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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101109959

>SD3 info & download

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Sister-general for local diffusion with Chinese language models:

>Related boards
Cursed thread
Avoid debo
>forgot the subject
No news?
Go post it debo
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I wasn't ready for the early thread. gimme a minute
We forgive
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>mfw Resource news


>SD.Next release 2024-06-23

>ComfyUI Unique3D

>AutoStudio: Crafting Consistent Subjects in Multi-turn Interactive Image Generation


>ComfyUI DiffSynth wrapper nodes

>Update on SD3 on Civitai

>ExVideo: Post-tuning technique aimed at enhancing the capability of video generation models

>ComfyUI-JNodes: Variety of python and web UX improvements

>StableSwarmUI will no longer be maintained under Stability AI


>Stability AI appoints new CEO, Receives Ballout

>Programmable Motion Generation for Open-set Motion Control Tasks

>Advancing Fine-Grained Classification by Structure and Subject Preserving Augmentation

>Consistency Models Made Easy

>Invertible Consistency Distillation for Text-Guided Image Editing in Around 7 Steps

>WATT: Weight Average Test-Time Adaption of CLIP

>UHDDIP: Ultra-High-Deļ¬nition Restoration: New Benchmarks and A Dual Interaction Prior-Driven Solution

>Taggui v1.29.0 Adds Florence-2 Support

>CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans


>Comfy Org launches comfy.org
>mfw Research news


>RITA: A Real-time Interactive Talking Avatars Framework

>SpatialBot: Precise Spatial Understanding with Vision Language Models

>Unveiling the Hidden Structure of Self-Attention via Kernel Principal Component Analysis

>MEAT: Median-Ensemble Adversarial Training for Improving Robustness and Generalization

>CLAY: A Controllable Large-scale Generative Model for Creating High-quality 3D Assets

>Sparsifying dimensionality reduction of PDE solution data with Bregman learning

>Vision Language Modeling of Content, Distortion and Appearance for Image Quality Assessment

>Group and Shuffle: Efficient Structured Orthogonal Parametrization

>Style-NeRF2NeRF: 3D Style Transfer From Style-Aligned Multi-View Images


>ClaudesLens: Uncertainty Quantification in Computer Vision Models

>Neural Residual Diffusion Models for Deep Scalable Vision Generation

>Reinforcing Pre-trained Models Using Counterfactual Images

>EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution

>Improving Visual Commonsense in Language Models via Multiple Image Generation

>VGA: Vision GUI Assistant -- Minimizing Hallucinations through Image-Centric Fine-Tuning

>What's Next? Exploring Utilization, Challenges, and Future Directions of AI-Generated Image Tools in Graphic Design

>Fantastic Copyrighted Beasts and How (Not) to Generate Them
Is this the designated shitting thread?
No, that's over at >>101108459
>inb4 thread schizo meltdown
/sdg/ is healing
nig*bo moment
this thread good?
Any opinions of SD Next?
the SD3 fiasco killed it
Hi debo, I come from /ldg/.
Stop spamming mugshots. Stay in your thread. Or I'll start making /sdg/ threads with the pastebin.
>every poster is debo
Hi debo. Not going to go into how I know its you, but just know your common features are showing.
I assume Metastable doesn't support 7900XTX?
Ayyoo muh negroes how da fuk du u run pony xl v6 wit da 2060s 8gb? Shit iz slow ass fuk on muh a1111. And no I dun wanna steal GPU
how long have you been off your meds for?
>electron wrapper for comfyui
What did you expect
The promised OOTB experince.
I am currently not able to run anything since Arch has Python-3.12 and everything asks for Python<=3.11.
I'm trying with miniconda3 instead, but it's its own pain in the ass.
install 3.1x from the aur... you can have multiple versions then just make a venv for 3.1x
I mean it looks like detection from the ui is just fucked up, comfyui supports AMD. Point is there's not going to be an OOTB experience until some competent persons develop both the backend and UI
who's that?
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Stop stealing me gens debo. This is why we have the pastebin
How close are we to yet another meltdown?
someone with NPD
Fair enough, I was vary of accepting new keys just to install Python3.11.
What's the "current" UI? SwarmUI?

May be, but I'm not a fan of Appimages in the first place, so I'll skip it.
The sad part is he literally brings this on himself.
Not surprised they chose the worst distributable desu
Since the main retard that said this about me made this claim outside the general where he ran like a bitch when asked to provide proof I'm going to call this butt fucking Brady bunch out.
Since you have to lie and make up tall tales all it does is prove you're losing and have to resort to outright bullshit. Just stop with the lies and anons will respect you. If the both of you put this much effort into improving images perhaps you won't be as bitter?
There's a full archive of those events and I was upset when when it happened because of how the general is right now.
>forge (don't do this)
Forgot the post in question
Please stop doing this shit, it's embarrassing everyone knows it's a lie.
you are part of the problem
fuckin gottem, only took over a year of filling these threads with shit and running everyone away but you never gave up you mad lads
If it wasnt true you wouldn't be here constantly trying to debunk it. If it were false you'd just ignore it
Can you explain why?
I'm not the one making up lies
I have nothing to do with this idiot getting the boot and I don't post often here anyways.
When it's a easy to disprove lie why not instead of doing what the others do that make it worse?
The problem is this schizo theory came from outside this space and now the exact same words are being posted once a certain someone is not getting their way.
If it was easy to disprove you'd have disproven it
>the guy that killed the general
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what's the current best realistic pony checkpoint?
is this the 'here in my garage' guy?
I have no idea what you are ranting about
If you can't follow a reply chain I can't help you. This is the work of two losers that have nothing else better to do pushing false narratives about me and I'm putting a end to it now.
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Can we all agree this debo/ani obsession needs to be put to a rest already
>Start problems
>cry when people call them out
They could stop harassing people, how about they stop harassing people and then crying when it bites them in the ass?
Ani and debo have been on good behavior lately from what I've seen
everyone knows you are schizo anon ranfag
ask in /ldg/ debo and ran killed this general frfr
Its their own fault. If they behaved it wouldn't be an issue
>Cope phrase
Like every anon keeps telling you, you're too transparent. You got kicked for good reason and now you're going to schizo post to cope. Don't worry I unfiltered you so now you can talk to me normally.
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nice gen
thanks, it's bstaber
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so you are saying that all of this is debo?
because it doesn't look like it to me. that anon is very explicit in his intentions.
It's schizo blaming debo.
trani should die in a fire
debo is allowed to stay if he behaves because he's at least not a pedo
fucking faggots shitting up the threads every god damn day
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Portal might be my favorite single token
That anon is yup
Ty, first attempt using Pixart-sigma,
>I'm going to play stupid to deflect
For this to work you need to have a non coherent rhetoric jackass. You retards have the worse arguments and are surprised when multiple users hate you. Please for the love of god either seek help or log the fuck off.
You act obtuse in a way that makes you look retarded and cry when it blows up in your face.
You can't even refute anything in the post you're quoting jackass
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>For this to work you need to have coherent rhetoric jackass.
says the guy that refuses to address any of the very explicit mentions of the purpose of the discord. you are defending someone who hates this place, you deserve no sympathy.
keep going on your war against anonymity, see how far it takes you here
>trani should die in a fire
/sdg/ in a nutshell:
>0anon spamming
>debo quietly posting the news and trying to stay away from drama
>Ran unable to contain his obsession about debo on a daily basis
>Yup talking about the Discord
>Ani posting quietly
>Pixart shills talking about how great /ldg/ is compared to /sdg/
> Tried Swarm
> Selected AMD version
> Still get picrel for ComfyUi
Time to install it by hand, I guess
julien is literal human garbage
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This is your final warning. Stop it or it will get REALLY ugly soon
To who?
Please be direct
Remember to read
or what
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the gentlemen addressed knows exactly who i mean
Debo gonna grab his phone and have another pastebin thread split tier melty
this thread would be so much better if d*b* and trani would just leave forever
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I know you're not talking to me. So it's all gravy
Realistcally, it would be better if we stopped talking about the two instead of harping on about them in every single thread
who do you think you are talking to? stop being brainwashed by this one guy nonsense
stfu ranfag bitch
They seem to talk about themselves constantly and have been caught (And in debo's case) banned for it. He constantly says the same phrases to bait. I'm only here because his upticks in slander.
Again read the reply chain it will save your life
can you faggots just leave and groom each other in the totally not for doxxing discord?
debo, ran and julien

whos the one getting porked and whos the one doing the porking?
no you are the one having fantasies about this one guy, i have nothing to do with the discord. your brain is so melted at this point that you just assume everyone is part of this inner circus you belong to
stop lying shockedmonke
trani is getting it in the pooper (and he enjoys that)
What tools would I use, if I wanted to generate similar images to a base image I give it.
only cunny can save this place now
fuck off trani
The linguist?
are you the same anon that uses this? >>101086038 because if you are, that means you are full of shit.
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Cheer up folks, it's christmas
nta hahaha fuck off
Installed from hand, it loads, get picrel.
Fuck it, Automatic111 just works at least.
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>schizo defeated again
you were a lot tougher half a year ago
The jig is up nobody cares about this cope posting. There's rich documentation on all your bullshit including another space that knows you're full of shit. Even the admin thinks you're a mentally ill clown.
I'm sure some new poster might believe you but like clockwork you just being you makes you lose any support you get.
He's going to wait for newfags to pour in before starting the cycle again like always.
Same Drama General
petition for adding the pastebin in op
we need to warn newfags about him (see this thread for example)
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only therrrealist can save this general
this is insane, your "leader" declared war against anonymity, and you still think it's all one guy.
that's a nice idea
I'm all for it, just post it.
I think most posters are fine with it now that we have enough eyes on his actual behavior. He had to lie about a lot of shit the last go around to get it removed but now everyone has seen his behavior first hand.
don't fuck up the subject line, I can't filter this general otherwise
i am schizo anon
ask me anything
i will do it on purpose now
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What do you think of this gen?
It's really good, debo! Please share a catbox, anything?
*screeching becomes more faint*
the colors are nice
the hands are 7 / 10
the bike is good
the street doesnt make much sense
total: 6 / 10
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>>debo quietly posting the news and trying to stay away from drama
someone finally gave me credit for trying to avoid drama ;_;

similar how? if you're thinking of style transfer, IPadapter is pretty commonly used

well we had the SD3 drama for a bit but the model is so bad it can't even keep the drama addicts entertained

risky. did you ask for permission to gen motorcycles?
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great hands dweebs, might as well not bother
>the model is so bad
I think that's the first time I agree with debo, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN ON?? DID HE BUY SOME BRAINCELLS OR SOME SHIT?
You lied about being banned and claimed you left. Followed by your obvious anon posting.
For more examples of you lying and samefagging
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I appreciate your candidness, anon
How long until 0anon and mint pussy find a new style to gen instead of flooding every thread with their crap
Stop trying to deflect debo
It's schizo anon on the warpath.
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still don't get what ani did other than have two retards claw him down to their level. he did nothing wrong
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finally someone with a bit of sense
he doesn't really post anymore so I don't know how people keep scapegoating him or why
yall > youse
yw, anon
Is it two shizo anons tag teaming? Modus is pick a fight with anyone and see who bites.
>"Yeah look at my ass, it's not like I care or anything..."
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>tfw trying to recreate a girl from memory with AI that I was in love with but have no pictures of and she has no social media presence
I realize now that I am deranged and I will stop.
Though but her kisses were out of this world.
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comfytroon > debo > ran > ani > julien
what about me?
youre irrelevant
>trying to defend a pedo
what, really?
but mom said i was special...
this is the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long while
special yes, just not the kinda special you think
worse than my coworker prompter

that guy was legit psycho rapist
prompt please
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Cake Bridge!
Where did this lore come from?
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yet another thing sd3 sucks at: dragons
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Yeah you said that already
is it your birthday?
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from the images he posts
Afternoon anons
Can you link some post?
Please don't be true...
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he's talking about anime pics
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It's the birthday of someone in the world,
It has to be, right?
I don't quite remember exactly
Something like "thin italian woman with long neck big nose and long black hair with bangs, wearing a flower dress"
The "big nose" didn't really work so well but I remember using it.
random test result from earlier
I remember Ani getting banned for posting loli a few months ago
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i dont even want to know what he does alone if this is acceptable for him to post in public (as a known SAI employee), warning, gay and a child involved >>101105086
wish all pedos would just fuck off
small noses look better anyway, thanks for sharing your prompt
That is fucking disgusting
/sdg/ collage when?
Fucking disgusting!
Why would he post this this?
i dont even want to know what he does when he feels unwatched
also i wont post more examples because this shit makes me sick
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to create something like that you have to be completely disturbed but to post it after you have doxxed yourself?
he is mentally unwell anon, pls have understanding
Yo ani calm the fuck down and sit the fuck down before somebody forces you to stop sperging out again
*Ani is someone spreading false rumors about me
To avoid any confusion
It's telling he post shit like this after doxxing himself too
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You can have your trolls back, thank you.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
i know this is a shithole but this is a new low
holy shit disgusting pedo
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>not a new ip
Are you retarded
if you have more examples link them
i will make SURE to remind everyone here about this when trani posts
this is too much
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Do we need an Ani pastebin in addition to the Debo pastebin? If we had those two and a Ran pastebin we'd be largely set
is everything alright in here?
Kek, am I on Twitter?
All these normalfags ITT losing their shit over some shota shit.
is that a cope for us or for yourself?
>I will schizo post because I refuse to follow the story
I have been open about ani lying about me and he has done it on other platforms to the point he gets called out for it. I just want to highlight the type of freak that's trying to slander me with the thread schizo.
I hope anons pull through for this anon and get him material. Ani likes posting loli or as close to loli he can get and playing stupid when he gets called out.
just checking in, we're having a great time genning over in /ldg/, what are you guys up to..?


oh, shit, my bad, see you guys tomorrow
>All these normalfags ITT losing their shit over some shota shit.
yeah no one likes pedos
go at least to a red board and not the blue one you disgusting freak
Tbh we need a pastebin for ran and ani now
new to /g/?
and one for the discord
>Trying to group me in with him
Your deflection sucks, nobody told him to post that disgusting shit. Say what you want about me but don't put me near a freak like that.
you are a failure of a human
no wonder you get called literal human garbage all the time
the usual faggots shitting up threads on the daily
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/sdg/ - Stupid Drama General
I haven't been this active in days, but don't expect me to not jump in on someone that lies about me when we have smoking gun evidence of their behavior.
Don't want a problem with me don't bother me. Also looking at the post time there's no room for the same person cope they love to use.
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you are lost beyond rescue if you think that "its just shota" is a good counter for "you are a pedo"
>Won't someone think of this real, actual child that was harmed in the making of this picture??! I'm literally crying and shaking RN. My 16 cats are in bed with me, trying to calm me down. This is simply unacceptable behavior, my followers on Twitter. Unacceptable. Someone call this person's place of work, we must get them fired.

Literally Tumblr right here.
Hey newfriends, maybe visit /b/'s /degen/. Your meltdown will be funny.
(To be honest, I hate that thread too because they are trying to go for as realistic as they can get away with. Actual CP is fucking vile).
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I'm curious about one thing. Why do you bother frequenting this cesspool? You seem to have more than one issue with this general, and I stopped seeing you over at the other one.
The drama is a heavy dopamine hit for some
>Hey newfriends, maybe visit /b/'s /degen/. Your meltdown will be funny.
you seem to know a lot about those things
and no, i will stay at the blue board
i just hate pedos and "there is worse over there!" isnt an argument you mentally unstable faggot
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Jesus, I just realized we're almost at the post limit already. Again.
Anyone see issues with automatic1111 not coming with openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 in the install? Drove me nuts wondering what I was doing wrong until I figured out where it was meant to go and put it there manually. I don't recall having to do that in previous installs.
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You're on an anime website, newfriend. 99% of the people here have fapped to things worse than your normie brain can imagine.
You might want to leave.
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I don't care how you justify it to yourself
really, with your argumentation you could say everything you find on the open internet is okay because there are worse things on the darknet? is that your opinion? you're making a fool of yourself "anon"
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is trani trying to defend posting pedo shit with "stealth posting"? pathetic kek
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He's having a nuclear melty trust me
prove it
You see the cope posting the moment he got exposed for another retarded thing he posted?
Sounds about right. I only come here out of morbid curiosity, since it drains me more than anything.
>I anon post in the other general
Respectable and appreciated, given the atmosphere is usually strained enough.
>Rub the cigar in your opposition especially when they are down
I'm still not entirely sure what's the best manner of handling unwated behaviour. I'm leaning towards ostracism with silent treatment, "don't feed the trolls" kinda attitude. For the same reason I try and avoid contributing to this place, so that maybe it dooms itself oblivion some day.
>been posting in the discord more than anything else
Is it actually worthwhile? If so, why or what for?
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if it was ani he'd have posted an image to go along with it. he hasn't posted all day
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pathetic, its not even funny anymore
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>smoking gun evidence
>it's an anon nogen post
great work detective ranfaggot
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If you gen/date/talk to/think about/look at women who are more than a year younger than you, you're a pedo!
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Also the same cope please read the thread and look at the post times regarding him getting exposed.
It doesn't work anymore, it's a tired out cope
ran went full schizo?
Finally someone with reason!
Anyway, I'm going on twitch now. Some people are streaming GTA 5 and they are LITERALLY MURDERING PEOPLE in that game!
That means they are all sick twisted psychopaths who want to do that IRL.
I feel that way, so it must be true.

*starts hyperventilating*
always has been
Damn man, why are all imagegen generals so engulfed in drama and mental illness?
I probably have no right to complain because I caused several small dramas myself before but shit, I'd honestly prefer if the threads were peaceful. Is it something that gets fucked in the brain by prompting?
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>Ani a employee that works for a company that has destroyed it's product over censorship decides to post shota
>surprised anons are pointing this out
>has to use mental gymnastics to justify him posting that shit on a sfw board unprompted
Keep clutching your cope phrase.
why do you think ani, comfy and city barely post to these generals anymore?
Tbh I don't think it's him. I mean I don't doubt that he cranks it to lolis/shotas in private but I don't think he'd post it here considering the dox and his employment. Could be easily someone else.
There are multiple posters that con confirm it's him. Sorry but that doesn't work
you, yourself and self replies are only one person "anon"
A pretty ineffective defence don't you think?
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Raised on a server farm
something must be happening in his personal life causing an emotional breakdown to this scale. he's not doing well
I mean, didn't he share catboxes before?
I don't like him, believe me, but what would prevent someone else from just genning this and posting shotacon to frame him? Unless ani himself isn't denying that it's him that posted this.
It just seems so fucking stupid.
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Img2Img is going to make it so easy to ruin people's reputation in the future.
People are so easily convinced
the only person I'm hating right now is catjak for being a inexcusable faggot for the past few threads
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It's really pathetic, they refuse to read the post by scrolling up
He's not denying it and he's free to do so because he is lurking and reading the thread actively.
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wtf theres too many avatars. which one is catjak
>They are trying to sweep
This is why you don't start shit
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I'm sorry but why the fuck would Ran, of all people, lie about this? He is one of the posters most invested in this thread's success.

the ran faggot being a drama queen
Which upscaler are you using? I find the comfy upscale really slow in comparison to A1111 & SDXL.
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why would he shit up a thread with his presence if he wants this thread to succeed?
>"Ran (not me) always tells the truth"
uh huh
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he doesn't think his behavior is toxic. he's the kind of person that would shit his pants and say "I meant to that and also my shit smells great"
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This dude is seething because I'm going in on him after he blamed me for his own self doxx multiple times already. I want to make it known that this fucking creep spent weeks saying wild lies about me to the point others called him out and now he's surprised I'm dunking on him when he's been at this for almost a full month.
He argued with someone because they told him to provide proof to the wild claims he made only to run when the argument was not in his favor. There's no defending his actions so now he's coping.
And trust me he's posted tons of shit like that image other places as well so that's why there's so much panic
There is so much anonymous sock puppeting going on that I seriously have not the slightest idea who is wrong here, or rather, who is more wrong.
There's really no way of knowing.
sdxl, hires upscaler is RealESRGAN_x4plus 35steps
i only use comfy when i want to test some new model out or do something super simple. i'm still using forge
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I'm not leaving this thread behind, it's not over yet
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we did it reddit

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