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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101105007

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Deļ¬nition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org


>SD-Latent-Interposer Adds SD3 Support


>Florence2 in ComfyUI

>ComfyUI_frontend: ComfyUI modernized
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Apparently Pony has conflated sphinxes and gryphons or something
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Seriously, I don't even know what's going on at this point

>solo, a feral Greek sphinx with the face of a human woman
>mfw Research news


>ClaudesLens: Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision Models

>Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

>Reinforcing Pre-trained Models Using Counterfactual Images

>EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution

>Improving Visual Commonsense in Language Models via Multiple Image Generation

>VGA: Vision GUI Assistant -- Minimizing Hallucinations through Image-Centric Fine-Tuning

>What's Next? Exploring Utilization, Challenges, and Future Directions of AI-Generated Image Tools in Graphic Design

>Fantastic Copyrighted Beasts and How (Not) to Generate Them

>Expedient Assistance and Consequential Misunderstanding: Envisioning an Operationalized Mutual Theory of Mind

>Online Anchor-based Training for Image Classification Tasks

>Compressed Video Quality Enhancement with Temporal Group Alignment and Fusion

>When Will Gradient Regularization Be Harmful?

>GaussianSR: 3D Gaussian Super-Resolution with 2D Diffusion Priors


>A Survey of Multimodal-Guided Image Editing with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>SafeSora: Towards Safety Alignment of Text2Video Generation via a Human Preference Dataset

>Video Generation with Learned Action Prior

>CollaFuse: Collaborative Diffusion Models

>VLBiasBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Bias in Large Vision-Language Model
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>I don't even know what's going on at this point
in the thread, life, picture, or all?
What's the best krita plugin currently and what it's the state of it?
I've used one that required a custom installation of SD, and one that hooks into voldy.
Both were buggy af and convoluted to use. But that was months ago, so did something change?
is there (open source, linux) desktop app clients to connect to a machine on my lan running webui ?
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just run your chosen ui in listen mode and connect to it from a webbrowser
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The picture. Trying to get a classical sphinx. You know, lion with a woman's head. Maybe wings. Yet somehow I end up with gryphons or whatever this is
but no browser tho. any widget or thing i can make a key combo and pops up an interface?
>no browser
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Get the Differential Diffusion node, connect to Gaussian blur set to 50/50 and you can easily make a sphinx. Do the different body parts as separate masking prompts. It is a chimera, after all
Sometimes i just want to nogen troll on /Idg/ but I know I'm better that then and i should never fall into that sort of temptation
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2 white for modern gaming
I think this https://github.com/Acly/krita-ai-diffusion, the state is 1girl but in a layer
thanks anon I'll try it out.
Is there any model that has as much knowledge of different historical and contemporary artists as 1.5? Famous masters, commercial artists and designers, not niche hentai or furry artists.
Haha, retard.
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Is she not anymore?
I think someone said that retro wrote her to be a tranny on Metroid prime 4
Best negative embeddings for SDXL? I use autismix
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a lot of people use these
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Greetings Anon. Welcome to the Satellite of Love.
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oh hello there, how do you do?
haha, that's great. living the dream!
wait, wearing the wrong hat for all that.
hold on
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haha just got off of work, i'm a wage slave at a women's wear shop, ok ok it's lululemon. haha no worries, let's forget about selling slutpants to milfs. that's just, day to day everything, haha
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i've got secret cameras, hehe, in the changing rooms. this is the long con. just wait until you've seen some fat Karen take off her underwear from an awkward position from which you can barely see anything titilating. ah jeez, it happened again!
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Still to this day the greatest image ever posted in /sdg/
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hold on, the cops are here. again. haha it's like this all the time! and i don't know why?
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>A1111 launch
>CUDA stream activated false.
do i need this?
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these always forget the mvp. that's me. let's not be shy, what would /sdg/ be without me? that's right, it'd be DOG SHIT smeared on some New York sidewalk. Shortly afterwards, you go into friends apartment, and smear that shit across all the flooors. Yikes!
I think a lot of these people are gone
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Adventure time was a good show
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probably not. warnings are warnings. python is saying, "hey, this thing is kind of weird, and i don't like it. oh sure, yeah, i'll keep on doing what i'm suppose do. just thought you might like to know. wait, who are we again? i'm confused
Info and warning messages were a mistake
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alright, ty, i'll just let it annoy me a little less
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your filename is missing something
you are debo>>101111254
or i'm homosexual
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and i am not, homosexual!

i am not happy!
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big mad in the underground!
still not happy
i'm big mad, actually. at (((YOU)))
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this is badass
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I have a notepad file filled with prompts for easy copying and pasting, including a standard negative prompt that I only altar as needed. Is that a bad thing? Will repeatedly using the same prompts hurt the AI? Iā€™m using A1111 1.5 btw.
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its fine, i just rename the folders for easy image finding, then just drop the image into png info to get exact prompt and settings if i want to continue/alter it another day

i used notepad at the beginning too
it doesn't have memory
>then just drop the image into png info to get exact prompt and settings if i want to continue/alter it another day
How do you do that? Interrogate?
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Learn how to use the style button underneath generate, and know that your prompt information is saved into your images.
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Iā€™ll have to see if my UI even has that. Itā€™s been nearly a year since I did a git pull.
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should be there, i'm using a1111 fork named forge, it's same, but different, but still same
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>he hilarious part is schizo anon remains undefeated
thats bc im not in these threads all the time and im always doing something new so, i get a new name.

its been 6 or so months since ive been here. its nice to see all the idiots finally got doxxed

if you cant 1 red brick git gud
It's good, still somewhat buggy but it has high res inpainting!
And installation and settings is really fleshed out, easiest installation of any SD package I ever had.
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Greetings, I think I need to install ip adapter in order to get this right. I've done many reinstalls due to random breakage, turns out I only needed to clear my browser cache to fix things... ComyUI is not comfy sometimes.
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nice service
Last one from me good night anons
trani is shit
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Given the architecture choice seems not to be the most defining feature of diffusion, is there even a strong sense in which it's a neural network tool? Generic, arbitrary function parametrization and gradient descent could also work, no?
is there another way to zoom in ComfyUI other than the mousewheel?
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How does joining a discord get you doxxed? I have never used discord.
I'm glad you asked

Pisscord Compromised

>Deanonymizing (to an extent) this general was necessary to get some folks to be more peaceable


bonus glowie posting
the idea of sai automatically owning anything trained on sd3 outputs seems the same as using any other copyright material. any no one cares about that, so why does anyone care about this?
Ani posted an adobe document there and Ranfag found his full name attached to the metadata and has since posted it on this general a few times

Debo joined the discord using a throwaway name he has used in the furry community and Yup managed to find his picture/first name from that and has posted it here a few times
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None of that answers my question. If you join a discord are you required to give your personal information? My understanding is you supply an alias but as I said, I have never used discord.
I see, thanks. I guess you only get doxxed if you do something dumb that gives you away.
Based trips, and yes, you have to do something dumb to give yourself away. Both Debo and Ani absolutely deserved it and it's a good thing that their names and pictures can be used to de-anonymize them and keep them in line a bit
>If you join a discord are you required to give your personal information?
nta but just like most, not all, social media services these days the company requires either an email address and/or a phone number to register. You do NOT have to give any other real details during signup.
yeah but have fun finding an email that doesnt require a phone number which any website accepts. they really do want personal information.
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just realized i've used SDXL exclusively for half a year

any developments in 1.5 anime/stylized models? do they still rely heavily on lora tardwrangling?
>debo sperging out about how he was doxxed by the discord
>nobody cares because it's debo
>the discord wins again
>doxing discord in OP promoted by SAI employees
>people actually surprised when they actually use it to dox
how was he doxxed? im not using discord
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he posted a screenshot of his 4chan ban that showed his ip address. he used a username on discord that is, apparently, the same handle he has used elsewhere.
both actions sound retarded as fuck
thanks for the info
imagine having a pastebin about your past actions going around on 4chan
ComfyUI lets me use SDXL, whereas A1111 just crashes on me. Which sucks because all my plugins are on A1111 and I can't be bothered to convert them all.
try forge
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Bros I had been sleeping on --medvram for years and I feel like an imbecile.
On my brief testing, it seems to cut VRAM usage by a quarter while having less than 10% performance impact. On my 12gb vram card, it could have saved me from like a million CUDA OOMs. I think anyone with less than 16GB VRAM working on SDXL based models should consider it.
I know most of you already know this, but maybe there is another ignorant dolt like me here, so I wanted to do a PSA.
--lowvram cuts vram usage even further, but also cripples the generation speed to less than half, so no point using that unless you are a turbo vramlet.
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The janny fears the barely clothed massive areola poster.
she's not naked, no issue here
1.5 is dead anon
I forgot that OOMs exist since installing Forge
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This is why I still include Forge in my bakes. Dev branch optimization for Auto1111 didn't merge with main yet, so why remove it already?
we needed the space in op and the discord is more important
I am trying to stay clear of Forge because it is abandoned, but I feel like I will get around to installing it, based on how often it gets recommended me.
what are your go to models, /sdg/?
>ponyrealism(sucks harder at hands than base pony though)
Why yes I like porn, how can you tell?
I still use dreamshaper v21 turbo as a general "try random stuff out" model. For some reason a lot of my loras play nicer with it than with realvisxl or juggernaut. Though I have one style lora I like that works really well with juggernaut v2, so I still keep the latter laying around. For cartoon-ish stuff autismmixpony. Sometimes I will use crystalclear too, though I find it is comparatively more likely to mess up perspective in images.
>because it is abandoned,
Its not so
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Last I heard the dev was repurposing it for testing new stuff, has anything changed since then?
That's not what abandoned means

Repo owner says
>These updates are likely to break almost all extensions, and we recommend all users in production environments to change back to upstream webui for daily use.
Can I run these image generator AIs on a normal laptop?
>t. caveman
It will need a decent dedicated gpu and might melt
wish you fucking pedos would just fuck off to literally any other (red) board
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Depends on what you mean by normal laptop, but there's a good chance you can eek out some 1.5 gens at least, though it may be too slow and cumbersome to deal with
which upscalers do you use for sdxl based models? some of my previous ones ive used give errors
image upscalers don't care if your base image is 1.5, SDXL, Pixart etc. You've probably accident set a value out of range.
is there a settings file in forge/a1111 where i can tell it which model i want it to boot up with? its annoying having to launch twice because it crashes every time i switch xl models.
I am banned
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when the jannies love me and hate debo

I'm horny I'll post bob
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No don't
don't try to stop me
all I know about the ani dox is that he is hotter than me and making more money than me. the only thing I learned about debo is that he is a gay furry Soiboy kek
>last update 4 months ago
With all due respect, really?
Has the thread schizo been identified yet?
It's always been Ani and Debo
at least debo is not a pedo
>Debo joined the discord using a throwaway name he has used in the furry community and Yup managed to find his picture/first name from that and has posted it here a few times
That's nuts. Can someone link the thread where the pic was posted? I get that it'll be gone but I can look it up on the archives
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I'm not linking that shit, but it was early on in one of yday's threads I think
That's a fucking lie
Funny how you faggots always lie
>Can someone link the thread where the pic was posted?
it's the thread before this one so you don't have to go that far. if you've got 4chanx installed then just click the Previous thread link in OP.
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why did you get banned?
The dude with glasses!
I dont see how that post is even relevant
So is the dude with glasses debo? And hes a furry?
its ranfag hes confused as always
but you still telling me this has nothing to do with the doxxcord?
It's the thread he doxxed himself you fucking mongoloid
>dude with glasses
lol, fucking nerd
stop being butthurt ranfag
>schizo talking to themselves
I guess you dont know how URLs to the archive work
specifically a diaper furry
Who's in your basement?
Anons, what is the best model to img2vid an OC pic?+
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for posting beautiful content, having enormous balls and threatening the Thread PersonalityTM
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I like Masamune Shirow's art style but dreamshaperXL really likes bare asses to go with his name in the prompt

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I didn't actually get banned, btw, I was just checking. One of my posts was reported and it was so beautiful the jannies couldn't help but keep me around
you will never catch schizo anon with you merchant tricks
his days are numbered, this time i'll get him for sure
>drama 24/7
we are so back bois
i rompt'd
Why are generals like this, can't you guys just be normal
Hello /SDG/, I'd like to propose an experiment. I'd like to uncover which Avatarfag has the best and most consistent/appealing gens, and I think I've come up with a surefire way to achieve it:

Step 1. Scrape desuarchive according to filename and resolution
Step 2. Brief manual examination of images to ensure they come from avatarfag
Step 3. Acquire # of (You)s per post
Step 4. Declare the winner! The winner will get a special role in the discord as "/SDG/'s best prompt artist"

Thanks all for your time. I'll be beginning this project right away.
>I'd like to propose an experiment
Didnt read further. Do it yourself
He rompt'd.
there have been several prompt competitions and debo won all of them
>I'll be beginning this project right away.
Good for you. Nobody else will because its stupid.
nice one
My guesses for top prompters are Debo, Slimeanon and Drawanon
what did he rompt'd?

"Top" as in most frequent? Surely not best.
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I'm pretty confident that the majority of the hate Debo gets is because he has such a wide range, original styles and has quality gens throughout. If he won, it would be based on merit, considering how much hate and envy this community has for him.
>he winner will get a special role in the discord as "/SDG/'s best prompt artist"
lmao gay
fuck off Yup
It's because he starts drama with people and has a negative, know it all personality. Has nothing to Do with his gens
Hi debo
Except what I've seen is almost the exact opposite: Debo posts a quality gen with reasonable advice, at least a starting point, and then he gets dogpiled by spergs because they have it out for him and kicked him from the discord
very schizophrenic atmosphere today
im 36, somefuckinghow i only now realised doughnuts are named such because they resemble screw nuts made of dough.
Ah okay, its you. Carry on with your propaganda. I won't reply
>Spergs out
>Gets shut down
>Oh okay I give up
Classic anti-debo poster
>i could easily refute every single point in the pastebin
>but i wont
I'd actually like to see the results of this
>Except what I've seen.
>Debo posts a quality gen with reasonable advice
partial view
Yes after sartign drama and being a negative person
>and then he gets dogpiled by spergs because they have it out for him
Yes, imagine someone consistently came to your place of work and took a dump on the floor for like a year, and you get fed up with it and the next day he walks in - You'd chase him out because obviously he has a track record of taking a dump on the floor.
>kicked him from the discord
Yes surely he has only good and pure christian intentions and morals and surely nobody has eevrn been barred from a community for something they did. Its a conspiracy!
Hey debo.
it's just the autistic screeching of the (SAI employee endorsed) doxing discord
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>go to website made for being anon
>makes sure everyone can identify you
what about donuts tho?
The ONLY TWO avatarfags that have ever been accused and caught of samefagging are Debo and Ani. Just think about that for two minutes you schizoid fucks
i thought about it, now what?
its the other way around. screw nuts were named after donuts because of the similar shape. donuts existed long before screw nuts because metals were invented long after donut trees were discovered
what is a man without a mountain? what would it mean to exist without art?
humanity's struggle can be entirely explained his desperate need to create beauty
the perfect gen, that perfect prompt, the workflow he's crafted over years of time and effort and faith and belief
that one image, post it for me, anon
i wish to see your purest beauty, i wish to see your struggle laid bare
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>starts a crusade against anonimity on a anonymous image board
>one of their members is a cow power leveling on 4chan
>thinks the opposition is only one anon
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Ikr, that's the appeal of 4chan, everyone is anonymous so that we can discuss about ideas instead of going on biased ad-hominem, avatarfagging is the antithesis of 4chan
>cow power leveling
>absolute nonsense
makes sense
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>absolute nonsense
makes sense
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she winks at you, how do you respond
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>long after donut trees were discovered
the screwnut tree is one of mankind's oldest companions you nincompoop.

Seen those in the Philippines. nutty flavour.
Fallout Ukrainee
Sugar apple?
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I like these.
Ask her if she's winking or missing an eye
You posted most of them
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>latenight prompting
I wish
Holy shit Fran completely tore Debo apart in those final threads, fuck. How did he even come back from that? Humiliating

sdg is soo dead
The king is dead!
Long live the king:
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lad, you are mentally ill. seek jesus / a rope / hormonal treatment.
i support this
newfrens need to be warned
>are the knee joints and head facing forward or backward?
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sdg has no king, sdg needs no king
stop shoveling those garbage anons into the real thread they must stay in their containment thread
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How so?
Try not to share the link around, /ldg/ is a little too exclusive to be getting plop posted in /sdg/.
what does this has to do with local imagegen? why the jannies aren't doing anything against off-topic drama?
/ldg/ is the imagegen thread
this is the /sdg/ drama thread
not at all, ldg is about all local imagegen models, so you can post SD outputs aswell
they hate debo too
they deleted his threads on the (last) multiday spergout kek
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Oh damn! So /ldg/ is for all posters and all models AND it provides a more structured and accessible form of discussion for a new user? I didn't realise at all. I thought /ldg/ wasn't for me, but now that I know it's the premier drama-free local imagegen general, for ALL models, I'm much more intrigued.
go for it anon, I'm about to leave the /sdg/ boat aswell, this place just became the official debo drama general
For me I like that the thread schizo of /sdg/ doesn't post on /ldg/, so there isn't really even any need to discuss the thread drama, or debo, or ani, etc., pure quality gens and pure discussion. Comfortable vibes

It's a drastically preferable thread and I'm ready to take the plunge and dive in
Quite right, anon, and about time, too!
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is he bald too?
>turns out the discord was debo's containment all along
>now it's debo debo debo every five posts
ffs this is the fourth day in a row now, invite him back PLEASE
im off to work, chaps. Have a great day
you too buddy
keep that luggage safe!
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absolutely gorgeous
imagine being a lolcow
on 4chan
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how can one fly with wings from the ass
magic, I don't think she ever flies flapping them
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Nice crisp gens
Nice style
These are great! Would you mind posting a catbox? Or maybe at least what model you used and part of the prompt responsible for style
These are really amazing, very clean - nicely done
wow, it looks like an actual drawing, not like those usual 2.5D gens the AI are making, what model are you using anon?
some of the best gens ive seen today
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I've been trying to get a "wreath" around her waist and I could've sworn it was fairly easy in the past

I actually did pull this off A FEW times with a different gen. Will post those later

Post lora
Super solid gen, not sure how you got this style! Can you share the prompt?
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Tacky, pedestrian, predictable.
... /sdg...
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It happens literally every day, same poster too
hey, do you guys want to see my waifu?
He got kicked?
we changed our mind
please take debo back
no one wants him in the real thread
>same poster too
no, he used to do the same thing to 0anon earlier in the year when he thought it was debo
discord admin here
no, debo will never be allowed to join again
>avatar circlejerk removes debo
>schizo behavior ramps up
>suddenly discord becomes a bad thing
So the pastebin IS legit?
The poster he's responding to here is 0anon, anon
0anon is
no, it became a bad thing when one of you fucks decided to reveal that you hate this site and are using this thread as a grooming spot to redirect anons into your discord.
Can you stop fucking spamming please?
sauce pls
julien is beans
I'm not in the discord anon
shit thread
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you're mad at anon for posting gens?

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sirs pls, how do I gen this 1girl?
thread schizo
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>samefagging continues
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what's the problem? I just say what I like.
Is it time I abandon forge for something else? I haven't really tried any other ui. ComfyUI looks intimidating though.
no, he is mad at anon batch spamming gens every other minute. if you want to show a batch, you can easily make a collage. the only intention behind this type of behavior is spamming/flooding
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Is this 0anon?
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You're all caught up now. Now post some cool gens.
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My mom's mugshots? Have you no decency?
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Hey debo
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omg its here, its finally here!
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I never asked for this
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I just want an XL model that can imitate artstyles of great artists.
And all I see on civit is animu.
Also, I think I need non-turbo model because of gimmick reasons.
Frens, help.
Either you transfer via ipadapters or you train your own model.

All great artists that make the cut are hentai artists anyhow.
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Cake solo!
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