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Previous thread: >>7215128

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
Last thread was shit. You should fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking piece of shit.
See? I was right about you being a stupid fucking piece of shit.
who am i
A stupid fucking piece of shit. I bet you can’t even PYW because it’ll just be a turd smeared on paper.
dont say that
Well I did so now what’re you going to do, you little bitch?
futari tomo yamete kudasaaaaai
KYS retarded mouth-breathers.
No u
>No-draw autists shitting fresh thread
Eat shit
im drawing right now

Man, why you fucking gotta be like that?
no u
time to walk my dog
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why do some users have a blue outline around their posts and are first in the browse section? what secret achievement did they get to have that status?
It means you're following them
it means they've been chosen for the top secret DAD project. banana will give us details on august 1st.
they have dad premium
i feel so stupid rn
You should KYS you stupid fucking piece of shit.
nta, but rude. We all make mistakes. Like your mother when she refused getting an abortion.
Don't feel too bad anon, gave us a good laugh
Man I love that sequence.
Furries that own pets irl are skibidi sus, frfr no cap
yeah, that's why I just own humans instead. don't need people to know my furry power level
based, I wanna be a parent in the future as well
I’m not a furry.
oh, yeah. "parent". sure, sure
sniffing dad buttehole.....
here we go again...
KYS dumb faggot. DAD is a furry site and 90 of furries on DAD draw/paint better than you. Furries human bodies - anthtopomorpic.The will fuck animal, but they will fuck Kimahri ftom FF 10.
Seriously KYS you fucking dumb zoomer faggot.
Can you make an argument without ESL furry retard prattle, and without linking a video by the zoomers you yourself deride?
You don't deserve one. Neck yourself.
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dad site down submit here

nodraws gtfo the thread
>nsix now smile
whizzard next. get it while the getting's good.
>smile.hnts eliminated
He had a streak of 994 and he’s 17 years old?
Damn he's pretty good for 17
>Vastian created new challenge knowing it will brick the site to eliminate slow posters. What an evil snake!
I hope smile gets reinstated.
I don't believe you guys.
challenge was made after the deadline I thought
yeah from what I saw the site was fine around the deadline. it bricked at least half an hour after the next day rolled over. that nigger smile's SOL.
>hurr durr animals can't give consent, therefor fucking animals is le bad
That's retarded when coming from a filthy bloodmouth. Do you think a cow gave her consent to being butchered or forcibly inseminated you flesheater? Rape is literally nothing in comparison to the atrocities you carnivores commit and support on a daily basis just because you enjoy the sensation of putting corpses in your belly. You could survive and thrive without eating animals but you chose violence, because it's enjoyable, yet you have the audacity to bash someone who wants to give their beloved pet an orgasm? You have no moral high ground here and don't pretend you do.
Therefor it's actually ok to play with animals in that way, especially if there's care taken to make sure they enjoy the process. I thought more furries were rational enough to realize this, but is seems that you're still shackled by expectations from society like the sheep you are.
For the same reason it should be perfectly ok to draw literal animals in lewd scenarios.
What a retarded faggot! What you are describing is a Zoophiles/ferals. There are 1 on DAD and their name is vampire. The rests are litteraly just furries - like anthopomorphics(human body with animal heads) who are normally acepted. Just google Taran_fiddler. You literally just circle around the animal talking pointband act like you win the "arguement" LOL. Anyone with a single brain cell can see that you are a low IQ retard. KYS
i think you're replying to a copypasta
>spend some time writing a compelling and well thought out argument on a issue that I care deeply about
>YoUrE RePlYinG To a cOpyPasTa
Rude ;_;
Good job on completely missing the point, fag.
....interesting thread
File deleted.
Draw your pet (explicit) challenge when?
I even found a suitable badge, photo of this horse statue from Denver
i get you care about the issue but 70% of this thread is retarded schizos baiting that should be ignored
What exactly is there to talk about in /dad/ threads? It's always been like this.
So have you guys started on your games yet? The challenge started 10 days ago
I prototyped something but got bored. I'm working on a larger project anyways
Kill yourself pedo troon. We don't have to talk about your favourite pedos and nazi artists daily.
too demanding of a challenge.
can I join and then only post weekly?
>too demanding of a challenge.
I bet you could make something playable like snake with help from chatgpt in a weekend.
No u
Who will fall this time?
Weekly is not for the weak.
making love with your dad rival
proposing to your dad rival
marrying your dad rival
starting a family with your dad rival
growing old with your dad rival
i wonder if i'm someone's dad rival
dying with your dad rival
rotting with your dad rival
judgement in front of the book of life with your dad rival
burning in hell with your dad rival
yiffing with your dad rival
Please no tierlist. I haven't been on my A game.
go for it
'Be the change you want to see' has never worked.
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me >>7228897
Ramnionn - low int

Here you go. Now it's your turn!
Yeah it would be cool to have gif Avatars. When will this feature get added?
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Pro: Good to go
High int: Very good, just needs a little push. Missing that little something
Mid int: Technically knows what they're doing, but don't seem know what to do with their art
Low int: I see the Vision
High beg: Very close to "getting it"
Mid beg: Standard beginner work

The dads within each tier aren't placed in any particular order
I don't know a lot of these dads so I placed them based on their last two pages of submissions. If you haven't submitted anything nice recently you might be placed lower than you should be.
Tony_Bamnanaboni is not on the list, but I would put him at low int
Rammionn is also not on the list, but I would put him at high int
Geko and Ritstreler do 3D work which I don't know how to judge very well
I mixed up Alte and Ainarikia at first because they have similar profile pictures, so there's a chance some people are misplaced
A lot of people post only studies or their posts are wildly inconsistent quality-wise so it was hard to place them
Int niggas run the world
if everyone's int, then no one is
Make your own tier list you fucking waste of air.
IMO the middle intermediate stage is huge. Most people on DAD are ints. It's like a bell curve, where there are some genuine beginners and some truly advanced artists, but most of the user base is in that awkward middle stage.
it wasnt a negative critique, its the truth
lower and higher level people dont last as long on dad
lowers usually give up quickly, highers usually get bored and go back to twitter and professional life
This is why finding a friend on DAD is so important. They are your anchor, your constant.
I must be the longest going permabeg on /DAD/.
Autistic and gossiping people like to distract themselves with lists and categories.
How can it make you happier seeing what some faceless human judges you as? You know if you are right with God by your efforts and actions. Keep drawing brothers.
>I'm easily impressed by copies and finished pieces
This isn't instagram dude
I feel like we should shake things up and make a venn diagram or something
People must put you very low.
>impressed by finished pieces
Yes. I am impressed by good complete works. Are you telling me to judge people by their doodles?
I would love to see your list.
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i think i've been misplaced. doesnt feel right for me to be a tier above the people in the mid int when my art hasnt reached that level of proficiency and fluidity yet. i think i'm still low or mid int at best. though if it wasnt a misplacement i'm very flattered and i owe you my thanks. i still have a long way to go
>>People must put you very low.

Quite the contrary, maybe that's why I also think it's silly.

Have your silly thing if you needed the soothing.
>don't judge people that's rude, tier list meman nothing
>people put me high on the tier list so your argument is invalid
You must be ibi
Take it SLOW
>high beg on both lists
yeah checks out
its mp5. still have a lot of things to do before im fit for high int
The dude who had a comission to paint a cat from dad should be on s/ss. Forgot what his name was
You argue like a redditor who lives on discord
Is all of dad laughing at my beg art and I just never knew
Damn, Im flattered that Im in low int when all my art posted is ms paint slop and blurred wips. I checked the very bottom, didnt see myself and thought I wasnt on the list lmao
>low beg

I quit. I should have never tried drawing. I'm an embarrassing retard. Thanks for pointing out I'm still shit at drawing, I didn't want to keep going anyway.
WRONG. When I can draw good THEN drawing will be fun.
I hate drawing but i want to get good at it.
Tips aside from suicide?
it's only atrocious if you put animals and humans on the same pedestal. For that to be logically consistent, you would have to oppose flesh eaters from the animal kingdom as well,
you just threw us into random tiers, didnt you?
Holy fuck I had only read your first two lines when I responded
No tips aside from suicide (and get some pussy maybe) but

>and get some pussy maybe) but
Had multiple chances to but i'm a depressed retard so i would just tell the women that i'm currently too sad to fuck and go back to my japanese cartoons
Well you should give it a go from time to time. It helps, it really does
Way too isolated for this nowadays. I havent even seen a woman in half a decade.
Youre right. My dick isn't even small
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Damn you guys placed me higher than I thought id be for only posting paintings when I dont know how to paint, only draw
Thank you
> int rathern than beg on both lists

I'm being mocked am i not? These are reverse lists arent they?
Quick everyone change your pfps
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Looks like if you have a default pfp you get skipped for obvious reasons
i have a pfp
cut it off, you are in two othet tierlists
Yay raccoons! They’re the cutest.
>constistently placed at the top
c-cool i guess
thank you. two of you put me at low int and it makes me motivated to get better
I graduated from beg to int in 3 months. I'm satisfied.
Low int
Mid int
No text so I'm guessing this must be A tier

I should stop trying to draw. 8 years in and my shit is still beg tier. I feel awful for trying at all.
You should KYS, too.
Aren't we all?
its ok anon ive been drawing for 10 years and most of my progress only started showing up this year
Why are you still a beg?
What's ur nickname btw, let me take a look please
I'm literally retarded. The studies don't stick, the lessons aren't retained. Everything I make is unappealing trash so it's hard to find enjoyment in what I draw. I get enthusiastic about trying to learn but apparently nothing I've tried works. I'd definitely kms if I didn't have senpai that would be bummed about it.
Indi, if you want a good laugh and to feel better about your progress
>having someone who will be sad if you kys
>bitching about not getting at pro level in a month

Ungrateful fuck
Do you only draw from photos?
move mapache to beg, that kid fuckin sucks
Mostly from photos. The hand studies are from looking at my own hand. I don't like drawing people irl because I'd feel so ashamed if they saw my work and it wasn't any good.
Do some Asaro and cast studies. I think you're missing knowledge of structure.
That won't get you far. Go to pinterest and see how other artists draw portraits. Also look for some speedpaints on yt and try to replicate them

Books will be of use as well

Hampton's design and invention will be a good start. He mostly focuses on figures there but there are some portrait lessons as well
How is it going, dadders?
miserable as always, you?
Drawing realistic faces is hard. I can only paint them. But your drawings are so detailed. How long does it take you to finish one of them?
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Do you ever do studies of other artists or experiment? Glancing through your gallery it looks like you draw the same thing the same way over and over. You should think less about lines and more about large value shapes.
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Ackshually, I'm HIGH Int(elligence)
If you can't draw you're sub 80 IQ. It's just how it is.
>stopped posting to site so I'm not in the tierlist to be put in beg
some people just need to quit sandbagging
what is sandbagging
Assume I'm Rammionn. What's missing to push me further?
I've never seen Rammionn do studies. It's just one piece into the next
I try to not flood the page with a bunch of drawings. Normally I pick one thing I'm working and post it.

But you're right, I don't do studies often. Most of the time I don't know what to study or i'm doing a study and I have the urge to turn it into a finished drawing.
I like copying things because it makes me feel like I can draw. When I don't copy the best I can do is a stickman.
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Hard to say, but to me your(?) work doesn't feel very ambitious. Like you've figured out a formula and now you approach every piece the same way. Same lighting, simple compositions, same rendering treatments. I don't follow many anime coom artists so I don't have a great frame of reference for the scene, but it could help to look at artists you enjoy and try to ape their style for a bit, just to shake up your routine.
>got put in high-beg in the last wave of tierlists
>now put in mid-high int
I know these are probably made by shitters anyways but I'm glad that my improvement is tangible (even if I don't necessarily agree with my rankings)
I ignore anything which claims to help you "Learn X in 1 day!" etc because it's just clickbait desu
hm makes sense. Thanks for the observation and feedback bro!
nta, but are you sure about that?
I'm skipped as well, in all those tier lists. Probably because I dropped my streak and took a break just a few days ago, so it's understandable and I'm not salty about this, but still.
Yeah the website only included people with active streaks, or people with a streak higher than one
>echo not at the top
>echo low int

U kidding me? Is this the same person we are talking about?
Why are you all so mean to one another?
frustration and autism mostly
it's just like 2 bitter retards who are noisy
Most people are pretty chill and like drawing
where's ulala's black tranny cock when you need it?

I'll practice some asaro heads, review other artists at work, try to copy not just the drawings but the way they create the drawings. Thanks anons, I promise I'll try to rise above low-beg tier.

About 40 minutes to draw unappealing, misshapen portraits. I want to be quick so I can eventually draw people irl and not disappoint them
I do not say this to ridicule you, but if you cannot draw something well slowly, you surely will not draw it well quickly. and, again, respectfully, 40 minutes is nothing all things considered. do some longer studies, allow yourself to see your mistakes, push yourself - hell, even post your work and ask for critiques and advice on how to adjust your drawing and progress in it. and I mean at least a few hours; it's something you could even work up to. once you can draw portraits well at all, you can work on fine-tuning your process for quicker results with comparable quality.
I stared at a blank page for several hours today. Every time I wanted to draw something, I remembered I'm low-tier beg and it'll just be shit no matter what I do. I wish I could kms.
To make good art you must make bad art.
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I should make more of these tier list. The demotivation tactics does work!!!
I've been motivated, if anything, being ranked a couple tiers higher than I was the last time people were making tier lists.
if you can draw a line with the wrong angle, with too much thickness, in the wrong place, you can draw it with the right angle, with enough thickness, in the right place. it's just about ever pushing yourself - which can be aided by eyes other than your own - and being consistent.
I rank people by both drawing, painting skill. A lot of painters on DAD have meh-ish drawing skill.
The same for anons who exclusively draw.
>whine about wanting a tierlist
>get told to fuck off
>finally a few people actually make a tierlist
>users ask what they can do to improve their placements
>good advice is given, thread is thriving
tierlists improve threads. simple as
your art being bad is not the reason you're unhappy let's be real
I wish you weren't anonymous when you comment on my submissions
>drawing daily
I don't want to be that dunning kruger guy running around commenting on people subs.
>10 animals
It will get faster and easier b the day.
You said exclusively so it sounds weird, but if you can draw you can paint
Lol thanks for ranking me even though I dropped streak months ago.
Are you guys putting your DAD crush high
Or are you purposefully putting them low so they become vulnerable
You are probably the only one who has a "dad crush"

What's their rank btw?
Drawing is but a lead-up for painting. If Echo does well without it - good for him
>Drawing is but a lead-up for painting
The disrespect for draftmenship is strong with this one.
I feel like I have the right to say this since my drawing skills are much better than painting skills
Uh oh looks like I canceled myself too early. Maybe I should switch my to my other art handle.
They are an S tier to me
Drawing makes me feel retarded but not drawing makes me feel like I'm wasting my life. How should I kill myself?
I mean don't even think about that, it's a sin
You bitches, now I have to change the avatar.
WHY are you putting Zanzalur so high? His women are ugly.
his women look better than real ones
>His women are ugly
Huh? I've alwas thought that Zanzalur is a woman, and she draws herself the whole time She/he can draw beautiful women if she/he wants to.
Forgot to say. His/her women are a 7/10 in my book.
They have a recognizable established style and quite some followers on x. They've either already made it or close to that
Popularity on X for drawing trans "women"? Color me surprised.
There's more than one way of making it you know
People who say 'if you can draw you can paint' have mediocre taste in painting.
People who say "People who say 'if you can draw you can paint' have mediocre taste in painting" have mediocre taste in painting
His stuff is really nice! I could definitely move him up a tier.
Wow this thread is dogshit
>I can see all the brush strokes
>I can recognize the brushes
>It's very paintery
LOL I know your type
See >>7227308
I've never thought/said any of those. Anyway, there's a difference between 'coloring between the lines' or 'rendering a line drawing' and actual painting.
Be the change you want to be.
Let's discuss ancient art, for example how bestiality was a common subject in the golden age of art :^)
Discuss: Is drawing inherently a homosexual activity?
in my case probably
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Name some gay/lesbian DADs. Also is it gay for a male artist to draw futa porn?
hng..im going to ejaculate if i keep being put in tier lists....
why am I so low at the bottom :(
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I knew this was the year
>did not place dad couples next together
mission complete I'm coming back DAD
>im still stuck at silver
whats the secret anon
you're one of the good ones, anon
you have to be able to read your opponents soul and steal their flow
someone make a DAD one true pairings tierlist <3
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Low int bros... it's time to get serious. I believe in us all.
whats the point in doing this when theres LITERALLY 0 chance whatsoever to be or even replace the top 20??
the game is brutally rigged
Anon? One of top 10 dropped out like a couple of days ago. You're objectively wrong.
>he either doesn't know what "literally" means or how chances work
You're also objectively stupid.
You're not trying to beat their streak, you're trying to beat your own.
When I first joined DAD, a streak of 250 got you onto page 1. Now you need 450...
Turn on your monitor
example of dad couples?
The fucking dragon avatars?
me and ulala (yeah I like tranny gooners, so what)
>Tier lists = fast thread
got it.
>Tier lists = great thread
got it.
Me and (You)
I'd say yes to being in a dad couple if someone asked me...
Any dad throuples I should know about?
I am the proud solo member of a dad who?ple
How do you feel when a dad posts furry cocks
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Profile pic tierlist
I dont know peoples names but recognise some pics more than others
Don't you

forget about me
Strangely accurate, though I would put ReiN and Bearslime and Huhnchen and Dachoppa and Dataizm in Memorable
disgusted. it really is a shame how many furrys and faggots exist - and not just on dad, either. nsix posted some faggot shit the other day and didn't even spoiler it. glad he lost his streak.
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dont say that...........youre lying......
Agreed, furries should always mark their work as explicit so I don't have to see it.
sketch pfp = forgettable
got it
Nah I should be moved down to forgettable. no way im on average
My forgettable profile pic is doing it's job; I don't want to interact with any of you.
maybe being forgettable isnt a bad thing after all. i was pretty embarrassing when i first joined
I'm gonna comment on all the forgettable tier dads' posts every day (or as often as they submit) for the next year. whatcha gonna do about it, pussy?
>Zanz higher than Whizz
now that i've said this ive realized that ive gotten the easy way out of embarrassment quite a few times since so many of the communities ive been in have gotten shut down (paigeeworld, google+, discord servers, personal websites)
i think this is the best case scenario for me. i do a lot of things i would rather not have people remember. i think im not that concerned about the stuff i have on dad for the most part but i was a really weird kid
when dad exdus comes i will be almost completely untraceable
But if I can paint, then why would I want to draw? To give up the symphony of color, the dance of tones on canvas, the freedom of light for it is everywhere?
i think both mediums have their uses
Will you comment beyond a shallow compliment for the sake of commenting?
would that make you suck me off faster?
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>9+ years and that nigga's still mid int at best
There are dads who apparently work in "the industry" (ie. get paid a salary to draw for a living) and yet are still only mid-int
not the one in question
if you arent willing to work for your talent and passion then stop.
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Attention - The challenge for inventing a new art exercise is ending soon
What are your favorite art exercises, /DAD/?
I never do any.
Thanks, I’ll try do something before it closes
the best avatar is

>your own art
>your own art (with your persona)
>a random photo
>someone else's art
>a meme picture
What do you see when you close your eyes? I see a pawg bent over wearing a black thong
when I close my eyes it almost feels like nothing changed at all
can anyone post that full nuggy pic?
I unblur every post you make. I know what you draw in secret.
I use the unblur brush
>Thread is about to end in 1 day
Now people are too talkative.
Oh i just noticed the op used my nuggets
Truly the best thing i've painted so far
describe the sexiest article of clothing you own
school uniform. secondhand
My underwear
birthday suit
my best shirt and tie that I wear for weddings
foxy tail plug (in my ass)
Thats not real, you goofy ass bitchass nigga. Post unblurred art
>what is the sharpen filter
Most blur filters and effects are non-destructive, ie. they use an algorithm to calculate the blur and it’s easy to unblur it by reversing the algorithm. They’ve caught criminals who’ve posted their blurred face online by undoing the blur, this isn’t new technology. Everyone on DAD can see your blurred drawings so long as they have photoshop
that was the swirl effect
You can't enhance nothing unless you're Abby from CSI miami
is it possible to do this for mosaic censoring
Abby was from Navy CIS
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ok then unblur this
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What did anon mean by this
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we wuz loving /dad/ 'n' shiet
these guys haven't been on dad in ages, but coincidentally both of them did dad crit streams at some point, kazoo and 51ip are married or a couple I don't remember which
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curse my impeccable shape language... but I guess human imagination prevails over whatever doohickey they use to unblur things
>my impeccable shape language
Nice BIG ego you have there.
>search handle
>not skipped
good thread. can't wait to come back so you all drop 2 tiers.
Home stretch, come on, 6 more posts.
but it IS impeccable, anon. i don't know what to tell you. i'm just cool like that.
Furry Kingdom
Nah that's you
Non furry/scaly people especially straight ones should learn to respect the furries on DAD. It's our house. You are just guests.
you're gross.
I don't usually draw furries but guess ill draw a few because fuck the people who bitch and whine about furries on dad. More annoying than the furries
I would sacrifice you all for the ability to draw.
do I have to submit 15 pics over 15 days for the sinful summer challenge or can I post like 3 in one day and they all get counted?
dont sacrifice me.....
Smh people will do anything but draw to improve
>I'm gonna shit myself because people make fun of people who shit themselves

be my guest!
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you can submit the 15 whenever, anon, as long as they're within the timeframe
Cringe nodraw faggot. I bet you are the sole retard who always make the comments barking like an angry chihuahua.
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nah I just enjoy shitting on furries. I don't make mean DAD comments.
I hate the way that fujo types. Jesus.
I read the rules but didnt know if it works like how the main dad and seasonal ones work where it's 1 a day max
> blah blah blah I am sad, blah blah blah I wish I could kms.
Depressive white women on DAD should off themseves.
i need sex or im gonna die a virgin
which one
I hate vagueposters
give me some NAMES
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there's nothing respectable about being a porn addict who jerks his little willy to (more or less) anthropomorphic drawings of animals - and furries know this themselves.
bro you're probably a weeb shut the fuck up
i checked and there hasnt been a single blogpost even close to what >>7233392 is describing in the past 48 hours. how long have you been thinking about depressive white women?
Good one. There's no white people on DAD
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haven't watched an anime in years, but I'd take a normie weebfag over a furfag any day of the week.
Have you considered getting a dog?
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>white woman claims to be depressed
>there's nothing respectable about being a porn addict who jerks his little willy to (more or less) anthropomorphic drawings of animals - and furries know this themselves.
What about "furries" like me, that don't jerk off to this subject and just draw furry porn to prey on autistic furries that have too much money and weird fetishes?
The most respectable thing is to not care
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>is exploiting autistic people and enabling their distorted fetishes respectable?
>i care so much about what people cum to
This, I can't imagine being a 30 year old man who spends the majority of his free time drawing cartoon pornography
>so much
not exactly sure how to quantify that, but it's certainly not something I'm indifferent towards. if fewer people in society had beastiality (-adjacent) fetishes, we would be better off.
>f fewer people in society had beastiality (-adjacent) fetishes, we would be better off.
[citation needed]
I hated furries too until a cute one gave me attention. it is what it is
Have you considered I have a inferiority fetish and everytime you insult furrys you also make me whimper?
>admits they care so much about what people cum to
Holy shit what a faggot
Personally, my favorite is when they try to pull 'the most skilled artists on the site are furries' (like >>No.7227758) -- of course they are, they have to be, it's their only redeeming quality. Like ugly fat chicks have to have a 'good personality'; they have zero self-awareness.
People can draw what they want, but if you're the type of artist who draws a simple, clean, stylized character and then slaps a giant, realistic, veiny cock on them, you have absolutely no taste whatsoever, simple as
Markipliers brother is a furry
I like big butts and stinky farts. Hate anime.
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>admits to caring so much about how society as a whole can improve
you caught me
>[citation needed]
I'm sure you always make judgements about society only after looking at various studies. if you don't believe me, that's fine. we can agree to disagree.
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what about anime that has big butts ands stinky farts?
The boner is there but the mind is vacant. Anime girls have a serious case of chicken butt.
I'll be real, I have no clue what you mean by chicken butt in this context.
Guess what?
I wish an older DAD woman (female) would take pity on me and take my first time while affirming me that my drawings are good and maybe we could kiss and cuddle after
Seconding this
If I kidnap a girl to make her pose for me I think I could finally get good at Art.
I just want someone to validate my existence...even if they are bullying me..
Which /dad/ would you bring home to your parents?
Hi, I'm Jenna, 64yo. Give me your adress
probably Ellie. she actually seems fairly normal, which is what you want, not some fujo-obsessed chick.
Dayum, I made it to level 6 guys.
It's gotta be Chooby after seeing that selfie
Oh wait no I didn't. Thats level 5.
Congratulations, what will you do now that you're Level 5?
Im going to draw for 12 days straight until Im not level 5 anymore
lets goooooo
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bros, I don't think I'm gonna make it to level 26...
Genuinely why the fuck is getting to level 26 999999 submissions? What kind of retarded cap is that
It's literally impossible to get better get drawing. It's magic. It's simply magic. I wasn't born with the ability to cast spells. It is what it is.
>leaves perfectly good gains on the floor, allowing anyone to pick them up
don't mind if I do. *yoink*
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no thanks
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>doesnt want a dad with soul
Gave me a good laugh though
once I reach lvl 26 I will quit dad
Only mentally retarded adults still like pokemon
nta I like pokemon but I don't draw pokemon sucking themselves off
I hate the games. But I like cute furry art
>but I don't draw pokemon sucking themselves off
Dingle so I can convince my parents that cartoon porn is a viable venture to get started
I really like Vampires work. Whyd everyone put me in a higher tier than him?
The tier makers did him dirty. I got put higher with no style whats so ever
There's no need to selfpost, it's embarrassing
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>two people cant share the same opinion!
People can draw what they want, but if you're the type of artist who draws a simple, clean, stylized character and then slaps a giant, realistic, veiny cock on them, you have absolutely god-tier taste, simple as
Are you dissing my man Ray? you fucking whore! You will never ba able to draw like that.
are you comfortable with changing adult diapers
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I killed my PFP by changing it twice

Change your avatar name and resummit it.
Who will usher in the Shadow Thread?
>purposely lose 1000+ streak
>announce depature from DAD
>lock comments
Unironically retarded
Stating the obvious competition. I'll go first: all furries are retarded.
You don't need to delete that, come on man
I love DADs who keep drawing no matter what. It's based and also very cute and sexy
It's a week old blog.
>Hi, I'm Jenna, 64yo
Sounds fun!
I'm from Europe, can travel to visit you. Wanna take it to discord? I'm somewhat uncomfortable sharing my personal details here
>I'm sure you always make judgements about society only after looking at various studies.
And I'm sure you always make completely baseless claims based only on your personal feelings and what's convenient to you.

>if you don't believe me, that's fine. we can agree to disagree.
The only thing I can agree to is that you're a fag bullying others for no other reason than "i don't like them having fun like that". Intolerant people shouldn't be tolerated.
>no protection needed because of menopause
sounds based for a first time, ngl
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9 out of 10 DADs can't even create something better than this AI image
Dad community is very beginner friendly :^)
And I'd say that's still a pretty good score, given that 99 out 100 d/ic/s can't do it.
You talk like you can do it. Putting other down won't make your art better bucko.
Anyone can create the image with the same prom and Ai model.
It's pathetic to see how low one can go to nuture their fragile ego.
this is generic slop with no style beyond clean remdered anime. the average dad can create a more engaging piece
Seeing him consistently in a lower tier than myself makes it hard to gauge if the lists were serious
>the average dad can create a more engaging piece

Are we looking at the same site?
Keep it. It has a uniqueness to it

yeah. a lot of dads make good stuff
your dad makes good stuff for me if you catch my drift
choob you dirty dog
You're in luck if you're underaged.
Exactly, anyone can create art now. You are so close to getting it.
>And I'm sure you always make completely baseless claims based only on your personal feelings and what's convenient to you.
I've been reluctant to accept the truth due to its immediate inconvenience multiple times
>for no other reason than "i don't like them having fun like that"
presumably you think there are behaviors in society that are counter-productive and do not deserve respect: that's what I think about porn-addicted furfaggotry. this isn't some petty dispute about people simply "having fun" in a different way than me.
>Intolerant people shouldn't be tolerated
no one is wholly tolerant
>tableguy returns solely to complain about furries in the thread
holy based. I agree btw. Any other activity would be more productive than drawing animal people having sex, it's a 100% wasteful 'hobby'
tableguy has to be like 40 still on 4chan lol
So apparently people spend hours and sometimes days on making a drawing. Maybe I should try doing that
tableguy is not a person, but an idea. a goalpost, something to strive towards.
I saw improvements quite early when I started doing longer studies. I think a lot of beginner artists would be surprised at how much they know but simply don't allow themselves to utilize because the longest studies they do are at most a couple hours.
Obvious bait but I swear some ai bros say this unironically. Anyone already can make art just no one want to devote time to learn.
AI "artists" are the laughing stock of the art community
The "art community" is a laughing stock in general. Generic AI art gets a pass from normies, your bottomline is already being eroded.

Your whole trajectory is a meme.
Do the needful sir u bloody bhenchod
Furries suck farts out of dog buttholes
Furries can't be that bad. Like if you get a furry gf you 100% know she's into petplay which is hot.
Yea but furry chicks drill themselves loose with 12 inch horse dildos. You'll have to go elbows deep to get them off
I just want to be loved
It's very common for haters to be closeted about whatever they're complaining about. But on the other hand I've seen a lot of furries who are legit dog fuckers. Thank god i have autism and have no thresholds
Love is fleeting
>petplay which is hot.
you all deserve the woodchipper for blatant zoophilic adjacent fantasies.
>can't be that bad
they can, and are
You know what community doesn't appreciate aislop and supports artists?
yea it's furries
>Still seething about furries
This is like that underage behaviour where little billy screams about hating anime and furries and larps about being a based christian, when he has little twig arms and watches fortnite dance compilations on tiktok. Grow up nigger.
Straight into the Iconic tier
If anti furrys had state mandated fursonas they would be worms and mudfish
Poor attempt at deflection big nips, we all know you are jerking it to horse pussy. Be a man and remove yourself from the gene pool
I could fix you
Might be a joke post but for real you have no way of knowing how long people spend on stuff
I know people who post a "lunchtime sketch" and it's the best one of 4 or 5 drawings they did in the past few days
Or people who post "doodle" and it's a painting they've been working on for 2+ weeks
Don't trust people when they say how long it took or how easy it was, it's the thing now to downplay effort and pretend everything was done in a 30 minute lunchbreak with no refs or revisions
I'm a furry and the biggest hurdle in my life is state mandated education. Why do i need to go to school if all I want to do in life is be a wolf, roaming in a forest, hunting deer and fucking wolf pussy.
>forcing fetishes on others
This is why non-furries don’t like you.
>it's the thing now to downplay effort and pretend everything was done in a 30 minute lunchbreak with no refs or revisions
when has that ever not been the case? #notall, of course, but I'm not inclined to believe that roughly the same percentage of artists in any century before this one wasn't doing the same thing.
maybe, it's to an extreme now though
In conceptart org days though people would post their WIPs all the time and post updates as they were working on things
Now all of that is hidden and you just see the finished result without seeing the struggle
The worm fetish
>In conceptart org days though people would post their WIPs all the time and post updates as they were working on things
>Now all of that is hidden and you just see the finished result without seeing the struggle
just to be clear I'm not trying to be combative or upset at what you're saying, but people not showing their process is not the same as positively downplaying the labor of your process. still, perhaps you're right and it is more extreme. I think social media is powerful enough to exaggerate certain behaviors, but in general I would imagine a lot of people in the past were downplaying their effort, it's just that we don't have as much explicit evidence as we do now given social media.
>big nips
>remove yourself from the gene pool
If I communicated with people in a way that was this gay and annoying I would shoot myself. Just say "kill yourself" you little reddit faggot, or does special needs class monitor your keystrokes? Oh wait its summer. Hmm...
>If I communicated with people in a way that was this gay and annoying I would shoot myself
IMO you should just shoot yourself anyway
not him and not particularly a fan of his work or his fetishes either. he does have skill, though.
lolicon psyop against furry chads wake up sheeple
the sooner the pedos and the furries are gone, the better
tru kill both
loligods will rise from the ashes once again and the only thing furslobs can do is beg with their lives
Yass sisters, were getting that moralfag award
Bless all pedos and bless all furries. keep the dream alive fuck the haters
how do we get more loligods on DAD?

with furry sacrifices on the altar
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fuck off pedotroons
>posting actual art
we don't do that around here
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The eternal loli vs furry blood war for the soul of 4chan... On this quaint little board. Maybe the conditions are there, given some recent events. Someone should start the fire again, wink wink.
Go back to /lsg/, prayer. Refined men are speaking.
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I see no men here. Isn't this just an ERP thread?
even the women here are men, unfortunately (ulala, for example)
Oh, good. Women make me sick.

that's a prerequisite for a lolicon
someone draw furry loli as a peace treaty
To condemn both.
it would be folly
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Sticc lovers are just a few steps removed from shota, traps & twinks. At some point you stop caring as long as it looks like a girl. Most pedos I know are also gay like that.
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>pedo and/or furry has no concern for morality
new thread >>7235046
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Loli can be tame, wholesome, and normal (because it is). Furshit meanwhile has always been glued to sexual degenerates and nothing else. It's a veritable abyss with no redeeming features at all.
The cope is real LOL. You lost your mask loli-shitter. What's wholesome about rupturing a 5 years old vagina?
You talk like you don't have a 10gb of CP on your computer.
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Holy projection. You should join our side. Upheave what was lost in this godforsaken community into a new dawn. A new order over these furshiters.
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Safe-for-work drawings of children don't elicit negative feelings from normal audiences. But I assure you everyone knows what's up with anthros and sparkledogs, it's a shitstain that you can never wipe away.
>Loli can be tame, wholesome, and normal (because it is)
haha lol
i love feminine men
Please sirs, beat your meat to a picture a big buff machoke with a 30 cm penis with get you jailed. Gooning to a picture of a pure, cute 5 year old will surely end your life. It's a mark on the profile that you can't erease
> will not get you jailed
I don't have my glasses on
>Most pedos I know
do you have any sense of shame
genuine question
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Yes. I'm not a furry. Also they're not really my friends, kind of annoying, actually.
Holy shit who is this faggot avatarfagging? Gr2
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Weird that a thread linked to an off-site community with names and an actual discord would be so sanctimonious about avatarfagging. Isn't it strange...
>Isn't it strange...
considering this is 4channel dot org, which generally looks down on avatarfags, no
Come now, how is talking about your gender or inspecting your dad's anus even remotely relevant in the next thread? But no, you're attacking someone posting reaction images.
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4channel niggas don't even smoke crack... They're just mad 'cuz bad.
please inspect my anus.....i love anal sex with other men

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What's there to talk about drawing? I just get a lot of fluoride stares because nobody can understand what I'm saying. And a lot of ingrates, retards mad for no reason... They don't deserve anything.
are you even on DAD?
You should join DAD.
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No, I'm not a shitposting terror machine, I'm actually very sensitive.
You made me want to puke LOL Are lolishitters this cringe? :)))))))))))) Jajajajajajajjajajajjaja
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That's a shame. I'm trying to rebuild the glory of lolicon to /dad/ and you'd be a great addition to my grand plan in getting back at these infid--upstanding users.
You must start the fire, not me.

very well
>/lsg/ tourist
KYS kid dideler.
This is the true nature of a typical dad user >>7235271 They're vile and uncouth to the core.

Which is why you must grow. Grow your art ability and take them out with no mercy.
No need to respect pedos. You will get jailed and castrated in a few years for raping kids! For me you're not nothing but a pile of dog shit on the street.

Imagining me as dog shit doesn't make you any closer to being a real dog, furslob.
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Yes, Edmond Dantes, reclaim your honor and your past, and set right all the wrongs they've done unto you.
>everyone who disagree with me is a furry
Hahahahaha The limitation of your brain is showing. Studies proved that pedos have lower IQ than normal people!!!
Guess who shat the /lsg/ thread bucko!!
>Guess who shat the /lsg/ thread bucko

Oh, you're still seething and you ran over here.
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Hello, Shadow Thread. I've a pill to give you: The Golden Age of /DAD/, 2018, is long past. Why? Simply because of a lack of comment feature on the site. That meant every post in the thread counted, crits were aplenty, and optimism for the future was high.

Now? We have degenerates and midwits constantly arguing, tier lists the only thing people look forward to, and a extra website for crits that no one uses.

Therefore, I demand the banana excise the comment feature from the website. I don't care about non-/ic/ users who don't know about the thread; they're non-factors and not to be catered to. /DAD/ was borne by /ic/ and should serve /ic/. I think we've suffered the sorry state of the threads long enough -- who is with me?
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I'm unsure whether I agree, but I have been thinking to myself "were the threads always this bad or did I just mature?" it's definitely the former.
No one else is brave enough so I'll say it. It would be easier to roll a boulder up a hill than learn Art.
Art doesn't get easier, you just get better at it.

How quickly you people forget history. Banana implemented comments on his site last minute because God's retribution rained on his ass. He panicked and made a hot fix overnight.

Also, I hated that guy Peniston. He'd never give me my fortune. I'm certain he intentionally skipped me.
I'm sorry maybe that was forums feature. Either way, comments I don't think prevented thread activity because the admins can see you're not anonymous.
I'm talking about the /DAD/ threads on /ic/, not the DAD site forums. Skim through the 2018 threads in the archive. There's a clear difference in quality between threads this now and then.

No, you need to skim a little more and take off the rose tinted glasses. I was there for LAS and DED. I remember >>7235401 this faggot like it was just yesterday. Is the off-topic even worse than it was in 2018? Yeah. But were Dad threads free from intentional shitposting? No and it can't be because that's how it always was.
>rose tinted glasses
I read 10+ of the 2018 threads and the impression was significantly more positive. I found more friendly banter than 'shitposting' compared to what goes on in this thread. Case in point, there was no meta-commentary like >>7228279 and

Now wait just a minute...what exactly is wrong with >>7228282 my post versus >>7233398

This is exactly what I said in /lsg/ >>7233281 I really don't understand. Besides the point, I lived through 2018 threads and was an active poster in those threads. More than half the general memes came from me.
The coom/furry posts are stale. I'll admit I posted bait myself all year (none of which were coom/furry) just because nothing was going on in the thread. The threads just seem sad compared to back then, just look at the first 10 posts of this one.
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I know what you're looking for. It can no longer be found on this earth.
You're right. I'm also right: >>7228919.
>and a extra website for crits that no one uses
>that no one uses
Objectively wrong.
It's not used often, but it is used.
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This board is dying. No, everything is dying. But you've had your fill of good memories, yeah? Then that's good enough.
A worm posted this

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