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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: >>101214084
What makes these threads "friendly"?
no one will call you a faggot or a nigger if you ask something stupid
Based OP. I was gonna use that too if I made it.
wtf I love Mint now
I'm building a new pc mainly for work but secondary uses for media and a few gaming. So far I'm targeting the ryzen 9 7950x3d but I wanted to ask some questions as I'm intending to use it only with linux
>what's the gpu driver status for nvidia? last time I heard you lost performance with either nouveau or proprietary
>is radeon a safer bet for gpu in terms of performance?
>what gpu would you recommend I was aiming for a radeon rx 7800 but don't have references in linux
If the computer is just going to be used for Linux then getting an AMD card is a better bet. The newer the card is though, the less LTS your machine needs to be. Though Mint is a good first choice for many which also has an Edge variant that gives you one of the latest kernels which is what a new-end AMD card would want.
i have very recently switched to linux for the first time (arch) whats a good window manager
There's many. i3 is considered a good X11 beginner's WM while its Wayland fork Sway is also good.
Hyprland is also quite good and another Wayland WM. All about being simple but also eyecandy.
thank you
does windows run well on qemu+kvm?
>what's the gpu driver status for nvidia? last time I heard you lost performance with either nouveau or proprietary
Propietary is the most performant but less compatible with bleeding edge stuff like Wayland (you likely won't care)
Don't look at nouveau
>is radeon a safer bet for gpu in terms of performance?
Radeon is a safer bet in the long run due to open source drivers and compatibility. Nvidia is more performant overall
>what gpu would you recommend I was aiming for a radeon rx 7800 but don't have references in linux
Any Nvidia 40 series, you can always fallback to your AMD iGPU
>i3 is considered a good X11 beginner's WM
is it really?
by whom?
After scratching my head with custom repos on arch I finally got to build an ISO with COSMIC
im scared to fully switch bros
fuck i just want to do it
It really won't be as difficult as you'd think anon. Have you at least done research on shit like how Linux filesystem hierarchies work or typical terminal commands? If programs you use will work on Linux or if there's some kind of replacement you could use?
>yeah i3 is totally beginner friendly, just memorize 38 different keyboard shortcuts to do bare minimum navigations
Fucking Retard
Well for one you don't need to know a programming language to configure the WM. That already qualifies it as a beginner's WM, Mr. Grumpy Autist.
A true "beginner" in your eyes would just be using a DE still.
do it pussy
Seems COSMIC doesn't like VM's and it won't start even though I'm able to run its terminal app from Hyprland. I'll have to test it on baremetal tomorrow, this is exciting
today i found out that my pc was booting for 5 min because i had a non working HDD hooked up to it
I've seen that one before too. The system keeps scanning or disconnecting/reconnecting the drive. At least it's usually obvious that something is wrong
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Ugh. I finally worked around the issue that linux disables screen, thinking that computer idle, when I watch yt in firefox. Internet was telling me to use
qdbus local.org_kde_powerdevil /org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement reparseConfiguration
to reload ~/.config/powerdevilrc but it turned out in systemd you are supposed to do
systemctl --user restart plasma-powerdevil.service
instead. So now I run script in a loop that checks if firefox is playing anything and if it is, it disables TurnOffDisplayWhenIdle, enables otherwise.

Maybe there's an easier option to change power settings from CLI, but it finally works on my machine and after several weeks of bashing head against the wall I am content.
Crap like this is exactly why I disable the annoying automatic screen locking in the first place.

Firefox should be inhibiting screen locking when playing media. You shouldn't have to workaround it like that.
i think that bug has been around for a long time, i just disabled screen locking when i used kde
>Crap like this is exactly why I disable the annoying automatic screen locking in the first place.
pretty much this, had to go through a lot of stuff to find something that works back then. Now, my new WM just doesn't do it, which is good.
You just turn it off and keep it off. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, other window managers don't even do this in the first place as you pointed out.

If I ever leave my computer unattended I'll lock it myself rather than wait for the (now disabled) automatic locking to kick in.
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I can't get vlc or imagemagick security updates in Ubuntu. It keeps telling me to buy the Ubuntu Pro thing. Should I quit using Ubuntu?
Unless you need CUDA(machine learning crap) or do video rendering it's better to use amd radeon cards over nvidia cards
It's free for up to 5 machines.
The people on Xorg are happy staying on Xorg while the people on [Wayland Compositor] are obsessed with convincing people to switch over
the only people on Xorg who aren't happy staying on Xorg are the people who complain their expensive bleeding edge meme hardware feature like HDR or 4k scaling doesn't work properly
loud minorities and selective perception
>The only people who aren't happy with Xorg are the people with a broken Xorg
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i never use these commands so i never memorize them
amd cards will give you less problems under linux. nvidia's performance is fine, but limit you in some other ways, like you often can't use the latest kernel
the only reason you would want to nvidia on linux is if you need cuda, since that's nvidia-only
werks on my machine
Yes, that's the problem isn't it? The people using Xorg are happy and content and can't fathom that their "perfect" environment could somehow be broken for somebody else.

If you're happy with it, keep it. Enjoy your security updates!
Better link:
>he people using Xorg are happy and content and can't fathom that their "perfect" environment could somehow be broken for somebody else.
meanwhile wayland is broken for everyone else but its ok you just need to get someone to write the feature, then wait months to years for the compositors to accept the feature, then wait more months to years for it to reach a stable release while xorg just werks

>muh security
this makes no sense you are never going to be affected by any of those vulnerabilities in the first place.
does the uefi control the laptop fans?
When you say "everyone else", you mean it's broken for you. Not everyone needs to run some ultra niche application that hasn't been ported yet.
Is there a daemon that automatically renices processes to allocate more CPU to programs that need it (compilers, web browsers, games)? I'm aware of AND but it can't make processes more greedy.
Please use CGroups though, it's what they're meant for and gives you much greater control.

Put all your compilers and whatever else in a background cgroup and set cpu.weight.nice to 19 and io.prio.class to idle.
hey bros I had problems with mu linux os, but I got lucky hitting a bunch of things I barely know and got it too work!
Having to use the terminal is my favorite part about the os so far. I look forward to developing on it.
xorg is only broken for you not everyone needs support for some ultra niche meme feature
i never liked xorg and all those config files you need for everything
HDR is not some ultra meme feature despite what you may think.

Windows and macOS have supported it for years already and it's a standard feature on many brand new monitors.

Keep using your CRT with Xorg if you want though.
Needing to set up manual config files for X.org hasn't been a thing you need to do for a very long time
hdr is literally a useless meme feature that nobody needs but keeps being gaslit into believing they somehow need
So I have to sacrifice my personal data to get updates now?
>t. GNOME dev
Do you really believe there's no advantage to an increased colour space and increased backlight zones and deeper blacks?

Unless your eyes are badly damaged the improvement should be obvious.
You could also just update it to the latest Ubuntu release. You don't need LTS support on a desktop.
I don't think they check that the info you give them is real.
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I've been enjoying Devuan on my old thinkpad for a while now, and I'd love to be able to replace Windows 10 on my gaming and media PCs.
The games PC is all AMD - 7900X and an RX 6800, but the media PC is an i5 8500 and a GTX 1650. I've heard it's difficult to get nVidia working right on linux, and I don't really feel like learning another distro if it can be avoided, so could I just throw Devuan on these PCs and expect things to work, or is there a distro that would run on both "out of the box" and handle games through Steam just fine?

Unrelated, how do I get the fucking librewolf file picker to show thumbnails in XFCE?
that doesn't make sense when gnome supports it
Portage bashrc function to do this for anyone else running Gentoo.

function pre_pkg_setup() {
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
local portage_cgroup="/sys/fs/cgroup/portage"
if ! [ -e "$portage_cgroup" ]
mkdir -pv "$portage_cgroup"
/bin/echo idle > "$portage_cgroup"/io.prio.class
/bin/echo 19 > "$portage_cgroup"/cpu.weight.nice
/bin/echo $$ > "$portage_cgroup"/cgroup.procs
ps -u portage -o pid= | while read -r pid
/bin/echo $pid > "$portage_cgroup"/cgroup.procs
pgrep -x emerge | while read -r pid
/bin/echo $pid > "$portage_cgroup"/cgroup.procs

I could have sworn there was a better way of doing this but a Bashrc hook gives the most control.
Wow I wasn't aware of this. Unfortunately I can't find verynice on Debian or any documentation on how to actually configure cgroups for processes but it seems you can also restrict memory usage which could be useful for web browsers. Any pointers?
You have Systemd on Debian:
man systemd-run
Is there a power profile program (for power saver/high performance modes etc.) for xfce? I tried slimbook battery and it doesn't work

Is it necessary for me to have one anyway? I usually had it on high performance in windows because I game a lot
Power profiles daemon
nigger faggots
nigger wayland literally is not working with nvidia which is the majority of gpus
meanwhile xorg just doesn't support some advanced features but at least works

they both suck but it's clear which one sucks more
Your knowledge is years out-of-date. Update your GPU driver.
Also the majority of GPUs are actually Intel iGPUs and if you go by the Steam Hardware survey AMD GPUs are very popular on Linux.
>try to change where qbittorrent is downloading files
>select folder "nemo window" appears
>I can't just type a path
>I have to navigate playskool toddler folders
why linux can't handle typing a path
Does Ctrl+L not work?

Sounds like a GNOME issue though, KDE doesn't have this problem
My screen supports HDR and i turned it on under sway but everything looks better when i leave it turned off
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you really believe NVIDIA suddenly works on wayland without issues
You have a shit display or poor eyesight. HDR content will always look better in HDR unless it was mastered poorly
Can you give a TLDR explanation on how to use cgroups ?
Why are distros switching the default if it doesn't work? I don't believe you for one moment. Yes, there may still be issues but that's for Nvidia to sort out.

I don't know if it's supposed to be HDR content or not, but all the colors look worse on the display by default when i turn HDR on
My screen is AOC 24G2 if it matters
>but all the colors look worse on the display by default when i turn HDR on
That's SDR content, you need to increase the vibrancy of the display. KDE has a setting for this, no idea about Sway, I don't use it.
Ubuntu switching to GNOME wayland by default for nvidia is not the same thing as distros switching to wayland by default.
Nvidia working on GNOME wayland is not the same thing as nvidia working properly on wayland without issues
Ok that worked. I don't know why it doesn't just show the path text input all the time though. I could find any combination of mouse actions to make it appear. Who actually uses "breadcrumb bars"?
The kernel documentation is good:

If using Systemd you should probably use systemd-run though or .unit files. Systemd doesn't like you going behind its back and manipulating the cgroupfs directly.
All of the others already did it, it's been an upstream default for GNOME for ages now, Ubuntu patched it to deviate from this.

It's also default for Plasma 6 on most distros with many opting to not even install the X11 session that's offered on a best-effort basis only.
Apparently according to https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HDR_monitor_support
Only KDE and gamescope have hdr support and everything else is WIP and beyond that, only mpv and some games can work properly with hdr in the first place
HDR movies and games are the main use-case for it. You could technically have Libreoffice use HDR but nobody gives a shit about how spreadsheets look.
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>Crap like this is exactly why I disable the annoying automatic screen locking in the first place.
>Firefox should be inhibiting screen locking when playing media.
... it does.
It clearly doesn't do it all of the time otherwise they wouldn't have this issue, even if Firefox does there will always be some other application that doesn't. It's annoying for the screen to lock randomly for no reason because you didn't move the mouse or press a key. I always disable it on any system, including on Windows.
>It clearly doesn't do it all of the time
It stops if the video is paused or stopped, you switch to a different tab, or minimize the window. So don't.
It's easier to just turn off the automatic screen locking. You never have to deal with the issue in the first place then.
alright im on linux.

now what?
install to hard drive
>VRR enabled globally with no way to only activate it for fullscreen programs
>no tearing option
>no HDR
>can't choose a wallpaper for each monitor
>top bar only visible on the first monitor
I don't even hate GNOME, but just how long will it take for it to catch up to Plasma since they wait 6 months for each release?
meanwhile all of that except hdr and maybe tearing works without much issue on xorg
>Shitty $300 laptop I bought to play Minecraft when I went to see my grandparents
>Runs mint flawlessly
>$1000 machine I got for college
>Endless problems
Just release the drivers HP ffs.
>using proprietary software
alright i think cinnamon crashed. what do i do?
i found this tty thing to restart cinnamon. says press alt+f2 then r.
neither does anything
seems i missed the ctrl part of tty shortcut. it does things now. now i need to figure out the password
>cinnamon crashed
But /g/ told me only KDE crashes.
well it might be the bunch of stuff im trying to install from dnfdragora. theres a popup about fallback and then the taskbar is gone. ig that means it crashed
(obs-studio, flatpak repo, and godot)
wtf I have to go through bunch of bs just to enable freesync on mint??
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>uninstall firefox snap package (update notifications were annoying me)
>install firefox from flatpak
>pin firefox to the task bar (KDE)
>for some reason, instead of highlighting the already pinned icon, it generates a new one
I need to fix this, how do I fix this?
Manually pointing Firefox to the firefox flatpak desktop file in "window rules" should fix this
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i need a sort of zero-to-selinux guide for retards, preferably debian or alpine distro. last time i tried, it was epic fail. i could be selinux expert if given the proper foundation.
reposting because no reply
is there a way to remap caps-lock to super without compositor config? I want to use Niri, but my keyboard has no windows key. I haven't found the Xorg equivalent for wayland of remapping from the tty. Is there anything of the sort?
requires root though
fucking amazing, thanks chief
this thread is cool
love my loonix btw
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>Manually pointing Firefox to the firefox flatpak desktop file in "window rules" should fix this
Which one of all the properties would that entail? I didn't find what you mentioned.
Additionally here's some extra info about where the shortcut is pointing and the location of the package. Wanted to run "firefox" from terminal but snap asked me to install the snap package so if there is a way to change that as well that'd be nice.
Hows is it that Mediatek/Realtek wifi adapters are complete shit on linux? put in an intel one and all of my wifi problems went away
>open firefox
>alt f3
>choose special application settings
>add the desktop file property
>paste the desktop file path from the firefox app launcher to the desktop file field

It should open the same dialog as the bottom left one you have open here.
>recently decide to update 2 year old gentoo install i abandoned since i got a new cpu
>got it all up to date
>boot into it
>want to watch youtube after a long hard day of messing with gentoo
>youtube-local isn't in any repo
>whatever i'll figure out how to make an ebuild later, i'll just build it manually for now
>"cannot import gevent"
>go to install dev-python/gevent, only in guru, no worries
>ebuild doesn't list current python version as supported, whatever i'll deal with it
>doesn't build, don't understand the error
>look around, people say it doesn't work properly on <even the lowest available version of python in gentoo>
and i'm quickly reminded why i dropped gentoo. maybe i'm missing something, maybe ebuilds are easy to make and i just need to git gud, but it's really killer when something you want to run just isn't easily available. it's what makes arch so hard to leave, the aur just has everything
what do you do about this, anon? are you just lucky and only use available software? do you write ebuilds?
nta but i have yt-local set up in a rootless podman container
and i'm using this fork because i think the ui looks better
if you want i can provide the Dockerfile i use
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thanks for reminding me to never ask for advice here ever again
shit reset my browser back to 0, and it didn't fix the issue.
oh ffs how is it that any time i give up solving something, i find a solution after i post about it
in double checking the name i found someone say "try with -j1 lol" and it worked
eh, i'm not interested in using container apps
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Just got to do the steam hardware survey and I thought I'd share the results
Arch and Ubuntu based distros being the most popular Linux gaming platforms is still the case.
>1/3 of new users are on ubuntu core
What uses this? Seems to be Ubuntu meant for "embedded" devices.
a) is that % change on a relative or absolute basis b) how long ago was the last survey?
I uninstall that shit immediately.
X11 is dogshit, that's why.
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Yep, seems that way

I don't know, but I wonder if it has to do with the *buntu based OSes out there? For example, I'm on KDE Neon which us Ubuntu 22 based.

I think that's % change. And b) I'm not entirely sure! This is my first time doing one as a Linux user.

I still have the page open tho (pic related) if you'd like to see more! Just tell me what to see and I'll try to scrounge it up off the page.
Wayland support for Mint is still in alpha and not fully supported so can't really do anything about it.
Unpin the old one? It's a different .desktop file, as far as KDE is concerned they're two different apps.
im installing arch right now
grub or systemd-boot?
systemd-boot if you're using uefi and don't need something only grub can do. it's smaller and simpler
I've memorized them
Do you want easy dual boot and general convenience and flexibility in configuration? GRUB.
Otherwise, if your BIOS isn't shit, you can boot the kernel directly. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Unified_kernel_image
GRUB is a little more automatic with just needing to install efibootmgr and then type
>grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=[your ESP] --bootloader-id=GRUB
>grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
And then you're basically done. When it comes to systemd-boot you type
>bootctl install
and it installs all the files needed, which then you need to go to [your esp]/loader/loader.conf to set your default timeout and boot entry. Then go to esp/loader/entries and start writing up a boot entry for your OS. The Arch Wiki has an article on systemd-boot that teaches you how to write it out.
refind is also a good alternative if you want something that looks a little prettier
finally got youtube-local working, just running from a git clone
i edited the gevent ebuild to allow python3_12 and it seems to work, that avoids needing to have 3_11 installed, the other deps were fine
now what, i guess learn to ebuild and submit it to guru? have you done that before?
grub if you want to do cpu pass-through or migrate to fartix someday
No reason to not use systemd-boot on distros that use systemd.
it works anons, I'm so happy. I couldn't get a screenshot because I ran out of space but holy fuck it's snappy, buggy as hell of course but very, very, very promising
which distros should i fuck with if i use nvidia/game primarily?
PopOS would be my choice. You get the stability of ubuntu but the OS really emphasizes gaming and proper driver support.
Just pretend it doesn't exist until 24.04. I can't even imagine the amount of issues there will be with the move from GNOME to COSMIC.
>love Plasma 5
>hate Plasma 6
why does control-j no longer open downloads on firefox?
cosmic-epoch will btfo GNOME, I'm tellin' ya, mark my words
COSMIC is a pre alpha and it's already better than GNOME lmao
finally some Mint waifu
which xorg package do i install on arch?
xorg-server or xorg?
Neither, use Wayland.
Someone already used Tuxedo control center for fan control? https://github.com/tuxedocomputers/tuxedo-control-center
It work? There are some kind of compatibility problems?
And there is some kind of default "max" fan speed?


And do you have any experience with
https://openrgb.org/releases.html ?
(keyboard back-light control)
It just work
wayland is a protocol
wayland isnt a desktop
there are multiple wayland compositors
you cant just do pacman -S wayland and expect a wayland desktop
what's worse, none of the wayland compositors even work properly compared to their xorg counterpart that just werks
What do you think of Fedora with the KDE Plasma spin?
As a g*mer, the problem for me is Xorg will never have HDR support
>You don't need LTS support on a desktop.
Fuck off, ebussy. Anon can decide for himself what he needs.
The regular KDE spin is dogshit. Kinoite is great.
i think it's fedora but with kde
yes, obviously
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I haven't been able to find info on this

If you are on 64bit arch (which is probably most of you) AND you have multiarch enabled (for wine or something): Do updates install linux-kbuild 's 32bit package for you? Or do they install the proper 64bit package? For the life of me I can't figure out why linux-headers and linux-image go for the 64bit packages while kbuild defaults to 32bit.

Any idea?
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The only defense Linux has is "you don't need HDR it sucks anyway"
Need to use a file picker portal
Unified kernel and EFI
>Wayland used perfectly fine by 10's of millions of people between ubuntu and fedora
>Doesn't work for anyone but 1 guy
is the fartix meme a thing just because it sounds funny or is there context I'm missing?
anon's right though. using the same version of all your software for 5+ years is just stupid desu
my distro doesn't even have such a package
You literally don't
Barely anything supports it in the first place
Resolution scaling issues on displays larger than 1080p make more sense than hdr
Even on windows you wouldn't need that as a gamer.
You have never played a game with HDR on a 1000 bit monitor. Plenty of games support it.
>Xorg used perfectly fine by 100's of millions of linux users across all distros
>Doesn't work for anyone but 1 guy
I don't play modern games in the first place, they're garbage overpriced incomplete slop full of bugs and pay2win predatory practices
Modern TV shows and movies are not much better either
I am playing Helldivers 2 in HDR on KDE plasma right now.
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Non-linux user here, Mint-tan is so cuuuuuute!
Love her!
Y'all have a great day!
Ricing is more fun and enjoyable than anything a game can provide
you should get into modding games then. it's far better than ricing
>pay for a broken bugged game to fix it myself
No thanks
Great, I'm glad Linux works for your use case. But Linux users too often say "Linux doesn't have feature X, but trust me you don't need it anyway"

HDR displays have been around for almost a decade now. KDE is the only DE that has even attempted supporting HDR and their implementation is still broken.

The Steam Deck seems to be the only way to get proper HDR on Linux
How? I don't have a HDR monitor so I can't test it.
>Non-linux user
You could use it to revive your old computers.
KDE's HDR implementation has some significant assumption baked in, such as which color-space the monitor displays, which gamma curve, etc.

There's no list of supported hardware configurations. I've anecdotally heard of it working for people but I've had no such like with my monitor and GPU combo.
>paying for games
Why did they even add the HDR option if it's so bad?
It's KDE what do you expect?
HDR is a literal meme that barely is supported by anything and you're saying the whole linux desktop needs to drop X for wayland to support this feature when barely anything works both inside and outside of KDE, GNOME and maybe hyprland and sway in the first place
Maybe in 5, or 10 years but not at this current moment
So it doesn't even work properly? the feature you keep telling people that they need to switch to wayland for
Quick and dirty explanation on how to use it manually? Put it on the ESP and create a boot entry obviously. And what sort of boot arguments? Or does it read a config file from its ESP folder?
>just memorize 38 different keyboard shortcuts to do bare minimum navigations
really doesnt seem that hard even to me as a beginner though after a bit of research
GTK popup dialogs aren't working when running apps as root on arch for some reason. Anybody know what's wrong?

For example, open gparted and try to create a partition table. The window goes dark and you can't see the dialog but you can interact with it using keyboard.
NTA but read the arch wiki it does a good job of explaining it
You will need to make sure though that the ESP is mounted on /boot so it can load the kernel though
irrelevant lol
I compile my own images and place them where ever needed. Currently I have two EFI-stubs (linux-current.efi and linux-old.efi) with their own entries. And the correct boot arguments to go with it

Was curious to know as I definitely need a smarter way of handling this.
>Update motherboard BIOS
>rEFInd disappears, leaving only grub
>Keep re-installing rEFInd, still reverts to grub
>Any attempts at adding entries in efibootmgr gets removed after rebooting
i'm =HAving som weird issues on linux and windows for reasons tHat seemed to slowlY creep up
>random caps lock on, switcHIng lines wHile tYping "i" and "L " (i goes up, L goes left sometimes) "m" goes up sometimes
>caps lock tyPes "=" everY second press sometime
>monitors go HiBernate and wil not wake up (k goes up one line too sometimes i guess). i still see tHE last tHIng on tHE monitor, But no input. (period, ")", "p" goes up and down lines)
>e will not print "e" sometimes
DOESN 'T MATTER wHAt keyBoard is used

>arcH crasHes in 1-2 mins
Sure you can mount the esp on /efi or wherever you want to as long as the kernel images are also on there
as long as you follow the wiki and just change the locations to point to the correct place in the loader entry conf file i dont really think you need to do anything else
Why do so many people prefer xfce over lxqt?
Both useless. They're just outdated forks, might as well use the real thing.
whiskermenu and theming
>might as well use the real thing.
xfce it is then
>They're just outdated forks
where do you get this retarded fake info from
neither of them are forks
Pirating games/movies/etc is something only children do. Imagine saying with a straight face "umm yeah i downloaded that from a torrent on my laptop.." to another adult.
>xfce it is then
Not since they switched to GTK3.
Can someone explain to me what the problem is and how to resolve it?
What's the issue with gtk3? the CSD thing?
I've had no real issue with xfce and gtk3
you might need to switch to a different mirror, the one you're using doesn't seem to be working properly
is that just regular debian?
you're not using proper repositories.
Who even set this up?
:( can Bios fuck tHings like tHis up?
It's a fresh install of debian on an old laptop. I installed curl and brave, then went into respiratory options and clicked on Best Server. It selected that server and attempted to refresh the cache and I haven't been able to get apt working since.
You will need to open /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all the mirror.surf with deb.debian.org
Or you can copy paste this into a terminal
sudo sed -i 's/mirror.surf/deb.debian.org/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
I'm thinking of trying a minimal install so I can try a wm.
Does that mean I should start with a server first and download it, or should I just go with something like a generic desktop and do it like that?
I don't know what the purpose of starting as a server really is, im guessing it has multiple uses to start minimal get it exactly how you want? I'm not an expert but I would like to learn and i'm tired of using other DEs which have a bunch of annoying things that I don't need and can't remove due to dependency.
Would a wm be the right choice? What are the pros and cons? I may just stick with something more basic, but I don't know. All I want is something that can do exactly what I want it to do and look exactly like I want it to without breaking
Why would they even select that server as Best if it's not going to work?

>You can force all APT clients to raise only warnings by setting the configuration option Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories to true. Individual repositories can also be allowed to be insecure via the sources.list(5) option allow-insecure=yes. Note that insecure repositories are strongly discouraged and all options to force apt to continue supporting them will eventually be removed. Users also have the Trusted option available to disable even the warnings, but be sure to understand the implications as detailed in sources.list(5).
How do I stop that weird crackling sound when I unpause a video? I'm on Arch.
Which DE?
That's an upstream issue. Gentoo can't magically make broken packages work unfortunately.

You'd have to install whatever ancient version of Python it needs. Better to just use containers or Flatpak at that point.
Gnome (I also have that issue with KDE)
What's technically more secure, Plasma or GNOME? Which one has the bigger attack surface?
Both are just as big but KDE's architecture is better, things like the Plasma Shell desktop shell run out-of-process instead of in the compositor.
What the fuck is with these stupid ugly rounded corners? FOR EVERYTHING!?!!
And there's no themes pretty much anywhere on any DE to fix this? I don't want cocksucker windows 11 look faggots
CSD was a mistake
Neckbeards were a mistake
The macification of linux begins now against my will
Pulse or Pipe?
Shit, I meant Pipewire.
why aren't you fags using nemo?
>saves sort order and style of each folder without cluttering your shit with .directory files like kde does
>easy to use interface without bloat
>you can pass the view of each image file in the correct sort order to external image viewers
pcmanfm both gtk and qt just werk
>in the middle of changing my linux username
what a chore this turned out to be...
Did you hit your 1 year mark for HRT?
What's the matter? Last time I've done it I only had to change 2 files by simply removing my dead name with my new name
I'm looking at making content, so I need an editor that works on Linux. So far, Davinci Resolve looks the most promising but there are apparently issues with AMD GPUs. Am I just fucked?
>/g/ cries so much about polybar being bloated, it being a reddutor status bar etc.
>refuses to use it and just sticks to dwm
>finished the gentoo install, wanted to start with a new, more flashy environment since I also upgraded my specs
>remembers /g/ shitting on polybar
>keeps avoiding it and just use waybar instead which looks like shit
>2 months later, stopped giving a fuck about the elitism meme
>installs polybar
>takes 10MiB of fucking memory
I fucking hate you all. From now on, I'll just do the exact opposite of what you faggots preach
kek, no, i've just realized that using my irl name is a retarded idea
it's all the home directory dependencies, i'm afraid to run an inplace sed script over my entire filesystem, so i'm going dir by dir just to be sure
you're just entering your character development arc, anon. stop caring about other people's opinion is the first step
just use xfce. tiling wms are unironically a meme.

t. used i3 for years before realizing i was getting literally nothing out of it
Not if you do server management
I liked polybar and it looks nice by default but I use Wayland
Waybar looks okay with a little painful configuration
Might try yambar
if you do a lot of server management then you probably using some kind of terminal multiplexer already. idk if a tiling wm will give you any advantage there
I made an android x86 VM now is there any thing I can do with it that I can't on desktop Linux?
waybar gives you eye cancer unless you do some configuration.
so i finally got ALVR working and not looking like complete shit so it seems like the last real hurdle to not ever needing windows again is passed
what do i do now?
I'm beween labwc, wayfire, and hyprland

Can anyone give me a suggestion for my first and why? I'm more leaning towards labwc
when i tried labwc it didn't have anyway to set a primary monitor so games would appear on the wrong one
Thanks, that's very helpful
SteamVR is fucked on arch/kde/nvidia/x11. Like none of my base stations work and I get this random shit when I try and set the default OpenXR enviroment. I was up and running like a year ago but now its totally fucked up
Is there any way that bspwm stands put or does it go straight to the trash? How well does it do with multi monitor setups?
when installing plasma on arch i chose ffmpeg as backend for the qt6 multimedia stuff i think
the other option was gstreamer
that was new i dont remember that option being there before
Post tips and tricks you never get to share
wow wayfire is a fucking mess not sure if it can be fixed but by default its ugly and buggy
Oxycodone is much cheaper than codeine and much harder
That's just like, your own, dumb, worthless opinion.
I prefer writing a xorg.conf file to putting a bunch of xrandr/setxkbmap/etc comands in my xinitrc.

Lol. I use the windows version of steam through wine, because the faggots at valve won't release a 64-bit version of steam. And since wine now has wow64 i can use that instead without having to deal with multilib. Sorry for being a windows datapoint bros.

pic related. Fuck UEFI.

xorg isn't a package, it's a pacakge group, which amongst other things contains xorg-server. However, it also contains a lot of shit you don't need, like xorg-cursorgen and xorg-server-xnest.

>multiarch enabled (for wine or something)
he doesn't build his own wine package with

to enable wow64 mode

what DE? sounds like some gnome retardedness.
This is the friendly GNU+Linux thread, sir.
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What are my options if I wanna Linux phone? Am I better off just using a degoogled Android phone?
gb2leddit if you can't handle disagreement.
Android is Linux. Could it be you're looking for a GNU phone?
Does pipx have any use if you never have to fuck with different versions of the same package?

I just don't really understand why I shouldn't
pip3 install --user PACKAGE_NAME --break-system-packages

since this is putting everything in ~/.local/bin where it's not actually "breaking system packages".
Just get a cheap phone for your banking and message needs and don't use the thing for anything else. It's a spying device by design, if you care about privacy, don't use one.
it's connecting/disconnecting on a loop
i need to have a funeral for it
Yo, that looks like directions from the Debian install guide (or manpage/wiki, whatever). Imagine using that... wow, just wow.
Banking by phone, kek
Imagine this situation. Your distro has a program aaa, written in python, that depends on the module bbb. Since your distro has relatively old packages, the version in question is bbb, version 1.0. So you install aaa using your package manager, which pulls in the package
python-bbb 1.0
and puts it into
Then you install the program ccc using pip. This program also depends on the bbb module, but it is quite a bit newer and needs version 2.0 of bbb. So pip needs to pull in bbb, version 2.0 and put it in
Now you have a problem. When you write
import bbb
in a python script, which one should get imported? Either the one in
could have priority, breaking ccc, or the one in
, breaking aaa. Python decided to prioritize
, but disallow pip to put packages there. When you use
you tell pip to ignore that and put libraries into
even if it can break system packages.
That makes sense, thanks for the explanation anon
Shift Alt Q to close window
Alt D to open window
Alt Arrow Keys or just moving thencursor to shift active window
plus shift to move the active window
Alt Numkeys to shift virtual desktop
plus shift to move windows to another virtual desktop
Alt W to tile windows
Alt V to vertically split a window
Alt shift space to toggle whether selected windows float
Alt D to select multiple windows
Something I don't remember to resize windows (but you can just use the cursor)
Is that really so bad? Half of those are pretty intuitive. Obviously someone new to Linux should probably start with KDE or Cinnamon, but if he's asking for a WM rather than a DE then i3 is as user friendly as it gets.
>btrfs checks the first part of a file to determine if it's compressible and will not compress if it isn't, even if the other 99% is highly compressible
This is quite primitive is there any chance they'll improve this so it won't ignore these kind of files?
Why do people use arch? Isn't it better to upgrade packages to the cutting edge if you need them individually, other than do the inverse after it fucks your shit up? Is this an actual issue people have with rolling release distros or is it just that I fucked something up due to not knowing shit.
>is there any chance they'll improve this so it won't ignore these kind of files?
checking compress-ability further in the file means shenanigans like buffering the write until the check is satisfied
use compress=force if you really want to
It's actually easier to find agreement on 4chan. However, it's there I can find more people like you, so that's why I choose to be here, since it's more under control.
I have a laptop with fedora 40 gnome that I connect to a monitor with usb c. It has 2 usb c ports. One of them has all of the capability, but if I use the 2nd port the max resolution I can select is 1024x768. Why is that? I could use any port on windows and according to the laptop spec sheet the ports are the same (both are thunderbolt 4).
I don't like tiling
I'd prefer to use floating
it just works (tm)
But seriously, personally I like the AUR and how much documentation and guides there are online that make my life easier if I'm using it.
If things are working nomally and conveniently, I simply do not update. And when I do update, nothing has broken so far.
Lxqt has fancy menu now, which is definitely better than before
Otherwise I think themeing is easier aside from the fact that no one actually uses it
I'm using KDE after many years. What happened to all the widgets you could put in your desktop? Are they gone?

I'm using kubuntu
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Do you use systemd timers over crontab?
I use both.
with compress force and zstd the checking gets delegated to the compressor
What does that mean exactly?
it will do more fine grained checking if a file is compressible or not
does night light enable at the wrong time fore anyone else on plasma 6.1?
I use systemd-everything when using systemd. (systemd-networkd especially beats everyone else, you can actually do crap with it)
>Why do people use arch?
What should I be using? Used Linux since 1999 and migrated from Debian.
>Isn't it better to upgrade packages to the cutting edge if you need them individually,
>Is this an actual issue people have with rolling release distros or is it just that I fucked something up due to not knowing shit.
Didn't understand shit. You had an upgrade running and you terminated it in the middle? Yeah it breaks stuff on Debian too.

t. brainlet end-user
Running Android software?
(wish my chink bike had an actual web service instead of forcing me to use Android spywares)
swap file or zram for an old laptop
ZRam with an extra Swap file if you need more
ram size?
Yes. Logging is just far easier.
Archbros, what have you been using for spectrograms since spek was marked out of date? I can't get spek-X to compile and specgram is terrible
No it isn't. You can't run Android on mainline kernels.
how do I start the klcockd daemon?
zstd is better at this, so just use compress-force=zstd
compress-force tells btrfs to always give data to the specified compressor. the compressor can decide if it's compressible or not if it supports it, so you'll still end up with incompressible data being left uncompressed
i would only use the btrfs default method on slow/old computers where you only want to compress when it's trivial
the issue was some kind of race condition and building with one thread worked
this is something i've run into before years ago when i last tried gentoo, except with ffmpeg so it was more of a pain
why don't they just force -j1 in the build script if a package won't built multithreaded?
i have tons of stuff built from the aur and never did i have to change -j to make something build
>takes 10MiB of fucking memory
so /g/ was right? i'm using tint2 here and it's using 4M of memory
>why don't they just force -j1 in the build script if a package won't built multithreaded?
If it can be reliably reproduced they do. You should file a bug on bugs.gentoo.org

It's very easy to force this yourself with package.env files though.
>Archbros, what have you been using
Take your pills gramps, it's not 2002 anymore, 6MiB isn't that big of a deal anymore
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I installed some wallpaper plugins on KDE and now things that were stable are suddenly breaking.
Things like my tewi font, my tiling script, kde crashing randomly.
I'm not even using the plugins.
But I can't remove them either.
What do?
I tried to upgrade my ancient Ubuntu and it actually froze during the upgrade

It wouldn't boot so I had to enter recovery. How bad is this design? In place upgrades? Really?

On NixOS I can just boot the previous generation and it wouldn't be broken
nice, i didn't know about package.env (there's no such directory in my /etc/portage/), that'll save me needing to remember to do this if that dep updates
the package is in guru, since there's a few less-known things i want to use that aren't in any repo/overlay, i'll probably just learn to write ebuilds and submit fixed myself. from what i've seen so far guru is different to the aur in that packages don't have single maintainers, rather everyone in it can update anything in guru. this has obvious collaborative benefits, but also means higher user trust is needed. on the aur a bad user can only ruin packages they make (or adopt if one was disowned)

that's up to the user to decide, that's my point. as in if you hear something is "bloated", you should find out why people think that, because their definition may not match yours, both in terms of resource usage and feature set
On windows I can
>play late 90s/early 2000s japanese visual novels
>use an app called textractor to extract the japanese text out of the program into actual text I can copy, paste or save into a digital flashcard for learning
Is this possible in Linux? Or worth it in Linux, compared to just dedicating a windows system to it? I know Linux can run a lot of games and software, but I'm talking about some really random obscure Japanese games from like the 2000s to 2010s. Additionally the textractor thing intertwines directly real time with another program, which gives me doubts on if it will "just werk" on Linux

I know there's probably also "OCR" on Linux as well, so maybe the main question is how well the games run. I tried playing a VN in Linux before and only had a bad experience and wasted time with it after it was listed as "Flawless" on some compatibility database so I want people to be honest with me
oh shit, you can even use this to override bits of ebuilds
the package in question also only listed python 3.10-3.11 as supported, but i built it with 3.12 just fine (to avoid installing 3.11 and rebuilding a bunch of libs for it)
I guess you could just use Bottles to make a virtual Windows filesystem that you can put the VN and text extractor binaries inside of while using wine-ge-proton as the filesystem's runner.
japanese vn's are finicky software even on windows, so i can't say they're all gonna work. i've only played a few so i can't comment on them as a whole, the ones i played ranged from perfect to kinda-janky-but-playable, and most i only played in linux so i couldn't even say if that was just normal
i've tried helping people with vn's they've had trouble running in linux, so i know some don't work right, but in every case they're also tricky to run in windows as well, so it's complicated

as for wine and programs that link/talk to each other, it can do that, you just have to run both programs in the same prefix. these days this may not be a given since so many people use things like proton or lutris that automatically runs programs in individual prefixes
I see, it seems like I might just have a backup plan to use windows if something messes up
>the ones i played ranged from perfect to kinda-janky-but-playable, and most i only played in linux so i couldn't even say if that was just normal
What kind of errors or jank have you encountered? Stuff like sounds not playing, text not displaying correctly, something like that? I think the issue I had trying to run a VN on Linux was Linux not supporting a certain video codec for one of the .something video files to play so it just completely skipped over it
>I see, it seems like I might just have a backup plan to use windows if something messes up
they're usually pretty light, so a vm even without dedicated graphics is probably good enough if it comes down to it
>What kind of errors or jank have you encountered?
text, which usually is resolved like you do on windows, by installing an appropriate font and/or setting the locale to japanese
videos being skipped, which can often be fixed by installing the appropriate gstreamer plugin (wine uses gstreamer for media decoding)
one i played had really slow animations for some reason
as for ones i've tried helping people with, there was one which crashes soon after the prologue. it was known to be unstable in windows as well and i didn't figure it out
>the package is in guru
You can report bugs for guru packages on bugs.gentoo.org still. Just make sure it's properly tagged as ::guru somewhere in the bug so anyone triaging it can assign it properly.
there are guides on the internet about it
i think textractor works fine on linux
maybe on the /djt/ guide there is also a guide for that
im sure most VNs will work fine
>japanese visual novels
one of the things that might actually be tricky to run on linux (and windows as well)
Luckily, VNs should not be resource hogs so maybe you could even run them in a VM without GPU passthrough.
>extract the japanese text out of the program
that should be quite possible (I've heard, didn't try that myself yet)
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plz halp

the font worked fine then suddenly it's the only font that wont work properly.
it only works if I disable antialiasing.
I use nixos, and nothing changed in my configuration.
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I am on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I saw all the screaming about the new openssh vulnerability so I went to upgrade. There is no update and there is no vulnerability notice for 20.04. Documentation confirms. Did I dodge it or is everyone too busy screaming to push updates for all systems?
the exploit didn't work on ubuntu but they are going to patch it anyway probably. I wouldn't lose sleep over this.
That is a horrendous patch strategy. Thanks for the info. It seemed like a nothing, but it is late and reading is currently hard.
Figuring out which mixture of dlls you need to be using can sometimes be a trial and error process, but usually it's just the relevant vcruns and possibly some codecs if cutscenes are encoded in something retarded. (assuming you're pirating here) Sometimes the Japanese text in filenames extracted from archives will be misencoded unless you remember to specify that it's in Shift_JIS, this can be surprisingly easy to overlook if it's only a few files in a subdirectory that kanji or kana in their names, and the error messages will be cryptic and might first appear partway into the game. Use winetricks to set up Japanese fonts and aliases. Always remember to launch the games with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8, even if text looks normal in some games you'll experience weird subtle bugs like a single characters graphic not showing up if you're using the wrong locale. I don't recommend using bottles, when I tried it there were VNs that didn't work in them but worked in what was supposedly an identically configured system wine. I've had some games crash and then afterwards crash on startup if set to fullscreen mode, so if you have save data be sure to back it up before you try to do that.
worth pointing out you should use japanese locale even if you're using an english translation, as the text is usually still using japanese encoding for compatibility reasons, japanese-encoded text supports latin characters, so there's no reason to actually change the encoding
/g/ cares more about the jews than the FSF
>muh freedom
I linux only because it's better than windows.
how can i get rtl8211ce running in fedora? i did it on a previous opensuse install but i cant for the life of me remember how i did it. basically ive done all steps until blacklisting, but after i modprobe 8211ce, there's no wifi
check dmesg for anything related to it, maybe you're missing a firmware or something
Didn't know that, might try it again soon
Does it still use openbox as it's window manager?
missing some cfg80211 and wiphy stuff. not sure what i should do to fix it
i'm a retard, pro-tip: don't just use find into `sed -i` to replace your home path in files.
Sed rewrites the whole files, meaning on filesystem with snapshots your disk usage will blow up and you might quicky run out of space...
Use `grep -rlZ` into `xargs -0 sed` instead.
I think I'm going crazy. I'm trying to get OBS working on arch with kde plasma, but my recordings keep coming out black. The preview is perfectly fine, it just won't actually record it...

I've tried reinstalling nvidia drivers, installing some optional packages, googling for ages to try to find someone having a similar issue, to no luck

any ideas frogs?

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