Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.Can they not start naming coffee beans like weed strains edition?If you're new and confused start here, then ask a few questions: you're old and confused hows the buzz?Previous thread:>>20970688
>>20980461>cosmic turkeyAt least it's tangentially Thanksgiving related.
How does a S.T.A.L.K.E.R make coffee?
Let's all get another laugh at the Varia VS3
>>20980865probably cowboy style, filters and any other contraptions out in the zone make any modern style a bit difficult.
>>20980877Just hold it in place with some tape
>>20981168Tiny bit of Teflon thread tape would sure that right up.
>>20980877notice how few of the youtuber salesmen pointed this outreally makes the nogging jogging>>20981283>just tape your brand new $300+tax+tip grinder bro
>>20980877Looks like I’m buying the df54 after all.
>>20981321>implying $300 is expensive Go be poor somewhere else.
>>20981374You're clearly poor yourself if you wouldn't just spend more money on a better grinder that doesn't alter the grind setting as it runs.Everyone knows REAL rich people do chewing gum and paper clip repairs all the time. They would never just buy a high quality item to begin with.
>>20981384My wug came with teflon on the adjustment dial threads. The $4000 weber eg1 uses cut zipties to keep beans from sticking in the chute.
>>20981374>implying $300 is expensive i never implied that dumb retard
>>20981384needing anything else beyond instant coffee is flamboyant homosexuality and should be punished by being raped by my penis
>>20981407>$300 WHOLE dollars>PLUS tax?>PLUS A TIP??!Just be glad you're not australian. It would be a whole house payment.
>>20981406Yes, and the people buying those items didn't have to hack together the fix and install it themselves, it was preinstalled.Should they, at that price point, engineer a better fix? Sure, but as long as the consumer isn't directly impacted, it's at least acceptable.The Varia VS3 is just a bad design with no actual fix im aware of besides using less lube on the burrs so it walks a bit slower, and readjusting the grind setting after every grind.
>>20981421>it was preinstalledAnd needs to be periodically replaced.>no actual fixOther than slightly tightening up the threads with 6c of tape.
>>20981423And that doesn't fix it, just makes it happen less. Now instead of walking back by 5-10 steps it's only 2-3.
>>20981433Here's what some reddit dipshit says on his unremedied vs3. Hoffmeme was clearly continually dumping beans in to demonstrate the drift. "Footage 8x speed, 40g in">the drifting on the grind setting drives me nuts and i basically have to hold the thing in place or get about 1 tick of drift per 18g
>>20981447None of that has swayed me.Why shouldnt I DF54?
>>20981453I'm not saying you shouldn't. I'm just saying don't bitch about easily fixable quirks on budget grinders.
>>20980461PISS OUT MY ASS
>>20981460Post a picture of your current grinderYou know, for the lulz
>>20981468Need a time stamp?
>>20981491based REAL rich dipshits doing chewing gum and paper clip repairs
>>20981499Post that df54 once you save up some change.
>>20981508No need, i've got a Philos
>>20981515Congrats! Personally I wouldn't keep a mazzer if it were given to me. But to each his own.
It needs a gasket to not fill up with grounds under the burrs? LOL.
>>20981574> The gap is sealed with the stock burrs, it doesn't seem to seal perfectly with SSP burrswow it's almost like it was a product designed for their burrs.
>>20981582>>20981574Forgot pic
>>20981574>>20981525lmao this man spent 20 minutes seething
>>20981582>>20981583Why would you ever want to run mazzer burrs?
>>20981594If I didn't why would I buy a specific grinder that only advertises it works with their own burrs?If I wanted to swap burrs i'd be spending $2000+ for something that's INTENDED for that kind of burr swapping.
>>20981592he spends his timed seething just observe
>>20981599I'm guessing you wanted the hot new reddit grinder and hopped on the $1 preorder.
>>20981603No, I had been eying a few grinders and the Philos caught my eye when it released in Europe. It had been on my radar for at least 4-5 months before I ordered it.
>>20981499did you fall out of the coconut tree?
>>20981611Daddygotcoffee got another one.
What's the current pourover meta? Is the V60 still top dog?
>>20981957Clever dripper.
>>20981957Sworks dripper or orea+sibarist boosters for flats. UFO or melodrip colum for cones.
>>20982053WHATS UP MY FELLOW SWORKSsounds like a slur on another planet
>>20982053>>20982064I'm more of a Cervelo guy myself.
>>20980461DUDE COFFEE
old pic i had from harvest
So as a hand grinder only anon, which auto grinder is the most loved and approved by /ctg/
>>20982179Extremely based coffee harvester
>>20982257Baratza esp and mazzer philos
>>20982296Aww, he wants attentionHere you go champ
>>20982323Do you have a different answer to anon's question?
>>20982344DF64You're just bringing up the Philos in a weird attempt to trigger the anon from hours earlier.
>>20982350There was an anon here a few threads ago who was very vocal about the shit quality of his df64 v2. By all accounts here the philos has been rock solid so far. Encore esp just got glowing reviews from The Hoff himself.
>>20982361DF64 is chinkshit, that's why it's so cheap, the downside is quality control is hit or miss and you might need to align your burrs, but you're getting $1000 performance at half the price.
>>20982365Hit or miss quality chinkshit doesn't sound like the most loved and approved /ctg/ grinder.>The wave spring is not sufficient. The motor shaft is also not even remotely straight. I am not really sure what you are defending here or why but given the cost of the grinder it is essentially impossible for it to do what it is trying to do.
>>20982368You're reading an autists words.DF64 beats the pants off of anything else in it's price range and I wouldn't be shocked if we had at least 4-5 regular posters here who own one.
>>20982371Okay bud. If you say so. Do you own one?
>>20982379Do you?
>>20982383Nope. That's why I directly quoted another anon who does.
>>20982285the producer of that farm was cool, as soon as i got there he took me to the lot they were harvesting and we rode the mechanical harvesters. each one of those rows are a kilometer long to give some idea of scale
>>20982395>sourced quote by ownervs>unsourced "im sure 4-5 people here have gotten decent units"
>>20982409Thanks for the feedback bud.
>>20982296>mazzer philoswhat's wrong with the Philos?It looks neat
>>20982379I do. No complaints thus far
>>20982476Nothing at all. Sprometheus loved his.
what are your favorite aeropress accessories
>>20980461Loving these Ethiopian beans.
>>20982527Silky af.
Would buying an espresso machine fill the hole in my heart that she left? I was thinking a Decent DE1XL
>>20982568Nope, but if you pair it with a $1000-2500 grinder and take a few weeks to practice you can beat the pants off most coffee shops in the country, which while it wont allow you to forget her, will at least get you good espresso.
>>20982539ya it's so hard to pour any art because the crema is so fragile
>>20982575you can beat the pants off of most coffee shops with a hand grinder and a stock gaggia classic pro.
>>20982612Yeah but with a decent and a good grinder you're beating like all but a handful as long as you get a bit of practice and take the effort to do the process properly.
>>20982670or for less than a grand you can get the performance of a decent by building a gaggiuino
>>20982612pretty muchback when i was a barista, training was "you put the portafilter here, coffee comes out, you tamp it down, put it in this machine, press this button, turn if off when it hits 36mL". i had no understanding of espresso and no one on staff seemed interested in coffee so i had to learn a lot on my own. i remember my manager getting mad at me for properly dialing in the espresso because "none of the other baristas know how to 'reset' the grinder">>20982670i'd argue coffee iq and experience go further than good gear. a good barsita can make an excellent coffee on just about anything, whereas the average homebrewer with the top of the line gear will probably just make okay coffee
>>20981406>The $4000 weber eg1 uses cut zipties to keep beans from sticking in the chute.Amazing.
>>20982527>two-tone keycaps gross
>>20982761They’re pudding caps.
>>20980461ah fuck... Delaware...
What do you think of getting>Rocket Mozzafiato type r>Fiorenzato All Ground Sense
bought a superautomatic. don't need more autism in my life so I'd rather put up with supposedly "inferior" coffee. it's so hot here anyway that 80% of the year I'm doing iced/milk drinks so probably won't even notice any difference between this delonghi and the magnacoffee autist 3000 manual superslayer crotchless portafilter with bob down's single dose $1488 ultragrinder.
>>20980461Hello there /ctg/, I'm not a big coffee drinker. I've only tried it a handful of times but recently I won a coffee maker at work and it uses these little pod things. Got any recs? A friend of mine gave me pic related
>>20983100get a refillable pod and put good coffee in itsee the pastebin for good coffee
>>20982179>>20982396Really cool. Reminds me of the machines my neighbour uses to harvest grapes.Any more cool things about the coffee farms?
>>20982527>>20982819this anon is trans
>>20983381Can we not have this again.
>>2098338541% chance we won't.
>>20983100aldi has pretty good coffee if you have one near you
Drug dealer scale died on me. What’s a good cheap-ish scale for espresso
>>20983381You wish
>>20983498>pudding top mechanical keyboard>N64 controller>multi-monitor setup>using light roast Ethiopian naturals in a milk drinkI’m going to say there is a 90% chance you identify as a woman and a 100% chance you are a biological male
>>20983506I’m concerned that you see trannies in everything anon. That’s a weird head space for you to be living in.
>>20983514>wristlet and a watchletcoffee
>>20983514your watch says ANUS
>>20983485Damn bro what did you do to that poor thing, it looks like it's been raped
>>20983612it got sprayed all over by a no WDT, über-channeled shot yesterday when I was sleep deprived and I didn't bother with cleaning it.I think that the espresso seeped into the internals and dried lol
>>20982757a fool and his money...
>>20983649For me its the icafilas.
What’s a good manual grinder for pour over exclusively? V60 and immersion mainly, all roasts but mainly medium and light, natural and washed coffee (no fermented).Budget 200€ max.
>>209836871zpresso K ultra and zp6 will be around that price for BF sales on aliexpress. Kingrinder k6 will be about half that. lets fucking go decafchads
>>20983687Coffeecircle has the Comandante C40 for 199€, can't really go wrong with that
>>20983687The other two gave you the max budget options, I'll suggest the kingrinder k6 and p0-2 as the more budget options.
Are non bialati moka pots worth? They seem functionally the same?
B R O SRedpill me like right the fuck now about this grinder + offer
Has drinking a dark roast french press black coffee with a 1:10 bean to water ratio every day ruined my taste buds?
>>20983985is this a real cat pic?
>>20983985is smoking good for cats?
>>20983954Top tier espresso burr set(that a guy happened to win the World Brewers Cup with) + their top tier pourover optimized burr set. Stupid good deal. I actually just sold my old 2019 kinu phoenix to another anon here a few weeks back.
>>20984011Ok anon, so, in the grand scheme of Kingrinder K6 vs Kinu Phoenix M47 with both burr sets, the latter would be a good deal right?Consider that I'm not using top tier beans all the time, so I fear that a very good grinder like the ZP6 (which is the reason why I discarded it) would evidence all the defects and roasting issues of the beans, is this the case with the M47?
>>20984016>the latter would be a good deal right?Undoubtedly. That m47 is the basis for 1zpresso's JE-Plus. They copied that italian made(Italmill) burr set, started CNCing their own burrs in china and called it the JX/JXpro/Jmax. The kinu pourover burr has been tweaked from that original design to feed a bit less aggressively and put off less fines. I think you'll be very happy with the flexibility.
>>20984064Ok anon thank you for the insight.The only concern I have is that I would need to swap the burrs each time I change style, which is not a big deal but it's not as immediate as changing the grind size on something like the K6/K-Ultra.I now own a JX Pro S which in case I would sell and keep the M47 with both burrs only, but if I end up with the K6 I'll keep both and use the Kingrinder for pour over only.I'm really confused.
>>20984091Starting to suspect I'm helping a spamming mokatard. Good luck and/or go back.
>Coffee diariesDo you keep one? An app, spreadsheet or dead trees? What do you record? How has it helped? Did you arrive at any insights?
LolLmaoRedditor got a Philos with a bit of a slant on it.Mazzer is replacing it, but still funny looking.
>>20984138i just write shit down on my phone’s notes app. grind setting, water temp, brew time, and taste for every attempt i do with a specific bag to try and find the best tweaks. I’ve also been recording orders from every cafe i visit during my lunch break at work so i remember which ones are ass and which are good
>>20983544He has manly hot hands you're obviously a straight biological male because you can't tell
huh grinder? what are you gay?
>>20984119It’s too late anon.Sadly I decided to ditch the kinu because while it’s top notch, I don’t want to swap the burr each time, it’s either filter or espresso.I would gladly swap the Phoenix for my JX Pro, but I need a dedicated pour over grinder so the choice is ZP6 or K6.
>>20984267Think that account will last longer than your instagram did?
>>20984276What account? I don’t have any.
>>20984290Ah that one? When enough people answer I’ll thank them and delete it as always.Are you a plebbitor or a tranny mod there?
>>20984294>It’s too late anon.I just checked the most likely location where a rat would run. Like the last time you snitched on yourself.
>>20984301Lmao no, it’s just that on r/coffee they delete your post for new accounts so I have to use minor subplebbits.Who cares also?I also gave you people ITT the kinu Black Friday promo tip, it’s a hell of an offer and you should actually thank me btw.If only they made an M47 option with the pour over burr only as standard…stupid Germans…
>>20984310>you should actually thank me btw
>>20984310I posted it two threads ago dipshit.>>20963114
>>20984322Nice anon, unlike you I’m not here 24/7 so I didn’t catch it.Good job.
>>20984197Are they george costanza tier hands anon?
>>20984322>I posted itretard
>>20984325>you should actually thank me btw
>>20984146/r/espresso?Kinda despise that place tbqhwy"Just got into espresso, check out my setup! *La Marzocco Linea Mini and a DF64*"
>>20984146Would that actually be bad long term?
Anyone try just brewing coffee in one mug and then dumping it through a filter into another mug instead of going through the pour over process? Sort of like a french press without the metal filter.
>>20984406>Literally just filtering out grounds from water dumped on coffeeBut why....
>>20984404Probably not. The issue is if it shits out 6 months down the road and you have to convince CS>No it totally came fucked like that there were absolutely no warranty voiding mishaps.Also there's a nonbent Philos that just went up on EAF discord for $800 shipped. i200d burrs. Guy wants to move up to 80 or 98mm for some reason.
>>20984412Maybe immersion is better than pour over. I mean, why would anyone ever use a french press?
Sometimes you get zipties. Sometimes you get double sided tape holding your big shiny badge on. No wonder the adjustment is in the back lel.
>>20984406actually yes. was staying out of town and didn't have any brewing equipment other than a grinder and pack of filters. so to make coffee i boiled a pot of water, let it cool for a min, added the coffee, let it brew for 4 min, then filtered itpretty much the same profile as a drip. french press has a distinct profile due to the fines and oils not being filter out by the metal filter. so filtering an immersion brew like you described is essentially a more complicated way to do a typical pourover/drip brew. not worth the hassle
>>20984417No I mean why not just use a french press?Why even say "instead of pour over" when talking about immersion brewing?It's like saying "has anyone ever poured water in a circle over coffee grounds over some sort of filter, sort of like a pourover"
>>20984520>No I mean why not just use a french press?To avoid the problems that come with the french press.
>>20984531>problems that come with the French pressElaborate further anon
>>20984534No offence but you sound like a faggot.
What the hell is up with the guy shilling the M47?
>>20984542> X thing has issues>what issues?>y..your a faggotNice deflection retard, how about you substantiate your claim instead.
>>20984548You have nothing to offer but whining. Must be a common theme with you. This guy >>20984488 was able to answer the question anyway.
>>20984563Nice. A different flavour profile is a good response. Though different isn't exactly a problem like you've stated. You could have responded like that instead of offering nothing yourself.
>>20984577Are you having a stroke?
>>20984587Is your name ad hominem?
>>20984597No this is Patrick
>>20983356>Any more cool things about the coffee farms?the amount of coffee varieties. that farm has about 40 varieties if i remember correctly. i cupped anywhere from 2-3 times a day for a week straight first time i went there. being able to cup 40 different varieties multiple times, of varying grades, from various sections of the farm, different microclimates, different harvests (we cupped a few lots from previous harvest against current harvest), etc but all from one singular farm really gave me a new appreciation and understanding of coffee. pic is of some ruiru 11 planted earlier this year at a different farm in guatemala
>>20984548nta but cleaning a french press sucks
>>20984619Damn that's like a speedrun in palate refining. I suppose you are there for business. I'm sure it must've been a diverse whilst still only being from a single farm, meaning it can be much more.those ruiru 11 would be picked by hand and kept growing agroforestry style right?Don't hesitate to share more stories it's a breath of fresh air for this general
>>20984650I was actually there to purchase several brown children.
>>20984423that's factory? assholes, a bit of glue would be easier, cheaper and more effective
>>20984704Its just a touch of that italian heritage you hear so much about.
>>20984730just glue it back I guesshow's that orbital clump remover thingy? they always looked like a meme to me
>>20984730Lay off the pasta Giuseppe.How much does that kit costs you think?I bet you get top tier le'sprezzó from that setup. In your fucking shorts.
>>20984744>>20984753I'm just pulling pics from homebarista. Looks like there's already a faceplate revision with screws.
>>20984790US chads winning again
I'm looking to spend $2000-3000 on an espresso machine and grinderAny suggestions?I'm not looking to get the most expensive machine but I want something that is high quality, made to last and is nearing diminishing returns but not quite there yet
>>20984836Zerno Z1 + whatever decent single boiler machine you like and other assorted accessories should set you back around $2500-3000.
>>20984836Is it gonna be your first? If so don't spend that much and get a Bambino or GCP + some starting tier grinder to get a feel for stuff, $600 should be plenty.
I've ordered the Papau New Guinea beans. At 20 bucks a pound they will be half the price of Blue Mountain Jamaica, but will they truly be able to replace Blue Mountain Jamaica?No, the answer's no, the answer's always no, I should have invested in Bitcoin so I could afford the morning coffee I an intellectual deserve.
did you guys get your decaf tasting sets? mine was 25 donalds shipped for 4 full 60g ziplock bags. I've never tried a decaffeinated coffee before. I presume it will be shit and the (promoted) new way of decaffing will be marginally better tasting.if they'll taste completely different then thos Beans are no longer coffee.
>>20982975came today. after doing the basic cleaning and discarding first 5 shots. it's good.using midrange lavazza medium roast beans tastes exactly like what I get from coffee shops.
>>20984670Is the price better than in Canada?
>>20982975>>20985012What superauto did you end up with?
>your coffee, my choice
>>20985013You always get a better deal when you buy directly from the wholesaler.
>>20985015Delonghi Eletta Explore. I got the cheaper version on sale on Amazon. I looked at the various brands, decided on a Delonghi, and then picked the Eletta mostly because it has the flip up tray which fits my regular 16oz/450ml thermal cup and because it has the hot & cold milk system jug thingies. I figured I was getting an automatic machine I might as well get the one that will mean the least amount of additional work.Without the flip up, or if the Eletta was only available in the "Titanium" cold brew version (which is another ~30% more expensive, which would have made it too much for me) I would have got the Magnifica Evo, which to me was the best value for money out of all the options.
>>20985039>Delonghi Eletta ExploreLooks like there are 4 on Ebay right now with "distressed packaging" that are ~$1350.
I've come to the conclusion that caffeine addiction is unbeatable
Good morning /coffee/ today is a black coffee day
It’s over.I decided not to buy the K Ultra because even at 207€ on sale it’s more than I need and also being pour over focused can’t be used as an all rounder replacing my JX Pro. The latter will be used as moka and espresso dedicated grinder and the K6 for filter coffee and cold brew.The ZP6 is too expensive to import, 250€ for a pour over grinder only it’s not for me.Thanks for reading my blog bye
>>20985819Why do i get the feeling you could just buy three electric grinders for say 35 bucks a pop and get coffee that tastes virtually identical to your hand grinder? I mean shit roasting yeah of course that affects the taste but grinding get outta here
>>20985835autists will convince themselves of their abilities to detect imaginary bullshit qualities in coffee 24/7
>>20985835Hand grinders don't heat the beans up like an electric grinder will do. If you're doing a pour over you don't want the beans heated until the water hits the coffee
>>20985850This is fucking retarded
>>20985835If you’re doing pour over you would be right. Espresso however requires very consistent and granular control over grind size or it just straight up does not come out properly.
Good morning coffee bros. Everyday I’m so glad I got an espresso machine.
>>20985819Inb4>even the tea like brews make my holes bleed
>>20985969I’ve been drinking coffee for weeks without problems anon, that why I decided to buy a pour over grinder. I’ve also ordered high quality coffee from Neroscuro to christen it with.
>>20985977don't forget to post about it. it makes the trannies seethe.
>>20985989If it was true he'd have been spamming about it the entire time. He's gearqueering in search of a solution. >I don’t care if I don’t tolerate coffee at this point, the whole process of making it gives me joy like cooking. I will keep experimenting and not giving up, this gut shit will end at some point.
>>20985991>he really resorts to diving into the archives every single time he needs attentionLmao poor soul
>>20985995I accept your concession.
Anyone ordered from Black&White (in the pastebin)? Their funky naturals look interesting to at least try.
>>20985812Blue Mountain Bro! I have a question, what about other high end coffees like Geisha or Kona? What are they like?
>>20986014>GeishaNever had it. Those who have had it have told me it tastes and "feels" a lot like black tea. Worth giving a shot for the gimmick I suppose>KonaIn all regards an inferior coffee to JBM. Everything it is respected for JBM does better. Low acidity? JBM does it better. Smoothness - JBM does it better. Body? JBM does it better. And i've had Kona straight from the source so im not memeing its just in all ways inferior for the same price tag
People talking about “high quality” Hawaiian/Jamaican coffee are just trolling right
>>20986033Captcha: 0000A
>>20986033Tourists love their traps.
>>20986033Kona is a meme but Jamaica Blue Mountain is not, even if the cost is driven up by the Japanese fetishizing it. If you disagree name a better coffee instead of just chuckling to yourself about tourist traps
>>20986033>>20986116But what about Geisha coffee is that any good?
>>20986121They can't afford Geisha Anon, it's sour grapes
>>20986116Costco yirgacheffe. You know it's good because it says single origin right on the bag!
>>20986138>Costco yirgacheffe.I respect the value play(my go to is Trader Joe's for like 5 bucks a pound) but that fruity shit ain't even close to JBM. Lacks the smoothness and the body.
>>20986116Coffee from Latin America, Africa, and Indonesia
I drink Folger's Breakfast Blend through a Mr. Coffee.
>>20985991just because you live 24/7 online doesn't mean everybody does
>>20986155I'm just clowning you. There's a difference between Costco yirg and microlots from people like Pepe Jijon, Anny Ruth, Sebastian Villamizar, Jamison Savage, Roberto Lieva, Rodrigo Valencia, Edward Sandoval etc etc etc. The guy who sells the jbm to freshroastcoffee started a company to sell small holder commodity grade Jamaican beans cheaper through bypassing the big estates. >dude this is totally Kobe beef it's just from the cows that noone wanted
>>20986197Your internet turns off? What year are you living in?
>>20984650>those ruiru 11 would be picked by hand and kept growing agroforestry style right?correct. in guatemala, labor is extremely cheap so everything is picked by hand. even if a producer/farm had the money, the topography is too rough for mechanical harvesters since Guatemalan is also very mountainous. if i remember correctly, that farm was abandoned for decades so most of these shade trees are just new growth that they elected to keep. the farm in this pic had its shade system designed by a producer trained in agroforestry. he might have done some work with the ruiru 11 farm since it's in the same region as the farm in the pic
>>20985812I've actually been to Blue Mountain and had freshly roasted coffee at a plantation there. Your Amazon Brand kneels to the source
Is the Clover machine a meme?
>>20986336Damn was it good?
Stopped drinking coffee when the covid lockdowns started and looking to get back into it. Is $20 a pound the new normal for locally roasted coffee?
>>20986336>freshly roastedgrim
>>20986390Alright so it was roasted the day before, still fresh.
>>20985998if you like non-traditional processed coffee (anaerobics, co-ferments, thermal shock, carbonic maceration, etc.) then they're probably the best roaster since they always have a huge selection of those coffees. if you haven't tried any of those, but you prefer naturals over washed coffees, then i'd recommend picking up an anaerobic processed coffee. i've found most people, ranging from casual coffee drinkers to baristas, prefer anaerobics.personally, i dislike these types of coffee cause the end result is a profile dominated by process. meaning, the process imparts a quality on the coffee that you taste over the actual qualities of the coffee. all but a one anaerobic coffees i've had had a distinct fermented profile regardless of the variety or origin of the coffee. i've had a producer tell me the reason these coffees exist is that a producer is able to sell their coffee for more with relatively minimal increase in effort since the processing can "mask" the lower quality of the beans. that being said, not all producers are like this and that one anaerobic i liked was a sample i got from a wash station in ethiopia where they're trying to "push processing to perfection" as they put it.
gesha/geisha is a variety of coffee. if you lookup any origin's cup of excellence competition, almost the entire list of top prizes are gesha. it's known for its unique floral and tea-like profile. the variety is also very difficult to grow due to its high nutritional requirements, high management requirements, susceptibility to diseases/ fungus/leaf rust/pests, fragility of the branches, and low output of cherry. all those reasons increase the price and the end profile further pushes the price up.kona is a region of the hawaiian big island on the west face. the majority of the coffee grown there is typica, similar to Jamaica, but like any origin there are a number of other varieties grown there. last time i was there the lab coordinator of a farm let me sample two lots of gesha from different altitudes on their farm. pic related, those are either 120 year old bourbons or typicas from that farmso a gesha is a variety and kona is a region with a specific terroir. that's why people can get so caught up on a specific origin because of the unique terroir it produces. but even within an origin there's a decent amount of variation in terroir.
Drinking pic related right nowFirst Gesha I've tried and I do quite like it
>>20985819And after the grinder, it’s now coffee time.Can’t wait to taste them.
>>20986582They will taste like coffee
>>20986121some geshas are fantastic, some are just okits kind of trendy rn so everyone and their mom is planting it
>>20986665*tea will taste like coffee
>>20986746Worth noting that gesha=/=gesha.>The coffee came to prominence in 2005 when the Peterson family of Boquete, Panama, entered it into the "Best of Panama" competition and auction. It received exceptionally high marks and broke the then-record for green coffee auction prices, selling for over $20/pound.There is significant confusion about Geisha because there are multiple genetically distinct plant types that have been referred to as Geisha, many of which share similar geographic origins in Ethiopia. Recent genetic diversity analyses conducted by World Coffee Research confirm that Panamanian Geisha descendent from T2722 is distinct and uniform. It is associated with extremely high cup quality when the plants are managed well at high altitude, and is known for its delicate floral, jasmine, and peach-like aromas.
>>20986819pic related, whenever i'm at a farm i'll eat the cherries and these tasted like candy. tons of sweetness. a lot of cherry tastes similar to a bell pepper with a tiny bit of sweetness, varies variety to variety, but these cherries were unlike any other cherry i've had before or since.the lot had just been planted so it wasn't ready for production, so i wasn't able to cup it. hopefully, i will be able to cup it this spring if there's enough cherry. full production is still probably another two years out
>>20986358>Is $20 a pound the new normal for locally roasted coffee?Here in Canada it is. Should be cheaper in The States, like $16 – $18 USD.
>>20986125>>20986888Single lot panama gesha got me fucked up.
>>20987053>Fr*nch roast
>>20987073He's memeing.
>>20986917I pay anywhere from $11-17/lb here in Michigan for fresh and locally roasted beans.
Can someone explain the dual boiler/single boiler thing to me?It seems like you can get very expensive machines with a single boiler and cheaper machines with dual boilersAre you just paying for the brand if you're paying a lot of money, 3k+ on a single boiler espresso machine?If you have someone who drinks only milk drinks and someone who drinks only espressos, would a single boiler suffice?
>>20987145Single boiler means the entire boiler has to go up and down in temp between pulling shots and steaming milk. That takes time to go either up or down in temp. This makes pulling back to back shots a problem. If you’re going to regularly be making milk drinks for more than yourself back to back then you might want to lean towards a dual boiler. However, prosumer espresso machines can now be had with the ability to pull water from the boiler and instantly heat it up for the steam wand. This give you the best of both worlds, you only spend the electricity to heat one boiler of water and only further heat up the water needed for the steam wand.
>>20987207pulling a single shot + Steaming milk isn't generally a problempulling MULTIPLE shots and steaming milk is where you'll generally run into problems.
>>20987207Cont.Espresso machine prices to me are crazy. A lot of the prices definitely feel like they are based on nothing but brand and the clout that can come with them in the world of espresso enthusiasts.some of those machines that have multi thousand dollar price tags lack features found on espresso machines that cost a few hundred dollars. It’s pretty insane.
>>20987217Yes that’s what I meant to say but I bungled it.
>>20987224>Espresso machine prices to me are crazy. A lot of the prices definitely feel like they are based on nothing but brand and the clout that can come with them in the world of espresso enthusiasts.some of those machines that have multi thousand dollar price tags lack features found on espresso machines that cost a few hundred dollars. It’s pretty insane.Espresso used to be a turbo-autist hobby where people were dropping thousands for an entry level setup.It's a crime that a GCP + Gaggiuino (~800 dollars) can run laps around $2000 machines
>Gaggiuino>Gaggiuino>Gaggiuino>GaggiuinoIs this the new Melodrip?
>>20987301Gaggiuino is truth because1. It’s incredibly capable with temp control, boiler temp offset, preinfusion, pressure profiling and infinite steam2. It’s an idiot filter since you can’t just buy one. You have to build it and that means doing electrical and circuit board work3. No meme tax on the name. It has the capability of the Decent which is 500% the price.
>>20987360The decent is better, it's not worth the extra expense, but it IS a better user experience and is a bit more capable.
>>20987301I saw they recently went closed source with everything, are they trying to suck value out of the thing now or?
>>20987432I'd bet there's quite a bit of community code in the kafmasino one and they're pissed someone is making money off their work without kickbacks.
I love you /ctg/
>>20987482And I love you, random anon!
>>20987551 This guy's up to something...
> he's LITERALLY me.
>>20987586>Best Conical GrinderThat's like saying>Best Terminal IllnessWhy even care about finding the best turd in the toilet bowl?
>>20987595why does every coffee discussion turn into a gear discussion
>>20987631Because that's a big part of discussing coffee? What parts would you rather be discussing?
>>20987631hes fighting ghosts and proclaiming he won.
>>20987639>What parts would you rather be discussing?the coffee
>>20987666Go ahead then. We're waiting.
>>20987666There's nothing to discuss about the coffee itself really. You just buy the good stuff like Blue Mountain and Kopi Luwak and avoid libtard shit like the OP company that makes shit called "nonbinary blueberry bomb" or whatever and funds bringing murderous illegal immigrants into the country.
>>20987702>and Kopi Luwak
>>20982379I do, few years of daily use for whole family and still going strong. just the v1, had the rubber grip of the cup holder wear down but they included replacements. Once these go, not sure where to get more tho, might just tape it but it’s ok so far
Bros…>Sure, it affects me a little too… >After today, however, I see more light at the end of the tunnel, the one I knew I would find. $By putting the various phases in sequence, I will achieve my goal of certainly having a little less space for myself, but it will not be lost: it will be the essence of my activity, also as a person passionate about History and Art. >Everything in progress…in its time. >Make yourselves comfortable, I have just begun.
>>20988003>admiring a dark hole>rubbing the rim with his fingers>he leans next to your ear>"contemplarne l'arom"
>>20987631It's a way for faggots who have nothing impressive about themselves but want to feel prideful regardless.
>>20988014The average superauto enjoyer.
>>20988132Tell us what's impressive about you anon
>>20988167he doesnt have anywhich is why he recognizes it in others.
kino actually
>>20988216I loved this grinder, but the rubber grip has come loose after 1.5 years of use and now it's very difficult to use without constant slipping ):<
>>20987702Nah blueberry bombs are for based boomers. You’re thinking of woke fermented anaerobic zoomer shit.
>>20988014Thus passes the glory of the world#endgame Ready to restart
>>20988299does some glue hold it in place?
Is vacuum storage worth buying if I buy large size batch, or is the one-way valve on the bag enough?
>>20988299The same happened to my JX pro well before 1 year of use, the rubber part keeps slipping at the bottom but it’s not an issue at all when grinding, it’s just annoying because it doesn’t stay in place anymore.
>>20988333I just buy 12oz at a time, I can't stand drinking anything roasted more than 2-3 weeks ago.
>>20988333Just buy some ziplock bags and freeze your coffee. Much more effective than overpriced vacuum jars.
>>20988299Maybe try some of that tape for tennis racket handles?
>>20988412>Much more effective than overpriced vacuum jars.Lol no, they're far cheaper, but they're not more effective.Why even bother lying? Like sure you can argue all you want ziplock bags make the most sense to use due to the price, but to argue they're BETTER than vacuum sealing? Come the fuck on.
>>20988434>BETTERits possible that both of you have different definitions of better or metrics that you use.:)
>>20988434Freezing is the effective part, not the sealing itself. Frozen coffee beans age incredibly slowly.
>>20988444Yes, and ziplock bags, even freezer bags, rarely standup to vacuum sealed containers and bags when compared directly.
aliexpress loot came. Quite happy with both, not bad for like 20€
why not just leave them in the sealed coffee bag
>>20980461What's the best material for the Kalita Wave for someone who wants minimal fuss but doesn't want plastic?
>>20988457Roguewave just got the minos in.
>>20988448Just get vacuum ziplog bags anon.
>>20988453>not consoomingthat's antisemetic
>>20988462I'm new to pourover and am anticipating a gooseneck electric kettle for Christmas. What's great about the Mino, other than appearance? What's a tradeoff about the Mino?
>>20988470thats not a vacuum tho
>>20987670>>20987702>There's nothing to discuss about the coffee itself reallyeven from an end user perspective, you can discuss: where you buy coffee, roast preference, origin preference, variety preference, processing preference, brewing methods, and cup profile in relation to any of those other points. the more you learn about coffee the more you realize how wildly complex it is. having a dick measuring contest about who spent the most on gear is stupid. the nicest gear won't magically make your coffee better anyway, so spending a fortune on it is stupid especially if you don't have a good understanding of brewing necessary to fully utilize the features/precision of the high end stuff.the gear is just the tool to get you to the end result: the coffee
>>20988522>the nicest gear won't magically make your coffee better anywayA $3000 setup will make better coffee than a $500 setup. Is it 6x better? No. But it does make better coffee.
>>20981491where did you get that sticker
>>20988488Minoware is a traditional jap porcelain. That wave in particular is made in an old potter's town basically(Dachi). Kalita does "special editions" like that, the sandstone "sagan"(Hasami, different rougher clay), and the made in Tsubame(metal worker's town) copper/steel ones. They're just a bit more handmade. The tradeoff would be juggling more thermal mass/longer preheat if you want to get that involved.,_Gifu
>>20988533>>20988522weird how you guys are talking about money when the original dickhead said nothing about money and was saying that how good a conical burr is is irrelevant because all conicals are objectively bad and should never be used because flats are objectively better in every way.which is wrong but thats what he was talking about(the timestamp of the video i linked didnt even say anything about conical burrs so i have no idea what that fucking moron was on about)the comment and the timestamp of the video was about how this guy(the guy in the video) started with a rok grinder and spent a long time admiring and dreaming of owning a HG-1 and i started with a rok grinder and spent a long time admiring and dreaming of owning a HG-1.thats it.but that guy is a sperg and his miscarriage of an opinion created this mess of a reply chain.:)
>>20988533the potential of your brew is limited by the quality of the coffee, not your gear. you can't brew beyond the inherent quality of the coffee. the limiting factor with gear is mostly an issue of precision. a higher quality grinder for example will produce less fines, uniform distribution of a set grind size, provide you a range of the grind distribution, be more consistent grind to grind at a given setting, etc. a cheaper grinder lacking those qualities will make it more difficult to replicate brews, but not no point in the brewing process do the flavor compounds of the coffee change. those are set. so brewing is just a matter of extracting those in a precise manner. the better the gear, the more precise you can be.
>>20988542>they're the same if you're using stale Charbucks beansthanks for your insight
>>20988534Either slowpoursupply or roguewave.
>>20984138i have a notebook by my coffee stuff. i find it's the best way to keep dialed in. here's a list of what i keep track of, mainly brew pourovers/drip:grinder + grind settingtype of filterwater temp + type of water/mineral contentcoffee dose weightbrew ratiobloom + bloom timedrawdown timemL of water usedmL of coffeeTDS percentage + extraction percentagenotes about cup profilei usually have 8-12 different coffees at a given time, so it's good to be able to look back at my notes to see how i brewed a coffee i haven't touched in awhile. espresso i rarely brew anymore so all i record are notes about the profile and maybe the brew ratio when i do.
>>20988333How much bulk is bulk? If it's a couple kg then just buy a few large airscapes.If it's ~5kg then get 5 gallon airtight buckets with threaded lids & put some desiccant silica gel packets on top of the beans.
>>20988579You could also buy a bunch of the OXO Pop containers, they have a large rectangle that is 6 inch side and 12 inches deep that would hold about 2.5kg of beans.
I tried the hoffman method for the moca pot. My espresso still tastes very bitter.
>>20988645try the wired gourmet method
>>20988681Equipment doesn’t matter, it’s all about the beans. My $50 mocapot makes better espresso than your $5000 espresso setup
>>20988703Based alubrained schizo.
>>20988703>mocaIt's MokaMoCA is a coaxial data standard
>>20988703>mocapot>espresso please go shitpost somewhere else.
>>20988560>TDS percentage + extraction percentageyou have a refractometer?i record all that stuff too, minus the TDS and the volume of the resulting brew
It's new cup day today
>>20989096Cool, I like it. I just ordered some latte cups from loveramics.
SAD NEWS: Papau New Guinea is similar to Blue Mountain Jamaica - but similar in the sense that it tastes like a watered down Blue Mountain Jamaica. My wallet was not saved by the pygmy promise, and my day is ruined
>>20989266I TOLD you dawg I WARNED you about the Terroir
Its literally just typica.
>>20989096Really cool cup anon.
>>20989436Bro, could you not be such a blatant redditor? Please?
>>20989822Post better pics and I won't have to pull shitty memes from eaf discord.
>>20989869I was planning on making the new, but I was out all day. You beat me to it. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't a literal reddit meme. >Post better picsThat one anon's been farmposting. You could have used those pics.
>>20989915Coffee time general coffee edition? That's a horrible theme.