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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous >>7238587
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The inquisitor made a friend :D
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Uh, what could be the meaning of this.
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I made some changes on the lineart color, how's this?
Is there a "rest of the story" of this? Who's the inquisitor?
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Make the nipples bigger. What are you, gay?
are you supposed to use gesture and form while drawing? whenever I watching videos of people drawing it seems like they only use form
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how could i improve this drawing? First time really trying to do this pose
The drawing is finished, I'm unable to
Suckable toes
Senior inquisitor Mathyas Horvath was the sole survivor of a super soldier program initiated by the Galactic Rim Coalition circa 1975 AD.
Wanting only the best of the best, and being high on the whole "socially darwinistic warrior culture rizz", the selected training methodology reached such levels of cruelty and brutality that the whole program ended up having a 99.99% casualty rate among the recruits.
Seeing that someone did indeed survive the whole ordeal, the program was cancelled as a failure for being too lenient and relaxed, and a new one with a 100% casualty rate as a target was started.

Unfortunately this last program created turned Altar boy Bernd Kopinski into Eldridge of the never ending Dusk after (not) surviving it, and now where the Rim Coalition stood on the firmament lies a blot of pure blackness, Inquisitor looking for some mcguffin to stop the fucker here.

Kind of a shit plot really.
I can’t draw today not after the news that democracy is dead.
Then fuck off you nodraw crab
Great job anon, the bluish purples of the shadows is nice. The shadow shape on the right breast is good, reads round, the left one could be better, the break angle makes it look a little square.
Thank you
Bros, does anyone else have their your personal art website? Please share.

Feels good to own your place, that's the way real men do it. I would post mine but I posted it near last thread's end so ppl would accuse me of shilling.
I don‘t really know what to do after managing to relatively consistently draw a decent constructed body
Do I go heavy into grinding anatomy? Start just copying loads of pics so that one day I‘ll be able to draw faces which don‘t horrify?
Kinda feels like I can now draw the proverbial teo circles but no idea how to draw the owl as it were
Love the colors on the wing and spaded tail and the shading on the hair, but somehow the skin looks off to me in comparison. Like it doesn't compliment it as well as it could. I can't really put a finger on it, maybe it's just because of the gradient on the arms and legs that's missing on the face and chest.

Very nice drawing regardless.
I have some web space and was thinking of putting up a personal art site, but meh, I suck at art so I just don't think anyone would really be interested so I probably won't.
Im doing this thing where whenever I see an interesting image I pick it and then try to deconstruct it. First image is the reference, second image is my first attempt at copying it, third is the trace with the deconstruction of the parts and fourth is the seventh or eight iteration of me trying to copy the trace, im having a lot of problems doing the transition between the hips and the legs, im trying over and over and im not getting it to look... dynamic? Natural? The fourth drawing is my best attempt so far.
>Do I go heavy into grinding anatomy?
You don't really need to know anatomy the way these books make it out to be. You can get by with pretty basic knowledge of stuff that just makes bumps on the surface.
>Draw stuff you don't want draw
>Never ever draw from imagination
>Do not have a fun. you draw anyways but it's not for fun sake but instinct
There are 2 things I don't like 1. the shade and 2. the line quality

For 1. the shade makes it look flat and just using an airbrush is very limiting, but the lower abdomen reads roundish I like it

2. the lineart is too strong and doesn't feel organic way too dark, the line weight doesn't make sense some of the lightest parts have the same thickness as the shadow parts..

Nice pose, the hands must have been a challenge, keep going!
what studies are you doing
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>try to draw for fun
>it looks horrible and desire to draw any further deteriorates
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bros i want to get better but perspective is kicking my ass
Bro's i'm about to impulsively buy blocks 1-4 on this program https://evolveartist.com/.

I honestly cant find any reason not to besides the large up front cost (2500$). I understand that's a big reason not to but i require a program that provides timely feedback on work submitted.

I have just been banging my head against a wall with graphite and inks studying fundi's. I ultimately want to create beautiful oil paintings that people want to hang on their wall just as my Grandmother used to.

Anyone know of an alternative that fills the requirement of feedback being provided at minimum?
Any smallish discord server
Or just spend the 2k on a real irl tutor
post your work.
it would be cheaper to hire a personal mentor irl
A fool parts with his money
is everything done online?

are you sure there are no ateliers or art schools nearby? even on my desert tropical island there is an atelier workspace.

If I'm going to pay that much I expect it to be in person, get immediate feedback and it helps that we both see the subject in exactly the same way, not an essay email that becomes another chore.
If you send me the money I‘ll happily critique your work.
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I have never really done a finished piece. I feel stuck in tutorial hell and need some direction.

have been looking.
I have said this to myself while debating to be honest. Really it just comes down to consistent feedback. Ive only taken it "seriously" for a few months and yeah, I just want to have someone I can trust knows their shit provide feedback.
First ask yourself "what do I want to draw?"
Anime bitches? Backgrounds? Manga/comics? Animations?
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I'm really enjoying pikmin
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wow bros if you give them your money you can paint like this with only an hour a day for less than a year!!! im definitely going to give them my money!!!
Oil paintings of knights, drapery, candles and dimly lit rooms. very subtle darker images.

I agree the little time tracker is silly but I have been doing some research and have found some non sponsored content of some decent progress people have made.
You don't need to pay that much to achieve progress like that.
You are being scammed. Try to join an atelier.
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Don't do it bro. This looks like it will be completely online with not very much feedback. For this price I want constant feedback when I want it and a lot of one on one time. I'd rather just find a private tutor for that kind of money.

Speaking of which, anyone know anyone that does something like that for a monthly fee?
Doesn't NMA offer actual online mentorship?
how do you construct womens butts and tiddies

appreciate it brothers, I wont join it and will look for something in person locally.
If anyone has resources on a great way to find someone let me know... Google is not productive. I am in the Sacramento California area
even if its less productive than you had hoped for, its only 2500
if it interests you, buy it
and know that, the people telling you not to are probably permabegs. wonder why? oh right, any course that is more than 50$ is a scam.
>I am in the Sacramento California area
Motherfucker you live in the capital of one of the most developed (for better or worse) states.
You really can't find a live figure workshop or atelier?
>its only 2500
>Only 2500
use a mid canvas a3 300dpi (3508 x 4961 px) or 600dpi, draw big even if you think its already big draw bigger use the whole canvas, use your favorite meme brush, focus on line weight and the AmbieNt OCclusiOn, export it at 1200 px height (keep the aspect ratio), and maybe you will like the results.
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trying to change the subject a little

There is no miracle course that will make you a better artist in a short time, $2500 seems like a very high amount but if your income is so high that the cost is irrelevant, go for it for the feedback.
Otherwise, I wouldn't go for expensive courses as there are cheaper options and all the material is already available on the internet.

trace hd manga pages

copy hentai artists until you can eyeball it
If this is neco senpai making a “how to draw even if you’re retarded” guide, then I’m unironically hyped for this. Those draftsmanship exercises can also be found in the first bit of dynamic sketching/drawabox.
Nearest is 2 hours away, not reasonable with a full time job.

Everything else I see online is beginner shit or general classes. I'll ask in local forums.

thanks again guys.
I love your work.
They do, but they’re switching to a new model where you have to pay for feedback every time you want it now. Also their feedback is slow as fuck and their coaching/mentoring is pretty expensive and still isn’t “on demand.” They’re also about to get a lot more expensive because they’re trying to get official accreditation.
so no real construction for it, just do your best freehand?
Gesture for composition, form for construction

Think of the hip-thigh area as a big pair of underpants, boxer briefs make good reference. Add a little lump between waist and butt where the top of the pelvis is

Master studies help with drawing from imagination, as do contour studies skipping the construction step

Try building a character out of cubes. This whistle technique upped my head game:

I'm really enjoying your drawing of a pikmin

OOHH SHIT MAN! She's so freaking hot! Look at those lines go! Damn! She's fine all over!
The kitty is cute too. xD
Whats your fucking problem.
where do you find good teacher to help you get from /beg/ to /int/ irl?
and how much does it cost?
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I've done about a third of the program. It's well designed and it'll teach you how to observe accurately. It doesn't teach everything. Gesture is never touched on for instance and that's okay. The goal is to get you to be able to competently paint from life or photographs by the end of the 4th block. Don't impulse buy the program if your not going to follow through with it. Some paintings, especially if you did what I did and chose a stupidly complicated object, will take upwards to 10-16 hours. It gets tedious when you do color block because they really want you to make sure the color you choose is exactly what it's supposed to be.

It teaches painting pretty well by breaking it down so retards can understand. Starting from using a brush correctly and filling up rectangles and making sure you know how to soften edges. Pic related are some observational paintings I did during the 2nd block. Just to stress the point, it's not a magic pill that covers every aspect of drawing. What it does teach about painting is as simple of an approach as it gets.

The entire course is basically this marco bucci video but on steroids. I'll be covering some of the same approaches in the guide I'm about to make but just apply it to drawing first then painting. So if you don't buy the curriculum, please, PLEASE, follow the principles in this video and see where it applies to other artist work. I can't recommend this video enough.

you do get feedback every painting based on the criteria given to you. If you're confused about something or you feel lost, you can book a 1-on-1 with the instructors. I only felt the need to do it once because my edges weren't as soft as I wanted them to be. I'd prefer a direct mentorship too, but I'm not interested in traveling.

yeah, I figured I should just make one so I don't need to repeat myself so often unless it's for specific criticism of a piece.
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you can use an oval shape for the ribcage and pelvis(picrel) but for boobs and ass the best way I found is to freehand it in the best way you can, and try to keep in mind that mainly the boobs are affected by gravity so imagine they are like balloons full of water
>you can book a 1-on-1 with the instructors
How much extra does that cost?
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goddammit you're right, at least I remembered to add them in the previous session
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More sketches
It's also going to be a very, very long picture at this rate. I'm going to need to section this off into separate files.

It doesn't cost anything. You just book it and make an appointment. They'll try to troubleshoot exactly what the problem is and see how they can help you. When I did it, it was for my edge transitions which were soft but I found myself very frustrated getting them there. Found out I was putting too little paint on my brush when I was trying to blend. Sometimes you'll have the knowledge needed but you need to find the balance between too much and too little. they do demo every week from what I recall, sometimes covering the same subject. getting soft edges with oils was one of my biggest obstacles while I painting. You need enough paint but you're also practically feathering/hovering over the canvas.
thanks for the reply, I understand that it wont be a magic pill and a lot of it is tedious and fundamental based. Also understand the time it takes.

I was curious where the program could take you after the fact. There is little information and especially recent (2024) information or discussion on what life after this program looks like. All of the stuff online is either a sponsored video or people have prior experience (I assume you have prior experience.)

Do you feel that the knowledge from this course could solidify your understanding of the fundamentals in other media?
Is the program primarily focused on painting? How much of it is dedicated to learning how to draw?
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i think im finished with this one. if you guys have any critiques or small nitpicks, please let me know.

way overboard with sun and blood imo
Will you post the guide here when it's done? Anywhere else?

How long in total is the program you're taking?
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The program is there only to build the skills necessary to make a high level picture.
By other media, do you mean other mediums like gouache or charcoal drawing? If so then yes, the concepts will remain the same for any medium so long as the purpose is to make a picture. I'm also pretty sure most of the people in the program are hobbyist. The goal of the program is to take a complete beginner whose never touched a brush to be able to reproduce the pumpkin at the end of block 1 within 20 paintings. It does that very well, but you won't learn character design, story paneling, or subject specific stuff like that. In the first 4 blocks, it is entirely hyper focused on getting you accurately observing and painting. The only recommendation I can make would be, either during or after the curriculum, to balance what you're doing with another course or independent learning or your own.

It has a very tight focus on painting in the first block, they start you off with transfers so that you only have to worry about the painting portion of things. The second block is where the proportion drawing occurs. It's a very sterile block-in where you'll be making measurements, making a bounding box for the subjects based on your first measurement. they do not impose any style on you, and try to get just the raw facts. pic related is how it goes. The primary goal is accuracy because that's the only objective criteria in which you can say it is right or wrong.

The evolve program takes as long and as fast at whatever the pace is in which you complete paintings. I think you end up doing about 60 to 70 paintings by the time you're done block 4. Some whack job did block 1-8 in 2 months I think it was. Shit was a full-time job for the dude.

>Will you post the guide here
Yeah I will post the guide here and only here I think. Don't have any real incentive to post it elsewhere.
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Hello beg, today i struggled (to draw)

usually with such scene the flare / halo effect only goes one way (the others are blocked) so in your case the down half of it is blocked by his body. the way you drew it suggests his neck is exploding, not that the sun is behind him
the power of doodles. love it
every other online art school offers what you seek. proko is in one of them. vilppu too. usually you need to shell a couple hundred of dollars to unlock tiers where you can send in homework for crit. but you wont know if you are getting crit from unpaid pajeet or the God of form himself Vilppu. also i do not think anyone has power to kick you into INT, at best they can show you the direction (so expect something like: just draw)
i kneel
the word you are looking for is called gesture. thats what gives it life
less thinking, more drawing. literally draw the rest of the owl. also you forgot to PYW
check this out. long lines of text on widescreen monitors are unreadable
and no, you must shill it 24/7. i suggest putting the URL into your pictures like a watermark
it is unique and somewhat charming, but the turbo inconsistencies in outlines are killing it. make up your mind how it will work
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took far too long but I'm surprised by the outcome honestly
>they do not impose any style on you, and try to get just the raw facts. pic related is how it goes
Do they have you drawing anything actually interesting or how is the subject picked for drawing?
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latest work
btw where do you bros get inspirations for poses? i always run out of ideas
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Block 1 is entirely done from photographs provided to you, then block 2 is entirely self selected subjects done from life. Block 3 alternates between photo and life every other painting. They start you simple and then get very complex. Left is from photograph in block 1 and right is from block 2. The owl took me 16 hours of painting. I don't remember how long it took me to do the block-in for it. The interesting stuff is definitely in the 4th block. It's where you'll have the 20-30 hour paintings.
if you're trying to draw a person, is it best to use a real person as reference or can you use cartoons/anime as reference if you're trying to draw something in a particular style
if you're drawing someone elses style who is probably way better than you you'll probably get discouraged because it won't look as good. thats because they have been an artist longer than you and knows what stylistic choices to make from foundational knowledge meanwhile you are mindlessly copying and most likely aren't learning anything. but if it's just for fun then go for it.
Seems like people respect you here. The tone changed from skepticism to intrigue from when I initially asked about the program.

thanks for providing additional information.
Actually I've used other peoples art as reference before and I've been accused of tracing shit I didn't actually trace.

The problem I've run into with using real people as reference is that it isn't really the style of drawing I'm interested in doing (and it sometimes look like shit depending on the drawing)
For me I think of a scenario and then imagine what they would do in that situation
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I always find it funny when beginners try to learn anatomy with smooth skinned female refs that barely have any land mark on 'em.
you forgot your meme arrow
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The real person has more information and informs how the cartoonist/artist came to their own decisions. I'd suggest just taking the anime/cartoon as reference and relying on knowledge of the human head from previous study to better understand the anime/cartoon. Also training observation to see accurately will help you draw those heads better


Try starting to copy some simple shapes using the techniques in these videos. Try copying some 2d shapes like rectangles or an assortment of shapes. Make sure to start with easier subjects than complicated ones. Get familiar with looking at the subject while drawing. Doing these as warm up will help when you use anime/cartoon heads to study.

I will acknowledge that not everyone in the program does well, there's always going to be people that are mediocre or just aren't patient. pic related top left corner either sped through their painting or just haven't been taking the feedback quite to heart, but there's also a lot from the student dashboard where you can view people's assignments that are really solid work from observation. Take the dog in pic related, it's actually pretty good, make some adjustments to the background so that the dog sticks out more. make so the background has less contrast and it be a much better painting. I really do think they just wanted to get the painting done and over with because the dog is well done.

Even looking at bottom right up close I thought to myself was a bit of a quicker painting, but zoomed out is much more appealing. The teddy bear is from block 7 I think. the lion is one you can choose to do in block 4. not sure about the watermelon or wine bottle.

I try to help here however I can. 2500 was and still is a steep price to pay, best of luck regarding your decision.
Yup, but seriously. @ >>7239964 there are better refs aka aesthetic muscular men, women you can draw.
Start with drawings made by professionals, it's easier since there are no lines in real life. When you have already learned how to simplify anatomy in lines then you can move on to photos of real people
Been wanting to learn to draw for a while but due to being a little lazy as well as other shit in my life I hadn't gotten around to starting yet (Have had a few times where I tried Loomis but it didn't really do me much good beyond the starter stuff).

My only hitch is that whenever I see artists talking about learning or any guides or free courses out there they always mention how import drawing from your mind is... only thing is I have that Aphantasia condition, and it's like the top level one where you can't see shit. I am a creative person but I fear not being able to visualise the way these courses say I should will hinder me from the get go. Would love to make my own comic but i feel like i would never make it.

Any artists with Aphantasia have any advice/insights?
so even if I wanted to draw. for example, an anime character in an anime style I should still use a real person as reference?
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Wip of best boy
Bobby Chiu said he cured his after many years
Glen Keane, the Disney animator had it. You can still make art with aphantasia. Most artists don't even work from imagination. From your post you sound like you just want an excuse. You haven't even started yet and you're already making excuses.
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Yes. Moreso just to compare to the style to observe what's been omitted or played up. Wrinkles and texture are almost never present in anime except from old people. Also make sure that the reference you do choose isn't complicated. Something like pic related with clear shadow and light shapes will do. More importantly make sure to define a process so you have a better idea of how to move through a drawing. You might have to look around.
I've gotten a lot of conflicting answers on that question, it's hard to tell what the best thing to do here would be. I've been told it's perfectly fine to use anime art/screenshots as reference and other people have told me I should use a real person
just experiment and see what works best
mariel theres only an hour left here why didnt you say so hours ago
LMAO! Thanks for the story man! It was cool.
Im not trying to say that my only problem is the aphantasia thing, i was more just concerned given how long it's taken me to want to start this and devote time to it that it would be a waste if I didn't have this "Fundamental" quality about myself. Hadn't heard of this Bobby chiu guy, will watch the video now
I was playing videogames.
I'm saying use both. If I had to forego one, then I'd just choose whichever reference is closer to the style I want to achieve. Otherwise the real is there to display what an artist omitted from life. Like bottom eyelids for instances is typically omitted. There is no best thing, there's just taking as much as you need to get the result you want. If having only anime references does the trick then don't bother with the real head, but if there's information that you come across and are in need of something real, then you can go and search it out later.

Just use both.
fair, nice drawing
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Thought this was kind of a funny idea and I’ve been just doing studies lately, so fuck it.
>yeah, I figured I should just make one
You might try doing Dynamic Sketching. It’ll help with creating a focal point using textures/details so you can just imply the rest. It’s cool to see you branching out.
Great job, anon
Whatever else can be said, you have some beautifully clean line work here.
That looks cool as fuck
Thanks, you too
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I made this comment >>7240814
Here are some anons from begs who literally draw 1 thing till the made it.
Skim through some artists gallery and see for yourself. You can make it by perfecting the art of drawing 1 thing + decent rendering.
Something not mentioned here is they supply you with all of the materials to complete all of the paintings. They have a pretty transparent video explaining its about 1,000$ in supplies.
lol yeah I meant to quote the anon below you >>7240815 and didn't notice till after I already posted. thanks though
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changed up the style. does this read/look better?
So, I have copies of Loomis' books. Do I just read them and follow along the lets draw parts?
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testing legs

I used a couple of references to explore color choices and movements on the color wheel. Then, I tried to use all the colors on the wheel, jumping from one part to another. I usually use analogous or complementary colors. An important thing to note is the values, some colors vary in value, so it's just a matter of trying and moving things around.

I find working with colors close to grays easier to work with. Using the theory about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwLQ0cDb4cE
>its only 2500
such bait. cant believe u made me reply
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another version
this is way better than what you posted earlier.
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Is it possible for a 35yo beglet to catch up to Enrico Marini?
Yes, of course. But with that mindset at that age, it is very unlikely.
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Simple coloring would do better.
If you want to do a reverse of that one Superman drawing i would recomend you to use red sky and the sun as a single circle.

Maybe you could even do this way on which halos were previously drawn, with it being a symbol of divinity/illumination that could play with how Homelander views himself.
this is the only one that looks good

i'd get rid of the lens flare though. Lens flare are my pet peeve, my eyes aren't made of glass so why have it?
Thread died so.
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something like this maybe?
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Much better. Your lineart is very readable but wit the bloodsplatters being almost as dark it makes it hard to discern.
Either way i thing your drawing can stand for itself without the need for such visual effects.
This one iteration in particular is very nice due to how well the darkness blends but readability is still an issue.
>only thing is I have that Aphantasia condition, and it's like the top level one where you can't see shit.
I don't think that's as bigger deal as made out to be. Or rather, artists who can visualize perfectly just have a huge head start over others. But it's not a race. That's why we have things like the Loomis method, so you don't have to visualise, just draw. Someone who can visualise perfectly does not need a guide.

Having said that, you can improve it through meditation. Try relaxing, slowing your breathing, and just thinking about one thing you want to draw. Think of the broad shapes, identify ones that will fit. Name them. Then think of the details. What do they look like? What smaller shapes? Do they repeat. Then think how this would fit on the page. Think of the steps you need to do to put this down. Try it just 5 mins a day. Pic a subject. Then after meditating, try drawing it.
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It's not an easy to ready image. The idea is good though and so is the drawing, but in your first pic the background and Homelander are flat together. It would work better if you separated them with different values -- bright sunny background and dark shadowy foreground. I think that would look better and also fit better thematically. The other problem is that in the first pic, the sun takes too much attention from the image. That's the focal point unfortunately, not Homelander. So by using contrast you could easily make Homelander the real focus. Here's how I would make minor changes to your drawing. I might look at the black and red versions, but I need time to think about how to improve those.
This is the best one, goes hard, you will find yourself squinting and then the head pops up because it is close enough, its a little bit easier to read in grayscale so changing some hues may help. All other versions are boring.
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And so here with the harsh, graphic one with dark shadows it's still really hard to read because of the values. Even though it's a dark image, Homelander IS being hit with lights and parts of his form need to pop out from the shadows otherwise the image will look flat. I like the concept of him being coated in blood, but taking a blood effect brush over the image also works against it. It looks more like a bloody photo rather than it actually hitting him. So if you really wanted blood I would find a way to properly add it without effect brushes and possibly use the blood to lead the viewers eye to Homerlander's face.
While doing this I did like the trails from his eyes almost forming devil horns. You could lean into that imagery in a way too.
Either way you got good stuff and clearly have ideas so don't think I'm coming and talking down to you. Just some suggestions.
Need help getting better at construction, it’s honestly what I suck most at and seem to have the hardest time with. First 3 pics are all things I did from life, the 4th is my attempt at constructing a figure from memory. Obviously the first 3 look much better imo even if they aren’t perfect. With the fourth It seems so impossible to draw without something to look at, I can tell what’s wrong but don’t know how to fix it. I’ve tried looking at videos of people constructing figures, and I even went and spent some hours drawing loomis skeletons but the fundamental process still escapes me. I’ve tried tracing and trying to reduce models to just base shapes in some attempt to get the shapes and how they fit to stick in my head, but I still feel like I’m missing some fundamental understanding of the process. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated
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Working on something. Really fucked it beyond repair but I must persevere.

A very talented artist gave me this redraw and I really like it and want you guys to look at it
Pains me to see my idea effortlessly redrawn with way better results but I will try to learn from it.

I hate trying to do clean lines so fucking much. Are her face's proportions too fucked?
Thanks in advance if anyone feels like helping me.
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Practiced drawing hands

I feel like the palm is too long compared to the fingers, but almost every guide I've seen has the fingers start a little bit above the halfway point, and I'm starting just a bit above it too yet it looks off to me
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Where can I find folds reference where the tension point is in the center? most tutorials I've found the tension points mostly on the sides
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I have a complicated feeling about being very happy with myself because it "overall" looks good, but the moment one scrutinizes the extremeties, glaring errors start to appear. The arm looks like shit, the open hand looks like shit(she is supposed to be waving at the viewer), the legs look.... weird, Im still not sure how to properly convey the form of the knee, the feet look like shit. Despite all of that im still happy how it turned out, Im finally starting to make the hip to legs connection look.. natural? I think.
how do you quickly paint foilage, trees grass etc. Is it just brushes, I'm not looking for crazy quality just sometimes coom shit does need a simple background but fully rendering a park is a huge undertaking.

Also should I just trace trees and other references for backgrounds, again in the interest of speed. I'm not saying this stuff doesn't require its own study but it's not the focal point.
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embarrassing coomer copying
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nah bro its all good. i love harsh critique like this, helps me improve. but yeah i get what you mean about the blood making the image unreadable, so i removed that. i think this piece is the closest to 'perfection' per say, or just my original vision.

i also love the image with homelander with the sun in the back like and the front of his body is shaded. absolutely gorgeous.

if you have any cirts with this one, let me know please
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about to start nicolaides, anything i should know?
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I finished Keys to Drawing and everything I draw looks as scratchy and messy as the examples in that book, how do I stop that?
Draw big and draw with your whole arm/shoulder. Don’t let your canvas lay flat on a table. Prop it up.
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finally came up with a consistent method of constructing faces i think
with that out of the way i can start worrying about rendering beautifully
pencil + hand towel, broom + towel

Steve Huston is what you are looking.
is there any downside in using 3d models from e.g. posemy.art as reference everytime you draw a character?
Don't know what kind of comic format i want to use, I like that one with the big ass panels all stacked vertically.
Anyway, please rate this in a scale from 0 to 10 on the following criteria.
Bless you man, i need to work on the finer details of the setting, also anatomy, big time.
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what do you fellas think?
just push the gesture, 3d models are a pain to properly rig, so most of the time the poses feels stiff and weightless but if you know your stuff it won't be a problem.
Alien head shape
You're right, I see it.
Is it that bad that I have to redo it though?
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oops uploaded the oversized one
Wasting your time. You got memed.
Bro wtf this is awesome. Show your process/construction.
Here's the advice I've been given and why it won't work.
>Just draw
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy
>Set alarms
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy and I won't follow through
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy. I can't get through reading two paragraphs, and not actually doing any of it. All of it looks incomprehensible to me and I can't figure it out.
>Lock your phone or delete certain apps.
Block YouTube?
Then I'll scroll on Twitter
Block Twitter?
Then I'll go on discord
Block discord?
Then I'll just sit and stare at a wall doing nothing.
There's nothing that will make me more motivated to actually draw and be productive.
>Do line exercises
This won't help when I have no idea what to draw.
>Grind Fundamentals
This won't help when I have no idea what to draw.
>Find a character you really like
Don't have one and haven't had a hyperfixation in years.
>Study the IC document
Incomprehensible to me and I stopped at the first drawing exercise
>Get a therapist
They're not doing anything.
>Switch meds
Switched to Vyvanse and focalin and I feel worse, now I lowered my dosage of focalin and I still can't do anything despite feeling better.
>Go somewhere else
I have nowhere to go
>Show your process/construction.
i have no idea how to show that. these are just studies so i don't really record videos or something
i make like one a day and i probably will for the next 20-30 days
its good but why does it look like you cheated by tracing or something
how long did it take you to draw it?
When training circles do you guys do a single line or multiple on top of eachother until it gets "round" enough? I'm currently doing a mix of both but maybe one is superior to the other?
Hair looks like shaving cream and is much fuller than in the ref
>its good but why does it look like you cheated by tracing or something
i mean things are still misaligned like the eyes should probably be more together

>how long did it take you to draw it?
i have no idea 1-3h probably
I do no more than 2 passes, don't want to overwork it
Oooh I haven't thought about that! I'll give it a try.
can you describe your process briefly
>digital, sketch, high quality, artstation
What do you guys think about https://drawabox.com? I've read people mentioning it last thread I think but haven't looked it up until now, looks pretty in-depth and well organized.
- first put down the silhouettes where everything should be with line work. I noticed that starting with eyes mouth and nose makes it a lot easier to get the rest of the head to fit correctly.
- shade in the flat darker shade to get a 3d feel for it
- i added the skin tone flat color then with just multiply on the whole face (probably should have done this before shading)
- add some subtle highlights with a soft brush
then it's just refining from there with a combination of hard and soft brush
pic related is from a video i got on gumroad
you're better off drawing some cocks then torturing yourself with that nonsense
That's really not helpful, what am I supposed to take from your reply? That their methods are ineffective? Why? How come? Any examples?
Lessons 1 & 2 are very good, especially if you don't know anything about perspective.
Later on, the author goes progressively more over his own head.
That being said, drawabox is just repackaged and slightly more noob friendly Dynamic Bible by Peter Han
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i dont see any blatant mistakes nice
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Still haven't done as much as I wanted, just still not feeling great mainly due to heatwave.

Anyway trying this torso construction method out, and cuz I didn't feel too great this is all I did today. I used to construct the hips with a cube but I found that to be far too annoying, so I started to use a more rounded shape for the pelvis and it's a hell of a lot easier to do compared to the cube.

But are there ways I could improve this method? It does suit me a hell of a lot better so I would like to ideally stick with it.
Yeah, this is harder than working with a square layout, kinda difficult to export a image with a non cursed resolution, don't know which comic general should i be using to ask this kind of stuff, tis more of a zine comix than a webtoon/manga.
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Thanks for the replies anons, I think I've improved it
Those eyes are way too big.
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>meet tiktok level pretty girl
>she asks my hobbies
>"I draw porn"
>smile fades and says "ok"
I've replayed this interaction in my head non stop, it has caused me mental anguish for the past 3 months
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WIP art of my obscure childhood waifu. I want to make monochrome and colored versions. Going to post the pose I used as reference in the reply.
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You could've just omitted the porn part and told her you drew art in general.
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Not an artist but this is my insight on this, i dont draw chubby girls so might be wrong.
But then he couldn't organize an /ic/ self pity party about an event that never happened.
He looks like he's made out of porcelain now
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does combining different references work? I wanted to use one ref for the body on this piece I'm working on and a different reference for the head but I'm worried it'll look bad or flat or something if I try to mix them together
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thanks, thats interesting.
how did you come up with this eye&brow placement? i have to admit i placed the brows carelessly. i eyeball the proportions but maybe i should measure them on the reference picture.
Eyes are always set in the middle of the face

It's easy to place them but they have a surprisingly complex morphology. I only really understood their form after drawing from skulls

>maybe i should measure them on the reference picture
Yep. One of the main things to keep in mind is that you can break down the face (note I said face, not head) into even thirds. Hairline to brows - root of the nose - bottom of chin.
Is that an anthropomorphic airplane?
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welp I fucked up the building
>middle of the face
No, the browline is.
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Why is value so fuckin hard :(
At this point just give up, you'll be happier for it.
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For lolis
For humans, not 54 percenter creaturas like your picrel
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Don't reply to that dude. He's a schizo nodraw crab.
Your problem isn't drawing. It's depression. Go try all the standard stuff for depression.
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Maybe in some people. Either way the higher you place the eyes the more masculine it looks
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If you ever think you're retarded, remember anons are still replying to the howie
>posts a slav
damn both my pear and the proko sketch are there.
I was supposed to do another proko lesson but I got distracted and spent over 2 hours on this sketch instead.
I put them there cause I like them. The work isn't chosen based on "this is what beg looks like"/"this is what int looks like."
I just pick a few drawings from the thread that I like and I use those for the OP.
i'm happy they are there. sorry if it didnt sound like it
I'm forcing myself to actually put some effort into colouring my drawings
here's a weegee I worked on
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Hello guys, how is this?
How good should someone two years into art be?
Better than they were two years ago
godlike, approaching legend status, definitely at least a professional
2 years of on and off practice?
Practically an expert - if you aren't davinci level 2 years in then you're probably disabled or something
able to illustrate a fully-rendered drawing containing multiple anatomically-correct figures interacting with each other in a believable-perspective environment
not joking
ok maybe this should be doable when you've been drawing for nearly 3 years but you should already be close to this goal 2 years in
if else, fuck are you doing?? should've not wasted time learning
do you do gesture then form or does it not really matter which you start with
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i am quite proud of this one

howd i do?
and anything too wrong with it?
filename is random and to differentiate it from other files.
i will prolly polish it upp a bit
Is learning to draw clothes hard or should I just get it out of the way.
>and anything too wrong with it?
Yes, the hairstyle.
Fair enough.
It is a bit... much i will admit
Way easier than it looks, once you've done enough cloth studies it'll click.
Just build all the bunches and creases out of triangles pointing towards the shoulders, elbows, and crotch and you're golden.
Gesture first for composition, then form for construction
Everytime I study in the afternoon or morning I can't but at night I get locked tf in why's that
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First time rendering/painting (what's the difference even?)
everyone has different times of peak productivity, just roll with it
I feel like im getting there, but It looks off.
mirror canvas
SpongeBob and Squidward Adventures in Osaka
Hey you're copying my art style
>feel worse on vyvanse
truly a horrible fate
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Going back to basics because I apparently forgot how to draw heads
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fellow ellen enjoyer
If it’s alvogen brand lisdexamfetamine, it’s pretty common to feel like shit on it. Brand name vyvanse is a pretty big help for me personally, but some generic adhd meds are awful and make you worse.
It’s not a bad fuck up, your perspective is simply off, very easy fix.
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My thumb is that short so my hands will look wonky regardless
is that the pose you strike right before you penetrate yourself?
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Hello beg, today i was omega slow, but the torsos are okay

drawing heads is hard. also be wary of drawing the ellipses correctly. some of them are very slanted, which can introduce beg errors into your construction
painting offers better results for less work
it looks okay. though the choice of colors suggests she is unded zombie, or a goth girl with white makeup, or they are in room illuminated by the 10 000K LED bulbs
gesture is always first
its alright
nice, but i would make the hand behind him smaller (foreshortened)
i have very negative opinion about it and i have seen dozens of anons killed by drawing billion boxes exercise. it is very ironic that the course doesnt even explain perspective, so you can easily waste time learning how to draw wrong boxes. not to mention you will quit drawing because not even autists enjoy box spam
the white outline is killing it
buy rollerball pen like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lBPfSTC_p8 and start tracing your pencil sketches with it like i am doing. pencil is horrendous for making finished anything
do each type of exercise only 2 or 3 times and afterwards ignore the ones you deem useless
do photobashing
when practicing hands, draw each part of finger as cylinder first, then trace the construction for final outline
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Anons I need to level up this year
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>draw with minimal reference because I can't find any good ones
>it's shit
Am I training my imagination by doing this or is it a cope and I'm actually growing bad habits?
If you're trying to draw a character with a dress or some really baggy clothing, should you construct the drawing normally as if they were naked and add the clothing on top or include the clothing as part of the construction
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exaggerate it more than you think you need to
All you're looking for in good reference is high contrast and a single light direction. Even sub-par reference will help in the long run. Mix up photographic reference with reffing artists you like to balance hard skills with simplification techniques (and fun). Memory studies and artist studies are the best way to train imagination, along with reading books.
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My brain can't comprehend likeness
First, thats at least how I do it, it allows me to make sense of what Im doing.
One would believe he already has...
Kewt :D
First one feels more straightforward for sketching the folds and bendy parts.
i was very sad so i quickly drew tiefling pits with this new brush i found. goodnight beg
Okay thanks
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What's the point of this. Flexing?
you little goose something like that is very valuable to the original artist to see the ways they could have approached any given part of the drawing differently
I see your reasoning, but IMO Its hardly useful without some guidance.
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Cute puppy
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Am I intermediate yet?
proportions coming along nicely but linework is certified beg
back to the grind.. one day ill get out of this hell
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Hope this helps.
Those are quite juicy.
I had a laughing fit looking at this. ty anon LOL.
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It could be better, but it's okay for me. I just realized I keep painting the same four poses...

actually really good

The proportions aren't appealing, especially the back of the head which looks off. But the maiden's dress fixes everything.
have you noticed that every head you draw has the same proportions? that last page you posted with all the faces was where it became really obvious
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Back to the damn grind.
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Does this mean I am officially no longer /beg/ but /int/?
Stan? Is that you?
no, coomers have very low standards
It's over...
Is keys to drawing worth finishing. I'm 4 projects in and it's basically teaching me shadows which I learned in chapter 1, the 5th projects look interesting for me, so are the 6th ones.

Do you really have to finish a course and then go to the next course you like.
The lady with the spuder doesn't like morning cerial, resoulting in a severe iron deficiency.
Buy but you know what they say.
>Sickly pale is the new black.
Now if only i decided on another hairstyle rather then a mental mohawk.
Why would original artists post their drawings to a site that is literally thepiratebay for hentai?
I didn't know where else to post it
This is a suggestion
Go to v- vidya, tg traditional games (drawthreads) or (godforbid) r/drawforme or r/i can draw that.

Find a request.
Say you ar gon do it

Then do it.

Explanation for a Reason why is the following:

Depression (be it clinical or shit life syndrome) is fundamentally stress and a lack of serotonin (that is why u take ssri meds instead of your morning depresso).

Sometimes it is sensitivity to foods and undiagnosed alergyes.

Sometimes it is simply unhealthy living.

I was alergic to tastenhancers (didnt know that for years) mild whole body inflamation that was always ON for years. No shit i was depressed, i was permanently mildly sick and my brain was always in a fog due to inflamation.
My fren has to avoid fast digesting sugar because when a sugar crash comes. , i hits her hard.

Now onto why:
Helping others increases serotonin levels, serotonine levels make you more resistant to stress. Making you feel better and feel less shitty. It might work
Might not.
Freebie requesters do not expect fully rendered masterpieces.
A 30min to a 2 hour doodle is whats expected
Can you sit down for 15 to 30 min and draw something For some rando?
May i see the artwork?
Im curious as to what it is?
I would argue that the style choices are pretty bad but all in all it's fine. I wouldn't say it's good. It's far from great but it's not bad. It's fine.
It is actually quite decent in some parts.
A suggestion. From some pics you are capable of doing a decent nuff gesture but you dont use it that often. Try and practice it some.
I'm sorry..
What resources do you recommend I practice with. I want to leave /beg/ hell
You haz ic sticky.
Vilpu drawing manual
Or vilpu youtub vids.
You can find vilpu manual on intrnet archive.
Not sure if it is piracy if you do?
Try and copy humie figures to get a more al natural feel to your smut
I rarely draw smut tbqh
This was just a shitpost project that got out of hand
Styles aren't exactly something that you use textbooks with. List maybe 3-5 artists whom you consider to have good style and observe how they communicate their lines, their shading style, the exaggerations they apply, etc. Big tiddies are fine but they should give off that firm plump appeal and not just sag down.
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its kino
Again, i dont care for style, i did this as a funny joke because this is now technically the first nsfw comic in my language (i linked the translated version)
Its not that i want to draw snime style art
Sure you don't, I totally believe you.
Smut generally has lower standards.
But gesture could still improve your stuff ino matter if you decide to climb Mt Climax or Mt Wholesome
I do care about gesture and good anatomy, just saying that i rarely draw smut
I was just being a bit of a cheeky bastard for funz.
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shouldn't you be stealing kidneys and being hated by everyone who comes into contact with you or something
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fucking euroshits being nice to each other. resume with the crabbing at once.
Don't worry Stallman-sama. I use GIMP to drawfag. Oh wa
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Any crits particularly on the gestural parts of these? I'm pretty pleased with how these turned out so it's hard to see points of improvement right now.
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First thing I've drawn in a couple of weeks.

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Nice buttocks, terrible gun.
cool nose
Tits could benefit from having the nipples be more realistic
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tried shadows on top of bad construction. garbage in garbage out but still kinda happy with how it turned out
The pelvis seems weird, can you redline what you had in mind for it?
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Going to work on the colored version now.
But why does this look so utterly soulless?
Hello anon, I hope you're having a great day!
I cant redline it rite now but me thinks the loincloth needeths a movin up and to her right. With a bit of an asymetric curve
NTA but i have pretty mich the same issues. Is promising someone and then being forced to pull through actually a thing that can help people with brainrot? And what is some other stuff that could help? I dont think that only delivering requests is a good idea. Anyways imma try copying dude from underrail.
/beg/ still. Coomers were just being nice
There is no
One singular cure for depresso.

It is something that MIGHT help you get going because if you don't
nothing gon change.
Since one has a hard time to get going, start with something ez.
A 30min doodle for someone. Requires a camera, pencil , paper an internet connection and 30 ish minutes.
If that is too much, a 10 minute doodle.

Also problems might not stem from shit life or chem disbalance but other sources (horrible diet, poor fitness, intolerances, illness, alergy)
Different ppl are DIFFERENT while asmongold can be happy living off of slop, my fren can not and gets very very depressed when eating that shit.

Some people can drink galons of booze, i get drunk after 2 beers

Some people can smoke a pack a day and live to see 90, most people can not.

To get out of depression one has to start to learn to make them selves do things (THIS COMES FIRST, NO ADVICE WILL WORK UNLESS YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SELF DO THEM, So start with something shrimple and ez), and through doing things you might improve your life in a way that makes you less depressed or even happy on occasion.
tits look heavy and soft. good job
This looks like a worse version of Almost any online atelier. Kevin Murphy isnt very good

These sites are essentially the same thing
but much cheaper.



File: day1_pose_drawing.png (178 KB, 879x375)
178 KB
178 KB PNG
try make pose drawing with skeleton structure, tell me please if that one is correct or its flat crap
Move to the next thread.
Is that Kyle Broflovski

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