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Vaporwave Chuuba Edition

Previous Thread: >>8175361


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
Good slop. Anymore?
Boring highlights tbhwyfam, thread had more interesting pictures in it...
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I made it into the highlights yay

which style lora is this anon
nice colours and eyes
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Accept the chemo, chuddies.
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Is NAIVIT anon around? Can I get a gen for the road?
sir, what's this moe shit doing in my safe space thread? >>8178218(Cross-thread)
WTF is naivit?
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>you died
foxgirl body misplacement magic
>penis penetrating the butt cheek
If he wasn't dead he'd wish he was.
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NAI could never
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Something tells me you are using a lora trained on nai outputs...
where are the hags?
6 feet under
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The gen fucked up, but I really liked how the girl looked.
You forgot to set top k to 1 again, anon.
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not old enough
good taste (not being ironic)
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I mean, the 4th tail model is probably trained on some NAI, but lora and prompt wise, no NAI. Proof: https://files.catbox.moe/fd00mb.png

Also, doesn't even matter, NAI doesn't allow for Loras, so NAI could never [spoiler]generate jane doe until they bring out v4, which will not know newer characters and so on[/spoiler]
fucked up the spoiler, damn
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Thanks. The gyaru gens I tried before came out terrible, but I like these unga-bunga gens.
my final goal is to create POV foursome shimaidon with jk, jc and js
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Can you go easier on the compression? Make it a 2MB jpeg at least. Look at your png you catboxed, then look at the jpgs you actually post in the thread, you got squares all over your image: https://files.catbox.moe/l2za4a.png
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Damn, I didn't even notice. Yeah my bad, this should be better?
box this one for me thx
it's nai
after you
I was thinking of being funny and boxing the jpg

How's it feel to be wrong?
>img2img from nai
cope liar )))
new schizo obsession just dropped
it doesn't look good nor like anime so it can't be nai
>The Day I Got An Aneurysm From Reading /hdg/ And Died Waking Up As The Slave of Nymphomaniac Unga-Bunga Foxgirls.
the checkpoint is just a merge of the model and loras from the previous catbox. checkpoint is too large for litter box, but if you really need it I can probably put it on Mega

It must be hard being too retarded to open a comfy workflow.
liar liar pants on fire
I'm gonna tell mom that you're being mean!
noooo you are a tattletale =(
do yours then
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Much better, thanks.
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Requesting Dehya buttjob.
Why is it so blurry? It's like grease was smeared all over the image.
>"blurry background" tag
idk, you tell me why it looks blurry
stop replying to a failed abortion
I guess you're right. It was kind of fun though
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Me near the hills.
>he's still samefagging
How does a person end up so mindbroken?
Post hentai.
we must preserve the /hdg/ heritage at all costs
Post hentai.
no one else has nai here
I do too but I can't image posting anything here but text outside of burger hours.
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What the heck do you mean bro?
well this isn't /b/ :DDDD
I'm not asking.
make it gif
Thanks, these are great!
People who think that a new model would save this place are fucking overloaded on copium, man. This vicious cycle of shitposting won't go away until moderation approach changes (and it won't). People will keep having their Matoi Ryuuko """""lolicon""""" getting deleted, hagfags will shitpost about pedos and anons will keep shitting this thread up out of spite. New model won't change shit.
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for all those ripped starters, correction is needed
Avoiding answering my actual question? Sus.
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Holy shit it's learning, it's so much better at managing the noise, take a look at this 1280x1856 base res gen without the SMEAr or similar tricks. Still far from perfect, but..
Talking about corrections I wanna do some more ygo girls only other set that kinda has some art I can find is traptrix.
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speak of the devil
i'm literally just now trying to prompt for Allomerus at home https://litter.catbox.moe/gtcvcc.png
Sera, Iblee and Hugin also don's have loras sadly
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I'm trying to post an image, but the post won't show up. Cool website.
>New model won't change shit.
except i'd actually load up forge again to gen shit instead of reading this shithole
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Aqua when her whole face gets covered in "hentai."
there's always gotta be that one underdeveloped shit-fetus ruining the thread...
it must be debo...
>it was debo all along
all makes sense now
stfu troll
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Dear shitposters.
>Made it into the highlights
>Still no discord invite
Is this how Anakin felt like?
i've made it in five times and no invite.. you just gotta keep it up anon im sure w'ell get them eventually
if i put in the effort i make it in every time
Doesn't really matter without an invite. Like winning the popular vote over and over again won't get you into the oval office
ok tranny
The only /hdg/ poster who got the invite since March was the anon widely known as "Miqo'te poster" or Miqo anon.
Getting into highlights is not enough, you gotta show consistent skill and perseverance, knowledge and involvement in the community. Should have joined before, it used to be much easier to get there.
are you dying, /hdg/?
we all moved to /b/
why nobody posting muh hentairino?!?!?!
too busy trying to think of a name for my socials and how to get money so i can go live somewhere cheap like a /trv/ chad
Why don't you post anything? I didn't because I'm a furfag and I don't belong to this place.
and also how to get a following on said socials
lots and lots of bbc
i'd rather not
i'm not a mutt
forget getting a following then
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>there's only one genre with an audience
for ai sloppa, yeah, pretty much
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post milfs
remember that this audience consists of people either too poor or too stupid to use imagegen themselves, so your choice of genre is actually pretty limited
there's gotta be more niches with a poor or stupid
have a few in mind myself just am worried about opsec
i.e. i don't want to produce ai porn for a certain audience and, if any platform i use gets breached, have people think i'm into it rather than know i'm just doing it for the money
There is still vast market potential in selling ai ntr rpgmaker games to japanese coomers on dlsite
i'd rather sell nooses to those "people"
but that would require actually knowing japanese
christ i forgot rpgmaker was a thing
first time i heard about rpgmaker was rpgmaker 2003 i think
So what are your favorite sampler method+schedule combos?
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Euler A SGM Uniform
utterly wretched thing to use a ghibli lora for
smokin hot babe
it's the only thing they deserve
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not sure how the sound of a cat in japanese is pedo
post the cursed seal 2 version
>No flux.
>No cascade.
Is it over, bros?
only erotic post itt
Mikuru Biimu!!~
ermmmm but the new cascade partial epoch just dropped and this one is cookin for sure no doubt about it
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you dont get it
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>no deleted posts yet
ok, now that's unironically based
cascade 1b is looking better every day!
Bros I need the catbox inspector extension thank you
read the op you lazy fucker
cascade won?
I did it, but the "right click to see the prompts" part doesn't appear, only the upload to catbox part So I assumed it was a separate one
yeah. cascade won.
just read the github page
newfags these days baka
Why are there few screencaps ( style) on civitai for pony? I wanted a lot of the recent animes, but no one is doing it. ;-;

I'd try it if I had enough vram...
95% of anime look the same
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Box pls
>post gen thinking it looks fine
>immediately notice a mistake
the patreon watermark?
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sgm uniform best one of those the other side I waffle between euler negative, euler smea dy, dpm++ sde 2m / 3m.
Anyone got naizuri gens?
I found someone mentioned on CivitAI that you can sample flux dev twice to get small details clearer. That's certainly new knowledge to me.

They are right. My problems with flux lora being blurry is finally solved perhaps.
Get me some screencaps and get someone else to lend their vram.
I'm honestly bored. If you can provide datasets then I'll train them.
fuck off to /d/, retard.
Yeah, this works on anything. Like when you set the upscale ratio to 1x by accident.
Nice. That isn't an innate kase daiki, is it? Which lora?
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Sorry if this is a dumb/stupid question, I'm not familiar with the intricate know how of how AI models work, but I was curious if anyone knew how often NovelAI's model was updated? ik that is uses Danbooru as its source of info, but I was trying to get some summer space Ereshkigal since I noticed got over 100 entries really fast. I wasn't expecting anything super accurate but it wasn't even getting close to the mark at all, I tried something similar with Brazilian Miku since that really exploded too, but same result. Again, sorry for the lack of understanding these things, I was just curious

I don't know if it's the best lora available, but I'm using this one: https://civitai.com/models/363519/kase-daiki-style-pony-xl

I merged it into AutismMix.
It's only updated when they release a new model. It isn't something that is updated on a weekly basis, so right now V3 is based around September/October 2023.
naiv3's dataset only includes danbooru until august 2023 or so
NAI is forever stuck in the past. Only local gets to experience the pleasure of newly released gacha whores and seasonal anime girls
Never. v3 dataset is from autumn last year, so it only knows Frieren from manga. You're supposed to use vibe transfer for newer things, but that's not ideal.
Do you like love, /hdg/?
Thanks. Well even if it isn't the best, the feet made me feel funny so I'll grab it.
>You're supposed to use vibe transfer for newer things, but that's not ideal.
it's pretty much unusable for this purpose, it's awful. inpaint trick works better but it's still shit. if you really really care about new fotm waifu local is pretty much the only sane way now.
i think they should have considered making small updates at least every ~4 months or something, a lot of sloppers feel like they are missing out if they can't gen a new gacha whore with nai
Well damn, thats incredibly unfortunate. NovelAI was really solid at recreating artstyles. And I take it there isn't a way to pester them to update it?
Nice contrast
Other than loras the only way is to retrain the whole thing, and they might end up with a worse model afterwards.
NAI should provide "lora" training from images directly linked via danbooru, gelbooru or pixiv, no risk of people training it on illegal shit then
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I forgot my pic
well yeah some automatically triggered lora (on fully typed character name) could be the way, a shitty one, but at least something.
also don't they have the dataset and hyperparams anyway? they can train really fast with their epic cluster
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Nai will do absolutely nothing that impacts their profits. Renting compute is expensive and they can't give their users training or more compute intensive models without raising their prices. Recent update suggests that core weave is bleeding them dry
Jokes on you, I only generate 1boy1girl for real
Specially when genning my waifu
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This is just sad... It managed to learn low-frequency details really well, but it utterly shits itself on high-frequency details, i.e. fingers and styles, the disgusting cartoon lineart is present (thankfully the sepia went away), but it just doesn't show any signs of learning high frequency details as fast... Like, you look at the preview, notice how great the perspective is, then you just watch how later all this work gets destroyed by undertrained timesteps. I would have restarted this shit already with lower lr and different parameters for timestep schedule, but now I'm curious as to what will happen if I fry this shit in as deep as possible.
(epoch 3 on the left, epoch 4 on the right (effectively multiply this by 3), it learned artist sepia and shapes but didn't learn anything else in particular)
The loss plot also became really unstable, maybe the learning rate 11e-7 is too large for batch size 12 at 1024 after all.
I'd expect them to profit off something like that, of course they wouldn't provide it for free, either charge 7k anals or make up a new kind of training currency that you can only purchase with real money. And if those models end up being linked to an account without the ability to download or share them that's a lot of potential money
Have you ever done horn grab stuff with your goat? I dont remember seeing one from all the box I downloaded from you
we only know Pony here, sir
>Recent update suggests that core weave is bleeding them dry
the steps for opus users are still the same, 28
they had a lot of broken samplers/schedulers, so some kind of update was long overdue... I still am using Euler A native though. euler a karras seems to be usable too though
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Do you love your mom?
why do you hate NAI so much and how thick is the dragon dildo you stick up your ass everyday while watching gay porn? consider the rope
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A little bit but I've found despite being a furry model, pony is kind of hit or miss on horn grabs. It seems to usually just default to head grab or hair grab. I try to steer clear of concept loras just because part of my enjoyment comes from messing with txt2img. I've had an easier time when doing fellatio images but outside of that it feels like too much of a diceroll. Most end up similar to this where it more looks like he's clenching his hands next to them instead of holding them.
it's not a normal computer program, it's a extremely complex algorithmic thing that inputs millions of images and makes them change numbers inside a multi gigabyte model. it takes lots and lots of computing time to make a big model, which means serious money involved. it's not something you can just update on a whim.

which is why local solutions such as loras are popular, you can insert whatever the fuck you want with a fraction of the effort, though usually not as good as being native to the model
but my nai gen is in the highlighterinos......
this but unironically
Flux finetune any day now....
only 2 more weeks sir
>Like, you look at the preview, notice how great the perspective is, then you just watch how later all this work gets destroyed by undertrained timesteps.
this is why i just use regular snr or whatever without any additional timestep fuckery
I wonder if that's just because they're looped, not straight.
They seem to be working on V4 now, so there's that.
Pot, maybe it's time to accept the fact that your DIM is too low.
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Bros, how to prompt for facesitting on (you)? No rando's face, just ass taking over most of the picture in a coming down pose. Do any keywords even exist for it?
Nah, timestep schedule is a really useful thing for speeding up the training. The problem with it is that it is mainly used for Flow models, which use timesteps a bit differently.

Also, quick note on Flow Matching. Basically, on a high level when you think about "Diffusion", you actually think about "Flow Matching". This is because Flow Matching provides a general mechanism for turning pure noise into a picture, while Diffusion, on the other hand, explicitly defines the process of adding and removing noise, which involves timesteps. Diffusion is an "incomplete" subset of Flow Matching.
My DIM is so big it won't fit on your GPU.
Full schizo arc to achieve greatness when?
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probably some combination of pov, ass focus, close-up
Did we ever find out if hestia is lolibaba?
Already in the full schizo arc, just without the greatness
More like an OppaiLoliBaba
Yeah i had the same issue no matter the horn shape and even on characters the model knows having horns, thats why I asked you, guess it just sucks then
At that point, where's the loli part? She's short?
a few lora on civitai do that
That and baby faced,but that's more just an anime thing,the manga gives her a less childish face
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Need hag
man this looks nasty but in an almost fappable kind of way
fapping to nasty things like that is a good way to catch virtual stds
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that's a rad gen ngl
hyper goes to /d/, retard.
nta but how is that hyper?
Did you use a lora to get a proper kiss or did you just gacha it
But you have to do unhinged crazy michelangelo worthy works of art to get ONE NAI gen in the highlights when the biggest drooling retards can post 15 pony gens that look the same and all 15 get highlighted. But hey the ponytard used 1 bg lora, that's clearly highlight worthy. He clearly has a bias, he deserves to get sepsis after his giant dildo rips his asshole open, gets infected and dies
he's shitposting, don't give him the attention he wants
all you need to do is look at the dick.
it's not very complicated.
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I just gacha'd it
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grossed gloss glosses glosses
glosses tossed in gross glosses
glossed and tossed with gross gloss
gross glosses glossing gloss in loss
doc croc my beloved
That cock isn't even thigh sized though. That's some weak-ass "hyper"
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holy schizo
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Total hag love
anal variant please
it's still hyper.
those aren't testicles. those are tumors.
the dick, at half-mast, is thicker than his own wrists.
this isn't a very hard judgement call to make.
Has a version of character. ai been made yet that doesn't censor fucking the characters?
>character. ai
good morning, sir
have you double-checked the thread you're posting on? this is a schizo general themed around ai hentai. even /b/ has more organized ai discussions
it might be /d/ size (though I disagree). But hyper specifically means far beyond what's possible in reality.
>bought a cheap-ish wacom tablet on a heatstroke-induced whim while i was at the store
>i can't draw
>i don't need to sign documents
i-i guess i can sketch to i2i or inpaint with it...?
Would you be willing to direct me to it? Trying to fuck pippa and this lame ass site is filtering nearly everything
to the anon shitting up the /emugen/ thread, can you stop, i know you post here
>He doesn't use euphamisms
anon that shit is larger than YOUR fucking forearm. Someone with something that size would immediately have a heart attack if it were to get erect.
It's already well beyond the point of "far beyond what's possible in reality."
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head to /g/, that's where the discussion on text ai goes.
Could also learn to draw. My stuff looks like a 3-yo made it, but the process is still fun once you get into it. And it's usable with controlnet.
Nice tiits. But also show that 50x100 sticker on the wall to Jordach, it has better eyes than cascades 1000x2000 gens...
Dicklet cope lmao
thanks anon, I rarely ever go there but wasn't sure if >blue board would allow it. That's why I checked here first
Hyper looks like this: https://litter.catbox.moe/m9xl7z.png
And if you look, anatomically, it's exactly the fucking same - just "smaller."
And that "smaller" is still larger than a grown mans forearm.
Lower end of hyper is still hyper, retard.
nah, look up priapism
rather he'd struggle to get hard at all, and not grow any larger if he does
It's only images that get you in trouble. You can post about raping lolis with tentacles on blue boards as much as you like as long as it stays text.
I don't want to inpaint bros....
sure doesn't look like she's trying to cover herself
oh i tried quite a few times during the years, i can barely make stickmen anon
I want to inpaint and do effort gens but I am completely devoid of ideas
Never understood the appeal of hyper, my theory is that it's for severely myopic people so that they can see principal parts of the image clearly.
is this the new fucking EF goth girl?
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Are you implying she's anything other then a very modest soon-to-be pornstar?
oh rad, I've always just kept blue blue and red red in my mind, so I never considered text. Thanks a lot anon.
>so NAI could never [spoiler]generate jane doe until they bring out v4, which will not know newer characters and so on[/spoiler]
>high on his own spitium supply
>Trying to fuck pippa
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Something something the morning dawn come to vanquish the night something.
stealing your mix a 2nd time, no hard feelings
I only want to fuck pippa
There's just something about getting the gross rabbit pippregnant that gets me throbbing.
generally speaking it started showing up and only has popularity in unironic gay circles - futa, furry shit, just straight yaoi, etc. This is made obvious because it just puts so much emphasis on the dick itself.
the only reasonable explanation for it to show up in proper hetero is for people with microdicks wanting a self insert power fantasy.
At least post gens with it instead of hoarding it like a retard
the frenzy has begun
ah yeah i have to do my grimoire of souls dailies, thanks
My gens are too good for the current state of the thread.
honestly i want a gloss style lora for pony
is there any?
It's been a while since I hit 0% on the AI detector.
based. good stuff in the 'cord!
only nai is able to do it, kek
What if you just opened the lora rentry and searched for gloss
Ideally before asking
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oh I didn't know hive was back. last time I tried to check it the whole detector demo area was killed.
either way that shit isn't really hard to hit.
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Was that game any good?
can I get a qrd on controlnet models for 1.5?
I'm using xinsir for pony, doesn't seem like there's anything like it for 1.5
shanoa lora?
sir, your xin?
For Flux Dev, I came to a final conclusion that 32 DIMM/Alpha is better than 16 DIMM/Alpha on if small details and accuracy is what you are going for. Particularly for accessories, trinkets, and texts of Gacha characters. Getting the LoRa to overfit enough for accuracy yet flexible enough to respond changing clothes/stripping was quite a challenge for me. This is the best method I got for as an ignorant baker, unless you anons knows a better method.

>Kohya SS
>Continue training 25+25+25, total 75 Epoch
>Learning Rate : 0.0002
>Captions: Silverwolf Eva02 Large: 0.54 threshold

lol, have some self-awareness or at least learn how to draw. slop is slop. every AI gen looks like shit. golden shit is still shit. wtf is that "my gens are too good" bullshit, just post it. unless you can't for some reason? maybe you're rp'ing as a genner or you're just a pussy.
it looks closer to riz than the gloss that nai does kek
maybe because it was trained 6 months ago where we were still trying to figure out decent training settings
also there wasnt things like debiased estimation, masked loss, huber loss, immiscible noise, and so on
eeeeeehhhhhhh it depends, it you absolutely hate gacha mechanics then no
i'm playing the apple arcade version, there's 0 way to pay for anything and they just shower you with gacha currency over time
it's fun if you like the idea of running through a few screens on your break or on the shitter
dim is short for dimension anon, dimm is a type of ram

>slop is slop. every AI gen looks like shit. golden shit is still shit.
erm >>>/i/ anonie
They are posted on the cord and all over the web. You just can't recognize them as AI anymore
he's replying to himself again
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Ye, it's on civitai.
Who are you talking about, bro?
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The noise lineart trick is so good. You just make a background picture with black and white noise and set it as a lineart controlnet node. The result is that the network turns every line into squiggles and this counteracts its tendency to smooth everything out.
that looks like ass and futa is /d/
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impressive, very nice
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I don't get it
this should be a bannable offense, jannies?
we are on an anonymous board and this anon makes it about their preferences
it doesnt cultivate people to share, it encourages anons to post gens that suit this anons preferences to get on the imaginary leaderboard
also it confuses newcomers, first thing they see is a leaderboard and think it is the norm
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I agree but it doesn't seem to fit any report definition. Might be one of those things the thread has to police on its own. Just call him a retard whenever he posts it, that should be enough.
I like it a lot. Reminds me of the theme stuff these threads used to have. No idea why you'd think it doesn't cultivate people into sharing, there isn't preventing you from posting whatever image you want. You clearly don't like the highlights anyway so why would you even care if your image gets featured or not?
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Someone get this hothead out of here!
You just know
nta but it does shift the thread towards a single person's preferences. And setting those preferences aside, he objectively doesn't highlight good gens. If you look at this one >>8179412 bottom right is a completely fried basic pov, top right is aco base autismmix, bottom left is not even /e/. I could go on, but my point is those clearly aren't the top 15 images out of 300.
What's stopping you from highlighting your favorite gens from last thread?
not being a ledditor newfag, for one.
You're the one throwing a fit about make believe upvotes, so that's kind of ironic.
>bottom left is not even /e/
This is /h/, sir.
right, the mistake was the most important part
just ignore the rest
...how is specifically wanting that cancer to not exist "ironic" in this circumstance?
It aligns perfectly with the stated views.
Are you perhaps retarded and lost all meaning for what the word "ironic" actually means?
I don't care about your argument or complaints, do what you want because it doesn't affect me at all
sirs I cannot get the wildcards to work
here you go, anon

i wonder if upvotes would unironically help this general, whether they would be public for everyone to see or only visible to the poster
Stop wondering.
kill yourself
it already has this though, what do you think the based reply spam is
>j-j-just filter it bro!
how about you not be a faget and just not condone a behavior to begin with.
even if the person behind the behavior is a massive fucking tool that persists, consistently and constantly calling them a faget tells new viewers that certain behaviors are not appropriate.
Then don't filter it and continue to be mad about it. I don't care.
The thread would be 99% "faggot" replies if we called out all unwanted behavior. Highlight post is by far the most harmless trolling we've had in a while
nah it's the same faglord from /e/. It's not harmless.
And being passive and ignoring unwanted shit is how you set a new norm since people see other people doing stupid shit and not being called out for it so hey, it must be perfectly accepted here.
Acting like unfettered retards merely invites actual retards in and lets them assume they're in good company.
>Blue dick

But why?
he's from the negaverse
seriously, i dont understand why people troll by posting images here
threads are a lot better with 2k+ text posts
Acting like unfettered retards merely invites actual retards in and lets them assume they're in good company.
This thread is at the point were they very much are in good company
it's next to his jeans
>threads are a lot better with 2k+ text posts
this, unironically.
Every (you) is either a downvote or an upvote
Is this kino?
He doesn't come here :)
Avatar in negatives
I'll link him!
(You) is always an upvote no matter what
I'm this close to actually post a bleached kuro and blacked illya gen
I feel like /hdg/ from 2-3 months ago wouldn't stand for this highlight crap, or is that just my nostalgia talking?

Anyway, how we maintained quality above /e/ and /aco/ is by direct critique. Bad gens get called out so that people can look at their faults objectively and improve. He's highlighting random crap which sabotages the whole thing.
>2-3 months ago
I don't like it. Can't put my finger on why though, sorry. It's not the melted fingers and watermark, although those do not help.
>Bad gens get called out
are you sure about that
2-3 months ago half the thread was blacked gens by the spambot, lol
it's just your nostalgia
I will only call out NAI gens
i did not have strong feelings about the highlights poster but it makes people very mad so i support it now
/hdg/ was so good 2 weeks ago but maybe i only feel that way because of nostalgia
You can be nostalgic for yesterday, that's not the point. The thread has changed in the last 2-3 months.
> Loin cloths partially obscuring

You dropped your crown, king
problem is most people only bother to downvote
So it would seem. Thank you.

Time sure flies fast when nothing's happening. Feels like just a few weeks ago.
There are also people who don't give a fuck about your critique, people who just dump batches of images straight from t2i, people who post sloppa for trolling purposes and the list goes on. There's nothing to sabotage here, sloppa won long ago.
me on the left
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>flux 1024x1024 gen
>downsized to a tiny sticker
maaaybe not the fairest comparison, but would be interesting to see cascade eye close-up grid with various artists

go ahead, I stole most of those from the birdposter anyway
>2nd time
what was the 1st one?

wouldn't know but some guy was offering to train something earlier if you provided him with dataset
>maybe because it was trained 6 months ago
yea reminds me that the old fizrot lora i got from here wasn't the best, now the more recent one i got off civit is rad
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finally some good fucking food
so based
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After being a NAI paypig I decided to start using local and... for some reason after about 3 normal gens averaging 15 seconds at 25 steps, after that my entire PC starts lagging at around the end of the generating and becomes unresponsive for like 2 or more minutes, which makes no sense considering I have a 4070 and an r7 7800x3d, the only bottleneck i can think of is the fact I have 16gb of ram, which should be enough anyway.

Local is honestly not worth it compared to NAI. its just too much work and too much storage space taken up for not much of an improvement, and it's not like NAI is that expensive anyway, its just $25 for what's essentially a month of free genning and 3 months worth since you have 10k anlas. You'll probably end up paying more in electricity if you're not leeching off your parents.

It's so hard not to come off as a shill, and local definitely has its benefits and uses. But I've tried both and have come to my conclusion.
It's weird cause other first week loras are still the best, like rustle and asanagi. Guess they're probably hashed which makes them train easy.
its a real shame we dont have a report option for "not /h/" or "/aco/ content" or something, it would really help better categorize things
both of those exist though
pretty sure there used to be an option to report for /d/ content.
I don't know why it doesn't exist anymore.
Brainlets should just let the corp do the heavy lifting, true
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If it takes a few gens to go bad you might be thermal throttling. Check your temps.

My electricity bill is 32e so that doesn't work out. Maybe if you count the GPU wear, but if it lasts me 7 years that's like 8e/mo, almost nothing. Storage is a one-time investment under 50 and can be reused for other things.
And were those enforced better? Now it's all under off-topic I guess, but that doesn't do anything.
bet you feel like such a rebel generating porn on your own machine instead of a corpo machine
very anime, reminiscent of revered master mangaka
NAI is the better model yes but 10k of anlas at month are just not enough for everything I wanted to gen, I really miss the poses and concepts I could did with it tho
There are many good arguments for using NAI over local, but "it takes too much storage" and "I'm too stupid to install it" definitely aren't among them
at this point I feel like any mod/janny on /h/ are home to some other shitty board. So if they see porn with "off-topic" as a report they're just going to ignore it and assume someone is trying to abuse the report system.
But if they were to see it as "/d/ content" there might be a slightly better chance that they're going to actually give it half a look and notice "oh yeah that might not actually belong on /h/".
at the end of the day though this thread basically needs its own dedicated mod/janny to not be a shitstain and actually remove shit appropriately since there's too much random nuance to knowing what is authentic posting and what's just ironic shitposting.
Storage is 100% a problem and don't act like it isn't. My models folder alone is 12gb and it's only gonna get bigger. Sure I could buy a cheap $25 2TB HDD but again, why bother when I can just get a NAI sub?
Because you pay for it once rather than every month?
>Storage is 100% a problem and don't act like it isn't. My models folder alone is 12gb and it's only gonna get bigger.
I mean, if you are going to hoard models and loras that you will likely never use more than once, yeah, also you can just save your best gens and purge your output folder every now and then
i never have the need to get a sub more than twice or thrice a year.

I like trying out new models and styles.
>{{{dark-skinned male, gigantic penis, penis focus, male focus}}}
this cant get even more pathetic (and gay)
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me in the top right
How is anything under 200gb a concern for you?
Can we get some blacked grannies like last thread?
how did you get the prompt? i downloaded but it shows nothing i think because of jpeg, is there a way around that?
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Asking if anyone knows a lora for 581’s mechanization style by chance.
Are those boards actually worse or you just call them shitty because they're meant for different content
I have to assume most of the current moderator/janitor staff are focused around /v/ and /vg/, some random amount for /pol/ and /b/ type boards with a smaller staffing for shit like /a/, /tv/, /vt/, etc.
take it as you will but I stand by my statement that they're more likely coming from other, shitty boards rather than actually belonging to this board, which is probably fairly tame outside of this garbage dump of a thread.
Is tsunade granny material?
Yeah just asking why you call other boards shitty
Close but not really. Still appreciated anon
>dont give him attention sister, just keep prompting for bbc {{{male focus}}}, dont forget to wear your respective cock cage too!
>go ahead, I stole most of those from the birdposter anyway
>I've been stealing my own mixes all this time
>this board, which is probably fairly tame outside of this garbage dump of a thread.
this thread only became a complete dumpster in ~april
other generals like fakku shit, koikatsu, skeb and ntr are pretty bad too, just much slower
holy based
one more with cuck granny
Can you do actual grannies
failed gens
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Is it time for blacked grannies?
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holy soul
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>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
based as fuck
Anons! Gen some blacked granny and my soul is yours!!!
And actual grannies. Like bitches old enought to be your grandma
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>please threadshit for me lol!!!
do it yourself faggot trooncord tourist
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Who are you quoting bro?
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From this day forward...
now thats a splash of nostalgia
can't believe it's been that long already
Easy, easy. We don't want to gain any more fingers here.
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>failed gens
>all dat IA experimantation
W-Wholeheartedly thanks for even remembering she -still- exists. That one with her laying in the beach with the "planet" behind looks almost OK though.
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i know rocm sucks but i dont see any other way i'd personally can get a hold of over 1TB of vram
Anyone know of a tag for like a shadowed border waking up effect? As though the viewer is opening their eyes/
tired, bags under eyes, sleepy, squeans / sleep bubbles
reading comprehension anon...
try pov vignette or photoshop
oh you meant like a pov eyelid, no there isn't but that is easy enough to add manually after the fact
i wish i knew how much money a setup with this much fucking vram and ram cost. what cpu would this even have
>what cpu would this even have
96 core EPYCs have been a thing for a while
(not sure if they mean 192 threads or 192 actual cores, if it's the latter it's probably a dual socket board which would cost gorillions overall)
I tried vignette but alas that didn't really help. Pov comes with the problem that it will make the sex scene pov which is not what I have in mind.
eye pov has only 15 results as well
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Pippa is not real, anon. She can, however, hurt you with the sheer force of her screeeeeching.
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Fox sloppa for the fellow fox enjoyers out there
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I love that we live in a world where something this based can be made with a click.

I hate that we live in a world where people are as cringe as to think it's a bad thing.
you can just spam your based replies as usual anon
holy based
I wish we had IDs just so you couldn't so easily delude yourself into thinking your pearl-clutching over pixels was somehow the majority here, instead of just you and a couple other obsessed schizo weirdos.
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What's up with those two in the background? Thanks a lot for all the IAs by the way.
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>t. what cpu would this even have
whatever cpu it uses the page says it was 192 of them
nice greatm8
clean up the dots on that there face though
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post cunny
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Very cute 6 fingered hand. I wonder how they work with only four major knuckles.
Got some of that stuff on the pink haired one?
Afraid I don't have her lora
Yeah lemme do that again without the image slot taking reply
Are the style megas still around?
nice, love sarada
im gonna need a box for both of these
So hot
how do i outpaint with forge stock? do i just take the image, throw it into photoshop or something and add white space then inpaint over the whitespace? i dont fully know what to do here
did you do even the bare minimum of googling about it
no because im too busy trying to remember what settings i use to inpaint, and ive been doing this for months
oh someone already posted mine

the face barcodes are scuffed, you gotta inpaint them, and its a little overtrained on the main girl, but otherwise it's pretty accurate
Thank you! It is a very good style for robots!
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Why does forge couple threaten to oom me when I try and use advanced mode on reforge?
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After a whole day spent scavenging you just gotta let her play with her favourite toy...
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Very cool
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Ah overtrained on that one with the ponytail?
>The flux furry finetune already looks better than cascade
Flux has always been able to do man.
too bad it will never be able to have innate styles due to furries being mentally ill and also because of the longnorm issue
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Lodestone isn't pony cuck. Better learn to make anime tiddies out of gay furry artists
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dude got a body like gumby
I already have the popcorn prepared for the first "flux meltdown" and the subsequent "great flux cope" when they fail the finetune.
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Trying to get 2 distinct characters into a scene is hard, any tutorial on regional prompter?

I liked this guy's workflow for multi subject. You just got to be determined to work it out.

Any forge related one? I was looking into comfyui but I still not see it worth it
Some folks just ain't realized it yet, but destiny done crowned Astralite to rule over the land from his Sepia Throne, no cap. Anybody tries to go against him end up lookin' silly cause of they own mistakes. Ain't no local baker ever suffered trouble that wasn't brought on by they own wrongdoin'.
Look at Jordach, struck with such foolishness he's become the laughing stock, even his own soldiers laugh at him now. He who shouted loud and waved his sword high now whispers crazy talk to himself.
Look at Neggles, got the power of the gods at his fingertips but let it gather dust. A prime example of how lazy can lead to sin.
Look at Kohaku and Arti, they stuck in that same old grind for eternity, rebakin' the same thing over and over again.
It's a sad sight, must be more than just coincidence. You see these fake prophets poppin' up everywhere, speakin' in tongues they don't even understand, only to end up eatin' themselves alive while their followers burn. Only those who embrace Astralite gonna find peace from them troubling thoughts.
I kneel
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I'm propmting something totally different, I'm not complaining tho
I'm using Pony and was wondering is there a trick to generating characters without losing the style from Loras? I notice the face generally leans towards the official style if I prompt "character name (series)" but if I try it without the series, it won't create the character consistently.
for face manipulation use loli, mature woman, big eyes in either positive or negs depending on what you want
It mainly depends on the checkpoint, download like 10 pony checkpoints and generate the same image in all of them (maybe do a batch of images).
then delete the checkpoints that suck.
I've been doing this for a while now. autismmixSDXL_confetti captures the broadest range of "likeness" the most (for cartoon and anime), however other checkpoints will give you slightly more fappable hentai.
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Unfortunate that implied blowjobs only show up about 50% of the time you prompt them. If anyone knows how to get them more consistently please let me know
I'm 1giiirliiingg
patrician taste
this what people call entrapment
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Fucked up that you can't post women with modest chests and yet the people posting fat, saggy-flesh grandmas aren't redirected to /d/
1cunny, large penis, full-face blush
What's weird about that. Blacked decomposing grannies are hentai, that creepy moeblob shit isn't.
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I'll never apologize for my love of pear-shaped women. A large chest fills a man's hand, but a small chest fills a man's heart.
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>character name (series)
You shouldn't treat it as a single tag, because of CLIP. The franchise tag carries more of its official style. This is "Tracer \(Blue Archive\)".

It does sometimes help, like doing lulu \(league of legends\) and putting final fantasy in negs gets you a little closer. But most of the time you're better off using just the character name to avoid leakage.
BRB have to throw up.
holy based
There's no law against fat people, sadly
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Alright, the next thing I'm going to do is appropriate some NAI's tag frequency-based loss scaling through the neggles leak since this trash sdxl arch deliberately avoids learning "outliers"
spankings for all artist scammers that put jpegs on their fanbox/patreon how is that even real life
Why scammers? You know what you're buying.
Fuck off, fascist.
uhhh thats where you are wrong, im not buying
Does anyone remember the one prompt that made pony go full schizo? It was similar to breaking_the_fourth_wall and 2koma tags
(gpo, ces:1.4)
yo can i get the box?
Okay guys i just wanted to tell you that i hate nai that's all thanks fro watching
Already got it working lol, neggles' code is surprisingly easy to plug around
The only thing left to do is to reformalize the dataset to use artst:xxx and character:xxx
She's a smart girl.
>The loss plot also became really unstable
sounds to me like the model is nigh braindead then
What's "nai"? Means not ai?
>57 commits in private repos
what is the einzbern loli cooking this time?
it's mainly the brown + blue hair color
What's in the .txt? mega is making me wait 3 hours to open it.
was it ever revealed what exactly nai's tag format is, i've seen {artist_name}, {by artist_name}, {artist:artist_name}.
nothing conclusive. only speculation that rose from artist:name sometimes being more effective than the artist name alone
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I'd post grannies but the blacked stuff is just weird
How so? Racist much?
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I've been doing experiments with negative weight. Bottom line is the anti-style, either style lora at -1 strength or innate style in negs. In case of style loras with triggers, do keep the trigger prompt in positives.

Might be another way to wrangle pony. Train the exact thing you hate about /aco/, then add it as a weak neg along your usual style.
I'd post hebes but nai doesn't allow paying with crypto.
You wouldn't post them here anyway =)
hot asf
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This isn't mine but does anybody here have an idea what style this is? I want to use it.
the only reason I'm glad this thread is still going is because it's a containment zone
Thread was kinda okay over the weekend. Probably a result of the miqo poster leaving
Anyone saved the artist Loras from Fusho over at civitai? His loras are still searchable however when i click them it says page not found alread
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Interesting, some are kinda weird because they dont look like the opposite if that make sense?
Some things are exact opposites, like outline thickness, or round/angular face shape, or smooth shading/highlights. But yeah, I think it depends on how far the feature is from reweik's base look. If there was no change in one direction then reversing it won't do anything either.
the girl reminds me of zeta from granblue fantasy so maybe look into that
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Yeah, she's apparently Zeta but I'm asking about the style specifically, or something close to it. I tried making it myself using the style specifically for granblue but it turned out quite bad. Face looks off for some reason.
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how does this fit into gendos plans?
how do you guys do negative prompts? Do you schizo with like the 4 million tags? Completely blank? Any regular things you always keep in there? Aside from gpo obviously
finally some asuka porn that feels in character
it's only source_pony, source_furry, source_cartoon; then you add things you don't want

in positives you use artist tags or a combo, or use no tags and lora(s). avoid score tags, they are just shit

on one of the good mixes this is all you need. overfilling your neg prompts causes WAY more problems than it solves
also use negpip + the same in negatives if you really don't want something to show up https://github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-negpip
These: ribs, signature, watermark, text
Sometimes "simple background" as well
this is really cool, thanks for posting, I have had issues in the past where no amount of negative prompting would get rid of something
do score prompts really fuck things up? I'll have to try genning without them. What's the best mix rn? I've been using confetti for months and haven't really looked at anything else
Along with the other things mentioned, negging monochrome and greyscale can make things more colorful
it was mentioned earlier in the thread but loli and mature female can be used interchangeably in the negatives to change the structure of the face
I always keep greyscale,3d,watermark,patreon username
Sometimes source_pony,source_furry but I try it off and on because having them can sometimes fuck with loras somehow so be carefull
I just keep score_9 and 7 but even without them my gen are mostly the same, I use reweik12 or 13 dependings of what I want
She's 23
Empty, then add negs in response to stuff that shows up in gens. Usually cesored, mosaic censorship, text, watermark, motion lines, window; things like that.
She's moot's wife
my favorite is this, it's very 2020s anime https://civitai.com/models/494290/ls-equos-xl
also very anime is https://civitai.com/models/404802/reweikponyxl
if you want 1.5d use https://civitai.com/models/447522/midkemia
Anyone else notice the blacked spam stopped around the time Jordach stopped shilling here?
loli in negpip does wonders if you want to evade the hebe hammer
it stopped because the same troll who's been here since 2022 changes tactics every 1-2 months
yeah, now he's turned into melting pedocomplainer
With a smiley face :)
Wtf as if I'd ever stop genning hebes because of some hammer. Fuck you for even suggesting!
I'm pretty sure those are two seperate schizos. Blacked spam while conveniently advertising his blacked free image board seems a bit much, if you ask me.
"one schizo" is a pathetic cope. I don't know who's doing this now, whether it's a new one, old one or whatever, but it's amazing way to subvert that "go to /b/ read the rules" crap that started several months ago. I hope the newfags that started it happy with their results.
it's not. they always go in the same cadence during the day and one """""""""""new""""""""""" shitposter shows up right when another one leaves
Let's just tell the moralfags to fuck off and be done with it.
By a VCC with crypto.
sex with anime teens
late teens
>I hope the newfags that started it happy with their results.
They are, because ruining this place was always their goal you fucking turdbrain.
At least the current schizo posting is very easy to filter.
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Anyone know what models this person might have used?

its nai
probably the usual mix but with ratatat on top
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True Love~
woman post
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No, I just like mother and son bonding
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She had to access her emergency canteen
Nice, more please
Need one of her pet keeping her warm at night
Benis in anime girl
How do I get into the discord? My favorite posters stopped posting catboxes here.
>My favorite posters stopped posting catboxes here
who were your favorite posters
they're in the 'cord ;)
i miss miqo'te anon so fucking much man
me too man i always squeeze my tiny little peepee when i see his gens
you think miqote would still take our tiny peepers? haha...
she is a strict but kind mistress she would take care of her worshippers
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Is this vanilla enough
Add (gpo:1.4) to the start of your prompt
uuoooh, robot hag erotic
it's 1.5
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Is there a general consensus here that that robot girls are /d/ material? Just asking
Too good of a gen for this shit place to be honest
At the end of the day, if enough people are upset about what you post then it'll get removed because they will just spam report. I've seen android girls stay up and I've seen them get removed.
It's not the end of the day, retard.
It is somewhere
It's morning.
What does that do?
its 3am
secret quality tag that astra hashed for some reason
It's a funny meme which puts weird gaping holes on everything. (ces) is also a hilarious meme which is the hashed value for feces. Therefore using both gpo and ces in your prompt will give you gaping holes with shit.
of course, its nai
ackshually ces is just prompt bleed from feces
but astra did hash gpo which is hilarious
Improves details in your gens and makes them look cleaner due to text encoder trickery. Most posters here use it.
Fuck off troll.
Not that funny
It's /h/ if you give me the catbox.
I'm pretty sure it's a gape-obsessed artist, something like Binibon only with a rougher pencil-like artstyle. It's actually a decent helper tag for gapes when used at low strength.
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seems like anlatan finally fixed their shit
Depends on the degree of robot vs human, and just how disgusting people find it. Basically >>8181128, with "offtopic" jannies seem to only care about report count.
the thing is that it not only produces gaping but also some weird fleshlight abominations, but it's probably better not to thing about it too hard
>model not leaked
no, they didn't fix shit.
freeturdation goes in >>>/g/
Is there any other community like ai where people expect everything to be free
im too lazy to test this shit, sticking with euler a, it just works.
Requesting blacked grannies cucking lolis
Have you actually never been to /g/?
yeah it's every other board on this website
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Thanks, wouldn't know where else to post it desu
no, not even /aicg/ expects openai or anthropic to release gpt and claude to the masses
Im not talking about just board but overall public opinion, like for example people dont expect real book to be free but most people watching anime dont pay for it
we all spent thousands of dollars on our PCs already though
everything that could be pirated should be pirated
simple as
robots are /h/ but amputees are /d/
>but amputees are /d/
is that why that one guy who always posted that crippled redhead doesnt post anymore
>that crippled redhead
kill yourself
I'd buy nai. I just won't rent it
If they were selling the weights so I could use it on my own PC I literally would pay money for it.
I want to use higher resolutions with it. I want to use loras with it. They don't let you do either.
>localcuckies bought 3090s just to coom
kek been calling it all year
honestly same but why would they sell it even for cheap like 1k when they can just make you pay forever
>coomers will pay money to coom
congrats you can call the most obvious shit
im a gaymer first, ai is a plus
yeah i already had the GPU, if i had to pay for the ability to use it for ai then i just wouldnt do ai
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>they don't let you use higher resolutions
it's not actually forever
the issue is that there's just currently no way to sell model weights without them leaking to public immediately
i just got a 4090 so i can play all my shit in glorious max settings and also coom iterate faster than ever
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I see, so if it pleases the masses, then no biggie. Thanks for the straight answer.

I agree!

I did some inpainting for the face and genitals though, but this catbox has the prompt I used for the image I started out with:

Also what is your guys opinion on sex in space? (pic related) Specifically in zero gravity environments. Is it overrated?
no they fucking won't lmao in what universe do you live

sex in zero g is an impressively terrible idea
>I see, so if it pleases the masses, then no biggie
I've found the general rule is that if you don't spam and aren't a complete fuckwit while you post images, you should be fine. A lot of people just like to poke random hornet nests in these threads for whatever reason. They never got out of that teenage phase I suppose.
>erm this is le serious adult website for adults
have you ever heard about patreon, gumroad, or subscribestar
not every coomer pirates newfag
>I've found the general rule is that if you don't spam and aren't a complete fuckwit while you post images, you should be fine.
Sorry sweatie, that USED to be like this, not anymore :)))
They could easily slap denuvo on top if they wanted. Piracy for any sort of digitial product isn't such a huge problem in the first place, even if companies like to cry about it a lot
i find it retarded they do 1920x1088 and vice versa but not 1920x1080 like literally everything else with an actual 16:9 ratio
Higher than that, dumb dumb. And don't tell me their limits are as high as I should want it.
Nevermind that they want me to use their microtransaction money for it. Like I said, I'd pay for the weights.
so you're baiting or just retarded then
okay fuck off back to wherever you came from
bucketing most likely, you can just crop it later but they force 1088 instead of 1080 for whatever reason
>erm why cant I generate in 4k native res?
are you retarded?
oh boy this is one of my favorite /hdg/ reruns
pony sucks for anything in space
You could always derail it with some new outrageous opinion
it's retarded to deny that this whole service thing is cucked
but i'd rather deal with this cuck gacha shit than with the whole clusterfuck of p*ny-based local, I want to enjoy genning, not to feel like I'm losing my fucking mind while dealing with ponyslop
I don't understand why you'd ever need anything above 1664x2432 (or whatever the 2x reso is) but thats besides the point
okay here we go

i think waffles are kind of shit and anyone that likes them is dumb. ive always been a pancake fan and everytime i see waffles on a menu they are usually the same price and you usually end up with a single waffle as opposed to pancake orders where at a minimum you end up with 3 pancakes. that and its way easier to fuck up a waffle than it is to fuck up a pancake so chances are the pancake is always the better option
NTA but i found out i need to learn how to AI wrangle better
i just want to make WMBF but even with only three tags half the time nai generates women with light skin or slightly tanned but not brown
1088 is divisible by 64, 1080 isn't
Hey NAI guys can you post your biggest and most elaborate mixes so I can steal them for myself and repost them on patreon and twitter? I'm too lazy to make my own style mix. Thank you in advance.
that makes much more sense
wish they could automatically crop 4 pixels off the the X or Y sides however
artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:nyantcha, artist:redrop
yeah skin shade is very hard to play with, its not flexible at all and just dependents on the artist used, I remember a skin lora that I need to try but I havent gotten around to it yet
you missed csr
Try euler a with polyexponential. It's been giving me very good hands.
The irony of calling Pony shit for making gens that look the same and then using the same 5 artist styles on every single NAI gen doesn't go unnoticed. You made me laugh unironically, fuck you
True, but you can sort of wrangle pony with tags like (floating, zero gravity, floating hair), but anatomy will probably get really funky.

To get stuff like floating liquids in zero g (spit, sweat, cum etc.) you need to add some small liquid colored blobs on top of the picture and then inpaint said blobs at very low denoise. At least that's what I did with the Miku space pic.
Dennys or Ihop style breakfast restaurants aren't really a thing outside of the us. Might have to repost this during burger hours.
fuck you are right
>pov, vaginal
I sleep
>pov, vaginal, finger to mouth
real shit
Not really a NAIfag but I like this style https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117769178
It went something like:
>{mikoyan}, {{nakamura regura}}, {{{honjou raita}}}, {{{tenchisouha}}}, {{realistic}}
and then add one more artist for flavor variants, like this one with zankuro:
euler a karras seems to be good and clean, might be using it instead of native.
polyexponential felt like it had weird compositions, but might give it more tries. I don't really have much issues with hands anyway though, and inpainting extra fingers is not hard
those are shitposts sir. my issue is that I never can stick to a single style/mix that I like long-term and end up mixing shit again and again, but that's probably because I have terminal adhd
rough sex, rape
this but also 99% of restaurants use a SHIT pancake recipe, basically any homemade pancake is gonna be better such as my family's oat pancakes
i love the smell of my cum
Why did you quote me when I wasnt talking about either model you dumb retard?
and the taste too
i didnt taste it tho
Where's all the blacked hags? I need more blacked hags
>next set whenever I finish editing so within a few hours. But I'm pretty drunk right now
>posted 4 months ago
don't do alcohol kids
cant you just generate one and post it yourself?
It's less about ultra high resolutions and more about that being an example of how I could do what I want with the model if it was local. I agree, I can't stand ponyslop. But at least you can somewhat force pony to do what you want with loras. But the fundamental quality is worse, especially if what you want is anime.
Recently was in Czechia and had some pancakes near pilsen in a cafe called "le frenchie". Was generally pretty good, but they came with some peaches that were pickled with thyme and that was pretty nasty. Thyme or any other mediterranean herbs don't belong with sweet stuff.
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Granny rape
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>check random picture for prompt
>prompt is not related to the picture
Is Nai actually that schizo?
Euler a and has extra error-correction capabilities, it helps in creating more stable images, and with the new update karras is great. I think that polyexponential for hands and feet is overrated, karras does a great job at doing both and if you get anything weird you can inpaint it.
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Yeah, some prompts are more unstable than others. Just look at those >>8180411 Or this >>8180399 "looking at penis, penis awe" when she's staring into his abs.

The selling point is anime styles, it might actually be worse than pony in prompt comprehension.
>p-pony is smarter is just lacks anime
oh nononono our copium stocks...
I mean staring at the abs I can understand since its just the ai having trouble to fit everything into the frame, its quite rng on pony too but on the set linked there is some unprompted handjob which is quite the interpretation
But also to be honest maybe having a schizo ai is better than a stiff one
Come on, I said might. It was not meant to be inflammatory, just an offhand comment from someone who used both.
the biggest difference is that nai has way better object permanence than pony
You are such an idiot if you actually think that for real, like be serious for 5seconds when you type this shit, while what you said is true the biggest difference is that pony is local while nai is not, hope that clear things up
Interesting, where does that show up usually? /e/ has a "holding weapon" theme right now and I see the issue with spears and staves, but I guess it's mostly backgrounds otherwise?
you clearly don't understand what you're talking about. to everybody knowledgeable about imagegen it is obvious that nai's unparalleled object permanence is the reason local will never catch up
"never" in this case meaning "until flux get a booru finetune"
any day soon i'm sure!
I don't know if people are looking for actual answers but you can always use flux to fix up objects and backgrounds as a second step after pony
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>character: zero), character: zero)
nice dataset
Or the first step, if you're doing /e/. Then just inpaint nipples, and a style that's not stock anime.
never would have thought that I would enjoy anything related to raita
I should try mixing this style
If they actually sold the model, they would have to wrap it into very heavy DRM, because otherwise they'll only sell one copy. To make the DRMed model work, they'd probably wrap it in their own UI, so you'd end up still only being able to do things they built in, except now you need a 4090 for good speed.
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Can the clothes be taken off at all or too hard baked in?
>>>8181251 #
>If they actually sold the model, they would have to wrap it into very heavy DRM, because otherwise they'll only sell one copy.
Did you hear that Elden ring sold only one copy because there was a day 1 repack on fitgirl?
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hello anons
a paid licenced model would be viable only if this was 100 times more popular and their model was actually market leading.
You can pirate abode or microsoft windows and it doesn't matter only because they have millions of corps and paying users and they can sue the shit out of big companies that might try pirate it
morning dude good to see ya
hello my dear mistress its so good to see you i didn't cum for almost a week already ready to goon for my my queen
am a girl, not a dude though
there are no girls on the internet newfag
Them not sharing the weights is just about keeping trade secrets and not the slightest bit about piracy. They aren't afraid of a few people running the model locally and making shitmixes. Their fear is competitors popping up that aren't burdened by development costs.
oh wow speak for yourself dweeb
If I was a girl I'd use mirror selfies of myself as controlnet inputs
>They aren't afraid of a few people running the model locally and making shitmixes
they definitely are thoughbeit
what could we even learn from the weights alone? we already know that it uses vpred
How do you inpaint style?
just make your own model greedy localkeks. you had 10 months to assemble your avengers team and take down nai, yet you failbaked endlessly instead
>They aren't afraid of a few people running the model locally and making shitmixes.
After what happened when their first model leaked, I wouldn't be so sure about that. They would've made so much more money otherwise.
Requesting moar
>being this new
pickling is a good way to ruin a nice fruit/veggie
naiv1, while better than local had otherwise, was still complete and utter trash.
anyone paying monthly for that garbage would be laughed out of the fucking room.
if anything the naiv1 leak ultimately helped their bottom line. It got their name out there and got the general hobbyspace a lot more interested in image gen in general. Without either of those things they'd have just been written off as some overly expensive midjourney-wannabe with no one paying attention to them.
based newfag
yeaaah well sorry for not wasting my life away with yall, i go outside and have real friends
Not every current customer is a potential pirate and not every pirate is a potential customer
still so damn far away until i find out if i made it into the highlights
sorry for going outside, having friends, and knowing the rules in high school
Without NAI1 we might have actually gotten le waifu diffusion or we might have gotten multiple groups developing anime models, just like we have now. At some point local models would have become better. You see, NAI1's bar isn't that high.
Name 1 friend
>he knows the rules
you can do that as a dude
show me your best naiv1 porn.
no lora's. no shitmixes. just raw, proper, naiv1.

also if you note, there's a number missing between v1 and v3. Did you know there's a naiv2? Did you happen to notice that literally no one talked about it at fucking all? Did you ever wonder why that was?
Bone structure too masculine
Is V4 going to be on XL too?
all male bone structure is too masculine to look like a woman retard
sai has confirmed that they're using auraflow in order to keep up with astralite
use openpose
>just dumps pixiv sets of good quality stuff
>links patreon literally saying "grab your uncensored pics for free bros"
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Thanks to the catbox of an anon i finally got around with the internal cumshot
>but it's hags
I like hags and cunny alike unless it's some western wrinkly shit
Idk, there were 2 dudes in my HS class that had so little puberty going on that they'd get half the thread riled up if they tucked their weiners away
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Many options. Inpaint the girl with low denoise, or high denoise+controlnet. img2img the whole image with controlnet, then composite with the old background and clean up. Use an edge detect filter or softedge preprocessor if you're getting too much left-over style. Negative weight ipadapter, etc.
>tucking the best part away
gay as fuck
Sorry, that prompt's success rate is too low to bother with.
the rules of the internet newfag
because of chemicals
they would have bigger bone structure 100 years ago
also nice sample size
And manually shorten all the bones? Might as well pose from scratch
never implied knowing them would make a girl wet retard
takes like 30 seconds to fix with liquify tool
or just use lower CN strength
Anyone who likes hags is dead to me...
based, thread is saved
The point is being a cute girl and turning that into a cute anime girl. Not being a 6'0 lanklet, turning that into an abomination in ps and then twisting it into something unholy that it isn't meant to be.
i know faggot but it's the first result that showed up in a search
just go to any e-girl thread to get images then
I'm here to post sexy hentai, not reading your incel fantasies.
imagine pretending to be someone you dont even like, couldnt be me
every once and a while is see posts like these and it makes me realize that like half of the people posting itt are probably in middle school and everything makes a lot more sense
Ai made Rule34 a reality
>in middle school
Oldfags probably felt the same way when we started posting in middle school, two decades ago.
you don't have to call me out like that...
>he didn't start posting here in elementary school
i unironically did but am in my late 20s now
B-chama is the only girl to ever grace /hdg/
I saved this image on november 16th, 2006
don't forget, you're here forever.
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i never read this because it already felt campy/cringy in 2009 when I started posting on 4chan, but now I actually might, for nostalgic purposes I guess
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Anons why don't we have plump robot girls IRL to take care of our intimate and sexual needs yet? Surely local can do better. Perhaps 2 more weeks?

Also would you buy a sexbot/robot girl if they were available to the average joe? Why/why not?
Is it nai? I've tried three possum loras and they're all piss weak.
Wish local could do full face blush like that
honestly don't know how tvtropes got them so wrong
it's always been "there are no girls on the internet" as i said and in the beginning there wasn't a rule 0
imagine being gaslit by tvtropes
Going by the figure one demo and atlas robotics, it's entirely within the realm of possibility to have a dumb llm robot gf. Only problem is that the people with enough money to make it happen buy hookers instead.
i would if cooming regularly was healthy
It got their name out and somehow made them the most hated company in the image generation open source community.
The hate precedes nai1 somehow
Nai gets never mentioned outside of this place
imo being incel comes from a lack of trying, more than anything else. And in that regard having an easy sexual outlet already doesn't help. Add physical contact or even romance to it and it's over.
there's been dozens of variations/derivatives/addendums to it so realistically anything that tries to be authoritative in what it is/isn't is going to be wrong no matter what. Especially some garbage normie friendly site.
for example here's another, abridged list I found buried in an ancient directory
also a specific important addendum for a single rule

pretty sure I should have another one lost somewhere that mentioned all girls being loli's and fbi agents, as well.
lack of trying removes the "in" part
actual incel community whined about not getting laid and being actively rejected
a slob that doesn't get laid because he's lazy is a loser but not really an incel
AAHHHHHH finally I came ahhhh
thank you bro, here's your (You)
Pony 7 when?
the rules are 100% applicable to this thread though, no exceptions
No more pool posting?
Especially rules 1 and 2.
fucking kek'd
Manga, Comics, Games, Movies, Series, Books,
Magazines, Softwares, and many, many more.
Wow I both did and did not expect these responses, but thank you anyway for your views on this topic!

So what I can interpret from this and previous questions are the following:
- Amputated/missing limbs on any humanoids do not belong here, and should go to /d/.

- /hdg/ (or mostly one anon) thinks sex in space is "impressively terrible idea". Further questioning needed to understand if this includes all forms of sexual intercourse or some select ones.

- /hdg/ isn't entirely against IRL sexbots/girl robots, but heavy consideration should be taken in regards to one's own physical- and mental health before even considering to acquire one. As one anon also indirectly said, there might be better alternatives to a sexbot.

Have I missed anything? If so let me know,
While we're at it, how about some OS-tan?
Flux finetune any day now....
>>81814Some speculate that it will be done before end of the year, but a lot can happen in that time.

Last time I checked on the official pony discord, they were still in the process of tagging images for training.
uploading it to civit rn
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even claude now considers this thread to be fucking schizo KEK
Sorry meant to reply to >>8181429
nice style
Thank you, I stole it from >>8181236
>>Nakamura Regura as part of the artist mix
A man of culture.
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Show her ears pointing backwards and her cat eyes peering through her bangs.
Ask it to shout out the best posters
You can't :p
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Why is it so blurry? :o
the only good poster ITT
Poor girl suffered a mosquito bite on top of a mosquito bite.
hard to believe she's just a nameless girl, looks very gacha
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is there any way to finetune the IC-light model and segmentation preprocessor for hentai?
>100KB jpgs are good
kys yourself
Bu-bu-bu-but someone was mean to him >>8181476 once when he was asked for a catbox, and that means it is now absolutely necessary to conceal all your prompts, always convert all pics to jpg and never share anything except for useless narcissistic webms!!!! But it's /b/ that is le bad cuz they don't share, kek
You aren't entitled to anyone's metadata. Who are you, Mark Zuckerberg?
this, you are not entitled to a catbox.
When trying to redraw pupils and img2img should I keep the denoise low if it's adding too many extra details?
yes i am and i'm the NSA
In general, as low as you can go while still changing the detail you want. For eyes I usually inpaint at around 0.15, but you have to play around with it for every image.
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This would really slap if it was sdxl
You should give me your gatobox because I asked nicely :)
What about your CFG?
hand the catbox over or the thread gets it
catboxsissies not like this
>i wont share MUH metadata with anyone!1!!1111
oh i see, interesting
since when did we became /b/ now?
You'll only get a catbox once you reach the (you) donation goal
We didn't since we do not allow pedophilia.
who do you think has been shitting up the thread recently
do the needful
The absolute state of /hdg/: https://litter.catbox.moe/x93fo5.png
Thanks for the catbox! :3
Feels like it doesn't matter much when inpainting a small area. But in theory smaller values should pay more attention to what they already see in the source image, and less to your prompt.
no catbox? nice
now whats left to do is:
>choose any random girl from anime or cartoon
>use any random cute name
>post almost always /e/ of her only, while you use the name you chose (avatarbro and namebro)
>only give (You)s to people who say nice things about your gens
>ignore catbox requests
>have at least one random anon that always replies "butt butt" to any /e/ gen
lets become the true /b/!!!!
Doesn't look like the filter helped much at all
the modern /b/ isn't the true /b/ newfag
It clearly helps a lot.
Do NOT talk about /b/.
My shitposts are too strong for you, filterer
butt butt
bare butt
sorry friend, it seems like both jordach and neggles are AWOL
The absolute state of local.
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new cord, what do you think?
It's Kohakublueleaf and the server is something called KohakUWU
a bold move, but kohaku's english makes my head hurt
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So yeah, I've got it working and running, currently using these numbers. Turns out that not only neggles' code was easy to plug around but it also had one really nasty bug in TagFreqScale, so I had to completely rewrite this class, and another yet much milder one in TagFrequencyHook.batch_hook which I just guessed the fix for (lol)
Not sure if those numbers are correct or even good, but we'll have to deal with them for now. So far the results don't really look that promising though.
I'm using {artist: artist name}, and my tooling fucked my dataset a little because of this (see >>8181285)
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nice double clit, anon
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The frequency-based weight graph looks like this, pretty weird to me. I thought it should go down the more you have images and become more "unstable", but I guess I just didn't train it enough.
It's his clit, the pic is ai-generated
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double the pleasure
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>So far the results don't really look that promising though.
artist: ayamy on the left and artist: dishwasher1910 on the right

Also, please, comfy, fix your shitstainUI already.
It's probably designed for doing 5 epochs on all of danbooru.
clara anon, post it
I don't think it should really matter. It's designed to solve the "outliers" problem which naturally presents itself when you have 500 pics of artist X and 2 pics of artist Y.
i need to make reasonably nice speech bubbles and a nice font to go with it. any suggestions for either of these?
im a freetard and im just about ready to install photoshop just to get speech bubbles
neat, thanks
post wives
only adult ones
Again with this dog whistle?
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i like ia, i've got a decent amount of mostly ok ones that need a bit of cleanup but that takes time and effort on a slow gpu and doing it with nai isn't the fastest with the way i do it either. i'll get to it eventually, probably
>What's up with those two in the background?
latent space chibi gremlins lamenting another failure at constructing the horizon

i gradually fill up my prompt with a bunch of things that pop up/i don't want to see in a gen and then forget to remove them and end up with a schizo prompt in most of my gens out of sheer laziness

posted image has metadata in it, you can see it if you have the catbox extension
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Does momwife count?
yeah man because i LOVE stability i wish i could suck emads cock
>not hiding stubs
the irony of asking for better tagging while speaking a broken english
waifulovers leaved this place ages ago
Do they not teach irregular verbs in english classes anymore?
isn't posting wives a cuckold thing? why you would like to show them to other males?
The irony of using an article wrong while criticizing someone else's English.
So you can go "wife..." when someone gens her getting molested by a shadowy figure or ugly bastard?
Based actual /h/ post among the garbage.
He was invited to the discord few days ago btw, good ending
isn't he self inserting as a bastard?
So we need to gen her having loving, handholding sex with a young, attractive dude to ntr him?
nah he's actually been in the 'cord for months
>gen some blurry nai garbage
>reply to myself
the perfect crime...
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good idea, but that would mindbroke most of the anons
What? No, you get a hot wife then parade her around so that other guys envy you, or want to be like you. It's a power move.
That's what rex did. Dude way kinda mean
>promt her myself
nothing personal anon, she's my now
Any image containing a male and my wife is an image of me and my wife. Yes. I do look like that. And that. I'm a shapeshifter. Deal with it.
you forgot to point out my lack of punctuation
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i havent prompted my wife in a bit. here's one of my gfs instead.
condom play is underrated
>the future of nsfw /h/ local lies in pony+auraflow
Is this really all that we have? Oh and that one guy frying his 3090
didn't he switch to 660ti?
There are probably some more projects that we just don't know of.
finetuning flux is too expensive to do it in secret and who even cares about finetunes of other models
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>i'll get to it eventually, probably
Looking forward to that.
>latent space chibi gremlins lamenting another failure at constructing the horizon
Oh. I get it now. It's just that mis-matching horizon lines is one of the many charms the AI Art has so didn't see that as a bug of the pic but as a feature.
Flux is kinda mid for its parameter count. Personally still hoping for stability to release something that wasn't mangled by "safety" cucks like lykon
everything will be worse and worse in the name of safety and respect of artist going forward
flux is pretty uncensored compared to other base models
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best I got for you
the OG could never
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what artist does it knows?
how lewd can you go?
>the OG
when did he leave even
wasn't it like in march
why is it so
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Have you taken the Pixiv pill yet anons? This is my stats after posting my own AI gens for 3 weeks or so - I'm curious if any others in this thread are doing well on Pixiv?

Also are you all posting your gens elsewhere other than pixiv?
i don't remember exactly because he wasn't memorable unlike the autistic one
and yeah, OG was unfortunate because i meant the latter, last week are only reposts and impersonators
>last week are only reposts and impersonators
pretty sure it's the real miqo autist posting now
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My best ratio so far, cant beat 100%
already have 2 pages
abandoned first one long ago, only posted sfw there
made a second one for cunnyslop, got bored, although the stats weren't bad for a new page
gonna make a third one for hags tomorrow
nah doubt, different patterns
anyone can get his shit from civit and copy it
Will the real miqo poster please stand up?
I only post a fraction of stuff to pixiv and usually at really erratic intervals. Only place I'll upload stuff that isn't there is here or occasionally into the void of twitter, which has zero reachable audience and is irrelevant.
Out of curiosity, why two/three seperate pages for your stuff? Why not have it all on one account? Personal/security reasons?
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first one yeah, some people know me by the nickname and didn't want to post cunny there
about the separate one for hags, just feels weird to post really different content on one page
I know what kind of man you are
Danm, also a 1/9 bookmark ratio. Real nice.

They honestly could be. I gen for a very niche audience/niche fetish, but I'm not aiming for the top either.

>>No date/timestamp
I dunno anon... But if it's true then hot dayum,
that's a really high amount of comments for a low amount of bookmarks
i wonder why https://litter.catbox.moe/2hexha.png
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What do you mean?
I mean no point lying about that but you have better ratio than me, although I dont do bbc so I guess I dont have the mentally ill rping in my comments
so you're a bbc poster?
Against glass.

That is all.
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impressive gens, you must be very proud
For about 5 minutes after wasting hours on it
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Most of the comments on my pixiv posts are a mix of japanese people being thankful for me posting something for said niche fetish and western people also being thankful for the same but then they start asking for more of said niche fetish stuff with THEIR added niche fetish. I have a guy that managed to follow me from my own civitai page to my pixiv asking for the exact same thing (pic related)

Sorry Anon I ever doubted you! Also no bbc stuff on my pixiv, it's a waaaay more niche fetish than that.
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huggy lips
>milf works as a tag and is more effective than mature female
based astralite-dono
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Last post I did was Apr 28th this year and I was consistent for a year or so. I went from doing every 2-3 days, to twice a week, to weekly, ballpark over a year or so then real life stuff happened and tried to get back on the horse but then pixiv mods flagged my shit as problematic because my focus was Uma so I deleted like 23 galleries that were flagged before they would consider taking the ban off and just didn't bother after getting it cleared. I didn't even do porn is the fucked thing just ecchi and still got hit multiple times by yakuza bullshit, just got tiresome. If I did non-uma stuff the views were like half or more on a lot of them so it started getting stale being pigeon holed into 1 thing. Might just go back and start posting the /e/ stuff I've been making since I got a shit ton sitting here and some are pretty okay. I never bothered posting porn because it's annoying having to go through and apply censors to everything.
People hover an artist for stuff they like, I noticed posting different stuff just got way less views / engagement. Like they come to you for one thing and that's it.
It's from rule34 probably, same as creampie.
pretty much yeah, if you care about "engagement" it's better to have similar content on page
using pixiv as just a gallery for your effort gens is valid too I guess
Photoshop has a tool to record action and repeat them, it make me 2 click to censor the pictures, still annoying but less so
still wouldn't it be easier to just prompt with censorship
get a blow up doll and take pictures of you having sex with it then img2img the results
Yikes, those pixiv yakuza sound mean :I
Sorry for asking, but what is this "Uma" stuff? Is it a character or a acronym for something? A hashed pony artist?

That actually makes a lot of sense.. Never thought about that honestly.
I just posted some new stuff that I usually don't do, so I'm curious to see if it works. Otherwise if it flops, I guess I'll give the people more of my usual sloppa.
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Uma musume content. TLDR (uniroincally) yakuza and other run JRA and other horse stuff and use don't want their image tarnished with lewd content of their prized racing horses so lewd content / porn is banned and enforced on site with most japanese sites like pixiv for the most part.
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/hdg/ its been awhile. I'm seeking some of the old ways and was hoping the bakers maybe have them. do we have that old sd embeddings list anywhere?
Where's the porn?
What the fuck, that sounds absolutely crazy. Like I knew about the series/theme, but didn't know actual yakuza was involved and pulling strings behind the scenes.
Sorry, where's the good looking hentai? Can't see it
what, do you want underage children instead of real women?
they aren't, that's a popular myth. but it's true that the owners of the franchise officially ban pornographic fanart of the characters because they don't want to get into trouble with the owners of the racehorses the girls are based on, and most popular japanese sites comply with the ban.
Good thing their navy is not so anal about its ships. So much for artistic freedom though.
i never understood why they took real horses names instead of creating fictional ones, what was even point in this
i don't think that there is big overlap between cgdct anime and horse races bets fans
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Enjoying the park.
Because of kancolle, though technically Fate was first. So many other games did the same thing afterwards, gotta get in on the hype.
i believe that there's actually a decent amount of horseracing otaku in japan and that they were part of the reason that franchise got momentum initially
Cityscape, that's nice. I usually do skyline but this one looks more varied.
Fate was kind of a bad idea for a gacha. They ran out of real heroes to base their characters on ages ago.
>more varied.
I don't know, there's that one skyscraper with the spike on top that's copy and pasted like five times.
Man nanashi really went downhill, what happened? It's all so tame now, I still remember when he made Griselda Cunt-Tits with her nipple lasers.
book characters are like infinite free character to do
I meant it also has regular houses mixed in close-by. Varying skyscrapers is easy with inpaint, just cut random pieces off the top.
they didn't run out, they just took the most recognizable ones from the cultures that most of the audience is familiar to
Or all the ero guro. Really mellowed out with age.
the ending of naruto fixed his broken heart
That's the same as running out. Now they are stuck doing literally who's, crossover characters and dumb alternative versions.
Horse racing is pretty big in japan, the name recognition combined with cute girls doing cute things shit and how well they leaned into the horse racing printed money. The game made hand over fist in money easily, though how much went to Cygames is a mystery since I'm sure they paid the JRA quite a bit to use the names. It's the double-edged sword since nip artists aren't sure what construes under the vague guideliens as against ToS so most really just didn't bother with doujins or other shit and no coom content in general lessens staying power for an IP no matter how big.
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it's getting a lot harder to grow especially if you're a brand new creator.
I made a new account just to test stuff and managed to get 1000 bookmarks on my first post in about a week with some fom anime shit, so its not impossible to grow if you just follow trends for reference my second post with an unpopular character got 180 bookmarks in a the same time frame
technically you are right but still
taking only into account eu countries, amount of historical and legendary figures is huge, going just thru wiki and finding something you can do interesting lore about is better than just doing said alternative versions and shit
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this is me but it's mostly from koikatsu
Thats quite an awfull ratio or maybe its a normal one for koikatsu stuff?
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i think with kk people tend to just grab the scene or whatever and leave
switch to disembodied tongue, please
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dude really should think about his hygiene
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These were my stats before I got swept up in an automated ban wave. Fucking pixiv literally autobans you with a message that you can't appeal (even though no human was involved in your ban).
What is the current status of H generation? It is still Pony? Has this "Flex" that I keep hearing about surpassed it? Have we managed to get hands right?
scroll the thread before asking dumb question grandpa
Pony and NAI cannot be beaten at what they are good at by any current model.
I don't know, I'm just as confused as you are haha. I've never felt more on the forefront of technology. This stuff is just crazy, and more keeps happening every day. Keep your head on a swivel, or you just might miss it! So awesome to be part of this community.
Don't tell her what to do, fag. Answer the question(s).
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Disembodied tongue doesn't seem to have any booru footprint, this is as good as I could get atm.
These looks like seed variations really, and not much like the styles. I wonder if it can learn muted colors from those artists while still maintaining a vibrant range
Weird bait today
the zoom canvas option doesnt seem to be working. is this just a me problem or is it actually broken
i like prompting bubbles with text in flux and dall-e 3, it's an extremely lazy way to do it, i know, but it works most of the time. probably not very useful if you're planning a lot of panels

>one of the many charms the AI Art has
that's a nice way of looking at it. cool surreal pics
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guildmaster jean
urethral fingering
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Post surprise sex.
surprise anal face would be good. that moment where the pain reaches the brain but the surprise hasnt gone away yet
I am about to resub to nai but I have 84 sub anals left.
Post a prompt and I will run it.
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fine minorly changed, cba inpainting that much more I think it's now on the line of possible
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Incredibly based.
archer (fate), hatsune miku, 1boy, huge penis, male focus, cumdrip, from below, 1girl, penis awe, licking penis, samneco, murata range, shuz, rkrk, sincos, youkan
creampie pls
i can't believe it worked and didn't give you a full-on archer with his cock out grinning at you and no one else in the pic (as it was what i've gotten repeatedly with a similar prompt)
thanks, i still have much to learn
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>Spent 8 hours prompting on V3
I'm going to die, but at least I feel pretty happy with what I can produce now for datasets for Artist mix loras.
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seems like that's about what you'd expect with that kind of prompt
yeah, you do not put 'male focus, huge penis' and expect something different
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Who needs eyes consistency? clearly not me as I'm a filthy slopper
will you share those loras with us?
>wanna post images itt so im not just textgen and contribute to the thread
>All I ever gen is BBC and blacked porn
welp, 1.5 backgrounds it is
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Looking at the prompt I did forget to include the loras l-fucking-mao that's why it didn't match the rest of the style, I'm so fucking retarded sometimes
Sex with native qts.
I usually do since I typically just grab mixes that pop up here.
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How can a man be this based?
have you already baked some of those nai mixes? a mega or smthn? irst time i see someone actually doing something for that specifically
Catbox pls
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marsey the cat
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Remember what they (Astralite and NAI3) took from you.
I have a few in here. The ones that are Artist-Artist-Artist and such are V3 mixes.
NAI can more or less do nice backgrounds IMO but fucking pony on the other hand...
>two of the /trash/special's
Uh, this will came in handy
oh i see, nice
hope you can bake one of the mix that shuten anon uses, that would be so fucking good
I just do everything in the simplest background I can on Pony at this point. The minute you try anything a bit more then simple the entire thing just falls apart.
That may be the 7010 mix, unless they changed up their mix. If you have a image with the metadata then just throw it in a catbox and I can look into it.
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>I just do everything in the simplest background I can on Pony at this point
Same, I give my respect to all the anons who inpaint their backgrounds on pony
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That face is actually a good follow-up from the previous image.
also, thank you for your effort in baking so much loras, youve got quite a big mega folder right there
For Pony does anyone have a recommendation for a model that works well for latex and/or doll joints out of the box model wise? Like say full body head to toe latex.
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Anyone know what model this could potentially be? Someone did mention ratatata style but I can't figure out what else this is supposed to be?
brother, this is nai with basically the same mix that everyone uses
Brother I don't read these threads every single day lmao, I have 0 idea what you mean by "same mix" as everyone else uses. I just browse citiviai, and generate porn I rarely ever actually interact in here.
then fuck off back there and never post here again
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Can be undressed or dressed.
Some sort of shitmix of ratatata and nyantcha, 80% of nai uses these fucks.
Legs melting into each other
Honestly I think that's my next step at this point, been scrounging last 2 weeks finding an artist I want to do and either it comes up fucked because of pony or I've done most of what I want.
>remove clothes but become human centipede
The tech just isn't there yet...
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too hasty.
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pic he posted didn't have metadata
so here's shutenanon collection
https://catbox moe/c/4xabln
he uses {{{artist:wamudraws, artist:opossumachine, artist:healthyman}}},
would appreciate if you could bake his style mix
Uh huh
works on my uhh... erm... saas inspector
oh my bad, we don't have that technology here yet.
lmfao an actual namefag avatarfag from /b/ just came here
this is only the beginning
this place is so fucking done rorumao
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Just threw it on catbox as I don't really have time to do testing on it right now. I may also end up redoing it because I was strapped for time.
wtf so fast, thank you
check that left hand
yes, at last
kino generator, now available for local
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Does she get fingered by Jean Claude Van Damme or why does the pov arm bend like that?
wow characters! wow celebs!

don't give a shit what about styles
you know what
I should start actively advertising /hdg/ in /b/ thread
we do it for them here, it would be fair
Is this the abyss looking back at us?
uh oh
If I can't get good fingers after 100+ gens is it potentially a LoRA issue?
Why don't you disable the lora and find out?
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oh no... not the /b/ invasion (((
How do textbros get the 'cord invite?
Say, anon, I heard you like 'em young
post sexy hentai quit yapping please
dumb slut
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amazing style, white man for self insert please
I remember how, in the first weeks, people were saying NAI3 is good, but it can't do backgrounds. Of course that was coming off of SD1.5.
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Maybe Futurama was on to something regarding fembots.
can I get a 2560x1440 for my main desktop??
>what we're seeing here is the correct way of making a general unusable
Just scroll past the parts that look like this: https://litter.catbox.moe/zp4czu.png
How do you generate such nice backgrounds?
your filters missed 4 shitposts
So what? I can tell it's the trash can section and scroll past at a glance.
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90s pornography.
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I haven't posted any of that shit yet, but yeah, not a bad idea.
>to make it unbearable for the normal part of the userbase
who are you kidding retard? this thread has been unbearable for any non-insane poster for a long fucking while
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>even the images are all sloppa
Wtf imagebros I thought you were better than that. Warriors of light to fight against the shitposting, not join it...
Maybe the thread was fucking shit all along!
catbox please
It's nai
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>Miss... you broke my neck... URK!
I have no neck and I must fuck
cutie kobeni
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What is the artist mix?
is this fucking 2005 wtf
it's ponycouldnever mix
What, do you need it to be .php to get off or what?
yeah it's more advanced than html
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That's a lon ass artist mix. I was running out of artists anyway thanks.
>No gen
It's still crazy to think that 2023 september novelai still holds great
Both nai and local disappoint me today... unfortunate. Too lazy to gen myself too.
how can you be disappointed with that robot-dog-woman chimera gen?
what are you doing anon
Not bad technically, but I couldn't care less about the subject.
I realized from belle delphine that as long as you keep teasing peoples curiosity keeps running. You gotta keep teasing anon!
maybe the happoubi artist tag is too strong on the censor
Oops all got deleted, will have to wait another couple hours for that image limit to fill up again!
funny, now there are only 102 filtered posts
which is true. naiv3 can do backgrounds quite well but ONLY the top 10 or so most popular background types. a bedroom? a street? sure. anything more elaborate or specific like sd1.5? nope.
I like v3 backgrounds.
a blurry flower field is also on the list of standard backgrounds, it looks good. it also does hotsprings really nice
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this is what it is like after every trip
she taught me that small tits are in fact the best kind of tits

vibe transfer is absolutely fantastic for backgrounds. schizo prompting can also go a long way

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look, mom, i posted it again
thank you, i was very disgusted by all the NAI posts, but this healed my soul
it's hentai with sexy miqo'te
it's a spammed image which has been posted like 30 fuckin times by now
it's hentai.
It's funny because there's always subtle edits that make it more and more grotesque each time it's posted
make it a gif where it flips back and forth mirrored like the boomer dance
Any good lora megas besides the ones in the sticky? I dont like anything in civitai and trust anon here more
nah there is just the two, the original and small head version. if that much effort went into it then it would at least be funny
There are some links posted in the discord
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Kill it with water!
Is that the fabled mouth-pussy?
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I dont care about any discords post em here
>wake up
>check the thread
>ctrl+f [deleted]
>157 results
i used to wonder what caused this but its more just a perpetual state at this point huh
thats what happen when 1 guy shitting the thread get his post deleted
It's not some major cleanup, mostly one guy with rather mediocre naisloppa and one more guy who spammed smiley posts.
>away from home
>urge to sub to nai intensities
How does vide transfer work? Is it worth it?
Ask in /aids/.
That place is completely infested by the anti-NAI schizo though.
I pretty much never use it but a lot of people say it's really good, especially for backgrounds and adding some elements to the gen. For style transfer it's shit I think
Thanks for outing yourself as a /aids/ shill.
Who do you think you are replying to, he is the only person who even brings up /aids/ anywhere on this site whenever NAI is mentioned kek
>vibe transfer
people say it's pretty much like ip adapter for controlnet but idk I've never used that one
vibe transfer can be great but depends on what you're expecting, it is extremely sensitive to the input image(s)
as long as you don't want 1:1 style recreation and prompt some similar-ish artists while using it it's decent for style transfer but like i mentioned only as long as your input image is good. prompting artists dilutes the art style but can make other parts of the image better, it really depends on both the input image and the artists
for me the best use i've gotten out of it was enhancing artist mixes, it resulted in more unique looking styles/images
i've also used it to 'enhance' a character it barely knew, turned out better with vibe transfer than without
basically you'll probably have to experiment a lot if you want to get something proper out of it, aside from that it's fun to play around with
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It might just be ipadapter actually. Only the one we have on local was trained on base SDXL, so even on Animagine it's pretty weak.
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0% in ai generation detector, we did it reddit
Why does changing some small tags at the beginning of the prompt sometimes result in completely fried images? Is there a way to fix it without rewriting the entire thing?
You do have "no norm" set, yes? Token at the beginning of the prompt are the strongest.
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Too lazy to post only one pic
just remote into your pc lil bro
No difference with that setting. Guessing it has something to do with formatting getting fucked but no matter if I fuck with spaces or new lines the prompt remains broken. Sometimes it doesn't even resemble anything, just a mess of colors.
I can already see it
>set up remote SD
>using it on phone while out
>get alert from home security cam
>check footage
>see burglar break in
>he hears PC fans going full blast
>burglar follows the noise
>finds PC churning out face pussy hyper futa nipple fuck hentai all on it's own
>his face turns white
>runs out screaming
>tfw remote SD degeneracy saved my shit
the mess of colors problem is the no norm setting like 95% of the time, are you using some shitty vae? try https://civitai.com/models/152040/xlvaec
did you miss html5 retard
Has anyone made any comics?
I was thinking about doing some sketches/storyboarding and then just running them through Anytest to then stitch them together in panels
wouldn't vae be a problem every time, regardless of prompt?

catbox, otherwise we can only guess
not necessarily
yeah but it's been like a year, all depends how much effort you want to put into it
any tips?
No tips. Only balls deep
probably the best tip is to read good manga or comics and copy how they do panelization. think about moving the viewer's eye through the page.
You can use the manga maker extension for a simple ui withing forge.
Biggest problem with using ai for any sort of continuous story is temporal consistency, so don't go too crazy with character or background detail.
For how long our suffering must continue? When will Jordach finally stop baking his golden turd and break into Nai HQ to steal the weights?
Pony is a good, solid model. Whatever problems you are experiencing with it are solvable with a LoRA.
this, also skill issues and being lazy kek
why would anyone want to steal blurry diffusion?
The issue is a prompt works, I remove or replace something I thought was inconsequential, a pose, a hair color, that sort of thing. and it breaks.
Looks like I haven't been using a VAE though, guess I forgot about it when switching to forge a couple months back. Didn't make a difference but thanks for the heads up.
I want to clarify I don't think any of these are good or presentable. There was some demented Rinko spammer in this thread back when I browsed long time ago and I want no part of that.
prompt that somehow works: https://litter.catbox.moe/jqmvz9.png
prompt without "breasts breasts squeezed together: https://litter.catbox.moe/63zeiy.png
-,,- and without "gigantic breasts" and "bursting breasts": https://litter.catbox.moe/5bbr4z.png
This has happened with other models and lora, even no loras IIRC but I've trashed those images. Tried with the VAE provided and no difference.
No, I don't wanna gen with pony, I want a bigger model! 10B parameters at least
LoRAs are a patchwork cope because there's a limit to combining them where shit starts to get lost
the vae is an essential part of genning, you were just using the default vae of the model some of which suck
bro turn that cfg down
i would take any model being only capable of 1girl standing but is nice looking, have ability to create unique looking mixes and has good understanding of proportions
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>over 20 posts after my image
>only 1 image
share some no gens
In my defense it's not as noticeable as it was back in the "VAE NOW" days
Will try, haven't experimented with settings for a long time, odds are all my settings are just copied of a good image I saw months ago since I click copy parameters every time at start
But it has to work on 8gb AMD gpus!
sorry all my images are uncensored
Surprisingly non-schizo prompt and negs. My guess is one of the loras is crap.
I'd rather read text as a matter of fact. Every time an image is posted it's a disappointment. At least with text there's no such thing.
There are a lot of disappointingly low quality text posts here.
Nai gens > Shitposting
Shitposting > Pony gens
Hopefully NAI is next.
>And we’re happy today to report one major triumph: seemingly in response to our questions, Stable Diffusion version 1.5 has been removed from Hugging Face. But there’s much still to do, and meaningful progress may require legislation.
>>only 1 image
>its shit
yeah I'm thinking text is fine
But sadly correct many more times than not.
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It's old 1.5 sloppa
I hope all the chvddies here get busted for stealing artists' hard work! ^.^~
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How do I become an AI safety expert?
ctrl+f "novel" - no hits.
How do they escape justice every single time?? No mention at all in any AI disparaging articles.
Who the fuck even cares about NAItrash when you can just use autismmix with a lora
i mean personally i stopped using breaks and score tags but they aren't total garbage, but yeah, it's just a shit lora probably
This but unironically
So funny that the actual CSAM is not coming from any base model, it's mainly coming from a mix + a shit ton of LoRAs. These fucking keks, so pathetic.
>How do they escape justice every single time??
Maybe their tactic of astroturfing in 4chan while keeping a low profile in normal social media channels work.
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you dont need to select a vae if you use forge
All the aoi nagisa lora are garbage so it might be that, lower your cfg to 4, try another model instead of autismmix like reweik, your hires denoise is at 0.7 so it might go completely schizo
Also just noticed you are genning at 512x768 which is not a good format use those instead
we'll be stuck with pony for 10 more months at least
thank you astralite for turning into a mass slopper for our sake
The """issue""" with 1.5 was that it had actual child porn in its dataset. It wasn't properly tagged though so it had literally no influence on its capability to generate CP.
This, kurumuz personally sits in this shithole 24/7 astroturfing his model to the 10 losers who still wither away here.
kurumuz, if you see this, post Kuro full nelson
first you need to be a trust fund baby with a shitton of connections through your parents
and then you also need some bogus liberal arts degree
third you also need to make absolute sure you're entirely computer illiterate and not have even the faintest idea of how any of this tech even begins to work or function
For genning dimensions if I use hi-res.fix do the ending dimensions matter or only the starting ones? Or does hi-rex.fix fuck it no matter what
This thread is the stronghold of the "defiler of kids shows", "hasher of tags" "butcher of anime girls" and "harbinger of furries", lord Astraliteheart, first of his name!
the starting ones matter more, if you gen too small with xl you can get issues
hires doesnt fuck anything if set properly but at 0.7 it might go crazy, try to not rely on hires fix until you manage to get good base gen, no point in upscaling garbage
Thanks, it might be a lora thing but it's not exclusive to that one. Will try those dimensions in the future, but when you get a good base image on those do you hires fix at less than 2x? Seems very large otherwise.
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I dont use hires myself since I upscale with i2i and I dont even upscale all the time since the base res of xl model is decent, you can redo a gen you liked while keeping the same seed but this time with hiresfix if you really want to, try between 1.5-2 at 0.3 denoise (depends of your hires sampler) and go from here
I'm starting to think BREAK is a meme
welcome in 2024, sir
I think NAI is good
if you're not using reweik+4th tail with artiwaifu refiner meme, i don't know what you're doing.
im using nai
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nice ass texture


i always hires base gens off that list 2x thru img2img
i like big images
up to you
fair enough
it is
i switched from waiani to tponynai. not really into refining since none of the booru underbakes can do the artists I like
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very nice
there is nothing but some easily filtered shitposting going on right now
>me when i dish out a tub of butter across my image
eeeyup... novelin' time
kek yeah even the spammer was harder to filter, had to put in the gargantuan effort to manually click the hide button
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I would like to redeem some discord screenshots
I don't understand the difference between samplers so I just use Euler A, am I missing out on anything
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euler a is a safe bet out of any sampler tbhdesu
nigga just run an x/y plot and pick the one you like the best
Euler A and native+karras works fine with everything
>imagine not getting incrementally closer to the true solution of the stochastic differential equation with more steps
couldn't be me
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yeah i like high steps sde it looks nice
Where'd you get the lora?
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Other than smea-dyn letting you use higher base resolution, they're all basically the same.
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Honestly I use smea-dyn even on normal resolution images and they look much better than without it. I never use higher resolutions because spending anlas on generating images is scary
no upscale
could be worse
there are three in the rentry and three on civit, none of them seem to be this one
Whatever you're trying to "improve" pony, remember. It is placebo. It's all rng. We're on the beginning of the tech, you can't expect all gens to be perfect
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Any possum lora should work fine, the main thing is using PAG + vector + style components kek. I posted this in another thread, but here is the sauce that I've adjusted a bit:
>Enable Pertubed Attention Guidance with PAG Scale 3 and Set CFG to 4
>Set Sampler to Euler A Simple w/ 20 steps
>Enable Highres fix with Euler a AYS 10 steps - 4x Ultramix_Balanced (IF YOU WANT TO USE ADETAILER) - Enable ADetailer with Euler A AYS - 0.4 denoise - Mask blur 8/Padding 64
>Enable Vectorscope with alt strong effects, 0.4 contrast, 0.7-1.0 saturation, -1 brightness, 0.4 blue (Advanced settings - process HR fix, NOT adetailer) Adjust as needed depending on prompt
>Import style components
https://files.catbox.moe/jdchh6.rar - style components import
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>spending anlas on generating images is scary
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Strange things are happening
wtf is that catbox
>popsicle/cock double penetration
>popsicle nipple flick
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>Put sidelocks in negatives
>Still generates an image with long as fuck sidelocks
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>posted 1024x1024 miyuki eye close-up
>someone wanted to see the rest of her in hi-res
>was drunk
>attempt it just to immediately forget about it
>weeks later remember this was a thing
merely a step towards becoming the modern picasso
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Coincidence or correlation that the more prompting I do with regards to the background that the worse the character details become even with a LoRA?
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>Coincidence or correlation that the more prompting I do with regards to the background that the worse the character details become even with a LoRA?
You are effectively using more tokens thus making the "focus" of the slop machine widen upon more things instead a few, yes, you can always inpaint those missing details tho
Probably first time ever in hdg this question is being asked seriously:
Why is it so blurry?
Does that mean it's better to start nude and inpaint clothes on after the fact?
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Because I like having some blur applied, makes the image more pleasant to look at compared to how "sharp" pony images usually are. Just my opinion though, I could remove it by changing my workflow but meh
Try to fit everything on the prompt and try to get a nice gen (composition or pose wise) then do a plain upscale and fix the missing/bad details
wtf you started prompting face expression?
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Only real ones will remember
nta but how would you remove the blur? what thing is doing the blur in your workflow anyways?
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Mmmm, ([pussy juices:honey:0.3]:1.2)
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the sidelock and sidetail tags were not trained properly for pony, they are very low accuracy
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Combination of style components with SMEA images as the input (kek) and PAG with low cfg. Could remove it by sharpening the style component inputs (probably?) or doing post process upscaling/etc..
Thanks. I doubt pag does much for style, and vectorscope is just hue+luminosity adjustment, but I'll look into style components. Looks like a decent replacement for ipadapter.
Is there an easy way to remove them with inpainting then? Like I'm not even sure what I'd color them because if I make it hair color to blend in with hair behind the character it's gonna just recreate the sidelocks and if I make it flesh it's just gonna make their face huge
it's too much blur in some of those desu but it does make the pony pics look less soulless
Blur is the way
blur in your gens looks really nice, I like how smooth they all are
New thread, new highlights, new seethe?
no highlights please
seethe is fine
oh, so we like blur now huh?
it's pony
It's NAI
miqote hentai highlights please
>two more threads before closing
im scared bros
finally, we'll be free of ces and gpo
we might as well just stop here desu
maybe we can revive the thread when a new good local anime finetune releases in 5 years
>in 5 years
Feeling optimistic, aren't ya?
It's finally over bros, the paint piggies won
Applied some dirty tricks to let me sample timesteps according to the same scale curve Debiased Estimation uses (or any other curve for that matter). Let's see how well it goes.
it's aidg
Yeah I might add a bit of sharpening in post, but it does definitely help get away from the fried pony slop look
local could nev---oh
what did she mean by this
I thought we all agreed to let /hdg/ die after the 600th thread, not at the 598th?
We're waiting for the highlights dude to bake
it might take a bit, there were some serious bangers this time around
we decided to push the schedule up a little
get fucked threadshitter
Fair enough I suppose, I'll be patient in the meantime.
Sorry sir, she's taken by the ugly bastards.
I will be posting a new discord screenshot in the next thread
Have a bunnygirl masquerading as a foxgirl in this trying time
im cumming
Thank you anon, this helps me be patient, I really like the style and waifu.
Where is that Koyanskaya lora from? Is it one from the megas or from civitai?
nta but the trigger prompt sounds very Civitai
new bread
Yeah, it's a civit lora. There are only 2 loras of her for pony, both by the same guy and they cover all? of the costumes.
Awesome Teto though.
Racism on my Mongolian basket weaving forum. How could this happen!?
Now make one of the true best girl! Kobeni’s Car!
My sides! Then you post the cam footage and it becomes god tier meme about how stable diffusion can deter buglors

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