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best shota abs and tummy

old >>3900508
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Shota repost
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shota tart looks like bennett
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benny is cuter
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imagine being either one
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One week......
Adult Cyno is hot, I want skins of all the shota twink bussies aged up.
Both dog generals are neutered, they can’t.
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He ate too many impossible whopperynos and gets a new skin.
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I want to suckle his huge natural BPD male booooba
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>its okay to post BPD demon tranny Kaveh since he’s actually just a femboy who fell down the rabbit hole
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>posting art from that music video where he gets bullied into being miss Hina
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This is not male
the tranny you’re replying to is a janitor
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Slutty doggo booooba
By female body venus symbol she means crossdressing men with convincing breast forms
Taking HRT to avoid twink death still means you’re a male
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It’s just as male as the dog is shota.
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The dog is an eternal shota because his nuts were ripped off by Itto
Kaveh is an eternal male because he was born with a penis
It’s very tragic, pay respects to our shota twink war criminal
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This means the fluffy war criminal is male too.
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He’s male especially with huge impossible whopper moobas.
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How long before he an heroes for shaming the watatsumi army?
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He’ll troooooon out so he doesn’t feel trapped in a shota body
Itto makes fun of him and pushes him closer every day
Poor pupper!
Why even bother replying to it, just stop posting for like a month and it'll fuck off from lack of attention.
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Unironically how you get him to an hero
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I’m not into snuff death just twink death
Please don’t bully Itto’s big gyno hrtmooba shota twink into self harm!!
>yfw Samurai doggo is even from a tradition that KYS if disgraced
because the mika faggot always replies and keeps it around anyway
how does a man get a gorou bf bros?
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He should stay as Hina and give his master Itto doggoboy boobajobs
If he takes hrt and avoids twinkdeath by staying permashota he won’t need to seppuku like a disgraced general
Mika didn’t even needed Itto to cut his balls off
He was so afraid of becoming an adult and reaching twink death that he did it himself
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Find the improbable combination of a PTSD war veteran and femboy faggot
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Needs booba removal for aesthetic
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Shota ventussy
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Literal Kaveh pussy
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Forgot the first page
Look at this BPD demon
why is kaveh red here bros
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Imagine forcing all the canine boys to wear this https://www.etsy.com/listing/1429101978/no-balls-dog-bandana-team-no-balls-funny
the bpd overtook him so hard he became transracial
he just looks sunburnt
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Poor bpd schizo tranny kaveh
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cute shotas
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Shotwink boooobas
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Posting HRT femboy cyno
To trigger the libs
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Wrong, use sauce now and you’ll see it’s tagged male/bl. dogboobachad just likes drawing Gorou and Cyno with boy boobs

The one female cyno he drew had cowbooba so obvious difference https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103112003#manga
Heshe knows, heshe's been spamming futa potion shit since the bilibili video last thread
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His huge bouncy hrt boobies need to be slapped around
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You're blaming me for your own actions.
I thought this was Kokomi.
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Westoid art. I fucking hate it when people have this need to add nail polish to characters that don't wear nail polish. It rarely ever looks good.
>posts a japanese image that looks like a 2 year old drew it
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>Genshin boys get boyboobs from onions potion
>but they’re still boys
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I guess it is true that Asians are better than you at everything
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Why are y'all so FUCKING mentally ill?
Like holy shit shut the fuck up already.
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Mental Illness is a prerequisite for posting on 4chan (formerly 4channel)
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shota rape/10
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You rolling?
The current and upcoming banners suck
Wake me up when it's bratty shota or Dainsleif time
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>Kaveh is king of the manlets
Also he probably is a cm poster
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The brutal mogging never ends
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Apparently his name is kinich
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This sounds like a movie about serial killer Itto and his kidnapped neutered twink harem
>Maestro, a lonely old man who lives with his man-dog, Booba. When Booba runs away, their once harmonious relationship descends into chaos. After punishing Booba for his actions, Maestro spirals with guilt: why would Booba betray him? Out of desperation, Maestro introduces a guest into their world to test the limits of Booba’s love. Is it possible to mend their fractured bond, or is it time to welcome someone new? https://dailytrojan.com/2023/04/27/sca-students-premiere-indie-short-film-booba/
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Reminder that adult bpd tranny men are ugly
Cheat twink death and stay a gyno shotatwink forever
Nobody asked.
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What a mean thing to tell Kaveh.
Also what if the dog doesn’t want dog booba.
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Trash pedobait character.
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>small shoulders
>clearly taller than the hydro girl
I'm confused
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generic, bland, mass produced, jrpg cookie-cutter characters.
calm down pedo
Kill yourself false flag nigger.
That would lead to twinkboobs and many don’t want that
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>! Capitano will remember that
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Reminder it’s the BPD demon’s birthday. Be nice to him or he’ll pour gasoline on your home.
In Japan and china.
And Japan likes him.,
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inazuma likes cluster B, unhinged blonde men.
I will not only not wish him anything. But I will send him mean letter to give him a meltie.
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What happens if you bully a mentally ill cluster B gun nut with a habit of making things “disappear”?
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Happy birthday to my gay husband kaveh!
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Kaveh bpd tranny day
Hatham bought him hrt as a gift
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He pours gasoline on your home and estrogen cream on his jiggly cowmooooba.
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Stop spamming and make your own character thread
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He's pure soul
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>romanticizing BPD
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If you can spam your shota then people can spam Christmas cake femboy Kaveh on his birthday
I have no idea, but I will keep doing it.
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Young boys are made for sex.
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>dog twink starts hinamoding so that everyone stops laughing at him and telling him he looks like a 14 year old boy
How do you keep 4chan from black pilling twinks?
This is the most mentally ill and unhinged things I've ever read.
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>Goes on /soc/, everyone laughs at him and tells him he looks like a 12 year old boy.
>gets underage banned
>goes on Grindr, gets accused of being ftm and told ynwbam and blocked
>abusive boss tells him “you’d be prettier if you wore a dress”.
No matter the timeline he always gets bullied severely.
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>when U realize modern Kaveh is probably extremely dangerous to be around and will eventually Site Clear you.
Bpd bunny boy can’t lift
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>no shota posts in a while
>they still live rent free in xer tranny mind
sad but common
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Go rub a dog booba for luck
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It's hard not to think about Goro's shota cock.
Goro is for Itto only
Aaand hideous draw.
For you
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Everyone hold hands!
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Its our fave homo's birthday today! Say something nice about him!
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He'd kill his tiny childlike body with that monster cock. Post more.
The dumb himbo oni is just too sexy. Goro doesn't even realize how lucky he is.
Goro gets to sleep on those abs every night, I'm so jealous bros.
>Goro pov every night
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yummy pecs
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CUTE! (Full video: https://weibo.com/5393232008/OmN9OtF8g)
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How DARE you speak about Eula, Noelle, Freminet, and Capitano's boyfriend like that!
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You mean it’s the BPD demon’s birthday in the west
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Look at this Christmas cake femboy! Isn’t he heccing cute?
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Fun fact! He's one of the few characters that is canonically beautiful!
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He’s also canonically a Christmas cake
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My beautiful, smart, dashing prince... it warms my heart to see how loved he is ingame and irl with so many parties, billboards, cute cakes and other things made in his honor. And his official birthday arts showcasing how things are going so well for him nowadays. To more birthdays!
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Sunflowers for the sun himself
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And three crowns each for my favorite guys in the game!
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He’s going to have a breakdown after Haitham grooms sand dog to replace him
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He did it, he finally fixed him
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He will soon regress and become worse than ever and hai will leave
New thread >>3903988

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