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The Island Edition

Previous Thread: >>8231208


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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the silly thing was that, for a time, /aco/-like (or stuff that resembled it or was based around it) stuff will also get you a ban here and in /e/ but it has been more lax as of late
kill yourself
Must have been a very long time ago. Before easyfluff at least.
thread without highlights
Keep it up, brother. Every genner on there is the hero this shit general needs, but not the one it deserves.
It's not a kek, it's a bunch of whos. I want to see Jordach's cord!
>abandoned thread
highlights are such a powerful way to derail a thread with minimal effort, I at least applaud highlightanon as being a masterful troll.
your ironic encouragement of schizos stopped being funny 50 threads ago, dumbass
>didn't make it because my gen got janny'd
f in the chat for me
who are these trannies and why are you posting them?
That is the prompt to control the transparent/see-through level?
3 is my record on /h/ i think i got 4 once on /e/
there was a recent push where I heard lots of anons getting post deleted (even after days of them begin posted) that were, apparently, too-/aco/ for theses board. I even got post of kamen america deleted but things have gone back to normal since then.
Some OMI people. Just thought that the idea of nai giving compute to comfy and the other troons, so they can make a better architecture for nai to use was kinda funny.
and your 'kill yourself' has not been funny since forever
am i supposed to know the new FOTM ai "groups"
on pony you had to use correlated tags and negs to control degree of see-through

what an incredibly retarded post
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kill yourself
You should know this one foremost.
What should I shitpost and falseflag about today, bros?
kill yourself
What group is called "Foremost"?
breast sizes
is it me
or my attitude
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what did you do with her tan?
Oppai roris
No, just bad character design. When was one of them ever best girl?
Kill yourself
But I'm using sd1.5
>my Arti gen made it into the highlights
KEK Euge just can't stop winning
Hestia was the only good girl in Danmachi, next season may just change that tho
Falseflag as an image poster and shit on nogens
This again? I know they called her oppai loli in the show but she's way too tall and old for that label.
Average loli height is 140cm, Hestia is 140cm
And if age was enough to disqualify a character from being a loli then most of the time Shinobu won't be a loli. Unless you mean that she'd qualify as a lolibaba instead, in which case yeah true
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This image uses the most popular artists everyone uses to make Illustrious (the 100% anime model) produce good images: asura (asurauser), cutesexyrobutts, thiccwithaq (some know her as nyantcha), and wamudraws. It is therefore 400% anime/hentai. If you don't like it, feel free to leave: >>>/aco/
so based great post!!!!
what keeps localfags from just roping themselves??
how the fuck am I supposed to reupload something if I don't know what it was. use your words nigga.
This link got expired. Can someone reupload it?
You want to expand on that a bit?
Illustrious leak.
He >>8234325 didn't find anything new and came back to the old routine
There anything I should select or change in the settings? or even outside of SD?

Had to reinstal windows and lost all of the SD stuff
kinda like nagatoro with big breasts?
140 is normal japanese schoolgirl height, lolis would be 120 and down.
The thread is blessed
could you please generate one where she does a wet fart on a black guy's dick? please i beg you
no one's actually done that though, she's always aged up when she has tits

like this
Kud from Little Busters is 145, Megumin is 148cm, Nahida is 138cm, Illya is 133cm
illustrious can do (borderline) /aco/ that's actually visually appealing out of the box. there is no need to continue coping with the textureless plastic look.
damn the penis definitely ruins it!
JLullaby lora doko?
heights based on nothing
you can only estimate the height of the character with the full body image and arbitrary set head dimensions
Do it yourself bro you have the power of AI and can do anything, like me.
Really grasping at straws huh
i cant have no way to prompt stable diffusion i have been coming to those threads for posts you are one of my favorite posters here dont listen to haters. i was anxious to ask before but was hoping you could do where she farts on his balck dick please?
even though I didn't make it in, thank you
Why does he waste so much time generating purposefully shitty looking images and posting them here? What's the end goal?
killing /e/ really wasn't enough?
Your response to >>8234398?
i think he's talking about 8234359
I want to retract my original statement about her height, because you're right that's not really it. A lolifag would be able to explain better why they're not interested in her the same way as illya or shuten, even if she were to be flat. She doesn't look or act like a child, I suppose. I would define her as shortstack instead, despite the lack of ass.
Correct but that is who you are responding to.
>What's the end goal?
loool trolld umad xd
why is the blue catgirl poster so fucking angry? it's like seeing the "i'm not owned" tweet personified.
what do you mean? i'm nta you were responding to
i'm just stating the fact that those heights and ages are pulled from the ass
Someone just can't keep seething huh ;))
Based as always, don't mind the trolls
thats what /aco/ does to you
nice style
nice style
Based :)
I know =)
/aco/cathag guy is probably the only effortgenner we have left, make of that what you will
The last good effortposter left
I put effort into shitting up the general, I just don't post images anymore.
so you take scat/toilet play requests?
i also believe that everybody who disagrees with me must be the same person
how pedochuddies will ever recover =)))
but cathag is a pedo
he loves doing cute boys
Real highlighterinos doko?
nuh uh mister pedoman
go for it
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it seems like it wasn't huber loss after all, these are pretty close to 1:1 settings. afaik that pretty much only leaves multires noise discount
I'm a cute little hag nya ^_^
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i mean multires noise discount is a pretty important setting, it's how strong the effect is as a percentage
>cathag is a pedo
the guy who is constantly posting plump big tiddie cat girls? What did I miss?
I would believe he is not a pedo but honestly after seeing how much effort he puts in the boys face and expression (when the gen doesn't have a nigger or a male out of frame) I have no doubt he is both bi and pedo
i was under the impression that it would primarily effect color
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He loves little boys
sshags are just the smokescreen for gay pedophiles
it does but the noise it's talking about is the latent noise which is what makes it the image from in the first place. anything that fucks with the latent CAN change compositions and quite drastically
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Do the clerics with the original crosses and anime proportions and you will be on to something.
Pedophiles are a vile plague.
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Drills faggot here. Good show, anon. This is my result after following your method.

And this is the image I used as source material, lmao.

hrt doesn't make him a woman
No way I'm blessing this general by posting my wife, ew.
>being both gay and pedo
holy shit
if pedos deserves the rope, then you being both gay and pedo makes you deserve your genitals getting crushed by a heavy stone, then amputate all of your 4 limbs and leave you dying of pain and bleed just like the double piece of shit you are
His lame trolling was ignored for several threads and I believe he'd eventually get bored and fuck off if you kept it this way.
aiiiieeee noooo using controlnet is cheating
how long you are here?
Now artists can't say I steal anything when I also troglodyte-level paint my images myself.
no please god no save me from this torture
but you aren't cathag, are you?
For 1.5 years.
No, everyone loves me.
post gen or fake news or whatever
that makes sense, i guess i just haven't really noticed it having an effect like that before now. i wonder if that's because i've been using immiscible noise
then how do you missed that he's doing his inflammatory aco spam last six months
doubling up on noise changing things is usually unwise
*last 2 years with different tactics
He was never consistently ignored like that before and felt like he was getting a bit desperate.
i cant hold this back inside my mind anymore
b- "chama" is just a fucking golddigger whore who only searchs up for promising finetunes and/or projects, as long as it is meant for local, she is a fucking parasite and i'm tired of pretending shes not
fuck you idiotic bitch
take a deep breath, jordach. i'm sure you'll get over her eventually
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it's birdanon
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brooo wtf is this
catanon is based and savior of the general. stop projecting chuddies =))))))))))
afaik immiscible noise doesn't actually mess with the noise itself
but anyway yeah nice gen
normal ai masonry
What if the shotas are faceless male?
yeah just joking, nice gen
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based thanks
illu really has trouble making bent bodies
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painfull image :D
have we figured the blora layers of illustrious yet?
Ermac wins
how much inpainting did this involve
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What is it you don't like about my a r t?
it's over brick-bros..
It's just jealous nogens
No joke, how do you even compensate for this? We had the same issue with other checkpoints. I even tried to use stock photos and I got the same result with melted bricks.
stuccobros our response?

Yes, that's what I used.
Illustrious is actually nuts
Beautiful gen, nice colors.
Well, I contributed my grain of knowledge to Euge. Seems he will now prune all komas and manga panels, just as NAI did.
would be better if someone actually took the effort to turn good panels into worthwhile training material but that's the second best thing
is she downs syndrome?
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Testing this LoRA, looks pretty solid!
I will only take effort for Euge's dataset when he produces a model of at least illustrious' quality. After that sure, for the next version I'll personally curate whatever the fuck he wants while sucking his dick too.
Tell me your most liked artist mixes
>just reveal your patreon secret sauces for free bro
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yukimaru, (mikoyan:0.5), (kakure eria:0.8), (houtengeki:0.4), (flat color:0.7),
right after i convinced him to include all of fishine's doujins...
I know, but that would take an insane amount of time anyways. A task only for a dataset curator team, or a couple of NEETs with a fucked up sleep schedule.
euge may have a tiny weenie but his compute is humongous
He's asking for loli mixes obviously, you can't post those to patreon.
holy shit it knows doodle sensei? box?
based, thanks for your service
it's pony
[nyantchu], NT00, terasu mc, fellatrix, afrobull, (dobson:1.2), kodyboy555,
Don't spread it too far I'm gonna make the big bucks with this
NTA but it knows basically anything that's tagged on danbooru, and if you can't get something just raise the weight like NAI. It's 20 epochs on a 7.5m image dataset, lots of meat in there.
Sir, that's a pony gen
retard shill lmao
it's free
how does it look, doc?
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but only this epoch ;)
it's still free
Only free if your time is worthless ;)
I actually genned this a while ago to test it, lol
it seems to be inconsistent whether or not it generates as the full head, or a piece of paper with the doodle on it
Is illustrious paid to shill here? I tried generating a few images but they all came out with broken anatomy and looking like shit? Are these just NAI shills trying to make local look bad because they are still mad about Pont's superiority so they are trying to split the local base and cause infighting amongst us?

I can't imagine anyone legitimately using this model, it seems extremely underbaked and every image comes out fried as shit
if you're spending time console warring over an AI powered coom generator on a mongolian basket weaving forum i think your time might actually be more worthless than the people using it to make pretty pictures
probably a clannad lora in the mix
yes it's a clear astroturfing attempt by the gooknai shills to build up hype for when they start charging for the newest epochs
Elaborate bait, I'll give it a (You).
I noticed this too, it's very transparent yet hardly anyone is bringing this up without getting their post deleted
Is there a way to get testicle sucking more consistently on nai?
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I get paid by the Mossad to shill Gook.
You have to lower the CFG to make the pictures look not shit, which ruins Illustrious for my purposes since I want to do things besides "1girl, standing" and "1girl, 1boy, sex"
>asura (asurauser)
took some adjustment to gen settings for me
the 0.1 model is definitely underbaked, SDE samplers correct for that a bit
im pleased enough with this as a base model that i anticipate finetunes and loras to clearly elevate it above pony for all /h/ purposes
Pony genners, check your pagers.
>Pony's superiority
Try better next time shitposter-kun. Have a pity (you)
>which ruins Illustrious for my purposes since I want to do things besides "1girl, standing" and "1girl, 1boy, sex"
such as?
catbox one of your gens and we can help you :)
2boys, sex
gangbang, very dark skin, 1girl, 5boyd, excessive smegma, gpo
2boys, otoko no ko, sex
NAI is deploying v4?
model is too overfit to do that
i wish i was a fat black dude...
Looks good! You can try reducing houtengeki, since that tag is causing most of the scribble style
id be more interested in them exposing a mechanism for lora training and sharing, and if they kept the interface/API more up to date with schizo of the art samplers and other gen settings/hacks
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Very nice. Looking between the images, I noticed the poles are almost identical in angle. So I took your reference image, ran through the process, and then rotated the image in the editor to make the pole vertical. Left side of picrel is before rotation,right side is after. A small effort for a pretty noticeable improvement, no?
Did you have a nice pole come out right away? I'm using pony, and as you can see my poles came out weird. Also Miku tends to float off the ground. I might have to switch to Illustrious right away after all.
Can illu do that though? I'd bet it's not about overfit but about trashy danbooru tagging.
It's getting characters down really well without any loras.
long pussy is long
holy shit AOM my beloved
well obviously, that's something every model besides naiv1 and pony can do
Calling that thing pussy is about the same as calling neggles female...
weakest bait of all time
and yet you bit, curious!
Hot Miku by the way.
I used SilvermoonMix01XL
cute tummy
1girl, solo, flexible, female footjob, female masturbation, denki anma
ryonabros, we are so fucking back.
Box the cat ryonabro
Obscure characters
The Holy Cross...
why is it so fried?
a non-fried m-da s-tarou tag? very impressive
doesn't recognize any of my <100 tags danbooru characters even with help, unlike nai3
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love me some laserflip, weirdly erotic in a kind of gross way
if that's fried, then everyone else is melted to slag

the duality of man
1boy, 1girl, hetero, hands only, close-up, holding hands, wedding ring
to clarify: at least as far as m-da s-tarou tags go
i remember a previous thread had a decent handholding illustrious gen
it's gooknai
stop posting blacked
post only blacked
schizo bwo? check your eyes
it's not very accurate on nai but doesn't seem too melted to me without smea
strong enough to make you reply
you now remember anyv3
it was a better time..
fuck this shit why would you make me remember how i thought vae is similar to hypernetwork
Ok, gooknai >>> pony, nai, flux and whatever else there is
good times
The pole for sure. I did draw a straight line at the bottom to give the AI an idea of what I wanted. But the thing that was more chaotic were her legs. Had to go through several edits of the source image so she could look like she was dancing and not having a communion with some entities from beyond.
Nice. Cat box for bottom images?
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>Try hand at an instant loss comic.
>Immediately feel bad for the girl afterwards.

Why the hell am I like this...
a productive discussion just happened on euge's discord
add happy, smile to the second image, easy

also hot gen
ain't no way
its dead rn
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Unless it's underage touhou girls.
I don't understand why everyone likes wamudraws
That's not Jonathan wtf
This but opossumachine.
Both are based
but I do like tianlong ping pong
I do not understand why everyone uses 5-6 artists mixed at 0.6 where it starts to look like generic slop
So artists do not complain about whose style you are "stealing" from.

Frankly, it is closer to soulkiller, in my opinion.
>where it starts to look like generic slop
No it doesn't? Using 1 or 2 artists is boring.
same prompt
t. promptlet
Superior western artist that enables you to gen proper hentai on Illustrious.
holy shit why is Euge so cute
go suck his micropenis then you idiotic faggot
seethe, femcel
it's true
I like his style by itself, not in a mix. Weird to see lolifags use him so much, he draws adult women too, as half-chibis.
nta but lately i do like some trap /y/ doujins and imagining that's Euge-chan
>NAI under maintenance
>shitposting within the thread increases by 500%
straightest /hdg/ poster
why so angry kurumuz, 512 h100s got you shook?
fish, 1girl, 1animal, object insertion, female masturbation, on boat, looking at viewer, v
kurumuz status?
Don't jinx it
isn't anyone doing a lora to fix the pussies in Illustrious?
sir this board is for heterosexual men only, which is why we got a lora for better penises day 1
it's working doe
Best way to fix them is adding innie pussy, cleft of venus, fat mons your positive prompts
Anything for girls older than 10?
try "roasted beef"
meat flaps, roasted beef, ugly, fat, excessive pubic hair
catbox for both?
go ask reddit idiot
Pedos are so funny
Any pussy that isn't just | is disgusting to them when in reality no pussy looks like that
clitoris usually does it, nsfw and uncensored in positive, censored in negatiev
What artist wildcard are you guys using? I only have the sanae one and it's kinda short
everyone knows 3dpd are ugly retard you aren't making some wild discovery
>when in reality no pussy looks like that
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Anatomy is in general all over the place, but I don't seem to have exceptional problems with pussies specifically. They are just... okay?
have sex fucking incels
>in reality no woman looks like anime girl
dilate troon
Wait I thought all real life women have a head with the same width as their upper body
nigga you're on the cartoon porn board go to /hc/ if you want to see real pussy. innies are cute and pristine, even on adult women
at some point during early 20s 4chan completely lost the ability to not respond to bait
>doesn't want realism
>complains any style that isn't mixed with realism is /aco/
>no b-chama to tuck him in
>early 20s
holy newfag
i've been here since trump election retard
flaps are ugly
vaginas must look like a tiny butt
some styles make the pussy and anus look strange it would be interesting to have a lora that fits all styles and makes them more detailed!
check any of these new illustrious mixes and see they all use the realism tag you fucking dumbass
alright, you made me reply
I just throw it in because I like how he renders
i like how this post is retarded and at the same time true in some very roundabout way
Hmm.. training on Illustrious isn’t fitting well enough.
You couldn't be more wrong
this was a jordach ntr arc all along
CHAT is this REAL
After joining that discord, I have close to zero hope we will get anything out of this that's better than illustrious.
kek this was too perfect
I get what he's talking about at least. Usually /aco/ is on the realism end with detailed faces. But this time the complaints were about simplified anatomy and thick outlines, which goes in the other way.

Not that either is a foolproof indicator of style.
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Yeah, I had much better results once I moved the pole base and her feet down to the bottom of the reference image. The pole is always off center from the base though, On my first seed I got what looks like a peeled banana between her legs, but I only had to reroll once. Unfortunately, it's a lot easier to inpaint objects than anatomy.
If you would like, you can try this lineart version I made as an input. Maybe it will pick up anatomy better? And in line with my original thoughts, you should be able to set the control weight/ending step higher if necessary.
You ever start a huge effort-gen project only to realize halfway through that you can't do it justice?
Maybe justice is the effort we find along the way...
A troon, a furry and a south american walk into a bar...
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Cats were considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt due to their association with the goddess Bastet (or Bast), who was the goddess of home, fertility, and domesticity, as well as protector of women and children.
I don't even know if I've done a huge effort gen what does that entail
so bast!!!
2 days per gen
illustrious unironically saved /hdg/. this is the best these threads have been since the naiv1 leaks even in spite of the shitposting. I'm so happy, bros...
hi anon from a parallel universe
Awww, they're so cute!!!
jordach are
I get the feeling Bast is not pleased with the semen quality.
how come none of the gooknai shills put even 1% as much effort into their gens?
pony users are just built different
I'm not pleased with her feet quality, and you expect me to cum quality semen??
under /aco/ goes both sudo realism and thick lineart highly stylized shit as this is just vague umbrella term
i interpret that it is about anime illustration style being actually fairly realistic on its own rights despite being stylized one particular way
Has anyone here actually trained a diffusion model from scratch?
All I hear is finetune this and finetune that. 16ch VAE should be easily testable on a small toy dataset before using it on a real dataset. You don't even need to train the 16ch VAE, since you can use this https://huggingface.co/ostris/vae-kl-f8-d16
But then you get stuff like https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/868471
Which is not realistic but highly stylized with a thick outline.
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Believe me, it took me a few corrections and redraws to get it to look how I wanted. This was my lineart before I started the coloring. I moved her limbs around to make Miku look more dynamic. Yours however is far closer to the original. I will run some tests after I am done with work.
It's cats feet, anon.
>those outlines
/aco/ shit no different than asuragarbage
anon, this chain wasn't about "what's aco and anime" but about gooknai pussies
>under /aco/ goes both sudo realism and thick lineart highly stylized shit as this is just vague umbrella term
The same applies to anime. Wow who woulda thoughted cartoons can be drawn in many ways no matter what country they are from.
Ghibli stuff is literally Disney without anthropomorphic animals but nobody would call it /co/.
why is it so fried?
Ghibli is /aco/, have you seen the noses and lips he puts on every female character?
You'd be first.
to appease the black man
Euge really won the hearts of everyone
what's the process like over those 2 days wow
Why is it so Illustrious?
Alright, fine. I'll train a base model with the 16ch VAE, any dataset requests?
you can name examples of border cases like this and pretend you don't see the difference between incase and ciloranko
and no, ff or doa isn't anime style because the japs did it
Do you really want to bake on someone else's slop dataset?
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This is a happy accident. Most of the time "mating press" caused abominations in Illustrious.
fighting against pony with inpainting, controlnet and a modified latent
Many men wish death upon Astra
what kind of modifications do you make to latents? seems like dark sorcerery territory
Ah, so you did the lineart method? I thought you used the 3-step method. There is no point in testing mine since you already used lineart.
However, if you made that input image with illustrious that might have been part of the difficulty. I think one merit the lineart method has is that you can easily make a clean input image using pony and then transfer it to other models. I'm assuming from lineart to the final version it went smoothly?
it's just making it the color you want your gen to be (like, dark blue for a night scene), and sending it to the sampler. If it's sde or ancestral u have to lower the denoise to something like 0.9-0.65 tho
can you make her younger and with a pacifier?
Yes. It only took a couple of tries.
Eww! That's too much!
bro? i'm not a pedophile....
that's just a 16 year old asian girl, tho
your girls are getting smaller every time, mister notalolicon kek
It would be a toy model to try out some of the methods everyone is always advocating for here, as long as it has good color variation it doesn't really matter what it is.
speaking of p* the lora “uohh_youngest_nostyle” works perfectly in Illustrious!
and the other two are a composite with
https://files.catbox.moe/m671l3.png as the base
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No more tears, only smiles.
how to generate
Let's stop beating around the bush and see if kereno, teruki kuma, dorontabi and blue borscht works on it. That will settle the pedophile model question once and for all.
it can do borscht so its confirmed its trained on danbooru gold content
Why did you betray pony, man? You could control however you wanted, any style was achievable with a lora. There wasn't a single reason to switch.
heh... i tried kereno, dorontabi, and blue borscht since day one they all work
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I've done a couple hours, but days? At some point the whole thing just dies to feature creep, or gets stuck with a weird style that can't be changed anymore.
So, is illustrious text encoder sane? By how much should I train it for when training loras? Half of UNet? one tenth of UNet?
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according to angel you shouldn't train it at all
Well, it certainly knows who kereno is.

it works, but it's almost nothing like their style, I don't think danbooru had much content from this type of artist.
it's mostly cuz I have a not so fast gpu + not many hours to gen daily + extremely picky + comfyui workflow syndrome
In that case I advocate for training on this cunnoisseur's artists >>8234917
Do it yourself.
That dude is one sturdy motherfucker if he can get slammed into a wall and still resist her.
>Illustrious can't do sneezing
it's over
fuck off
>illukeks will say this looks good and borderline nai3
I know you're trolling but;
>There wasn't a single reason to switch
pony can't do this
or this
or give tiny flat butts like this(this is extremely important)

and I'm not exactly attached to styles to the degree that I'd give up significantly better tag comprehension and character depth for it.
Why do people like their women to have the body of a young boy??
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>pony can't do this lame slop
Thank god.
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pony was able to recognize hatsumi miko perfectly like that without using lora?? i don't think so.
You know how it goes, just cough up some blood and next scene you're totally fine.
>significantly better tag comprehension
on average gooknai does a worse job at following my prompts than pony but i guess that depends on what you're prompt. you're probably right that it follows 1girl prompts better
It does. Poorly, but it does.

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Good morning sir!!!!!!!!!!
they are closeted homosexuals
you could train a lora for any of this
nta and his shit is too loli for me but body with less curves looks more aesthetics
>uh oh gay
don't care
it looks worse
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gay pedophiles
it looks better
they're the same picture.jpg
I'll settle this once and for all.
If you are a fucking cuck faggot that only likes vanilla slop -> illustrious
If you are an unhinged mental ill /b/ tier schizo -> pony
Anything else -> you are fucking clown and you have no opinion
it looks the same
sovl vs sovlless
but which is which
What if I like gangbang in actual anime style?
need more pony gens
You could do that on pony with a good curated lora and correct artist tags.
gangbangs are not vanilla
then you're dick obsessed faggot
Damn couldn't get my eyes off of her honkers. And that contrast with JC lower body and face...
That's how oppai lolis should be, not the grotesque wamudraws+opossumachine stuff.
then you pay for nai
nai sucks at that compared to pony. Better off using illu with controlnet
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What do you need them for?
I'm actually surprised no one tried illu refiner on top of pony yet. It would get rid of stuff like >>8234952 while keeping the styles.
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Feetfags are disgusting.
nai is worse than pony at gangbangs but since he asked about anime styles pony is out of the question. and controlnet won't save you from incoherent anatomy in gangbangs
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Can controlnet handle ganbangs?
It's okay, you get above average quality semen this time, zinc supplemented.
7/10 on the /aco/ scale but I like it.
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why do you want us to go back to sepiaposting? Here's an old one
based comfy user
Pose, no. Canny/depth/anytest, sure. It just sees shapes, as long as they're identifiable as people there should be no issue.
it's nai
eldritch cunny
I can relate to the workflow par at least
A bit too bright for a sunset. Also the sun is in the back, but she is illuminated from the front...
has anyone ever tried to make a lora in a different style for Illustrious-xl?HQ styles or impressionism.
have you tried using a competent style lora?
it generally helps rein in a lot of the weird schizophrenic shit.
Cute! Except hands.
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after around 48 hours of gpu compute time and exhaustive x/y plot comparisons i've come to the conclusion that my original settings were the best and i just need to turn down the UNET LR some
So who is doing these copiers for Illustrious?
Extremely based lora warning
Are there prompts or artists I can use to to do edits of video game screenshots better? ie "3d, blender (medium), etc"
Since no one answered I made my own
This is every current danbooru artist with at least a hundred hits
>artist lora for an artist the model already knows
It was dumb on pony and it is dumb here. You are dumb, but you are also a free human who is free to do what he wants with his time so I won't tell you to stop.
I will never betray my beloved sifwAnnihilationxl_v20 cunny slop machine.
-t. slopmixer
nta but the model "knows" most artists.
It also does a piss poor job of actually rendering their style since the model is undertrained.
Further training to actually refine them isn't exactly a "bad" idea.
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>what are you waiting for anon-kun? we have a body to hide
damn wish I knew about these sooner, incredibly based
low iq reply (possible d-k victim)
Problem with annihicunny is not that it's a bad style (although it is indeed ai sloppa), but that it's just one style.
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the sun's only true purpose is to max out the sepia range, I don't make the rules
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i'm training it to use it at low weights without the artist's name in the prompt since my pony and 1.5 ishikei loras both did a pretty good job at enhancing hand anatomy and also i like chie's mom
but also this is that same prompt without a lora and yeah man i dunno
not wasting my iq points typing up a well thought up reply to such pitiful nogenner bait
yeah same
pretend i wrote a sickass bitchslap of a post that makes you reconsider your life choices here
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I could crank my loras, remove score tags, add some other style tags if I wanted some wacky styles. Backgrounds are also a big upgrade (if you put enough tags for it).
what the fuck is she doing
>illustrious has mahoako knowledge
do not tell /u/
in Illustrious-XL it is not possible to make stretch marks or breasts with veins, I need a lora for this urgently!
Veiny breasts doesn't work? it was too strong on pony, always had to run it at like 0.3
File deleted.
anyways, enough sepia posting, back to based posting
thanks for the rin prompt, doesn't fry the nipples and eyes (as much) using it as a starting point
Can it do magia azure?
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Can you do sunset for comparison?
wait wtf nai is down for 6 hours?
local can't stop winning
koto_inari, tonton_(tonz159), mochinue for that nostalgic pony look on illu
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Catbox please?
it wasn't actually down during the maintentance but it is down now
v4 incoming
this but unironically
so they DO fear the chink alliance huh
wtf I love chinks now?
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Damn chinks+avengers localchad alliance really rattled kurumuz huh
I wouldn't have minded her spooking me if she looked like that in game
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Das right boiiiii
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Thank you
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what version of the controlnet am I supposed to pick if I only use Pony?
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ignore her deep fried oyster
definitely could use a face detailer but I need to finish wagie work
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White bros....
Ah, shit, the lighting is still all weird...
yeah, thought it could be my preference for sidelighting tag since it feels like it adds a sense of volume the best, but I put in backlighting/shadow tags and I can't say it helped much
why does it look objectively inferior in every example?
Left one is actually pony
It would help to show your prompt. Like, did you prompt for the exposed tits? If so, then base Illustrious is clearly superior.
also, for actual examples of backlighting, here are some early inital testing gens that had it if it's closer to what you're looking for. Not sure if reproduceable since it wasn't exactly what I was aiming for, but it's there at least
any of the "-pn" ones
bigger is better, but slower and uses more vram
>jordach suddenly found flux-tier compute
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I'm working on a lora, first pass was alright but mangled hands too much. Too many artists with huge fingers.
Even if he did he's going to waste it on his weird ass S1 which is... 2B params, point and laugh.
What artist mix for rimjob in Novelai?
or that's what he claims at any rate, and the place the compute is coming from "makes him anxious when he thinks about it"
probably just a schizo delusion
But how do I even teach the model something new with a LoRA if I don't train the TE?
The compute comes from Joe Biden administration after that dinner Tree had. The only demand is that in return NO cunny is pruned from the dataset.
i don't think you understand what the TE does
nta but good to see some melody. not that much of her despite all that "other side of the moon" work. Even plain full nudes, if you feel like doing them, will be greatly appreciated.
box me up, I love ruined orgasm
with the unet
but train the te anyways desu
man you anti te training people are like a cult
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nah you're mistaking me for the anti-te schizo, i was actually one of the people arguing that not training the te for an nsfw anime finetune is a bad idea
but for a lora there are definitely situations where you'd rather not train the te
based, keep the sneezeposting
I was talking about literally something new like a new concept using a trigger word
But go on you can correct me if I'm a retard
motion blur tag is what really sells it
probably has something to do with astra or neggles.... maybe?
no artists, it just can't do composition for that at all.
I genned composition with furry model, inpainted with anime and did img2img, it can handle that
if you're going to do this, i have those tags written up
{{{{female rimming male}}}}, rusty trombone, male/female, rimming, human only, not furry
it's pretty annoying to deal with and you'll have to be smart about masking. so if you can gen with local just do that, pony can do rimming even out of the box
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I discovered a new fetish.
>horsefucker won
Nice needle she's hiding
>Cute! Except hands.
Really nice Saya and setting tho.
Always bet on astra
yeah my bad just got triggered by this shit coming up again
not training the lora te actually makes sense, for illustrious at least
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it's the top model if you only take porn capabilities into account
afaik the te is what translates clip's outputs to the numerical values that are passed to the unet. the unet is what interprets those values and decides what the resulting image should look like. without training the te you're still sending shit from clip to the unet and the unet is still changing what kind of image it produces after seeing those values or whatever.
in practice this means that if your token is a word that the model at least vaguely recognizes then you don't need to train the TE at all, training the TE just makes it look better. like illustrious can't reproduce the koikatsu style but i can train a lora that uses koikatsu as the activation token without training the TE and it'll still work.
you don't need to train the TE to teach the model to associate a tag with a concept, this is what the unet does already. the biggest role training the TE has in this case is that it improves the model's understanding of what other tags are related to your trigger word, but this still isn't necessary most of the time for a single concept lora
you're describing the tokenizer which is only a very small part of what the TE does
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This one time saving as jpg was not the correct choice.
just need to add the mesugaki tag
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why the fuck can nai do pure wizardry inpainting but absolutely fumbles at matching the colors
box? i've been trying to get more painted textures
Nice but that does not explain how the pyramids of the giza plateau (or any of the truly old megalithic structures) were made.
elf box?
Magic, of course.
somebody know an artist with a similar style to this one? https://litter.catbox.moe/nk3b4j.jpg
the thing is that original author doesn't draw in this style as this was just a commission for sprites, so no lora possible
but i swear i've seen something very reminiscent of this, just can't point out who this was
What about tails and tail related concepts?
i fixed a million things manually but here you go https://files.catbox.moe/y09y6f.png
lora is possible tho
>isolate every 1girl
>train lora
>use lora to make more characters
>train lora
based effort poster, i could never
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oil painting medium tag
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yeah, i will do this, but idk even how to obtain clean sprites
it's mod for darkest dungeon and i have it but no idea how to render just the character images, in the archive are just separate body parts for animation, also it will be probably less than 20 images
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>Gen looks awesome in the preview
>Gets fried to shit as it finalizes
what am I doing wrong
it's gooknai
post catbox with your gen
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IIRC it's because the preview uses a different sampler (DDIM?)
Illustrious half knows the character I want, and I intend to train a lora for it, so should I use the character tag on its tags? would it make it inflexible for other clothes?
ayagod and iasigma and noodleschad are the saviours of this thread
if it already knows the character but not accurately then use use the tag, and don't touch the fucking text encoder
cathag rules this place with an iron hoof
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not sure I trust her getting that close
keep playing with illustrious for now if you want, those loras you train will become obsolete regardless, we're going to rape saas with the power of the cluster along with euge as our leader
Best case scenario we get two cakes if they let angel do a well done bake on illustrious on that cluster in the case the company doesn't allow future model releases
god i really hope so
who cares about angel
Who even is this noodlesanon, I swear it was just one anon seething about some "pedo" boogeyman that never existed
someone in euge's discord please tell him to include images captioned with koikatsu, 3d, screenshot, etc. in the dataset as it's easier to train nice looking xenoblade catgirl loras if the base_weights style doesn't need to train the TE. thank you in advance.
You are showing her weakness, boy.
Can you try her completely nude?
Who or what is Ayakon?
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she's so naughty girl
the name of the poster
No that's Anonymous.
they should get angel on board and just keep going with his dataset and settings, maybe do something custom afterwards
the name of a shitposter
I mean I could but that is mostly just generic blue hair girl... the outfit is cool
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try doing other styles and prompts
nah fuck angel
Reminder, you can put dark-skinned male into negative prompt
I literally do not give a shit what skin color the male (probably faceless and half off screen) ends up and you are a schizo if you do
Incredibly based
Always have an internal facepalm when I realize I forgot that in the negative
Once illustrious or the cluster model situation shakes out, I'll try to get around to making a light skin/bleached lora
I kneel
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can illustrious do the uncontested queen of hatefucks?
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Here's some I did:

Here's two using the same MBW recipe advokat used for his shitmix merging back down into base Illustrious:
>four fingers
also put a tail in her butt
Based. People dragging their /pol/tism everyone need to kys.
i also put "nigger" in negs
not because it does anything, but just as a talisman for good luck
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there are clearly 5 on each hand, her pinky is just bent behind
for those that dislike outlines, this one works on illustrious:
both the xl and kohaku version, kohaku changes composition and style a bit tho
i just dont like the male being generically tanned asiatic 100% of the time
bloss has over 100 hits on danbooru so it should know her, just check it
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>lodestone joined euges 'cord yesterday and from that moment he talks with euge, troongles and friends about tech and stuff
its like watching the gods gather on the olympus
so epic
No, I'm racist and it breaks my immersion
damn she's good
what dimension should my Illustrious lycos be? 16? 32? I don't really mind 200mb loras
why is there no good flux nsfw fine tune yet, surely it isn't -that- hard to teach it what sex is
nigga it's already hard enough to get people to do a good nsfw tune of sdxl and flux has 3x the parameters + need natural language captions
lodestone has been 'talking tech' since easyfluff. same with the rest of them. all they do is talk theory and never bake anything. apparently the compute is limited too, so if they don't slop together a bake the opportunity will pass right by.
Clip, T5, and all other text based prompting mechanisms are retarded because the English language is retarded. Image-based prompting will be the future. Either that or we'll prompt in Chinese.
I prompt in vibes
lodestone is literally the only person who has actually put competent flux training into practice at any reasonable scale. he is probably the MOST trustworthy and reliable person in the imagegen community.
yeah, it's fine to hate furfags but lodestone is easily one of the most knowledgeable people in open source imagegen
I see some improvement, but hard to say for sure. What I did when testing my mix was run a wildcard of 100 prompts/artists with each model and then compare if it's an actual upgrade or just a sidegrade.
I'd also be testing how it fares with highresfix, seems like illust hates it for some reason.
idk who any of these people you guys are talking about are but one thing I know for certain and that is humanity advances only when a tech literate furry decides to invest effort into something
my experience with illust hires fix is that you need to use a fairly low denoise, like 0.3-0.4 while pony needed 0.5-0.6, probably because it was overbaked
why do my hires fix results with denoise under .5 end up looking like they're under a sheet of frosted glass?
what sampler are you using?
it's gooknai
Even with low denoise it still tends to change the style and hallucinate bodyparts.
did he say how much/long his flux was trained? if lodestone can train flux, why not just load his shit onto the hardware and give it a spin? the compute is apparently limited, might as well make use of it experimenting.
the problem with building the theoretical ideal model is that it takes a lot of time planning, more time than this project seems to have available. a flux bake could be amazing, but the furries have been spending months trying to figure out NSFW NLP captions. the project was announced with "help us fix the dataset and implement vpred for sdxl", to build NAIv3++ local edition. now it's a whole manhattan project
which checkpoint is that
I know but still asked because there are not enough nudes of her.
nvm found it, it's awful
they could actually train a model that rivals nai for local and you want them to waste it on experimentation? are you insane?
what's the compute doing this very second?
probably crunching some irrelevant numbers when it could be teaching SDXL how to hallucinate anime girls
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how unethical is it to raise patron prices for tiers as long as you communicate it far ahead of time? (its a request slot in this case)
was debating on going from like $10 to $15
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it can write surprisingly well
kys ayakon
that guy really mindbroke a few of you here kek
this isn't your trooncord retard, stop signing all your posts
that's the exact opposite of what i was saying. im saying that if they're spending time still working out the ideal training technicals, then they should at be running test bakes on the hardware in the background. did they even set it up, do they know if it even works? im saying why talk theory when you have a limited access cluster and nothing is being run on it.
ahhh help the file names are consistent
what make you more mad though, that he signs his posts or that hes making monthly profits from your prompts
i'm not talking about ayakon i'm telling you specifically to kill yourself
It's a Sun Tzu-level strategic move
nice, would
>nogen post
that he gens fucking dogshit
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I suppose it depends on in what sense the compute is limited. my assumption was that once they actually start using it, that's it, their timer is started and they can't go back so the planning needs to be perfect. but if they have unlimited access to it for a period of time they absolutely should experiment, yeah
I like them , better than your seething text only posts
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yeah sure, I'll do some /e/ of her later

I really really really want this to be the case
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illustrious kobeni fellatio!
>yeah sure, I'll do some /e/ of her later
Thank you Bro.
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i was going by what people said in the channel and also what the compute guy said:
>The idea started when I had an H100 standard cluster free for another commercial project, so I was ready to play with the community, non-profit
if it's corpo compute, then it's the neggles situation where they have it until it's needed to train SaaSlop. if it's a credit/hourly system, then it would start when they use it (unless the credits expire).
if it's credit-based then they absolutely shouldn't waste it running random experiments. if it's on a timer it's the complete opposite
I bet you are a seething nai poster that thinks anything that isn't an underage flat shaded child is aco
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are you ok
>flat shaded
nah, i prefer more "anime illustration" type shading
that's what I said, I think, maybe I didn't phrase it correctly but either way I agree now that I understand what you meant
well your gen is dogshit either way
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indeed, i know that I will never reach your perfection AYAKON-sama
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hatefucking ash is the only correct way to retaliate when she negates my assault teleport and i have zero useful cards left
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for training a lora on this costume, about the legwear, is it
bike shorts
yoga pants
or something else? cuz it cuts off on the knees. Also, what color? beige, grey, white?
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is this placebo or does illustrious have better composition?

here you go
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Kill all pedos.
takorin lora?
what is wrong with pedophilia?
idk probably just white bike shorts like the last time you asked this question
>125 images
with supporting tags I wanna say maybe?
Women are only attractive with huge tits and huge asses. Being attracted to children makes you no different than a man listing after another man and homosexuality is a grave sin.
>Women are only attractive with huge tits and huge asses
good morning Sir Baboon
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post happy :D
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>...men are only attractive with huge tits and huge asses ... no different than a man listing after another man and homosexuality is a grave sin.
go figure
Blacks aren't allowed to post here
it feels off but Yumiko's Yumiko
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Turn this optimization off if you have it on. It was on by default for reforge and was fucking up cfg++ samplers for me
Anyone know what might be causing img gen to break like this using new forge? I loaded the metadata of a previous image I generated and this is the result of trying to do that on new forge.
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Ok, I took a stab at it. I hope you don't mind if I took a few artistic liberties. Some jank here and there, but Illustrious has still a long way to go before it can handle proper locations.

This was a really fun project..Great working with you.
looks like NAI blur
it's better that way, trust me
did no norm get reset to original?
File deleted.
Will do! thanks for sharing it.
even in this state i see that this is aco
>white bg
it's illustrious
illustrious can do hana and tsuki but not yanagi...
yes it can
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At least fucking try, anon.
idk why it won't do all three at once then
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Regional prompter. Literally do what >>8235451 does.
maybe try increasing step count?
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but one of the model's main appeals is its innate ability to 2+girls
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I tested more too. Honestly I wasn't going to post it because the results were not that useful, but you seem to have had the same thing in mind so I'll go for it.
In my picrel on the top row I had a hard time getting past the first step because apparently pony can't draw truck beds or the back of vehicles, and it always wanted to turn the bed into the hood. Top row on the left you can see I pasted a cutout of your pose(which was really nice by the way) and then shrank it to fit the vehicle. Top row right is the best result, only possible by maxing out control net weight and control steps. So basically, 0 creativity from the model. If you can make it look good on your own it's an option to brute force it.
Picrel on the bottom row I did similar to yours, in a somewhat expected location. This time I did it in img2img. Left is img2img input, middle is controlnet anytest input(Upload independent control image checked), and right is the best outcome I got. Sorry, but I don't remember what settings I used because I don't really have experience inpainting something new and I go frustrated with the lack of results and trashed it. It should be possible to get a good result, I just don't know how yet.
>This was a really fun project..Great working with you.
Agreed. Thanks for playing along.
It can, but when the image is too large the concepts muddle when you don't have enough GPU vram.
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The doujins write themselves.
speaking of character separation the report confirms that illustrious did literally nothing special for that besides using a high batch size
i always thought that nai3 must have used some special sauce for the character separation but i guess you just get that for free if you're not an idiot
how do I prompt for gradient backgrounds with select colors?
open paint.net and just do the background yourself lol
>if you're not a vramlet
Ftfy sister
sure, you're not wrong about that. it does mean that there was no hope for all the shitbakes trying to finetune sdxl on a single 4090
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I believe complex compositions like this require regional prompting to get right. AI models still hallucinate too much to leave them to their own devices.
they could use GA and just wait a year per epoch
I've never used any regional prompt extension so that's a little over my head. Originally we were testing the capabilities of anytest, and using quick drawings or lineart to more quickly achieve a given desired result. I'll use anything I can to achieve that, but I don't really understand how to use regional prompting to do it.
Is it just the factor of adding the person to the scenario without affecting anything else, or is there another use? And further, can I use anytest to infulence only the regional prompted area? Also, is regional prompting better in anyway than just inpainting? Sorry for the barrage of questions.
Guys did neggles do the naiv1 leak and pass it off as a 0day
Regional prompting is txt2img
Inpainting is img2img
Inpainting has a higher difficulty ceiling for good results but offers way more precision.
AI hates emptiness. It will always try to fill an empty space with whatever hallucination that might be related to your prompt. To help against this, you can give the AI something to process so it doesn't mangle things. In our particular case, I gave it a bar to fill the middle space. If I didn't, then the AI would try to merge Haku and Miku in the middle.
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Here is another run I did just now of the very same prompt. It reliably keeps concepts away from each other, provided that you give it something in bertween to keep it occupied.
Thanks. It's definitely less work to prompt for it than to inpaint.
The guide image is much appreciated. After looking at it for a bit it clicked for me. I'll try it out after I RTFM a bit.
Welcome brother, there are tens of us
illustrious absorbs styles and characters waaaaay easier than pony, pony is fried as fuck
pony was just elaborate way of spitting on anime by the horsefucker
i've had the opposite experience, for my style loras it seems to learn slower than pony most of the time
proof or didnt happen and youre a saas shill and you should kill yourself
good shitpost
yeah it looks like vomit, I regret defending pony.
really? what settings do u use?
too lazy to do it, just my personal experience
Can you provide Sex Machine v7 lora, please?
pretty standard adamw settings
then at least post your totally magical settings that makes training on illust so good, at least a json for character training
>it looks like vomit
Pony is garbage but if all your style loras look like vomit on it I'm afraid it might be an issue of skill
nta but here's a char lora with example dataset and config: https://mega.nz/folder/OoYWzR6L#psN69wnC2ljJ9OQS2FDHoQ/folder/n1hVVTLA
there's little to no style contamination. it only needed 20 images to come out clean. styles also train well, though the amount of training to get the desired effect varies. but things like unusual textures, which pony refused to learn, train fine.
>only needed 20 images

I need to start baking then. And here I was waiting to get 50.
were you living under a rock for the past year? that's true for every sdxl model
Before batch size, total steps should be about 4000, maybe earlier epochs should be enough
maybe, idk i'm just sharing my experiences
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I sepiamaxx for the love of it
Every guide I found advocated for 50 images for a character, and 200 images for an style.
stop reading guides written by mentally impaired people
most training guides have always been dogshit to be fair. 20-40 images for characters and 100-200 images for style is ideal in my experience.
I've made 10 image character loras on pony, what really matters is the quality/variety of the images and how you tag them
did you miss every discussion about lora training for the past 9 months or are you new here?
3090 chads what are your it/s on forge/forks?
nta but I haven't seen anons training loras for the past 9 months if I'm gonna be honest with you
you can just say that you started posting here last week my new friend
All I remember from these past 9 monthsis that one schizo shitposting and spamming blacked/aco porn 24/7. I pretty much just visited the thread once or twice per month, hoping he would get bored.
my character loras have 200+ images on it
yeah im a pretty shitty baker
mine have around 6k
What's the difference between baking one lora with multiple artists vs baking multiple loras for a single artist?
nochekaiser sir please redeem an asuka lora for illustrious
what bro you have to be baiting
Tell me about the CAME optimizer. I haven't seen anybody talk about it.
Any clue of how can I get pony/illustrious/whatever from mangling words and letters? Every time I try to make some sort of sign or post the results are disastrous.
Ideally it can work but getting that balance right where you can prevent bleeding from one to another is tough and not easily done, so most opt for a single good LoRA.
XL isnt good at text. Edit it yourself
they're not trained for it. if you really want the ai to do them your only choice is to inpaint with flux
for the kohya gui

idk what to say about it, some anon recommended it to me 4~ months ago and it's been the best one I've tried, learns really quick, my settings possibly overfry (albeit verry little?) it tho, but you have to test it, or grab early epochs.
Also DORA seems to help capture minor details I like to nitpick, like a character's face proportions
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3.8 it/s (base res 832x1216)
some of them are higher
Hopeful Oji-san bros..
thanks for the list


CAME + REX + DoRA is a good combo
bro finetunes base sdxl
i'm not sure how to get rex on kohya gui
it's faster than adam
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what does reforge have over regular forge?
not having its functionality broken every other day by ilyasviel deciding he's going to completely scramble the backend code
I use regular forge...stick with reforge. It's just one problem after another with this thing.
was expecting way more
which model out of curiosity?
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neat, thanks anon

Is REX what cosine annealing was supposed to be? What's the recommended warmup ratio?
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Illust. I haven't cared about gen speed in a long time so there may be ways to make it faster but I haven't done any benchmarks to check. Keep in mind a lot of benchmarks online are skewed towards SD1.x or use quality deteriorating speed improvements (I avoid these)
any tips to get better backgrounds in pony? it seems like everything has gradient background walls and negative prompts don't help

I see, those are good examples so I'll put them together for to make some comparisons and highlight some points for a post, thanks.
ah yeah, the chart i was thinking about is for 1.5 now that i think about it
well, shit. how is sdxl this slow anyway?
model as in card model btw
It depends on the model. You could add detail like (low light, cinematic, dark moody lighting, intricate background:1.2),
it's hopeless, don't bother. illustrious is just as bad so background bros are just cursed when it comes to sdxl
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literal skill issue
>how is sdxl this slow anyway?
Larger resolution requirement makes a big difference.
>model as in card model btw
Oh, my bad. I have the FE
fellow comfy users, I recommend this node:
Adds many things but I want to focus on the CLIPNegPip, it allows you to use negative weights on the positive prompt (correctly). Much stronger than just negatives, allows for some mix and match.
did you change lora or is it just the character changing the style, looks less flat than usual
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Help, I think she is into me.
>UNet lr 7e-05
>TE lr 0.0001
Holy shit, did that seriously worked? First time I see the text encoder higher than UNet
Use OneTrainer for REX, you can hack it into Kohya though
Standard warmup is fine, like 10% of total steps

nice set of nodes, thanks for sharing
that NegPip will be very useful
>SDXL can't do good b-ACK
Skill issue. Just look how beautiful this landscape is: https://files.catbox.moe/ljgmc2.png
TE training is disabled with the additional args
I NEED pussy like that
there is a very easy way to do that which is generating everything you want separately then putting things together in ps and i2i at low strength to fit things together and brush out the mistake from the i2i
yeah back when I used pony some character were heavily fried, like bea from pokemon and I couldnt gen her with the bodysuit but without the shirt, and negs weren't helping much, that node was much stronger than the negs. I also use it for face shaping, like putting loli, aged down as negative weights and other stuff.
Have another one, as a treat: https://files.catbox.moe/06jyiu.png
Still trying to formulate the best background prompt for this.
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>check character lora on civitai
>someone in the comments is asking for a V2 where the boobs are bigger
Honestly I've never understood what is that arg for. Or how to find the right value for the Lora even. Is it that important?
who the fuck is b-? quick rundown?
they're really only good examples for handling pc-98 images with dithering, that's about it. i wouldn't use either pixelperfect or remacri on an all rounder dataset
probably what my stomach and intestines look like rn
don't think i've ever had diarrhea this explosive
Yeah I pointed it out as a specific use case for PC-98 with dithering in the post
>gooknai out for last week
>only few blurry cunny mixes discovered
>anons fall back into style loras again
is this really all it has to offer? all my attempts at mixing were meh and i've been using quasarcake one the most, don't see anything new itt
ive been able to mostly recreate the style mix i had on NAI so i'm happy
What are you trying to mix? 1.5 slop?
any style lora helps with the model's stability because of how underbaked it is so they're still necessary for now
>cunny mixes discovered
Let me guess, you need more?
skill issue
check the highlights ;)
who are you quoting?
How do I convince you guys that Asura is a bad one to use for style mix.
tried to do that with the mixes from nai gens i've saved and results were completely different, but those probably were too long and shizo
>zhedong, ciloranko
some things never change
it's impossible to convince those who are either blind or have terminal shit taste
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That's true. I've done that in the past. Somewhere along the way I got so focused on testing that I forgot there is a simpler solution. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm a little hung up on the idea still, because anytest injects it into the scene a little more smoothly... when the model understands the concept, anyways.
Ok I learned to regional prompt. You were right about it being the answer. I think I put all the relevant data in the pic. It really helps to align regional prompters rows and columns with the levels of the scenario of the input image. I could not get the girls up on the counter until I shrank the bottom row, they always sat on the stools. Your prompt didn't include 2girls, which I had to have to get both girls. That might be a plus for illustrious. I now get what you were saying about the jank. The more flexible I wanted the controlnet to be for poses, the less likely it was for the composition of the image to be retained. Still, it was way easier and more flexible than whatever I was doing before.
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all three are also part of easyscripts
yeah, and I'd put in even more deadnoodles if someone makes a lora for it :^)
I mean you can do that as a base but from my experience things that are that far away will be fucked thanks to the vae being low res, I would actually do a cut out of each character and gen them separatly with a bigger canvas then put it back together like I said
I still have my dataset if any baker wants to
is this konan mix better?
post it, I'll see what I can do
Yeah, I see what you mean about the distance. About the canvas, you mean breaking the whole image down into sections, generating them, then stitching it together to make a large image and doing img2img on the stitched image? Wouldn't that cause all kinds of inconsistencies? Like lighting direction being all over? I think lighting is one of the hardest things to get right, even in a single image.
meant to reply
For your composition, I think that a better alternative would be something like


Add a filler prompt to the space between Haku and Miku.
anyone tried this one?
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I dont think the SPO version is better
Ok, why though? if it's going to be a filler prompt, won't the results be roughly the same? Or is it just a precaution to decrease the chance of bleed between regions?
The later. Tard-wrangling the AI is better than praying you will get a lucky RNG roll.
I did. Can't tell if it's better in any way.
Haha true that. Thanks for the advice.
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added shiratama (hockey) (illustrious)
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local is saved
nice, looks like it'll work with well with sincos tag
Thats why you do a last i2i pass at different weight to fix that then manually layer what you want to keep or not
Dont take my word as gospel since my workflow is very tedious,it works for me but maybe you find something more suited for you
Naikeks on shambles
I'm with this anon >>8235729
The non SPO version is fine however. Any obvious upside to base Illustrious? I'm not really seeing it. Maybe in some autistic minute detail. Hard maybe.
The Konan one reminds me too much of Pony in the previews so I'm not bothering.
only when euge-chan bakes the nai killer
heh, localsaars think they've won but they forget the big reveal is only two more days away...
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Not alwaysinfallible. For example, the damn ball has hair.
this is the peak of /hdg/
thank you for the 2hus, lazylora anon...
hairy balls.....
aomslop... home...
I am aware. I just wanted to show an example that didn't use loras to separate concepts in a prompt.
>the damn ball has hair
Not a bug. A Feature.
what were YOU slopping one year ago?
xirs give me a gen idea
Fuck it's crazy how far we have come
oh there's my sloppy saten at the end
im gonna shit myself to death if the euge model has another 4chn vae
what model was used here?
>how far we have come
...in a span of a week, while eating shit for 9 months before that
you're not gonna believe what model they're training...
is it even possible to bake sdxl into 16 channels?
it's sdxl
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yes but you'd have to start from literal zero, which is harder than tuning
There's no perfect method, so it's always better to know more. I'll experiment with it.
Yep, I guess I got lucky with my 50/50 split. I haven't really prompter her before so I didn't know but Miku's hair sure get's everywhere.
excited to see this in next threads highlights
they have 512 gorillion gpus they should be able to do it
compute means nothing if a tard (euge) is at the helm
the only person in that server with the knowledge to do that is lodestone and i'm not sure if it would be a good idea to give him that much power
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np anon
>the other sisters show up
Nice. Good to see them.
damn. I was actually really active that thread and posted 7 images.
6 of which I'd run an absurdly high risk of getting vacationed for nowadays.
they quite literally have zero gpus. it's just whatever provider they're going with will lend them UP TO 512 h100s depending on how they see fit (translation: way less). nobody right now on the team or otherwise has access to even a single h100
>forgot to remove purple eyes from prompt
>6 of which I'd run an absurdly high risk of getting vacationed for nowadays.
No you're lying, you must have added those pics to the archive thread somehow! No way we had """/b/ stuff""" here!
>source: anon's ass
1.5 gens look so fucking bad man
either static and boring or complete messy blurry slop
it's all a matter of perspective. back in the wd1.2 days shit that i thought looked insane for being ai generated now looks horrible
>it's all a matter of perspective
it is
but back then I kinda still saw most of ai stuff as horrible-looking, but still being good for what it is
now I honestly think that there's a lot of stuff that is just objectively nice to look at
>We currently have a dataset of ~16M images and up to 512*H100 GPUs.
>our arithmetic sources don't rely on the image business to be profitable, so their support for clusters is as long as it is reasonable, which also requires a detailed proposal to be submitted to them ahead of time (if the research is relatively new)
they don't have the clusters just sitting there with terminal access. they have to request access (which is why he said UP TO) and it needs to be approved. euge doesn't just have a $10million cluster sleeping in his basement. so right now they do indeed literally have zero gpus. they can't just spin things up and start shitting out partial epochs every 3 minutes like jordach's fantasy.
so in the context of
>is it even possible to bake sdxl into 16 channels?
>they have 512 gorillion gpus they should be able to do it
this is something that isn't even proven to work. if they had the cluster ready to go sure they could play around with it but they don't. it's not a "lets frankentrain SDXLXL!" project. they need a full writeup before requesting access
I also see some heavy /aco/ faces passed without complaint
there are already test bakes here; https://huggingface.co/Laxhar/sdxl_noob/tree/main
i'm pretty sure some compute is available, but in that amount they'd have to do a request
>This is an image generation model based on training from Illustrious-xl.
>It utilizes the latest full Danbooru and e621 datasets for training, with native tags caption.
lodestone will figure it all out, trust the knot. we just had to get through astralite and jordach first
but why do this
>1.All images have been resized to (short edge<=2048) and (long edge<=8192) use Image.BICUBIC.
>2.Non-image files (gif, webm, swf formats) have been removed from the dataset.
>3.Remove all broken Image.
>4.Saved with .webp&90%quality
someone tell me if this dataset is an artifact disaster or not
does anyone know the difference between side_view and from_side?

(and the others: from_behind and behind_view, from_above above_view, from_below, below_view)
>totally /h/etero general complains about lack of "juicy penises" and smegma in model
>bakers add e621
"why would they do that?"
euge will cook slop
Remember this
>muh mean comments :(
they still aren't banned so you can post your acoshit as much as you want
data source, danbooru vs e621
some of the meaning is probably still leaking from SDXL base too
functionally they're the same
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Very cool
Herro :3
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bros.. look at my no longer failing student.
i was trying the uhh furry model apparently
i barely used it so i forgot what it was called tbdesu
>"balding" tag works
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pov happy sex with stomach bulge, same as now
only now I'd get banned for /d/ so I don't post it

EasyFluff? I think that only came out around december
my post https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7593686/#q7595064
Thanks king
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1 year and 2 days old
My ojisan
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I'm a bit late, I'm guessing I should go with Illustrious-XL-v0.1-GUIDED.safetensors? What's the difference between the two?
guided is the SFW oriented version.
so no, that's not the one you want.
GUIDED is the censored one, so do not go with that one
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>the other sisters show up
The three sisters could only be described in rare probability.But it is much better.
So for Illustrious what are the base quality tags?
Or settings to mess around with?
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Ah, thanks, figured you guys would know.
It's gonna be a pain waiting for/making new LoRA, but this is so much more fun to use than Pony, holy shit.
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nice, would you also know where do I get that lora?
I only use
>masterpiece, best quality
and negs
>worst quality, bad quality, average quality, lowres, bad hands, artistic error, jpeg artifacts, extra digits, censored, multiple views
how did pony do at convenient censoring
I love b-chama
Never tried, actually. Was just in the mood for some Sexy-Jutsu style pinups at the moment.
not very.
it could do it really selectively with heavy gacha but "censor" was too tied to bar censors/mosaics due to too much disambiguation in the datasets.
Technically could, sometimes, but it was shitty and inconsistent, sometimes snapped to actual bar censors.
Just like with everything pony does, it just gives off this "Here's your ___, bro!". Here's your hentai bro, here's your gangbang bro, here's your pantyshot bro. Boring and soulless.
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Any good adetailer models?
+1 (year)
Don't "lol" him, you cunt.
Begun the slopwar has
Still a welcome development.
>>8235906 #
>turns it into generic aislop
How do jeets do this
Damn, nice.
Is this illu? how'd you get it so clean compared to most of the images itt
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Just upscale with anytest, bro
>Just upscale with anytest, bro
I'm stupid,no idea how
I just went with
Denoising strength: 0.55, Hires CFG Scale: 5, Hires upscale: 1.4, Hires steps: 25, Hires upscaler: Latent,

I don't even really know what I'm doing, actually.
>Just upscale with anytest, bro
Well, that's not what I did at all.
don't torture us anon, just give us a catbox and tell us what you did
Just do it.
>Well, that's not what I did at all.
That's why it's so blurry?
probably, its good tho
I've been posting catboxes, but sure, here's the one for that particular gen

Yeah, I like to err on the side of a bit fuzzy, instead of overly sharpened, especially with more painterly styles.
No really,I have no idea how.
I only ever used img2img upscaling at like 0.2 strenght
original anon who asked here, thank you!
Google how to use controlnet, then download anytest v4 marged, then do 0.4 control strength, 0.9 end control step, 0.7 denoise in img2img and put like x1.5-x1.7 resolution of your base gen. That's it, perfect, sharp gens with a lot of details.
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I've accepted Illustrious
which sampler/scheduler would you suggest for upscaling?
xirs give me a gen idea
Euler A/Automatic. But it doesn't matter, just use what works for you.
Why is she trying to shove a piece of sticky tape inside?
Symmetrical or Asymmetrical docking. I wanna see some boobs squished against some other boobs.
Doesn't look like anything special. This is the really old way of doing hiresfix, with latent upscale instead of fancy esrgans and remacris. You have to go high on denoise otherwise the image will look messed up, and that high denoise also means your final image will look quite different from the lowres.
waterkuma lora?
yelan armpit sex
>t. he didn't get asked for his process/catbox on his gen
talk about jealous. anon's gen is my favorite itt, sorry yours didn't make the cut with your "superior technique" faggot
it was not meant as criticism
Uh oh, someone malding because he's not making it into highlights...
Ultra sexy, more plz
Nice, I love these as well
Oh shit, is that Marin Kitagawa?
Also what color style is this? I'm rather fond of it.
what's the difference between am and pn files in the repo?
prime highlight material

meant to reply to

because of taped pussy tag
masterpiece, best quality, good quality, muririn, kobuichi, ayachi nene, game cg, highres , official art, 1girl, girl masturbating with dildo, anus, black shirt, bottomless, medium breasts, purple eyes, clitoral stimulation, crotch, masturbation, dildo, holding object, object insertion, anal object insertion, deep penetration, pussy juice stain, long hair, lying, pillow, white hair, pussy, detailed, shirt, short sleeves, solo focus, spread legs, sweat, t-shirt, uncensored, moaning, cropped legs, orgasm, female ejaculation, covered nipples,
Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.1), error, bad hands, watermark, distorted, source_cartoon, 3d, text, blurry, watermark, censorship, bad anatomy, multiple views, speech bubble, speech, sound effects, sfx, japanese_text,
Steps: 32, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 5.5, Seed: 3108750147, Size: 832x1216, Model hash: e1d51baf92, Model: illustriousXL_v10 FT, Clip skip: 2, Emphasis: No norm,
I love this pose, wanna see more of this girl spreading her holes for the cam
Bruh, don't get hostile on my behalf, he's pretty much spot on.
pornhub comment tier post
maybe for /e/
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maybe for /fuckeduphandsandnonsensebackgrounds/
I'd rather see these kinds of comments over discord faggots using this place to vent discord drama shit or nerds fighting over what people use to generate hentai
At least they're giving yous to genners
I wish there was more of those. Coombrain posts are better than constant bickering and drama.
alright dramaposties that's your cue
might be a little bit stupid of a question, but for local gens, does the R/W speed of the drive matter? I'm planning to buy another SSD to put all my AI checkpoints,loras and files there and was wondering if it would affect anything. right now its on a gen4 NVME drive.
Any particular controlnet setting I should pick?
Or should Ieave it at "any"
feels more /e/ than /h/ but really hot so please keep going
This general would be nothing without discord! Without the tireless efforts of discord posters you'd all still be slopping on base pony.
feels like /b/
>make barebones prompt
>let dtg fill in the rest
I want the best of both worlds. That's why I'll be genning b-chama spreading her holes for the cam from here out.
Yeah, no preprocessor, just leave it on any. Don't forget to post your result itt.
is this an improvement or what
Aqua is hot with blonde hair desu
All she needs is tan skin
actually looks a bit worse
you'd have to do a complete retrain if you wanted valuable improvements btw
Read speed matters, but only for the first gen and whenever you change the checkpoint/loras/vae/controlnet, the new one has to be read in its entirety which is up to 6.5GB (or 20+gb for flux)
Link me an extension you're using. Las time i checked it sucked ass.
just using the space
rare waifu
maka albarn, man I loved her squeaky voice cracks
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Left is base gen and the right with the upscale,had to bump it down to 0.5 strenght since 0.7 kept changing too much,plus has issues even now like double belly button
Delete pony from your models folder and download illustrious.
I change my base model pretty frequently, mostly just mixing style loras I make in to see what I like more.
which works best for illustrious? am or pn?
the big one that's not labeled
v4 is slop use v1
V1 was working best on pony but v4 is far superior on illustrious
any comparisons?
Trust me bro.
>not using diffusion_pytorch_model_promax
Xin, sir, please. v4 on illust works way better than promax for me.
maybe there wont be huge gains but i think its definitely possible to wipe the jpeg artifacts without damaging other stuff, my dataset was just 200 images trained for like 15 minutes on p100
Lot of loyalty for an inferior cnet.
post proof + peer reviewed paper or exit the thread
I've tried them all, as i said, in my experience v4 is current meta.
perhaps he's wondering why someone preprocess an input before using it to gen
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afraid dicks don't look that tasty on illustrious
/h/etero thread
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Since we're talking about the controlnet versions,which one IS the best for pony?
just pick whatever
Is there a more updated list of Pony hashes than what was in the OP? I found some on Plebbit and on the rentry but they're old.
RUH.... RUMAOOOOOOO?????????
Who cares? If you're willing to use outdated models, just go back to Based64
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With illustrious
Left base right with the upscale
>outdated model

I'm sure your version 0.1 of the newest sloppa of the week has everything else beat.
funny you're even trying to be sarcastic about it
>quickly download fotm sloppa
>every basic artist is just the same crayony ass output
Ok, now about those hashes? I don't really want to compile the same shit again and the spreadsheet has a lot of crap.
anytest is subpar to shit for upscaling.
use controlnet tile.
take your lowres, do whatever edits/vague looking corrections/etc. you think will be beneficial and then toss it into i2i, adjust your prompt to omit drop emphasis/random tags that aren't needed anymore and let high denoise do all the work.
working example:
i2i page with settings https://files.catbox.moe/z2wwfd.png
lowres with metadata before edits https://files.catbox.moe/d11859.png
redraw put into i2i https://files.catbox.moe/prfzqy.png
raw upscale https://files.catbox.moe/63jn8w.png
iirc some upscalers may not work super great with controlnet tile. no idea which though sine the one I've been using for the past year and a half works fine(lollypop).

combined 2700~px is about as much as XL will want to handle semi-coherently at higher denoise levels. After upscaling like this you can do whatever low denoise upscaling you want to go further
You can also use whatever sampler you want; though I'd lower denoise to .7-.75 for anything other than euler dy smea. For whatever reason it holds stronger composition similarity
You want the super early end step purely because it lets the model do all the heavy lifting unguided after it's got the initial outline burned in.
also for comparison, same seed/settings but if I use anytestv4 to upscale at .4 weight .9 end step, even with forcing controlnet to be more important
How do i automate that in forge?
>2,5GB controlnets
i'm happy that my vramlet card can barely do sdxl
what, do you have 4gb of vram or something
8gb card, didn't seem to work
Any decent cunnymix other than the usual one?
you don't. hiresfix doesn't allow controlnet use. and ideally you're going to want to roll a batch or two to pick out one that looks 'best' anyway, since high denoise is still high denoise and random shit can happen from seed to seed.
admittedly the settings shown there are slightly on the extreme side but you can up weight/set the end step to slightly later and drop denoise a bit for more consistency to the original gen if need be. You just, ideally, want the model to do as much of the work as you can get it to to increase detail for a better output.
so you just have a skill issue then, understood
boxes please?
>coming back to give illustrious a try
which webUI is the good one to use now?
>hiresfix doesn't allow controlnet use
Really? The integrated cn has an option to specifically turn it on/off during high-res.
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Honestly, xinsir is not worse than V4 (more loyal to the input image), but i still kinda prefer anytest.
get comfy
I haven't updated reforge in months so if that was added then I've got no idea.
though I've got a feeling that's more in relation to if you're doing something that applies to the lowres t2i like pose/canny/etc. since you wouldn't necessarily want that to be enabled during upscale.
I'd recommend reforge
Differences to forge?
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no flame, butt
Get's updated
>uses meme smea dy that completely destroys whatever image he is i2i'ing in the first steps (and doesn't do anything else useful at all)
>uses controlnet to help model put it back together
>fully destroys background in the process, but it's okay because background was schizo anyway and the guy hates backgrounds in the first place
I guess everyone wanks the way they like, but I wouldn't go around recommending this for general use to anybody else.
>illu can't do length markings
it's over
use forge. reforge is dead
fuck yes
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im a pony shitter since some of these newer ones dont work with my lora that well in terms of color/style. but the fingers are fucked 70% of the time. do you guys use any lora to fix fingers or what?
It seems in your anger, you fried her
more mamako
use NAI
inpaint the hands
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wow that's crazy.
And you tried rebaking it on "these newer ones"?

Pony fingers are usually not that bad, might be your lora or style causing the issue.
sexy af
love black bras in that style
please refrain from posting fried gens next time, thanks!
very funny

so which is it
It's a troll guide, you can tell by how awfull those example pics are.
you haven't posted the refiner guide in a while
why haven't you updated it for illustrious yet?
uh oh saars getting uppity
another pedo meltie??
gen image,send to extras,2x upscale,send to i2i,use multidifusion,mixture of diffusers,pick the base gne resolution,use 0.2-0.4 denoise.
bro... it's melting...
Get a turd... Done!
Too complicated for you saar?
I find it better.
Is there a mix yet for illustrious that makes it usable?
Is there a mix yet for illustrious that nullifies my skill issue?
Probably not, I can bet most of his images are done in the same way. Just some weird shit one arrives at empirically that makes no fucking sense logically. Works adequately for 1girl white background, what else does one need, right?
Multidiffusion was a poorfag meme. Move on and upscale with anytest or xin, sir.
such good looking tits, very hot framing too with the eyes out of frame
model is trash just stick to autismmix sis
box please?
Shame both suck ass
can you please post a comparison and also the time it took for each, thanks
YOU suck ass, anon! Now gen me some asssucking pics!
>IllustriousXL + miqomixModelMerge
where can I get this I need this model right now I don't mind paying money if I have to
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anon, what have you done?
You're silly just make your own for free
why is penis on face so hot
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it can almost do kanan
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I'm having fun trying the same gens in pony vs illu.
i refer to this once in awhile maybe itll help someone here. applies to re/forge also obviously
just is idk
reforge is forge but it's based on the gradio 3 version and doesn't have any of the flux shit. it was forked because people were tired of base forge constantly breaking shit. i would recommend it over regular forge unless you're using flux
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had to do a little inpainting:
That's a really good fellatio profile shot
thanks fellow milf enjoyer
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Any hag is a good hag
Is that Chyna's clit?
+100 BUZZ
i'm about to buzz...
whats with these civit freaks making their style loras with a trigger word
it never used to be this bad
is it possible to generate good images in illustrious-xl without upscaling??because all the images I generate are of poor quality.
I tested it and I get better results with trigger words on Illustrious.
they're afraid to face reality
it became a bigger thing like 2-3 months ago even here. On pony the style comes out better with a trigger, conflicts less with the pony base style and mixes better with innate ones.

On illustrious many styles already have a trigger, only they're not strong enough without a dedicated lora. If you reuse the tag, you only need a few hundred steps to drive it home.
maybe it's a model thing, i'm using autismix still and the problem lies in the model already knowing a bad version of a style, i don't want to pull the innate style and certainly not at full strength (or potentially bleeding based on trigger)
nope. the model is a grift that was released alongside a NAI white paper to damage local 's reputation and trick people into using a broken model that has a bitcoin miner embedded into it
it is all a plot to hurt pony because they can't stand that v7 is going to mog nai v4 like how current pony destroys nai v3
>dead hag is a good hag
Yeah doing Pony LoRAs I prefered to not use trigger. But for Illustrious, I don't know but the model/LoRA seems to work better together if I put a trigger.
illustrious has decent but underbaked knowledge of a lot of artists and unlike pony it isn't deep fried so you can train on top to save time
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Using the same trigger as what the artist is called on danbooru, or a different one?
It's almost as if illustrious is just at version 0.1 or something
hot tribal elf
Feel like using triggers for styles is good,but make character loras worse
I wonder what they did differently than Tofu
if you're using activation tokens instead of difference training still then im afraid you're a noob....
>it's just a beta, two more weeks!!!
This is what local has to cope with? Kek
again, >>8236173
that's a big difference, whether you're training on top of the model's partial knowledge or a new tag you made up
based and factual
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it depends how I feel. When the style is too powerful in the model, it's probably better to use another trigger.
ok saar
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why are hags so sexy?
why upload a catbox for this
nobody wants your metadata saar
based, now we need a wakfu style lora
don't sign posts
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Check out this drawing I made.
hll6.3-fluff-a9 + EasyFluff ,had a much better quality than Illustrious-XL
styles in my experience have always worked better with tags on pony and difference isnt that big (10-20% better), but if adding a tag is all it takes to make a style better why not?

and the same goes for illustrious
Sugoi, very jouzu. Wish I could draw like that...
ok? nobody's stopping you from using sd 1.5 finetunes
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Wakfu is probably too /aco/
I don't use it anymore, but I just wanted to let out a little bit of my disappointment, and how incredible it was that a 700mb lora recognized artist styles much better than a 7gb model
It's a bit annoying to use with a trigger, compared to just enabling the lora. Especially on comfy.
well, I didn't say you should post it here...
yeah but it takes like 30 seconds when preparing the dataset to avoid having to use the trigger token
i'll kind of miss these models when something way more advanced comes out
>people who don't put any effort in make pajeet dime-a-thousand slop
>learning techniques to wrangle the models allows people to make actual good looking content that may or may not be indistinguishable from AI without zooming in 5x
le thanos balance face
Getting discouraged lately seeing all these AI "drawings" popping up in my twitter feed and for some reason they look better than what I can draw after more than 10 years of working my hardest... But you give me inspiration to keep at it!! Real art will ALWAYS look better, it's just more human.
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Mine came out nothing like yours, despite using the same settings. It's a shame, since I really want to try that style. Help a hag bro out?
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by abmayo, paizuri, (masterpiece:3.7)
It's not just the look, it's is being able to do stuff too complex to prompt for, or even too complex for controlnet and repeated inapints.
Very cute and sexy
But have you heard about blender??
I wanna get in on this, character name?
Oosuki Mamako from some shitty Isekai
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it looks like you have adetailer on with a couple of loras activating? I don't use it so I am not sure if it's appearing in the metadata when you're not using it ...
also I use forge - if you're using a1111 then maybe lower the cfg a little? it just seems a bit too cooked desu
I'm on reforge, guessing that must be it? Strange. Thanks for the reply tho
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Because you're gay. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
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Doomping two illustrious lora requests, both were made lazily and lightly tested. Made an example gen using both.

https://files.catbox.moe/s5ga02.safetensors character qingyi from zenless zone zero, activation tag is qingyi_(zenless_zone_zero), it's so overbaked though I think any 1girl will be her https://files.catbox.moe/9dbwer.png
https://files.catbox.moe/93by41.safetensors artist tsuji santa, trained on cg artwork no activation tag, tends to mosaic censor even with it in negs, helps to put in features like veiny penis or clitoris to circumvent, https://files.catbox.moe/9dbwer.png
So nice of you to take your dog out for a walk, and even give her a toy to play with!
is she ok?
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This AI thing is funny
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The doctor prescribed her a cooming
It looks like she's fine. The doctor and her celebrated. Doc celebrated all over her.
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can someone spoonfeed me a little on using sd-scripts? getting tired of waiting on ezscripts updates. i have a list of args to pass to the train network file, what do i put in to actually get it to load those up?
Edit this and run it in powershell with ./whateveryounamedit.ps1
what params are missing from easyscripts that you need?
more of him, he's very sexy
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It just is, I should remade those on illus
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hags forever
his body melting with her leg...
based mommy enjoyer
I can't wait to see if I'll make it into the highlights.
Catbox please?
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I am so sorry, will do better next time ;)
I've noticed that many SDXL loras work well on IllustriousXL, especially concept loras! https://civitai.com/models/741740/concept-hymen?modelVersionId=829503
You can still improve your chances
yeah they would, pony is kind of an outlier because its learning rate is fucked up which forces all of its loras to be proprietary
Sir please do the needful and make him black...
>transforming into combatant
>stasis tank
>sex machine
>actually had a gen posted in that very thread
Would be interesting to see if that also happened to illu at later epochs. Come to think of it, I didn't use Arti or Tofu enough to even try a lora.
I'm not going to respect you if there's an activation text in your prompt
mamimi \(mamamimi\), sks, haltlol1254
okay but do you turn te on if you're training a multi-character lora or not?
always turn on the te if you're training almost any lora
i wanted to try out debiased estimation loss, i was told you could pass it in the extra args section but if you load up the lora info in the ui afterwards it says "ss_debiased_estimation: False" so one of the other is wrong
a lora trained on any of animagine, arti, tofu or illu "works" on any of the others but realistically you should still retrain any lora that you use often for each base model
after we clearly explained the reasons for doing it you're just gonna act like a baby
those reasons are dumb though
Best ever holy fuck, now we just need facial scenes
that is a powerful argument
Guide for training loras:
If you have high iq (140+), find your own settings for everything, even the smartest anons in this thread are retards in many areas.
If you are below 120 iq, don't even bother, just copy settings from someone who's results you like and never change anything until you find better settings from somebody else.
*whose results
Based below 120 iq
what if I'm 121 iq? Do I just keep doing what I'm doing, which is combining settings from other anons without knowing what they're actually doing?
It takes more trial and error than brainpower anyways

What If I like my results but nobody else uses my lora? How do I find out if it's the style or the bake quality
I make loras for myself and not for others so as long as it works for me that's okay.
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give me a sec
but nobody with an iq over 100 wastes their time baking loras
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Being an artist, as I am, is hard work.
Right, you just prompt what you want, and if it doesn't work convince yourself you didn't want it anyway.
Take a prompt from your dataset and compare the results. Do this with your favorite artist so you know what details you're looking for.
very creative
and hot
based grandpa
>It takes more trial and error than brainpower anyways
Takes brain power to objectively assess what went right and wrong among different trials and differentiate between tangible changes and random variation between gens.
ding ding ding get your shitty week 1 illu concept loras here

581's Sexaroids
Sex Machine
Living Clothes
PoV Hands - Phone - Hypnosis

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Style looks like ishikei at home
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ultra hard
based, more please!
Small penis fellatio
and that's a good thing
cute breasts
its not so bad if you follow the scientific method like youre supposed to
unironically more homosexual than the lighter one
the cock being so dark makes it stand out more, drawing your eyes towards the cock more than the girl
if anyone genuinely prefers this version you might be gay
Damn, thanks
>drawing your eyes towards the cock more than the girl
YOUR eyes. Stop projecting.
I got a c on my bachelor's thesis, give me a break
No that's literally how contrast, framing and colors in general works
let's stop pretending that BBCs are not hypnotizing
Wrong, light colors always stand out more you absolute homosexual. The BBC just stands out to you more, because you're attracted to it.
Contrast consists of two parts. Whether your eye is drawn to the bright or the dark color is entirely dependent on you.
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dont click this
where do i find ponyxl's posts here on 4chan? because hardly anyone posts anything in this thread!!
>elaborate color theories, homosexuality claims, blah blah blah
All that instead of just saying "I hate niggers". Admit that constantly getting banned for wrongspeak broke you, you even have to use words like "black", "bbc", "dark skin". Can't even call jeets jeets. And you WILL be broken further and reprogrammed even more until you are docile grey mass you are supposed to be:)
uh oh, prepare to get vacationed
pretty weird baits today
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Anons, what 1-A Dot uses for this ai arts? What artist mix
it's pony
a profoundly involved means of transportation.
it's pony
model for catbox? looks more illust than pony but I couldn't get illust to spit out horse penis like that though I did see there's a lora.
kinda weird, all the troons and egofags converged for the dilation session on euge's server and now there's less arguing than usual here
plenty of good pony models

also try adding to your prompt
>ara \(harayutaka\)
it has more effect than any lora or checkpoint i ever saw atm lol
post some cunny badass
No anus...
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catbox for that cutie
holy squishy booba
why in the gods name does gelbooru and its gay derivatives not have a search for file extensions
blueberry tits
trhank you anon!
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these look very cool. cheers!
No more pony.. finally... FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
Illustrious v1.0 isn't out yet THOUGH.
Kancolle chads kneel...
The noodles are done
maybe overdone, I baked 20 epochs 1 repeat and 12 looks just as good from testing so here's 12. It could probably be better with upper body and face crops in dataset but I can't be assed so I'll leave it to another anon down the line
Also, not dealing with a mega account
example image:https://files.catbox.moe/5pd4lv.png
Without using memes or appealing to its creator's personality, explain what is wrong with pony.
march 23rd 2025. Mark the date.
it's ugly
I can't, it's a perfect model in every way. I consneed.
Kek, have a vlm describe this one, chuds!
pony was better for 3d ill admit
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your wish is my command saar
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white woman (dog not pictured)
Berry based, thanks a lot for the bake, I'll test it later
>phallic-shaped device
cool name for an artillery shell
It's a .safetensors file and looks the same as any other .safetensors file.
Roko's basilisk won't be kind to us for this one
>anime character
>anime face
I assure you, it's critical to the process
nta but in case you were serious, I recommend you run a couple prompts on both. Either styles pony knows too, or replacing the lora with a prompt. I've spent some time doing that today and the illu gens are always clearly biased towards anime.

I even tried doing a (boxman, aka6, sparrow, poper), it still looked closer to ciloranko than to /aco/. For better or worse.

and realism, and /d/, and furry, etc.
But it's good that we have a specialized anime model now. Gotta use the right tool for the job.
that's the Twitterfag, ignore him
looks like typical pony /aco/
What is a "rkgk" in the context of anime images? I started seeing that a few weeks ago, seems like it means pinup or literally 1girl standing.
rkgk means wip or sketch
落書き、らくがき doodle
can you articulate why?
No, he can't
They literally never can
pony "aco", or actual aco? example >>>/aco/8539336
Back 2 the beach.
this, i have asked many times and they still have not provided me with a mathematical formula with proof that incase isn't anime
It's not an anime model and the amount of things you have to do to tard wrangler it is straight up not right
Yes, I did many many gens with pony
Because chuds are physically unable to be happy and enjoy things
are the incase gens in the thread with us right now?
Eye shape/design, defined nose/lips, shading style
this is a fruitless discussion either way, nothing ever comes of it
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personally i think it's based, catbox me
>We plan to publicly release updated Illustrious model series sequentially
get FUCKED lol, it's coming and it's coming soon
please explain how you came to this conclusion given angel was in hot shit for even releasing v0.1
nai is cooked lmaooooo
and even if angel doesn't do that the chinks and their 5 trillion H100s will save us
angel wrote that before somebody contacted the ceo of the company and fucked everything up
it's safe to assume that 0.1 is all we get
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guys i think angel might be overworked
y-you too
who asked? kill yourself
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Kek, poor guy. At least he is trying too be upbeat about it.
many such cases
I'm thinking he's based
Sorry, she/they
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What artist styles help with Illustrious gens?
pic unrelated
erm HE is listed as a valid pronoun alongside IT and SHEY and THEY and ANGEL
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Thank you bro, keep it positive. Appreciate the correction.
angel is unironically more mentally ill than jordach and neggles combined
explains why it can cook and those two cannot
Angel should just get together with Euge. What a power couple that would be
lmao no shot especially jordach who is the mentally ill king
you clearly haven't read its trooncord posts
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uwu owo is cringe but far from jordach's level of unhinged
one word: a100s
losing weight really changes a person's look
he/she/it is based and I will not tolerate anyone bullying this cute retard who saved us from Pony Hell
kill yourself
uh oh /aco/nigger melty!!!
you first
Fuck off
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lost that pony 15
>angel wrote that before somebody contacted the ceo of the company
The paper dates to after the leak, keep coping doomerkek. If he changed his minds he'd have more than enough time to change that line. Also the civitai comment about needing an SFW switch first (already done).
How do I use loss masks with sd-scripts? Like, do I put the masks in their own folder, name them the same as the training images, then specify that folder in the dataset config or something? What's the command for it? The readme on kohya just talks about controlnet and I'm too stupid to get what it means.
keep coping, bro
I trained Illust's TE today after not getting things right when I yesterday tried UNet_only as angel and people suggested. It went a hundred times better than I expected, picrel.
I borrowed the style of that one dude who posts a lot here and used it as a test, the LoRA doesn't seems to be eating any kind of inherent style despite me using 33 koikatsu screenshots. I even tried 32dim/32alpha, still didn't got any inherent style. Maybe it was the settings I used, that I also borrowed from some anons yesterday (sorry). Except that it didn't worked at first, so I turned off UNet_only, raised LRs and it came out a lot better.
It's good to know this Text Encoder isn't so fried to the point it turned black as oil, unlike a certain huh cartoon horse model.
We are so back
this has an example of the folder structure or w/e
can we stop coping that illustrus is good just because you hate pony, it's just nowhere near as good model and you are the only people talking about it
If pony is so bad, then why do we have 200 threads filled with pony gens in the archives?
So true Astralite, when will they learn?
unet only is (and was to a lesser extent) a fucking meme.
pony being even worse doesn't make gooknai any less shit
headpats required
is there actually no style burn in or is it just negatable with styles? can you post your settings and what your step count wound up as? i've had pretty shit results training using screenshots and i haven't figured out why yet.
i saw drastically less style burn on my concept loras than i did in pony
with identical settings, tags, and dataset, mind you
Wait. Were people seriously pushing not to train TE again?
>people are pushing to train the TE again
time for another 1000 sloppa loras...
We need a "Trained with TE" toggle on civit, so I can avoid them.
Why do all of these Korean model gens look so... pedophilic?
you mean aesthetic?
it's anime
they are fucking korean dude
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Seems to work fine, I randomly get black and white gens but just putting monochrome on negs fix that
Quick pink anime guitarist slop with it
choke on your noodles and die
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i understand the hate for iatard but what did noodles dude do
post good gens with a distinctive style

also, noodles is a fun word to say
>muh compute
euge doesn't know how to build a dataset to save his life
he posts anime style shit on my cartoon board!
But of course!
Sure https://files.catbox.moe/p755so.toml
>is there actually no style burn in or is it just negatable with styles?
If you tag the dataset correctly you should be able to negate it afterwards. For example if your dataset is all kk ss and you tagged then all as "3d, koikatsu" you should be able to use them as both positives or negatives. But it becomes a problem when your dataset is all kk screenshots.
>i've had pretty shit results training using screenshots and i haven't figured out why yet.
Well, maybe it worked on me because I'm using also 120 non-koikatsu-ss pics as dataset too. I guess that helps a lot to dillute the style. But I'm not really sure tho. On pony, when I tried using kk screenshots, I could really feel how it liked to borrow some of the style, even by a tiny bit. And isn't completely gone when I putted koikatsu on negs. That's my own experience, but I'm kinda a noob at this.
what are you talking about just download danbooru
I wanna argue with someone. In bad faith if possible
post porn instead
wait for the 'cord screenshots
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After anon's comments on lora training in Illustrious needing only 20 images to train, I though I should do an experiment. So I went ahead and trained one on one of the generic NPCs in Genshin Impact. 21 images, taken from as many angles as I could.


And this is what she looks like in-game.


Go nuts, I say.
they are really boring now desu
the style looks a little baked in, post her with an artist tag or 3?
Jordach claiming that he suddenly has access to flux level compute and all the code necessary to train sdxl with nai changes was pretty funny.
And an example prompt, no frills.


Ditto, but using style loras.


Yes, I know. It looks 3D because all the images were taken from the game.
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Any luck upscaling illustrious?
Non anime watcher here. I need a bunch of characters that won't need a lora to throw into my prompt. Trying to find some in danbooru isn't working so well. Is there a better resource? Also post character requests, if you don't mind me getting the details a bit wrong.
there is a wildcard list on civ that someone made recently for illustrious that you can use
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try chloe von einzbern or oshino shinobu, they work very well
are there any downsides to tiled vae encode
those are children, you sick fuck
watch some anime
Just realized I posted the unupscaled version, but I guess now you have both to look at the metadata.
out of 10!
tad bit slower, but easier on the vram. Nothing different quality wise
Fall season will suck hard
Damn that's pretty decent, was that using the OP's training rentry or are you already familiar with training? I've never trained before but worried about wasting time training stuff that looked terrible, but if I could pull off anything as good as what you've made with a bit of work I'd be happy.
watch some good anime
Samefagging nigger, on par with iafag

there was an anon trying to train a lora on a figurine a couple threads ago that should try your settings.
I took the config file from Shoebill anon.
Such as?
cowboy bebop and akira
what genres do you like
Colors got duller/grayer, also almost feels it's blurrier than before upscale. Only nipples are clear upgrade, were too small to be drawn well before upscale.
besides looking very pretty, the adaptation of akira sucks dick, it only adapts 3 out of 6 volumes and just abruptly ends halfway through the story. same thing for nausicaa.
jujutsu kaisen ;)
wat? did he switch to local?
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Doesn't he use both?
that's a setting, not a genre
Found it, thanks.
I did that exact same search, I had two problems. One is that 90% of the characters are from touhou. Two is that when I click a name and look at the pictures, I can't quickly tell who the character is supposed to be.
There's been a lot of loli posting lately, is it not getting jannied anymore?
I would like to, but it has too many things I don't like, like incomplete stories, loser mcs, and annoying characters that only exist because the writer doesn't know how to progress the plot.
it's not him posting non-nai shoebill
I do notice the dulling, but otherwise I feel like all details are improved, especially fine lines that are smudged in the raw t2i.

No, I'm not him. I've just been using Shoebill as a model for Illustrious because it has excellent KF knowledge. He has good taste.
Most sites have it listed as a genre since it's so samey.
At this point, it might as well be and I hate it
>is it not getting jannied anymore?
it is, but you can always catbox, also you can get banned for non-loli at random
that's fair but i will be a pedant, this is my safe space
>the local renaissance makes the saas bourgeois have a meltdown
go back to your turkish sugar daddy
NAI goes to /b/
Best anime to come out in years was Odd Taxi and I don't want to gen /h/ of that
BASED. One of my all time favs too
Only if all pony gens go to /aco/.
I know that my usual method doesn't have the dulling effect, but whether you'll like it or not depends on your preferences, it's definitely not as clean: https://files.catbox.moe/fbznuj.png
It's animesharp upscaler, then dpm++ sde sgm_uniform (scheduler probably doesn't matter, or maybe upscaler is the only thing that matters). 0.4 denoise, but I replaced face with 0.3 one because it was too detailed for it's own good with 0.4 (also got double tooth which I couldn't care to fix)
Interesting, I usually use adetailer when upscaling for faces but I'll have to play around with some sampler X/Ys later. I recommend Remacri over Animesharp btw, that's what I used to use before going on an upscaler autism spree. There might be some newer meme one that's better though.
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I just tested with euler a cfg++ 2cfg like in your setup and colors are still good, so it's indeed upscaler related, nothing else left.
Remacri? I was not aware of that, I will check it out
Oh cool, I noticed that you changed the name of the checkpoint, or there's a illustrious_v10 out there?
It's an advokat shitmix, trained one epoch on like 400k images and then MBW back into the base. I like it because it reduces the artifacting and makes things a bit more stable, though you also get that effect just by using LoRAs.
Nevermind I changed upscaler to remacri and the colors are STILL fine (although the tint is different from animesharp, and it's probably cleaner?). No idea then.
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It feels kinda RNG based on style/LoRA mixes too. Some base style mixes actually benefit from a little desaturation since they suffer color burn.
I just used the exact same prompt/loras as in catbox because I wanted to see what contributed to desaturation.
>slop around in my shitmixes for months and settle for lolnobackgrounds
>stumble upon one i really like today that happens to suddenly do backgrounds
>even sometimes gives outfits based on location prompt
time to le
Looks promising, will check it out
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>just generic blue hair girl
But then:
Keep going on the undressing. Her tatto and design keeps her from begin generic. Also brave of you to have a man with a face. Some anons don't handle that well or at all.
go easy on the cfg slider, pal
i'm not your pal, buddy
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why the sudden influx of slop
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>not a brony/furry
>knows about their country's fucked censorship
>uoh adjacent avatar
based gooks https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120465798
sadly bbcs are meta instead of this
looks like shit
is this an actual base illustrious gen or a lora?
>that penis
>that (lack of) texture
it's pony
i propose a filename convention for stealth metadata for the catbox extension to highlight w/ green download box
just put stealth anywhere in the filename
I can't even find eular a cfg++
are you on the right branch
check your foreskin
i aint right clicking every goddamn box just to see if it has metadata
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I dont have a foreskin
it's a lora I've trained on nonco's works
well maybe you shouldn't have started this whole stealth bullshit, reap what you sow
very nice and lovely /h/ gen here
i didnt start it, i dont even use it, i just dont want to miss out on joocy metadata if i can help it
I can recognize the style/lora
sorry for the late reply, thank you so much!
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I can see the moment of your death
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uh oh i smell a nogen melty cooking
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/h/ has always been slightly /e/ by virtue of all the experimentation. I wish we had a generic red board this thread could go on that wasn't /b/.
gimme good lora bake settings for illust, havent baked since 1.5
There's one on /c/, although that one is even more anal about rules.
needs to be batch1 cause im a vramlet
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i dont think the model took a liking to all these wildcards
>captcha: KYSG4
What is the story being told here?
>generic red board this thread could go on that wasn't /b/.
there is one on trash but it's also shared by all types of degeneracy including furry
>polaroid of an impregnation
>video recording on the bottom
>facecam in the upper left makes it look like she's reacting to the scene like a japanese gameshow
much to think about
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how about this one?
the /trash/ thread is kinda comfy, I went there when I was on my easyfluff bender but they don't really for non-furry/monster stuff, which is fair. this thread just straddles a weird line of being a central place to post both explicit and borderline AI/h/ since nobody wants to constantly swap threads between here and /e/.
It's also the only place to talk about new models. /e/ took several days to catch onto Illustrious, and those were mostly our crossposters.
funny enough illustrious just *barely* knows tenma enough to get her hairstyle and ear shape right. the cool thing about borderline characters is that they should be easier to train in without pertrubing the style
i meant the slop thread they are mostly just coomer weebs but anything goes. i really don't like furry so its not for me
i like the /slop/ general, generally it's 70-85%% gens or so
last time i was there though some anon was posting a bunch of dirty semen chewing gens and he dialed it up so much it just looked like a bunch of images of girls eating shit
All of my prompts include "smug".
All of my prompts include "by DevilHS"
slop has unironic AGP posters roleplaying as the girl on their gens
oh is the slop thread newer or something? i went there a lot when easyfluff was local sota and there was just the furry AI thread iirc. spread the good word of training vpred loras and then somehow none of the local trainers picked up doing vpred for sdxl tunes.
that's about what i'd expect from unfiltered coomgenners desu, /b/ had those too
yeah i think it's relatively new.
best way to coom on 4chan though, get your own personal NAI AGP poster on /slop/ and roleplay away
i'm not your buddy, friend
stay in your containment thread faggot
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Any tips on getting illu to make game CG stuff? I'm trying to reproduce the recent Taimanin Asagi style with just a prompt, but I'm getting gens that look rougher than their first release 20 years ago. It just keeps trying to be a drawing.

"digital art" doesn't do anything, not even a tag. "game cg" is diluted by a bunch of lowres artifacted shit, might be the only ones danbooru doesn't prune. Shit like "highres, official art" are just placebo. And I'm already using the franchise tag along with two of their artists.
train a lora
this is not reddit, friend
The training talk happened on /h/ instead. Astra, Jordach, Neggles posted here at one point or another
Can I train a concept on illustrious using actual pictures and not drawings?
how do I stop gooning...
i'm not your friend, anon
I mean yeah, but at that point I can just go back to Pony. It can basically do this without, other than the shading which I'd have to fix manually somehow.
>euge discord
>people are gabbing amongst themselves about all these different things
>euge is overwhelmed and barely replying, but they keep adding to the amount of things he has to read through with useless information
Too many chefs
he could kick every single person that joined the server after he revealed his massive compute dick (besides maybe lodestone) and nothing of value would be lost
it's too bloated and uncontrolled. everyone wants to train the next quantum hyperGAN theoretical model. euge/lax need to make clear the restrictions and timespan of the project.
Me, I am the best chef
>euge/lax need to make clear the restrictions and timespan of the project.
this is definitely part of the issue, people are going wild with ideas because they think there is unlimited resources. if things were better outlined they could reign themselves in to make the best use of the limitations
>the chihuahua is popular enough to get barely in
oh boy
coom early
think I might train a dual pippers/tenma lora since they were some of the first characters I did way back on naiv1. should be pretty easy since it already knows pippa okayish and kinda knows tenma.
>if things were better outlined they could reign themselves in
Things are outlined. It's sdxl, vpred and maybe, big maybe a 16ch vae
>things are outlined
they're already mixing danbooru and e621 datasets without realizing how much of a nightmare that is for the text encoder. whatever they're doing with this project is already fucked lmao
>they're already mixing danbooru and e621 datasets without realizing how much of a nightmare that is for the text encoder.
i don't realize too, why is it bad
I would expect it to learn the style along with your concept, because it's too far from what the model normally generates.
anon they have two completely separate sets of tags. mixing the data itself is fine but they're using the canned scrapes. you would need to write a huge parser to alias all of the tags down to one set. eg danbooru does 1girl/1boy, e621 does male/female. danbooru does from behind/from below, e621 does rear view/worms-eye view
they aren't really outlined in other terms, though. if you read through the discord you can see this in the ways people are babbling on. if euge were to give everyone more concrete instructions on what he currently needs or wants help with (now that everything else has been said and beat like a dead horse), it would get all these empty hands doing something. like, if the dataset needs retagging, recruit all these people in the discord who spend all day talking about ways to do it and get them working. that will make everything easier for everyone and euge won't have to wake up to reading 48294890284 'what about implementing xyz pipe dream idea' messages
stop being a scriptlet and drain a lora
yeah the photo style will bake into it, youll need to do a copier method to to negate the effects of the photography baking in.
not really
resonance Cascade was able to understand both e6 tags and danbooru tags perfectly fine
nobody used it because of Cascade's shitty details, but it doesn't mean the model was horribly bad in every single way
In fact, it was able to recognize tags such as three-quarter view when prompting for both anime and furry so, aside from the extreme lack of details, it was good and obviously better than pony in that aspect
and jordach did nothing special to the dataset, didn't retagged shit
Where are you getting that info from? Can't see lax or euge mentioning e621 anywhere
bois, drop your fav artists that need style loras for illustrious.
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That discord is just euges private tech support. There's another private one with all the people that asked to volunteer.
actually baking this one right now kek
Is she puking?
why is
god bless you.
the greatest advantage of this model not pruning comics
Try Autismix. Instant libido killer.
What do the moonrunes say?
arind yudha
1st: pacha pacha pacha
2nd: "Ooo" zupa zupa zupa
It's a sounding rod.
that's good to hear then, I was getting a bit worried for him
propose to him already
So are they already running tests, or is sdxl noob something different from the anime model mentioned in the discord announcement?
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Am I retarded for continuing to use Pony
do whatever brings you the most joy anonie
of course not, don't give in to shills
I need to find the most quality diamond ring first, only the best for our euge-chan
mdf an, if you please

Appreciate it if you can get to it.
If you are getting what you want from it, not really
fotms models are temporary, pony is eternal
No. I really don't see a point in switching to Illustrious with how it is in its current state, but this general seems happy to just get anything new.
as long as you're having fun who cares
This shit is just to have fun, if you are enjoying it. Keep on keeping on.
illu is a good tool for what it does, if you want those NAI-like styles with soft shading, or you need a bunch of characters without having to look for loras. I wouldn't try using it for everything though, it's a more specialized model.
yeah ig, I think I just have some stockholm syndrome, I still think Illust, can surpass Pony with enough time and effort
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Illustrious > Pony
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your image doesnt make a good argument desu
Are there any other artists that do eyes like this?
is his right leg under the toilet seat?
Looks like when I accidentally gen at 512
channel \(caststation\) (both styles if possible)
fuckin sexy
thank you
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it's the futur
is it possible to learn this power?
New thread when?
back to the real deal
not from an illufag
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Can anons HELP me?
I found this guy's prompts, and they are all really good.

I want to know which LORAS/VAE/etc he is using, but the images have no info.

I sent him a message asking, but I'm not sure if he is going to reply.

Is there a way to know which was his prompt and what models he used?
it's nai
Beautiful work, love this character, whats her name?
these are all not really my style personally. or are pretty basic to me. sorry bois, not tryin to be an arbiter of taste.

this one is alright but ive had an issue lately doing style loras with predominatly white backgrounds giving me issues bleeding in. Anyone got tips for this?
there is no griftermix lora for illu yet. the pajeets have yet to sully the dream of one small asian troon
>pull latest changes
>forge STILL won't use my default sampler settings after months
Ok, which UI do I need to switch to this time, since this fucker won't fix basic functionality?
I urge the baker to pick a picture that will look good with the partyhat.
Looks like the classic yd - blushy mix that 70% of nai creators use
Very progressive, NovelAI.
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Unfortunate but I need to learn how to do this myself at some point anyway, thanks for having a look
Hello there, very /c/ute, missed with the thread though.
At least inpaint the sign with flux
make her topless with a facial and it's perfect for h
>Looks like the classic yd - blushy mix that 70% of nai creators use
I'm not familiar with this one, do you have a link or full name for it?

Aparenttly Christina
where is the penis
artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop, realistic, artist_j.k., artist_blushyspicy
Ask me a question, is it possible to generate images in a style that is different from anime in Illustrious-XL?
>artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop, realistic, artist_j.k., artist_blushyspicy
Best artists ever desu, really love yd's mika jougasaki and blushy's eyes
>Ask me a question
ok, why are you gay?
>Ask me a question
yes why are you asking this
>is it possible to generate images in a style that is different from anime in Illustrious-XL?
it should be, SDXL has innate non-anime artist knowledge
is 4chan stalling on image uploads for anyone else?
asura (asurauser), incase, wamudraws, afrobull
but better just use pony, then every gen looks like /aco/ garbage
Yeah, a little
Alright, so a combination of these?
we have a LORA here that has all those trained into one already you dont need to stack all four
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She has really tiny feet, she must be really careful while she walks.
Fuck off noodlefaggot
good artist mixes for tastefully plump ladies? I wanna gen some letty whiterock
I think I'm going to make one for this artist but I'm kinda new to baking loras so don't expect something good
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Alright, sorry for asking so much stuff, but do you got a link for it?

I shall make a prompt of your request in exchange.
nta but just search the lora rentry, it's either blushyspicy or flooxyfloox, can't remember which
no need, our homegrownloras are here btw

Doing the good work.
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looks very legendary
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how much to lick that donut?
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not enough time for effortposting to the degree of inpainting but i like the raw gens from illustrious
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also my uploads are constantly getting stuck and looping connection errors
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The model is so close to getting onono imoko's style down but it always feels like something isn't quite right
>onono imoko's style
which one? big gap between his pixiv stuff, rance and dohnadohna?
you're right. I mean mostly his pixiv stuff, but I dunno I'm mostly using danbooru/gelbooru as reference. Would be great to have loras of the dohna dohna style and the pixiv stuff for separate occasions though.
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Thanks, downloaded it.
One last question
What are the key words to make better use of this? What you recommend?

I use ComfyUI, not sure if that is important.
Inpaint with flux and write "omedetou, anon" on the cake
Close but the head needs to be closer to the upper left for the hat to fit.
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You are, without a doubt, the worst prompter I've ever heard of.
>mix a dozen /aco/ artists together
>get peak hentai
Really makes you think.
manglifer is an artist I wanted, but I haven't gotten around to the autism of getting all the psd's from kemono for textless uncensored versions and cropping the comics, you could probably train it fine without that prep but again autism on my part
there are similar artists I think that I can't remember the names of unfortunately
spicy moo is also one that kinda is in 0.1 but really isn't baked in that well
I just want some tastefully chubby moe artists for variety (not ayyco levels of fat, that stuff is vile)
Also, name of manglifer on kemono/exhentai is Aza. danbooru just stuck on an old Twitter name
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I'm too much over a lazy faggot to do that. I'll let a motivated anon inpaint
3 of the 5 are Japanese - the other 2 just make the asses thicker
damn how'd you get ohisashiburi to come out so clean, seconding catbox
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Blushy is two people.
I like the look of both of these I can check them out, not too sure if there is enough images of the first one tho. thanks for providing the kemono name.
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Yes, unfortunately I am a vtuber enjoyer.

I trained a pony lora the other day so I had the dataset on hand. I just ran the same training settings but on Illustrious. I had a hard time inpainting the eyes after upscaling, so I inpainted the eyes with my pony lora on Reweik. So it's not a straight Illustrious gen.

This is my first time trying Illustrious so there isn't much to glean from the catbox.
fucking kek
>unfortunately I am a vtuber enjoyer.
we like vtumors here (just don't overdo it)

don't speak for the thread. total vtumor death
why blurry is it so?
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NAI prompt?
>>8237083 (me)

After looking at the PSDs I really dont feel like doing the spicy moo one. that would be alot of extra editing. I will leave that to a more photoshop inclined anon
Stop reposting cross board shit. Just keep it all to one thread. If you have nothing new to contribute then make your own thread with repeats/saved content.
thought that's some schizo seething about "anime style"
Ah, the same schizo retard trying to debate people about what is anime and what is not? Yeah, he has become easy to detect as of late.
nah its a real poster
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Am I?
what gui is that? it doesn't look like comfy
>booru filename
Isn't that too cg or /aco/ tp go there?
based, catbox?
>Isn't that too cg or /aco/ tp go there?
? You're on /h/ anon, and seeing regurgitated shit from hours ago being reposted here from other boards. Are you retarded? There is a lot of cross board reposting on the AI gens and it's bullshit.
you are correct, realistic ai goes on aco, even vaguely realistic like ff13 artstyle
>catbox beggars
how do we kill the roaming hall monitor
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stop reposting other people's creations, or shit posing your stuff everywhere?
some of us have configured this site to assist in prevention of duplicate images.
3D hentai threads were always a thing in /h/
i'm terminally constipated and will now make up rules about posting 3D
>some of us h- ACK!
Stability Matrix (I hate it)
anon, if you've been here for any length of time and not scripted the site to your liking and taking advantage of the archives you're wasting so much time here it's embarrasing. Red boards, I automatically have imageless posts blocked on default. The only reason I posted was because this faggot has been doing this for the last few months and it's fucking annoying.
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Second attempt at this damn lora. Still looks too much hot-glueish without a stlye lora helping out.
touch grass, being this terminally online is bad for you fampai
is this the character who only has a figurine for reference? have you considered trying what was suggested before? eg, training a small "style" lora on a generic figurine dataset with similar lighting and subtracting that from the character fig lora.
Didn't quite understand how to "substract" that kind of data, or I fucked up somewhere. The result was a messy slop who forgot the character. I was thinking of making a img2img using a different style loras and hope for the best.
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>touch grass, being this terminally online is bad for you fampai
That's literally what I just told you anon. Use your brain to develope something so you can reduce how you browse the internet as much as possible. The only reason I'm replying on this shit is because I want to help anons, and you're just causing me more time away from my off internet time.
New Thread:

you might have to look it up but kohya comes with lora subtract scripts iirc, or you can merge them both into the base checkpoint separately and do a checkpoint diff to get a lora as an artifact

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