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Real edition

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This is the thread
we in here
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Magic feeling in the air the week leading up to the 4th. I'm ready to shit down somebody's throat and scream AMERICA
i dont have enough food.
Neighbors are setting off fireworks and scaring muh dog
more like cuckies, enjoy sucking the sugar slopper's dick. you should have a carrot or grapes instead.
somewhere an infertile woman is crying
this thread WILL WIN!
btw to the guy spamming /cum/: sage so you don't bump it
Weaponized autism
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neighbors are setting off fireworks and scaring *me*
our thread is picking up steam
It was a psyop right?
4th of july is approaching. I'm expecting a large supply of women wearing USA flag bikinis by then.
It's mine. You're a guest here
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Best I can do is this
Happy 4:20 PM
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hey bro
I smoked a weed at 4:20 on 4/20 once
drinking milk
If you like piña coladas
And gettin' caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like makin' love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
Thread theme
Why are there two threads?
Eeeeww....? Why would someone decide to look like this in public?
She gotta pay for that fetty somehow, ya feel me?
why is every country so shit to live in? Europe is a soulless self-hating muslim cesspool, asians fucking hate foreigners and it's chink city and all cities in the US are either full of pajeets, spics or white trash junkies. Where the fuck do you go to be at peace.
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what nice country are you envisioning in your head?
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Peace is not something to be found outside yourself
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Also found this weird thing out in the woods
I have a dream of a mild-weathered country with highly-educated inhabitants, perhaps we can let in some mexicans to spice things up.
This place would not have shit infraestructure or diviside circus-like politics, and we would have tough laws on crime but at the same time social programs to help less fortunate members of our society.
We would promote patriotism without going full MAGA and stay the fuck out of other countries.
Pixel 7 is a piece of shit, screen is literally falling out because the thing is a heat brick and they secured the screen with indian poo adhesive
should've gone with samsung bubba
My mom is watching some shitty lifetime movie, and the actress is fake crying, and she's like slurping up her snot really hard and it's disgusting
>buying an odd numbered pixel
you deserve it desu
t. Pixel 8 Pro owner
Cum con cum
really pretty
this looks like an ideal spot for a bunch of teenagers to go smoke weed at
ripping an ungodly amount of ass right now
I don't like it when you guys post that lizard telling me I have no bitches
My mom and grandma seeing a celebrity who was in some soap opera like 30 years ago and going "whoooaaaa she got old" like they expected the person to look like they did back then
how would one go about moving to Switzerland and do they like americans
700 dollarydoos down the drain
Thinking about the oneplus series honestly
i see you pstbro
just get an iphone and quit with the silly android stuff
Never, im 30 and I dodged all the shitty apple products throughout my life, I will never use them
Also Iphones are for women and gays
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have you tried acquiring bitches?
I feel like this is something that someone who never leaves the house and exclusively goes on /pol/ would say
>Iphones are for women and gays
why do you guys always say this
it's just a phone, it takes nice pictures and works well with no fuss
Too much school work I don't have time for bitches right now
No I'm just overly pessimistic about the state of affairs in the world currently and it makes me sad.
It's notoriously difficult to move there. There's no guarantee of a visa. They aren't particularly fond of Americans. You'd need to learn German, French, or Italian. Basically, unless you are a multimillionaire or an expert in an in-demand field, you ain't getting in long term.
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It's over. Argentina save me.
Me on the left
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not budging
Iphones are for toddlers and women who don't understand basic unix systems
im not asking you to change your mind or convince you or anything im just trying to figure out the mindset
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iToddlers BTFO
Been using android my whole life but man is the UI ugly as shit. Apple does have pretty cool customization too. Not worth it tho
Focusing on the sate of the world is just going to make you feel like shit. You should only care about your immediate surroundings as you can only control those
this e girl i follow on twitter said that a guy having an android phone is like eats pussy energy and that we are better lovers than iphone users and at least 2 other girls agreed in the comments
anti fuccboi energy
Who was Mitt Romney's running mate?
Utah nhl team will probably be called the "Utah Yetis"
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John Travolta
I had way too much to eat today
Its true
iPhone users are ultimate conformists.
T. Android user who loves to eat pussy
Imagine living in Utah LOL
Very based
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I'm all but certain that's what it is. Also to have ruckus pre marital sex. I saw a black bear up by the lake too but my camera wasn't recording at the time
I really really really hope you're spinster
No sorry I'm a stinky hairy man (who is a pussy eating enthusiast and android user)
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i don't mind eating muff but i must confess i have encountered some stinky girls whose muffs i would not want to be eating on a regular basis
while we're at it where does /cum/ fall on the topic of pubic hair
Crazy thunderstorm outside!
Only eat the pussies of women who you know well, and make sure you both just took a shower
I don't know how "sex and toothbrushing" isn't an immediate pre-sex practice 100% of the time. Like I get if you're in high school and getting laid for the first time behind a movie theater, but come on
Prefer bald pussy, but I don't mind hair as long as shes clean and doesn't have like a whole jungle down there
i think you already know the answer to this question you just wanted to talk about it
My thoughts are none of your business
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>tfw proud android owner and adamant never eating pussy chad
Not pleasing the women you're with (zero, btw, let's be honest) isn't Chad
MY women (many, especially more than you) brag about my love making and pussy eating skills
you're fucking gay
Bald and smooth
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In my teens and 20s I think I got meme'd into the bald pussy meme by porn
In my mid20s and now 30 Id say I prefer some bush over bald puss, also in that time developed a crippling foot fetish but I've only acted on that with one girl
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>MY women
That is not Chad at all
Chads eat whatever pussy they want
What is that
Completely hair. I don't even want her to shave her legs but if she does it out not wanting to be judged in public that's ok.
oral sex is a part of good sex and if you aren’t doing it you are denying your partner satisfaction
Shadow offering you a menstrual pad
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what happened today? all feels so grim and dark
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finocchio detected
a pad
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i hope i have sex one day, sounds cool
the romans would never give oral sex to women
You know spinster is rubbing her thighs together reading these posts about pussy eating right now
Why are there 2 cums
who is spinster i haven't been in /cum/ in a hot minute
some femcel?
This is true, but also if someone doesn't want to do it then they don't have to.
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>implying the Romans were straight
eating pussy is fucking disgusting you guys are nasty
And where did that get them
I don't see any Romans walking around anymore
God shut the fuck up
Autist OP shit his diapers about seeing a black man
a fake person some schizo made up there is no evidence of this "spinster" existing
Either the women you were with were gross, or you're just a soy
There are no other possibilities
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all this talk about pussy eating is reminding me of that time I farted while 69ing my ex
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I have many opinions about some of the recent posts in this thread, but I'm going to keep them to myself.
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any tips so i dont suck when i eat pussy the first time?
no i am not watching that video i am pornfree
You should have gaslit her and said you sucked a queef out of her pussy
Why? It's an anonymous forum. Let your opinions rip anon
Really hope you weren't on top
Focus on the clitoris. Communicate with her.
Best time is always to ask your partner for advice
Expect the taste and smell to be a bit weird at first. You're gonna have to get used to it. If it's REALLY bad then you can ask her to clean it better. But for the most part, soldier through it and do NOT gag or she'll feel terrible
Try not to tense up your tongue while licking her, keep it soft
This place is soulless
t. mexican visiting seattle
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what if it is all downhill from here? why even live?
suck on her clit, dig your nails into her thighs and naval when she squeezes your head, stop and deny her orgasm only go back in a finish her like its Mortal Kombat but with your tongue
Youre in the Northwest hombre, its the definition of soulless, might as well be Canadians honestly. Should have visited your hermanos in San Diego
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holy based
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>goes to seattle
>complains it is sovlless
You need to get out into nature for soul
I would feel bad
I have no frens in San Diego. Will be going to NYC later this year, I'm hoping to catch a homeless doing some cool shit

Definitely seems to be the entire appeal of this place. Will be going fishing next Sunday!
This is a bad time of year to visit. You need to visit in peak grimness of November and pretend to be a neo-noir detective
>willingly visiting seattle
Its its one thing they got up there, its fishing and nature. Just watch out for brown bears.
Washington has some of the most beautiful environments in the country. Seattle used to be cool, but it went to shit fast this past decade
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Go back to New Jersey!
I understand this reference
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I wish dark elf women were real, white hair + ashen purple skin is so kino
I would go insane. Even right now in June it's overcast for a good chunk of the morning.

Even the airport is in pretty bad shape. Was kinda shocked.
Maybe in the future we'll be able to alter genetics and breed them into existence in a laboratory
niggas be like
"these clouds too scawy"
I've lived an hour away from seattle for 15 years and only went there twice. That's how soulless it is
Fuck would you visit this gray shithole?? It's even worse now that the population is 80% nonwhite and all these hobos and smelly fucking tweakers shitting up the place
I lived in SoCal for 15 years, only went to LA like 10 times, each time the city got grubbier and the homeless numbers kept growing
Its crazy to thing that fly over cities like Chicago and Cleveland look nicer than LA
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I like Seattle.
t. Oregonian
The CIA is the largest terrorist organization in the world.
That's why actual real Seattle citizens are THANKING the supreme court for its ruling on homeless. Years and years of endless toothless policymaking that was a whole lot more about letting homeless people and criminals do whatever the fuck they want than it was about helping any of them

I don't like the ruling and the direction it takes dealing with our bottom rung but it's going to be effective
Also I'm strongly considering moving to Bellingham.
>Fuck would you visit this gray shithole
Always wanted to visit the PNW.

Also the hobo situation is fucking miserable. Apparently all bathrooms here in restaurants have passwords to prevent them from going in. It's apparently only a heavy problem in like 3 blocks in downtown but yikes
Go on then, show us your vinyl collection and vape juice hoard, bet you wear vests and got a soibeard with fake glasses
Say it to my face fucker and not online and see what happens
nothing wrong with collecting vinyl
i do want to go to seattle to see a show at the moore, so many good live grunge performances were recorded there
What part? I was actually thinking of visiting Portland but apparently it's worse than Seattle? Eugene looks nice.
>worst coasters
The CIA is the largest terrorist organization in the world.
I beat the flu
you look like that?
need to sepuku
I beat my meat
alice in chains and pearl jam played there those are good bands
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Stay out
My sister was talking about how her husband gets hit on by gay men and how they tell her she's a lucky woman. Now I'm jealous because that shit never happens to me.
i think alvvays played in seattle last year
Would never move there. I am still on my quest to move to the middle of Wyoming to roleplay as a lonely cowboy tormented by his past.
Is your sister pretty? Are you ugly? Are you married?
Just Visit the twin peaks falls and the space needle and you'll see everything in the pnw worth seeing. Maybe take a ferry as well. That's it
There aren't any brown bears in the Cascades anymore. They're being reintroduced soon, though
I don't find her particularly attractive, but she isn't ugly. I don't think I'm ugly, I think I even have a better face than my brother in law, but he's fit as fuck. Not married.
they should introduce red pandas instead
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Is there a ferry you can teak to the falls near Seattle? Driving here seems pretty shit so trying to avoid that
Sunshine is a crutch. You are like baby
german chocolate cake is not from germany
pizza was invented in america
Hate Portland males, love Portland arthoes
quite the conundrum
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the sun must be destroyed
I'm going to get a white tesla x on friday
anon is turning in his man card on friday
Che confusione
Sarà perché ti amo
I tried to show my mom some ufc highlights and she blew me off because it's too violent
Meanwhile, I shit you not, she was watching some true crime doc about some parents who murdered their kids
Bellingham is great. College town too if you want night life I guess
Meh, just what I'm used to.
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The Snoqualmie falls are inland anon
I loved bham and being close to canada is pretty nice too, all the benefits none of the drawbacks
uhh... I'm starting uni there soon...
I may be retarded
That just means she married a fag or a ‘normal’ guy who looks like a fag lol
You sound like the most boring human being alive
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Thanks, I will do it. Rent will be a bitch but they have a decent trade school for like 5k a year. I will turn my life around in Bellingham and take the $10 bus to Vancouver
I have no reason to believe he's gay and he doesn't really look gay.
More like Bellendham
Done them
The drive is fine if you take the 90 over. Snoqualmie is a cute town and nearby as well. There are a lot of trails I ride up there, I was just there today. Mt. Si is a cool hike if you're into that. If not, north bend is also kinda cool
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religiously charged music straight to the ear canal is the only counter to all the faggot shit entering your eyes on pride
I just dont see why I should have to pay ticket fares when homeless bums can jump the turnstiles right in front of station police and they wont do anything
why do girls who grow their armpit hair have more hairier and thicker armpit hair than I do?
What's stopping you from jumping the turnstiles, fatty?
Low T or something
if I did it, theyd ring me up for ticket dodging
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what are the police going to do, ticket them?
Fishing industry there is good. There's also the old aluminum mill but that's dead or dying.
turn them back, throw them in jail, beat them with their clubs

a whole smorgasbord of things
Any NOLA fags ITT?
Temperature is probably like 20 degrees hotter because another homeless person started a fire
I think you might be gay anon
The fentanyl encampments must be destroyed, and their fentanyl zombies involuntarily committed to rehab work camps.
Eat shit
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dont be sad american frog anon
pic related is the solution
just ask your doctor
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best fast food burger hands down
southies and flyovers need not reply with your shitburger
you know youre wrong
If it's involuntary then it won't make a difference
They'll spend the entire time thinking about how good it's going to feel to relapse
And they'll make it harder for the ones who do want to get clean.

The zombies that fail multiple rehabilitation attempts should be killed. There's no other way. Along with whoever sold it to them
this shit is so good
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I havent had In n out burger in 3 months
The fries suck
I havent had pussy in 30 years
Had Shake Shack for the first time like a week ago and they might be better than In-N-Out
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So do a three strikes rule where repeat offenders eventually get to stay in the drug gulag forever. Also give traffickers public executions
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go get a gram of coke and pickup a girl like this
>get to stay in the drug gulag forever.
Why? Just kill them
living in eastern washington/oregon is so grim. they should split the states in 2 and make the east and west sides their own respective states. or just add both eastern washington and oregon into idaho
That's a man.
What's grim about it?
It's full of cali techies now.
The fries are delicious. I don't know how people can stomach the slop McDonald's serves
What thought process goes through liberals minds when they leave their liberal shit hole to a red state and then proceed to vote blue

Where are all the Alabamans and Arkansans shitting up California and New York and Washington if those red hillbilly states are so bad
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>US tech is going to shit
>Indians bragging about having all the CEOs
>Indian nepotism moving all manufacturing and coding to India
Makes so much sense, India joined the modern world and immediately pooped on it
Why are they like this?
Tyranny of the majority. The west part of the states control the politics by a narrow margin, so you're at the mercy of soicuck city libs
The dinner and the desert
Tbf your people invaded SoCal and ruined the chill atmosphere with their craft breweries and vape shops and hyper leftist hipster bullshit so its a fair trade
its all desert, theres a shit ton of mexicans for some reason, the politics are a mess as it's almost completely half liberal half conservative, and theres nothing to do or see that interesting
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>they should split the states in 2
And then the blue parasites invade the red side and complain that everything is getting more expensive
The scablands are kinda cool
Mozambique looks like a cool place to visit
they already do this THOUGH
Liberals are so fucking stupid, dude
Oregon was fairly conservative until the 90's. Most of the liberalism moved into our state.
fuck albuquerque
Which SAW movie is your favourite?
That's a disgusting song desu senpai two degenerates finding out each others degeneracy isn't cute
A 3 bedroom 2 bath goes for ~3m in Bend.
it's so over
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And I, who formerly would never flinch at flying spears or serried ranks of Greeks, am now alarmed by every breeze and roused by every sound to nervous, in fear For this companion and this load alike
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Wish border patrol only let girls that look like this in
saw 2 probably, i remember trying to watch all the saw movies and they so quickly turned to shit even kid me thought it was retarded
>religiously charged music
any GOOD recommendations?
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How do I make a good shield build in Elden Ring?
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>playing rollslop
Shieldchads don't roll.
late 90s rock fucking sucks
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2 is pretty good. At first I rated it poorly because we don’t learn much about the test subjects. But now, I appreciate the movie for the development of jigsaw and amanda young.
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i don't even remember anything about it i mostly only remember the first one but i like the gauntlet with a group of people designed more and i remember completely losing interested after the second or third one
what is the bottom right?
farting mercilessly

Im turning my bedroom into a gas chamber
Oy vey dis is anudda shoah
Nigga doesn't know what a cauliflower is
skibidi skobidi
nigga doesn't know thats an onion
Go to the bathroom you're shitting yourself
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why in the hell is youtube recommending me gardening videos

I dont even have a yard
i mean do you want to be a foolish fool you should listen to him he looks pretty serious
poop is coming out your asshole
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glad I lived my life, teenage love, raving in my 20s doing molly and coke, stopping drugs and drinking in my late 20s
Not bitter, have no remorse, I lived the normie life and it was good, but somewhere in the middle women got mindfucked by social media and now 2s think their 10s and food is literally 3x what it was in 2010
I feel old
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i need this rn
I missed out on basically every high school and college experience just short of study abroad
Saw V is a gauntlet and one of the best. 5 people are put in a trap together because of a building fire. Each is guilty in a different way.
don't look back in anger
I had most typical experiences, with a notable lack of sex.
i wish i could have sex, i cant because i'm an incel
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i mean you definitely can but it won’t fix all your problems anyway
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Do drugs, I've seen shrek ass Danny Devito looking fucks pull chicks, you can do it too
i kind of got to taste it but i was just an observer, never really dabbling too far into it
but thats my nature, im an autismo, i know my fate
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On the streets, such a sweet face jumping in town
In the staff room the verdict is in
In a car with a girl, promise me she's not your world
In nobody's eyes but mine
Michael McKean is my favourite actor
"I can't have sex because I'm an incel" is the same logic as "I can't lift weights because I'm too weak"
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you want a relationship because it would prove to yourself that you're relationship material, but you mistakenly equate that to meaningless sex. neither of those experiences would change you, but a sign that you're in a much better state is if you were able to get into and manage a relationship like an adult
Also most people in relationships behave worse than most highschool couples
come on dude that's not real. that's not real.
dude there's no way
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remember the era of pick up artists where you'd pay $500 for a guy like this to teach you how to bang bar sluts
(it probably worked ngl)
because the skillset to get into a relationship is not the same skillset to keep a stable one and half of a relationship is out of your skill and fundamentally requires depending on someone else's skillset
fuck off of /cum/ zoomer
Ive been here since 2015
pua shit was so gay though, it was literally just teaching men how to be frat boys and granted that would work for barsluts but the world isnt just barsluts
would love to pay someone like him and we go to a bar together just for him to find out my issues are mental and he has no hope of sorting out the "24/7 crippling fear of making women uncomfortable" nightmare show in my brain
Sometimes out of desperation and loneliness, I try to become friends with my mom, but she just blows me off every time. We don't have even 1 common interest. The only memory I have of my mom doing something with me like that is when she stayed up late with me as a child while I was sick and watched Pokemon with me
>Sometimes out of desperation and loneliness, I try to become friends with my mom
damn, guess there's always bigger fish when it comes to being wired up completely wrong
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where'd you study abroad?

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