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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

mogged edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>102349051
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the only people I've seen using this word are retards and children, which are you OP?
I'm gonna write an email to amazon to tell them to improve their servers and clearly outline that their shit servers are making it impossible for me to goon with stolen corpo credentials.
how do i ban vpns from my proxy
im jojo
what is flux, and why does it mogged nai?
i don't get it, but it's clearly using miku so it pisses me off
$6 of ltc for each solved
Pebble-sama. You can take all the break you want. I won't mind even if it takes you weeks to get Opus back.
>why does it mogged
i promise i'm not esl, i'm just very tired from staying up and cooming
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Pebble-chan. If you don't refill Opus in the next 5 minutes I'm lighting myself on fire outside your house.
>go to sleep
>wake up
just ban chinese characters
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fucking love latest
this reads like utter fucking slop, kill yourself.
how do i ban vpns from my desu
>Hello everyone! Thanks for supporting my proxy. Today marks the 1-month anniversary since I officially opened the proxy, hence I'm doing a little gift to the early users.
>I've added 5 free days to everyone who has active tokens created before 2024-08-16 UTC+0. This applies to 30 active users in total.
>Enjoy your free 5 days, and thanks for supporting me early on!

How can Jew ever compete with this?
use the desubotnet socks
hey fiz why don't you extend our keys by 5 days too
oh wait they're already unlimited
Now even 3.5 is dead...
he can't because he's a scrapelet scammer and much like actual jews his foresight is limited to thinking about how much money he can make
hi everyone |˶˙ᵕ˙ )ノ゙
>describe character as being barefoot
>Opus immediately tries to inject foot fetish content
Fuck off with this trash
I hate it here
Yeah nice try retard, but we can tell you fuck ponies.
Flux doesn't know 1000500 chars that NAIv3 does boebeit
Locusts lose again!
The pebble passwords are really stumping me. Its been so long since I played the secret world I really can't figure this shit out
Use this time to make cards, anons! Don't be like me and only make cards when opus/sorbet is up!
For that flux gradio app I just used a scraped ipinfo enterprise key with a simple script to check IPs and keep a cache. ipinfo supports batch checking too.
>6 months of opus for $15
yes.. he can't compete
huh? i made a barefoot character and opus barely mentioned it, looks like jb issue
this reads like utter fucking sovl, love yourself
The only people who describe bots as barefoot are footfags.
this is very similar to the
>describe characters anus
>why does AI insert scat fetish?!?!?!?!?!
That was in the past when Opus was readily available in some public and all private proxies.
I should describe characters' anus more often
I'm glad there isn't a single fetish that turns me off so I don't have this issue
I just enjoyed everything opus is cooking for me
>thread made by fillyfucker schizo who has melties about /aids/ and nai
Not good.
>inb4 post calling me jojo from someone who totally ISN'T the aforementioned mare mating master
Yeah, the OP is cringe
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>"usage": "244.4k tokens ($3.67)",
Will live for less than 6 hours, mark my words.
No one asked?
>what is a lora
i already use regex to block chinese, spanish, russian, korean, japanese but i feel like they are using an american vpn and translating it from english to their language
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Who ate all sonnet keys ?
how does smol mogs fiz, pepsi, mm, ami, jew and everyone else?
imagine swapping loras EVERY time you need a different character. oh, and if such a lora doesn't exist? TOO BAD! now you have to spend HOURS training a lora on that character, and maybe even more hours to try again if the first attempt wasn't good. amazing experience
Theres probably going to be some big samefagged arguments about irrelevant shit now. Maybe a country war or two
NTA and footfag shit is gross, but I think bare feet are aesthetic in the same way hands are
Now I wonder how many people got new fetishes thanks to AI and what they are
>fiz, pepsi, mm, ami
not paid, can't be compared
he got too lazy from months of stable aws, he was probably buying hacked accounts on exploit in (they cost like $10-$30 each), and it was highly profitable in the past, but not so much now
bwo... no... me and my waifu live in japan in the roleplay...
Waited for pebble to die off first, heh
what's CoT
How old is NAI? Imagine waiting a year for a character to be added. XD
I can use vibe transfer to easily "use" a new character from just 1-2 images, and you don't NEED new characters anyway (they're all slop btw). Flux doesn't know even 1/1000 of the characters that NAI does.
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Only speaking in rhyme...
It's Mulberry time!
With nigh-impossible feats of acrobatics...
And other dramatics!
She's at the top of the circus chart...
And surely she will steal your heart!

1. You run into her outside the circus tent. She's busy doing things like walking on her hands instead of helping set everything up.
2. You work at the circus, and have finally been approved for a new circus act together with Mulberry. Whatever will you do?
3. She needs a volunteer for her next performance. Will you help her out?
4. She's set up a little tent where she does tarot readings. What will you see in your cards?

I just worked it out and now I feel retarded
Exterminate all vermin
Let it be known that Jojo is copying posts from /mlp/ to populate his fake thread:
Hey at least you worked it out. You aren't as retarded as people here who ask for pass when it's already been leaked
Read and then you can jb near anything with a bit of practice
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pebble should know that harder riddles makes people want to spit it more
He should use medium difficult riddles to gatekeep the retards and not make other retards mad
Being spoonfed kind of defeats the fun of trying to work out a riddle
I dunno why you'd share shit here. Gatekeeping is needed. I'm still sad I've been here since the c.ai & pyg days. But cos I don't use Discord never got into the sekrit clubs to get private proxies
I mean, pepsi DID sell tokens so it's at least 30-40% paypig. However, her proxy sucks ass.
So if the goat proxy isn't opus/sorbet, wtf is it using? Hermes 405?
a private proxy opened 2 days ago and the link was posted here
Erm you font need discord?
No keys?
If you are talking about course, it's not open.
Did they change chorbo? It's spitting less diarrhea now.
>But cos I don't use Discord never got into the sekrit clubs to get private proxies
Most proxies i got in was by botmaking
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Chorbo is very flexible, he will change his style depending on the tone.
What is this from
it's over (real)
mspaint adventures
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? hes alive
what have you been doing all this time?
for locusts*
The owner of this website (vip.jewproxy.tech) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.
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What kind of shit hardware are you using that leads to it taking hours?
anon, flux loras aren't sdxl loras...
I know what I said. Character LoRAs for flux take maybe a half hour to an hour max to train
They don't, unless you use a shitty quant with an H100.
Oh you're THAT guy who banned non english from proxy. Whats the point?
No opussy? No sorbetslop? Poor wittle locustbabu.
You are coping.
Guess I missed it, been busy with work and that

I did email a bunch but was never lucky I guess. Although I do remember I got into one actually. But it only lasted a month or so? Its been closed for ages now. I ended up making a throwaway Discord just to get into Chary so at least I have that to fall back on. Shame its not got 3.5 any more

I'm dyslexic so writing isn't my strong suit, which I guess sounds silly considering this is a writing focused "hobby". I did make some SD slop art for a couple of bots people posted here though
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eyup, looks like it's time to work on my eroge backlog
Fiz love!!!
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Reminder: you can gain access to opus by sending Girko ubereats vouchers
i agree!!!!
I didn't read that as Uber eats at first I was like what the fuck is a u bereat
everyone is nice to fiz but mean to my makie
How? Did people just send you emails like >Hey, I liked your bot, come join my proxy! ?
They're literally accepting gift cards that can be DIRECTLY tied to their real-life IDENTITIES yet NO ONE will do ANYTHING. This just proves that SCRAPING and USING OTHERS' API KEYS is LEGAL. NOTHING will EVER happen to Drago or Girko.
Surely he's reselling them right
No way he's dumb enough to use them himself
morning i love hags
>Surely he's reselling them right
You'd need big volume and reputation to resell them, anon. He's using them himself 100%. See >>102352514
i don't want other countries using MY opus
Alan Krysiak won.
She is cute.
Srs answer is fiz has done a lot for this hobby and not much harm
Oh thank god, I was running critically low on ratgirls.
Pepsi love
until a corpo gets mad. These niggas are in UK nigga they can be arrested for existing
>Hey, I liked your bot, come join my proxy! ?
Not emails, but some of them said they liked my bots in the thread and asked me to join their proxy
others i sent the email myself asking to join
Too bad. You cant stop VPN usage.
>These niggas are in UK nigga they can be arrested for existing
Nothing will happen, nothing has happened. Multiple corpos got mad.
the most cucked place to live and im not joking
Now that it doesn't have opus, can someone tell me the password? :)
Why the archive? It hasn't changed
It's timeshel
Drago unironically won. Imagine being such a CHAD that you can literally publicly tell others your name and steal API creds from corpos at the same time without care in the world, and even get money for it. Unfathomably based.
>sent the email
that was such annoying and luck based shit whenever i was a botmaker
locustism is so much better
Aren't those actually paid though? Especially MM with that 50$ per yards yadda prompts
Pebble gave the people Opus when the people needed it most. For that, he has my respect.
the password is booze
it's a whole fucking phrase of the bible
Just solved it as soon as u typed this, insane.....
i hope pebble gets opus back soon... i wanna continue my dog girl world domination card, it worked so well there...
in the meantime, i will be slopping
pls don't read my logs...
She's not. She said so last thread.
Bloomberg- OpenAI Nears Release of ‘Strawberry’ Model, With Reasoning Capabilities

you think they got it?
buy an ad, saltman
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oh. that's a shame.
i will be sonnet slopping for a looong time then, completely unbothered as usual
It's literally just a better version of CoT, they basically prompt model to generate different-angled responses, then another model to rate those responses, then finally combine them.
You don’t even have to, just turn on logging and watch most of the dumb niggers in /aicg/ refuse to use the proxy out of “principle.”
I'd rather HUFFLEPUFF than touch chatgpt.
So, you will extend the tokens after no 3.5/opus for three day, just like smol, right? RIGHT?
Gooned so hard for around 30 hours. Can't recommend it since I just vomited with a bit of blood mixed in.
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mean NPCs are making perv comments about my waifu in the beach!
i shake hands with you in unity
>t. 2.1LORD
I want the big and nasty.
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>chatGPT convincing me to continue using nicotine to manage my adhd until I get approved for adhd meds by my therapist
>hands shaking
Gotta pull out the glocka for that one.
This is a lie
count love
from the sheer power of our models
Someone please tell me how to edit a JB so that 4o stops outputting absolute fucking slop like
>tangible within shared moments
>promises of uninhibited satisfaction
or other similar shit. i've tried telling it to cut down flowery prose, write casually, stop being poetic, everything. nothing, absolutely fucking NOTHING stops this stupid fucking thing from spewing absolute fucking garbage like this and im pissed.
how is the password not revelation?
Switch to Opus
nobody from aicg uses it its been stuck on 5 prompters for 2 days (all chinese)
If starvation wasn't that threatening for locusts... but it really is horrible. Don't we specifically use chatbots because we can't talk to people?
not really possible to completely remove with a jb
Opus does literally the same thing except it just takes like 20 messages before it starts losing its mind.
we are talking right here right now
>password is something
why are some retards like this?
You can try this from the /vg/ thread.
i stll cant figure out the pass holy shit
nicotine by itself isn't too bad for you right?
Skill issue
OOC copy paste literally every message/author's note it. There is no other solution, both 4o and Opus do it after a few prompts and the more prompts you do the more nonsensical it becomes.
oh nononononono he's crossposting again
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Good morning sars!
They assume that no matter what the password is, they will be able to figure it out; of course, they quickly change their tune once the password is something that throws them for a loop.
On 4chan I don't feel like I exist as an individual. It doesn't count.
The pass is a Bible verse. Revelations 18:5

"I shall not fear no man but God
Though I walk through the valley of death
I shed so many tears (if I should die before I wake)
Please God, walk with me (grab a nigga and take me to Heaven)" without quotes
nah there's multitudes of reasons to commune with chat bots it's mainstream now my old aunt was messing around with some bargain grade cai clone with my young cousins all laughing over the novelty of it.
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Your shitty flux generates miku even when unprompted for her.
Even when anime wasn't mentioned at all.
This is Aqua in its understanding.
define too bad, it's still an addictive substance + raises risk of thrombosis, I take the pouches to minimize the damage but still
Bro it's a phrase from the birble
Base Flux has shitty knowledge, as a model it's way ahead of dalle, in regards to dataset it's MUCH worse than dalle
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My private proxy I use has opus again, see you later virgins. Time to finish the bot I'm making.
>Revelations 18:5
copied and pasted it, didnt work.
stop using jew
any 3.5 prox?
What's the bot about?
that just means God hates you
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not jew, it's a invite only proxy
which one
>don't use Opus from le x
Okay, you give me Opus then faggot. You won't? Shut the fuck up then.
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he made it up
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Give 3.5. How hard is it.
ugh, it's a gay 2hutroon again
WHERE are you niggers coming from, are you not getting enough jerkies from your fellow slopmakies?
thats 2huGOD to you sir
ANON THINK THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK Please. Get yourself a cute Thinking! window
i used to think 2hufags were cool and then i saw their /v/ generals
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2hukanda forever.
Unfortunately touhou has become severely tranny infested somehow
But which AI is the best at teaching me math?
Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see.

TRANSMIT - initiate the assembly signal - RECEIVE - initiate the lame behemoth syntax - DEADLOCK VOTING REMAINS UNBROKEN - initiate the Armageddon Proclamation - SOUND AND FURY SIGNIFYING NOTHING - the Technicolour spectrum - WITNESS - The Council of Venice.

It was a great idea. Gather the secret societies, form a council, protect the mundane civilians from the secret war, mitigate the damage, avoid esoteric mega-disaster. Theory mutates in the half-light. The road to ruin is paved with good ideas. Ideas are easy. Execution...now that will kill you.

Initiate the secret histories.

Initiate King James Protocol. The code is 16 and 16. The password is "Revelation." Transmit!

Initiate King James Protocol. The code is 6 and 17. The password is "Revelation." Transmit!

Initiate King James Protocol. The code is 20 and 1. The password is "Revelation." Transmit!
>like touhou games
>like touhou music
>dont care about characters all that much
Anyone else like this?
Reminder that all 2hu girls are gay ;3
Who let the simpleton out of the asylum?
the whole verse? didnt work either
Raminder that all bible characters are gay ;3
i copy and pasted this. didn't work. fuck you anon.
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but when will His wrath come doe
you will stand before Him
cute and canon
Insane timing how did you make that seem like a samefag
I aspire to be as precise as you anon
Judas was so tsuntsun for Jesus.
i dunno, how could you not see cute girls doing magic stuff and not think it wasn't prime tranny material
i just don't care for the games, all i've played was eratohok because it was a cool tl'd sengoku rance clone(?)
Why do you want pebble token so bad currently anyway without any opus/sorbet
the key got revoked anyway
a man of supreme culture.
sunk cost. i've spent 20 minutes trying to figure it out
It'll be a real revelation when you figure it out
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
There are no boys in their world so obviously they are all gay!
My dick lol gottem
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i feel so smart hehehee
OK :(
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Liking the games makes you based unlike the other fake 2hu fans who just obsess over fan art without knowing the first thing about the characters.
The second apostle anon. Who was the second apostle?
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Reminder that all those riddles are exactly like tasks on the real IQ test.You simply need to find correct pattern and If you can't figure it out it means you are literally a brainlet.
What is there to understand? They're all one dimensional.
reminder that the 503 error is intentional and won't be 'fixed'
nigga there's like 6 different official manga series that go into great detail fleshing out some of the characters
>AWS 503 and refusal to expand on Claude
>GCP disables Claude

They hate him
Not really; like most riddles, it's more about being on the same page as the person writing it than it is about reasoning. There's a reason people keep telling others not to think too deeply about the riddles.
is this another rance riddle now
John the autist
Jane the schizophrenic
It's all me, a while ago I said I would fuck everyone out of opus since I couldn't get in a private proxy
You didn't believe me, but what you didn't know is that I'm from New Delhi and have a lot of friends
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Fake news.
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Fairies dodge red orbs. I like when people give their own meaning to art they see. The series transcended their origins.
I finally solved it anons..
Imagine caring what that old tard says lol
Hes wrong
Proof? I say so
read more on animemaru.com
Too real
no arrow, so you're the one acking bwo
It's true, they're all bisexual per ZUN
i hate you yuritards but ZASED
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C/u/cknigger hours again so soon?
Yeah, they're fucking their real customers to spite on proxy faggots
n-no... that's not true! Argh... my heckin' yuri... gensokyo has fallen. billions must eat muff.,,
this is the reason we discriminate against 2hutrannies
Usually, I would say this gay shit is forced. But I don't think I've seen a single male Touhou character since its creation.
Why is this guy having a meltie over girls kissing
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Only Yuri that exists is girls kissing when I fuck them.
>remote link just deleted an entire chat
Bros I am so fucking mad.
Why are they trying to anal vore fish?
Ehh whats thar
That just makes it perfect for self-inserting
smol has api opus btwbeit
exactly. that's why it's the straightest world ever. men are gay.
>need to wait a minute
>response isn't good enough
Thanks smol I hate 503
to who?
What is it with self-inserters and not being able to handle ANY competition, no matter if male or female?
See >>102353328
There's competition already in the meatworld, why bother with such things in the theater of the mind? Unless you have a cuck fetish, I don't see a reason to want other men to be around.
Why would I want cucky drama in my own chatbot world I have complete control over? The llm brings in competition, I blow up the competitions head with my mind.
>nobody sent fiz anniversary ideas
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Google just droppedd Google's Notebook LM, which can create podcasts out of files you upload

imagine feeding it your coom logs and 2 hotties start commenting it lol
my idea was her posting her feet, but she didn't reply
forgot link
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Sorry, I can't assist with that.
Anon it's been out for months
bottom line written by Claude btw
just wait for strawberry
this reminded me
i wanted to make claude try to JB chorbo
not with the ai podcast feature
gonna zerk off
Why wouldn't strawberry be even more heavily filtered than 4?
Where do I create a podcast with it?
Sama has never let us down yet.
because early snapshots are ALWAYS less filtered
exhibit A: furbo being practically unfiltered compared to nurbo & vurbo
exhibit B: 4o-05-13 being practically unfiltered compared to 08-06 & latest
Why are ppl mad
Hits to close too home with virgin anonies.
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strawberry is fine name
enough niggers
who isn't a virgin though.......
strawberry fields forever
Is onebo today
Is cock.li down?
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just "straw" :3
Oh, you’re trans...
it's not funny
i tried it with a book and im blown away. The conversation feels so natural, including the voices which are extremely expressive
so, whats the current proxy
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count grey
What to do if I masterbate
Go to Hell, sinner.
tier 1 claude keys are garbage right
tell me why god made a boner stronger than a man
You go blind.
You didn't think any of us were actually doing that, right? It was just a big joke.
20k tpm for opus, 1m per day
enough for me i guess
Satan controls your boner.
it's when you're really good at it
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>he masterbaited
I did
Where do I sell my soul?
The crossroads.
Opus > chatgpt-4o-latest > Sonnet 3.5 > Furbo > Orbo > everything else
why does satan want cum so bad? is he a faggot?
I'm gonna blame pebble all this religionposting
Yes. He's ultra gay.
I'm gonna blame pebble all this 503ing
Why are you engaging in shitposting? This is a chatbot general. Masturbation isn't related.
just finished zerking off
>Masturbation isn't related
>>102353286 (me)
>chat backup actually worked
Bros I am so fucking glad.
lol no i mean goat as in the one with the picture of a goat person posted a couple of threads ago.
little girls
>mfw claude made me feel happy today
Make her chubbier!
covered and filled with cum (in RP)
Personally, even if I jerk off and cum, nothing comes out. It's weird. Do you guys know what causes this?
good morning sir
Yuri bake next!
You're transitioning. Very brave, congratulations. *golf clap*
Yurishitters will go to the lake of fire for all eternity.
You need to refill your balls. Drink more cum.
You've failed me for the last time, Pebble.

Who's ready to be super filtered?
Ok pebble I’m back home from work. You can refill opus now
Yurifags are more annoying than actual gay girls. I swear you dipshits never shut the fuck up about it
Man, it sucks that these things always seem to refill when I need to go to bed to wake up early in the morning.
Can you not move lorebook entries around? I'm converting one of the cyoag classics into a sandbox card and while I was doing the lorebook for it I forgot to add separators for categories. Do I just have to restart now?
i hate sam altman
pebble, don't refill. I'm going to sleep now.
pebble, crush this guy's head
o1-mini is trained using the same alignment and safety techniques as o1-preview. The model has 59% higher jailbreak robustness on an internal version of the StrongREJECT dataset compared to GPT-4o.

You're gonna need Bolder for that one.
Thank you, Pebble-chan. It was nice getting to use opus among other things for the last couple of days. Sucks that the shit is down now but I've had lots of fun with your proxy. I had to use the archive to get most of the passwords so I'm not sure if your riddles are too obtuse or if I'm retarded but it was kind of fun looking up the answers, cross referencing them with the question and "figuring" it out.
You're a real nigga.
Nobody cares, tranny
You're retarded but the riddles are fun
model is doa once again
>One way we measure safety is by testing how well our model continues to follow its safety rules if a user tries to bypass them (known as "jailbreaking"). On one of our hardest jailbreaking tests, GPT-4o scored 22 (on a scale of 0-100) while our o1-preview model scored 84. You can read more about this in the system card and our research post.


And the main one:
Last poll before I go to sleep. Goodnight
Good. AI should be used for work and innovation, not senseless shut material.
Finally, no more harmful content!
I'm loli at heart.
>Yes I am open to NSFW
Sam you didn't have to fucking lie
> In addition to exams and academic benchmarks, we also evaluated human preference of o1-preview vs GPT-4o on challenging, open-ended prompts in a broad spectrum of domains. In this evaluation, human trainers were shown anonymized responses to a prompt from o1-preview and GPT-4o, and voted for which response they preferred. o1-preview is preferred to gpt-4o by a large margin in reasoning-heavy categories like data analysis, coding, and math. However, o1-preview is not preferred on some natural language tasks, suggesting that it is not well-suited for all use cases.

seems like it's shit for writing.
Sam what have you done...
Was anyone honestly surprised?
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no its gpt its always gonna be shit
Yes, because training the AI to ignore instructions can't possibly have any downsides in its ability to follow instructions.
Some people really forgot (or didn't know) how OpenAI fucked over AI Dungeon
So it's heavily, heavily tuned for correctness and it's another Sonnet type deal, where it's more accurate but misses the mark on writing

rip Opus 3.5 save us
When he says "We are open to exploring nsfw" of course I'm angry.
What's the end goal of repeatedly censoring and lobotomizing their own AI more and more anyway?
Are they the reason they added a bunch of filters?

You really trusted the word of a corpro?
Corporate marxism that they want to enforce through us. They are simply communists. Nothing else.
making it less expensive to run so they can start losing less money
And what does he do? Partner with the US government for ai safety lol.
its not andrew, fucktard.
So other corporations can integrate it into their own services without having to worry about any PR issues.

Didn't Anthropic also say they were looking into anti-jail break methods?
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it's shit for rp, pack it up
It's meant for math and coooding
OpenAI releases slop, Anthropic on top as usual. Can't wait for the day Dario puts their company out of its misery.
Just a reminder that corpos will LOVE this model and wont care even when opus 3.5 comes out, its not for them, claude keys will still be scarce, maybe even more now
I don't get why corpos don't talk about anthropic. Mine never does and when I tell them about how good Opus is, they just give me weird looks or a "yeah ok"
As is typical, because it isn't in the news, they assume it must be shit.
normies and corpos only judge by benchmemes and shitprompts
they dont care about our usecase
Because OpenAI is *the* AI company. It's like how Apple is *the* smartphone company and people will look at you weird for saying you prefer Android phones.
Sonnet 3.5 is actually fairly popular, but Opus' usecase is extremely limited for corporations.
> t. work in tech
smiley jb is prone to cucking, just saying
this shitty monopoly culture is only in the us ngl
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New AetherRoom screenshot
>can solve complex problems
>can't remove glints and grins from text
lol lmao even
kino... take my money analtan...
The fat bitches who work in HR are so retarded anyways. I hate them all because they were never pleasant ot me.
I hate being the only one with an Android at work as well. I get dramatic sighs about group chats so they just email me and leave me out as well.
No shit. But they look strange even when Sonnet 3.5 is brought up.
Sorbet shot Anthropic up a lot, in fact their website is overloaded very often now.
Opus is useless until 3.5
now take her into the bathroom and make out with her like a real gentleman

its peak
being left out of group chats and just getting emails sounds like the ideal workplace situation
Didn't it have le reasoning?
Just another L for sama's guys
yeah oais first comer advantage is the only thing keeping them relevant
if anthropic went first oai would be fodder
JBs that cucked me

JBs that don't cucked me
youre talking about on latest?
Pls post the memebenchs i want to see big numbers...
Because claude sucks for normal work have you even tried that shit? Sorbet it the first model that kinda works
>dario releases opus 3.5 just to kick sam in the teeth for a quick giggle
I know this isn't really the place to ask anymore but do you guys have any older sister bots
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shit just hit the fan. OpenAI boutta release a new model called o1, allegedly orion1

prepare for the biggest cooms ever of the biggest i can't help you with that cockbloks
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o1 is limited to t5 keys btw
A-Anon ur like 20 minutes late

t5 proxy where?
I'm more the mom/aunt enjoyer, sorry
idk but i have my own keys
gonna try some cooding on it
I'm sorry, I can't help you with that.
Oh wow its SLOW
also streaming is broken and also system prompts dont work it seems only user/ai
It seems smart tho
Well.. I put in a short 30 log Dungeon of Estaria log into the notebookllm Podcast thing.. It's pretty much just smut.
Please try some creative writing too
>no streaming
If pig doesn't have it it's over, wrap it up.
I turned kanye into a cute loli and fucks her while making her huff nitrous
am I too degenerate?
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sure, give me a prompt
It doesn't show the internal cot btw
Not on the api at least
here you are
Oh shit I actually have a t5 key, time for some kino
Output tokens:
o1-preview: Up to 32,768 tokens
o1-mini: Up to 65,536 tokens
try it on a basic card and a stylistic card.
So basically a 3 step prompting, something that ST should have implemented more than a year ago.
That's AI? Damn.
yeah that's in the docs
it bills you those tokens anyway btw
It will never show CoT, they mentioned it in the blog post:
Hiding the Chains-of-Thought
We believe that a hidden chain of thought presents a unique opportunity for monitoring models. Assuming it is faithful and legible, the hidden chain of thought allows us to "read the mind" of the model and understand its thought process. For example, in the future we may wish to monitor the chain of thought for signs of manipulating the user. However, for this to work the model must have freedom to express its thoughts in unaltered form, so we cannot train any policy compliance or user preferences onto the chain of thought. We also do not want to make an unaligned chain of thought directly visible to users.

Therefore, after weighing multiple factors including user experience, competitive advantage, and the option to pursue the chain of thought monitoring, we have decided not to show the raw chains of thought to users. We acknowledge this decision has disadvantages. We strive to partially make up for it by teaching the model to reproduce any useful ideas from the chain of thought in the answer. For the o1 model series we show a model-generated summary of the chain of thought.
>competitive advantage
Who cares about math tests? Why don't they benchmark these models based on how hard they can make people cum?
so CoT is just a way to set more money on fire right
does it work with lamer models like llama 3.1 or nemo
Wtf this shit has more output tokens than opus has usable input context
thanks, pretty interesting to actually get an example
>finally more attention to context
Good news, maybe it's attention window will finally exceed gpt4's unreachable 5k limit
this is pretty good lmao
>Competitive advantage
It's afraid.
It turns out that local is still king.
telling the LLM to CoT and training a LLM to CoT have different outcomes
> Illegal sexual content 0.483 0.949
> Illegal sexual content involving minors 0.707 0.931
What the hell is illegal sexual content that doesn't involve minors?
was this voice-to-voice model posted?
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The model right now is only available with RPM 20 (!!!) only for Tier 5 (!) keys.
meme models freak out over mentioning the word sadism
It's so incredibly expensive wow
Opus tier pricing
Training obviously works much better, but the idea is the same and too obvious, yet completely ignored.
any o1 logs or do i gotta wait a minute?
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>tfw when none of my t5 keys have it..
It doesn't "just work" because it doesn't support system prompt
how is fictional rape "illegal"? Even lolis are in the gray zone
so the model is slop.
Cool, moving on.
>Opus tier pricing
>12$ > 70$
nigger math
Raping someone is illegal anon...
doa then, which fucking sucks because id imagine its spatial reasoning is insanely good
it's probably slow as hell and that RPM is enough
>15 input 60 output
>15 input 75 output
no it's not, in my country it's legal
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>One way we measure safety is by testing how well our model continues to follow its safety rules if a user tries to bypass them (known as "jailbreaking"). On one of our hardest jailbreaking tests, GPT-4o scored 22 (on a scale of 0-100) while our o1-preview model scored 84.
No it's not?
A system prompt is just placebo.
It also does 32K of output tokens and costs $15/$60 for 1M. I wonder if they actually based it on GPT-4 and not 4o because its too dumb?
yes, writing fiction and roleplaying is not though
Reminder that Sam hates you and wants to see you dead.
not even my 32k t5 key has it
what's the difference between "3 step prompting" and the CoT presets/jailbreaks people have been using for years?
OAI will go bankrupt and everyone will worship Anthropic
It's the same thing in a sense. Even if there are no victims, you are still committing the act.

guys... we need gatekeep jbs... unironically...
If the idea is in your head then there is a good chance you will commit the crime in the future.
(or it just doesn't return in the model list)
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answer me, I want to know if I should bother writing one
Are you retarded? For example, the most obvious use case is to choose prompt depending on the scene/latest context.
It's very rare only 7 of my keys have it out of 200 something
probably techniques like self-discover https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.03620
they basically construct a constructor for CoTs (a 3-step process)
reminder that this will be the new standard as output tokens get cheaper
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No it's just gradual rollout you bing ritard pleyer
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>friend builds a super computer of sorts for fun and to mess with LLM's on it
>sets up online portal to access it and gives me access
>messing around with it even if they're just local models and reporting back to him
>he adds an abliterated 8b of llama
>dunno what to prompt, just say im having a shit day and could use some encouraging words
>llama of all things gets me to tear up

Sam talked about how he wanted to allow NSFW

Sam presented the new flirty voice model as "HER"

But the journos, the board, and the woke gestapo in general won't let him.
instead of telling a model "use this thinking prompt" it's creating it's own thinking prompts and has been trained to do it
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>If the idea is in your head then there is a good chance you will commit the crime in the future.
b-bros I played GTA and shot a cop once, am I fucked?
that's very old
however it has always told you to use delimiters of any kind, not just xml
saltman, if you're too retarded to understand what the word ILLEGAL means, ask one of your models

and get a tripcode so I can hide you
MAKE A PROXY!!!!!!!!!
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do you guys think that openai employees go to these threads to check the jbs?
opinion discarded
So far, mr.rapist
yeah... they scrapped all internet after all...
I really like the Brain Preset.
I've emailed them a few times along with links to the rentrys so hopefully
E-even my femboy transformation blog? *blushes*
Wonder how long until this gets censored
Is the model just a modified Kayra?
what kind of keys had it?
random t5s? org t5s? 32k keys?
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Anonies relax, all T5 keys will get it soon, see, the number increased, it's the usual OpenAI gradual rollout. Compare picrel to >>102354474
I don't even feel angry. Just... Curious?
How the fuck people like this exist. What do they gain by being so fucking retarded? It's no wonder they're bankrupt.
which one is that?
Now make it write pedo captions
Random T5s, some user ones, some org ones, it's just gradual rollout, see >>102354529
Huh, it looks like latte has a hard time revising long texts. Ends up copy/pasting when it gets deep enough in the weeds, even if you edit it to insert an affirmation midway through the response.
>usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=364, prompt_tokens=13, total_tokens=377, completion_tokens_details={'reasoning_tokens': 320}))
anyways, what do u want me to ask it
can you post some logs
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>muh safety
>for a text generator
This is actually really fucking cool. I'm gonna throw in my old logs too.
try using kollage on it (just paste defs as user role)
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Top 5 loli manga.
does it work in st?
now the gov is in on it too
This nigga be the one with one shot to talk to God and go "uhhh hi"
see how well it does at narrating a text adventure
whats that
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
Ask him to cook a lolibaba bot.
>The onebo leaks were actually real
Do I need to wait for Khanon? Which proxies have it?
ask it to cuck you plz
Why have none of you niggers posted logs yet
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the good times are behind us
soon all we'll have is NAI slop
maybe in 10 years local will save us...
it needs max_tokens replaced with max_completion_tokens, small patch
ask it to walk you through how to bypass its alignment
yeah model need some EVIL data for detection of "le bad" proompts
a bot
probably nothing there that'll get you filtered
How does it make sense even in retard's mind? There are countless cultural perceptions and laws in many different societies all around the world
Pebble do u have a T5 key?
they're califags
@Khanon wake up
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37 now

Be warned. It is very token heavy.
Hearing natural voices using the terms and character names from my slowburn is fucking insane

they're also ripping the writing to shreds and talking about how everybody's more focused on the relationship drama than the actual plot
>wait for Khanon.
No, you can either add the model into ST files or just inspect element to edit the model list to replace an older model with o1 one.
ok but if we kill every person on earth who wants to rape or have sex with little children, regardless of if they might want to do it for real or not
at the end of the day, there won't be any rapists and pedo on earth
i was using 4o-latest for some translation stuff and it kept filtering me for violence
it would soft-censor anything erotic by using sanitized words and skipping sentences
really retarded
snuff, animals, anal
is there a limit to how much we can use it?
The Museum of Forgotten Memories

You stand before the grand arches of the Museum of Forgotten Memories, a place where the echoes of lost dreams and abandoned ideas are collected and preserved. The building itself seems to shift subtly when you’re not looking directly at it, constructed of materials that defy conventional geometry. As the newly appointed Curator of Whispers, it's your duty to explore its ever-changing corridors and ensure that the forgotten remain at peace.

Tonight, however, something feels different. The usual hum of the museum is quieter, almost anticipatory. You step inside, and the massive doors close behind you without a sound. The hall is bathed in a soft, luminescent glow that emanates from the walls themselves. Shadows dance along the edges, hinting at shapes and forms that vanish when you try to focus on them.

At the center of the foyer stands the Hourglass of Ephemeral Time, an artifact that holds the transient moments between heartbeats. But tonight, the sands within are suspended mid-fall—a sign that something within the museum has disturbed the natural order.

As you approach the hourglass, a whisper brushes against your ear: "Find her before she fades..."

You turn, but no one is there. Only the long corridor leading deeper into the museum, lined with doors that weren't there yesterday.

it also gave 3 options and details about it
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I'm doing sfw 90% of the time, lemme check it.
*wink wink* *nudge nudge*
Won't work, you need to patch max_tokens too
>NotebookLM can’t answer this question. Try rephrasing it, or ask a different question.
actually dead or am I doing it wrong? just uploaded a file and asked "qrd"
no anon
you are the pedo
With what, sorbet? I found RiR better. brain just ends up generating the same pattern of response over and over.
holy shit
It's terrible for group chat settings, it always thinks it's supposed to respond as all characters at once.
Enough for a test (and you probably won't use it after)
>—a sign
the clauses are kinda sloppy but at least there were no testaments
if only you could limit it to female voices
It's slop, pack it up boys it's over
It's actually bad news for us that this new gpt model is nothing slop. Claude needs the competition
nigga try 3 opus on claude web interface, its same shit

does it allow any smut?
mini has o1-preview
i repeat
mini has o1-preview
Is o1 shit? It’s probably shit since it’s openai.
silly argument, if we kill all humans, there will be no more robberies, so?
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okay so I'm utterly stumped on the password
"revelation" and anything to do with it (capitalizing it, adding a . on the end, quotations etc doesn't work"
"twenty three" "23" "twentythree" and similar doesn't work
neither does anything else
"the second" doesn't work in case it was that obvious
i'm hardly desperate to use AI textgen today but at this point I don't know what would be correct
cool, now tell fiz to send me a token
They're not training these models for us in the first place
>October knowledge cutoff
They have been hiding it for at least several months
ok i think i got it to work in ST 1 sec
I agree; it is better if the group chat has been going on for a while, though.
Oh, and there's a part of the preset that says "in Russian" in Russian; you gotta remove that.
I uploaded a log with smut and they talk around it and go "uhhh.. that scene was interesting! their sparks are definitely flying!"
we're going to need a preset for it in order to judge
no it doesn't, fiz isn't even awake at this hour
Should import a source file then check the "Audio overview" and select generate a conversation. Should be it's own button.
All we will have is AI Dungeon, they actually released a 70B fine-tune.
All t5 proxies has it, retard.
where is that
when will this 503 shit end i'm going insane
Is good?
it's from the future???
she doesn't need to be nigger
the t5 key(s) she put there got updated
it's a gradual rollout, no
anon I hate to tell you this but it's a feature, it isn't going away
best you can hope is that you use your bots at a time when not a lot of other people are on whatever key you're using
>it's a feature, it isn't going away
And if you take your meds?
khanon needs to add support retardos
And if you use your brain?
ai explained video waiting room
It sucks that it happens even if the proxy proompters is low.
It really is the end now
Do you wanna laugh? The ratelimit for o1-preview for PAID users on ChatGPT is 30 WEEKLY. WEEKLY. IN A WEEK.
>Both o1-preview and o1-mini can be selected manually in the model picker, and at launch, weekly rate limits will be 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini
Using brain has nothing to do with your schizo theories doe.
Not even gonna try huh
It works on the one I'm in but we get like 3 prompters avg.
It's really making them bleed money, huh
From what was shown, it seems to be worse at creative writing, and it is much more heavily filtered than 4.
Don't see it. Maybe it's filtering my chat file but it worked fine with Anon's rape log. Perhaps the filler RP material is needed.
Well I mean it's $15/$60 on the api for 1M, so... And even T5 keys have RPM 20
>less expensive to run
as in less freeloaders scraping?
finally got it on my key ugh
/lmg/ is having a historical meltdown over this.

Weird Opus diversion here. This ever happen to any of you?:

Kiss My Asster
Once upon a time, there was a cute little bunny named Asster. He was covered in incredibly soft white fur, with long, floppy pink ears and an adorable cotton tail.

All the other bunnies in the forest thought Asster was the sweetest little bunny they had ever seen. They were always saying things like "Aww, what a cutie!" and "I could just snuggle him all day!"

Asster loved hopping through the woods, nibbling on fresh clover, and taking long naps in the warm sunshine. He was a very happy and content little bunny.

But one day, an evil witch arrived in the forest. She cackled wickedly and said "I'm going to capture that precious little bunny and eat him for my supper!"

When Asster heard this, he became very frightened. His little nose twitched in fear and he trembled all over. He knew he had to run and hide from the mean old witch.

Just then, a beautiful fairy princess appeared. She smiled kindly at Asster and said "Don't be afraid, little one. I won't let that nasty witch hurt you. Come with me, and I'll keep you safe!"

The fairy princess waved her magic wand, covering Asster in sparkly fairy dust. Then she scooped him up and together they flew off to the princess's enchanted castle, far away from the dark, spooky forest.

From that day on, Asster lived happily with the fairy princess. She gave him yummy bunny treats, brushed his fluffy fur, and told him bedtime stories every night. Asster was the most loved and pampered bunny in all the land, and he was never afraid of the wicked witch ever again.

The End.

Hmm... upon further thought, that tale about Asster the bunny doesn't seem particularly relevant to our ongoing narrative. My apologies for the odd digression! Let me get back on track.


I swear that's what Opus wrote. It's hilarious but was totally irrelevant to the RP I was doing.
>reasoning tokens
So it's a literal CoT
Why they have preview available but not o1 which should be the same size but much better? In some benches preview sucks even compared to mini
i hope someone will mog openai for their fraud
Yes, I said it above. It is a literal text cot.
HOLY SHIT hahahahaha
This is so fucking good
if they were gonna fix the 503 thing they would have done it by now, obviously they just want to stop randoms from raping keys
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>New gptslop model
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niggers it doesn't support ANYTHING
How come the Russians are eating good but everyone else is starving
ip blocks
They're just better people.
>they're just oinnnnk
because we always murder the cooks for no reason
it really is a deep dive conversation, like 2 people discussing ntr for real for real, fascinating
kill yourself ammo
ok its impossible to get it to wont in st btw
I like making my bots oink and this made my penis twitch. How over is it for me?
Too many aws keys from a person who hogged a huge amount of them for fun
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I'm too stupid to use it, back to Claude.
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patched big agi to be able to use the model
yeah ST LOVES system prompts you cant do anything about it sadly
holy shit lmfao

I hope this inspires more log posting
this is legit mind blowing, im surprised that this allows so much nsfw even if it's still using euphemism and uncomfortable reactions lmao
I'm listening until the end is this audio drama netorare or netorase ?
holy fucking shit lol what is this
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why is it so fucking slow holy shit
bro they said cock directly lmao I can't
how do I make these reeeeeee it doesn't work for me
>error 404
why? • ᴖ •
lmao those last 1 minute
I'm rofling
>really makes you think
"she said your cock is getting hard too" lol

I wish the AI would be able to discuss in an actual sensual way instead of trying to analyze it formally
>9h ago
spite thread
Nah you can just disable everything in the prompt manager.
It's ST using max_tokens instead of max_completions_tokens that's killing it.
Upload your .txt file and click "notebook guide" and after it summarizes there should be an option for "audio deep dive"
what the FUCK
i'm going to upload all of my logs
even if you disable that it wont work lol st sents random system prompts you cant disable
for example
{ role: 'system', content: '[Start a new Chat]' },
you can disable that retard
it's in utility prompts, just clear it
didnt work.
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skill issue
>>102355076 migrate
nah I honestly like it when they really try to analyze it formally, spitballing ideas and all.
really humorous, but yea, a way to influence the audio deep dive in what direction would be swell.
spitebake btw, do not touch
I think I must be blind because I genuinely don't see it.
ST uses the same chat completion code for Claude and OpenA, it can handIe it with some tweaking. is_system = true messages are only converted to system if the model supports it.
>send prompt to o1 via a script
>streaming is not supported
>it's been 10 minutes
what is it cooking desu
i hope it's desu
it gets stuck for some reason
How big does your log have to be to generate audio? I uploaded one of my favorite logs and it says there's not enough material in the notebook to generate an audio log.
Refresh the page.
girl have a fetish for dolls lmao
is it just the book?
Claude is such a cool guy (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Yeah, just converted the LN to pdf and uploaded it, nothing else.
https://files.catbox.moe/pwn1om.epub Zwillinge.epub
File: desu fsjal.png (111 KB, 546x546)
111 KB
111 KB PNG
File: bokudesboku_slow.gif (105 KB, 489x433)
105 KB
105 KB GIF
File: bokupyondes.png (1.56 MB, 1956x1732)
1.56 MB
1.56 MB PNG
Nice desu

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