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/d/ - Hentai/Alternative

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Purged /d/ edition

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Link to last thread:
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What the hell happened?
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a giant ditz fell over the board and destroyed everything
datacenter admin's mesugaki daughter sat on /d/'s storage space
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I wish I was tiny
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Someone said bigger with the hard r. Actually, it was 2 people.
Giant girls now illegal.
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/d/ - Dead
I thought the /d/ thread just got deleted randomly, but apparently
all got randomly nuked. As in, their entire catalogue was wiped off the face of the earth. Most recovered fairly quickly, but man, /3/ looks dire.
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Yakuza assassinated the sexy horse thread
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Source? I love two perspectives were something normally cute looks imposing and intimidating
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I'm buying this explenation. The urban legend is real and Japan's organised crime is at war with Uma porn
What sort of psychopat walks around barefoot inside a McDonalds?
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>tfw no qt yakuza giantess shouting "OI TEME" before crushing you beneath her heel for daring to post big umas
Deep down she's just jealous and wishes you looked at her instead
This style is golden, do you know more about it?
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Some powerful mafia boss/crime lord turning out to be a giantess sounds like a really fun concept to explore.
Imagine someone holding a city under her heel, both figuratively and literally.
>reporter tries to investigates her money loundering sheme
>ends up loundered himself in a washing machine after hiding in her cloths
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Needs more of a magical shrinking and growing
Does anyone have that image where a girl tells the one we’re looking at “there’s something moving under your mask” then she moves her mask to reveal a tiny? Not sure if it was in the last thread or not before it got nuked, and my memory is shit, thanks!
what the fuck
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We don't know either anon
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Need more multisize greentext
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A magnum opus. A cold tower of steel. A machine built to end war is always a machine built to continue war.
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Slightly yandere overly affectionate girls are the best
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you're so right anon
i have a short multisize greentext involving both giantess and shrink that i made earlier in the year do you want me to post that one
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Sure, post it
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>somewhat remote research complex with two buildings
>first one is led by Bernette, a blue haired girl who is playful but sometimes forgetful
>second one is led by Eisel, a silver haired girl who is more serious but kind
>today's work is less exciting and just tedious paperwork
>researchers lament how the research complex isn't next to the beach so they can at least enjoy the view while working
>while listening to them, Bernette gets an idea: why not take the buildings to the beach?
>Eisel is doubtful, but admits the change in scenery could improve productivity
>Researchers all put on swimsuits, and Bernette and Eisel go outside in their bikinis
>they both grow to ~600 feet tall, picking up their respective buildings and dropping them in their bikini bottoms
>shrink back to normal and take a conventional approach to a nearby somewhat abandoned island for privacy
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>grow themselves back to 600 feet tall, taking out the buildings and putting them down on the island
>buildings are a little damaged from being pressed against their crotch for so long, but still quite structurally sound
>all the researchers enjoy the trip and get their work done in record time
>Bernette still needs to do some work while Eisel is finished, so Eisel says that she will probably go on ahead
>Bernette goes to the back of her building to finish, while Eisel grows, puts her building in her bikini bottom, and shrinks to normal size
>not seeing Bernette, Eisel goes inside her building to let her know that she is leaving
>Bernette returns to the front of the building, now that she is done, and sees that Eisel's building is gone
>assuming that Eisel already left, Bernette grows herself huge and puts her building in her bikini bottom, unaware that Eisel was still inside
>Bernette shrinks down to normal size and starts heading back
>However Bernette forgets on the boat ride back, and seeing that its past closing time and she's wearing a bikini decides she might as well spend some time fully enjoying herself at the beach instead of returning to the research complex
>Bernette spends most of the afternoon relaxing on the beach, oblivious to the tiny research building in her bikini bottom pressed against her crotch, and even more unaware that Eisel is also shrunken down in there with her own now microscopic building inside her bikini bottom
Sounds familiar. You posted this here before, right?
yeah, i did say i made it earlier in the year so
I could have held her up
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This is the only thread I look at on 4chan so I have to ask - is a complete lack of communication from janitors on WHY something was deleted the norm? They just do nuke a thread with hundreds of posts and unique IPs/lurkers and don't tell you why
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Pretty much.

Sometimes it's obvious why it's happening if a thread's gone completely to hell. Other times your guess is as good as anyone else's.
Wouldn't it be better if they're trying to avoid having to delete threads to just... say why it was deleted in the first place? Like now people are gonna be spooked about whether there's some weird crack down or whatever
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There are many reasons why the userbase hates janitors.
Lack of communication paired with their nonsensical actions is one of them
You get what you pay for.
>entire boards wiped out with no warning
one or multiple of their databases got fucked and they couldn't recover it, chances are one of the web servers too since I had trouble getting onto the blue boards just before then.

Not everything is because a janitor had a melty and hates you anon
>This is the only thread I look at on 4chan

How would I know about other boards? Learn to read before saying shit. But I do know janitors have had a hard on for this thread before and a thread was nuked so that was what I was going off of. If there's some database issue then that's what it is.
>how was I supposed to know?
by reading dipshit, >>11100218
it's in THIS thread, the servers god fucked up and the entirety of the /a/ catalog wiped out.
You think people read the text on this thread?
The idea of a retard who only browses a single thread on 4chan, and whenever the site has sitewide technical issues, thinks it's specifically targeting him and his thread only, is way too funny.
Actual schizophrenia shit, good shit anon.
We are watching you and we are deleting the thread you love. I can see you on the camera installed in your house by the mailman.
We are in your walls.
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giant baka taught it would be funny to mess with the internet not realizing they also would lose internet access
need stories with tinies messing with communications and other things to fuck with big people that fuck with them
does great work gotta enjoy the size scale
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>tfw your favorite franchise gets size content
Can't beat it.
Too bad it's blackswamp photo collage slop
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>need stories with tinies messing with communications and other things to fuck with big people that fuck with them

I would love a story about tinies and big girls having their own separate 4chan boards, where they mock each other.
help ive been shrunk n i dont have mch time shes in the shower pls send help wait i hear the water sto
>Crystal cafe equivalent for giantess
>90% of the website is tinies larping as giantess to figure out how to avoid them
>as a result the advice becomes increasingly circular and unhinged
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will never pamper giant gf's tired body and feet after she comes home from work
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taking more Alia requests, maybe even small animations
Make her smooch a tiny and smother them with her lips
Stupid giantess, lighthouses are almost useless now. Everyone just uses GPS.
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What's her lore?
stuffing tiny into her cleavage
Alia burping over a very small megaman and him going poof like in his death animation (balls of light)
Seeing this image made me imagine a scenario where a shrinkie named Anatoly is the janitor of some giantess gym, and after saying his line "Excuse me... can I clean here?" lifts the giantess up with one hand and starts mopping the floor.
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I like this artist and I really want to get gently yet firmly foot bullied by this gigantic Kagerou.
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>another artist on twitter attempted to an hero himself
Damn, and apparently this wasn't the first time he attempted something like this. Mental health gay almost claimed another victim.
If the post from his family is to be believed, those two attempts are 15 years apart. That's not being commited to the bit.
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>Me and our mother saw the things he's been writing
>from his size account
Imagine trying to log off only to find out your family found your size content when you woke up
Not only that, his personal sona is a futanari catgirl maid who's propense to put micros inside her testicles and smushing them flat.
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Holy shit.
Given that it was multiple boards wide, I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually deleted, just lost in some kind of server glitch.
Now I want to see content of this.
check his twitter. he has many pieces with his Catgirl sona.
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I've spoken to that person in the past, gamed with them a bit and they do this kind of shit constantly for attention, it's nothing new and should be ignored, but of course twitter followers don't know this.
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part 1
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part 2
This makes me realize I need to do more to hide my autistic fetishes in case I explode or something.
this is true.
They're autistic af and self destructive.
The Airi slide
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I think it's more interesting to not to try to have anything hidden in the event of your death. At least they'll be a bit of mystery to my passing as family or friends discover my hidden side as a prolific size porn commissioner and general hedonist.
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>be raised in some patriarchical muslim family
>your family finds out that you are a giantess fetishist, getting off to giant all-powerful women using you as their pleasure toy
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WikiIslam told me Houris are 27,5 meters tall, so they might understand
wtf i love Allah now
using the term "smol" is already a huge red flag for me personally
even lilliputian/lilliput is more acceptable
You mean as a noun? Yeh that's retarded.
>"Insallah, his 72 virgins will be the size of skyscrapers."
Just like Lajest!
I can't imagine a Muslim from a conservative country drawing fetish art, the only exception is LuckyB it seems
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anyone know the sauce for this
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I thought Lajest has always genuinely been a mental health gay case?
Yeah but Lajest provides the service of being the only animator that does good giga-scale scenes. So I actually hope he solves his mental health gays unlike this other guy who I am indifferent towards.
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Any place with unrestricted internet access i can easily imagin having fetish artists.
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Boy do I know this situation. One or two family members know I like big women but not how deeply it runs.
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Looking at his stuff it would be no real loss if he was successful.
It was a very high five
Also, aren't those same 27,5 meters tall women almost walking skeletons? In their description it said their skin was so flawless and pristine, it was almost transparent, making them literally walking skeletons.
Even if we take this literally, they still do have flesh, it's just tansparent. So they'd be closer to a big titty slime girl than cold hard bone
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how can someone fuck perspective so much?
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prease understandu
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Who are some good size artists taking comms RIGHT NOW?
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why do pokegirls make such good giantesses?
"Shoulda bought a Toyota, you stupid hillbilly redneck!"
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To name a few of the ones I like.
>Join the Army

>Infantry: Get entrapped/smothered
>Armor: Get stepped on/Pinched
>Artillery: Get spit on or worse
>Air Cavalry: Get swatted
>Airborne: Get vored
>Command: Humiliated
>SOF: Get Deployed, Ain't got time for Giantesses
>Logistics: Get Ignored

>Join the Air Force
>Tactical Air: Get Swatted
>Bombers: Get killed by something she throws
>Transports: Get vored
>ICBM Crew: Launch your nuke that will only make her bigger for some reason and then Miller Time

>Join Navy
>Aircraft Carrier: Get crushed under her abs/belly
>Naval Aviators: Get drowned
>Surface Ships: Get crumpled up
>Submarines: Get Inserted, then crushed/drowned

>Join Marines: Get deployed, Hey we still gotta secure our oil

>Join Coast Guard
>Rescue people, do drugs, party, make friends with friendly giantesses, live to see retirement
This, but version with giantesses joining the army instead?
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I usually commission artists who are desperate for money so they'll do almost anything. Got me a lot of people drawing their own mothers as giantesses.
They're too /aco/ to post here, srry
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I'm vaguely surprised G11 didn't get more /size/ material after that costume
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Same, might have to change that one of these days.
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Vanilla /size/ doujin when
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One day...
>Giantess Joins Military

>She Joins the Army
>Infantry: Happy to give them rides, but only in her panties or her smelly boots
>Armor: We barely convinced her to wear clothes, she can tank a nuke though.
>Artillery: Her "service rifle" fires 406mm, 3,000lb shells, she is the artillery
>Air Cavalry: Lol, No
>Airborne: Sorry, jumping up and down doesn't qualify you for jump wings
>Command: Well General if you ask nicely she occasionally does what you ask her to do
>SOF: She prefers raw recruits but she doesn't mind them seasoned, oh you meant her? She isn't sneaking up on anyone, she's more of a WMD.
>Logistics: Do you have any idea how much a Giantess eats? How much her hygiene products weigh? "Oh you just enlisted another one to be her logistics train?" You stupid fuck AHHHHHH!
>She enjoys her career choice and grows more compliant overtime, friend fire incidents begin to decline, MIAs go down too once we learn to check her dirty socks and panties

>She Joins the Air Force
>"She knows it's impossible to build a plane she could fly right? What do you mean she just wants access to the nukes?"
>She launches a first strike and takes over the world, ruling over the wastes as goddess of mankind

>She Joins Navy
>Excellent career choice for a girl that likes to swallow seamen, Won't stop trying to turn the whales into pets
>Likes to sink Chinese ships for fun
>Submarines keep disappearing
>She realizes she's a lesbian

>She Joins the Marines
>Deployed overseas, wipes out enemy homeland
>Lost her last remaining braincells
>Unquenchable urge to fight & fuck
>Becomes ultra murderfag Giantess

>She Joins Coast Guard
>Rescues people for a change, snorts up every shipment of blow she confiscates, eats lotsa fish and takes up surfing. Becomes wholesome gentlefag Giantess
Is there more creators that use this premise of weak girls looming as goddesses? Its too good to be used by only a guy
There was a pretty good palestinian GTS vore artist but he's been MIA since the whole war thing happened.
Just like all those /d/ greentexts!
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Didn't know Coast Guard recruiters browse /d/
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who do you mean?
also, rest in peace brother
also also, anyone have that pic of like a priestess with a tiny in her hands in front of her open mouth, like she's inviting him in?
His name escapes me right now, but he made a good vore pic featuring that redhead from the McDonald's ad that went viral a while back. Shame he himself likely got vored by shrapnel or some such explosion.
He was also /here/
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His name is Abulamad and I fucking miss him. I pray that he made it out safely and is just without internet cause if I don't see from him for a few more months I will pick up the pen and start drawing in his honor. He had so much potential
His Twitter says this which isn't very hopeful since his last tweet was January. I'm still holding out hope he's okay though
>Didn't know Coast Guard recruiters browse /d/

No doubt they do but fuck me I'd never be a coastie
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I still hope everything is ok, but just in case: RiP
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That's the one, thanks.
Who's the artist?
First they take our taxpayers' money, now they take our artists...
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Personally disposes of you.
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Is it wrong to ask about a giantess's body count before you agree to go out on a date?
I want to be Baliliaka's special favourite pet who she dotes on and would kill for.
His stuff is good, he just need a better PC to produce higher quality renders
seems like the gentle thread would be more your speed faggot
Seems like a hugbox would suit you, crying cunt
Do you have the other pages?
you're the snowflake that wants to be a giantess's special wittle guy instead of getting snuffed out like the rest of us
fuck off
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Not that anon but don't speak for everyone. A lot of us would rather get bullied, enslaved, or entrapped than snuffed.
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>nigger so offended he can't handle other tastes
>calling anyone else a snowflake
oh I am laffin
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Might as well post the others
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Art by LuckyB
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I'd prefer it if Baliliaka got more content. Also if she just fucking killed me.

You son of a bitch, how dare you make me kek with such a retarded post
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Really top tier scenario. I wish artists stopped using primarily twitter, it's such a pain in the ass to search through. The advanced search function still being broken doesn't help.
the prophet has spoken, behold
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I want Meryem to keep me in her flats
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For me it was the french girl, she's the kind of stupid I like in a giantess.
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>It is an exquisite night to which only the chosen ones are invited.
>Built on the top floor of the Burj Khalifa,
>The VIP room overlooking the golden city of the moon.
>The highest point in the history of mankind, the highest point of your success, is celebrated,
>The highest private space in the history of mankind.
>The world is yours.
>The finest wine in the history of mankind is just a garnish.
>It is the pleasure of the ruler to make you drunk.
>You are the most valuable asset in the history of mankind,
>The best in the history of mankind.
>"Thank you for being one of the best
>For such a master.
>The greatest partner in the history of mankind, right?"
>The smile of the goddess shakes the tower.
What did Nasu mean by this?
Do you feel like a hero yet?
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>algorithm noticed Anons talking about sizefaggotery and islam earlier in this thread and decided to put UAE tourism ad in our size pandering
Nasu's giantess fetish kicking in again.
Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.
The tirck is that it never leaves
True indeed.
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>They will not Urinate or Defecate
Party pooper
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what happens when she turns back into a man?
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Why are you fixating so much on that part, big bro? Why not enjoy literally everything else?
because it always ruined it, now it is perfect.
ligma is no joke
I think they're going to need a whole ocean to turn Ranma back to normal, not sure if they're shrinkies.
If in doubt, assume they're shrunken. Growth implies destruction, one way or another
anime when
that loving look she has and fixing the glasses hhhnnggg
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how did P-san get tied up
I'm still gonna post the other version
and ill be there to post the superior
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>your city gets abducted and taken to a lab
>life is actually pretty nice
>you get food pellets and water
>all your electronics pick up the macro's signals so you can still watch Youtube
>no one has to work for anything so it's basically post-scarcity
>but, the scientist is a klutz
>town gets dropped while she's transferring it to a new climate box
>the rest of your town got swept and tossed
>you're currently living in the cracks of the floor tiles fighting off dust mites for crumbs of food
this is why i prefer my scientists to instead grow huge and end the world through other means
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Whats this
Which two fighting game girls would you like to see duke it out over your city and how fucked would everything be afterwards?
>Bro thinks he has any dignity because his balls won't look weird as he gets stepped on by the sweaty soles of a giant muslkim woman.
Bridget and Jack-O
Very, hopefully

Doesn't say they won't brap though seeing that logic, they probably smell like some kind of perfume.
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giant wife
What is Hod doing in my /d/ giantess thread?
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mods deleted the catalogue to silence me, for they fear retribution yet i am not so easily cowed into submission.
i will once against state my capacity for violence and reiterate that i could easily beat up any giantess lurking on this board
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Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working?
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>standard fantasy setting goes through industrial revolutions
>adventuring and dungeon raiding gets replaced with boring desk job
>it’s hard to design workplaces for races ranging in size from tiny pixies to towering giants, so some corpo mage invented a system where each position has a standardized height, with the most numerous workers being the smallest and growing with their position in the company
>the system had its faults, most humans didn’t live long enough to reach any meaningful position with a glass ceiling at the ankles of being with longer lifespans, but being small was better than being unemployed
>elf girl Aerin used to be content with her middle-sized job, stable income and a human assistant massaging her feet was all she needed, but that changed when an old friend was transferred to her department
>Aerin used to be an adventurer a few centuries ago, a “pet” of her team was a fairy named Lilac.
>they shared a lot of good memories together and a few embarrassing ones, like the time Aerin sat on Lilac at the tavern, so Aerin was initially excited to meet a fellow relic of a more fantastical age
>however, now that they were the same size, Aerin quickly became jealous of Lilac, mostly for her curves that got upgraded from blueberries to melons and let the fairy steal elf’s spot as the hottest person on the floor
>Aerin decided to finally try harder and climb the ranks to be bigger than Lilac again, and the quickest way she thought of was trying to become her boss’s assistant
>elf had a rather distant relation with the career driven goblin woman, since her ego hurt at the very idea of having to look up at a greenskin, but if she wanted to put her ex-party member in her place, she had to be ready for some ass kissing
>hopefully not literally, since the giant shortstack’s massive ass could easily crush someone her size
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>next few months Aerin spent hyper focusing on her promotion, rushing through her deadlines and fawning over her boss, she wasn’t even paying attention to what Lilac was doing
>one day, when she clocked in to work, she was set to a size several times bigger than she used to be, indicating she as picked for the assistant position
>she rushed to the office, stepping over some of the desk to shorten her way, and saw the goblin leaving through the door
>Aerin started thanking for the opportunity and ensuring she won’t disappoint her
>her boss just looked down on her confused
>turns out she didn’t pick Aerin for anything, in fact she’s moving to a different department, so the nomination must have come from the person replacing her
>as the green giantess walked away Aerin stepped through the door
>in the boss’s chair sat none other than Lilac, now several times larger than assistant sized Aerin
>”Hi Ari! I don’t think you remember me, but we used to go on adventures together.” said the fairy standing up and walking toward Aerin “I decided to make you my assistant so we can bring back some of those old memories” Lilac now stood right over the (ironically) fairly sized elf “Like, remembered that time in the tavern, when you sat on me…”
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Stepping on your nuggets
Is she just being a big meanie or a huge dumb?
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Does anyone have that one torrent that was like a big collection of various size videos? It was called like "sizable size pack" or some shit, I remember it being posted here last year I think.
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>twitter is starting to suspend accounts that scrape with gallery-dl
rip to the only good reason for twitter to exist.
>fairy bigger than elf
nice job anon
getting out grown by hotter tiny is top tier
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I'm a simple guy. I play vidya with minor angel giantess role in it, she does things, I'm happy.
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need cute redhead giantess gf to teasingly step on me but only after I massage her
tfw hod and malcute will never argue over which department you belong in and you end up getting squashed between both of them
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what is the fucking point then?
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That scrape with what?
i love goblin
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>Immediately after going through GB4's Diorama Mode tutorial (changing her facial expression is not possible btw)
Handheld 4 when
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huniepop size art in 2024 is sure unexpected
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>pic rel on her phone
Deepest lore.
we gotta take the cellphones away from these giant girls
maybe their tera-sized moms would do it if we could reach them
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dumb fucking goat
damn is this new gobbo from this artist? I haven't seen this one before. love this tricky alchemist
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There's going to be more size play in the next installment of Femdom League.
It’s not like she meant to do this, right? Cut her some slack.
Is that car a Mercedes w124? As an Albanian I love this
I hope she steps on you next by accident you little jerk.
“Get spit on or worse” what could that mean?
>>joins navy
>>realizes she’s a lesbian
My sides
>>nice city you got there

I hope she’s bout to squish Nigcago or Jew York with her tits
No piss? Ragh!! Fuck that shit I’m putting on a fedora
Sure thing, tough guy. I’m still betting on all the giant ladies you’ll fight
Who’s the artist? Saucenao ain’t working
I Imagine those scaly feet gotta scratch like crazy
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I miss microtofigure collages
>“Get spit on or worse” what could that mean?

Think of the Golden rule: "do onto others before they can do onto you"

If artillery rains down on a giantess, what could she Shower down onto them in return.

I don't know for certain but I bet she'd be Pissed
I’m joining the artillery, man
who got squashed?
Some goat-hating chud
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cant get enough of these
haha that would be so weird
sauce me up
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When the series launched there was a rumour that the owners of the irl horses the girls are based on didn't want porn made of their properties.
A lot of said owners have ties to Japanes mafia, since horse racing is just fancy gambling and that always attracts money loundering and other crime.
Apparently japanese people drawing naked pictures of uma girls were privatly contacted and threatened to take down the pictures.
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Not exactly the same, but i ike seeing people 3D print tiny cities for their figures
Hey that translate anon for Mttuer1's game, can I lob some corrections to you when I finish?
In the trivia test, question ten is essentially asking about searchable "tags" (maybe a better term?). The equivalent in english would be A: Gentle, B: Cruel C: Unaware D: GIGA (the same). I do have to say the museum has a lot of love put into it.
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It makes sense when you think about it but don’t ask me either
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The need for a giant masochist pet who constantly doms by accident because of her size is strong.
Also does anyone have this pic at a decent res? I don't think anything bigger ever got posted but I could be wrong.
Judging by the bottom right this picture is cropped
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Thank you Anon, the weird balls in the original made me feel weird too
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>handplay is overrat-
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she could at least try to peel him off instead of whimpering...
Keiichi, it seems he is too small to even be recognized
is this what it means to be 'demoned away'?
>Micro dragons can't even fly higher than the treads of a girl's sandals
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God I love Cunlel's art. Great sense of scale and character designs.
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This one?
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She’ll get around to it surely. Just give her a moment or ten.

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Niwaka potato. I think they went mental health gay and deleted all their stuff though
She's the best!
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Thank you but it’s not the one I remember, it was this girl saying “you got something moving under your mask” word for word and then the girl with the mask removes it to reveal a mini guy stuck to her mask, I appreciate it though!
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thank you!
another small doodle after the dumb goat
holy based more sequel art is a blessing, would love to see some rabi or reda.
I've been tempted to make a giantess vs military table top miniature wargame but I know it would just end up completely unbalanced fetish fuel rather than a legitimate game
I think it’d make for a more killer diorama. Like a 1/12 or 1/6 girl in the ocean or something could be facing an army of 1:144 mfs
>I think it’d make for a more killer diorama.

It certainly would make for a killer diorama

>Like a 1/12 or 1/6 girl in the ocean or something could be facing an army of 1:144 mfs

I'd personally go for 1:6 for the giantess(s) and 1:285 for the military, cheaper to build a bigger force and the size disparity is greater.
Please do. I will help kickstart it. I had a similar idea too but it was giantesses battling each other in a city.
Bro what figurine is that?
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Shizune Fuutou Lingerie ver.
Have you considered some people like the idea of sitting on the giantess' shoulder and being forced to watch the chaos while powerless as the yandere giantess ensures no one could ever take you away from her? Or just be her size and destroy everything together with her dominating you throughout the process? Perhaps even teasing you about all the lives you'll snuff out if you can't last long enough as she jacks you off pointing your cock at a city?
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Literally just make mech warrior, but replace the mechs with giantess.
Boom, already pre-balanced, and centered around what it should be (cute giant girls)
>Infantry man hits Giant Waifu
>Hits ammo storage
>Giant waifu explodes
Giant waifu should stop rolling ones, smdh
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some girls going up like USS Arizona is a price I'm willing to pay to see a game like this
>Goes to stomp on a tank
>Trips and falls over, breaking her leg in the process.
>Please do. I will help kickstart it. I had a similar idea too but it was giantesses battling each other in a city.

My Idea was to have multiple factions of Giantesses fighting over the Earth with normal sized human military responding. Some giantesses would be fighting to defend humanity so they might be on the side of the military.

Balancing could be done through size or number of giantesses (2 GTS vs 1 GTS+Military) but balance would come after fetish appeal (with optional rules for more balanced gameplay)

Having multiple factions means multiple giantess types, so I could cover a decent swath of giantess fetishes. I'd probably include optional rules for certain divisive fetishes or have them as part of a separate rule book.

General tone of the rules would try to be serious but with some teasing/humorous elements. As a general rule I'd try and keep things simple and quick so you aren't looking up penetration values or morale rules in the middle of a fetish game.
>>Infantry man hits Giant Waifu
>>Hits ammo storage
>>Giant waifu explodes


>Infantry squad hits Giant Waifu
>Critical Hit Pussy
>Giant Waifu Orgasms, Is stunned for 1 turn
>Infantry squad is within her proximity and they must role for splash damage
>Infantry squad drowns!
>GTS Wars: Core Rule Book
>GTS Wars: Vore Expansion
Contains both the vore and digestion rules + rules for new anti vore equipment for military units ranging from bitter tasting armor coating to stomach pumping air drop units that can make a giantess vomit up swallowed units
>GTS Wars: Flight expansion
Rules for harpy giantesses and giantesses with jetpacks and dog fighting with military aircraft
What else?
Love it so far. It's basically a skirmish game.
Just need some damn good miniatures
NTA but https://x.com/corpsmanWelt
>draws giant m*l* and troon shit
Nevermind sorry I asked
Rest of the Peko sequence was great tho. exhentai.org/g/3007270/b793c8ca50/
So? He's tainted so fuck off
NEW: >>11106859
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I was talking to someone about this stuff the other day and they told me I gave them a new fetish
>swats at a helicopter
>chops her fingers off in the rotor blades
>everyone goes deaf from the shriek she lets out as a reaction to losing her fingers
>GTS Wars: WW1 expansion. Contains an event where giantesses point their ass into a trench and gas the units in them with her farts. Units may retaliate with flamethrowers by burning the ass of the giantess or igniting her farts. Other options of chemical warfare by giantesses are burping, pissing in a trench and flooding it, shidding in a trench or throwing it in (we’ll have to see what the censors say about this one) or throwing her used socks, or other undergarments or clothing on top of a trench. To counteract this they may fire artillery or anti aircraft guns at the flying objects to destroy them mid air or to change their course and land elsewhere.
I've actually been around with that guy for over 4 years. He's actually a schizo/autistic. Always hear his family members checking up on him, which is no surprise they know that he does NSFW shit at home and crazy shit.

He hasn't really done much for attention, when I'm around with them and others in our discords. He's pretty chill and has some self-control over his issues when he manages it, but dude just wanted to really kill himself after what happened in our discord. After coming back he showed a picture of the medical bill and made fun of the American Healthcare systems how he was trying kill himself over money, but also gets billed for killing himself after leaving psych.
Anon You said to post what I had written in the previous post

Here are the ones I've written so far

Thank you, I would appreciate it if you read them.
Hey Anons How do I create a giantess member of the SS for a WW2 size story
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big kusogaki
because why not
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of all the world-ending events, tera-size brat deciding to take a bite out of Earth easily make it to the top-tier list
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Is That image for lack of a better one anyway,

>being me, 18 year old son of the most feared Italian mobster in town
>my mom, Lia, goes out one night in her tight black dress
>suddenly starts growing like crazy up to 500 meters
>turns out a secret government experiment affected several women
>there are now giant MILFs all over town
>my mom's dress rips, leaving her in a leopard thong
>her massive tits destroy half the city as they swing
>4chan explodes with "death by snu snu" and "ara ara~" memes
>reddit simps are already donating to giantesses' OnlyFans
>Twitch is filled with streams showing chaos and kilometer-long tits
>my mom screams that she's hungry and wants canolis
>suddenly, a truck full of canolis appears in town
>an anonymous donor sent it (surely some giant foot fetishist)
>my mom grabs the truck and eats it in one bite, driver included
>I'm now the son of the most feared mafia giantess in Italy
>At least I'll have free cannoli for life
Respond, motherfucker, I just dropped a Green text as an offering, what else do you want?
Pistachios. Also why the fuck is this thread still up?
Why nobody has the desire or the balls to make another one
Retard they made a new one 6 days ago

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