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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
god i hate this fucking shit thread
why not hide and move on?
epoxy on my ram and rom
because they need to know and what the fuck is /pri/?
>what the fuck is /pri/?
is there any work in /cyb/ related to "intelligence"?
>what the fuck is /pri/?
the guy that got killed i guess
=== /re/ News:
This time, a book announcement.
>Gadget Book: Microcontroller Exploits
>It is as an advanced guide to hardware hacking. In other words it will be relevant for engineers wanting to get their hands dirty with the innards of devices. It’s not for beginners, or the mildly curious.
>For example, it covers how to read the software out of single chip computers, even when their configuration is not to allow the firmware to be extracted.
Threadly reminder that there might be a malicious link hiden in that pile of an OP. We have an updated one now, but like two autists DoNt LiEke iT:

/Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy. Common topics include:
— dystopian news,
— cyberpunk music and media,
— OpSec,
— hacking the planet (HACKING THE PLA-NET);

Networking questions will receive more helpful answers in the Home Server General. This is not a "how to find a job in sec" thread, but here is some information to help you get started:https://paste.sqt.wtf/1511e8

While our wikis (https://paste.sqt.wtf/227046) are somewhat out-of-date, they are still useful and will be updated with new information generated in this thread. Related generals: ham radio, 3D-printing, microcontrollers, drones; all on>>>/diy/. Homesteading on>>>/out/.
>Threadly reminder that there might be a malicious link hiden in that pile of an OP.
threadly reminder that you're a fucking tourist who is full of shit, there have never been any malicious links in OP and you didn't post one shred of evidence of that ever happening when asked multiple times in the last thread >>101497968
Lmao, what evidence can there be? There was an incident, we called the guy a retard and moved to a clean thread. All other witnesses are probably on vacation, unlike you. Thanks for giving me one.
The incident was he added a youtube link about butthair removal you fucking retarded newfag. That's not an attack, just someone shitposting.
>butt hair remover malware
What? No, that's every thread, that's no incident. Lmao, look how hard you deny it.
Ohhhh, and even if I'm hallucinating, such number of links is a security issue, duh.
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Sorry we screwed up your cyberworld, everyone. Please accept this $10 gift card as an apology- naw, just kidding, goys- screw you...

pure clown world

combine this with more happenings:
trump shooter
jewtube mrbeast666 drama
is america going to nuke itself?

all in time
when does it stop???
super heavy galactic stuff
the url in the post seems to be dead and hasnt been archived on any archive website
...I have to admit I like the trend of a retro 80s-90s anime girl repeating in animation over music. I'm cautiously optimistic if even a few zoomers can remember the cyberpunk era Do wish it was more Japanese music included.

Also, since its a cyberpunk thread, though not a remix...here's one of the originals that absolutely belongs

As an aside, I do wish that hiromoot would enable frontend embedding for media, like invidious/piped. Would be nice to link stuff that is not only directly on the big sites.
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It's only going to intensify as the US gets closer to the so-called, 'presidential election'.

Thanks for the 'choonz, fren.
>I do wish that hiromoot would enable frontend embedding for media
Me too. /gif/ gets to post media w/ audio, but not us? I doan gedid.
Have you ever wanted to spy like the pros? Well now you can now hijack and listen in on bloodooth without auth, and without the target's knowlegde or consent, like like they do to us!
'The PoC was demonstrated during the talk BSAM: Seguridad en Bluetooth at RootedCON 2024 in Madrid. It's designed to raise awareness about the insecure use of Bluetooth devices, and the need of a consistent methodology for security evaluations.'
it gets worse before it gets worse

furry hackers
are they trying to tell us something?

month theme
Why don't you prove that anon wrong by posting an archive link to the alleged thread with malware?
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It's going to be a wild ride, fren. Now is a good time to stock up on popcorn and enjoy the greatest shit show on earth. Edward Bernays would be having multiple spontanious orgasms if he could see what's being done with technology today.
'AI Used to Manipulate People? But Some of us are Immune!'
EW thread: >>101547618
its time for me to continue my linux from scratch ride while america burns

i had idea of running all processes in kvm, or atleast most

i added rust (ew) software that was unfortunately needed very much

i might use kvm atleast for web browser and arti
the vm will be minimal kernel -> sinit -> X -> web browser
nothing else will be present in the vm, just display server and the browser
no other input allowed, there wont be way to transfer files, only there to look at websites and receive information from them

kind of inspired by whonix, but done minimally, as few processes as possible

i am now building iceweasel-uxp browser, having some issues but it will be done
if iceweasel-uxp will end up requiring mesa, i will ditch graphical web browsers entirely
By intelligence do you mean something like military intelligence (all source/masint/geospacial/etc)? Or like, artificial intelligence? The answer to both is "yes" btw.
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Is this you 9front anon? I was thinking about your cat over the weekend, wondering what cool things it's doing behind your back.
plan9port is scheduled to be dropped from the distro
i will copy colors and reuse them in dwm, it will be better

there was one nice rio config i saw on youtube, i wanted to download the video so i can color picker the colors and patch dwm with them, but the video GOT DELETED (including the uploader) right as i was about to do that
i tracked down the uploader and sent him email, got what i needed now
he just deleted his account because he got tired of google
i had to go through osint grounds just to find a damn color scheme
i was surprised when i got a response, i pulled email from ooold archives

i might drop the idea of using kvm in my distro, but i will have to experiment first

>cat over the weekend
it sleeps all day outside then brings bunch of dead mice
its really hot here
also talked to this guy about random ideas
scroll to follow, theres few replies
more ideas that wont happen
or maybe
who knows

here is good inspiration though not exactly what we were talking about
but i would love laptop made out of transparent plastic
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Sovl. All that site needs to be perfect is a guestbook.
>laptop made out of transparent plastic
This aesthetic needs to come back for all electronics.
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butt hair general
thanks for stopping by
Redpill me on parental control software
It is useless, kids will always find a way to escape
legal spyware tools since no one cares about children real security
How do I get my discord token on firefox?
And no i'm not hacking anyone, I lost access to my email so the only way of using my discord account is through firefox which stores its token somewhere (and no, it's not a cookie).
>lost access to email
it's already over buddy
Why can't I just get my discord token and that's it?
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Well, I just did it. I found my discord token. And since you decided to be an asshole and not help, FUCK YOU, i'm not telling you my method.
Now the only issue is logging it with it. There's a firefox extension which does just that, and is based on some open source github project. I think i'm going to take my chances with it and hope it's legit.
How do you make money as a cybersec major? Is it worse compared to software developer aka codemoneky?
>How do you make money as a cybersec major?
By doing cybersecurity. wtf kind of question is that
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I installed a VNC software called TightVNC and used an 8 character password for it. I connected to a computer on my local network then left this running. Is there a chance that someone else from the world conected to my computer and observed it?

The program was run with default settings, Ive read it uses 5800 and 5900 ports. Don't know what the f any of these things mean. I think the "server" was definitely running, but nothing moved on my computer for all the time so I think Im safe.
Im dumb..
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>be me
>want to get into IT
>lurk, research
>pursue cybersec
>decide to work towards compTIA trifecta
>finish A+ core 1
>friend of a friend connects me with an IT business owner
>tells me to skip certs, start working on tryhackme
>offers me either a job or a referral within 4-6 months
Things escalated for me very quickly. I started tryhackme this morning and really like the more hands on approach.
Other than that what is the best course of action to not fuck this opportunity up?
Updated Firefox Zero user.js
why is this thread full of retards like this >>101558177 ?
What's the best small CRT screen I could buy for a new project?
>is there any work in /cyb/ related to "intelligence"?
Plenty. People have posted intriguing job ads from various agencies in the past, and the war in Ukraine has caused a massive recruitment campaign for many agencies in most NATO countries.
>CrowdStrike CEO is Jewish
This was a lesson to never trust Jews with your cybersecurity not matter how cucked you are to Israel
The best is the one you already had that fits.
For small portable projects, the Nokia display seems rather popular.
It is discontinued there but you might find it elsewhere.
"The street finds its own uses for things" and we see that in Ukraine:
>In Kyiv, traffic lights go off when the power is out, and crossings are navigated ad hoc, with pedestrians holding their phone lights up at night so that drivers can see them. Restaurants have developed “blackout menus”, showing which dishes they can cook when the power is out.
>Solar and wind projects are popping up across Ukraine. Hospitals are tiling roofs with solar panels; sheets of solar panels are being installed in small villages that rely on electric power to pump water from wells; the town of Lutsk has fitted solar panels to traffic lights so they keep working when the mains power is off.
Just take a look at the posters. We have some newfag literally complaining about imaginary malware links.
yeah, if someone can't tell a link is sus before clicking on it, then that says more about their own intelligence than anything else, plus everyone in this thread should be rolling with JS disabled by default anyways
I don't already have one that fits, I'm designing and creating my own enclosure lmao. I might look into a security doorbell system CRT? Also you literally linked a LCD screen.
How do you cope knowing that it's impossible to live a life with just 100% free software unless you go innawoods and do the Uncle Ted thing?
>inb4 just use bitcoin and monero
They are indeed great to pay stuff online but I can't receive my salary or pay my bills with internet money, yet.
ask for cash, pay in cash only
it is not that hard
This is literally solarpunk
Pls help
God forbid I try to answer someone's vague question
get EJPT and PNPT and apply for red team jobs

Learn everything on this list
move to El Salvador
you're over thinking it
And use ChatGPT.
Solarpunk is normally depicted with a lot less bombing.
Or frost or dust from air pollution.
>>101571302 isn't me but thanks.
Proton released...a Bitcoin wallet - Techlore
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Has anyone here managed to get Yandex to remove old cached search results with personal info? The page doesn’t have the info anymore, but Yandex still returns the old version from years ago. Any tips on how to contact them or get this sorted out? I saw they have a form for this, but I wanted to check if anyone here has advice before I have to resort to giving them my ID.
Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
The ride never ends:
=== /sec/ News:
>Hacking An IoT Camera Reveals Hard-Coded Root Password
>With evidence of sloppy coding practices, [Matt] set off on a search for a hard-coded root password. The second video covers this effort, which started with finding UART pins and getting a console session. Luckily, the bootloader wasn’t locked, which allowed [Matt] to force the camera to boot into a shell session and find the root password hash. With no luck brute-forcing the hash, he turned to Ghidra to understand the structure of a suspicious program in the firmware called encoder. After a little bit of poking and some endian twiddling, he was able to identify the hard-coded root password for every camera made by this outfit, and likely others as well.
fuck faglore retarded faggot
also fuck gayton retarded honeypot
because 4chanz is the place where mentally and emotionally stunted AI / cryptobros to go in order to become 1337 h4x0rz
Installing linux today
What distro? Spoonfeed my anon UwU
hyperbola or trisquel, others are meme

what hardware do you have?
/g/ newfag
My friend built my desktop and I also have a shitty laptop. Any specific specs I should find?
Alpine Linux
gpu is what matters
lightweight, minimal attack surface (musl, doas), minimal toolset (busybox), decent wiki
read these first, lookup if software you want to use is present

(hyperbola might me too complicated for now)

try it first to make sure all your hardware and software works before committing fully

and remember, linux is not windows
Thanks anons. Time to stop being lazy and do some reading.
>and remember, linux is not windows
This. Don't try to wrangle Linux into becoming something that it is not. Your experience WILL be different.
What are common mistakes people make in this area? I'm trying to wrap my head around what you might mean. I sort of know some of the differences.
No idea, I jumped into Linux head first after accidentally wiping my Windows partition.

Can't help ya there lad
>wiping my Windows partition
How did you do that?
installing to /dev/nvme0n1 instead of /dev/sda, it was 5 am
everything is a file
the architecture is different
dont try to shove windows only software onto linux, it wont work and will piss you off
Real braindead question here probably but isn't everything on windows a file too? Just not accessible and in folders like Linux?

so for example, you can generate random numbers form filesystem on linux
cat /dev/random

if you are writing c program you can call open() and read() to generate random numbers in your program
hardware, acpi etc is also exposed on filesystem so thats all you really need to interface and write programs

on windows you have this retardation
Starting to really understand why it's better.
the more i work
the more i realize
i dont care about the work politics
i dont care about my work
i just care about myself
i just care about playing with some stupid sandbox and painting my scale models
it's all a dumb game
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You have built your deck to join the matrix right anon?
>meaningless buzzword
=== /pri/ News:
>At the Olympics, AI is watching you
That is why your hobby should be distinc from your work.

Why not also try out Haiku? It is not Linux but interesting nonetheless.
If you want to try Linux and you are familiar with Windows, the easiest start will be Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu based on KDE.
BTW there are the occasional Haiku general, like this one: >>101564977
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Another slow night? You know the drill: https://youtu.be/hjGZLnja1o8?feature=shared
zero hw support

i also keep returning to this link
thread is completely dead tonight

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