I got him some wheatgrass and he accessorized with it
guys I felt bad for the stray cats tonight when it's raining horribly
I saw one on my roof trying to find shelter from the rain, while my dumb cat (which I adopted from being a street cat) is sleeping in my bed warm and comfy
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Six cats in my backyard. The white one belongs to my parents, the other ones are strays that we feed. We are trying to find someone to adopt the kittens.
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This was a yawn.
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shady kot
Is there a word for when a cat is dodging your hand when you try to pet its back?

I bet there's some reddit chungus word for it.
Just got back from getting our regular rabies vaccine. Should i go for the distemper jab the vet suggested too? She’s an indoor cat.
>cat is learning to come when called
>his slower brother thinks it'd be hilarious to pounce him while he runs towards me
What do
I mean he's not wrong
I hate warm weather but my cat eats less and I get to sleep more
Wow. That cat is so fat it knocked the picture sideways.
What a bittersweet story, anon. Good on you and your neighbour to right this wrong. Your actions may have even saved other outdoor cats by removing those dog-shaped vermin. Keep doing what you're doing.

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