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Previous thread: >>101413868
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>alias hs='fzf --tac --bind "change:first" --bind "enter:become:printf -- {} | xclip -selection clipboard" < "$HISTFILE"'
>AI slop
im reinstalling my arch(gnu)linux server using my epic ansible playbook
what it do senpai?
opens an interactive command history search that will add the selected item to your clipboard for pasting
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thats wicked smaht
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hello frens, normie here

i just found out that gnome's pos screen capture tool cannot record your screen with audio

anybody got some scripts that let me record my screen with ffmpeg on wayland? the videos on youtube are all using x11grab
of course recording with audio would be nice and i'm also using the pipewire thingy btw
It doesn't work that way buddy, if GNOME's Mutter hasn't implemented video capture on Wayland then you're out of luck. You better use X11 for that or wait until it gets implemented.
or just, you know, don't use gnome
Reposting: My computer sometimes freezes and requires a hard shutdown.
- This happens on both Ubuntu and Fedora derivatives.
- My RAM passed memtest and SSD was fine in SMART.
- Journald and dmesg do not have any clues.
- I have used this computer (T470) for seven years and it was fine until now.

What do.
Anybody here ever used CentOS Stream? If so, how was your experience with it?
Video capture should obviously work because I can already use multiple screen recording apps on GNOME Wayland that do the job, like Kooha. I just want to go minimal and accomplish this using only ffmpeg.
>or just, you know, don't use gnome
yes that is why i'm trying to replace all the shitty gnome toy apps with command line alternatives one by one
kind of stupid but have you checked if the ram or your SSD are physically in correctly? ive seen this happen a bunch with laptops where the ram or an M.2 ssd will disconnect itself just slightly
I reconnected my SSD a few days ago but I did not reconnect the RAM.
What's the best long term distribution for me?

Swapping because this retarded copilot shit was the final straw for me, tried to opt out and prevent it updating to it but went and did it anyways.

I had a steam deck for a month and a bit (refund due to fault) so I'm aware not all games work and used the desktop mode an okay amount.

For that reason I was thinking maybe Bazzite? From what I read it's meant to be similar, but I also don't want to end up having to reinstall distros incase dev gets dropped like holoiso.

I'd like your opinions, thanks anons.
also I have AMD CPU/GPU if that matters for any driver related sht idk
Why is debian unable to locate any package? I've modified the sources.list file already but it won't find anything.
Mint just werks
Steam proton should be your first compatability choice, with wine or something else should that fail, or isn't really usable with steam
(But proton is basically wine)
Just make sure you have a swap partition roughly the size of your expected RAM usage(incase it is used for hibernation)
First you have to
sudo apt up
sudo apt update

Fucking keyboard
I reconnected both now. We'll see if it happens again.
Never really bothered with Hibernation, but I'll set it up anyways just in case.
Have been using Mint for my laptop for a bit now, just wasn't sure how I'd go in terms of games.

Guessing DE doesn't matter? Just which ever I prefer the look of?

Thanks mate!
I believe I need to install sudo before I could do that, which I can't :(
Then first execute su, enter root password for turning into root and execute apt update
Not sure, but i'm surprised at how well maintained EPEL and ElRepo are, they've many things fishy to find in other distros from Plasma 5 to niche things like touchpad drivers for Asus. And Centos' release model feels saner than other stable distros. Problem is nobody have tried to use it. The closest thing you've is Alma Linux, but they're tied to the buggyness of RHEL's point releases.
lxqt or xfce, which one receives more development?
I do not monitor xfce but lxqt develops so fast that distros such as Fedora and Lubuntu do not keep up with the changes such as the release of 2.0 and its Qt6 porting.
ok and is it actually light?
to me qt apps seem to be slower than gtk ones
I don't use it right now but probably. Fedora and Lubuntu both use Openbox as its window manager and it has its own small toolset such as Qterminal. My computer is not a toaster so I cannot tell if Qt apps are slower than GTK apps.
On Void, how do I build and install lxqt-qtplugin 1.4.1 alongside my already-installed lxqt-qtplugin 2.0.0? I need it so that lxqt-config-appearance 2.0.0 can apply my preferred Qt style and palette to Qt5 apps. Thanks.
On Arch, I want to use EasyEffects for the equalizer, but there seems to be 10 different providers for lv2-host.
>1) ardour 2) audacity 3) carla 4) ecasound 5) element 6) guitarix 7) jalv 8) muse 9) qtractor 10) reaper
I tried looking info about these online, but I couldn't find any neat comparisons so any good explanation about these for a retard?
Installed chrome remote desktop. For some retarded reason it made me not able to mount drives.
Why the hell can an innocuous program charge core system settings like drive mounting? So frustrating that Linux allows this.
>Problem is nobody have tried to use it. The closest thing you've is Alma Linux, but they're tied to the buggyness of RHEL's point releases.
the whole reason stream exists is that IBM (who owns Red Hat now) wanted there to not be any "RHEL, but without a big fat license fee and expensive support contract". They want anyone who wants what RHEL is and what CentOS used to be to pay a trainload of money to them. So everybody using CentOS for that fled. Which was, to a first approximation, everyone using CentOS. Either they went to Alma or Rocky, which aim to be what CentOS used to be, or they bit the bullet and switched to some other distro that can fulfill the same niche. Ubuntu LTS, most likely. I'd wager money Canonical is going to give them the same rugpull in a few years. At which point they'll do what they should have done in the first place, move to Debian and say "we have to fix our shit sufficiently so that we can move to a new release at least every three years or so, instead of freezing on some version of a distro for a decade"
the only reason i was considering lxqt is because i know gtk devs are retarded and xfce might one day switch to gtk4
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Why use NixOS?

NixOS has the biggest repo on linux with both fresh and stable packages and you don't even have to choose stable or unstable. You can individually have packages with one line be unstable.

With nix you get an immutable, reproducible, stable(never breaks) and up to date system always. I'll take that over arch or fedora breaking for the umpteenth time any day where there's a problem or codecs dont work or some other inane problems.

You update everything in one file and you keep it forever. No distrohopping, No endless tinkering, just a perfect computing experience.

I could leave my system not updated for 2 years and I would have ZERO fear of it breaking on update. That's the power of NixOS.

If a program doesn't exist on nix, thats not my problem. I don't use ubunga software and most people don't use extremely obscure science programs or some shit.
>emerge --sync
gets stuck at
>Refreshing keys via WKD
Are Gentoo servers down or did I forgot to jump thru a loop?
I understand that consideration. I have the same concern with MATE.
Appreciate the input.
>were you specifically looking for "linux mint solution to problem XYZ" because that is silly
Oh goodness no, I'm not completely out of the loop. But a lot of my issues usually end in me arriving to the Arch wiki even if I specify Mint, and the Arch solution usually is straight forward. I understand Arch won't suddenly make me a genius at computing or boost my productivity, I'm just curious about it for the aspect of building your own OS from the ground up. One to customize it to my needs, but also to tinkee around as I want. I get it won't be easy, but if I wanted ease I would just stick with windows. I was more curious if there were things I should consider such as software incompatibilities or quirks that Arch could throw one's way that would ruin the computing experience (besides the general pain in the ass).
Immutability and reproducibility doesn't actually get me anything of value. Neither does the whole "one declarative config file" thing. Arguably, for an individual maintaining one or a few systems, it makes things harder. Maybe it would be useful if I were a sysadmin managing 200 desktops in a college computer lab, but I'm not. (and if I was, I'd probably already have config management and deployment automation and not need any of that baked into the distro)
>software incompatibilities
Lol no, Arch is definitely up there when it comes to running things. The AUR will blow your mind
Less than the more handholdy distros by virtue of less material to be quirky with. You'll be fine
Not just Arch, you can do all of them like that. Even Ubuntu!
>I'm just curious about it for the aspect of building your own OS from the ground up.
Untick everything from the "Extra Software" menu, that's how I always rolled my Debian installations back in 1999.
Why'd I want to write all that junk to the slow HDD from the super slow CD-R before I know the system even boots? Boot first, install extras later.
>building your own OS from the ground up
Come on now, you just cram more crap into the system until it looks done lol.
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bros help a retard out
how the fuck do I make my new brother printer work over wi-fi on arch
it's a hl-1212 w model
is your ram/swap being overloaded? my ramlet systems used to do this before i discovered earlyoom
installed cups already?
yes, nothing shows up there
I even did the avahi-deamon thing mentioned in the wiki
now that I think about it, how is my laptop even supposed to see it?
1st result using
arch brother hl-1212 w drivers
should be good install guide wiki
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>apt upgrade
should it be taking this long?
Nope. I have 16 GB and rarely go past even 8 GB and the swap file I have doesn't get used.
this the guide you used?
>it's up to 49000 now...
hm says it's hanging at 0%. Could there be something missing from my sources.list? I believe my ethernet is working because I see the led on
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>conflict: 81

>apt-based distros in 2024
Does Apt do stuff differently compared to other binary package managers?
I have now, still didn't work
I'll try to have it working via my openwrt router tomorrow morning, let's see how that goes
apparently not updating since 2017 is a bad thing
We really need a PSA that it's not okay to be running Linux on a harddrive anymore. Nobody sane does that anymore, even Systemd dropped readahead support.
windows 10 works fine
and plasma is a bloated pos
and also dont people ALL THE TIME online recommend to install linux on old machines to revive them
There's old and there's obsolete. SSD have been phased out of anything but the cheapest laptops for about 10 years now.
lol that is completely false
SSDs were extremelly fucking expensive 10 years ago
fuck off, linux runs worse than windows 10
It still runs fine on a modern NVMe drive (some cheap Crucial drive for next to nothing is also a probably decent if you don't want to spend a lot).

Every time I hear about someone complaining about how long things take to launch on Plasma it always turns out they're using a hard drive or their ~/.cache is on a slow drive for some reason or they have some weird NFS setup.
i dont care about the desktop taking long to load
why do the kde apps take so long to load
are you telling me they cant be better than windows 10
why do the system settings or dolphin take so fucking long
in fact why does gnome load so much faster than kde, its almost instant from the login screen
why is 'killall' the most useless dogshit ever?
Because the libraries aren't in memory yet and need to be loaded from disk and your shit drive is the bottleneck.

There's a lovely command called strace which will show all of the system calls and application is making e.g:
strace kate

90% of the time if something is slow it's because it's blocked waiting on I/O. Once everything has been loaded into memory then subsequent launches should be significantly faster.

We used to have a mechanism for dealing with this called readahead which instructs the kernel to read certain files ahead of time at boot so that they're already loaded in memory but like I mentioned earlier not even Systemd supports this anymore. Nobody is putting resources into making sure your old hard drive you found in a Goodwill box plays well with Linux.
explain that then >>101437059
and it runs windows 10 completely fine
its a laptop from the windows 10 era
Probably because they use monolithic libraries so you only have to load GTK once and that's it, except now they have libadwaita too and libdeco and who knows what other libraries they'll have in the future?

Sequential I/O speed is important.
See: >>101437120

On a shit hard drive loading 10 small libraries is slower than loading one big library.

KDE isn't doing any extra I/O (You can measure that with tools like perf and iostat and iotop) you're just bottlenecked by slow storage.
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You're right but this isn't what i'm talking about. I'm refering to the specifics of the RHEL life cycle here, not its motivations and consequences.
RHEL's life cycle is rather shitty for daily driving: every major version gets multiple minor point releases (9.1, 9.2, 9.3,...) usually twice a year, for as long as is supported, doing minor version bumps to some packages. Security backports are released ASAP regardless of this model but you have to stay on the latest point release or you're on your own. Anyways, this model is fine if all you need is a shitbox to run Docker, but it gets annoying when you use it as desktop cause EPEL and ELrepo (which you need for many packages you usually find on other distros) usually don't stay on sync with point releases right away (they have to rebuild packages targeting the new libraries with the version bumps). You update from 9.x to 9.x+1 too soon and none of your 3rd party packages work, too late and the upgrade part becomes risky cause 9.x packages get prunned so you have to point the mirrors to 9.x+1 and hope it works. This means twice a year you've to care for your install to not break if you use EPEL or ELRepo.
With Centos Stream, instead of minor point releases, all packages are updated right away during the whole branch's life cycle after they've been tested in Fedora for a while and tend to conservative changes (again, only minor version bumps most of the time) the main advantage beign that EPEL and ElRepo rarely run out of sync from Stream.
AlmaLinux sticks close to the minor point releases of RHEL cause their goal is being compatible with them, but recently they've started to add their own patches to mitigate the annoyances this life cycle represents.
how do i get dpms.. like monitor standby working again on these arch based distros? on debian i never had issues with it but now they just keep waking up on their own even if i force them off with xset. tried looking around but no one really seems to know or understand what is happening and this is even with an amd gpu which is supposed to work best
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Pleasantly surprised with how well games run in Linux, haven't noticed a performance difference in the ones I've played so far
Valve have put a lot of time into making Linux a proper gaming platform ever since the early 2010s or so, and it pretty much only got better up to now and beyond. The proton-ge-custom runner is also a huge help.
>doesnt know the name of the program he wants to kill
>blames killall
>pgrep ags
>it prints the IDs
>killall ags
>killall (soemthing that works)
>nothing happens
ok bozo
did IgnorantGuru die from chinese coof ?
pgrep will fuzzy match because it's not doing anything dangerous.
killall requires an exact match because its going to terminate the fucking program, bucko.
pgrep firef
Sure i'll just type
because killall has no option to fuzzy match.
Hey I just installed mint, I have a main nvme which the os and shit is on, however I have two extra HDDs, I was wondering is there an easy way to combine these into one mounted drive? Most posts I could find from doing a search are asking about two partitions being combined.
crying about the tool (that works perfectly) instead of just solving the problem is not healthy
kill -9 PID
That would be RAID (redundant array of independent(inexpensive) disks)
The next question will probably be do you want redundancy or speed
(Read speed is probably about the same, write speed and checksums are the only major differnces between RAID 0 and not)
>t. No RAID
here sweetie pie
killall_for_clowns=$(kill -9 $(pgrep $1))
$ killall_for_clowns ajs
i dont care about the desktop taking longer to load
linux is a lot faster on boot than windows
but why do the kde apps take so long to load compared to windows
it depends on your filesystem. like btrfs doesn't do that, because it doesn't need it
in fact btrfs doesn't even have a fsck as it's designed for consistency even from dirty unmounts
perhaps try somewhat-gently giving it a shake/hit/twist while it's running to see if anything is loose
I don't need redundancy I back up important shit externally anyways, legend just found an Indian guy on YT and got it sorted, thanks.
>I could leave my system not updated for 2 years and I would have ZERO fear of it breaking on update. That's the power of NixOS.
i recently updated a gentoo install i stopped using 2 years ago just recently and it went just fine, there were a couple manual things to do, like updating the profile and migrating away from split-usr, but they were really small tasks
nothing actually stopped working or required a recovery os to fix
while i do appreciate the concept of nix with everything being effectively immutable, and i'm sure it'd be exactly what someone needs, most people don't need to mix old and new software, and that's really all such a system allows for
The libraries is why. KDE follows modern software development practices which means they don't stuff everything into a single "GTK" lib. Once upon a time things actually worked this way, there was kdelibs which was basically one giant library.

Then they decided to split these up into smaller and reusable components.

Qt itself also follows a modular architecture.

This is imperceptible on a modern system with fast I/O, it's only a problem for people with aging storage technologies that stubbornly refuse to upgrade them.

There's a reason the number one recommendation people give to speed up an old PC is to upgrade it with a brand new SSD. Do that and it'll feel lightning fast, it'll be like a brand new PC again.
yea, things have gradually been moving towards methods which benefit ssds while dropping things which benefit hdd's, at least by default
these days running from a hdd is the exception, you need to go out of your way to optimise a system for running from a hdd, the opposite of how you needed to optimise for ssd usage 10-15 years ago
the age of booting from a hdd is over, and it's been over for a while now. not that you can't do it, just that the default behaviour is no longer optimal for hdds
-- like for example pre-loading commonly-accessed libraries and programs while the machine is idle after boot
great for getting things starting faster when you actually go to open them, but just not necessary on ssd's as they seek/read these things as fast as the system can process them anyway. the difference between cold and warm starting programs on an ssd is very small compared to a hdd
You could do that or you could just pkill (part of the procps-ng package) which does what you want it to.

Maybe if you spent less time masturbating over your .nix config file you'd know that.
>the difference between cold and warm starting programs on an ssd is very small compared to a hdd
This was the reason Systemd removed readahead support. What they were finding is that readahead was actually contributing more time than otherwise would have been saved. It was literally quicker to not have that code anymore so they got rid of it. If course it still may have been useful on a hard drive and they could always bring it back but so far nobody is interested.
>still seething an hour later
yea, there's also things like e4rat and prelink which nobody uses anymore because they have little to no effect on ssd's, so the time to set them up and run them no longer provides any benefit
so gnome still does it the old way?
and windows?
i don't know what gnome does, but windows still has prefetch/superfetch which are mainly for hdd optimisation, there's little need to have them running when using an ssd
i think windows disables one or both if windows is booted from an ssd, but i haven't confirmed it
oh and windows also has/had readyboost, which is exclusively for hdd performance enhancement mainly on low-memory systems
pretty obsolete nowadays not only because of ssd's but also because people tend to have more ram than they need at any given time (meaning there's usually always a bunch available for disc cache)
it just seems all excuses for kde being a piece of shit that gnome runs better on older hardware
and we haven even talked about the VRAM usage of kde
the future is now old man
loading some parts of what would be one large library as several smaller libraries is faster on an ssd since you're loading less data and the seeks necessary to load them as separate files is practically non-existent on ssds
you can't optimise for both hdd's and ssd's, because they're very different technologies
if you want to boot into kde fast on a hdd, check out e4rat, it decimates hdd boot times (not specific to kde, by the way)
basically it profiles you boot, recording what gets loaded, and physically moves said data to a contiguous chunk near the start of the hdd, reducing seeks immensely. it's not unusual to halve your boot time with it
i dont care about kde anymore
but the fanboys lie about it, it is definitely not light and it is definitely not lighter than something like xfce
a tl;dr here is that in general, just because something runs better on old hardware, doesn't mean it will run better on new hardware. this applies to quite a lot of things
i'm not talking about whether kde is light or not
>basically it profiles you boot, recording what gets loaded, and physically moves said data to a contiguous chunk near the start of the hdd, reducing seeks immensely. it's not unusual to halve your boot time with it
cool but worthless after you booted. And how often do you boot anyway?
What benefit would I, a person who uses computers for basic browsing and office software, ever have of switching to gentoo?
It seems like such a meme distro
>b but you can compile everything yourself
Why should I care about that?
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Plasma isn't flawless by any means and have been doing retarded things for a long time (for the love of god, why tf Plasma's architecture uses MariaDB to index files in your disk? also Akonadi is dead, Jim, just let it go) but GTK gets more closed off and Gnome exclusive very release so is either investing in that or hoping Cosmic or LXQt do something. Or Clem becomes a x300 developer and finds a way to maintain the man made horror called GTK3.
Or just use a wm instead of a de
i know gnome only cares about gnome
i dont know if xfce will move to gtk4 one day
my options are xfce or lxqt
if you don't boot often then don't worry about it
sudo visudo
visudo: no editor found (editor path = /usr/bin/vi)
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
visudo: no editor found (editor path = /usr/bin/vi)

sudo EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim visudo
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
to your .bashrc then restart the terminal or run
source ~/.bashrc
and visudo should default to using vim now.
just because you have no use for it, doesn't mean it's a meme
not everything is made for you
It's a "b-but" poster. He ain't sincere.
>An error occurred while accessing 'Tdrive', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dev/sdd1 at /run/media/garuda/drive: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error

This only happens on arch based distros with my external hard drive
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
post fstab or mount line
also check dmesg for any text that shows up after attempting to mount if there's more information
Why are people constantly telling me to install gentoo then?
gentoo isn't the meme, "install gentoo" is, that is, literally installing gentoo isn't a meme, but telling random people to is
kinda like how milhouse isn't a meme, but "milhouse is not a meme" is
what's the proper way to get fstab/udev to stop bugging out and dropping me into an emergency shell when it can't find a disk that i unhooked?
I don't use gentoo. I use what suits my hardware and what I use that hardware for. GNU/Linux is very flexible that way, I can customize and optimize for very specific uses (and limitations).
Add nofail to the mount options.
alongside nofail, you might also want to add "x-systemd.automount", assuming systemd
this will allow systemd to mount it upon access if it's present without needing to manually run "mount -a" or similar
OHh that's what it is. I totally forgot that existed. Tyvm.

actually i've spent the last week in my hyprland config
>suse is now going the redhat route of trying to kill its open counterpart
Total corpo death when
im using arch with i3. how do i mount an external hard drive?
mount /dev/<node> /<mountpoint>
what is node?
>GNOME development is so slow it takes years to add any features
>Plasma is a buggy mess
>everything else is a GNOME/GTK or Plasma/Qt fork
Now I get why so many people use WMs.
Download udiskie. It'll set up auto-mounting for you.
as in the kernel device node for the volume you want to mount, like "sda1"
there's many ways to mount stuff, you could setup automounting in fstab, or use something like udiskie/udevil for non-root mounting, etc
yes i installed udisks2 but i have no idea what to do next
i am complete noob
udiskie, anon. It basically automates udisk2.
the way bazzite works means that even if it gets dropped, it won't go "cold" because it's just fedora silverblue with a custom paintjob.

I had problems with multi-gpu passthrough because I wanted to use the gpu I wanted to passthrough on linux too, keep that noted.
Fedora Silverblue
openSUSE Aeon
>I had problems with multi-gpu passthrough because I wanted to use the gpu I wanted to passthrough on linux too, keep that noted.
you can set things up so you can switch a gpu between the host and a vm, i've done it before when first trying out gpu passthrough as i just had the one gpu in my machine
i've heard that some gpus don't like it, but my RX560 didn't mind
Type lsblk in cli to find the node (it will output something like dev/sdx
Create a mount point with mkdir -p mnt/point
Mount it with
sudo mount dev/sdx mnt/point
Yeaah that wasn't the issue, if I did single gpu passthrough, as in, just passed the gpu on its own around, everything was fine, but if I wanted to use my igpu for general display and the dgpu for everything else, the dgpu's modules would attach themselves to a system process (like the igpu) and it wouldn't detach. (ryzen igpu + en veedeea gpu). maybe there's a way to do it but that's likely above my current knowledge level.
i assume what you were doing was unloading (rmmod) the amdgpu driver entirely, naturally you can't do that if you have two gpus using it and you want to keep using one of them, what you have to do in that case is unbind one gpu from the driver
i really want to switch to linux
but having problems with update will just piss me off and make me want to go back to windows
just don't have problems with update, then
Complete noob, why do people hate flatpacks?
>for the love of god, why tf Plasma's architecture uses MariaDB to index files in your disk?
Because it's a good database engine and they want to stick with something tried and true instead of rolling their own.

It might surprise you but KDE are not relational database experts. They've tried all alternatives like SQlite before and the Qt support was buggy and the performance wasn't there for large datasets.
i tried to update arch but got this error
>error: Partition / too full: 696535 blocks needed, 156891 blocks free
error: failed to commit transaction (not enough free disk space)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded
which can't be since theres still plenty of space in my hard drive. when i used a disk usage analyzer to scan, it shows my user folder as being full with 26gb (i have 500gb drive)
I wanted to pass the nvidia gpu, I don't remember what exactly it was but it kept binding itself to a system process. That's how I remember it at least.
i've never had an nvidia and amd gpu in a linux machine at the same time, how would that even work? considering they have entirely different graphics stacks
all linux distros introduce bugs with updates
well, unless you use nouveau i suppose

eh, in my experience they're nearly always trivial to get through, they only hang up completely new users for any length of time
Why wouldn't it work, however....
well i'm not an expert on it, and i haven't use an nvidia card in linux since about 2012 or so, but i recall you could have either nvidia's userspace components OR mesa installed but not both, because they for example both provide libgl
but since i've never actually had to have both, maybe there's something you can do about it, or maybe that's just outdated information
Works for me
I'm on debian stable
im using i3
you need enough space in the root volume (/), not your /home volume
This is what libglvnd does. It offloads OpenGL to the "correct" vendor specific library.

In the case of Vulkan it's always had proper multi-vendor support with Vulkan layers. This can be a bit finicky though.
Because they are bloated by design
You dont need flatpaks btw
i see, i should have figured there was a solution for it, there usually is in linux
they're a solution to a problem made up by windows users
They're not bloated. They contain only what they need to function. If you find a Flatpak including more than it needs to function (and I don't mean le minimalism cry of "I don't use this feature therefore it's bloat", it's not Gentoo they compile applications with sane defaults) then file a bug. Most of the Flathub maintainers are very nice people in my experience.
They misunderstand that it's its own separate package manager on purpose. It is an explicit design goal to not depend on any of your host systems libraries. This is nice because it means we finally have a well tested base runtime environment that works everywhere and doesn't depend on the intricacies of your host system.

Want to run Glibc software on your Musl host? No problem you can and you didn't need a chroot to do it.

Want newer graphics drivers than what your ancient distribution ships (without backports) no problem there either.

Want something you as a developer can rely on without having to support trillions of different distros? Flatpak has you covered.

None of this is anymore bloated than your average Linux distro when you look into it. The people saying that have some sort of smug elitism against runtimes because:
>Back in my day we used to waste all day manually backporting dependencies and running ./configure and make
>Repeat until you hit a brick wall and need to backport some critical system library that can't be easily swapped out without breaking everything and turning your system into a Frankenstein

It's a point of pride for some people but not the experience we want for new users.
why do people shit on libreoffice when its free and open source and seems fine
All fair and good but relying on it as the default option (especially with a GUI) instead of learning anything is even worse for new users.
Because OnlyOffice is better.
I feel like a pussy for using my distro's store and not installing everything through the terminal
That's because you are. Do better.
GUI stores are basically noob bait. The quicker you learn to install your shit directly through the package manager via the terminal the better.
>default margins and fonts are smaller than Word so I accidentally write larger essays for no benefit
>spelling check is buggy, sometimes I need to restart the app for it to work again
>has grammar check that does not work at all (???)
>butchers docx files (the defacto standard)
it makes sense to me only for proprietary software which tend to not get updated, like games
like it's a "last resort" kind of option, nice to have but i would never pick one over a native package
>so I accidentally write larger essays for no benefit
Imagine counting by page rather then words or characters
>butchers docx files
Blame microcuck. I can't even count how often I asked people to send me both a pdf and the file when working with pptx but it usually works nowadays if you got the right fonts
How can I bind my GPU from vfio to amdgpu?
Can't understand why don't every distro have a "store" already. 20 years ago I was expecting them not to but come on, current year and all.
>display the package database in a friendly manner
>get a fancy MOTD or whatever from distro' site via HTTP and display it to the user
>...and some 'daily new shit' software showcasing etc
I'm no programmer but it can't be that hard.
>noob bait
Baiting noobs to.... use Linux at all?
>The quicker you learn to install your shit directly through the package manager via the terminal the better.
I was a MS-DOS user so typing in commands wasn't that new but
apt install program

didn't exactly made me any smarter.
t. retard end user boomer
Does Arch really break easily when updating or is it just people abusing the AUR and then shitting on the whole system? I'm setting up my new laptop for work and can't decide between Arch(EndeavourOS) or Tumbleweed.
This post is so extremely boomer I don't even want to disagree.
Just think of it this way, many people who use Linux just want to open the car hood, and an app store is like putting a second car hood right under that says "here be glow plugs" with a friendly illustration. To people who don't know where the glow plugs are that's great, to anyone who wanted to open the hood it's just another obstacle.

Used Arch(Artix) for years and nothing broke until plasma6. Now it still works perfectly fine until I resume. I assume it's just some configuration mess or their new stance towards x11 but it's Gentoo time. Bottom line is nah it does not break easily and if it does it's more likely something specific and not "le arch le broke", plasma transitions aren't exactly known to be smooth on any distro.
"Arch breaks all the time" has always been stupid FUD nonsense. It breaks as much as you break it yourself.
>${cpu 1}% ${exec cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp2_input | colrm 3}C
>${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader}
why must conky drive me to this bullshit
>it's just another obstacle
What's obstacly about it?
-the package manager is still there, nothing got removed by my imaginary GUI store
-the imaginary GUI store is an optional program
Stop GUI hate.
AUR is a wild west and littered with broken stuff and it's another topic whether AUR programs breaking count as "Arch breaking". The plain old Arch - no AUR - has worked wonders for me.
Should I go for Mint xfce, Debian + xfce or Xubuntu? Or even Devuan + xfce? My old laptop is struggling with Ubuntu and Gnome.
Could always try Mint LMDE I guess. A Mint shell with a Debian backend.
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Used Gentoo for years until my trusty T540P fan exploded a few months ago. Miss you Gentie....
help with grub. From Ubuntu, I installed windows 10 on another partition, and then, swapped the boot priority back to Ubuntu in the bios. But Windows doesn't appear in the grub OS list.

os-prober returns nothing, and update-grub can't find Windows, even after editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom with:

menuentry "Windows 10" {

set root='(sda,sda5)'

chainloader +1 }
Synaptic works fine for APT distros, appstores should be exclusively for non native packages like Flatpak otherwise you end with the joke that's PackageKit.
Could give Spiral Linux a go, is basically a preconfigured Debian install.
Still not getting what's wrong with a GUI tool firing up APT under the hood.
I'm after something like it but as an app store. Not something to browse *all* packages with.
I wish building Spiral Linux was easier because I would love to make a distro based on it.
Arch does break without using the AUR and even if you do nothing blatantly wrong. Also, you are supposed to read their blog before every update to catch *only some* of the breakages.
t. former Arch user of 5 years
Whenever I update I do a:

>sudo paccache -rk 0

Will it cause me problems in the long run?
Just install refid
That just removes everything inside the cache, so no not really.
Thank you.
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retard with brother printer here
managed to get it working over the network by plugging it on my openwrt router, installing and configuring a p910nd print server in the router, then connecting to the print server via CUPS in my laptops and desktop with socket://routerIP:9100

so printing commands are like this: device -> openwrt/p910nd -> printer via USB
all removing cached packages means is that if you need to reinstall a package, you will have to download it from a mirror again
in most cases you only need the cached package tarball once, so it usually can be removed once it's installed with no side effects
this goes for basically any distro
for a windows comparison if that helps, it's like keeping all the "setup.exe"'s in your download folder, can be useful sometimes, but removing them won't harm anything either
I was using the windows partition instead of the EFI one, but now when I try to reboot and choose the windows entry i get a "invalid signature"
I think I have a system file error on my linux mint.
How do I fix it?
I have this one file that seems to be corrupted and if I click it, it crashes my entire system.
On windows I'd get an automatic file system check on boot to fix these issues, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to handle it on linux.
sirs how do i set up multiple monitors on x11 sirs
i remember reading many monitors with variable refresh rates don't work this true sirs?
tried to install it, but it doesn't load when i reboot, when i try to run refind-mkdefault i get:
EFI variables are not supported on this system.
No EFI boot entries are available. This may indicate a firmware problem.
The EFI BootOrder variable is not available. This may indicate a firmware
No changes saved.
just use multiple xrandr commands in your .xinitrc, its much simpler to use than the config, read the xrandr manpage, this is the setup i use:
xrandr --output DP-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 164.92 --primary --right-of DVI-D-0
xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60.00

>i remember reading many monitors with variable refresh rates don't work this true sirs?
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>friendly GNU/Linux thread
I don't trust or believe this for a second
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I had to wait 2 minutes to see the release notes.
Traditional packages cover more than just applications, they also may include libraries, assets like fonts or themes, precompiled kernel modules, configuration script. Synaptic is ugly, but is designed to cover this complexity well. Attempts at taking this over to a more user friendly approach ended with PackageKit, a layer of abstraction made to work with multiple package managers, but that in practice works like shit everywhere (is one of the main reasons the live session of the Fedora spins can be atrocious and is a huge source of Discover buggyness memes) There's a reason Linux Mint gave up and just use separate UIs for three things, applications (flatpaks) upgrades (system + flatpaks) and Kernel and driver management (system) plus also having Synaptic available if you want.
You probably could pull an App Store kind of thing for native packages, but you'd have to limit your scope and deal with one kind of package format at time, or find a way to fix PackageKit, but is whatever mostly. Flatpaks are a better experience for people that prefer an appstore equivalent, and those that prefer native packages are good with Synaptic/Gdebi or the command line.
Building ISOs is a bit of a pain in general, and this is with Debian making the process relatively straightfoward with Debootstrap and their custom tools. Is a lot worse in Fedora/RHEL clone, is a bunch of treadmill-like ugly Python scripts.
If you just want goyming, install atlasOS. There's no reason to bother with Linux.
the fuck you talking about
there's nothing wrong with installing linux on a harddrive
i do it all the time, heck this pc im posting on is using a harddrive
just because your shit desktop and init cant work properly on a hdd doesnt mean linux is unusable on a hdd
This retard wont fucking admit it but the obvious answer is KDE is a bloated piece of shit that requires an SSD to hide all the terrible shit it does
The installer crashed halway through, that was my entire experience with it.

Just use RHEL or Rocky.

>IBM (who owns Red Hat now) wanted there to not be any "RHEL, but without a big fat license fee and expensive support contract". They want anyone who wants what RHEL is and what CentOS used to be to pay a trainload of money to them.
Then why did they start handing out RHEL licences for free, faggot?

>You update from 9.x to 9.x+1 too soon and none of your 3rd party packages work
I never had any issues with EPEL/RPMfusion packages breaking or becoming unavailable between minor releases. In general, that shouldn't happen at all, since most dependencies are kept on the same version throughout the major release (but there may be exceptions). What does happen, is that when a new *major* release comes out, EPEL/RPMfusion can take literal years to push a functional package in the first place. But once it works, it tends to stay that way.
that seems epic
am i wrong for using some flatpaks on an arch based distro? i see some people hatng on it but i set up discover to only install flatpak and try and stick with emulators and some other stuff thats not in cachy repos
bro you are so wrong for using your computer the way you want to use it
Is Linux kernel 6.9 unstable for anyone else?
>up 7 days

do whatever you want
just ask yourself why are you still using arch if you're using flatpaks for everything instead of doing the same thing on another distro
but wait should I do before or after I start my wm?
Yes, when I put my PC to sleep sometimes it doesn't actually suspend and it just locks up. I have to do a hard shutdown, I have no idea what causes it. I'm back on 6.5 because of that.
macos > fedora > ubuntu > >>>>> mint >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arch
newer drivers and packages for some stuff, better gaming performancecertain programs i just use flatpaks for sandboxing some stuff
It's fine then, the only real downside of flatpak is that it's less efficient regarding storage space.
i am going to install garuda dwagonized.
flatpak hating is a meme. native is preferred but flatpaks rarely caused breaks for me.
I have the same problem as yours. I am on 6.8 now and hopefully it is not affected.
yeah i noticed that, 2gb flatpak vs 300mb for example is ridiculous lol, i try and be a little frugal but i have a 1tb os drive so im not too worried
The most frustrating part is that I don't know where to report that bug or how to reproduce it. It just happens randomly.
You're overexaggerating
This, Alma and Rocky more often than not get their minor point releases AFTER most EPEL/Elrepo packages have been updated so the biggest annoyance you're going to get is being unable to install packages from these 3rd party repos for a few days, which doesn't matter 90% of the time for EPEL. Now, i am NOT sure how this plays out if you're using ELRepo for things like a newer Kernel or BTRFS support.
Not at all, it's a free country and there might be some stuff that runs easier that way. However it's a shitty sandbox so not worth it for that function and you wont profit from new drivers anyway because flatpaks come with their own. If it works for you it's great, it's just kinda like seeing someone pulling a motorcycle with a horse instead of using it
I used a flatpak on Arch once, it was not such a great experience.
>using ELRepo for things like a newer Kernel or BTRFS support
Not sure why anyone who needs those things would insist on using RHEL. Old vanilla kernel is a good chunk of the entire appeal for me.

Oracle's enterprise kernel offers Btrfs support.
The usual offender tends to be the nvidia.suspend / nvidia.resume services.
I use an AMD card.
help, i'm on debian, installed xclip and mpv normally with apt, yt-dlp with backports, on gnome settings i configured super+p to execute mpv "$(xclip -sel c -o)", if i execute this command on terminal it works fine, with gnome key shortcut nothing happens
yeah, then it might actually be the kernel, sorry
For me, I use a seven year old Intel iGPU.
Cause is more convenient for propietary shit like WPS Office (so far the most compatible with DOCX cancer i've tried) or JetBrains.
Everything else sucks for the workstation use case. The next best thing is Fedora, or Tumbleweed perhaps, though Packman goes more out of sync than RPMFusion. Arch is basically a test distro unless your setup is minimal and avoids using AUR as much as possible to have low points of failure. Debian is slowly falling appart every new release, and Ubuntu is becoming a channel to shill Snaps more than a real distro and there're not guarantees downstream forks will be able to fight this for long. Other distros are even more niche than using EL.
Leap has Btrfs as default, newish kernels and is essentially SLES at this point.
>I have this one file that seems to be corrupted and if I click it, it crashes my entire system.
well what is the file? can you move it? can you copy it? can you open it without clicking, such as with a text editor
Does the computer shutdown or just instantly crash?
I am not tech support but your post should provide more details if you want help
some more details would be useful
what filesystem are you using?
what do you mean by click it? what kind of file is it?
what happens exactly when it "crashes the entire system"?
>well what is the file?
screenshot in my pictures.
But also selecting advanced boot option on boot produces the same system freeze, so I assume it's also somehow fucked.
>can you move it? can you copy it?
If I even select the file my entire system shits itself and freezes.
>can you open it without clicking, such as with a text editor
dunno didn't try
>Does the computer shutdown or just instantly crash?
freezes, I could still hear music play playing, but the screen is frozen and I can't do anything on the pc.
>I am not tech support but your post should provide more details if you want help
you forget I'm a retard who doesn't know what he is doing.
>what filesystem are you using?
I'm on linux mint 21.3 virgina, whatever is the default.
other questions answered above.
>On windows I'd get an automatic file system check on boot to fix these issues
linux does the same thing, any distro will have things set up to run fsck before mounting during boot
you could run it manually, though you'd need to do it while it's unmounted, so like from a livecd or initramfs shell
>linux does the same thing, any distro will have things set up to run fsck before mounting during boot
well then fuck. How do I fix these corrupted files then?
>you could run it manually, though you'd need to do it while it's unmounted
if it does that automatically on all the boots, then why do I need to do it manually?
>if it does that automatically on all the boots, then why do I need to do it manually?
it'll only do it if the filesystem is dirty, meaning you didn't shut down properly
as it is right now i don't know if your filesystem is damaged, that's just a guess
i would start with booting a livecd and seeing if you can interact with that file from there, that'll narrow things quite a bit
>linux does the same thing,
oh really?
distros do by default, specifically
I am not aware of this
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if you've ever seen a line like in pic related, that's the output of fsck (file system consistency check)
I don't think I have
File System Check on Root Device was skipped because of an unmet condition check (ConditionPathIsReadWrite=!/).

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Um Linux bros, our response?
fuck productivity, I'm at home not at work.
seeing it would require;
- verbose boot messages to be enabled (no quiet boot or graphical splash)
- "pass" in fstab to be >0
- using a filesystem that has a fsck (like btrfs doesn't need/have one)
you can't run fsck on a filesystem that is mounted read/write (that is, with write enabled)
>you can't run fsck on a filesystem that is mounted read/write (that is, with write enabled)
fair, though I don't know why it is mounted r/w at that point.
if you're mint anon, and that's all defaults, that would be something to post on the mint forums or a bug report, if it can't check potentially dirty filesystems on boot because it mounts r/w before running fsck, then it's never checking the filesystem
>if you're mint anon
no, I'm not.
well i'd look into that, while fsck's can't fix everything, they can't fix anything if you don't use it
What about having your hair and tits flopping about is productive whore?
KDE Neon full disk encryption has been broken since at least February. What the fuck.
root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot rw

probably my own damn fault
i've been using btrfs for a long time so i forget the proper way to go about it, but perhaps use "ro" on the kernel command line and "rw" in fstab, since fsck is done in the initramfs
should change that, wanted to change my command line for various reasons anyway
welp, I'm fucked now.
Tried to get it fixed while using a live cd and fsck the unmounted drive.
It gave a bunch of errors it couldn't fix, lead nowhere and now the drive only gets registered by the motherboard only half of the time.
Sometimes the system doesn't even see it, sometimes it does, can't even boot into the OS.

Honestly what the utter fuck is linux and it's fucking file system if this is the kind of shit going on.
well, half the time the driver shows up and the other time it doesn't.

honestly im fucked, SO FUCKING FUCKED! an entire OS just fucking GONE, POOF one day
what the fuck do I DOOOOO?!
i do it before, i dont think it matters really unless your wm has a start script that is based on the setup of the monitors, probably safest to do it before though
bros i fucking love linux
okay after a bunch of booting and rebooting the drive is showing up, now I'm using a livecd to boot into a linux environment and then check the drive.
this time I'm using the linux mints "drive" program and after clicking check this drives partion, its been stuck at 38% for 10 min
oh wait, now it gave me an error code. and the drive is "offline" and not detected by the OS, probably not by the mother board either. Wonder if it's bashing the NVME so hard with trying to check 1 file for 10 min that it overheats or something.
It can't even fucking check the file system. THATS how fucked it is.
Can you encrypt individual btrfs subvolumes?
This is not for / or /home its for a data drive.
They're ext4, I used to get that directory but no longer do. I don't know why.
Is there any way to reduce padding in qt programs?
I use Arch and I'm fine... should I install Debian because, uh, stability?
what is the grapheneos of loonix distros
God, I hate linux youtubers.

I installed Debian yesterday because my Arch installation broke randomly.
You will likely be frustrated by old packages but try it if you want.
like >>101446305 said
debian is fine on servers i guess, but i definitely felt the years out of date packages during daily use
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Should've installed NixOS
i'm planning on building a proper arch wayland host with a windows vm (with 3080 passthrough). should i get an integrated gpu(and use looking glass, parallels or whatever works with it) or get 2 gpus (the second one being a poorfag one, just to render the host's de)?
Leap's future is uncertain, the fags in charge of the repos want to go full into the inmutable vaporware. And one fag in specific is a braindead cultist that disdains anything that's not Gnome but damages control hard. I don't even hate Gnome but the user base pisses me off.
Are you planning on using intel or amd cpu?
You will need to be careful about some amd motherboards not having proper iommu support
If you're going intel theres probably not much point in getting a second gpu over using the the integrated one
depends on what you are planning to do on the host innit
as far as i know amd's igpus are pretty weak and pretty much just there so you can get display output in case the gpu isn't gpuing
>as far as i know amd's igpus are pretty weak and pretty much just there so you can get display output in case the gpu isn't gpuing
This has not been the case for over 6 years now.
>This has not been the case for over 6 years now.
i thought that was the case specifically for the new ryzens? the earlier ryzens didn't have any igpus in the first place
i know their apus are good
my wayland compositor is currently running on the cpu's internal gpu because it prefers that for some reason and I didn't even notice that for months.
Since neofetch is kill, what is the /g/ approved alternative?
>>101446866 (checked)
>Are you planning on using intel or amd cpu?
ryzen 9 7950X3D (not final)
>You will need to be careful about some amd motherboards not having proper iommu support
i'm getting B650E AORUS, but after looking at plebbit it seems like people can't enable iommu on it. thanks for the headsup.
>depends on what you are planning to do on the host innit
like nothing but have a matrix client and librewolf open, and maybe mpv with a youtube video inside

should i get something like a 1050(unless it's cancerous to swap between using the main gpu on the vm and host), or change the cpu?
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What's the current meta for command line web browsers?
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lynx is still going strong
so does anybody have any clue where I even begin to unfuck this?
Quick question, have you checked your RAM for failures (memtest)? I had a lot of problems with a Mint installation and it turned out to all be downstream of a RAM issue. The weirdness of the problems makes this feel a little like a hardware issue - possibly it’s the drive instead. Is this an SSD?

Regardless, I’d start by copying all important personal files to an external drive. This one isn’t safe. The next place my head goes is formatting the drive if clever solutions aren’t doing the trick.

Did you ever try just rming the deadly file?
use backports
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this is how that ugly eyesore looks
god hates them
Thinking over this a little more, I’m suspicious that there’s a fucked sector (dead chip or something) on your drive, and the firmware isn’t sure how to handle it. A simple corrupted file shouldn’t be behaving that way - it’s hard to imagine what content it could possibly have in order to freeze your OS. On the other hand, if it’s a hardware problem, the behavior makes more sense: the drive stops responding properly and the OS locks up.

Reiterating: save whatever files you can. Hope you’re on top of backups.
>Quick question, have you checked your RAM for failures (memtest)?
No. I can, but my other operating system drives work fine. And my linux livecd envionment, where I'm currently talking from is fine as well.

I've checked the hardware issue side of things as well, the nvme SSD seems to pass health checks.
Pic related.
>Regardless, I’d start by copying all important personal files to an external drive. This one isn’t safe.
I'd probably have to, try to salvage what I can, yeah. But this thing is a real fucking linux fuck up. I've never had this shit happen on retarded windows.
>Did you ever try just rming the deadly file?
don't know what rming even is.

Anyway as best I can tell, the file system on this drive got fucked hard. took a screenshot of something and rather than saving it normally the file saved in a corrupted manner. Originally I tried to open it and it would freeze the system but the rest worked.
Now I can't boot into the OS after trying to error fix it. The fuck is this file system if it shits itself this hard and is impossible to repair.
productivity is when you buy virtual stuff in valorant or whatever reason anyone uses windows anymore
and here is the original file that caused me the issues. Not that this image helps or anything.
anyway is there a way to make sure if it's the nvme ssd issue, or if it's the linux file system shitting itself so hard?
Or is there a "safe" way to remove the file and resolve the errors?
I feel like the system, every time it "touches" that file shits itself globally. Be it in the OS, or while in a error fix mode.
Every time I launch the Flatpak version of Steam I get this message. It was working before. I've reinstalled it multiple times but it doesn't fix it and the deb version works.
I mean the tranny isn't wrong
why is the bios-grub boot portion file system "unknown"?
What should resolv.conf say on debian? I can't ping google . com and can't update apt or install any packages
rm is a shell command to delete files. That would get around any UI issues. Might still break, of course.

I’m wondering whether it’s not the file but rather the location on your drive where it’s stored. But whatever, it’ll become clear soon enough.

I’ve noticed that, for whatever reason, Windows seems a lot better at “hiding” hardware issues. I don’t know how long I had the bad stick of RAM for, but I only noticed problems once I installed Mint. But the RAM was definitely bad. So what’s Windows doing to hide this? Some kind of fault tolerance in the kernel?
Last thought. If you get all your stuff off the drive, format it and do a fresh install of Mint. If you still see issues, it’s something up with the drive.
I've had the mint install for over half a year now. It was working fine up until point mostly.
>If you get all your stuff off the drive, format it and do a fresh install of Mint. If you still see issues, it’s something up with the drive.
this is a really annoying solution.
Is there any other sensible solution that don't involve completely wiping out a drive just to "test" if it's broken or not?
Why do you even have a GRUB BIOS partition on a UEFI system? What motherboard is this running on?

>Why do you even have a GRUB BIOS partition on a UEFI system?
I don't know ask mint.
stop acting like a redditor and HAAALP!
What motherboard?
The discussion is over the harddrive and linux file system.
The motherboard has nothing to do with this.
OK, have fun then.
You’ve tried most of the other solutions, which are variants on “check the disk’s integrity and try to repair its contents.” The last two options are to delete the file (if possible) and see if that helps or to wipe everything clean and start over. What other solutions do you think might exist?
>ask pointless question
>person doesn't fall for it
>You’ve tried most of the other solutions,
have I? I tried everything in my reach but I doubt it's everything.
>The last two options are to delete the file (if possible)
How do I do that, when every time the system or me get even close to touching the file the sdd shits itself due to some file system error.
How hard is it for the system to not shit itself while interacting with an error for god sake?!
>What other solutions do you think might exist?
well for one, it's ridiculous I can't even get a full file system check done on it because it runs into...yeah file system errors, which the programs are supposed to fix.
It's like.... Police can't work on area where there is criminals, when you call the cops to take care of the criminals in the first place. It's complete nonsense.
>have you tried nuking the city and rebuilding it and see if the criminal problem still persists?
NVMe drives are just another PCIe controller attached to the motherboard. It makes sense to ask what piece of shit you have that crap SSD connected to. But you seem ultra paranoid about details that might help diagnose your problems, so, have fun on your own.
>It makes sense to ask what piece of shit you have that crap SSD connected to.
see this is what makes it easy to tell you have no interest in helping and just want to go
>WOW you have THAT piece of hardware LOL LMAO!
as indicated by your first reply
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okay I got something different this time.
now it's telling me a superblock is bad and I should try using another one.
How do I do that?
Anyone know if kernel 6.9.9 or maybe 6.10 solve these?
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So, now thag CUPS got removed from Ubuntu repos and is packaged into a Snap, what should i do if i don't want to move from Ubuntu (company laptop)? Is there a way to use Snap on a whitelist manner? God i fucking hate this annoying distribution, company allowed Mozilla's and Google's repos to slip through IT (cause Firefox and Chrome like most Snaps run like shit and have theming issues) and i'm worried Ubuntu tries to shove their Snap shim overwriting Mozilla's deb.
Use 6.6.x LTS.
>what should i do
learn to live with it, like a conforming adult
well I tried doing it with every other superblock that is saved and I get the same error message each time.
pic related.
Also apparently my issue isn't entirely unique:

God why is linux such a fucking nightmare. Just one day the file system decides to shit itself utterly
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>biggest contributor has an anime profile picture
>biggest contributor is based in china
>mkfs.ext4 -n /dev/nvme0n1
You just destroyed the partition table and your old filesystem.
Well, at least it's not hyfetch.
nvme0n1 is not a partition, you used the wrong target
Gosh darn it. I will have to switch distros since Fedora doesn't have LTS kernels.
This is the main thing i hate about Fedora. There're some LTS kernels in RPMFusion but you're trusting your gut right there when you need to dist upgrade to the next version.
I am on 6.9.9 with Fedora, my laptop is sleeping properly
i want to install arch but i cant decide between xfce and lxqt
why not both?
New thread:

dont want 2 DEs installed
nothing wrong with it, you'll just have two+ session options at login
I use KDE normally but keep XFCE around for when Plasma shits itself
can sddm start both xfce and lxqt
I use it with plasma and xfce, so probably
>media and data integrity errors: 572
i would look into backing it up (ddrescue) and replacing it
under warranty if possible, it doesn't look like you've owned it very long
also note that you have to tell the drive to do a self-test before the "passed" really means anything, since who knows when that result is from
that's normal, a bios boot partition is just somewhere for grub to put part of it's code to assist with booting gpt volumes from a bios (rather than uefi). it's only used in the specific case of bios-booting gpt. since it doesn't contain a filesystem, tools like that don't recognise what's on it
/dev/nvme0n1 is the whole device, not any partition, that won't work
no, not with that he didn't, -n is a dry run, he's probably following a guide on finding superblocks, since that can print where ext4 would put them
not that it will do anything here since he's using the wrong device node
I upgraded to fedora 40 KDE and now my mouse cursor is blue. Is there any fix for this? The cursor also seems to have a low frame rate, so it looks really jerky when moving around.
the fix is to not upgrade Fedora until EOL

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