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Wedding edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Buttery Bachelors who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy diseased heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of carbohydrates.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your carbohydrates(alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>75298147
>forgot to count the calories from the olive oil i fry my chicken in
no wonder i havent been losing weight as fast as id like to
I think of all the stress and effort of trying to lose weight and how I’d never have even needed to go through this if I wasn’t raised by a neglectful single mother. All this is just to make up for what shouldn’t have happened to begin with
Morning report

>walked 3 miles to work meeting
>did the meeting
>walked 2 miles back
>ran the last 1 mile
>total calories burnt 500-600

Food ate
>breakfast cereal 400 calories
>coffee 200 calories
>total calories consumed 600

Back to 0 calories consumed after being awake for 5 hours. Will likely eat 2 more times today so 600 calories per meal max and Im at a loss for the day. Also got some fitness training done. I'll do some pushups and some dumbbell exercises in an hour

Overall the day is set up to be a success. Same again tomorrow lads!
Looking back in anger is not a solid success strategy. Every single person in the world, regardless of how succesful they are, have been wronged, they've been spited, they've been betrayed and admonished strongly.

The difference between the people who never progress and the people who prosper are the ones that own their current problems irrespective of who or what laid them upon them.

It's time to be an adult and shed the depressive rumination. You don't have to forgive but you have to forget and focus on your problems right now as if they're your own

being fat right now isn't something to blame anyone for, it's an opportunity for growth and development and thats what it is at the core.

This mindset wont be exclusive to your feelings about your weight. You will likely use similar mindsets for your job, your relationship status, your happiness, your everything. it comes to a point where you have to take ownership
i know its overhyped but meditations by marcus aurelius might help you
listen to the audiobook while you exercise, at least
You are fat because of you, no one else.
>5 miles
Lmao fucking delusional
I read the book, it did nothing for me.
>*chops your legs off*
>ow wtf you chopped off my legs
>um actually you have no one to blame but yourself, take some responsibility
Ok I looked it up a calculator says 450

I will adjust my meals to 500 calories max in response. We all gunna make it
You will get it one day anon. It's about making the best of what resources you have right now to make your life better. By shifting blame you are giving yourself an excuse, an out, to give up because its not your fault. Thats why winners dont think like that
5 miles is like 200cal max

It was 6 miles anon, you bamboozled me. I walked for 5 and ran for 1.

So yes its 550 calories according to the calculator. Nevertheless I will eat less than 600 per meal anyway
no, it just sounds like you don’t believe in cause and effect
You chopped your own legs off
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No its not anon. I kindly ask you to check calculators and reading resources. Walking is more powerful than you think.

A good approximate rule of thumb is 100 calories per 2000 steps
All those calculators massively overestimate calories burned during exercise moron
Honestly bro I've had a tough upbringing and I sometimes wanna cut contact with my family completely but I still tackle my issues like they're mine for the betterment of my future. If you dont wanna hop onboard the stoic train that is a proven winners mindset then you dont have to, but remember, you have the backdoor propped open so you can nope out when you dont feel like it because its not your fault. Its so easy to give up with that mindset
My weighing scale disagrees. I calculate my weight lost with 100 calories per 2000 steps walked and the scale moves accurately to those metrics.

If it were as low as you suggest I should not be losing weight yet I've lost 40lbs this year. You shall not dissuade me from walking. I will lose more weight and I recommend you read up on it more as it appears walkingi s more powerful than you think right now.
the way you describe stoicism and act like this conversation is at all about stoicism is retarded
Your wings are clipped and one day you will fly if you just work towards your goal without malice towards who wronged you. Its that simple
You can cope all you'd like, you are wrong. This is accepted fact.
I know youre baiting me and its working so well played mate.

But in the offchance you are serious, I present to you my final gambit. Kindly show me any resource that says walking 1 mile burns 40 calories like you said here >>75308941
I don't need to show anything, you're the one making the claims. You show me any verified study that backs up 100cals burnt every 2000 steps.
good morning, anime fat loss nuns and ducks. I am here to say that I managed to get a bit of sleep last evening, but I'm still waking up at odd hours. I did not take the magnesium or the melatonin as suggested, but I may get around to doing that if this problem persists. I made some beef stew last night, very hearty and very filling and very nutritious. I think I'm going to make it. well, it appears that you all have a wedding to attend, so far be it for me to keep you. enjoy your special day, please remember to pray for me, and as always I am very grateful for all that you do.

>Walking: 4 mph (15 min/mi) = 135 calories (125 lb person)

actually more than 100 . Are they lying?
>doesn't even read the thing he links
Atleast try retard
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Try this one on for size big boy. From the esteemed Journal of Strength and conditioning. The scholars on this piece surmise that a 1600 meter walk (0.994 mile) will expend a commendable 463 kilojoules which converts to 110 calories expended.

Interestingly enough, the same distance ran will expend a whopping 664 kilojoules which equates to 158 calories.

Whilst running is superior for raw calories burned, walking remains a solid way to lose weight

I put my monsters into defence mode and that ends my turn, your move
The scale tells me I've gone from 207 to 186 but I feel literally no changes in how my clothes fit+see no changes in my face area
I hope my weight loss becomes visibly soon. My parents have been telling me my whole life that I need to exercise more to lose weight. I told them it was impossible to out exercise the slop they were feeding me. Now that I'm on my own I can finally have full control of my diet and not be around junk food. I really want to rub it in. I need to resist the urge to overrestrict for the sake of losing faster. Don't want gallstones.
>people still count their "calories burned"
how do people keep falling for this meme lmao
>mom fed me sugary shit/processed food all my youth
>utterly fucked up my brain/gut
Yeah totally my fault, that's why people from diffferent culture buy their native food while abroad.
If scale goes down it works
scale goes down because less food goes in your mouth
Dieting is a process. Some of us have found our path that leads to our goal, others, just need to change the route until they find what works.
Stoicism is a gay cuckhold cope. I know from personal experience it is bullshit. People cause problems and nobody is coming to save you are not only regulated to stoic philosophy. Shitty parents create shitty kids that often grow up to be shitty people of their own. If someone can't acknowledge what failings that others have done then they can't grow and learn from the experience.
Fatty cope the post
You can acknowledge an issue without letting it consume you and ruin your progress towards self betterment.
You aren't going to make it

None of that requires gay stoicism.
Fuck it, I need to actually take accountability and stop binging.
Starting weight 180.3
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I ate two lava cakes and two servings of ice cream last night but I think I still achieved a deficit for the day because of calories burned from cardio
180kg sheeeeesh
You didn't.
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That has to be bullshit
How come? I deal with animals all the time (hunting), and thats roughly what 2kg of fat looks like.
There's no way that's realistic. If that were the case I'd be able to fill a kiddie pool with my excess fat.
Fatty Contest
2kg of fat anon not 2kg of weight
the caption is kinda retarded "Ive only lost 2kg" does not imply just fat so 99% chance you wont see that amount lost from your body
The volume of 1lb of fat is almost exactly 500mL, so that picture isn't really unrealistic if you consider that 2kg is a little larger than a 2L bottle of soda and the girl is likely petite.
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Weighed in at 80.05kg. Really wanted to be under 80 today but I guess it will have to wait. 5kg until my goal.
Right, that makes sense
Looking good anon,
I look forward to be in your place from my 90kg currently
Down 2.4lbs in the past 6 days. Feels good. No its not just water weight im down 80lbs since starting weight.
berberine, useful or not?
I couldn't disagree more. I'm only "3-5lbs overweight" still, but I easily am carrying an additional 21.5lbs of fat still. On the flabby underside of my arms probably 3lbs each, my back fat 5lbs, my melted gut 5lbs and hips 8lbs, retardedly heavy legs 10lbs, my face alone probably has a .5lb of fat.
Makes more sense that that IS accurate, but it's all the fat in one lump. Buy a pound or five of lard and smear it all over your body evenly, and the distribution will make it seem a lot less.
>chicken breast Thursday
>white fish Friday
new low coming Saturday brothers
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>lose 3 pounds
>"treat" myself to chinese food
Why am I like this
I wish I could restructure my brain somehow
Sorry I didn't mean to quote
Spot reduction is a myth. The guy saying he's still fat by 21.5lbs and it's unfortunate distribution is at least understanding that it's not all in one location.
Do I need to bring a small towel to the gym

I'm overthinking this all and its the only reason I am not signing up , I know its pathetic and autistic and I know i can probably go with nothing but i feel awkward going in
>Do I need to bring a small towel to the gym
Yes if you want to be a decent human being and clean up after yourself
Some gyms might sell towels and locks on premise so you can grab one from there
Where did gnome anon go, haven't seen him post in a few days lol
should i have like one of those drawstring bags or somethign to carry my shit with me

I know its pathetic but these insanely unimportant details panic me
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how much did you lose anons?
I lost a Jackie Chan
Just got unbanned, time to blogpost >:)

Was 105kg in May, down to 98kg this week. 8kg to go until a normal BMI for the first time in 10+ years. Feel my motivation dipping but my lows are so much higher than they used to be. A bad day now is...

>protein shake
>homecooked pasta meal for lunch
>snack on popcorn/chocolate bar (or 2)
>homecooked rice meal for dinner

A good day is basically the same minus the mid-afternoon snack

With increased weekly running mileage I reckon I'll probably reach normal BMI status just after new year, but the gains will be amazing by Christmas

Thanks bros for the endless discussion. I learned a lot from you guys. The most important thing is just to have a vague barometer for calories in everything and a mental tally of how much I'd guess I'm at, so I actually know the consequences of my actions. My 3 daily meals probably come in at just under sedentary maintainence for 90kg so I know anything over that is getting cheeky.

Today I was really wanting an afternoon snack and was browsing the shop looking at the different nuts, a cheeky chocolate bar etc but ending up going with a bag of popcorn. Only 350 calories and my craving was totally satisfied. So even with my "bad" day today, I'll be realistically at maintenance, even excluding my rooning.

Also my gf pointed out that my fupa looks totally different, no longer fat. Feels good bros.
A canoe it seems
Negative checked baggage weight limit on a jet.
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>mfw I see anons losing Jackie Chan
I lost an average human leg, wow those anons that suggested amputation were right all along!
Fatty Contest
>ate donut at work
>Feel like shit immediately
I like what >>75308913 said, but I understand why the phrasing is grating.
I don't necessarily agree with anons chiming in that you should shoulder the (entire) blame for your situation.
I believe in a variation of "it may not be (entirely) your fault, but it is (entirely) your responsibility"
We are all born into circumstances that may be sub-optimal or even outright cruel at times, but the only thing we can do about it is to recognize it and do what we can to improve our situation.

What I hope you get out of this most, is a chance to recognize how other people are afflicted with similar "handicaps" in their lives, and that it can make you a more supporting and charitable person overall. You're in a unique position to recognize how other people struggle in ways others fail to even recognize.

By the time you succeed, you'll have a much broader perspective and be able to be much more helpful to others in similar (and sometimes fairly different) circumstances as yours.
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With today's end, i will have accomplished a deficit of -2350 calories over the past 4 days.
feels good, feels controlled. g-night fuckheads.
>587.5cals a day
Not impressive
I had a 2600kcal deficit just today.
You need to step up your game ngl.
wasnt trying to, retard
>>75270343 >>75276333 >>75283095 >>75288969 >>75295472 >>75301306


You were clearly trying to brag
are you dumb?
I think you might be.
Based. How are you going about doing this?
handicap it is then
Hey i don't judge people, if you're handicapped, i don't care.
written like a 2010 facebook reply.
I dont know I dont speak burger
You would know
>should i have like one of those drawstring bags or somethign to carry my shit with me
If you plan to bring stuff with you obviously,
stuff like gym clothes/shoes/waterbottle etc
Gyms will have lockers to put your stuff in
If you live close to the gym and think you can just go with a water bottle and a towel while already wearing the gym clothes then I guess no need
I lost a max weight checked bag on a passenger jet, my goal is baby zebra or hippopotamus.
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dry fasting. a lot of dry fasting and some meat to refeed.

Idn if should go back to the boxing. Sure, exercice is good, but High intensity training makes you thirsty and hungry..
>tfw have to lose either a Michael Jackson or a Jackie Chan
>Dry fasting
peak retard
So I think every good diet should start with clean carnivore for at least two weeks.
Few reasons.
Leptin resistance caused by inflammation and processed shit foods that everyone eats. Sugars etc. All studied and proven. pubmed etc.
The best benefit of carnivore is removing that leptin resistance. I literally went from slamming 4000kcal daily and still being starving to struggling to break past 1500kcal.
Once that happens and you stop eating like a fat cow you should immediately move to OMAD with a focus on meat.
I'll have two quarter pound patties of beef with palmetto cheese on it and spicy honey (super fucking good btw, try it) and I won't want to eat for 24 hours.
Once you are in OMAD territory you're golden imo. I've seen dudes that slam a pound of vegetables then eat whatever they want and the weight just falls off. I prefer at least half the meal being meat. Too many carbs and it's a struggle getting to the next meal. I get fiber from powder, that shit is important. Removing fiber from everything is why everyone has diabetes.

Just my thoughts. I also have a protocol for quitting smoking and another for drinking. I successfully quit everything. Quitting overeating was hard until I started focusing on the hormones involved, then it fell into place.
I was fit as fuck in my 20s. I used to post progress photos here back in 2011. After years of food-related abuse causing hormonal resistances it IS WAY HARDER in your 30s imo but you can make it just as easy as in your 20s by doing everything I just said.
peak weight loss. seethe more fattie.
I like across the street from the gym I just dont want to look awkward weirdo
just between a neanderthal and an alligator snapping turtle, 173lbs from 350 to 177 highest to lowest (current)
just a couple pounds from being able to say im half the man I used to be
You can't reverse Leptin resistance
today I took my first dose of semaglutide
my weight loss journey has just begun!
You cheated
Would you rather he remain a fat fuck?
Semaglutide hate is retarded. Would people be better off long-term if they learned to manage weight the old-fashioned way? Maybe. But I'll still take a world with less fat people, even if they lost weight with outside help.
Velociraptor, looking forward to abs once I make it to a checked bag
I care only for the results
10k steps
1 hours cardio session at the gym
Had beef and green been stew, an egg, and an avocado.
Feels good
then a towel and a bottle of water while wearing gym attire is more than enough
99% of the people in the gym dont really give a fuck about other people in the gym
you are not that important to some random
Nta but If that's the case then why am I starting to feel full on normal portions after two months of dieting?
Because your stomach shrunk
The stomach can't shrink on its own. Not only that, but I feel less hungry throughout the day.
Show me a study that says your stomach physically shrinks.
well done anon
Based. Excerciselets seething
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I accidentally gooned today
Why is everything but my stomach looking more lean
i have not exercised in 10 days. stopped because i was sick, but i've been well enough to exercise for the past 3 days and simply haven't.
Nothing wrong with that, it burns calories.
I ate all my calories for the day by 10am
My family is in a bit of a spot, we get foodstamps and I went to a community help organization to pick up diapers for my younger siblings. We're stocked on food, we use the EBT shit to just buy ingredients which has helped my parent's and my weight loss on track. No slop. Well, the community center also runs a food bank, and they wouldn't accept "no we don't need it"... and gave me boxes of muffins and cookies and poptarts and rice krispies and lunch meat and nuts and protein bars... It's so close to me now. I don't believe in wasting food, my little siblings will probably eat it over time, I just feel like an ungrateful bastard for really not wanting such a nice gift. I can't weight to get enough money together to move out AND still send money to my family.
How is it an accident? You don't accidentally take off your pants, underwear, and stimulate your penis until climax. You don't accidentally sit and watch porn.
Well I've officially been off the wagon for 7 days. Basically been blackpilled by my own reflection and the world around me. No one even gives a fuck that I lost any weight not a single co-worker has said shit. I've dropped close to 140lbs by suffering on a 800cal deficit for 7 fucking months for what? So I can look like melted garbage that's still a fat nigger?

I told a lie, my "best" friend mentioned my weight loss while he was watching me row 65kg for sets.

>man your back has shrunk, I can see your muscles moving under your shirt a little while you're doing that
>it's funny though because it makes your ass look even bigger than it was before, like a fucking bookshelf sitting there when you stand up man

I also felt weak a hell trying to workout while only having time for like a 1/3 of my daily calories at work before going to the gym. I've obviously approached this all wrong too but it doesn't help when no one gives a shit and any progress I notice myself is instantly ruined by the fact that I have a melted gunt pouch now.
a single elephant poo
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140 lbs in 7 months is impressive, I wish I had your dedication. Who fucking cares that no one says anything? I have a melted pouch too but I'm also fat and working on it. Rather have that than be unable to take a bath or die in my sleep.
Is DEXA the only way to actually Calc BF?
Navy method and BMI are both pretty inaccurate iirc
A deficit that big for that long will literally give you depression. Unironically eat more. Or you are just going to continue spiralling.
If you look at the extreme weightloss people online, you can see when they lose it fast they end up looking melted for a while and then afterwards over a couple years it starts to shrink up and look more normal
It almost seems to me like skin has the same shrink rate no matter what, you can either get fit quick and look gross for a while or get fit slow and the skin shrinks up a bit along with a slower fat loss. But both will still have skin left over, but it won't stay as bad as it is now. One variable is gyno, if breast tissue grew you'll have to get it removed to look normal. I think that maybe me but I can't tell yet

I'm currently at 135 lbs down in 8 months but it sounds like my starting point was a lot higher than yours because I didn't have to cut eating as strictly and I have a ways to go before the skin sag looks more like skin draped than just less-taut fat (410 to 275 for me)

People have definitely noticed mine, it's very weird that they haven't noticed on you. You should make progress pic collages to remind yourself that the change is real even if people aren't commenting on it. A lot don't want to bring it up until you talk about it first giving them permission, weight is pretty taboo even in a positive direction
I have been deficit for 2 years
Too autistic and obsessed with stats to take breaks unfortunately
Give away the muffins and cookies. I'm sure somebody will take them.
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>No one even gives a fuck that I lost any weight not a single co-worker has said shit.
But if I eat more I'll lose weight even slower and I'll be stuck as a fat fuck for another fucking year yet. I'm still at least 50lbs off from my initial goal and looking at myself it's likely to be more like 90lbs off actually looking "okay".

I was in the 360-380 range when I started, so not that much smaller than you. I can see I've lost weight but most of it was from anywhere that wasn't my stomach. Now that I've gotten even lower my stomach fat has loosened and there's now like a sack of it just sitting there mocking me as it doesn't skrink, don't get me started on the fucking skin wings. Sucks for me that my delts and triceps grew super fast because I'm never showing those off with them pterodactyl flappers I've got going on.

I once mentioned my fears about all the skin to a friend and they replied with something about wearing compression shirts to hide it. Which is great when the secondary point of getting into shape is the hope that someone might want to see me naked again.
Yes the motivation has to come from within but bro you can get that message across without being an asshole
Does the body really resist that 17% to 15% drop?
I wanna get this over with already so I can start bulking certain areas
a light load of American marine gear + human brain

But I feel like I won't see my abs until I've lost an adult male emu
It just happened
mine is resisting it so hard
the only way to break through is to starve myself but man, i cant afford to right now, i HAVE to gain muscle
a light load of US marine gear
I need to get to 4 passenger car tires I think
Average nurse shark bordering on a Michael Jackson
If you're going to have a cheat day do OMAD and try not to go above maintenance. Order smaller portions.
Does anyone here pay for a coach or nutritionist etc? I know it may sound stupid but I tried so many times but have a hard time taking action even though I know everything I need to do. I really need someone to hold me accountable, tell me what to eat, when to eat, what exercises to do how often etc etc based on what Im trying to achieve, at least in the beginning until it becomes a lifestyle and habit
I have nothing to confess today.
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I ate a medium pizza and some chili last night, basically maintenance. Maybe a slight deficit with the workout and walking I did but not my usual 1500 cals or less.
It took me this long to learn, but I finally realized that it's impossible to gain weight while below TDEE. I thought water weight and fecal matter, especially fiber, would outpace any real losses until I fasted, but I'm still losing despite being only a few hundred under. That, or I'm eating less than I think I am. Let me know if this is correct.
1lb of fat is 3500 calories, so you might be more active or eating less than you think, especially if you are going off your BMR instead.
I lost 10kg this year but gained 2 kg back. Time to get back in the saddle boys.
I feel you, brother.
It's so easy for 7 days to turn in to a month, and before you know it you've been gaining weight back for 10 years and you weigh much more than your previous highest weight.

It's really not worth it.
>parents never made me eat healthy food
>grew up on nothing but pasta, macaroni and cheese, fast food (was a picky eater so wouldnt even eat chicken, just fries and sometimes a plain mcdonalds hamburger)
>parents never encouraged me to do well in school, and i never had any ambitions so i didnt try
>fail last year of school, drop out and work in construction
>start to get a gut in my 20s
>spend whole 20s being skinnyfat
>now in my 30s trying to get in shape and turn things around for the first time in my life
im making progress, but man, every day it feels like im not gonna make it
i pity those who grew up in similar circumstances
>lost 2.25kg per week
Im so hungry I could eat a horse
Its Friday and Im at my lowest weight of the week again, but history has shown me that I fuck up the next 2 days like clockwork. I guess if I dont eat breakfast and stay away from my parents house ill be good for a positive weigh in on Sunday.
I drank so much water im pissing like a race horse
HOW hun- oh
Been plateauing at 185lb. I fell off the wagon a bit after covid, still tracking calories, but sticking to a little under maintenance. I was 184 this morning but I think it's just a fluctuation. I've got to get back to it now that I finally feel human again.
Eat a salad fatty
>t. Dude who started at 230 lbs with 2400 calorie TDEE or some shit

This is extremely doable when you're massive and have a nearly 4000 TDEE, as proof by the fact that it has been done many times
I was never an oats guy, but been making up a sachet of raspberry instant oats in the morning to have with my coffee and still been losing weight. I think digestion has improved too, softer poops if you can imagine such a thing. Been having a 2nd coffee before gym and I feel almost eurphoric when warming up on the elliptical. I think im about two steps away from descending into the seedy world of preworkouts and hard drugs. kek
I ate a bag of corn chips last night, not my proudest moment, Made some degenerate salmon nachos for a quick dinner but ended up just fisting the rest of the bag on the couch latter in the night while scrolling netflix. Still woke up 3lbs lighter this morning somehow felt leaner. It's a weird world.
Ive gone from a dinner plate sized main meal at nights to just using a plate the size of that you would put under a tea cup for my dinners. Works well, I load it up and it looks like an amazingly large ammount of food buts its at best 66% of what I used to eat to be full.
well done anon. keep it up!
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Good job anon. Do you have any protein with your pasta meal? What does your rice meal generally consist of?
anything good on netflix?
>350kcal snack
i sentence you to eating only 1200 calories tomorrow
I feel I could do better if I had a least one big deficit day a week like this. Maybe 1 day week where I just have a few coffees. I think I could do it. As long as I didnt rebound like fuck the next day and eat all the foods.
I switched from treadmill to stairmaster the past week and weight is melting off me so much its insane.
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alright, confession motivated me to exercise today. an hour of inclined treadmill, average heart rate in the 120s. need to get back to the dumbbells tomorrow. wagmi, amen.
Ha, I spend more time just scrolling and adding things to my watch list than actually watching anything on there. I just always go back and end up watching Seinfeld again rather than actually siting through anything new.
I broke my fitbit and the heart rate sensor on my gyms eliptical doesnt work. Id like to know what my cardio heart rate is now that I feel a lot fitter but not sure I want to splurge on a new watch/tracker. I will have to research. Im going to have a shower and head to the gym soon, we're going to make it anon
Just hit 235lbs, 80lbs down from starting weight. And today I managed all of the 1,2,3,4 plus a 100lb barbell curl. I can only imagine how much stronger I will get when I have less fat getting in the way of strength.
Not sure what protein to eat today. I have whey in my morning oats, ill probably just have a shake after gym and maybe just pick up a bbq chicken from the supermarket on way home. I struggle to get 100g of protein a day which is not good for someone of my size, 220lbs.
I'm reasonably content with my whoop band, but I've never used a sensor/tracker before, so I don't have points of reference to compare it to.
I get 150-170g protein a day. Don't shy away from having 2 protein shakes in a day. Then maybe have some greek yogurt/cottage cheese, pour some egg whites into a couple full eggs and you easily hit 150+
Nice one. I think ive been spinning my wheels in the gym from lack of protein. Been at least a couple of times a week now for the past 2 years and while im down maybe 100lbs in that time my bench is still like 65kg for 3x12. Theres probably better ways to train for strength that what Im doing, but to be honest im scared of injury so just stick to more reps over more weight.
that's awesome anon, congrats
Easy solution to this. Bench using smith machine. No worry of accidentally killing yourself going heavier. Do normal bench occasionally as well so you keep strengthening stabilizing muscles, because smith machine doesn't activate them.
What's the best in-apartment aerobic exercise? In the summer I would walk up the stairs at the local park over and over but the ice is arriving and it's getting dangerous
i used to do this when i was lifting. people used to get pissy that i brought a bench over there lol
Probably step aerobics
Just get some big shit to step on and off of for an hour
Thanks! I've pretty much become a gymcel at this point but considering I'm only mid weightloss journey I don't see it as a problem to put all my focus into turning things around.
I'm not super fat (I bulked too hard then got injured and am now stuck at chubcore) but I'm finding I am bloated as fuck all the time which makes me look a lot larger. I keep getting targeted ads for innosupps and other shit that looks like snake oil made to "eliminate bloat" is there any of this shit that actually works or is 100% of it just snake oil?

I'm still trying to cut, the process is just going slower without being able to use my left wrist for any heavy lifting. Currently I'm 95kg at 6'0. About 25-30% bf estimate. I think the majority of my self image issues right now come from seeing a big bloated belly in the mirror.
Get more food with probiotics and fiber (might make bloating worse at first but eventually works to fix it)
You can also try intermittent fasting to stop holding onto water weight
I've started intermittent fasting again as of a few days ago and find it helps me look less bloated in the mornings but usually by night I am back to having a ballooned belly.

Any particular foods you'd recommend? I've been eating muesli and oats between meals.
You need at least 200g protein a day, the fuck you are doing. Just eat chicken every day nigga
>have protein shake right before dinner
>half of what you'd normally eat fills you up
I found a cheat code
Lean target weight in lbs x 0.7grams protein is all you need. Let's say he wants to reach 170lbs lean that means he needs about 119grams.
Down in muscle mass but also bf at least. I think the scale is off by like 2-3% for bf but maybe it is just loose skin screwing my perception

You can just walk around your apartment endlessly if you just want steps. You can also try jumping Jack's, jogging or running in place. Stepping on and off something like the other anon suggested. Crunches, situps, and bicycle kicks are great for abs. You can try planking, push-ups, lunges, squats too.
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I always thought cheese was super high calorie... but it is surprisingly not
maybe YOU don't
I want to eat one dark chocolate bar so much it's unreal, father
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You are permitted to eat one half square of unsweetened baker's chocolate.
I do this with a big serving of psyllium husk before dinner and use my protein shake to help keep me satiated earlier
>>75308791 >>75311394
I've been plateauing for 4 weeks.
I hit the 100lb down mark, and then family came over so we ordered pizza and then I got kind of in a weird mood and started snacking every night. I've been back on it when I can, but today I had 3 big meals.

I'm going to get back into logging my food. I need to stay mindful of what I do.
No food tonight. I've OMAD'd for 7 of the last 11 days, gotta get that streak up
That isn't a plateau, that's you overeating.
I thought i could have a block in the fridge for OSAD but end up eating it all in just a few days.
Nta but it happened to me too. Got to the 100lbs lost mark and just stopped. It was prob more a plateau in motivation over anything else, plus you have to knuckle down harder to lose that last bit. I have a ceiling of 230lbs where ill diet my face off back down under 220then just hover there until i inevitablely end back at 230. Goal is only 190 yet this is how it be
Is it possible to lose weight if my parents do all the cooking? I'm 22 living with my parents. We're Mexican so we eat a lot of homemade Mexican food so there's a lot of corn tortillas.
>we eat a lot of
Just eat less.
Its that simple, take what you used to eat and only eat like half of it if you cant be arsed to cook your own food.
Eat less, what you eat literally doesn't matter. How much you eat does.
It's going to be difficult cause you can't reason weith Gains Goblins
You have serious mental issues
theres no need to call his family goblins just because theyre mexican anon
Family is usually one of the biggest gains goblins there is.
My parents used to ask me if Im going to stop losing weight soon when I used to be over 30kg overweight.
Ah, fuck. Why do people drink bros? Why is booze so convincing? I hadn't touched any alcohol in like 2 and a half months, thought fuck it, I'm doing great, may as well skull a fuckton of hard alcohol and have a damn good night. Well three days later I still feel like death. Fucking blew past my calorie goals the day before yesterday too. Ate below maintenance today but skipped the gym. Tomorrow I'm headed back to my lifts but I'd like to go back to feeling normal again soon.
Alcohol is a meme that literally kills you while you drink it. The only solution is to never drink it again. Take the soberpill anon, im 5 years sober myself.
Isint it fun? I really have to stop drinking again since I have to drink at least 0.5l of 40% to feel anything and thats already fucking 1000kcals.
I usually get a 0.7l and thats 1500, jesus christ.
Yeah lol. I stopped weighing myself during the weird time, and that was a mistake. Have to keep ourselves honest.
Same! Every time I hit a milestone I relax a little too much. But I'm nowhere near that last little bit, my fat ass still has a long, long road ahead
I think this too... but then somehow I forget, every few months. It's a vicious cycle. At least I'll never be an alcoholic; casual drinking isn't my style, it's go big or go home, and every time I go big I end up home for quite a while haha
Fun while it's going for sure. I managed to down a 750 of rum and a 750 of vodka before my stomach purged it... alongside a big pile of chicken lo mein. Grateful for that, at least.
Yes, I throw chickpeas, tofu or tempeh in with my pasta.

The rice meals can be different things. Sometimes I make a huge batch of red lentil dahl which lasts me and my gf about a week and we eat it whenever we can't be bothered cooking. Another one is we stirfry some 'mediteranian veg', onions sauce the rice and throw in the aforementioned proteins.

Rice cooker basically makes it giga-easy because we always have a huge load of rice leftover so futures meals are very little effort, and it takes like 2 minutes of effort to cook a massive batch more.

No thank you, I am following a consistent and sustainable path and was probably already below maintainence with my snack. I'm running 10k today so 1200 calories would be ~ a 2k deficit.
I really need to get a treadmill. Running is the only exercise I don't hate but I'm afraid of going outside due to mental illness.
not onion sauce, sy sauce
>90kg is normal bmi
what are you like 7 feet tall or something
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5'5 165lbs, firmly in the "overweight" BMI category
I am on antipsychotics and several corticosteroids
Also just started meds for hypothyroidism
I am extremely unhappy with my weight
I used to lift every day and was 115 lbs
Then mental illness recurrence, leading to alcoholism, tack on psych meds and I ballooned up to 125, quit boozing but from there slow and steady yearly increases in the ratio of garbage I eat tilI I hit 140, started antipsychotics and immediately skyrocketed to 165 with prediabetic range blood sugar
I use excuses like low energy and sleepiness to avoid exercising, I am extremely tired all the time due to meds and condishuns and can sleep inhuman amounts at a time (24 hours straight a few days ago)
I don't feel enjoyment from exercising like I used to when I was 115 so even when I do rarely motivate myself to hit the gym it is a punishing chore rather than a fun challenge like it was for me before
I know the first step is to drop the junk food but my excuse for that is poor self control, which I know is a lie because I managed that perfectly fine before fatmode
I am just bitching I guess but I do not want to be fat anymore and it seems insurmountable to me right now
I am a night shift EMT so 70% of my 12h shift is sitting on my ass waiting for calls and 30% is lifting 400lb monsters up staircases
The juxtaposition or perhaps combination of the two forms of energy expenditure (and lack thereof) contribute to my tiredness after my shift and I spend my days off feeling like I'm physically recovering even though I did not do much real work
I don't know how to get out of this rut and I hate myself every time I look in the mirror or button my pants
Stop taking the meme meds, they're the issue. Mental illness is a meme.
NTA. Please don't say shit like this when you haven't experienced living with somebody with an actual mental illness. My older brother is schizophrenic. Off his medication he's a completely different person. He almost strangled me to death when he was 17 and had to be kicked out of the house. He's overweight now but I'm so happy to have my brother back.
i agree with you there, my parents have done nothing but hinder my weight loss progress.
>mum buys unhealthy snacks she knows i like, despite me repeatedly telling her not to
>mum tells me i dont need to lose weight
>dad tells me i dont need to lose weight
>they make fun of me every time i talk about weight loss, not in a playful way but in a "youre wasting your time" way
probably would have reached my weight loss goal by now had they been supportive. oh well, its up to me to be disciplined, cant blame them for any bad choices i make. but they deserve a lot of blame for how i turned out and the behaviours i grew up with
Anyone else here a powerlifting fatty?

My titties are looking crazy rn. When I was fatter there was more tissue there so the shape was more pec like. I'm losing fat from the top of the pec down so my nips are poking out more. This shit sucks ass. Just gotta keep going until it's flat everywhere.
Mental illness is a big phama psyops. Keep taking the slop meds, I don't care.
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>meme meds
Which ones? APs? This anon is correct
You have no idea what you're talking about. My last manic episode before I started those I lost my job at the fire department and racked up 15k in credit card debt within several weeks, which I am still struggling to pay off. I also immediately 180 plummeted into another severe major depressive episode after the mania and was binge drinking and suicidal and disabled (again). I like having a functional life and employment and not killing myself, keep your worthless normalnigger "advice" away from actually mentally ill people, retard. Why do you niggers try to kill people with your 5th grader understanding of psychiatry?
Mental illness isn't real. You are just weak minded.
I hope you have a psychotic episode and get shot by the cops trying to pin you down, worm.
Won't happen since it isn't real. You're just weak.
What are some signs that you have diabetus? If you have it, how did you realise? I ate like absolute shit my whole upbringing, I'm talking sweets and trash like potato chips every single day as a kid. My mom straight up didn't care whatsoever and that bled over my entire adulthood too.
I have encountered a problem. I have lost about 4-5 kg in the past month and I have gotten comments from 3 people, 2 from my own family to stop losing weight, because I'm skinny already. But I think they are trying to sabotage my weight loss. How do I counter this? many times I have to throw out food I bring or simply not eat it because my family will know I eat less and I'm still trying to lose weight. i feel bad bc of that
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>psychosis doesn't exist suddenly
This shit always baffles me as 100% of the time these fuckers somehow still believe in alzheimers and shit, which itself causes psychosis... What level of retard are we dealing with here, you think grandpa is just milking the nursing home into 3 hots and a cot by pretending to see dead people and believe nurses are trying to murder him? How about meth heads, they're just pretending their brain is fucked up and aren't actually insane and are just ripping their faces off for funsies, not that they actually feel insects crawling under their skin? Answer me seriously
what is your height and weight?
Brain disease is real, mental illness is a popular trend. I'm sure you have twitter and tell everyone about your 50 different mental Illnesses on your bio. So everyone can tell you how brave you are for surviving your childhood ptsd lmao.
52 kg 163cm
the other person replying was not me
nah, and i really dont like fat people. dont care how strong you are, or how many 'clean' calories you eat, or how hard you lift, if youre fat, youre a fat lazy bastard to me.
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>Brain disease is real, mental illness is a popular trend.
Yet brain diseases visible on MRI and with laboratory study and via brain cells under microscope for over 300 years, such as schizophrenia and bipolar, present on every continent regardless of internet access, are le memes just like zoomer munchausens. Ok retard.
>I'm sure you have twitter and tell everyone about your 50 different mental Illnesses on your bio. So everyone can tell you how brave you are for surviving your childhood ptsd lmao.
How far up your ass did you reach for this one? I'm on 4chan nigger, I have no social media, I speak to no one IRL, I am fucking alone. My nonexistent twitter friends are hopping me full of cocaine for months straight and making me act CUH RAYZEE for likes? Have you ever been within 500 miles of a psych ward? You have come across zero mental cases in your life and take your biology lessons from youtube reiki soccermoms who feed their children bleach and diatomaceous earth to keep away the WIFI? You win today's drooling idiot contest. Congrats
190cm. 90kg is the top of normal weight bmi
4chan is social media you complete retard. You 100% have twitter though. Enjoy your meme 'mental illness' I hope the 50 different meds ruining your life are worth it. Pathetic.
I'd struggling to articulate what a pathetic little gerbil I see you as

nothing more than a rodent in a cage

suckling on the teat of companies that have beaten you into submission

>I can't stop eating hyper refined sugary slop
>I have to take psycho-active medicine
>I'm fat and have no willpower

you've bought everything they're selling and you are chattel

you will never escape
ok I read the replies and seems you do have legit mental illness so you get sympathy for getting to the point you are

HOWEVER you get zero fucking sympathy for not sorting yourself out

you're self aware enough to understand your life needs fixing

no excuses from now on
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>social media
You know what that means colloquially you faggot nigger lover, I have no accounts anywhere I have zero social drive let alone drive to improve myself
I never said I can't stop, I said I need to and have not, that does not imply impediment or twinkie addiction
Also I already explained what happens when I decide to quit meds and yes this shit situation is actually preferrable to when I'm ill
>fat and have no willpower
I had it for the first two decades of my life so it's not like I'm stuck like this, this is abnormal for me hence my complaints, I acknowledge I'm being retarded and shooting myself in the foot with my behavior but it's not normal or permanent at all is the point
>ok i read the replies
NOW you read anything I've said you braindead fucking retard? Replying to shit you've never even read? Be fucking ashamed, fellow fatty
I'm not expecting sympathy in the first place I would hop over to reddit if I were after asspats
I'm now just reponding to your constant relentless stupidity in the face of proven medical disease
Ignoring a problem does not make it disappear as you know from being in this thread to begin with
picrel do it fag
>75 days until 1 January 2025
>10.7 weeks
>at 1 lb weight loss a week thats over 10 lb lost
>only need a 500 calorie a week deficit to achieve

10 lb weightloss is great and we all know that the new year will be here before we know it. No need to go too crazy. Lets all be 10 lb lighter come the new year!

Sometimes its easy to get obsessed with weightloss but that usually hinders our progress. 30lb weight loss isnt required, just go small!
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>Go to visit Family
>Mom surprised me with meal
>Can't refuse and obliterate my Marcos by 500-800 calories
3 days later and I'm still holding water weight.
Scale is at the same point it was last week.

You are weak and pathetic
Christ wasn't saved by performing His ministry (healing people, preaching the Gospel, and obviously getting water baptized, etc), so how can our works done for Him save us, either? Yet He WAS rewarded for doing these works of His ministry: with a name above all names, even with a religion named after Him (ie, Christianity) - rewarded with a glorious legacy...and rewarded with us Christians (ie, us being with Him eternally).

That means our works don't save us. Our works save OTHERS (which is the main point of James Chapter 2, hence "profit"). But we are apparently REWARDED for our works, regardless that salvation is not a reward but a gift (RECEIVED by faith in Jesus' name: John 1:12, Acts 3:16, Romans 5:16, Romans 6:23). Since the example is Christ, then the rewards we receive for our own service are probably similar to the rewards He received, such as a glorious and honorable legacy and (most significantly) us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven (meaning the greatest part of our rewards for our works is other people in eternity with us lead there by our works leading them there (aka, soulwinning)).

Salvation is unearned (the Apostles calling it a free gift), not a reward, unlike what results from a Christian's work.
I think you need some more meds bro
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That is the problem and why I am fat, congratulations on your newfound reading comprehension
What shocker will you tell me next, antipsychotics make me fat and sleepy? I guess I shouldn't have been born to severely mentally ill parents who themselves have severely mentally ill parents locked in institutions, any other tips for when I get reincarnated without psychosis?
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I just started a high dose of prednisone today so yes I anticipate a relapse and will probably literally fucking lose my mind any day now, again, I already feel weird and probably will stay up for a few days now
Mr Bones starts the ride
Unironically just take Ozempic or Mounjaro or something similar if you have no self control.

I spent 10 years gaining weight, which really rapidly escalated in the last 4 years. I had no energy and would fall asleep all day. Every Monday I was convinced this was the week I would start a new diet, and by Wednesday I had given up.

Clearly weight loss medication isn't a life long solution. At some point it's going to be necessary to actually deal with the underlying issues. But the alternative for me was eating myself to death. However, now that I'm not binging on junk food all day, I feel a lot better. I'm 6 weeks in and suddenly the thought of doing some exercise isn't unbearable.

It might be considered cheating, or the easy way out or whatever. I'd rather cheat my way out of a situation than never escape from it.
I thought they only prescribed those if you were obese or diabetic? It is also not a long term solution, as you said, I know it is my crap diet that needs to change rather than cheating out of it, but yes it would be helpful to be less resistant to exercise
I am hoping once the thyroid medication really kicks in it speeds up my metabolism enough to help
My cousin's wedding was nice.
How'd you quit drinking, anon?
a day has passed and I feel fantastic!
I'm not hungry anymore, so I don't feel the urge to be snacking constantly!

is this what it feels to have self-control? LOL
fatty contest

just checking in after a long time, maintaining is working well. Ngl, I do eat the shittiest slop sometimes. But it seems to be good enough to make sure I don't do it too often. Still tracking calories though
I like drinking diet soda, but I hate how much they make me shit. I think I'm gonna have to give up on them again.
Stopped picking up the beer and drinking it.
Be honest anon, you knew she'd cook for you, and you knew you were gonna eat it. And you could've refused it, and you could've told her to put it in a container to heat up later. But you said "it won't matter."
Fatty Contest

Why the hell did the weight go up edition
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183lb this morning lads, I thought my 184 yesterday was a fluke but it looks legit.

The Horizon is in sight, but dang, it's so much harder to lose the last 20lbs than the first 25.
That's funny I was actually hopping in to say I just hitting 180lbs this morning, I'm so close to breaking the 70s fir the first time since I was 15. I'm so close to just having a BMI of 25.

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