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Indian edition
POV:You just woke up and youre at the top of the morning brip
Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider
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The cans lads, the cans.
Gn /brit/
fkn life
Poo smells
Got in quick with that one didn't you? Six seconds after 309.
I luv emilia
clearly a bottle
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Diversity. Courage. Strength. Power.

(meant to post here lol)
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>>pixels on a screen have a gender
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same thing happened to me. dynamic ips can be awful

luckily i was able to appeal
Swear I've just ended up poorer getting a uni related career kek
Mind you when I worked retail the economy wasn't in the shitter, just a funny observation I've had recenrtly
Really I should be as wealthy as I've ever been in my poor ass life
Spider-Man! Okay my turn: Christopher Walken gets released from prison.
da bokkles lads, da bokkles
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Men in Black Men
suck it up and do a trade
everything sucks at first
pretty standard sarnie not sure why someone bothered recording this
Man the jews have conditioned you well
Muslims are 6% of UK population, yet they hold enormous power.
Government and Police are terrified of them, and their demands for special treatment are usually granted.
The Muslim block vote is a king-maker this time. It has more electoral leverage over policy than Ukip ever did. They are parking their tanks on the lawn of British democracy. This is the arrival of sectarianism. It has massive implications, especially when both parties are pandering to it.
They are slowly moving into positions of power and, as their Koran says, the object is to take over the country

You're nothing more than the dog of the Muslims. They are your masters
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Uhhhhjh wait until Scotland Yard hears of this
Shut the fuck up you vile Labour voting Paki worshipping cunt. The only thing you know how to do, is kneel and worship at the feet of Paki grooming gangs, defend nonces like Jimmy Savile, and open your ass to unlimited immigration
What is getting a CDL in australia like? is it corrupt as fuck like here where you need to spend like 10 grand on mandatory school just to get it?
if not i would be a truck driver, or "lorry driver" whatever the fuck it's called there
bit harsh
he was only saying it's an unremarkable sandwich
Jews are 0.03% of the population and have even more power. They were the ones to import all the Muslims in the first place. Before you attack the enemy, you need to take care of the traitor, Jimbo
the seething singaporean semite is back
Why are these threads so weird? It's just non-sequitur babble
based gookrad
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Your mum is non-sequitur babble
england has always been a multicultural BLACK nation
you need a high IQ to understand /brit/
Gives it a unique experience kek, I enjoy it
don't need to change it then do we
shitting out me arse
never trust anyone who announces that children and animals love them
my dad used to say that all the time and he was an abusive psycho nonce
Donald Trump
Vince McMahon
Hulk Hogan

The holy trinity of carny grifters
If I recall correctly there are 2 bounties and a mars bar in my fridge. I'll enjoy those later.
hulk hogan is a good man
ahhh yes nice to see janny and the mods have gone full retard
Gotta go fast
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Horace Walpole
I have a theory and it begins with an s
careful don't mention trump's name or you'll get a three day ban
*I am a real American starts playing*
little runt freaks
People criticise the Bounty, and whilst I agree that it is an imperfect chocolate bar, one need only taste alternative coconut-based confections to realise just how good they have it.
Personally, I recommend the Bounty Dark
looks like a mostly peaceful protest. where is it?
they are simple folk
What the fuck do we have an army for?
Royston Vasey
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macho man was right about hogan. he's a pussy little cuck faggot bitch
Would've got a bounty dark if they'd had any
to fight the foreigners on their homeland, in turn that protects the nation from baddies
Sad that this kind of comment is made, and so often. An army on the streets of England? That is so at odds with the ancient ways and character of the Englishman that it encapsulates everything wrong with out nation today. You begging for an army to wander the streets of our free land is, in its own way, more scary than any rock-throwing Romanian or pig-perverting Paki could be.
balls and ball ache and your mother (your mum)
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the budget
baddies mentioned
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>Sad that this kind of comment is made, and so often. An army on the streets of England? That is so at odds with the ancient ways and character of the Englishman that it encapsulates everything wrong with out nation today. You begging for an army to wander the streets of our free land is, in its own way, more scary than any rock-throwing Romanian or pig-perverting Paki could be.
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the army shouldnt be used against your own people
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OOOOoooohhh snap into a Slim Jim motherfucker
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>the ancient ways and character of the Englishman
Those aren't Englishmen. They have no intention of ever becoming Englishmen. They are hostile to England and it's people. Modern problems require modern solutions. Extreme problems require extreme solutions.
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>"Please, somebody else save me!"
You write like a homosexual
Those aren't our own people and never will be.>>199912867
If those lads kidnapped your
It's not 1750 or even 1950.
post the randy savage skyrim thing
need to walk dogberg but he hasn't had his trim and it's already warm
need to go out tonight and I don't know if anyoneelseberg will walk him when it's cooler at ~9pm like I would
hmm... choices choices choices
candlejack kidnapped this anon
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But, thankfully, the Army are...?
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>>"Please, somebody else save me!"
>You write like a homosexual
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and better than ever
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>But, thankfully, the Army are...?
I'm supposed to fight them all off singlehandedly am I? That's what you'd do?

Supposing the police were there in response to a girl calling and saying she's been held prisoner, as a sex slave by a gang of these Muslims, as happens routinely in this country now. You'd leave that girl at the mercy of those animals would you? Slavery in England because you don't like the idea of getting tough with a pack of sadistic rapists, because they are "English." Pathetic.
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>Baby in China chokes to death on nanny’s first day on job, shocking social media
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What are they like in leeds
I have posted it
Why do you post this shit? Are you 13?
Rucy Retby at it again
Burning public transport vehicles is an ancient tradition of The Englishman don't you know.
>book your open day
Katy sorting out the cronem with a morning bj
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>rucy retby
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i'll give you something to suck on, muttboy
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1/3 of the country isn't english
Starting early today aren't we? Why not, it's not like you're busy getting a morning BJ is it.
I've recently discovered it's a Jewish man trying to associate Bradleys with edgy headlines because /brit/ doesn't like Israel
had dreams remembering odd gay stuff i did as a teen during my bi phase but woke up with an erection not a a feeling of repression/regret i should feel
nice to know I've got multiple of you on the ropes with my comments lol
*buries George Floyd*
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this broke him
1/3 was Welsh and Scottish even in the 1600s. Nowadays with immigration it's more like 1/4.
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>nice to know I've got multiple of you on the ropes with my comments lol
You Starmer voting, antiwhite Paki loving faggot. Every single Britroach supported the actions of the Muslim grooming gangs and joined the authorities to suppress any attempt by the parents to expose the scandal. Up to now, you're still voting to let more asylum seekers in. You're complicit in the exploitation of English children. Each and every single poster here is a Muslim, pajeet and nigger lover
I figured most of the posters who come here just to irritate people do so because they're triggered by an opinion they saw on here. Sad innit. Almost feel sorry for them, but then I remember they're massive twats. Looking at you, Belgium.
bit mental
it's not gay if you're the penetrative partner, remember
be the bummer, not the bummee
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another one? lol
Looking forwards to the Olympics next week, comfy opening ceremony evening and then a couple of weeks of comfy WFH viewing
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morning /brit/, hopefully all you lads in leeds are safe with the ongoing chimpy an all
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can’t wait for the gymnastics myself
You see how much more significance the female form has when she doesn't just put it all out into the world immediately for free
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>he was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass
>but I wasn't selling any
Katy preparing breakfast for the cronem
I'd have a panic attack if I was wearing something like that. Not especially claustrophobic but that'd do my head in.
cucu cucurella
he eats paella
he drinks estrella
Get a life, sad cunt. Maybe you'll meet a woman and you'll be able to stop fantasising about other men's live lives on here. Haha just kidding, we know that'll never happen don't we?
if she does a massive post-curry fart where does it go in something like that
epic post
Finna fit my square peg into your gf's round hole
Crystal clear projection lil bro
Bubbles up and out of the top
There I made a fucking godawful post did I do it right
You post the most incel shit I've ever seen. You're obviously beyond hope. Don't assume that because I'm pointing that out that it must apply to me for some reason. Normal people have normal relationships and make normal posts on here. You post you fantasies about other men having relationships that are defined by their race. It's safe to say you've never had a normal relationship and never will.
>elect paki on pro-gaza ballot
>area quickly turns into lawless warzone
Belgium anon fucking told
*enters thread with AR15-style rifle*
Here's my special Frog Pie
> 1 can pumpkin puree (canned)
> Key lime filling (from two $1 frozen pie slices)
> 1 can cherry filling
> 1/2 cup Grape Nuts
> 2 tablespoons Chocolate Malted Ovaltine
> 1 teaspoon Dr Pepper (my fave soda)
> 1/2 teaspoon cumin
> 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
> 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
> 2 tablespoons shredded coconut
> 1 tablespoon minced crystallized ginger
> 4 cups (as in the pre-packaged cups) chocolate pudding
> 1 jar maraschino cherries with syrup
> 1/2 cup chocolate chips
> blue food colouring until it looks sufficiently froggy
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>normal relationships
Mi tink you neva touch no batty OR you touch but she was beeeaaat bruv LOL
>call it frog pie
>isn't a pie
>doesn't contain any frog
Oi oi laddies g'devenin' lads 'ow're we doin' then?
he speaks in pure gibberish
Ever heard of Welsh rabbit
when do I use the frog then
are Laura was so peng in the 2012 'lympics
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>Welsh rabbit
Why are Bangladeshis rioting in London because the Bangladeshi police killed a Bangladeshi man in Bangladesh?
Now who's projecting?

Can't help noticing that you're not denying that you're an incel. Because you know we all know. You know you couldn't hide it if you tried.

Don't you want a normal relationship? Don't you want to be a normal person? Have you even tried going out and meeting people? Or is this your life, and you're just happy to be looked at like a smear of dog shit that got walked into the place?
could knock her out with a single punch
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no but I have heard of Welsh rarebit
because they are settler colonialists
currently perusing the /an/ webm thread
You got 0 pussy LOL
Sort yourself out
Eating some toad-in-the-hole
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it's great to see the industry moving forward
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Beth Tweddle will always be the GOAT gymnast for /brit/
It true the age of consent is 16 in the UK?
I'm fine. Do you see me posting nothing but fantasies about black men having sex? No. I'm not like you and thank God I never will be.
Alright which one of you mongs killed the network, can't get on the Friday piss now
Grapes don't have nuts
Neither do you sister
Your swc never ripped a hymen
saw her in the grand national
Extremely seething article from the bbc and extremely based argentine response
Image board not a link board
Watching the golf on telly, live from Royal Troon
An ugly name for a beautiful girl
mate he is either mentally ill like mousenonce or a coomer who has had his mind rotted by porn, either way just don't ever give autistic spammers (You)s, they'll just keep posting for a few months until they realise they can get more (You)s in /pol/ and /r9k/
Hey man fuck you
At least I've had sex. At least there's a hope of me having sex in the future because I'm not a disgusting pornsick freak.
based ngl, fun fact argentina used to have a third black population
was chatting to a girl earlier who had short hair and a plaid shirt and she mentioned her boyfriend, and in my head i was like "wait a minute, BOYfriend?"
Shan't call Argentina based until they give up their embarrassing obsession with the falklands
Can't wait for deegs to get here. Things will certainly liven up with him around.
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gf in leeds
It's been more than a few months. Ignoring him has got us nowhere. It's time to shine a light on the little goblin freak and show him a mirror.
what's the egg situation?
Mate... deegs is... he's dead, pal... been dead for weeks
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hahahahhaha wtf
Girl pronouns he/him
Having mine for lunch
Fried eggs and rice
Bit of chilli oil
gave me a little chuckle
wish my town had a market square with stalls and shit like a medieval village
just stand around yelling "items for sale! get your items here! god bequeaths his blessing upon thee who purchaseth mine items!" and so forth
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do you follow the financial order of operations?
Look at that little pig
Nice try.
dunno anything about golf but shall watch along too
>Mass worldwide IT outage affects airlines, media and banks


its happening!
What the fuck is "hyper-accumulation" lmao
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Excellent news.
>Hyperaccumulation occurs when you are investing 25% or more of your income for retirement. Depending on your income, hyperaccumulation may happen inside of your employer-sponsored accounts, using the mega backdoor Roth strategy, or in a taxable brokerage account.
After how much effort did you get miss piggy? LOL
The yutes have an endless supply of fit blondes
same. I hate living in a suburb so much. even cunts in meth filled country areas have more of a sense of community.
My only debt is student loan which I'll never pay off lol
I save 50% of my income at least
Love it when the IT goes down at work but the phonelines still up. Customers phone in foaming at the mouth angry at whatever shite they're angry about today and you're free to tell them um sorry sweaty our systems are down so you'll need to call back later x (and speak to someone who isn't me)
Looking forward to seeing news reports of crowded airports full of seething holidaymakers. Not on Sky News of course, because this has knocked them off air lol
Can't knock a £3.40 bacon sausage baguette and a brew tbqh.
>My only debt is student loan which I'll never pay off lol
same lol. i owe $20k but most of it isn't accumulating interest since i'm still in grad school

i could pay it off right now but I'm earning way too much in the stock market
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Student Loan isn't a real loan in the UK, don't worry about it.

They shouldn't be allowed to pretend it is, or encourage people to pay it off early
deadass doing a poo rn fr
Lads who are good at banter
How do you do it? I want to learn. I was told to just say anything, no matter how silly it sounds. People don’t listen to what you’re saying, just the tone and they just want words to fill the silence but I’m worried I’ll say the wrong thing or something deeply offensive
>Student Loan isn't a real loan in the UK
well it is
you still have to pay it off every month
big man in the office early

ready to head right up there into the business sky, kick it right up the moon's arse
i brush my teeth and piss in the shower, anyone who tells me there are reasons not to do that are full of shit and trying to get me to waste my time by multitasking
"The yutes" think you're a pathetic specimen, just like fit blondes do, just like "miss piggy" does. It's hilarious to watch you act like you're looking down on anybody when you're really so worthless.
sinful body
by NOT multitasking i mean
the west are the absolute worst people on earth filled with desperation cope and malice
phwoaar yes mines a baguette with omelette and sosij
Right well that's a pair of tits isn't it
It's a graduate tax for 25 years that's all. You can't default on it, it's not on your credit score, etc.

Tbf I normally turn up between 9.30 and 10am (department manager so I don't have a boss) but I slept over at my GFs and she was up early.

Checking all the scruffs are in
classic "here's why we shouldn't try to eradicate extreme poverty" nyt article
>desk phone
Is it 2019
there's like 3-4 little kids on my street who are constantly playing on the road, they've been doing this for years, i've watched them go from preschoolers to mid-primary schoolers, i'm surprised none of them have been run over or kidnapped by a nonce yet
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You’ll get into trouble for that lad, women’s exposed breasts aren’t allowed on a sfw board. I once got into trouble for cartoon breasts
You'd be prime suspect
why dont we just let spain have gibraltar anyway, not like we need it is it
spend a lot of time watching kids do you?
they dont call it the new york crimes for nuthin
We only got VoIP about two years ago lel

I work for a very traditional company and it's chill as fuck.
today's a day for some summer house classics on the youtube music
Yeah we weren't interested when you posted the screenshot mate
postgympretoil incel walk
embarrassed yourself here
if you ask me spain can have gibraltar. spain have yet to ask me though.
wonder if this outage impacts the servers for microsoft flight sim
was planning a cheeky fly fly when my half day at toil kicks in
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the lads
>very traditional company
>chill as fuck.
hmm doesn't really make sense
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Nice try pablo
I’ve been to Gibraltar. The people living there don’t want to be Spanish
Nothing wrong with that
My old company was like that, much prefer that to my current one where it's just constant Teams meetings
woke up with a weird long leg spider on my arm and didnt know what to do with it so i ate it
spend a lot of time making predictable, low-hanging fruit jokes do you?
i've logged on this morning and nowt's wrong
Gibraltar was British before Spain was Spain
why were they getting frothy over kids? noncing involved?
fucking freak
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So what's happened in Leeds then?

Some family's had 5 kids taken away because their infant cracked their head falling out a window, and the local vermin have absolutely kicked off?

Probably the same people who get red in the face about local nonce huntings. Absolute cattle.
Business idea:
Violently mentally ill olympics
Obese Vs anorexic olympics
Sex Olympics
Lazy Olympics
Olympics as sponsored by performance enhancers
Teen Olympics
Death game Olympics
Seems to be cloud services and all that sort of shite. Fuck em and fuck the cloud.
Child protection were trying to take away some gyppo's abused/neglected children
Gyppos kicked off
Pakis decided to join in because it's nice weather out and who doesn't like a summer riot?
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emilia clarke - 1/8th Indian
vivian leigh - 1/4th Indian
many anglo-indians (1/2 Indian) due to social acceptance migrated to Britain after India got independence.
sad affair
got called a wizard in my abusive uncle's island shack earlier lads
Unfortunately toil seems to still be working despite being microsoft-based :(
got fucking FLEA BITES thanks to the fucking neighbours and their fucking cat which shits liquid catshit in OUR garden and has to be called in at 2am for some reason even though it's outside their back door miaowing for hours beforehand
point 22
I have 12 credit cards, 8 deposit accounts, and 4 investment platforms.

Need to consolidate.
Severely fucking tempted mate believe me
>vivian leigh
never heard of her
can smell my neighbour smoking weed at 8am, grim
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The office is five white blokes, and my PA who makes the teas. Me and my PA both have separate offices, and also from the rest. We have about 40 labourers and a separate design office on the other side of the site.

We never have "meetings" or an "agenda" or office bitching or anything.

I get to come in late every day and leave early for 5-a-side on a Wednesday. Sometimes have a pint at lunch.

Get paid £40k to do the accounts which are pretty straightforward.

Could go and be a smaller cog in a bigger machine but can't be arsed.

Yeah I couldn't be arsed with working in a "real" office with spazmos
aren't rich people always saying you should diversify?
The deep innit. Hull.

>The office is five white blokes
Definitely Hull
english actress in hollywood
yh but thats in investments, not the accounts themselves
harry potter feels like something i could've written, it's like rowling stole my ideas before i was even born
Why do you have a PA
Considering moving to Australia
>I think what makes his character so great is the fact that his equivocations border on a solid argument for everything he says. He's wrong like all the time, but for the right reasons
Is this guy right about Super Hans?
actress from the 1930s kek
Because I'm a department manager who is *very busy*
Yeah suppose, he has a sideways view of the world
do billionaires keep all their personal spending money in a single account? seems stupid and risky to me unless literally all of their money is in stocks and they've only got a few grand in fiat currency
come on over lad, we can always do with more white immigration
(note: the "no drug addiction" lyric is no longer applicable)
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how is that funny if you aren't paki ?
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It's happening lads. Today is the day. Global apocalypse caused by Microsoft and Crowdstrike.
Reports of IT outages are coming in from around the world
Airlines, broadcasters and banks are affected - including Sky News in the UK, which is off-air
Multiple airports in the UK and across the world are reporting delays, with some flights suspended
In the US, major airlines including United and Delta are stopping flights
In Australia, airports, shops, and communications are affected, Australia's National Cyber Security Coordinator describing as a "large-scale technical outage"
Railway companies in the UK report delays
Microsoft says it is continuing to deal with "the lingering impact" of the outage
Sheer clapmeat for the yutes
Cashmongs ready to gloat before being told that they too cannot purchase their items as the tills are down.
encountered this today too, what the fuck is going on
because it's absurd bringing up an actress from nearly a 100 years ago as if everyone should know it
yes dear everyone on the internet is a paki
Some cloud security thing that apparently every company uses was redeemed too needfully during an update and everything is broken now.
Went to the store to buy onions
Luckily I had cash
Someone send me alot of money and make life easier for me
cash isn't as tasty as onions though haha
absurd things weren't kek-worthily funny the last time i went out of my home
Just sent you a £20 mate, I'm kopiteloveegg btw
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american women are beautiful and need to be kissed by englishmen
things can only get butter
got a mild drug addiction and feel like i can't stop now because you can only quit drugs once you hit absolute rock bottom
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London is peng, simple as
she is far too arrogant and feminist. she'd mock my technique. cruel wench
want to hurt whomever designed that walkie talkie building, legitimately the ugliest building i've ever seen
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rorke on the ROPES
The X Files truly are some Amerikino
Its a shame 98% of anything released these days is DEI dogshit or just outright bad because of Hollywood nepotism
Union absolutely smashed the pay offer, good lads
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idiotic comment
If you're opiatelad you've been addicted for months lad.
shut up diego go to r/virgin and annoy them instead
He's right, it's shite, cope on
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yeah but it's not out of control or anything, i'm not spending every last cent i have on it
yeah we've all seen sydney opera house m8
I can't do any toil because of this, LOL
What about that is peng
Yes it's sunny out
Most places actually look quite nice when it's sunny
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Love watching John Rogers walk about London, especially the really historic parts of the City full of tiny alleyways
How's that fucking fair, everything's working for me ffs
>open news
did a poo
supping a coffee
>shartland has outages
thats about right

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