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Previous: https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/101151605/

/Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy. Common topics include:
— dystopian news,
— cyberpunk music and media,
— OpSec,
— hacking the planet (HACKING THE PLA-NET);

Networking questions will receive more helpful answers in the Home Server General. This is not a "how to find a job in sec" thread, but here is some information to help you get started: https://paste.sqt.wtf/1511e8

While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date, they are still useful and will be updated with new information generated in this thread. Related generals: ham radio, 3D-printing, microcontrollers, drones; all on >>>/diy/. Homesteading on >>>/out/.
Yes i am psychotic but help me please
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epoxy on my ram and rom
hmm it appears that jfif stands for "covert rf bouncer"
i think you need to microwave your ssd to remove the virus
Dont joke im worried
Thr file i downloaded changed to jpg (hiding?) It said safe on virustotal
Today RecordedFuture released a research paper on using malware infostealer logs to identify CSAM consumers.

RecordedFuture identified over 3,000 individuals purchasing CSAM. All users were reported to their respective law enforcement agency.


Research indicates some users had multiple accounts across multiple CSAM sites. Using the malware stealer logs they were able to perform OSINT and tie them to real-world identities.
Continuation from the previous thread.
security research?
I had never seen jfif until today i downloaded this file
If I need to open the atm to get to the usb to install the malware why wouldn't I just break the fucking thing instead
A couple of useful active defense techniques:
inb4 chacha20 blake2b argon2id luks
hey faggot

cool webcomic i hope you keep it up it looks dank af and i kinda dig the low-effort-idealism that somewhat reminds me of the days of "IT KEEPS HAPPENING BRO"

please continue to incorporate real life sec/cyb/priv shit to create both educational content and a shared meme from which the cultural efforts of this gen may forth spring
It used to be you got them when you saved images from Twitter.
>he thinks the images are not based on real life
Okay but am I in danger?
cyberpunk is just another brand for consooming
Can you check?
=== /cyb/ News:
>China Plans Broader Push to Develop Tech Like Musk’s Neuralink
>The Chinese government’s announcement is a signal that it intends to accelerate the development of similar technologies to rival western competitors like Neuralink after mostly concentrating its efforts thus far in academic research settings.

So, develop or all out industrial espionage?
Unlikely. You could probaby rename from .jfif to .jpg and it would work. The ones I opened in Irfanview displayed fine, and the program suggested renaming to .jpg suffix.
The full image is
and opens fine in Chrome and Firefox.
The thumbnail is
and also opens fine in Chrome and Firefox.
The title of the image (but not the file you save) is fe.jfif.jpg so it seems the system figured out it was a jpg with a funky suffix.

Running "file" gives this:
1719162851835.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, aspect ratio, density 72x72, segment length 16, baseline, precision 8, 1361x2048, frames 3
So what does it mean? Am I getting trolled here >>101246453
I do want to let you know, I am actually psychotic

Why did it have a "funky suffix"
kek. Chances are that if the dead /pri/ fag didn't epoxy his ram and rom, he probably didn't encrypt, either. We'll see. woops- looks like you were right.
I'm here to blur the lines.
Looks like the boys may have solved the mystery, but there are still some unanswered questions...
did he really use that laptop or was that just planted to make his execution excusable
How do I backup my air-gapped PC in case my house burns down?
Is Defender for Business really this easy to setup? I've maybe used half a day to get it working. What's the catch?
Don't know... I imagine the boys are wondering:
>Who, or what wrote the code embedded in the .jfif file?
>What does the .jfif payload do, and who was/is the intended target?
Since the boys are both on lists, were they the real targets?
The only way they'er going to find out is if /cyb/jak uses his NeuroBoy to connect to the either the /pri/newfag's neurochip, or the second victim's neurochip. They can do it without physical risk, but they risk being psyop'ed. Remember that psyops work ene if one is not mRNA'd, or chipped. The SeaNighteen mind virus was spread via the news and social media and infected 3/4 of the worlds population. The Neuroboy that /cyb/jak carries connected to his shades and he can experience the memories of the neuroprocessors he connects to. It can be pretty unnerving.

Mirror your data on a drive burried a foot or two under the foundation. Many ways to do this.
>burried a foot or two under the foundation
What if I live in a condo?
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The idea is to put the data in a location where it would not be affected by a fire. So, for example, you could buy one of those mini USB/WIFI enabled NAS drives and sych your critical data to it. Lots of variables here, so I can't give you more specifics without knowing more about your physical environment. Another possiblility is making a simple environment proof container, out your data in it, and burry it.
The problem is most places I could bury it would be publicly accessible. And if I encrypt it I have to somehow backup the password for that so I can still access it when I get dementia or some shit.
A small fireproof safe in a closet is your best solution.
Don't do that
Sharing walls with your neighbors is just opening yourself up to surveillance
So there's this NFC Forum organisation, and I guess they're proposing a new NFC standard called Multi-Purpose Tap, and one of the reasons is that it would be possible to distinguish people by their demographics, to connect the payment to their ID. They're giving an example of blocking the NFC purchase of alcohol by minors, but obviously there can be other possibilities. EVIL DYSTOPIAN POSSIBILITIES!
>WIFI enabled NAS drives
Ooh, thank you!
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butt hair general
thanks for stopping by
Sophisticated cyberpunks always have a secret underground bunker. >>>/diy/bunker
me in the middle
From The Armory.
A fake SSH server designed to collect authentication data sent by intruders:
literally debunked, the correct answer appears before the bruteforce comment you lying faggot
Google is farting out 50% more gasses due to AI search, but since it's not Dutch cows it's fine.
why cant google just make their database free to download?
when will america get nuked?
Easy there Ivan.
Cool it Chang.
A guy is making a Johnny Mnemonic inspired external drive:
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Hey Ivan, hey Chang.
I just wanted to let you know I agree with both of you. A few stratigically placed nukes would help solve some issues, and help us restore normality & healthy trade relations. I can offer some specific targets if you're in your respective missile silos. Please note that I did not inappropriately use an apostrophy ['] in the previous sentence when using the word, 'silos'. This should be interpreted as someone who did not receive the so-called "Common Core education", and thus should be preserved from nuclear incineration.
As you know Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International is a fren to all nations as is reflected in our name, minus the globohomo aspects. With that spirit of frenship and cooperation in mind, and on behalf of the station, I'd like to dedicate the following playlists to both nations-

P.S., I can't wait to buy a BYD electric pickup truck fron China, and have Russia's F.E.D.O.R. robot drive me around in it serving as both chauffeur, and personal armed cybernetic body guard. Thank you both for your wonderful contributions to both global musical culture and rich histories, from which we all benefit even today.
Hamamichi Piggumoto,
Director of Ethereal (de)(re)Programming
Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International
fortunately im neither ivan nor chang
i just want all the gay shit wiped off this planet
imagine world where you have search via central server
imagine world where you get labeled hacker by cloudflare if you try scanning the internet for your own index
also hilarious picrel
A very well made post, I respect that.
That was certainly a well deserved scathing enditement of a read, sadly. I'm with you in your sentiments. I'd like to think that many of us are, but we're all in different stages of understanding how the world actually works, and much of the world's complex history is simply not taught to us, and distorted, or omitted. As you point out, we've entrered into an age where information is being tightly controlled, censored and erased. In the last few years, I've tried to collect as many old dictonaries, books, and documents as possible. The older, the better. I could go on and on but I think you know where all of this is going. The upcoming election is going to be a watershed moment in our history, and every nation on earth will feel the impacts of the outcome to some degree.
Thank you, fren. I don't often effort post, but when I do, I like to enjoy a digi-licious box of Replikka CHIXX and wash it down with tasty tablet of Mt.Valis kiwi-flavored sustainable water substitute.
how do i get out of this hell?
is posting cope here the only way?
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You will have to learn to find joy in the most unlikely things. Noone can define those things for you, though. For example, I find joy making dumb stuff for this thread. I like watching things grow wild in my backyard, much to the disappointment of my neighbor who would prefer that I didn't. Music is always a conduit for emotion. If you feel like you need a good cry, find some really sad music, listen to it, and in the solace of your room, VENT. Give yourself permission to FEEL and EMOTE. You'll feel much better, and it will bring you a sense of calm before the next wave of bullshit hits us. This song never fails to bring a tear to my eyes:
Do things you enjoy. I like taking pictures of things with my phone like circuit boards, insects, tiny little flowers soo small that they might escape your notice. Contemplate your life, ask youself though questions that you would never share with anyone else, and challenge your own beliefs. Dare to look into the darkest corners of your soul, and be honest with yourself about what you find. Do hard things, as they build character and resiliancy, but you won't find any motivation to do those things unless you have something real to believe in. Again, noone can tell you what that is. Only deep, honest, self-introspection can reveal this to you.

You know very well that there are those in the world who lord over it and us, and they would like nothing better that to break our spirits and crush what little might remain of our humanity. Their vision for thier utopia has been told in many works of fiction long before any of us were born. In the film THX1138 there is a line that the black 'hologram' guy says that has always stayed with me:
>"It all happened so slowly that most men failed to realize that anything had happened at all."
Another memorable line spoken by Donald Pleasant's character was
> "You'll be happy!"
Sound familiar?
Hold on fren(s). It's gonna be a wild ride...
And a based post:
>shiny white and sleek with parts all hidden
this fucker will
>cost $155,000
>break in six months
>you won't be allowed to repair it or it bricks
>warranty will be void anyway
and that's if the company isn't 100% an investor scam

this fucker needs a counterweight, a bunch of exposed wires and copper tubing everywhere, and a neckbeard obese guy telling you how he's developing a fleshlight attachment
until that happens don't believe anything
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That robot looks cool, but the reality is this >>101259522
Also, that Unitree Spot clone is based.
A.I.Joe: iOS And macOS Apps In Danger, Hacker Arrests & Lab-Grown Meat Ban
"AI Agents - Let's See How a Windows Recall Could Work"
All Pee links updated in The Armory. Took me freaking three days. Packets, passwords, proxies, Python...
>Am I getting trolled here >>101246453
Most likely, yes.
Nevertheless, a full backup and a total virus check is recommended in any case.
Is there any alternative to breach forums after the niggers on fbi raided it?
>Why did it have a "funky suffix"
We cannot know. Most likely someone got a .jfj file and added a .jpg behind the .jfif and called it a day.
A thread of a guy being shizo, delusional and in dire need of meds:
=== /sec/ News:
>"Indirector" Attack Disclosed For Intel Alder Lake & Raptor Lake CPUs
>UC San Diego researchers have gone public with Indirector, high-precision branch target injection attacks on the indirect branch predictor. This UCSD security researchers found Indirector impacting recent Intel Alder Lake and Raptor Lake processors. Intel believes though that no further mitigations are required.

As per modern customs, the new security hole comes complete with a fancy name, flashy logo and its own website:
When will the madness end??
outdated microcode mitigations=off
death to "security"
I want to crossbow the President of the United States of America. Did you know that it is illegal to say that? This was a public service announcement.
An opinion from a different thread:

"1. Print out your favorite set: https://www.eff.org/dice

2. Roll a 6 sided die and write down the results

3. Get the words for each, example:
2315 = deck
4525 = press
6263 = thumb
1661 = cloud

4. Capitalize each word. Add a number and symbol will satisfy most password syntax rules.
Example: DeckPressThumbCloud!1

Tip: It's safer to write on a single thickness of paper on a hard surface to avoid leaving an imprint of the passphrase.

Tip 2: For better legibility, use an offline label maker to print your usernames/passwords and stick them to a slip of paper.

Tip 3: You don't have to do this for all your passwords, but having only offline copies of master keys/accounts (email, password manager) is an easy way to eliminate a class of attack vectors."
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>>101263151 & /thread/
I asked '/gay/GPT', a small language model designed and trained by #TEAM-042 on r/gaythugniggaz, /g/ & /lgbt/ board post data how one could covertly post that phrase anywhere online without arrousing suspicion and make it seem appropriate, and even agreeable. It's response was to put the modified text in square brakets and the intended recipient(s) would be instructed to ignore any text within them. Thus, the phrase you posted would read;
>"I want to cross[dress,&]bow[to]the president of the United States of America."
As you can see, the response is in-line with the current administration's policy goals for the U.S. going forward, and gives the impression of support, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

I wish I could joint #TEAM-042, but as some of you are aware, I am a GPUlet and produce brute force memes on an AMD embedded graphics processor that lives rent-free in my PC by leeching 1GB of RAM from my system's main memory. I have not put any epoxy on the RAM, as I hope to upgrade from 4GB to the board maximum of 8GB. The board does not have any PCI slots. Thanks, HP!

Please enjoy this complementary /diy/ GPU cooler of my own design. I hope one day, in 5-10 years to have a RTX2060 with a waterblock cooler- no fans. However, instead of water, I will build a custom resevoir that will hold a quart of Sake which for those of you who don't know, is a kind of rice wine sometimes served hot. The tank will be made from a salvaged Honda scooter engine water cooling radiator which are very small. In addition to modified fluid lines, there will be a food-grade 'bleeder' line with a one-way check valve that runs to my mouth, because I must precisely control the GPU temperature by drinking the Sake when the GPU gets too hot. When the Sake level gets too low, I refill the resevoir. Design modifications as well as sub $200 used card suggestions welcomed.

Post theme music:
/psg/ died bc you tards wouldn't keep the thread alive
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*I* was an active participant in /psg/ and had a brief exchange with it's OP about how to improve the stale, debunked, CIA-tier """privacy""" pasta. He didn't listen. I made several memes poking fun of the thread in the hopes that he would fix the pasta, as did others who would point out that much of the info in it was deboonked garbage. He responded to me here in /cyb/ after I posted my discontent at his unwillingness to updoot the info. I appreciated his effort, and told him as much, but for me it wasn't worth browsing anymore. He told me that he is also the OP of /tpg/ threads, and I feel that he was/is spreading himself too thin. I can still feel the emptyness of /pri/ even in this 3 barrel general. In his defence, things change soo rapidly, that only a devoted turbo autist would be able to keep up with one thread's pasta/wiki, let alone two or three.

That said, I accept your characterization of my retarded character, but take no responsibility for /pri/'s death. In fact my cartoons prove he died because of poor judgment. DuckDuckGo? A /pri/vacy search engine? Really? /pri/'s death falls squarely on the shoulders of the OP, and glowniggers. As an aside, you might be interested to know that /pri/'s apartment recently became vacant. The rent is high, but it's got a great kitchen.

Thank you for contacting the station.
I seem to recall OP made multiple revisions to appease the autists, including the final version being a more minimal one that didn't promote specific services (which differs from your older screenshot)
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Nice get. Your point is moot because the thread still died and was subsumed into /cyb/ just like /sec/ was. Too little, too late. Now, with AI on the scene, fresh, up-to-date, accurate info is needed and must be maintained lest /cyb/ wants to suffer the same fate. I applaud our civil servant/ministry of information anon for working so diligently on fixing the armory, and OP for being willing to shuffle the pasta. It shows that change is slow, but at least possible. This is coming from someone who felt like the pasta's soul was lobotomized when the 'It's a group therapy session' line was removed, but I understand that you can't please everyone, and sometimes you've got to let things go.
To your point on appeasing autists, the whole point of a thread that is supposed to be /pri/vacy focused posting the use of services that are demonstrably anti-privacy is both a disservice to the users, and deserving of ridicule. Myself and others posted picrel which I helped to compile, to show OP he was misleading thread users. There were other memes too. OP did not change the pasta. Honeybear was posted there like 'butthair general' is posted here, but in the case of honeybear, the info turned out to be accurate.

Alll these things are academic. /sec/ was souless and lazy and died- same with /hmg/, and /pri/ was murdered for downloading an infected .jfif file and misleading it's users. You see some here complain, about this or that, but don't contribute to make it better. Instead, they want to be spoonfed and catered to. /sec/+/hmg/ were called out multiple times for hypocracy and encouraged to start thier own threads, and some tried, but they had no soul or magic. /cyb/ endures because it has a difficult to characterize quality that makes people want to be here. OP has passion, but without active posters in this the thread, it will meet the same fate. I poke fun of /cyb/ at times, but I effortpost along with my shitposts, as do a small # of others.
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>tfw I didn't turn on my LARP transponder
never understood the hate for DDG, it works great over TOR and has a javashit free version
>Myself and others posted picrel which I helped to compile, to show OP he was misleading thread users. There were other memes too. OP did not change the pasta. Honeybear was posted there like 'butthair general' is posted here, but in the case of honeybear, the info turned out to be accurate.
But this is literally not true, OP removed Proton/DuckDuckGo and all the other normie privacy services.
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Last time I tried to register a prepaid visa I was gifted because it did not work online due to billing address verification, I saw this come up. Has anyone actually tried to register and use one of these with success?
>Has anyone actually tried to register and use one of these with success?
With fake information, I mean.
>Honeybear was posted there like 'butthair general' is posted here, but in the case of honeybear, the info turned out to be accurate.
/psg/ anon and honeybear poster were the same person
Imagine... you're hiding in your bunker... and your tooth gets infected...
Korean provider KT deliberately distributed malware to make torrents harder to use

Apparently, KT created an entire division dedicated to developing, maintaining, and distributing malware. The entire operation began in May 2020 and at some point affected about 600,000 people.

The victims were users of the P2P file-sharing program Grid, which suddenly started creating strange folders and hiding downloaded files – and in some cases, users’ computers stopped working altogether.

A representative of Grid told the media that the problems were detected only among those users who are KT customers.

Police also conducted an investigation that revealed that the source was one of KT’s data centers, the Bundang IDC Center. The company is suspected of violating the Communications Secrets Protection Act (CSPA) and the Information and Communications Networks Act (ICNA). KT’s CEO resigned.

The police reportedly found that KT had a team that detected and interfered with P2P file transfers, as well as developed, distributed, and exploited malware. The police identified and prosecuted 13 people, including employees of KT and its partner companies.
Hmmm, seems like Russia has banned VoIP-only accounts.
I want to cross-dress, & bow to the president of the United States of America.
Holy shit is that the actual Federal Reserve leak?
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*calmly & confidently walks past security check points*
i can be her boyfriend now
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My understanding is that the rent on the aprtment is payed up until the end of the month, so I suppose you can knock on the door and offer your condolences and simp for her? him? I don't want to assume anyone's gender. Trap technolgy has advanced to the point that the only way to know for sure is to develope a specialized Voight-Kampff test, or sniff the crotch. I'm waiting for the Voight-Kampff test, personally. Although by the time that happens, we'll be dead as /pri/.
Becoming a cyber crimminal as a career ... scams and ransom. Based or cringe?
only if you are russian
surely the pedo wasnt into degenerate traps
meanwhile you can listen to the latest track to fill your empty soul, the lyrics may be encrypted so only the best crypt-analysts may understand it

https://voca.ro/15EZPgf2lVvL (chacha20, blake2b, argon2id)
The power of media was always part of the /cyb/ literature, and it is crazier in 2024 than people had expected in 1984. I don't have a pony in the US election but it is hilarious to see the 180 degree turn by the press. Biden as too old was a conspiracy theory until the debate, and now people are screaming and asking why didn't anyone tell us!? You just couldn't make this up. The FInancial Times is normally a calm and collected paper but they are simply going bananas, asking how could this possibly happen.
And the European turn to the right is yet another case of denial coming to an end.
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Dunno... we used to knock on his door just to check on him, but he didn't like visitors, and his apartment smelled like dead chicken coop mixed with dirty socks and dry, crusty semen.
WTF bro?! Are the lyrics encrypted, too? kek, and based.
Correct. Nearly a week went by from the time KJP said "Cheap Fakes!" to the media saying, 'he's got to go.'
>WTF bro?! Are the lyrics encrypted, too? kek, and based.
yes perhaps we may never know
it is direct reference to >>101247357
could also be reference to old /g/ post where anon applied to nsa with encrypted resume

if i made this track manually i would somehow encode a luks partition inside it
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I picked up on the reference, and the song is brilliant. keked and saved.
unfortunately it is the only good one that came out of several days of prompting
i might give up and start making everything manually
Absolutely feasible. Just go for the bad guys, like boomers.
my only computer is thinkpad x230, where are the consooms?
Isn't it weird that PGP encrypted messages have a header? It makes it obvious when someone is using PGP.
Why would it be designed like this? Why not instead just have the first character indicate if it's a signature or message or public key etc.
thats just for --armor though, that is format meant to be easy to copy and paste
I'm here so that we could learn more about protecting our privacy.
I see, thanks. I should learn the gpg command too at some point rather than relying on kleopatra.
i recommend these over gpg
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/OpenPGP-card-tools (for hardware key)
though software of choice will depend on personal beliefs, sequoia is slightly pozz https://sequoia-pgp.org/ but has more secure defaults than gpg, hoping they wlil add pqc stuff already
I'll keep this in mind when I switch to arch or debian.
what are you using currently?
Windows. I'm using gpg4win because it has a nice GUI and nice context menus, in addition to gpg.
i used gpg4usb when i was on windows
btw if you are going to use linux, use it on laptop and use fsf approved distro ie trisquel or hyperbola, ath9k for wifi
Youtube bans half a dozen channels of patriotic Russian singers (like half of them Jews).
i knew i wasnt the only one >>101265643
free software won, but mysterious new groups keep appearing screeching "open sores"
Moscow, and only Moscow, implements an electronic voting system.
does anyone know where I can grab an up-to-date pdf of the oscp material?

I saved mine but the fucking drive died this morning. not interested in paying offsec another $300 for access to course material ive already paid for
I understand your frustration.
Check out this cutie:
Any cool songs in German? Or poetry? I randomly decided to learn German yesterday because people behind language models clearly want to obsolesce learning languages and it makes me angry for reasons that I only superficially understand but doing stuff just because I'm mad would be unwise and all curious German content I immediately have at me is Gasmac fucking Gilmore and a few pirated old papers on scattering and such. Neutrons are spunky little fuckers and so are people with silly puny beards on their silly puny faces but I fear this stock won't be enough to give me the necessary initial impulse.
why are cybersec contractor jobs so full of annoying low IQ niggers? who even hires these folks?
Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Sender kontaktiert haben! Ich habe nach "deutsche Volkslieder mit englischen Texten"
>("german folk songs with english lyrics")
gesucht und eine Reihe von Musik gefunden, die man in beiden Sprachen lernen kann. Ich würde vorschlagen, dass du dir Solosänger mit einfachen Liedern anhörst, denn das wird dir helfen, die Wörter zu verinnerlichen und die richtige Aussprache zu lernen. Ich hoffe, Sie lernen Deutsch und finden eine schöne, traditionelle deutsche Frau und bekommen 12 Kinder. Lernen Sie ein deutsches Liebeslied und singen Sie es Ihrer muttersprachlichen Freundin vor. Sie werden ihr das Höschen vom Leib reißen. Gute Jagd, mein Freund.

>Translated with /DeepL/, Deep /cyb/ Radio's favorite translation service.
AWS made another partition other than govcloud called "TS"?
When punking goes wrong...
tokenization is such a pain in the neck, it often pushes through payments even after someone has cancelled their card. Payment Processors need to get on top of this.
A Hacker Stole OpenAI Secrets, Raising Fears That China Could, Too

A security breach at the maker of ChatGPT last year revealed internal discussions among researchers and other employees, but not the code behind OpenAI’s systems.
Their internal forum got hacked, they didn't tell the public or FBI because they believe it was a single person and not a state agent.
Glowmaxxing thread:
That's obviously a parody thread.
And a real glowmaxxing thread would be about what? It's a joke concept for fun.

Indonesia fucks up:
>Put a bunch of cheap laptops running Windows on a network, put tinyllama on them, and use a few shot prompt and local dialog engine to have them send terrorism plans to eachother constantly.
Oh. I guess it's solved now.
i want to cross-dress and ...
Shoot up a kindergarten.
Aliens Expanded Doc trailer:
looks like my suno account got banned, LOL
Anyone uses any log cleaners?
=== /sec/ News:
This week in security:
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Great movie. I also saw that a new Alien movie is coming out in the summer. I wonder if the link you posted is an attempt by the studios at hyping up the new film. I watched the trailer, and it looks like they're trying to recapture the success of the first two films, but what I saw just looked like a remix with updated graphics. I'll wait for somone to upload 720p rips of both before I watch.
Did you ever look into using a local models like I suggested a while back? Also, I saw that /dmp/ is accepting submittions for thier new album. I hope you will consider sending in something. If you do, I'd like to know.
A.I. Joe: Record Breaking Leaks, Attacks & One Florida Man
Return-oriented programming (ROP) is a computer security exploit technique that allows an attacker to execute code in the presence of security defenses such as executable space protection and code signing.

In this technique, an attacker gains control of the call stack to hijack program control flow and then executes carefully chosen machine instruction sequences that are already present in the machine's memory, called "gadgets". Each gadget typically ends in a return instruction and is located in a subroutine within the existing program and/or shared library code. Chained together, these gadgets allow an attacker to perform arbitrary operations on a machine employing defenses that thwart simpler attacks.

And a few tools:
>Did you ever look into using a local models
no, not yet at least
>I saw that /dmp/ is
getting started i guess
i would rather manual than setup ai IVE HAD ENOUGH!!!
im currently finishing up lfs, plan9port having issues compiling devdraw with static link musl on latest clang

anyways until then, heres most dangerous music CENSORED AND BANNED

https://voca.ro/11NGAD2idEEK (Bunker Bust)
LOL on that song. Yesterday, I was deeply contemplating a story line to continue the 'who killed /pri/' comic and came up with some new plot arcs. When I heard you newest club banger it reminded me of a plot point. I don't want to give anything away, but this music goes well with a particular set of panels which involve being clownishly in a hurry.
Matt Brown | Hacking a WiFi Fireworks Firing System - The FireFly Plus
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what do we do about the inescapable heat death of information entropy?
synchronicity is key, cybd is meant to be
going to mess around with foss music stuff then give up and continue lfsing
maybe after weekend ill have real first track, i thought of just mixing ai stuff to begin with
>what do we do about the inescapable heat death of information entropy?
Insufficient data for a meaningful answer.
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>what do we do about the inescapable heat death of information entropy?
You have UNLOCKED Deep /cyb/ Radio's Inescapeable Conclusion Mode: The /deep/er things of /cyb/.

Different people will do different things, and thier actions will dictate the outcomes of thier lives. There will no doubt be mass confusion, deep deception, and unbridled chaos, as globohomo continues thier assault on the freedoms of all mankind. With the advent of AI in all it's forms, we can expect the absolute state of the world to worsen by an order of mangitude, or worse. However, there will be one reliable constant apon which you can rely:
Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International with be there flying high like Icarus in the sun, because it is /cyb/'s favorite ethereal radio station that exists only in the mind.
For those who don't get picrel, watch the top panel, and behold ! The Deep /c/yb/ Radio Prophesy Pigeon!
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What does /cyb/ think about Alan Watts?
like a toilet brush?
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since there's very little cyber security jobs in the third world, how do I make money in the cyber security field? by becoming a cyber crimminal?
Nigger behavior unless you do it against jews which probably you won't so
You squash your poo with a toilet brush? Does it make you feel funny down there? I bet it makes your tard wrangler really angry!
you could always do bug bounties i guess
Dude that’s so fucking true. Either low IQ niggers or some pajeets who throw random cyb words trying to sound smart to save their assess. They don’t know jack shit. Our industry is filled with a bunch of morons
Literally anything by Rammstein bro
This is not true, there's plenty of jobs. If not, learn a new skill or find a day job. You're just asking for a permission to scam.
Jews have destroyed countries and societies. What authority do you have to tell me not to scam Jews?
You weren't saying anything about Jews.
Arrr links updated in The Armory.
quiet here. The anons who post here can't possibly have anything to do on the weekend, right ?
weekend is dead
Nope, weekends are always like this. People go outside, spend time with their family, participate in a race war. Live and let live.
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Happy Caturday, everyone!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Unless, of course you like getting anally raped several times a day buy guys who's peens are the size of your arm. Hey, I don't judge. Song is 4u
It's always quite here. In spite of have 3 generals combined in one metaphorical boat, the shark of apathy will eventually take down all three. This is why I call it the 3 Barrels General. Reminder:
I went looking for the file and ran across a re*dit link where some dope was complaining that the blueray copy of the docu sells for 100 sheckels, and 140 if you want a comemorative T-shirt.

Threadly reminder that only the first 3 Alien films are worth watching, and for some additional fun weekend movie watching , Deep scifi /cyb/ TV Channel 4 recoomends:

> Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
> THX1138
> Suckerpunch
> True Legend
> All the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes you can get your hands on (the old ones with Joel. the show took a nose dive after Mike took over because Joel was a faggot and left the show)
WARNING: The following film with make you want to kill yourself, or me for mentioning it. If you do deside to watching and then want to kill me, please do it quickly. I suffer enough participating in this thread.
>Repo! The Genetic Opera

A.I.Joe | BREAKING | RockYou2024: The Largest Password Leak Ever?

git clone https://github.com/9fans/plan9port

config file:


someone try building if you have alpine or some musl distro
Alien 3 sucks!
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In retrospect have to partially agee. I had forgotten that shitty ending, but overall I liked the movie.

If you are the same guy I think you are, you have posted at me and my replies are always similar. Breath, walk away from it for a while, do something right-brained, get some son, touch grass, etc., then come back to the problem fresh. This time, however I reply to your dilemma with a /deep/ esoteric video filled with relevant symbolism for all of you who are willing to strive for something higher, and this applies to all situations, and goals. These things are, the /deep/er things of /cyb/. For you, I want you to watch it, with the following in mind:

>There are three separate fight scenes in this clip. Note the progression between each segment, as you start from the base to the top of the monument.
>You are the film's protagonist, Su
>You are fighting Lord Wushu, the Gombiler God
>I am the old sage holding his bottle of wine both laughing at you, while encouraging you to presevere because I know things
>I begin to play my pipa for you in the second segment to lift your spirits
>https://youtu.be/M4Ye7AisnFM Note the title of the song
>You press on, both gaining, and loosing ground, gaining and loosing gound
>You are near the summit
>You fight harder

Lord Wushu has a message for you before he leaves.
When the time comes, I will give you the same message he does.
>Breath, walk away from it for a while, do something right-brained, get some son, touch grass, etc., then come back to the problem fresh.
that does not help
i tried doing this for 10 mins every day (2 total) and achieved nothing
now im resorting to patching source code like with mg
i still cant explain mysterious __select64 symbol insert, i suspect llvm is trying to backdoor me again

freedom and inner peace will be achieved once plan9port compiles

also compiled this which crashes for now, dunno if rom issue but ill most likely use different x48 emu
very cute calc
Ending? What about them killing Hicks and Newt?
sigsetjmp undefined symbol comes from include/libc.h
#define p9setjmp(b) sigsetjmp(...)
can be replaced with #define p9setjmp() (0)
probably breaks stuff but not important to me right now

issetugid comes from libx11
which makes no sense because other stuff using libx11.a compiles just fine, not patching for now, would break actual functionality right out of the box

__select is inside of x11-screen.c in devdraw, at select call (probably somehow __select64 under the hood), dunno what to do again
__select64 undefined symbol goes away if i #include <sys/select.h> in x11-screen.c
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>freedom and inner peace will be achieved once plan9port compiles
Ask me how I know you missed the point of my post, and the grand significance of the video I posted.
Now, you have to go back to the base of the monument and start over. Oh, and don't blame caturday. I Bet be if you had a cat, it would walk on your keyboard, and the software would compile.
*Raffs in Wushu, blocks your path*
All heros die, eventually, anon. The irony to me is that they survived the horrors of LV-426, and the queens assault aboard the Sulaco, only to die in what amounts to a glorified plane crash. They both died quicky in cryosleep and felt no pain. Be happy for them, anon. Who knows what uspeakably horrible fate would have awaited them at the hands of James Cameron, or David Fincher if they had lived. I knew Cameron was a homicidal bastard when he killed Yaphet Koto over the bonus situation.
>I Bet be if you had a cat, it would walk on your keyboard, and the software would compile.
my cats are outside, yesterday one decided to climb 20 meters up on columnar tree while running away from stray cat
almost fell off twice while trying to climb down
i had to be carried on a ladder to save her
so obviously caturday is responsible
>carried on ladder
do not question, i cant explain
i wanted to call the fire department to save my cat but did it myself in the end
also would have taken pics of it if i was normalfag retard
the cat cried entire night after it, visibly panicing when she was stuck there
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Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
Have you tried letting your cat walk on the keyboard?
How about gender neutral compiler switches?

*The god Wushu lovingly pets your cat in approval*
nothing works, it actually compiles fine without --static for musl, but when i add static it shits up with NON SENSE UNDEFINED SYMBOLS THAT SHOULDNT BE HAPPENING
i might bring my cat to the keyboard and let it do all the work
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You're really going to make me turn this into a series aren't you.

*The God Wushu consoles your cat by singing a familiar song to her in Chinese*



yep it be like that
hmm looks like im onto something, rebuilt with clang and lld no musl no static just against host libc, and it throws lto error and complains about something being linked with host linker (llvm 17) rather than what im using (llvm 18)
so it appears that the errors i got might me coming from double linker usage
though set with -fuse-ld= it seems that it doesnt care somewhere
They just couldn't let a white family win.
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such is life
actually i might not be the autistic one, the plan9port is full of esoteric shell scripts and plumbing overwriting my compiler args
can cats do plumbing?
>can cats do plumbing?
Yes, they can. They can also write and compile code- they simply choose not to.
Get drones or get droned.
honk honk
ESET or Defender for business? Which one would be better for an org?
av is badness enumeration
the answer is selinux and vmm
It really isn't.
yes it is, it cant catch unknown threats therefore badness enumeration
seL4 running unikernels is unhackable
This isn't only about security. I asked if I should use fresh or new bananas for my banana bread, you replied to make a cherry pie, because it's better. There's 0 chance you can make Betty in accounting use linux or somehow make the ancient tech that she's using for the finance system, work on Linux.
finance should be done on paper
God. Damn.
They're all pretty much the same. Choose where you want to send money, Europe or America.
just make the fucking cherry pie already
saving this dead general
Oh thank you, hero! Would you like a blowjob?
Why not just use Defender, since I'm guessing they already use at least O365?
Drug use is endemic in /cyb/ literature, but some take the dystopia a notch further:
>As authorities clamped down on multiple-use substances like acetone, the active ingredient in nail polish, and formaldehyde which are used in the drug, desperate users began digging up graves to crush the bones of the deceased embalmed with formalin.
Big cyber-oof.
Extracting psychedelics from dead bodies is straight out from "Red and Rosy", one of the few movies that reach the level of insanity seen in "Tetsuo the Iron Man".
witnessing end of the world
will the thinkpad x301 replace thinkpad x230?
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It’s a comm or get commed on world out there
Based! Aaaand, they support Palestine!
fuck you radiophone slave, dare you press tangent
Russian schools and universities are testing a system that tracks people by Wi-fi, even if a person did not connect to the network. Probably bought it from America.

russians have or had all kinds of tech we in the west do not know about, i have never visited russia, but father and mother have visited there
thats widar or wlan sense, nothing new
it can track your finger movements on keyboard etc full 3d scan
some more information
Threadly reminder that the /ham/ FAQ started out in this general, check >>>/diy/ham for details.
Personally I would prefer a small HF rig.
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The God Wushu has taken your cats under his mighty wings
thats interesting because i might have figured out the issue
i linked other program from plan9port that was making up errors just fine manually
maybe the cat really knows
looks like im finally getting to link devdraw.o :)
been good being here
Keep on penetrating, bros!
but hams are gay as shit, especially the anons that hang around in that thread
I just use AES on GMRS. Need to play more with HF, I wish there was digimode software that acts like an electronic dead drop for unmanned one way messaging. cabin in the woods type of situation where there might be no one to man a radio and software, or that person doesn't know shit about radio. Ideally, it would print it on thermal paper like a receipt, with a headless raspberry pi zero, taking in audio or I/Q signal from a traditional superhet or DDC. Doesn't have to carry more than 2 or 3 dozen characters per message IMHO
>muh JT/FT8 etc
While those modes are particularly robust, they heavily rely on date & time on both ends for encoding and decoding and thus RTC and/or GPS for FEC, plus not geared towards encryption or that dead drop functionality. an MFSK based mode would offer some robustness without this dependency, and might allow implementation of some other FEC method.
>small HF rig
The Xiegu G90 is still interesting
Threadly reminder that if you block the cooling fans on your modem server, you can use it to keep your food warm as well as using it as a table at your next picnik.
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>but hams are gay as shit, especially the anons that hang around in that thread
What makes you think that?
>>muh JT/FT8 etc
>While those modes are particularly robust, they heavily rely on date & time on both ends for encoding and decoding and thus RTC and/or GPS for FEC, plus not geared towards encryption or that dead drop functionality. an MFSK based mode would offer some robustness without this dependency, and might allow implementation of some other FEC method.
GPS is trivial, and there are other modes that do not rely on exact timing. You can even rely on time signals to get a sufficiently accurate timing too.
>The Xiegu G90 is still interesting
Why? Xiegu is notorious for bad quality and worse service.
i just compiled and linked x11-screen.c manually
something in bin/9l was breaking everything, somehow inserted glibc instead of musl or whatever
i knew i wasnt in the wrong here i dont make mistakes like this, 9fans suck!

give me suggestions to make my desktop more autistic
stuff like this
=== /sec/ News:
>New Intel CPU vulnerability discovered, no new mitigations planned for "Indirector"
>IN BRIEF: Hardware vulnerabilities like Spectre, Meltdown, and Downfall have dogged Intel processors for years. A newly uncovered variant of Spectre poses a similar threat, but Intel and the researchers behind the discovery believe that strengthening current security measures should adequately guard against the problem.
>Recently published research has exposed a security flaw affecting 12th, 13th, and 14th-generation Intel processors. Similar to Spectre, Meltdown, and Downfall, it could cause the processors to leak sensitive information.

When will an anon rise to the occation and create the /cyb/erdyne CPU?
>When will an anon rise to the occation and create the /cyb/erdyne CPU?
no need just mitigations=off -Ofast and run everything as root
security problems then go away
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The God Wushu speaks!
compiler cat is somehow a good name for c compiler
maybe one day ill write
then the cat plumbing may be real
This isn't a new capability
Wifi-capable devices frequently search for nearby access points, and that process gives away identifying information like MAC addresses (network interface IDs)
That information can be stored, correlated with signal strength, and compared with the telemetry from other access points to track your position with higher precision than GPS
Starbucks was doing this ages ago and I think there were lawsuits over it
Some modern phones defend against this attack by generating a unique MAC address for every access point they talk to
If you use a laptop or a phone, try to find that setting and turn it on
no, this is widar not passive scanning
its literal radar not tracking beacon devices
>cat plumbing may be real
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If you would like OP to put
"It's a group therapy session"
back in the pasta, reply to this post with:

'The therapy ain't workin, bub.'
Deep /cyb/ Radio: It's a musical therapy session
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I kinda miss the a few years back /cyb/ thread when it wasn't filled with this webtoon-ass spam and LARP.

Bumping because we have anything alike, sadly.
If my monitor has two ports and on one I connect my work laptop and on the other I connect my PC, can my work laptop see what I do on my personal PC?

Negative right?
I'd post more but I'm busy
> What makes you think that?
Think? I know it. 90% of licensed hams are insufferable retards.
>Yapping about FEC basically regurgitating the same points I made without further taking into account any of the mentioned criteria (unmanned rx station so no manual time syncing, regardless of time source). RTC can fail, GPS can be degraded due to CME. MFSK is a different mode.
Yeah I’m starting to think you’re just as insufferable.
The feature set is interesting, 20W w:/ ATU. But alright, if you have the budget for 599 gear go for it. Still only 10W though
Discussing solar:
Pentagon keeps using Huawei network equipment while demanding other countries to cease.
Tragic and hysterical but not good.
Huawei keeps using Pentagon network equipment while demanding other countries to cease.
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Miami is the most cyberpunk city in the US. Fight me
i cant believe ive been making antennas on my own all this time
I can't believe I was fucking these valuable specialists all this time!
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In the trade, there is something called "antenna porn" and pic related is about as porntastic as antennas can get.
>Gay furries have hacked into one of the large conservative political organizations in US
We all check the catalog anon. I’m not participating in a /pol/tier mental illness thread where 90% of the posts are about transsexuality. The fact janny doesn’t nuke it is even worse.
H-ack yourself, tranny.
Cyber sec analyst for 2 years. It's boring, what now? Offsec got me into it and I'm considering going that route. Always did stuff like tryhackme and junk. Just find it cool, always did, it's what got me into this.
>Cyber sec analyst for 2 years. It's boring.
Yes. In fact, maybe we should add this to the OP.
i dunno why people in tech though his job wont be boring, every technical job it is. the exceptions are rare
I like helping old people. We don't have boomers tho.
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You what's easy? Filtering my posts. Of course, that would require effort on your part, which you can't seem to be bothered to do.
You know what else is easy? Criticizing and complaining. I understand where your coming from, because we've all done it.
You know what's hard? Creating and contributing to this thread, by posting relevant info, news articles, links to other board thread links when the topics are tangentally relevant, editing the wiki, baking the threads in the first place, etc.
You know what else is hard? Using an AMD Radeon HD 6310 IGP with 1GB shared memory to brute-force quasi-original dank memes into existence in an effort to make a few people smile in the face of deliberate, orchestrated global chaos and bring some simulacrum of sovl into a dying thread, all while trying not to sink deeper into nihilism. That's hard.
I can't even fathom the amount of math that went into designing that array. Are you somewhat familiar with small antenna design? I ask because I am preparing a small blirb for the rag regarding /trashing/ + salvaging WIFI/BT antennas with u.fl connectors from items like picrel. I find these /aesthetic/ Airgain antennas in AT&T garbage and they feel really well-made.
Those fur fags sure love causing mayhem. They've reportedly hacked NATO, that nuclear research lab in Idaho, demanding the lab 'research creating irl catgirls', your linkrel, and others, but I think they might be pushing thier luck with this:
A.I. Joe recaps last week's /cyb/ernews - If you didn't the the last post, there was a story about an exploit/botnet in Mikrotic routers:
'A free source of dark web intelligence for the OSINT community'
old school tech furries are maybe the only ones i would bet the can beat the best zionism can throw
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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
It would be interesting to watch Cronus be eaten by his own children for a change.
=== /cyb/ News:
>The age of drone warfare is disrupting the defence industry
Essentially, high tech low life meats low tech high life.
>The country says it has gone from having just six drone makers before the invasion to more than 200, capable of churning out a million drones a year.
>“In Kyiv, everyone you need to see — from an antenna maker, to a software programmer or [a defence] official — works within 20 minutes of everyone else,” says Lorenz Meier, whose US-based company Auterion is developing software to power swarms of autonomous Ukrainian-made drones that can communicate with each other. “The cycle times on developing and deploying new technologies are very, very low.”
That is the very oppostite of the military industrial complex way of thinking.
>Real change would also mean abandoning the procurement model whereby military planners have tended to “gold-plate” requirements, leading to a process that was beset by cost overruns and lengthy delays.
And that is also their business strategy. Don't expect that to change.
>Nevertheless, while recognising the need for speed, some officials say there is still a need for caution when it comes to doing business with tech companies. “We have to watch out that we do not swap being dependent on the primes to being dependent on the tech companies,” says one European official, alluding to the near monopoly status of many software giants.
That is just bureaucrats protecting the old way of thinking.
Also, the journalist seems unfamiliar with RMA - Revolution in Military Affairs.
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>I can't even fathom the amount of math that went into designing that array.
Not that much, really. The design is from WWII and phase matching was well known, just look up Wullenweber. Once you get the idea that you can have a series of antennas in front of a screen, the rest works out easily.
>Are you somewhat familiar with small antenna design?
Somewhat. The ARRL Antenna Handbook has some info on it. It is a subset of array antennas, called Circularly Disposed Antenna Array (CDAA). These are rather large, typically 300 m across, though there are rumours of a Russian version (Krug) that was 1 km across.
>I ask because I am preparing a small blirb for the rag regarding /trashing/ + salvaging WIFI/BT antennas with u.fl connectors from items like picrel. I find these /aesthetic/ Airgain antennas in AT&T garbage and they feel really well-made.
Those antennas are clever and relies on a lot of heavy maths. I hear the WIFI antenna on some RPi boards is a patented design with remarkably good qualities. HF band anetnnas are pieces of art; microwave antennas involve advanced magic.
i doubt its furfags, it might be some iran hacker group using furfaggotry to hide their tracks
The age of armed mobs is over. Just like the Maxim brought an end to empires, like Kalashnikov brought an end to colonialism, drones will end the political power, any power. No more smart bastards and their brainless grunts with firearms ruling over millions, now they gonna get droned just like the Russians in Ukraine or the Jews in Gaza. Either you act human, or you get droned. Now maniacs, thieves, ethnical mafiosos like Jews, seniles, Mussolini fanboys with their manure-soiled hands are gonna get droned as soon as they reveal their nature. I congratulate you.
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>HF band anetnnas are pieces of art; microwave antennas involve advanced magic.
I've heard the same phrase used about microwave antennas. Magic. LNBs from a sat dishes and the pcb designs in them are like nothing I'd ever seen; sqiggles, sigils, gaps, exotic transistors in unusual package types, you name it. Even the enclosures are routed channels that 'guide' the waves, while disallowing them from going where they should'nt be. Just beautiful. With regard to the Airgain antennas, many of thier designs have patents, and full datasheets, so when I come across them, I save them. The idea of the rag blirb was to explore the idea of replacing the 'antenna trace on-pcb' designs with these commercial ones. Of course, the antenna can only perform as well as the the radio chip that drives it, but am wondering if this type of antenna replacement would be a good upgrade for MCUs like the ESPxx type boards that have wifi/bt u.fl connectors on-board, or PCB modding boards that don't. Picrel is another example of some really nice, tiny PCB antennas. The device is an AT&T Uverse repeater. It's really sad that these devices can't be repurposed, and will only work with thier shitty service. The upshot to this gear is that one can learn from monitoring the serial console, dump boot logs, try different ways to again privaledged access, etc., and of you brick the device, you'll be happy you did, then get to practice propane torch desoldering, and smd soldering.
>might be some iran hacker group using furfaggotry to hide their tracks
Well, I suppose anything is possible these days, but the idea of Iran demanding IRL catgirl research from a nuclear facility seems awfully implausible to me.
On the other hand, a false-flag, gay furry m0$$ad 3D chess psyop seems far more likely, and would align with Occam's Razor in that they are trying to slit our global throats.
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please continue...
>On the other hand, a false-flag, gay furry m0$$ad 3D chess psyop
hmm thats interesting, because recently there was a post about "volt typhoon" which is supposedly chinese hacker group being a nsa psyop to pass more surveillance laws
i suppose all hackers groups are psyops, including lockbit which is most likely a cia thing
OUCH! Picrel. Now I'm depressed again...
Maggot milk? Over my dead--ACK!
That, or get to work on Replikka MYLKK! A delicious synthetic maggot milk substitute. Hmm...
Yea, I would not be surprised if all of these hacking events, chaos, and all manner of bullshit we're experiencing is'nt all part of the OneWorldGovernment agenda. Klaus promised us a "cyber pandemic bigger than covid" if you recall, and I believe that he, or his successor will deliver.
yep its happening
inb4 we need digital id to connect to internet because of hackers
adding to my previous post
digital id internet is happening thanks to gay Illuminati or something like that

stuff from my gubrment (feel free to translate, info and cognitohazard)
maybe dont feed the idea that the internet will be gated in future, might be a feedback loop
2026 - eu digital id aka gay phone app available for every eu country
globohomo working together on "digital wallet and digital id"

war in ukraine was launched to test digital id in ukraine to track citizens
in future all computers will have 2 cpus (intel me on crack), often labeled "security chip", with some ultimate computer vision capability to track and surveil activity on main cpu, already exists in some places
will also be on desktops and laptops

https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/p/laptops/thinkpad/thinkpadx/thinkpad--x13s-(13-inch-snapdragon)/len101t0019 (nightmare fuel)
>The ThinkPad X13s is built to secure your data and business. Microsoft Pluton ready, a security processor that's embedded in the CPU helps to eliminate exposure to threats and prevent physical attacks. This new chip-to-cloud security technology is the result of a partnership between Microsoft and Qualcomm® Technologies that works in conjunction with data encryption and biometric safeguards.
>Plus, the X13s will recognize you even with a facemask or a haircut. Additionally, digital wellness features include posture and screen-time awareness and vision-health notifications.

and with the power of plan9port and cirno i denounce the talmud
stupid sexy Chillno
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You should consider journalling your work and uploading it somewhere so others can follow. if you needed to, could you reproduce your results if you had to? i.e., took notes so you could install to a new machine if needed? If you deside you feel like writing up a how-to, I'll put in the rag. Just a thought.
the journal be- my unparsable posts on desuarchive
>i.e., took notes so you could install to a new machine if needed?
im not sure what you mean by this
if you are talking about the linux thing well its complicated
its meant to be very personalized (not the personalized ad kind of, the personalized kind where you put hatsune miku all over your car to run glow in the dark over with)

the general idea of my linux distro is
kernel directly on rom (thanks to coreboot), userspace files on sd card carried on casio f91-w (thanks to sd card holder mod)
no disk encryption, no passwords, pressing power button will boot instantly (thanks to kernel on rom) and put you into dwm/rio (have not decided yet)
everything on sd card will be signed (minus optional encrypted chacha20 poly1305 blake2b argon2id storage) heads style, verified each boot with hardware key
despite there being no passwords, it will still be unhackable (and maybe more secure, system binaries might make future disk encryption kpa exploit easier), stuff like contacts (tor public keys) can be stored on encrypted partition, then you can use ssh to chat with contact (tor public key aka .onion)
all userspace files will be loaded into ramdisk (tails style) but since every binary will be signed, malware persistence will be impossible thanks to signed bins, additional memory dump guide for malware analysis possible
no hardware acceleration because God banned that, and mostly because FREEDESKTOP, MESA, MESON suck
etc etc, TLDR the base idea is to have something that will never change and be kept forever
there will be additional build for pcengines, possibly ipxebooted from the thinkpad itself
pcengines can be used as just router, or optionally ssh chat/irc/ftp/web server etc
(comment too long)
>If you deside you feel like writing up a how-to, I'll put in the rag. Just a thought.
the x230 pasta covers most of my ideas, though there could be guide for this
my linux is currently built with single shell script (for simplicity), alot of the public lfs build scripts on github are complicated garbage with no instructions
./NUKEAMERICA.sh and thats all you have to do
i dunno if theres point in making this public technology, only if someone would want it
linux libre and epoxy in and on the rom

there is some more absurd things i want to do with this-
instead of shell scripts, c program to build everything along with stage0 compiler boostrap to be independent
bootstrap technology burnt onto bluray to preserve civilization
i want to write my own os afterwards and do batshit crazy hardware mods, either stlil for x230 or the x301, which includes cdrom and motherboard slots are next to ram slots (easy access) which might be more transparent and easier to verify against bugs
also smaller motherboard, more simple in this case
simple microkernel can be 10k loc, vmm hypervisor more complicated but doable, some shitty linux programs layer and autistic unikernels in vmm for security
all written on 100% independent linux distro
not yet tho
also more interesting links
one day ill sieve this https://zerocat.org/projects/zerocat-sleeve/doc/index.html
but in blue with cirno instead of cat
somehow want to include space for x230 charger (usb c mod using macbook charger for maximum chaos)
Fair enough.
UEFI Malware - The Low Level Threat To Millions of PCs [picrelated]
if you use uefi you are already compromised
also the cat does it again i suppose, i hope caturday posting hasnt manifested this
>that video
....aaand subscribed. Thank you.
subscribing implies you have google account, shame
unless you mean rss feed into mpv
fun fact he posts here sometimes https://desuarchive.org/g/search/username/schizolab/page/1/
alot of his opinions are odd and hes redhat shill, dont take 100% seriously
i think even the video about the networked bios updates, i think the settings means "update over LAN', LOL
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I'm using Freetube, so I get notified when my favorite toobers upload, same with BraveNewPipe on Android. I get to surf the algo, without having to login.
>dont take 100% seriously
That guy can easily be Terry's spiritual sucessor. I'm binge watching his videos now, and he's *exactly* the kind of guy I'd love to 'interview' in /CYB/LOID, and have as a regular contributing writer. I truly hope he doesn't go full schizo. He seems like he'd be alot of fun to have as a friend. He has spirit, sovl, and a sense of humor.

>Verification not required.
>That guy can easily be Terry's spiritual sucessor.
doubt it, i recommend you read DEMANDS.html on templeos.org webarchive to understand what TAD was after
i suppose he has telegram channel you can join
i only support his video on one time pad, which is kind of useless because you can just read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-time_pad
his video on passwords is also okayish, but i like the example from RMS more where passwords shouldnt belong onto computers
also if you want truly secure (dont use raw /dev/random, but instead seed 512 bits from trng)

also god damnit he uses cirno in his videos
hmm maybe if you cant get interview, maybe we could REVIEW his videos in cybloid
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You and that guy seem to have some things in common, like high-functioning autism (I mean that as a compliment, in case it wasn't clear) and deep knowledge most here do not posess- including me. As far as contacting that guy, I get the impression he's got way more important things to do than to talk to me. Reviewing his vids might be worth looking into. He also mentioned having a personal website- I may go looking for it, and see what can be gleened from a visit.
Booting Arch Linux From Google Drive- [batshit crazy, or useful for *reasons*- you decide]
>I get the impression he's got way more important things to do than to talk to me
he wouldnt advertise his telegram chat if he had something to do, only con is you need telegram
>Booting Arch Linux From Google Drive- [batshit crazy, or useful for *reasons*- you decide]
i had idea of adding tor to firmware, so you could have diskless laptop
booting off of hidden service (normal internet is probably bad idea)
ie 1 guy hosts server running authenticated hidden service, hosting os images
client downloads, verifies sig and boots
i think its nice, probably slow and also what rob pike wanted
>I want no local storage anywhere near me other than maybe caches. No disks, no state, my world entirely in the network. Storage needs to be backed up and maintained, which should be someone else's problem, one I'm happy to pay to have them solve. Also, storage on one machine means that machine is different from another machine. At Bell Labs we worked in the Unix Room, which had a bunch of machines we called "terminals". Latterly these were mostly PCs, but the key point is that we didn't use their disks for anything except caching. The terminal was a computer but we didn't compute on it; computing was done in the computer center. The terminal, even though it had a nice color screen and mouse and network and all that, was just a portal to the real computers in the back. When I left work and went home, I could pick up where I left off, pretty much. My dream setup would drop the "pretty much" qualification from that.
so if you are working with people, you can all share same os setup without exchanging files, all connect to same server and work on same software
technically even ram could be networked
dropped for casio sd card mod

also im worried that you did not comment on new laptops having microsoft pluton, cameras that can recognize you with mask on
never mind the second cpu
am i the only one seeing this?
tor network boot would also have the benefit of onionbalance
aka multiple servers could host the boot files and sigs, so all have to be compromised to deliver malware to clients
still not perfect
probably not a good idea to network boot beyond LAN
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I've always liked the idea of having a diskless "work" station at home using OpenWrt's ipxe server package to boot small-footprint oses, but never got around to learing about it. As for the various types of next-gen devices with NPUs, advanced image processing, and mic arrays and all the rest, these things can still be defeated using conventional means. I don't worry about these things because all my hardware is really old, and I have/find enough old PCs when I go /trashing/ that the hardware will likely outlast me, just like the Micronta Vox Clock I wrote about several threads ago had outlasted it's orginal owner. For those who are destined to buy and reluctantly use next-gen embedded spyware, I have no doubt that a new generation of hardcore privacy enthusiasts will find a way to gum up the works. I would not be surprised to learn that people like you and the Schizolab guy will be among those who will poke Sauron's Eye out, and can only hope to still be alive to see it happen so I can make more dumb aircat memes and laugh about it.

Schizolab bro has an interesting approach to surveillance:
Torrent client sandboxing:
No-one cares catalogfag
Interesting discussion on advanced /cyb/ /sec/ degrees, with cryptography: >>>/sci/16272878
I fart in your general direction.
>Filtering my posts.
Why would anyone filter anything? What's the purpose of willingly blinding oneself? More ironic even considering what thread we are in.
>You know what else is easy?
More than easy, it is free.
Wait wait wait... Terminator 7? Seven?
>I have no doubt that a new generation of hardcore privacy enthusiasts will find a way to gum up the works
we are all gonna die
>Schizolab bro has an interesting approach to surveillance:
i would say that setup is ok if he didnt upload it to youtube or atleast he didnt have to show his air gap laptop
>You know what else is hard? Using an AMD Radeon HD 6310 IGP with 1GB shared memory to brute-force quasi-original dank memes into existence in an effort to make a few people smile in the face of deliberate, orchestrated global chaos.
Butter me up and call me Felicia, but this man is based!
Are you a bad enough dude to turn your own dick into an antenna?
Constitutionally enforced government subsidized economic incentives for automated homesteading.
Paired with a mandatory 4 years of military service when you turn 18.
My man, you are well behind the curve:
I hope you realise that sea water is not the only salt water...
Good morning! We will consider this, sar.
A weentenna, haha.
Dare you receive my magical transmission?
WeeFee: when the police fines you for unlicense "transmissions".
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>what it's like to be in my mind?
>Rent free
How much benefit can ipxe offer to both the average normies and ultra privacy schizos?
is it worth subscribing to THM premium? going through the beginner path to be a bit of a hobbyist and i think some of it can help me at work as a software developer
it's just annoying being cucked by starting one attackbox per day when it fucks up on their end and it can't reconnect
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I appreciate your honesty.
Thank you, Felicia.
I'd be very happy to have a Russian style Cyber Farm, with junky robots.
Interdasting....Mondo 2000 Magazine- get your FREE copies today!
>6 can't be in the same place according to hint 1 and 2
>Hint 3 confirms numbers 2 and 0 are correct since 6 isn't
>Knowing 2 is right hint 1 confirms it's position: xx2
>Hint 3 now confirms 0 can't be in the middle position: 0x2
>Hint 2 confirms the remaining middle position is wrong leaving only 4
Code is 042
You're just mad this is no longer a butt-hair general. We've moved on, we've grown. Fly fly!
wait so DJ Cygnus is reference to this
i am in shame that i did not realize it instantly, incredible work llama
>'The therapy ain't workin, bub.'

loving the gen btw it's a vibe

maybe make a bot to post the last few news things, i get a lot of updates from this pace
>maybe make a bot to post the last few news things
generic cyber rss feeds
hook up to llama
make it write random bullshit about (same as cyber news)
post here somehow, probably pass
>How the fuck do I get a job with a math phd?
>move to the USA else i have no idea
Uhm, thanks.
“Residue Processing"
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Well, well, well. Would you look at that. References to /fa/+/sec/+/x/+/pol/+/mu/ in a 35+ year old /cyb/ magazine. Who would have guessed that everything has something to do with everything else? I just skimmed thru issue 1 as pointed out by >>101335673 (thank you), and I have to say this is definitely a /cyb/ collector's item for more reasons than I write in a single post. The back issues are high-rez color scans and are OCR searchable, but know that they are large files. The PDF size for issue1 is 545MB, and the EPUB version is 312MB.

The same cursory search yealded the discovery of yet another /cyb/ mag:
>FringeWare Review was a magazine about Subculture (predominantly Cyberculture) published in Austin, Texas. Many of the publication's writers and editors were associated with other publications such as bOING bOING, Mondo 2000, Whole Earth Review, and Wired Magazine. The last issue of the magazine was #14, published in 1998.

I think reading these zines is important if one wants to understand /cyb/ subculture and see the world as it's authors saw it way back in the day, then reflect on what has become.

Welcome aboard
There are no coincidences.
Uh, may I trouble you decode your post for me? I'm kinda retarded.
I'm gonna try and finish up the rest of this story arc before the end of thread.
i am using a vpn
It's not ALL bad and from there you can branch out into more interesting things, cyber threat intelligence, Malware analysis, forensics, or just keep on getting reeeeeal good at threat hunting. But I think I just find, and excuse me for the corpo word, red team, more exciting.
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Meant to post this pic to go with the 'well, well, well,...' comments.
No, stop!
t. NSA.
>but the idea of Iran demanding IRL catgirl research from a nuclear facility seems awfully implausible to me.
I think it makes sense if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who has to run a large hacking organization in Iran. Radicalized expats returning to Iran is a thing and it probably doesn't take too much searching to find a millennial who knows enough about Western culture that when you ask him to "make the most degenerate cover story you can imagine" he just defaults to gay furries.
SiegeSec's target list also makes sense in that regard:
>mostly US gov organizations
>if it's being hacked by the A-team, get in quietly to pilfer data
>if it's the trainee team, just focus on breaching so the newbies learn something. make some flashy defacements so the overt breach appears intentional
>throw up a very Western-esque chaff to cover your tracks
Fair points. Maybe it's litteral gay furry cia fags. We know in resent years many are openly gay. Trust no one Mr. Mulder.
inb4 its mossad psyop making you think its cia but inb4 thats another psyop to make you think its not furfags inb4 thats another psyop to make you think its furfags
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They're all gay if you ask me.
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Yeu vill votch zee theadz die, und you vill be heppe....
NOOOOOOOoooooo... ACK!
rio is surprisingly cute desktop
demonstration video
i like the resize and move indicator, it feels better than live update and has no tearing when no hardware acceleration
i might fork dwm and rio together for the ultimate mouse and keyboard desktop

on the other hand my mouse buttons (trackpad) are not recognized, only left click works
all buttons work when i plug in real mouse
probably kernel/tinyx/xinput thing ill have to figure out

perhaps the same aswell
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Ze comik iz ze thread!
also one thing i forgot to bring up from the lelnovo page

>Energy Efficient on the Inside, Recycled on the Outside

>The T14s Gen 6 boasts our lowest carbon footprint in the ThinkPad portfolio. It’s Energy Star® and TCO 9 certified for energy efficiency. It’s comprised of post-consumer content (PCC) recycled plastic, recycled magnesium, recycled aluminum, and recycled carbon fiber throughout (see Tech Specs). Plus, packaging is 100% plastic-free and recyclable.

was joking about 100% green in previous threads, didnt know it was real thing

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