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Previous thread: >>75282207

>Who is /fat/ for?
For fat fucks who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq
Custom Meal Planner: https://custommealplanner.com/
I've gained all the weight back that I lost last week despite not changing my diet in the slightest. I'm sick of this. I'm going to fast until the scale goes down again.
I feel sorry for fags who are too afraid to fast. Hunger really is the best spice. They will never know the orgasmic taste of even plain food after fasting for a few days.
I think my grandma is gonna pass here in a couple days... I think I'm gonna cope by getting Innout even though I have chicken and salmon in the fridge... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>125 pounds down
>still eating fast food multiple times a week because my cooked food gets eaten out by family
i mean, yes, im still losing because im counting the calories but my wallet is FUCKED
Get a cheap used mini fridge
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Being broken up with is really making me want to have a cheat day and fall off the wagon (again.) It's so tiring. 6 years... Gone
Your partner broke up with you BECAUSE you lost weight???
Sorry to hear that friend, hope she goes peacefully. But you don't have to feel guilty about wanting something comforting in times of sorrow. Just eat smart, you can skip the fries, take off the top bun of your burger and you aren't eating that badly.
Lol, no. Just simultaneously while I am losing weight. I'll keep at it. The pangs to binge eat my sorrow away are constantly hitting me now
Women will leave you because you are born on the wrong month of the horoscope. You shouldn't expect logic from a being that functions purely on in the moment emotions.
>6 years
yeesh.. long time... how come you didn't propose? still in early 20's or something?
i have one, i don't have a safe spot for it anymore since i just moved
What do you mean a safe spot? Your family invades your own designated personal fridge? That's kinda crazy. Get a chain and padlock lmao
why'd she leave you
You can eat out cheap, it won't be super macro healthy but if you only have to do it a few times a week it's not the end of the world. You can get 1000-1500 calories at taco bell for just a few dollars. 3 mcdoubles should only run you 6 bucks, if you use the apps you can get even better deals. Rip off the buns of two of them and make one super burger.
There are plenty of ways to eat out cheap, you don't have to get a 20 dollar burrito at chipotle.







>>75270343 >>75276333 >>75283095

make grandma proud by getting lean
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gotta lose like 10 pounds a little over a month from now. is it possible?
>134 pounds
Is it true that real nuns draw these pictures?
Yes it's very possible, that's only 2.5lbs a week. Just do rolling 24 hour fasts, eat one day (count your calories) and don't eat the next day. Do this rotation and you'll probably get there in 3 weeks or less.
thanks man
When I’m feeling cravings I pretty much down a whole 2 liter of cold diet pepsi. Completely rids me of any hunger.

Will it give me cancer? I hope so. I want to die anyways. But for now it has been working tremendously.
That's not how water retention works, retard.
all my life ive wanted bakers delight bread. mummy wouldnt ever buy it because its too expensive compared to bread in coles/woolworths. now shes bought a loaf because dad can only eat white bread before his colonoscopy. sigh. im very tempted to eat it anons, but i cant help but think that this is the kind of temptation satan offers you before he takes your soul. if i ate so much as a slice of that bread, id surely get dragged down to hell. id either gain weight or remain the same, and thats the same as hell to me.
Or you can just count the calories in the slice of bread and stop being a sissy faggot.
Up to you, really.
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I'm back from the steakhouse
I managed to get both the loaded potatoes togo and I'll eat them tomorrow
but my parents ordered this appetizer and I ate half of it
I didn't realize just how much calories this shit has
the half I ate is almost as much calories as the loaded potatoes I took home, more calories than my porterhouse T bone steak what the shit
what that other anon said
you were together 6 years why didn't you commit
women have a biological clock ticking and if you aren't making moves she's gonna move on
Any other fatties here have to pop blisters every day?
I get meat/salt cravings quite often. Any low calorie recommendations?
i cant bring myself to do it. i know im only wanting to eat it because i think it will taste good. i know it will, but ill feel tremendous regret afterwards. i cant believe im saying this, but the 'dont eat it' voice is kicking the 'eat it' voices ass right now. i am in full control now.
Any part of the chicken, beef that isn't just 70/30 ground. Lean pork cuts, any fish. Season it and eat it. ezpz
You can also do jerky but that's really expensive.
I used to work the line at TXRH in HS, you can ask for it lightly battered and it should cut way down on the cals. Not like you should even care about that if eating at texas roadhouse.
James' primacy over Peter in Acts proves Roman Catholicism is a heresy.

>Acts 15:19-21
Rather than PETER, James is the one declaring doctrine, which is the job of the pope in Roman Catholicism. This James (sometimes called "James the Lesser", "James the Just", and (1 Corinthians 9:5, Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3, John 7:1-10, 1 Corinthians 15:7, and James 1:1) "James, brother of the Lord") is not even of the Twelve Apostles, either, which is significant (especially against Eastern Orthodoxy) because only the Twelve Apostles are in the DIRECT presence of Christ when He gives the ability to bind and loosen with His keys (Matthew 18:18) and also when He gives the Great Comission (Matthew 28:16-20 & Mark 16:14-20), making Apostolic Succession false due to the fact that the Apostles were still around at the time James spoke this.

James' book is also listed before Peter's. Peter's books are also listed before John's last three, meaning these 5 books are ordered in the same order as Paul orders their importance in Galatians 2:9 - "James, and Cephas (Aramaic/Syrian/Syriack/Hebrew translation of Peter), and John" (not to be confused with John's brother James (aka, "James the Elder", "James son of Zebedee", and "James the Great") whose name is mentioned AFTER Peter's in Mark 5:37, Mark 9:2, Luke 8:51, and Acts 1:13).

Thus, Roman Catholicism is disproven by James' primacy over Peter according to the New Testament (ie, the direct testimonies of the Apostles) and Eastern Orthodoxy is disproven because of James' primacy over all of the Twelve Apostles according to the statements of the Apostles in the writings of the Apostles: the New Testament, the Bible, the Holy Scriptures, the word of God, the words of God, the speech of God the Holy Ghost.
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thanksgiving is tomorrow in leafland but my family had the meal today
hunger's gonna feel so good once this digests and i'm empty again
Theres nothing good feeling about feeling hungry
Fuck off, heretic
There's something beautiful about taking a set a text gathered and thoroughly edited by one religion to fit their narrative, and declaring that it akshually proves the exact opposite of their narrative.
Dietetically speaking, of course.
I've lost 13.5lbs in the past 36 days. Too fast? Not fasting.
>1 day of fasting
>pissing like a fucking horse
Shit's getting annoying
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It's not the hunger, not really. Perfectly bearable. It's not even the boredom. I've found ways to occupy myself that aren't eating. It's the romanticized version of food that I see in my head. The gleaming pedestal containing all my favorite treats, promising to fulfill my cravings, give me that warm fuzzy feeling that you'd get as a kid after a great snack. Promising to enhance whatever it is I'm doing. Wouldn't work be better with a snack? A vidya game isn't truly good without liters of sugar water to guzzle! A late night meal will let you drift off to sleep with a nice full belly. Eat away your stress, enjoy life.
I'll keep fighting the good fight. 45lbs down today. WAGMI
>eat over calorie limit at night
>log it for the next morning and just don't eat till lunch the next day to stay within limit on counter
Big brain
how much are you drinking o_o
5 40oz waterbottle refills so far
I've heard while fasting you should have half your bodyweight (lbs) in ounces of water and om 280 so I'm well over that already but still thirsty and still pissing
I was doing hip thrusts earlier and now I have a really bad burning sensation in my vagina, is this normal?
Dude, that's too much. You shouldn't drink more than 4 liters a day. You also need electrolytes. The water is just going right through you because your body doesn't have enough salt and other crucial minerals.
Is screening for gallstones a thing? I've heard so many stories about people wanting to die when they get one and it scares me a lot. Especially because they say losing a lot of weight can cause them. I feel like it's just a ticking time bomb.
Isn't overhydration supposed to be more than a liter per hour? I'm at around 6 over the whole day, plus taking supplements
Could add a salt tablet I guess
>thanksgiving is tomorrow in leafland but my family had the meal today
wait does that mean northernlion isnt streaming
im gonna get on the typhlosion diet
It's caused by a low fat diet. Rip, lol
i ate 4 slices
i counted the calories
im not happy with myself
i like to be under my calorie limit, especially now that im in a rush to have visible abs before december
Good. Now you know the calories in a slice of bread. Knowledge is Power, etc.
Next, you can either decide you don't need to eat bread much, or you could go for a low-carb, low calorie bread (like Hero Seeded Bread, or Hero White Bread), they're actually quite edible nowadays, by American standards.
Or maybe a bit of both.

I don't restrict myself in fast food, soda, etc.
But I count calories, and those things eat pretty heavily into the daily calorie budget without being particularly filling.
So, over time, I started naturally crave them less because proper food tends to leave me more satisfied.
Just drink diet
is anybody else a devious scorekeeping faggot or is it just me
I keep passively mentally logging what other people eat, sorry bro but those 2 AM bowls of heaping leftovers are not as stealth mode as you think just because you opened the microwave before it beeped
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The only drink with artificial sweeteners I enjoy is the pic related.
Everything else tastes absolutely disgusting.
Coke zero and baja blast zero sugar are freaking good. That being said i hate most diet sodas.
Who tf you scorekeeping? Your fat lard or a gf who you fucking hate? Fuck you dude. Eat a salad
I barely have the energy to track my own calories correctly, I sure as fuck aren't tracking someone else's, especially not for spite value.
About about you stop being an asshole and invite your brother on one of your jogs instead.
I want to try OMAD for a 1 day fast but I'm scared of not eating and then dying.
>Too fast?
1% of your bodyweight per week is a number i often see suggested as the healthy upper limit, but some people here may disagree. If your diet/cut started 36 days ago, that weight loss number will be distorted because by the amount of water weight lost the first ~10 days. You don't really get an accurate measure of how things are going until week 3 imo.
You seem to be confusing eating and breathing somehow.
That said, you're correct. Holding your breath for one day will assuredly kill you.
i skipped having any bread or crackers with my soup tonight. really takes some of the joy out of eating, but joy is a luxury reserved for people with a normal bmi.
i'd add diet dr. pepper to that list
I wont. Fuck you
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I really like smoked salmon, so I occasionally make room in my food diary for some buttered toasted low-carb bread on which to deposit the delectable salmon.
It's fine. If there's anything I'd feel guilty about, it'd be the butter.
>No sex drive
>Brain fog making me borderline retarded
>Depression getting worse
I literally can not restrict any more than I currently am without passing out. Why won't the number go down? I really don't want to see a doctor.
>what i'm doing isn't working
>i want to push it further to the extreme
anon, if what you're doing isn't working, try doing something else.
eating out is always going to be more calories. the people cooking don't care about your health, they care about returning customers, and cooking oil is cheap.
I wasn't depressed until I started dropping weight and now over 100lbs later I've had some pretty dark thoughts.

My best friend wants me to get help but all they'll do is neurologically castrate me so I can go on being a good like wagie in my cagie.
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Fatty Contest

I'm back now going for the win baby
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Someone else who she feels better in that moment appear anon..
dont do it fatty. ive also had menty b's where i spiral and just eat fucking mcdonalds and ice cream or whatever. its gonna make everything worse.
i'm not a masochist in any other way
You could restrict more. You could fast fatty.
How many hard boiled eggs is a good amount?
Don't fucking tell me to eat eggs raw and get salmonella.
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>How many hard boiled eggs is a good amount?
>Don't fucking tell me to eat eggs raw and get salmonella.
Fry them in a pan my /fat/tie
2-4 i guess
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The second batch of burgers on the next day - had ingredients left over after yesterday.
Double-patty smash burgers with onions this time around (the total amount of meat is the same as yesterday, though).
1282 kcal + 154 kcal from Dr Pepper
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These turned out great.
A lot of smoke, though.
>full fat Dr pepper
I forgot what i was gonna say. anyway i unintentionally made it a habit of OMADing on weekends and go back to a normal non fasting schedule on weekdays. idk if I will keep this up or if it even helps that much.
I have 23 cans left.
Imagine how fat will I be by the end of it!
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stop it with the dr pepper you fucking retard, what the fuck is wrong with you?
that shit is made in a lab and like 5 dollars for a 5 gazillion pack just throw it away
I like Dr Pepper, simple as.
Do a refeed anon. Just pig out for two days and start again. Watch the scale start going down again.
Sticking to calories is much harder than thought. I thought I could just count each day and that would be it. I've had to start meal propping, cooking every day or so (can't stand old food) and then my feet got sore from gym and walking so now I'm in barefoot shoes which have helped immensely. I feel like I've got 6 months of just getting into a routine and getting used to this all before my fat fuck self is gonna actually follow through with this.
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looks very tasty
How do you guys combat your fatty brain instincts to binge? I've found playing some vdiya or ironically doing cardio helps get my mind off it.
You want the real redpill anon? It never ends.
>can clearly see my serratus when i put my arms up
>abs slowly taking shape
>got to see all the fat on my quads gradually melt off and it become a solid slab of muscle
>all this while still overweight
lifting as you lose weight is so worth it
big motivation boost
I figured that, I've tried many times and given up. I've supposed I've got to try more and contiguously on lifestyle.change first and formosr
lots of water sometimes with a light snack. some coffee/zero cal drinks throughout the day. I havent had a problem stopping myself from eating out of boredom. If I feel like going over calorie limit out of hunger then I just chalk that up to me not planning meals good enough or not sticking to my schedule strictly enough.
coffee, tea and very low-calories snacks like carrots, pickles, cherry tomatos
although i never had huge binging tendencies to begin with so it's easy mode for me
From my personal experience, just starting to count everything was rather easy because of the novelty of it.
It did railroad me into pretty much either cooking for myself or buying prepackaged stuff with calories written on it/eating at places that write calories in their menus.
I did try to count calories for the stuff I ate during outing with friends, including the alcohol, looking stuff up and estimating when necessary.
Long-term it has proven to be too annoying. Because of that coupled with a bit too restrictive calorie deficit, I eventually stopped doing the whole thing.

Now, about three years later, I got back into it.
This time around, I've established a rather relaxed calorie budget for myself (2000 kcal/day, up from 1500 kcal I did before).
I also don't really have any specific goal weight to reach, and lowkey accepted that if I want to not be a lardass, I'll have to always count calories, because "going by the feel" only results in me overeating consistently.
I don't count calories during the outings - I just accept the L for the day and don't worry about it. Neither do I try to "compensate" on following days.
I am loosely aware of how much I'm eating, though, which comes as a nice little skill you get from always counting calories - I don't really restrict myself on those days, however that awareness comes handy as it means I don't really see the reason to stuff myself with ungodly amount of calories anymore.
So, even on the days I 'let loose", I at most eat just a bit above my maintenance.
I also have started rather naturally pre-planning most of my meals for the day or two.

So far, I lost 18 kilos over the course of the last four months. Which, assuming about 6 of that were pure water, would still leave me with a nice and rather expected 2 kg/month pace.
I'm sure you can do as well and even better, anon.
It's about getting into the right mindset instead of just forcing arbitrary restrictions upon oneself.

Thank you, bro!
Try 16 hours first
>woman can't stop herself from blogging
>even if it means posting 1200+ calorie slop on a weight loss thread
kill yourself you toxic cunt
cola has a fair amount of caffeine, you might just be feeling the caffeine muting hunger. if you're concerned just drink some coffee and then 2 liters ice water instead
what a sissy little bitch you are
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le whiteknight force in full swing
keep going maybe this fat cunt will let you taste one of the cheese curds forming between her fat rolls
Post scale pic
and what is that going to tell you mongoloid, without knowing my height or my previous weight
just know that if you drink dr pepper and eat burgers you're not going to make it and are a disgusting fucking pig, simple as
and if you give attention to a woman doing so, chances are you are a weak piece of garbage who might make it at best make it momentarily, but your weak willpower will eventually make you fail when a woman wants to make you fatter on a whim
Post weight
I always lose weight after a break up
Fatty contest
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ty /fit/

Down from 28 BMI, never again; finally I can insult fat people again without self-shaming.
Says here that you're gaining weight.
>have family visiting this weekend
>will cook for them
>making lasagne and chocolate cake
>think to myself ''im just gonna make it for them and eat my normal diet food''
>realise theres 3500 calories in a pound
>meaning i would need to eat 3500 calories OVER my tdee to gain 1 pound
>can easily have 1 portion of lasagna and a piece of cake and not ruin my week
post your daily caloric intake for the last month.
I've lost so much weight and I still don't have a well-defined jawline
I might just have piss-poor genes
Gaining weight is a sign of low test and onions genetics
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Lol Sherlock, while that's true it says that, it's simply not my scale and profile.

I eat 2 times a day ~ 250g grass fed ground beef with 3 eggs , and both I fry with grass fed beef tallow. It's super boring and yet super efficient, my gains, mood and energy is on peak level. Don't listen to those who make fun of carnivore/keto, it'll work and heal your body as a side effect.

Yes and some days I switch it up for beef steak or ill add 50g beef liver for some extra boost, but I don't mind eating ground beef.

Goal is 80kg and after that I'll start with lifting for real.
did you do any workouts at all? or just walking every day? how much walking? im just starting out but im on 1500 calories a day.
>it's simply not my scale and profile.
Why would you post someone elses profile and claim you have reached said results?
>just know that if you drink dr pepper and eat burgers you're not going to make it and are a disgusting fucking pig
i eat a bigass kebab and buffalo chicken wings about once every two weeks and i'm doing fine, losing 1kg/week for months now
you shouldn't be an extremist anon. you're gonna have to eat this way for the rest of your life. are you never going to eat junk EVER AGAIN? i don't think so

normal people eat junk and they can deal with it and not become fat
the goal is not to become a fuckin buddhist monk here
dont mind anon, hes a seething autist. you can absolutely eat whatever the fuck you want and lose weight, its all about calories in and out. thats it. and when you hit your target you still can eat whatever the fuck you want as long as you work out enough to maintain.
Wanna know how I know you're a faggot and have never even had a woman hug you that wasn't related to you?
>started lifting two weeks ago
>all weight loss comes to a halt, gaining weight actually
>only eating 1700 calories a day
Nice now I'm starving AND sore.
Brisk walking 45-90 min a day through a nice forest in Germany, I'm losing weight like never before and have gained some muscles in legs, easy with so much protein. Also my resting heart rate improved a lot.
Sigh, how about that's the fancy scale of my dad (same height) and I just weighed and copied the statistics from his phone. If u think I'm cheating to somehow aquire applause on an anonymous image board.. we'll you have the right to your opinion.
When I was sick the weight just fell off me I couldn't stop losing. What kind of sick are you that you can still eat at maintenance? You aren't restricting if you aren't losing weight.
You need to change your perspective. There is no reason you should be thinking worse. Think about all of the things you can do now that you couldn't before. Get nicer clothes, do sports or exercise you couldn't before. Go to a bar and hit on chics, do anything a fat person would struggle at.
Sup bitches, it's Monday.
I know I missed the contest. But I'm just putting in my shit for my own record. No more bitch talk, let's get started.
Fatty Contest
Here's a trick, cut soda with carbonated water. Crack open a can or bottle of any sparkling water, fill up half a glass and fill up the rest with your dr.p. It will go longer and cut the sweetness to a level that isn't making your pancreas scream for mercy.
Fatty Contest

70s soon
Down 1.5kg from yesterday again. Man, I must've been really bloated and alcohol didn't even play a role. It was a legit morning weight and everything.
yes please do tell me, hit me with all your reddit witticisms at once
>just know that if you drink dr pepper and eat burgers you're not going to make it
you can fit a burger into pretty much any diet that isn't "professional bodybuilder competition prep 3 days out from the show"
>just know that if you drink dr pepper and eat burgers you're not going to make it
I do both of these things and just finished a successful cut. Its CICO, literally just adjust your day around what you eat.
t. 300 pounds of attitude
I literally made it though. I hit my exact goal weight.
lmao congrats on hitting your goal weight for two seconds faggot
>your weak willpower will eventually make you fail when a woman wants to make you fatter on a whim
Steak, potatos and brocoli. 900cals, 50g protein, 42g fat, 42g carbs. Yum.
ygmi, unlike the rest of the simps in this thread
>an actual unironic schizo
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fuck yeah after 6 months of hard work I get to let lose a bit today
>two seconds
Damn right, because I'm about to bulk. I only needed to cut because I just came off a 4 month bulk. Don't mistake me for some loser who can't control their eating habits, like you, faggot.
>Don't mistake me for some loser who can't control their eating habits
yet you come here and encourage women posting 1200kcal burgers with dr pepper, you are a nigger
>like you, faggot.
Don't mistake me for some loser who can't control their eating habits.
>Don't mistake me for some loser who can't control their eating habits.
Stop projecting then.

>yet you come here and encourage women posting 1200kcal burgers with dr pepper, you are a nigger
If it upsets you, you are an actual fatso, mentally and physically. The truth hurts that you can eat fat shit and lose weight, but you have to control how you eat the rest of the day. Fatfuck like you could never omad huh.
>was thinking about getting the sapphire reserve credit card as I am going to be flying 3-4 times a year at least and think I will be able to make up for the large yearly fee
>find out they offer a points bonus for spending $4k within 3 months
>find out they are offering 10x points on peloton equipment with that card , i was interested in getting a bike

Uhm did I break the system
I can eat whatever the fuck i want, doesn't mean I'll post in on this thread, you don't see anyone else posting food actually, just go to the previous 10 threads or so, every time someone posts food it's
1. a woman posting
2. slop
>holy shit if I spend a bunch of money on shit I don't need mr shekelstein will let me keep a few extra dollars
Yeah something is broken alright.
>Something that was going to benefit me for the things I was already going to be doing is bad

??? Just because you can't use a credit card responsibility and reap the benefits doesn't mean you have to be snotty
>wants to buy a meme bike that costs 5x as much for literally no reason except marketing like a zogged out apple drone who has to get the latest iphone each year because it has a new color
You are not a responsible person. Thanks for the donation to mr shekelsteins 3rd yacht of the season. Don't forget to sign up for the super delux premium subscription that tracks your daily HRT injections for the low low cost of 49.99 bi weekly.
Stay mad wagie
So I’ve started purging after meals and I’ve developed a fetish for it. I have this 16 inch jelly dildo that I use to make myself puke in the shower and. If I eat oatmeal it kind of just Ozzie’s out and is less violent. Turns out I have emetophilia?

Has this happened to anyone else?
>Has this happened to anyone else?
Of course.
Everyone goes through this at some point.
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why can't you just be normal for once
Fatty Contest
340.2 lbs

Ate too much bread last week but number still going down.
ngl I've eaten like 20 burgers in the past month and I've hit my caloric goals every day. Just eat less and workout more lmao.
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Fasted for 4 days last week, Wednesday through Saturday, and went down from 334 to 319. Back up to 324. Is it a bad idea to eat at a minor caloric deficit (500 to 750 calories under TDEE) and then fast another 4 days this upcoming Wednesday to Saturday? Just trying to rush 300lbs now so I can firmly be at 290-300lbs at the end of the year.
Everything unsustainable is a bad idea.
But to answer your question, if you can manage it, there should be no issues as long as you take your supplementations.
Thanks. Since I'm doing these extended fasts in a row should I expect more weight bouncing back once I start eating than usual? When I've done 2-3 day fasts before I would gain back ~3lbs. Expecting to have gained 5lbs from my 4 day fast. Won't know for sure until tomorrow evening.
>yes please do tell me, hit me with all your reddit witticisms at once
You answered for me, by replying like the biggest faggot ITT.
Fasting causes extreme water weight fluctuations.
So, yeah, your weight will be jumping back and forth, unless your body adapts to the new schedule.
You should completely disregard that, though.
Just assume you're at a calorie deficit marginally higher than your BMR and use that to estimate the actual loss of non-water mass.
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Decided to start daily walking.
>picrel its todays walk
My lower back and shoulderblades would hurt at times, I'm assuming its due to my bad posture from being on the PC all day. Feels good though, i'm gonna really try and do this AT LEAST 5 times a week.
Trips of truth acknowledged. Thank you for the response anon.
I will pause my diet for 1 week because my weight loss has been stalling for 3 weeks. Should I eat like a pig or just my TDEE?
have you been doing a huge deficit? are you walking daily?
Yea, 500-800 kcal bellow my TDEE, sometimes even 1000. I run 2 times a week, walk/bike everyday and do pushups/Chinups 3 times a week.
> t. skinnyfat with a butter belly
>500-800 kcal bellow my TDEE, sometimes even 1000
Might be your problem, I saw a video of that moreplatesmoredates guy, he said you fuck yourself over if you do such big deficits, especially when you dont have massive amounts of fat to lose, he suggested to pick a rather small deficit and milk all the weight loss you can from it before moving on to increasing it.
How big can your deficit be on Testosterone and Anavar?
I feel like I can gain on 1000kcals a day, I feel always recovered. Dont know how far I can push this. Seeing my serratus and upper abs clearly, but I still got some lower fat to lose.
you should eat like a normal human
practice for when you get off your diet or something
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so i was starving for nothing lol damn, r.i.p.
thanks for the heads up, bros
I don't know what else I can do. Exercise just makes me hungry and I go back to binging like I used to.
I've been fasting on the weekends but I need to eat to get through work. Sticking to under 1200 calories on week days.
Tried that last month. Gained a kg and it took me another week to lose it again.
This is all I've eaten since Friday. I don't feel nauseous. Mostly my head and joints have been killing me.
Just reset by going maintenance for a couple of weeks, dont let up on your physical activities as before. Then go back to like idk 200-300 deficit? But make sure you still are active. Then increase it by 100 every time you start to stall. Also you need to be insanely accurate with your measurements, since you have such low margin of error, make sure your scale and w/e app you use to track are very accurate.
Do i do my first ever 24 hour fast? I'm scared
here's a (You) for your efforts, it's the equivalent of an upvote
let me know if this is autistic enough for you to post me on r/4chan I can pretend to be even more retarded than this
There are ED bitches who go weeks without eating despite being walking skeletons. What are you afraid of, fatty?
Fatty Contest
300.8 lbs

.....2xx club next week for sure
Good luck bro
give it a try, you can always do a cowardly retreat into OMAD if it doesn't look like it's gonna work
good day, anime fat loss nuns and ducks. I am here to tell you that my weight training is going swimmingly, but I am impatient. I want progress to increase. I'll take it a little by little, though. one day at a time. I have started logging my progress via spreadsheet, and we will see how things improve in six months. I'm gonna make it, please pray for me, and thank you for everything that you do.
What's the purpose of the fast? If it's just to lose weight faster, then don't do it. You want to create long term habits, not try for extremes for short term gains
it's about time to acknowledge that food is similar to a drug. you're not afraid to go without it, you're afraid of dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.
I'm on the 2nd day of a fast for the first time
The hunger's not all that bad, you'll feel it but just drink more water and it subsides instead of staying there constantly
The flushing of water is real, I lost 5 lbs already
> Do not, my friends, become addicted to food. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.
Lifelong /fat/fuck in the twilight of his twenties here. Just rooned 2 miles for the first time since I was a teenager. I’ve been exercising more intently for about 2 months now but off and on since the new year. Wagmi, bros.
>lost 37kg in 4-5 months
>eat only meat/fish/eggs/butter
>drink only water and tea
>Wasn't moving, only at the computer all day long. Worked from home. Started having back pain from moving so little
>Ate as much as I wanted/could
>after the first week I didn't feel any hunger and naturally started fasting for a day or two, whenever the body wanted.
>started going to the gym after 5 months
>Can see visible muscle gains on lats, arms, shoulders and legs after just 2-3 months of going to the gym
>supplements 5 months after I started: vitamin d3+k2 10 drops (10k ie or so), 5g creatine monohydrate, 9mg boron complex, 6g tmg, 10 drops of zink (can't remember the dosis), 300mg magnesium
Go lose weight, it's the easiest thing in the world if you do it like this. There is a magical solution and it is literally this: eat only meat/fish/eggs/butter and drink water
But you've only gained weight, you have lost none.
Don't be gay.
What was the point of this larp post JustMeatFishSaltButterAndEggs. Who are you hoping to fool?
So you decided to be a faggot.
Kill yourself.
Is 100% how it went and it works.
that's great to hear, fatty. keep it up!
Prove it, post weight.
What for? I don't have any before/after pics, bc my life isn't reddit.
You either believe me and try my advice for a month, or you go back to torturing yourself with calorie counting
Your last recorded weight was 320lbs. You claim to have lost 37kg. Prove it.
The problem is he can just claim whatever weight he wants, even a picture of him on a scale doesn't really mean anything since you can fraud that stuff easily. Its frustrating but what can you do?
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>I'm scared
Fatties are really afraid of going a single day without food
Yeah I guess, the guys such a loser though. Does nothing but gain weight and just larps like he's lost 100lbs. Such a sad existence.
>this but eat only /deenz/
trust me bros
slightly ate over my limit but I did an hour of intense cardio
It frustrates me as well considering that some retard might actually listen and believe but that's the consequences of the way this website works I guess.
Still in a deficit? Long ones specifically cause depression as a side effect, if so take a maintenance break and then continue at a less steep deficit
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>you look tired anon
>you look depressed anon
Fuck I hate crabs. WAGMI
Starting to see definition in my shoulders and quads (well not really definition, more like the shape is there) and I'm still obese
Lifting has definitely been the best part of caring about health, it feels great and I wish I did it at the start of weight loss instead of just walking a ton the first handful of months, I was definitely losing muscle then
Yeah happened to me too, it's your body experiencing inflammation and DOMS at a much higher rate because it's not used to it at first which makes you cling onto a bunch of water, it'll flush soon and you won't be sore much if at all and return to normal weight loss rate (maybe slightly slower due to a bit of body recomp starting)
Make sure to get enough protein
People get depressed and tired you schizo. Post weight.
1 month ago weight loss isn't working. Amp things up, larger deficit and more time at the gym.
Workout volume increases from 9800 lbs to 13000 lbs. Change my cardio from during warmups and walking on off days to off day cardio at the gym. At the gym 4-5 days a week now. Just got to 40 min straight. The machine says I burnt 350 calaries.

Rows: 50 => 55
Squats 50 => 60
Incline Bench press 30 => 50

Weight is down 2.1 pounds to 282. 1.1lbs being muscle mass according to the scale. My heart is getting fucked and my doctor doesn't care. Go from 140/82 to 117/61 because of post workout fatigue. Feel like shit for 5 hours after, 3 of those hours being completely uselesses. Rinse and repeat.

Fuck all of this. Taking a maintenance week and not increasing any lifts.
This nigga out here lifting trucks.
I'm having trouble sticking to a goal.
I started off weight loss strong and dropped 18 lbs in 3 months, but I've been enjoying lifting so much I've been eating at maintenance +/- 1lb for the last couple weeks so i could push harder.
Still have quite a ways to go before I'm happy with my weight, but seeing other numbers go up is rewarding
>fall sick with covid
>spend all day lying on the couch, stuffing your face with junk food
>gain 3 lbs over the course of a week
interesting. when i had covid i didn't want to eat anything.
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>check fattycontest site for the 5th time since sunday evening
>still accepting entries from last week
Fuck i love milk
I am this close to just becoming a fastfag who doesn't eat for a week at a time and see where that takes me. Am 100% counting all my calories accurately and have been eating at a huge deficit and still my weight has just been bouncing up and down within 1 pound for weeks.
Week 4 of intermittent fasting. Ironically I'm hungrier in the mornings now than when I first started. I think it's because I was on an ECA Stack the first two weeks, but cycled off the following 2 weeks.
Lifts are still kinda low, much lower than when I was /fit/. I'm hoping to see better progress soon.

Luckily, I think I still retained some of my musculature which makes me *look* better than when I was just a fat dyel.

Will update with weigh-ins later

Hey weak willed nigger are you trending down?
i could do this easily but im trying to put on muscle so i cant afford to lose my strength/gains
I had the same issue, every calculator said my TDEE was in the 3k range and recommended 2k to lose weight, I didn't lose anything for weeks, I dropped my daily target to 1.5k and still didn't lose anything for weeks, dropped it again to 1k and suddenly I started losing weight consistently.
3 weeks is fine, check your sodium intake and triple check your calorie counting. People forget to track "little" things like cooking oil and condiments but they can quickly add up to negate your deficit. I've been eating at a callorie deficit for 15 months and these things just happen but eventually the scale will catch up if you're doing it right. I've never taken a maintenance break, it's just fatty cope and adds more time to reach your goals
Did a 3 day and then broke it for 1 day and now gonna do another 3 day immediately after
Already seems to be better than when I did 5 days straight
Made chili with some bone-in chicken thighs for the first time today (usually its just lean ground beef) really tasty, decent macros too
500g serving
477 calories
Carbs - 52.8g
Fiber - 18.3g
Sugars - 9.6g
Protein - 44.8g
Gonna serve it over vegetables tomorrow instead of just eating it straight up.
>muh carbs
Yeah well that's what using beans does I guess
I don't understand why I'm not hungry when I only eat a 166 gram 95/5 ground beef burgers, with 1 slice of american pasteurized cheese product and some mustard/ketchup on my 170 calorie fiber bun, plus a glass of low fat milk, for a total of like at most 620 calories, for lunch and dinner (total of like 1300 calories a day, I skip breakfast). I mean, it's not insane that I don't get hungry, but compared to pretty much any other meal I eat (and I usually eat a lot of protein), I am way more satisfied eating like this. Going to run this program for a while and see where I land, but I think lean beef is insanely satiating, and milk is pretty good too.
i do that and just chuck in the canned chicken breast from costo. entire recipie is dumping cans in a crock pot and mesuring a few spices. love tossing baked potato or some steamed broccoli into a bowl and scooping the chili on top.
Yeah that's why I love making it. Its dead simple, tastes good, fills me up with decent calories so I stay in budget.
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imagine my shock I finally bothered to measure the cooked rice and found 1/2 raw makes 1 cup cooked and NOT 2 cups cooked... it looks bigger in the rice cooker than when its smooshed into a measuring cup... nice top result GOOGLE you FUCK UP
This is why you measure by weight when you can.
imagine eating food kek
Will limiting ejaculations make me lose weight faster?
why would you limit ejaculations? it's a 0 calorie snack. you're only cheating yourself
I do this but it eventually leads to a massive carry balance
>still slightly flexing core muscles 24/7 subconsciously sucking in the gut
Wonder if that will go away when it's completely gone
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I'm fasting, I'm imagine eating food all the time
lol same
I'm doing it more to attempt to fix gut health than as a weight loss strategy, I do fine on regular meals in a deficit but this fasting has me thinking about fast food and carb-bombs nonstop
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This general really is infested with fastards. Go make your own general.
This would make your TDEE around 1500 calories and there is no way that's true unless you're a 100-lb 5 foot tall woman
Something else was going on, likely massively undercounting your calories
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They call us fastards because we're fast
We don't want to be here a long time with the fatards
i was a fastard 10 years ago. i'm back here now. quick results are great but generally don't last because a fatass will retain the eating habits of a fatass. might as well hop on ozympic and not torture yourself if you just want the weight gone asap.
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Confess your sins.
I'll start with my own. I am a sucker for "new" products. Anytime a brand comes out with a limited time flavor it's impossible to not want to try it because what if its a unique taste I have never tasted before and might never taste again.
Went to the grocery today and I got hit with not one but two of these. They had pistachio muffins, I know that's not some unique flavor I could make them myself but I haven't seen them before. Pistachio is one of my favorite flavors, I couldn't resist. They were so good too, super soft and green and nutty.
But they also had this new 7up flavor called Sherley Temple which is supposed to be a mix of cherry and pomegranate. It's pretty good too but honestly doesn't taste that much different than the normal cherry. I'll be paying with a lot of extra walking this week.
Don't worry, you're going to come back just as fast
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>Not fixing your eating habits prior to becoming a fastard
Skill issue, not my problem
Kek'd, this is actually a good one
Weighed everything with a digital scale, used the same units in the app, scanned barcodes, ect. Nah, just didn't lose weight until I was hitting a 1000 calorie target. If you ever stall out just drop your target calories by 500, works wonders.
Im walkinggg im gonna woooook
My mom brought over a big bag of chocolate chip cookies for my brithday and I should have thrown them out as soon as she left, but I put them in the way back of the bottom shelf of the freezer instead because I couldn't throw away my mom's homemade cookies.
woah a fellow october 14 baby?? happy birthday.
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Eat one, throw the rest of them away and the next time your dear mum calls you, tell her how good all those cookies were.
so, what does it really work, to do 12 hours fasting or to do 24 hours fasting?
Nothing really, a single 72h fast per week is the gold standard. Don't bother doing anymore more or less.

Monday~Wednesday you fast and don't consume anything with calories, Thursday~Sunday you eat your normal deficit. Exercise and lift as normal even when fasting.
Flushes water, most notably
If you don't make up the calories afterwards then it's a little bump to your fat loss

As for the claims that it reduces inflammation or increases insulin sensitivity etc, those are hard to separate from just overall benefits of weight loss
IMO fasting is not a good sustainable weight loss method for most people as it won't teach you lifelong eating habits the way regular meals in a deficit will, plus the extremeness of it makes you more likely to fall off
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>My gym scales say I lost 20 kg in 3 months
There's no way this is right
Very doable if you start really big
Height and starting weight?
quitting all those baconators really paid off for you huh
193 cm/130 kg
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whats your secret?
i only lost 20 kgs in 8 months
Break it down, that's a deficit of ~1700 calories a day
Sedentary TDEE at that starting point is 2800 but in my experience adding in exercise calorie burn does actually add up. Idk your exercise amount but if you go with moderate exercise you'd be at close to 3700 calorie TDEE
Which means eating 2000 calories a day would get you there
You can reverse engineer it now if you know your daily calorie intake to see what your average TDEE really was along those 3 months

In my first 3 months I lost around 60 lbs (27 kg)
Everything I need to be happy. Only thing I'm missing is the girl.
yeah if thats accurate a lot of it was water bloat. but now that that’s gone you will start to really lose fat
>nice top result GOOGLE
...it's literally telling you 1/2 raw make 1 cup cooked, you ADHD zoomer.
today I will order a pizza and stay well within my calorie target for the day while schizos seethe
I have been at a plateu since June but am too inconsistent with my intake/succumbing to binges to get a good estimate on my TDEE.
That doesnt makes any sense bro

I binge eated and drinked as much as i could. To the point that my stomach kinda hurt.

Didnt regain that much weight tbhs.

>>75270343 >>75276333 >>75283095 >>75288969


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How long are your dry fasts?
what are they putting in foods to make it so unhealthy, home made chicken tenders (while not healthy) are always more healthy homemade, I mean damn a 4-5 piece is easily almost 2k
im so damn bored. i started going to the gym 5x a week, eating loads of protein to help maintain muscle as i lose weight, but im doing nofap (not even looking at porn), lost interest in video games and anime. im starting to realize without those things there is a massive void in my life.
Why are you counting black coffee?
>im starting to realize without those things there is a massive void in my life.
All humans have this until they find God
30 pounds of fat is...
*checks calculator*
99,000 kcal.
You would have to be in a net energy deficit of 4714 kcal every single day for 3 weeks to lose 30 lbs of fat.
Unless you're doing 8h of cardio every day without eating any food during those 3 weeks, this shit ain't happening.
You need to calibrate your expectations and realize that this is going to take a while.
Otherwise you'll burn yourself out and won't get any closer to your goals.
>t. six-pack having chad
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Why didn't anyone tell me that having bodyfat in the teens is this fucking cold
I need to stop torturing myself with food videos
This is the best time to find something else to do. Nothing against vidya but I've also been playing less and less because I'd rather do other things.
Just don't listen to the Christian guy. Those dudes act like cultists. Lost my friend to a church lmao
>Don't question the point of your life, just occupy your life with other meaningless tasks until you die
Under this worldview, you could just tell that anon to kill himself and expedite this process
That's implying he doesn't even care about the process itself. Not saying you gotta go full hedonistic, also if he wanted to kill himself that's alright, one of many choices you can do with your life. Just said that out of all of those choices, I don't recommend a specific one other anon said. Simple
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How do you shift your mentality toward food ? like eating for fuel instead of entertainment / pleasure
>also if he wanted to kill himself that's alright
How do you know that
Force a habit with discipline until it overrides the old habit
>been husky all my life
>”naturally big”, 5”11(and a half!) but also a just fat fuck
>always sweat like a motherfucker just walking to the shops
>get into fitness and eventually drop a heap of fat and add muscle, improve cardio
>don’t sweat doing basic shit now, awesome
>havent even really been under 15% bodyfat but jesus the difference in how i feel cold now is crazy
i must have been easily 30+% bodyfat at my worst. i think my heaviest was 120 KG / ~260lbs
Sounds like a great way to turn your life into a joyless shite.
>Keep the enjoyment strictly to expensive foods you can't eat often or easily
>Find other things to occupy yourself when you get cravings
If food is the only source of joy in your life, there's no way that you're going to be able to lose weight.
>If food is the only source of joy in your life
A strawman.
>there's no way that you're going to be able to lose weight.
An absolutely retarded take.
You don't have to gorge on food like a pig to enjoy eating.
idk. I just log the foods, mylittlefitnesspony does the counting.
>Coffee - Black Coffeee, 2 cups
>10 kcal
>Carbs 2g
Last time I checked, black coffee had a minuscule amount of protein, trace amounts of fat, and no carbs.
The hell's going on there?
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she's mine, you can have konata or shiro though
>40g short of protein
>200 cal under deficit
>protein supplement is 130 Cals
Protein or deficit? Or just forgive the loss of being 60 over?
Forgot to say suppelment is 24g of protein
Anon, if you're telling me that all this time I could have squeezed an extra 10 calories a day, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-..
Well, it kinda doesn't matter desu. But now I'm wondering if I picked one of those user-entered versions of black coffee in MLP's database that are wrong for no particular reason.
Deficit if you aren't lifting.
Protein if you do.
You can also eat two bars and add a 30 minutes walk to whatever activity you normally do on a daily basis.
Lose it is gonna lose it over me going over cals, but I could have forgone the banana on the way home from work. Counting is hard.
Anons, do I have to worry about dietary fats? I usually have troubles reaching my protein goals without going above my fat goals
>4kg away from double digits
I can do it.
I can do it.
I can do it.
In pounds?
8.82 pounds away from <220
so it's not double digits then
u havin' a laff m8?
I'm 105.5 myself.
Hope I'll get below 100 kg by the end of the year.
Sometimes you have to lie to Mama
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Counting this as 1 nugget instead of 2
>consumed 1000 calories today
>tdee 2350
>"a little treat sounds nice"
>see popcorn in the cupboard
>says 190 calories for bag
>that'll do
>c o n s u m e the whole thing
>go to track calories
>scan barcode
>450 calories
>mfw it was 190 calories per serving
i might be too retarded to make it. unlucky
I can never eat too much popcorn for some reason. Just a few handful and I am completely full
i chose popcorn for that reason. have some cookies in the house, but eating them would just make me want to eat more.
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24 lbs to go, I'm in the home stretch.
Really starting to adjust to my deficit. Im still gonna wait a bit to lower it though.
That's some pig slop. Eat better and you'll be full faster. Factory food has all kinds of little tricks in it designed to make you consume more.
I'm afraid I won't make it before the end of the year. When I look in the mirror, I feel like I'm close, but when I look down at my stomach, I feel like it'll take another 5 months to get rid of it. I really need to train hard now.
I want a real one, not an anime girl.
>Your last recorded weight was 320lbs
Are you unwell? I haven't posted my weight anywhere.
My biggest sin is that I'm relying too heavily on weight loss to be "happy". I've lost 110lbs this year, but I'm stagnating in every other life metric. I'm broke, insecure about my career, and living in a shithole.
I could fix this all with a few emails and phone calls, but I'm afraid that I'm going to absolutely hate working in the job that I actually went to school for.
Meanwhile, all I have to do to lose weight is... not eat so much lmao
for me, the only thing thats worked is that I have a time deadline, some girls are coming to visit me in January, and I want to look good by then so I can be confident around them, I don't want to date them since they're just friends, but if I don't look good, I'm gonna have no confidence. I'm meeting them irl for the first time and I want to make a good impression. Anyway, I have to get fit before then. I can not skip workouts. I can not eat junk food. I can not go over my calorie limit. It is out of the question. I'm getting close to the deadline now, so now I'm very desperate. I can't afford any mistakes.
It really took you 10 hours to think up that reply? Post weight.
How much weight you guys lost this year? For me 28.7kg
it runs friday to friday
Breath into your stomach instead of your chest.
>65 minutes of walking
>611 kcal
Sounds very unrealistic. Maybe if you're 400 lbs.
You should ignore calories burned from walking, and running too, to be honest. One, because they always overestimate the amount burned, and two, you don't need to eat to make up for it. Enjoy the free weight loss gains.
if I don't track how much I burn then I end up feeling starved. but I'll be eating fruit and other stuff to meet my macros instead of using it as an excuse to eat junk.
me too
which explains why i never lost weight
What the fuck do I drink on this keto ass diet?!? Don't fucking say water
Sparkling Water (e.g., San Pellegrino, Perrier)
Almond Milk
Black Coffee
Green Tea
The bone broth https://youtu.be/3-ZqD9-W1_8?si=qfDYLZM0QCMskFW-
it' best to drink stuff like tea and coffee but if you want something sweet and like soda then stuff like Coke zero and it's clones, monster white etc.
If you mean like alcohol then you drink pure alcohol like rum, vodka, gin and tequila that has no carbs
whats the catch with san pellegrino, what makes it sparkly? does it have any calories? i might start drinking it just for some variety
It’s carbonated dummy. Just like anything carbonated it’s only good for the first couple of sips when it’s super fizzy
>then you drink pure alcohol like rum
Rum has plenty of sugar in it.
>keto diet
Ate the burgers with Dr Pepper yesterday.
The scale went down.
Ate the pizza with Dr Pepper today.
The scale went down.

The only common variable was Dr Pepper.
I knew it was good for you!
nope, certain rums have but properly distilled rum doesn't.
I thought the same as you at first but then I started researching what can I drink while I was on keto
i'm going back to my country after 3 years abroad
have lost ~23kg since last i was last there, from 110kg (will probably lose a few more before i get out)
guess i should brace for comments and such
yeah its def not realistic, but i still feel good for doing it. dont care how much i burned.
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I lack self control and motivation. I think part of it is that I live alone with no girlfriend or anyone else. This means that I don't need to be my best because I have no one to impress. If I had a girlfriend, I'd have all the motivation I need to brush twice a day, and maintain a low bodyfat%. With years of little to no progress and almost daily self catastrophising at how pathetic I am, I must now turn to my brother at /fat/ to keep me in check. Each day I am going to post my spreadsheet, and I want to be berated if I take any steps backwards like failing to do nofap that day. I simply have no other option now. I weigh probably around 71kg at the moment, so I'm skinnyfat, but I know I can look somewhat decent if I get down to 61kg (I have little to no muscle mass so 61kg would isn't starvation mode). I'm also a coomer, I exercise infrequently (i usually jog/run if I can be bothered). Thanks for reading.
>need a gf to brush twice a day
You are disgusting, basic hygiene should not require motivation.
>basic hygiene should not require motivation.
i'm literally mentally stunted and was raised by a single mother who didn't discipline me at all
>basic hygiene should not require motivation.
I know, that's how terrible I am. But you know what? You calling me disgusting has made me want to brush my teeth tonight, In fact I'll go do it right now. Thank you anon!!!!
You should join a group of men worth impressing irl instead, this place is full of sad cunts. If you're white I highly recommend an active club. I joined one and they're super helpful and ripped guys, one made me a meal plan and we meet up to train, I try hard just to impress them. I suppose if you're non political a hiking/skiing/some recreational sport group would be a good alternative.
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amen I'm your same height and also my heaviest was 250, 260lbs. 206lbs now shooting for 185lbs. wagmi

checked. 26lbs here

I'll tell you this much. when you are single the incentive to loose weight to get a gf is much higher than when you do finally get the gf. I met someone in the summer and it's been much harder to lose weight. also, yeah, cut that this with the porn. I'm not saying no fap, but tone it down. anyway I track on fitness app AND I use a daily spreadsheet. jesus is lord
>If I had a girlfriend, I'd have all the motivation I need to brush twice a day, and maintain a low bodyfat%.
before you lose weight, fix your mentality

I just got into the habit of brushing after I ate, like shortly after a meal I brush. If I wake up and my mouth feels gross I'll brush then too.

I find it easier to keep track of because it has a trigger event rather than an arbitrary time.

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