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There have been many, many MANY X-Men spin-off books, and not all of them lasted that long. However, The Brotherhood has the unique distinction of technically being the shortest-running ongoing for the X-books Jubilee's solo book in 2003-04 was retroactively called a miniseries in solicits when Marvel decided to can it after 6 issues.

Let's see why that was, shall we?
#1-4, X-Mas
AvX, Miles Morales, Dark
Batman: Digital Justice
Superman: At Earth's End
A comic from 2001 and none of the creators are even credited on the cover? Marvel is such a piece of shit company.
Better get used to it - this didn't last long enough for Marvel to at least pretend to give a shit about creator's rights
Oh wait I remember this
It's that one comic that Howard Mackie wrote under pseudonym for some reason and is only remembered for the last issue being collected in the X-Statix collections
I'll be getting to Mr Mackie again later this week.
>asher gets to bang a mutie cutie
>kary gets cosby'd
Girl should've just gave it up to her friend.
>bottom left panel
>the violence has escalated
Who is the writer called X supposed to be?
Howard Mackie, I believe
Thanks mini
Thabks mini
wait this is kinda based
Was it ever officially said anywhere that writer X was Mackie? I mean I believe it I’m just kinda curious.
Man, I remember being a kid and picking up random issues of Amazing Spider-Man from Walden Books, each time hoping that Howard Mackie guy wasn’t writing it anymore. I was like man there is no way Amazing could have a worse writer than Mackie
>little did I know. Little. Did. I. Know.
I wanna say this book was a victim of 9/11? I’m preeeeeeeeeetty sure it started the spring/summer of 2001, the solicits were all “I am writer x and I am going to kill all of you!” Then 9/11 happened and the book was considered in poor taste. I could be wrong tho I was like 12 in the summer of 2001 and really only remember the hot, hot hentai I found online not so much details of solicitations
I check /co/ everyday how the fuck I miss the storytime of pain
this is not the direction I was expecting this to go
is there something wrong with me for genuinely liking this
I was wondering what made this book so bad, but now we're at a point where it feels like it jumps the shark
It's like that F4 What If? that got posted. Back when you could print some pretty ballsy anti-establishment shit in Marvel. Also remember this book is going on just a little bit after 9/11
yeah, I noticed. they literally put a picture of Bush in a panel talking about assassinating the president >>144659984
I'm considering doing The Ruff & Reddy Show this year, but fuck it's really a mediocre unfunny long comic.

Not even sure if it's worth it
the last few and especially the ending was pretty shit but otherwise I was thoroughly enjoying myself. cliche but not eyerollingly so. i'd give this like a 6/10 for quality and an 8/10 for enjoyability
yes, use google
Apparently he confessed to it years later, but at the time people were divided between thinking it might be some higher-profile writer experimenting with seeing how their work would be received without their name attached to it (a lot of the solicits read like someone doing a Warren Ellis impression), or people insisting it had to be Mackie because it was a bad comic and he was the only writer at Marvel they knew who was doing bad books at the time.

But the Spider-Man threads keep bringing up Mackie having cancer around this time period and most of his books basically being ghost-written by other people at Marvel. So Writer X being Mackie doesn't really line up, maybe he's taking the fall for someone else who helped him out back then.
Millar's first Ultimate X-Men arc ended with Magneto attacking the White House and forcing Bush to lick his boots, and there was a Punisher book where some conspiracy goes all the way to the top, and ends with Frank breaking into the White House to threaten Bush. IIRC that story started before 9/11 but concluded afterwards, by which time they got a lot of heat for it.
Must be nice having standards this low.
Thanks for this
I recognize this cover
have you SEEN the shit marvel's been putting out for the last decade and a half?? anything is better than that.
also the art is totally carrying the scores
Why would you believe anything that comes out of those shitholes? There' a lot of autists/Mexicans/Mexican autists who keep making shit up about old comics or confusing thing. Mackie was diagnosed with cancer BEFORE he started writing Ghost Rider and given that it's been 30+ years and he's fine they must have got it early which means long before his pre-JMS run or this.

Besides, Mackie himself said he was Writer X. He said he did it because he was annoyed that places like Wizard were trying to turn writers into superstars so he came up with the Writer X thing as a way to see if a book could sell on its own merits in that environment. And seeing as he also provided stuff like pictures of the actual script and character sketches... yeah, it was him.
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Anti-mutant dad is actually right. How many mutants origin stories begin with them accidentally killing their family or classmates the first time their power manifested? Heck, they introduced a new character in Captain America last month who's got that as his origin.
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>Medieval History
No NY high school teaches Medieval History, I had to wait till college to take that class.
I had always wondered why history class skipped straight from the decline of the Roman Empire to the start of the Renaissance.
Thank you mini
So far I've liked this, it would have strongly appealed to edgy teenage me when this came out. How did I never know about this?
>It's like that F4 What If? that got posted.
Link plz?
Marvel has always leaned anti-establishment especially compared to DC. Most heroes are hated vigilantes instead of celebrated boyscouts.
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>Published August 2001
Boy did Writer X call it or what?
Wait a second who's he torturing?
>mutants breed true
Someone tell Luna Maximoff
>using a joystick
You can tell it's an adult comic because people are actually smoking.
He smokes cigars and cigarettes.
Wait a second who's he torturing?
After all that buildup just to this? I was hoping they'd have a shootout with the blood collectors.
I can't believe it, woke propaganda in my comics.
All that power to get beaten by a car.
They cancelled the book because of 9/11, so yes.
I had assumed from the OP post that it was cancelled due to poor sales. But I would have bought them.
Wait a second didn't her dad have blonde hair?
Well fuck
Ok, OP, explain yourself, why is this a storytime of pain? Not only wasn't it not bad, it was actually awesome. I wish I had knew about it while it was being published, it would have been up my alley back then. But I still like it now. Really really like it. Gonna by it if I ever see it in the bargin bin.
Why a storytime of pain? This was 9/10.
Embarrassing personal side note. The third issue, IIRC, had a full page ad with a photo of soccer star Tony Meola (a famous soccer goaltender in the 90s) on it's back cover. My college roommate used to jack off to the back cover as he had a huge crush on Tony and I caught him a couple of times cranking it to it.
Eh... it's bad because it was ghost written by Howard Mackie and featured nothing but OC characters. A proper Brotherhood series with actual X-Men villains could have been fun as a TON of X-Men villains basically were MIA from around the start of the Morrison run (2001 through the start of the Decimation era (2006), when writers finally got installed onto the X-Men books who liked doing deep dives into the character archive and digging out characters to use in the post-House of M status quo.

A book set post-destruction of Genosha with members of the MLF, Marauders, Freedom Force, Acolyte, and other stand-alone villains working together to form their own support/terror network could have been a nice way to show a different side to the Morrison era status quo and better justify shit like Weapon X and the Wonderland concentration camp.
Fun fact: something like that WAS pitched by Claremont.

When Morrison started losing power behind the scenes around issue #128 of New X-Men, Claremont tried to step up and pitched a crossover between UXM, Xtreme X-Men, and New X-Men which would have brought back all of the villain characters Morrison had banished from the franchise and have them form a super sized version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. They'd have a space station/orbital weapon and would start using it to carry out literal genocide on various nations of the world and then announce that the genocides would continue until the humans behind the genocide of Genosha were handed over to the Brotherhood for trial and execution.

And you'd have the three X-Men teams fighting the Brotherhood and each other, over whether or not to reveal to the world that a mutant (Cassandra Nova) was the one who genocided Genosha and deal with the fallout of all of the sympathy and good will towards mutants going up in smoke/mutantkind being accused of pulling a false flag on themselves to get sympathy.

Editorial rejected the plan sadly, when newly appointed UXM writer Chuck Austen sided with Morrison and told Claremont to fuck off.
Ok I read the who thing and I still have no idea who's powers it was that caused all those explosive envelopes.
This seems more like you disliked it because it wasn't what you wanted (which is fair reason) rather than disliking it on it's own merits.
The Mackie rumor centered around the fact that Quesada took over around the time before the book launched and pretty much blackballed Mackie from writing at Marvel due to the shit show that was Amazing Spider-Man and how Mackie ran the franchise into the shitter, granted aiding Byrne and the editors, who was responsible for most of the really garbage shit in Spider-Man circa 1998-2001.

Mackie not only got fired from Amazing but Mutant X got canceled too and one of the X-Men editors felt bad for Mackie and got Quesada to let him have one final crack at writing a Marvel book, but Quesada ordered him to write the book under an alias (Writer X) because Quesada believed that the book would flop immediately if Mackie's name was attached to it.
No, Mackie's cancer was in the late 90s. It's why he got to keep working on the Spider-Man franchise while everyone else got fired (because of pity) and that it's why Paul Jenkins ghost-wrote Amazing Spider-Man #25 (part one of a two part story with Peter Parker Spider-Man #25) because Jenkins, upong taking over PPSM, outright told Mackie he was a shitty writer and after complaining about the garbage script Mackie submitted for the first part of that two-parter, Mackie basically yanked his script and basically told Jenkins to ghost write ASM #25 if he thought he was superior to Mackie writing-wise and that Mackie's script was shit).
>Someone tell Luna Maximoff
Eventually it turned out neither of her parents were mutants. Her mother never was.
>Editorial rejected the plan sadly,
In retrospect of course they did. Morrison's entire run hinged on the idea that all the old mutant villains had gone away and were irrelevant in the new world, the new "mutant community" didn't want or need them, and Magneto meant more to them as an idea and a symbol than as a man, when he comes back they don't want anything he has to offer.

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