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The echos of please: >>7399833

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/)) or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school
reminder: you are on FRAVDWATCH
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>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school
Nice, gonna watch this now.
Also rate my shotas I did a while ago.
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I think I actually tried to draw to one in the upper right in different perspectives, but I wasn't able to replicate his look.

Drawing characters in the same style in different perspectives is so difficult.
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the end of an era
Does anyone know what happened to Lolicon R Us or Lolicit? I can't find this site anymore, is it gone?

Good idea!
two cute scary girls X3 lovely
Done with the lineart. I think I may be able to finish this tonight.
what ref did you use?
>sakura card captor
you gave away your general location by saying this
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Flats done. I feel like I could save a lot of time if I were to sit through David Revoy's video on colorize masks.
This one. I tried making the perspective like in the ref, but in the end I gave up and decided to go with what I had.
Umm janitors?
it's OK, she's a JK, not a loli
hmm. if you say so
Colorize masks are super easy, and work well with clean line art like that.
What if your lineart isn't clean? What do?
cute and sexy!
its gone
>Lolicit shut down after a moderator breach, an admin issue and an LEA raid.
thats what I found.
>an LEA raid
Damn, so they really got busted? I hope nothing serious happened. I was a member there once.
someone said they got raided due to possessing no no material so it's probably over.
What do we do when loli is banner?
Damn, I used to joke to them about how they will get busted, but I didn't think it will actually become reality. Stay save guys.
loli is kill
if its up I guess its been deemed loli related
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Is JC a loli?
why her eyes dead? did she see her parents get killed in front of her?
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>Today is the army's picture day, Corporal was forced to take her hat off for once

I wanted to give the new girl solo story. Recently I've been trying to learn how to draw clothes and folds by trying to draw them like other people. How does she look hatless?
she should be forced to take off her clothes next
you're getting better at drawing clothes. It's good to know you're trying to do studies, even if it's by doing them your own eccentric ways cyclops-chan.
surely freckles will take her hat off when she confesses her love to cyclops. right?
I don't think you know where to put folds nor any good shapes to draw them with. Good effort nonetheless.
I'm trying my best

Thanks. The military jacket is really stiff material, it's not like T shirt. I'm trying to figure how to form folds :D

please draw this and the follow up
>I'm trying to figure how to form folds
Watch the clothing course in the OP. I currently watch it and it's pretty good.
a lvl1 should be able to defeat a lvl3. is she retarded
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I took a look at it and it seems there are all sorts of assignments and homework there. I might give it a try too
I just take a few notes in my notebook and make tiny sketches. It's fun learning like this. You can draw something with a focus on studying.
Ignore the head and she definitely is
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Good sense for simple proportions. Looks cute. The shadow looks very cheap tho.
too long, like everything
She's missing most of her skull.
learn lineweight
He doesn't necessarily need lineweight. That's not the main issue here.
It's a mix of hubris and retardation yes. She tried attacking the slime snake with her dagger which got promptly dissolved
I'm just a beg and I can't say what it is exactly, but there is something really wrong here.
Long philtrum which in anime is usually a signifier for 40+ year old hags.
freckle child needs to be bullied for being such a chestlet
1000 yard stare while eyes are crossing is indeed a very unnerving sight and the right leg from her side is very...off, it becomes very apparent when you view it in new tab.
What the people here won't say is that this is better than their own art which is almost 100% guaranteed. What they also won't say is that this level is good enough if you can draw interesting scenes.
He asked for thoughts and I though something just seems off here at first glance
Sure, and these are my thoughts. A random coomer isn't as autistic as us about art quality. This is literally good enough to create scenes and start getting an audience. Thoughts don't have to be negative or shitting on somebody.
What else?
Pokémon getto da ze
>Tell me your favorite lolis.
my CIA agents
i still can't believe that a young girl can be so talented to work as federal agent <3
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I can't say trying to draw the rest of it turned out as I'd liked but here's a cropped version of what I redrew. also i'm not sure if those are horns or hair at the top so I didn;'t add detail
She should have SEXO with cyclops
The head still looks really bad.
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realest issue sticking out to me is the head. it's too flat, she had no back of the skull, and her face is kinda long
arm is a little long because of the angle it's coming out at (the arm is coming towards us and looks long, which means it would be even longer straight down), and the outer leg can be pushed in a tinge from the hip side

i removed fuzzy shadows cuz bleh and changed the foot, though that's just preference, your foot position is possible, and the feet are nice

just make sure u dont lose form and get long
please don't redline if you don't know what you're doing
lets see your redline
lets see paul allen's redline
>Thoughts don't have to be negative or shitting on somebody.
No one learns from being told how good their stuff is not that anyone even said anything remotely offensive to him personally and the primary focus of a "study" general is to learn to make quality drawings.
Getting an audience and managing a business belongs to /biz/, goodluck with that tho lol
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I'll stop here. I don't like how the highlights came out. I need to find a better way of drawing them.
I'll save a lot of time with them.
i think you could stand to change her skin, its way too saturated
I kind of like it, but I'll experiment with a different tone in the next picture.
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I wish you a long and happy marriage to this little girl.
Good idea. https://files.catbox.moe/g307o6.jpg
>cyclops cunny
nigga for the love of god just color pick next time my eyes hurt just looking at her. her cheek looks way too fat and you could've let her bangs fall in front of her face instead of the giant oily forehead the lazy background isnt doing you any favours either
cute, i love the facial expression my missus makes there. a very natural blissful bearing on the best day of her life
finally TRVE-LOLI cyclops. I wish cyclops-chan showed her massive boobs. I don't get why he doesn't draw her naked or want people drawing her naked.
He does want people drawing her naked, it's reverse-psychology.
me personally i dont want cyclops naked i just want her in a onesie bikini
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I wasn't expecting so much feedback so quickly, thank you.
Should've asked for feedback before doing the outlines.

>She's missing most of her skull.
Fair, I tried to fix it.

Was going to add later.

Thank you guys in particular for taking the time to draw your suggestions.
For the anon that did the gif, I tried to incorporate your suggestion for the foot and the overall anatomy.
Can't do more today but I'll keep trying to improve.

Again, I appreciate the suggestion and corrections.
perhaps. but he has been consistent with it. I hope he shows her ballistics to us someday or even bikini.
brother she is still missing the back of her head gif anon noticed it and gave some of her head back
It looks like her face is a mask
Draw it yourself coward.
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current wip, really into the idea of Alice x Houdai from Puniri rn,
also finished this earlier today
the nipples are a bit too big for my taste, but other than that it's quite good
quick sketch >>>/bant/21758016
man the head and the face are pretty bad if your going for the anime look, otherwise nice bleeding edge western stylization.
Oh whoops forgot to catbox
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That's a bold style
if baraag only allows artists why are there so many accounts without any pictures
They are just like me (I don't draw)
registration used to be open for all until the sharty nation attacked
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>she is still missing the back of her head
Yeah, that's on me. That's what you get when you draw too zoomed in.

Going to do line work now (again).
now draw her naked showing off her pussy to a smaller loli and shota
if you have time to post you have time to draw. we could use a 6th art poster here.
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I forgot how to draw.
pink nipples are overrated and overrepresented
this but inverted nips
I started drawing last night. Haven't had time to touch it since.
>started drawing
*Started drawing a sketch
^see, this shit is hardly a general— its just a bunch of tards (who don't draw) that come out of the woodwork, solely to request— go to a request board/ thread instead
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i didn't draw that, but i wish i could
>picrel is wip
Nice, you should give her hair more volume and have it be affected by the tilt of the head the way the face is affected by the angle.
>you should give her hair more volume
any tips for that or any good resources, i keep struggling with hair a lot.
Idk I can't draw hair.
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"with mspaint you can do anything you want"
>churro gets trolled.jpg
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>Simonson chose June Brigman as Power Pack's penciler because of her talent for drawing children.
Will you ever be hired for your talent for drawing children /lsg/?
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further in today
lineart kicking my ass, still have to do Alice and more stuff here and there aaaaa
holy shit you just know
God damn. I wish you could still get away with stuff like this.
Big butt and thigh loli uooohhh
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The requests were underwhelming today, so, I decided to draw Schierke instead. I may do one more before bed, if I receive a good request.
I have seen enough. Good night everybody.
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Shading and color test...
her face still looks like a mask
fix the cranium retard
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have you tried uhh i duno
its over
Dude. it's not legal to own nigga's like this no more
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pixelated fishnets
that much variation in brush styles/sizes looks weird
some pink pixels from the background "bleed through"
nice angle and super cute
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i also like shrek
thanks, I tried to color it but it just wasn't working out today
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Some small sketches I made recently.

This looks awesome. Very cute and 80s style.
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so this is the power of a tradGOD
I suck, I know. I am too poor for digital.
You're art is great dude. No need to be so humble.
It's a bit insensitive to say that you suck when you're better than every other person in this thread, myself included. Plus fishing for compliments is faggy. Nice art though. I really like >>7405704
was he really fishing?
>better than every other person in this thread
lol speak for yourself
>you're better than every other person in this thread
I don't know about that. I honestly can't really judge about my drawings. I just feel I have to get better.
Post your work or get spoken for.
That's very nice of you to say. Gives me hope. Thank you.
no problem
So... why the fuck there's a hag in the op?
she's studying how to draw loli
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A little shitpost for the anon who said Twilight last thread. Also more lewd scribbles

Does she really look that old?
nta but i think the collar of the shirt makes it look like she's got a barrel chest.
I seem to have forgotten that bellybuttons exist while I was doodling my shitpost, oops

I can kind of see it now, yeah.
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doodle before sleep
S tier
Cute scribbles anon.
nigga just draw
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I drew and I'm really happy with how it came out.
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Does anyone have any good resources/tips on how to do stylized highlights/coloring like rabbit hole/dohna dohna drawings?
i will fix the hair in a different work
>that much variation in brush styles/sizes looks weird
yeah i tried some different brushes which looked really weird, will stop doing that in future drawings
nobody in /lsg/ can draw heads
whats inside the book
Did you try turning your canvas when you drew the hair?
beautiful children
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the problem was that i rotated the head after drawing the hair, but it's fine I just wanted to focus on the bunny outfit + stylized coloring in this piece
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The face of /lsg/
>I rotated the head after I drew the hair
Why didn't you rotate the hair at the same time? Why anon whyy
Has this anon from the previous thread (>>7400480) drew more stuff?
He did very nice and tasty feet tot
You did follow his blog when he posted it didn't you?
No. Thanks to you, i know that they have a blog.
Could you share it please?
So you can consoooom?
Uh sure?
I would like to have the link of that artist's blog please.
pyw and ill post blog
>>7406124 That's not fair but anyways, hope you accomplish it, anon.
This is my most recent sfw loli work. I'm planning to do more eventually, maybe next year
Eh, what a dissapointment.
I thought it would have foot content
:sob: :sob: :sob:
I can
No you can't.
nta but I can. I’ve been practicing heads the most.
nta but you cant either
can too
nice. those shadows and highlights look a bit weird though and could maybe use a bit of blending, but that could be just your style
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draw a head from this angle
thank you, but yeah, honestly i gotta use more reference next time, i got a bit lost on shadows
next time have the loli lift up the other one's tits, as it looks like she is doing in the thumbnail
Your shadows aren't very dark at all especially the blonde which makes it looks really odd. Also her terminator shadow color is really dull for some reason compared to the maid.
Guys I think it is reverse psychology.
Let's draw some nice pictures for Cyclops-chan.
Ill do it
Don't. Cyclops-chan made one time expection to the guy
He doesn't have to know
He didn't want to post her in NSFW OC thread. Just remember drawing her nude seems to be too far?
clothed with nude alt that he doesn't have to click the catbox for
nevermind I can't draw
You can, I believe in you.
I have an idea where (you) move her hair out of the way of her eye and she's blushing but interpreting her hair is hard.
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>I'll trust you not to do anything mean to her
I think cyclops-chan trusts us too, since he keeps posting her here
>I think-
opinion discarded
opinion regained
I'd just keep the pictures tasteful so cyclops-chan will also like them.
define tasteful
He says not to do anything mean. Freckles giving her a life-changing lesbian orgasm isn't mean. Sounds very nice, actually.
Idk. stuff that doesn't require you to become catboxcuck?
I just meant stuff that doesn't force you to use catbox to be able to post it here. lmao
It depends if janny's had his hot pockets today
damn, that was quick. they must be watching as we speak.
Janny's gotta be starving
i removed it cuz i was too embarrassed
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is this fine
why the long face?
It's fine
I won’t since you’re being such a ass
I'm not able to see that yet. In my head it does make sense currently, but this probably mistake
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as the other anon said, the shadows aren't dark enough. for cel-shaded coloring you need more contrast between light and shadow, both in value and saturation
that thing you're doing with the edge of the shadow, try this method:
>single tone shadow
>use the blending tool where light and shadow meet
>since the value gap is too big, the blended area will look muddy
>color pick that color (the blended region), increase the saturation but not the value and paint over it
this is better used for rendering, though. I don't really see stuff like that in cel-shaded styles
I used that technique on the girl's right side and you can see how the transition looks pretty crisp even though I used the airbrush to blend. the other leg is in cel-shading
also, be careful with the belly area when doing cel-shaded and avoid trying to give shape to the tummy volume. I think it's better to leave it flat and use the shadows just on the very edge opposite to the light source like this https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/8f/5e/8f5e7e2211c2b3517b335cca7feb3822.png
I also included an idea for the pose on the left since the one you did turned out kind of stiff due to the lack of contraposto
booby alt
im just projecting my preferences dw abt it.
I'm so bad at drawing it literally causes me physical pain to pick up the pen and have a blank canvas in front of me.
I'm filling up my canvas with little thumbnail abominations until I find one I'll continue. theyre really cute!
Is your screen not calibrated? Why did you pick such a dogawful literal shit shade of brown for the shadow?
I dont remember typing this
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you gave her depth perception. I like how you kept her hair spikes

I like how she looks in your style. She looks really good.

I'm glad you both wanted to draw her. Thank you for drawing her :D
She is very precious girl cyclops-chan
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First I'll break her hymen, then I'll ask her to take pictures of her little feet
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I've grinded this angle so much through the years and it's still so hard to draw
the shadows from natural light are sometimes brownish and I kind of defaulted on that I guess
well at least you tried
You're symbol drawing the chin
thread revival
I mean the girl in the photo does have quite the sharp adult face.
I want to draw Loli someday
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why the long face?
Have you tried... drawing
what happened here?
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I love how she's looking down on me condescendingly.
you turned her into a hag. all you had to do was move the face down and right a little
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Gomen anon-kun, I've been hagmaxxing lately.
I don't think we'll get more art this thread
I made one I could post but it's a xmas surprise for a fellow artist. Posting it here could ruin the surprise for em.
I have one drawing I was gonna post, but I'll do it next thread. I thought this one was already done, but 100 posts got removed
Samefag got nuked by the jannies, just post it.
This thread's on life support
the mods r on the lolicons side. they are doing a good job.
did she get older?
Before I answer that, how old does she look to you in that page?
okay sorry but this time it's just an atrocity, look how high up her pussy is in the bottom picture, you should not be able to see the fourchette from there, the puffiness is also inconsistent with how you drew it on top where it's basically a square, also on top you still draw the thighs as if they are behind the pussy with the way you draw the lines representing the volume of the legs, the belly button is in the wrong place too, even the ahoge is inconsistent where it comes from between top and bottom, the right nipple shouldn't be that far away in both drawings and the left nipple seems out of place on top but this may be a problem with the rib cage, the slit of the pussy should be the guide to divide the body perfectly in half, if you do it you will notice some problems with the anatomy
Aww dude I only had about an hour to make this page if I wanted to stay on schedule for the dec 25th xmas special
it looks fine retard, post your work.
shut the fuck up and post your work
I just want to impress other anon.
reminds me of tite kubo
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>She also got her picture taken
I don't know why this drawing makes me want to draw the NHK girl
who did you trace this time?
why do you bully cyclops-chan? you know he doesn't trace
it's just the same one retard who has something against cyclops-chan. Don't entertain them
That rendering looks really good. Can you tell what you used as help? Please don't let the crabs get to you
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Thanks :D

most of it was without help. I did use this artists study on various clothing I found https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/62007382. It was really good and I might use it again. I haven't tried starting the course yet :D
Crabs BTFO. Keep on studying. I don't like that people are always so eager to make fun of you or discredit you. you did great
It's fun to be a crab
She looks so huggable
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>It's fun to be a crab
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Cyclops SEXO!
Corporal SEXO!
they are just too long man, make their bodies smaller
Is the left one carol from onirism?
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warmup sketch. Idk what I'm gonna draw today
wtf you mean you don't know what you gonna draw today? draw more nahida. MORE
and yeah what this guy said >>7408591
don't change your proportional taste to suit that faggot. You know what you want, and there are plenty of artists that draw with longer bodies.
I could try some more

good good
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Practice hips
Janny's gonna get you
Why those aren’t just shapes
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nice cunny
I didn't use a reference. I'm innocent.
Wait I thought fundies didn’t matter?
Didn't mirror it yet. Looks terrible.
Should I delete it? I am not quite sure about the rules here desu.
jenny already did
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>just draw
Lets see if janny finally stops edging this thread
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another sketch this one is tough
zeke!! give me your blog!!
Here is my blog

is this lolicon? the future?
thanks I'm trying to lose weight and this picture made me puke my whole lunch
Well? Did you get up off your fat ass this morning and go for a run? What are you doing typing this useless post to an AI shitter, huh?
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I should lead by example. Also took some nice pics to use as reference on my walk.
You do realize that this is only ~150kcal, right?
That's basically 1/3 of generic chocolate bar.
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eneeeway the point is to move your body
Since you can do loli I'm guessing this is local generation?
People in lsg are fat fucks. Somehow this doesn't come as a surprise
People in lsg are all cute lolis. Somehow this doesn't come as a surprise
link lewd stuff offsite with catbox.moe like the cucks here
I identify as a bishonen, thanks.
all except casy who is a hag
but i catboxed it since u can only hav 1 image per post...
nooo they got me....
damn i was not familiar with your game lol. it wont let me follow you from a remote instance. its over...
You made that account just now? Are you Japanese?
Which instance? From baraag?
i dont hav a raag, can i follow if i get into baraag? would they even let me in lmao?
>Which instance
I tried it from mi.nakn.jp
are we allowed to have tierlists or votes?
sad. those were my favorite parts of these threads
shut the fuck up
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mahiro eating a burrito
did she get the queso sauce?
oh no I meant that genuinely not sexually. I always get chips with queso at chipotle.
its his first time. he didn't know about the sauce...
anyone has lilandy's process file/pics/gifs?
i only have one of helen park
Really? His style is so ugly. You don't have anything to gain by watching his process
Shut the fuck subhuman crab chimpanzee
anon few looks will not ruin your life i was just asking
He's right, his stuff is pretty straight forward.
what hath science wrought
doesn't matter, that type of worthless post should be a death sentence. die. kill yourself irl.

you're an amateur executioner unwilling to get his hands dirty
its just a round brush and an airbrush right? have you tried studying the one you have already?
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does anyone have the lolitober prompts for years <= 2022?
those perky buttcheeks NGHHH
Screen or Screenless tablet
>have you tried studying the one you have already?
of course i did but i just wanted to ask for more
here's the helen parr PSD file but it's Ponpu's i alyways switch these two ding dongs
new thread >>7409877
sister not like thisss
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i keep going down theres no point in drawing anymore
I'll only say this once, you don't have an eye for art. Stop wasting the 5 minutes of your life making these, for your sake.
Let's see your list big man.
that would be a waste of 5 minutes I could use on my storyboard
You've already wasted time responding. Regardless the tierlist is fairly accurate unless you can't accept the reality that Casy is in A.
I am casy.
I love you Casy.
I have a boyfriend.
all I want for Christmas is a shotaless /lsg/
I fucking knew it. Get out of here you skank.
'lita is S
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