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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Osugaki edition.

Previous: >>3924780
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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Love bois
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Uhhh anon?
Edging the rules
Maybe jannie wont notice
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I thought it was alright before posting, and I don't think I can delete a post in the app i use.
>the app I use
kill yourself
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Turns out I can.
The filter wouldn't let me type the name of it
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Shos comforting each other <3
jeez what a spoiled brat, can't he just dress himself?
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>Watches his favorite streamer while oblivious to how lewd he looks*
He knows
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Shota bulge is love
Is it bad?
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Genuine question. Do you want to fuck the shos too like the ones in /b/ or is this a true pure "cute" appreciation thing?
Yes, they are very cute with their clothes off
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You know the answer because you feel the same way
It's pretty good actually. It's called C H A N C E
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It can go both depends on how i'm feeling
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Both ways*
I want to fuck them and also be one
I discovered /b/ before realizing /cm/ had so much shota and even there many just want to share their experiences while in shota age instead of just thirsting. Thing is, why not just go to /b/ if people here is ok with shotacon? Both sfw and nsfw pictures can be uploaded there. Is a "I enjoy exclusively ecchi" thing just like /e/ existing despite of /h/?
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Why not talk about shota in as many places as possible?
Fair point


Thank you for satisfying my curiosity, anons. Have a shota. Might as well try posting here from now. What would get me banned? Obvously no sex, benis and butt but what about clearly defined bulges and "milkshake stains". Are those ok? Pinned post is useless.
Just look around on the board you lazy nigger, you will get a feel for it.
Buldges are ok and were already posted itt, cum isnt. Basically anything where you can still reasonably argue its not about sex goes.
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Cute regu
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I love shota Link
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these shotas single-handedly saved One Piece from going into irrelevancy
thank them
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You should. He's the best.
What does it do? Just filters your 4chan posts?
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>Mother says you are a pervert anon
I want to see shotas do cute (and a bit lewd) things with other shotas.

>What would get me banned?
100% chance of getting banned:
>visible buttholes and genitals
>real cum and other sexual fluids
>anything involving real life™
>/d/-tier fetishes (vore, mpreg, hyper-anything, scat, guro)
50% chance of getting banned
>fake cum (yogurt, milk)
>bare butts (specially if the image has sexual undertones)
>cropped porn
>peeing and non-soiled diapers
>very detailed nipples
>very detailed bulges (to the point of having the full shape of the penis and each ball visible)
>off-topic images (like screenshots)
25% chance of getting banned / banned if reported
>off-topic text posts with on topic images
>cropped or censored porn
>clearly visibly boners
My headcanon is that for this picture they're a couple even though they're just best friends and the light haired one is the delinquent type that got dragged in to sports by the dark haired one because he wanted to be friends with the quiet guy in class.
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depends on my mood lol

But I prefer the "ethereal" aspect some shotacon artists style their art off (LIke I'm watching Lily ChouChou if it only featured cute little bros), and I tend not to follow artists that only draw shotas getting dicked down as well
I want to be the sho 100%. I knew I liked guys from when I was super young, and I even had a few opportunities, but I was too scared of being called gay or getting them in trouble so I never did. I wish that I did now knowing what I know about romeo and juliet laws that would have protected them because they weren't that much older than me.
Uhhh... What was the source? '>.>
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The source of the deleted post
Yeah, I meant the deleted one lel
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Oh right.
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Smol homosexuals
The cutest and most precious kind that are confident enough to be themselves. They shouldn't be taking pictures, but everyone does dumb shit when they're young. They must be protected and cherished at all cost. FOR THOSE WE CHERISH, WE DIE IN GLORY!
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>They shouldn't be taking pictures
Thats exactly what they should be doing
Laws might be different where they live, but even if they're pictures of themselves, once they're of age at least where I live they can be charged with production. They really should not be taking pictures, those moments are for their memories and them alone to cherish.
Sho bodies belong to men, if they wont give them to us then they owe us pictures in compensation
You do know there is a lewd thread on b right now right? You don't have to perv this one up.
I am sure there is a thread on /r9k/ rn where you can be a faggot too
I don't even know what r9k is, but let's not mess the thread up with unrelated posts anymore? If it'll make you not respond to me so I don't have to respond to you, fine you're right, I don't know what you're right about, but you're right.
Where the fuck did you crawl from? Did your discord groomer link you this lmao whatever the case be you need to go back
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Why would I want to violate that which radiates a childlike innocence, a type of purity I long to return to? If I were to stain a shota's image just for my own satisfaction and pleasure, that would make me one of the worst, most selfish people imaginable. I can't do it and can find no justification for even thinking about it. Yes, this is all "fantasy" to some of you, but it's very real in the sense that what these shota represent are real.
nigga where do you think you are
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Pure cute appreciation and the desire to be cute and live a simple life for me.
>hehehe I am le evil man I torture and rape le shota
Every fucking thread
It never gets old, just how I like it.
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I wonder if/when the file size limit will be increased. It's getting to be an issue more and more often.
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You don’t have to. If you can’t do it without doing that, then you have to stop
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It's been discussed before in these threads that there's a greater proportion of male shotacons now. Is there any particular reason for that? Were there any specific boys that sparked a male shotacon awakening like how it all started with women?
because men have better taste than women, simple as
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Was gonna post the exact same thing lol
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Now? It’s only been that way since like forever
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I may have some idea... People were unhinged. Openly thirsting for a 8yo character is not something you see normally in mainstream places. And it's not even the only shota mc this year.

Thanks anon. I may be a lazy fuck for asking but I have seen a few of these like real cum and crop porn and no one seems to care. Pretty inconsistent so I felt like asking. Not like I am complaining anyway.
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What I mean is that there's been a change. Shotacons used to mostly be women, but now they're at most even with men if not outnumbered. I'm just curious how/why it happened that way.
That's actually another thing I'm curious about. When did this shift occur? I don't have any data, but just based on my subjective assessment of differences between shotas designed to appeal to men vs women, I think women were still the driving shotacon force at least through the 90s.
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Shotacons have always been mostly male.
Women are just more likely to be open about it. It's seen as more socially acceptable.
For me it was because I grew up in a place where it was discouraged to be gay and I had a crush on my best friend, and I still do, my crush aged with me, and he knows I love him as more than just a friend, but keeps being friends with me anyway. Looking at cute happy boys helps me self insert in to what I wish I could have had if he was gay and it was ok to be gay where we lived (bible belt, not some 3rd world shithole, but close enough)
Cant blame your Texan neighbors for wanting to punch you in the face, you sound like an insufferable faggot
Damn those looks just draw you in.
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Why? Are you just being mean for the sake of being mean?
Select your sho
Bottom left to be my big brother and bottom right to be our little brother.
Not your personal blog, faggot.

Maybe if you posted the translated version
The guy literally asked a question. Why direct your anger at someone answering it instead of the person who asked it?
Shota Thorfinn was so cute
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That guy is a faggot too making up some shit on the spot but he gets a pass because he posted a qt sho.
He also didnt ask for your life story.

tfw no qt camp follower sho bf
Fine I tried being nice and understanding but I'll just respond with indifference. You aren't posting pictures either you massive asshole of an unlovable faggot.
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Have a sho to resolve your issues
Dumb blog posting queer, go on /r9gay/, maybe somebody there cares about your generic sob story, they like to play group therapy session over there
No, the spam filter didn't allow me to write the name of the app for some reason.
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>That guy is a faggot too making up some shit on the spot
I'm just trying to think of ways to discourage the behavior described here >>3926067 because I'm not fond of it, either. I figured maybe if people were talking about shota history they wouldn't do the other thing.
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What is shota cunny called, bunny?
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That never happened. I wouldn’t even say women can be shotacons, they’re just rapists.
Don't wanna be an annoying fag, but men are more likely to be rapists.
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Top middle. He looks the brattiest.
I agree in general, but in this case it would be all of the women and only some of the men
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Kitaro a cutie.
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>Cute cat boy watches videos on laptop while waiting for pets
>Owner is terrified because he knows if he doesn't get the exact right spot that wants petted he gets the bite
>Owner is pretending to be asleep

>catboy bites his owner everywhere to wake him uo
Wrong side
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Are cat shos really this aggressive?
Anon you the common house cat (real life info dump) is by size the most deadly animal on the planet because they hunt for sport not for food.
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Don't let their looks deceive you. All cat shos are natural born killers.
Yeah, boykillers
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Funfact the common cat boy is among the top five reasons for orgasms in the United States.
Research has also shown that men who regularly have CAOs (catboy aided orgasms) are on average less stressed, more happy and do better at school and work!
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The last one is specially good because it's from the actual anime.
>How it feels to hug a sho

>shorts in the cold
Certified slut
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>How it feels to hug a sho
It's a warmth that is impossible to replicate in any other way.
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bird spirit never ever
I know everyone goes nuts for the trap sho, but I actually like Kojiro and Genba more. Am I the only one?
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Not true actually lol, If you read the Namu.wiki (https://en.namu.wiki/w/%EC%87%BC%ED%83%80%EC%BD%98) and /ourguy/ Karl's video on shotacon origin, shota as a concept and as a genre was pioneered by women who wanted to break away from typical ikemen yaoi visuals to draw yaoi featuring younger and smaller guys. Like from the 80 to probably very early 2000s, shotacon was a genre *for* women. Even iconic shotas like Ciel Sebastian were known for their *female* fanbases, not their male ones. It's only up to a certain point in time that the demographic switched up and now shota-fes (and other adjacent media) is dominated by men. And even still, being a shotacon is still seen as a "women's thing" with the only high profile males I can think of who are open shotacons are Tsukushi (who equally likes lolicon), Axel Leda, and Akina Saegusa, compared to the HUGE plethora of popular female entertainment stars who publicly gush over little boys like Aoi Yuuki, Rie Takahasi, Suisei, Sho Aimoto, etc.

But with the popularity of Elusive Samurai, the prince reincarnation anime, and a few others suddenly bursting into popularity, it seems like women are finally becoming "alive" again in the shotacon and being more open with it (chilchuk fans are still in major denial) so the ratio will probably be more even in the near future compared to how male centric it feels right now

tl;dr you're wrong and I explain why.
Prince reincarnation anime? have a name more specific for me to look up? I've been looking for something to watch, sounds like it is probably annoying but maybe worth giving a shot.
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Not really. Elusive threads have their fair share of fans of other characters. Kojiro and Sadamune are popular non-MC picks on 4chan.
That's good to know, Disclaimer, I don't have anything against pitfags, it's just not my thing that I find cute, and the problem I've noticed with a lot of Kojiro fans are they're pitfags, which again is fine, just not for me.
I don't really care, I've been a shotacon for the majority of my life and like 80% of shotacons I've interacted with were male.
Don't bother, the shota in that is a literal "draw girl call it boy" design with massive birthing him that look out of place on a shota.
Same. I'm not really a fan of the main shota either.
Birthing hips*
Oh I think I already watched that one. I'm gonna be honest I don't watch shows just for boys I watch them for stories, if what you're talking about is what I'm thinking of that trap sho anime with the atrocious character designs, I'll tell you the truth, I kinda didn't watch it just listened to it while doing other stuff, the story was nothing special but it wasn't terrible either.
Ah shit we have a catboy pitcher, we all know how vicious catboys can be, I bet he holds grudges if someone does something like running up his pitch count by deliberately hitting fowls repeatedly, he probably loses his patience and beans them on purpose to make them walk and gives them the evil eye and a smile while he does it.
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That's fine
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funny how it's mostly the opposite for me. Almost every interaction I ever had with a shotacon as a guy was with a girl. And on the off-chance that they were a guy, they were usually AFAB transmascs lol.

So it always made me a little giddy whenever I met a male shotacon who was AMAB cause it felt like we were connected
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Sounds like a brat, coach should give him correction after the game
I always think it's cute when they both look super in to each other and get caught and one doesn't care but the other is upset they got caught.
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No, I see that said a lot about Kojiro and Genba is my personal favorite.
Dangit anon I wish you hadn't made that joke because now I have to tell you why that's actually a reasonable response to someone doing that. As a former pitcher, you're only given about 90-120 pitches in a game before your coach will put in the backup pitcher, and pitchers are notoriously prideful about staying on the mound the whole game. I fucked both my elbows and both my shoulders by refusing to get off the mound and throwing too much, sometimes it's the smart play to deliberately walk someone by throwing balls, but if they've already hit a ton of fowls you don't want to throw more so you hit them on purpose so you can just get them out of the batter's box. It's not nice to do, but neither is what they're doing to you. It's unsportsmanlike on both ends.
I missed my calling as a baseball coach then
le sigh, fair turnaround
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That's a different thing.
Boy + cunny = bunny sounds the best.
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Bunny is the South Park Butters-Kenny ship.
The word is bussy, plain and simple.
If this was drawn by a gay guy that was definitely meant to demonstrate someone having a crush and that was a love bite that was too hard.
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Favorite shota age and body type? (include examples)
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The word bussy is not shota exclusive though
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~12-14, thin with a hint of muscle. It's not a super strong preference, though. For instance young Link is my favorite Link even though he doesn't fit that while some of the others do.
Whatever age they are the most happy at as long as they're healthy and taken care of. I want a son not a boyfriend, so as long as he's happy, I'm happy.
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10-12 probably
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Same ToT
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Is this picture a crossover? I'm pretty sure I recognize that necklace from Kemono Jihen as a life stone that stops monsters from transforming or at least not fully so they can live human lives and he looks not quite human.
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Posting my faves
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I have a few more of these but I don't want to just repost more older stuff.
It could be, I've never seen kemono jihen.
Little angels <3
10-12. My typical preference for that age is a body that shows they're pretty well fed by their parents, but not too much. But that age is perfect for bodies of all types and I really don't have any strong preferences one way of the other. I love younger shotas (5-9) to have their babyfat, plump bellies, Sanders-esque thighs and arms. At 13-16 shos are gorgeous when their muscles are developed and the body and face reflect the beauty of youth and masculinity.
Am I being autistic because this picture is too spicy for me and I'm focused on his swim trunks but it's because I'm trying to read what's on them to wonder if it's like a sporting brand or an athlete he looks up to or something? I feel like I'm having an autism moment.
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time for me to go to bed, prostitution or exploitation always makes me physically nauseous, don't mind me, just on my way out, no need to reply.
It's a Magatama necklace. The shape appears in a lot of Japanese mythology, and as a result anything that takes inspiration from it, which is why it looks like the Lifestone.
Based cultured fag.
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you want to grope him
No, that's evil. I just want to hug him.
I saw this on /int/

(It's still up.)
Congratulations. You’re an idiot.
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I'm addicted to shotas...
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It would only be evil if you would do it in an evil way. So you’re basically admitting to being evil here.
Do you think he'd cry if you cut all his strings?
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No no, you trade him a pokemon that knows vine whip.
One that knows vine whip so that he can use it to mow his grass so he can get his chores done sooner and get back to fun with his friends right? R-right?
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Smug sho is smug.

>Yeah, I am wearing your shirt, I like the way you smell what are you gonna do about it?
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The masculine urge to want to hold a sho tightly and tell him everything will be fine
Males have a love for shos and a need to express that love
Unlike women we have the right tools for the job!
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I wonder if he'd cry if you made fun of his sweater or stole it and set it on fire in front of him.
This but with his pants
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This boy loves pussy, get him to gay conversion camp.
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Underrated cutie
Even cuter because of his relationship with Zombieman. (No I am not one of those people that thinks they're together, but they are closer than the other heroes, maybe even friends)
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Need robo sho
The only trap character I've ever actually thought was super cute and had a good reason for being a trap character. (I haven't watched everything, I'm sure he isn't the only one, plz don't hate)
They look way too close to each other to just be friends
I suppose since CE is like the smartest person in the universe he might be mature enough to have pursued a relationship in the way that you're implying, but I just don't see it. I think his intelligence would actually hinder him from forming one beyond finding the most useful person and giving them what they wanted to achieve his own goals. I really don't see it as that kind of story though.
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Brat brigade on their way to tease the local shotacons
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They love each other
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I wish they were a canon couple, but I don't think there are actually any canon couples in that series.
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Dragon Ball Shota
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>mockingly give 10 year old hero name that sounds the same as virgin
>he finds out and gives himself a name that sounds like non-virgin
What did they mean by this?
This guy knows what he's talking about.
I don't even know what you mean by your question.
>Isamu's hero title ("Child Emperor") in Japanese (Dōtei, 童帝) is homophonous with "male virgin" (童貞).
> By contrast "Wild Emperor" in Japanese (Hidōtei, 非道帝), is homophonous with "non virgin" (非童貞).
>Isamu himself was apparently unaware of this until the Neo Heroes Introduction Arc and was part of his motivation for defecting.
Do you know moon rune or do you just know how to find this stuff? Either way, thanks for the explanation based cultured anon.
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He lost his virginity with zombieman
He's a little chad
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You'd think with how much boys tend to like robots that robot boys would be pretty common. But the only ones I know of are Atom, the various megaman boys, and Reg. I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential there.
Look in to dead mount death play, it isn't a horror like the name might suggest, but there is a very cute assassin who has 4 prosthetic limbs, and another cute boy that wants to be turned in to a shark robot, it sounds incredibly silly when I just say that, but it makes sense in the story if you watch it.
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this cutey better be very good at skateboarding if he isn't going to wear pads and a helmet
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Maybe he's trying to entice shotacon artists by exploiting their bandaid fetish?
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I still don't understand the bandaid thing. Like I get bandaids over the nipples because if they're going to wear a shirt while running cross country the shirt can cause them to bleed, that's actually a real and common practice, but why the rest.
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tfw no lazy sho maid who steals my stuff
I'm pretty sure it's because they're associated with young boys from regularly scraping up their knees and elbows playing and some artists just kind of go crazy with it. Those rape whistle things, randoseru style backpacks, and shorts (particularly short ones) are similarly used to invoke a certain kind of shota aesthetic.
I kind of just get tired of artists doing stuff like that because it feels to me like they're try to maximize profit while minimizing effort, that they aren't really artists, why can't they just draw a normal cute boy without trying to hit every fetish mark and appeal to everyone in one image? >>3926577
Is a great example of what I mean by just drawing a normal cute boy that you want to protec and hug and love (and I'm sure some of you want to do other things but let's not get into that)
all do. There’s no reason to get into it because we’re all fully aware.
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I just see it is a style thing. For example, even outside of Japan most people tend to draw cute young boys in shorts even in weather where they would realistically be wearing trousers. It's just kind of a shared cultural understanding and visual language. And once you get into more overtly shotacon art, this becomes more specific.
Also, I can't help but point out that the pic you referenced is AI.
How do you spot AI so easily? My eyesight is pretty terrible, the only thing I see is an extra finger, is that it?

Also the shorts thing isn't that uncommon (or at least where I live) even in winter I was always too hot if I wore pants, I always wore shorts, and I was not the only one.
Often, image generators will have a certain unique quirk that they derive from their training data being averaged out. A lot of the early image generation AIs were very shiny, for instance. This image's linework is similar to other AI image linework. Other signs include anatomy, artstyle, colour blending, continuity (think an arm or a string going behind something), and backgrounds. A combination of these factors can often tell you if something is AI.
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The one that first caught my eye was his ear being split by his hair. And then in addition to the extra, kind of melty finger, he also has a weird indentation/skin flap next to his right eye, and his left hand passes in to his knee. The light sources are also jacked up, but humans fuck that up enough that it's less diagnostic.
I'll admit I don't always catch them at first, either. But I am always wary of anything with this sort of clean and soft look to it since that tends to be the most common culprits. But one time I did see one with a sketchy water color look like pic related.
>Also the shorts thing isn't that uncommon (or at least where I live)
Sho thighs all year long? I am jelly, but you must live somewhere southern where you dont know "cold"
Thanks anons or anon if that was the same person. I really do want to reiterate that my eyesight is terrible, even with the examples you gave I'm still not seeing it, but I'm not calling you a liar either. I can only really see it if I look hard for iit in that picture like his hand that has the extra finger, where his wrist should be, his hand should be able to be where it is, but at first glance to me it's just a cute picture. Don't worry about AI taking over and fooling people though, I'm blind as a bat.
>How do you spot AI so easily?
AI sucks at symmetry. Anything that comes in pairs (eyes, ears, shoes, socks, limbs, etc) will never look the same on each side. You can clearly see in the referenced pic how the boy's socks have different size and details, ot how his eyes were colored in different ways. Reflections and shadows almost always look like nightmare monsters too.
Another thing AI sucks at is at defining the limits of things. The tips of hair and fingers often blend with their surrounding environment and almost look like tendrils. The inside of the eyes also blend like painting, are full of noise and even have outsider elements "leak" into them.
AI doesn't understand how limbs work either, so if something hides part of the limb, the visible parts will rarely be aligned in a natural way
And lastly, AI always depicts light from the same angle unless the contrary is specified, and even with that it fails at placing shadows in the correct angles.
Dangit I wish the page had refreshed so I didn't have to spam the thread responding, but lolno at the south, furthest south I've ever been was the panhandle of Texas, I grew up and live in Michigan, I got pretty used to sub zero temperatures.
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Men of culture go here

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