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Wypipo eat dis??
>blog on
>*yawns loudly in your face*
>who's gonna play you in the film, do you reckon
>*has already walked off before you can reply*
Roy "Chubby" Brown
where do rich people actually do their food shopping
waitrose delivery?
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the ideal female body
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Photoshopped to the extent she no longer looks human?
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Not an anime.
stop posting this rancid whore
File deleted.
making shit music in ableton
I look like this but without the tits and with an 8 inch cock
Would you rather be Irish or Welsh?
Yeah that isn't what human beings look like
chocolate rolo cowboy hats
ee by gum
i go to waitrose sometimes and im a pleb
properly rich people probably get most things from places youve never heard of because theyre local organic things or just stupid
One thing I respect about British politicians as opposed to here is that he and Keir could argue like absolute muppets in PMQ, and then sit down and have a pint together.
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Found the sound I was looking for, the Northern Cassowary
Sounds mental as hey
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Actually it's this
its a video screencap you spaz
Someone told me I shouldn't read Nietzsche while depressed
phwoar peng
bit of chocolate
going to be a wew lad from me
>Two men charged with woman's rape in York city centre
I went to a proper pub recently and the patron said "say what you will about old two tier kier but since he's been in power racism has gone down, smoking is gone and Britain is respected again, he ain't so bad after all" I heard a lot of "hear hears" around the pub, even from real rough looking old timers.
Mental how there's a New South Wales but no New South Northern Ireland
Fish fingers for tea
2 weeks community service and a £30 fine?
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the badger
Gullible retard
It's 2024
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Four cans of San Miguel
I don't drink alcohol and dislike pubs myself
wheres the new /brig/?
love coke
hate beer
really dislike brad pitt, to me he ruins every film he's in (with the exception of fight club and meet joe black)

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zoomerspeak was a mistake
want to eat biscuits but have to cook sausages
Oceans 11 remake was alright
While I'm on the subject of bird sounds, here's a good one
And an awful horrible dickhead
Slurping up worms straight from the source (my dog's arse)
Thelma and Louise
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shut it, mong boy
They have this new thing called filters mate
we go minute after minute
we go hour after hour
we gon get this party started
because we have got the power

power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
i don't trust like that
how is a bird doing that
>hmm, starmzy... starmer x stormzy... that's quite funny. i could work grenfell in too. I should give that a go on /brit/
>but wait, best to check the archive, perhaps others have tried
>Returning only first 5000 of 17282 results found.
here are our demands:

>power to us the nigger people
>power to us the nigger people
>power to us the nigger people

we will take it by force if we must

power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
4th straight week of mates choosing to go out with other people and not inviting me. it's over.
Clearly not your mates then are they? Get a clue
Just saw a woman texting at the roundabout
Snapped her licence plate might see if the rozzers want to get involved
filtered to fuck, hate this trend
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
>Fahim Khan, 18, and Zaid Zahir, 20
Yep, I was at a proper pub and some old white English people were grumbling about two tier. The barman said, “Oi, leave it out, Keir’s trying his best, yeah? I mean, what d'you expect him to do? Clear out the cells for the rioters, get the whole lot in there before August 2024 rolls around, innit? It’s not exactly a picnic running this circus, but at least he’s got his boots on and he’s having a go. You reckon you could do better with all that mess to clean up? Nah, didn’t think so! So, let the man have a breather—he’s got the tough job of keeping us all from tearing each other apart. Now, let’s raise a glass and cut the bloke some slack before we end up in the cells ourselves!”
when you cook your bland dinners
your pham claps with encouragement
man best not step to me yeah
when i'm drinking a nurishment

power to us the nigger people
power to us the nigger people
Going out? On a Friday night?
Not for me
More of a sit on my L shaped settee and have an air-gapped wank with four pints of premium continental lager man myself
Two perfectly normal modern British names, what's wrong with that? You bloody racist
any spare reasons to live going round? must have lost mine somewhere
get me off this godforsaken island
reckon crime pays?
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country
we are the nigger people
we're here to take your country

power to us the nigger people
promised myself I'd go to aa but might get some cans in
oi, brigand
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seethe on, freakshow
yeah i reckon even if you get caught it does because youll have some cracking stories

You must now tell me what your farts usually smell like
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got the sprite in
oh my days
seen enough films in my life now to where whenever i watch something new i have those "ooh what was he/she in again?" moments with a lot of supporting actors
very comfy, but why on earth have you posted it? is that your house?
erm.. poo and such
celebrating birthdays after childhood...grim
timmy trying not to be creepy challenge: impossible
I learned an interesting fact today.
Kamala Harris's nephews are half-Koreans
Her husband's younger brother's wife is a Korean lawyer.
Because Harris has no children, they are like son and daughter to her.
if i match a fat ugly bird from tinder who lives round the corner what message do i send to get her to come to mine and shag?
The PIP benefits collected.
The calories eaten. The TDEE exceeded.
The smelly bedroom left unclean.
The bradleys spammed.
The smartphone samefagging posted.
The pathological lying sorted. The spreadsheet updated.
might go into crime, for the stories
the junkies living above me inject heroin which is a crime but they get a copy and pasted version of my flat for free whilst i have to pay rent and they spend all day and all night deliberately banging on my ceiling instead of toiling so yes
what's an "air-gapped wank"?
Would you like it if they were proper Yorkshiremen?

Do you think it really matters to the victim?

If you actually cared, you'd focus your energy on the issue of violence against women by men instead of being racist.
he is about to go into the house and murder the family inside with an axe. he's the resident /brit/ killer
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hate the way yanks pronounce aunt
spraying caustic soda onto my bellend
Prefer not to say
you could potentially sell your stories to publishers
dipping my bellend in methylated spirits
the filename says CT so it's gingernonce spamming as per usual
might hide my meth pipe inside my fleshlight just in case anyone ever searches my room i'll hide my great shame inside a slightly lesser shame, that has the added bonus of people not wanting to touch it
make mine a double
grim af
Not going to do burritos tonight
Going to do something more cheesy
Business Idea: Total Depopulation of India, Africa and the Middle East, and turning it into farmland to grow food for Europe.
changing my reserved slot on morrisons to a different one and then back again to the one i want every 55 mins cos i'm scared to commit to my shop
and give it to the next guy
If she lives round the corner just lean out your window and ring the dinner bell
that's based
the goondem are out
but so are the clapmeats yes yes
what you doing tonight diego?
might go to the pub by myself lmao
really want to know what an air gapped wank is
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ktim but to the carvery
ktim but the prison cafeteria

Terminally online

Same as Toby

Same. Person. You've been tricked.
that would result in ecological disaster. you can't just terraform a continent, wiping out countless flora and fauna, and expect everything to be fine
>An air gap is a security measure that involves isolating a computer or network and preventing it from establishing an external connection. An air-gapped computer is physically segregated and incapable of connecting wirelessly or physically with other computers or network devices.
Nonce behaviour. Ignore him.
put on my shopping list "frozen baked goods"
not very bloody helpful is it
left the gf on read
like to think it sends her mad
if she really wants me, she can message again
Do not search for air gapped wank on google images
frzen sosij role
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Started watching the vlog, left when she started chewing the tea to discern the taste. No thank you. Saw that behaviour years ago with you, Rubbage. Not interested in it again.
one day she'll leave and you'll regret your actions
bf left me on read, didn't even notice because I don't care.
you don't see men wearing big nasty gemmy little finger rings anymore
que rico
honestly mad. just imagine taking this photo back to the cro mandem times and telling them this is what women will look like 2000 years after the death of jesus christ. cheddar man would lose sleep.
left mumberg on read
that'll teach the bitch for getting me ham and mushroom pizza when she knows I don't like mushrooms
five brown onions
two red onions
dunno probably watch something maybe play a video game idk
worlds the oyster innit
howling done this like a million times
plump clappers are getting in and out of traphouses
three tins of pinto beans
You mean like some comfy pies and greggs stuff?
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got to go lads my fwb just showed up
her boyfriend must have left her on read again lol
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two tubes of tomato puree
garlic (large)
The world is ending in 5 minutes and you have to bring 3 books with you into the bunker to hide out, which ones are you bringing?
The world isn’t your oyster tho, is it?
There is.......... a thread.
A thread........ on 4chan.
Though, strangely, this thread.... is.... filled with nonsense.
Nonsense....... from British people.
Pride and Prejudice
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
two magherita pizzas
im a queer little fruit
What's going on there then?
Rhubarb's Oxford Union debate is up and oh god, it's every bit as embarrassing as I'd imagined. It's so bad. She looks on the verge of a panic attack throughout and barely comes close to making a point, much less a well-reasoned, backed-up argument.

Her whole defence is: "People have free will, so it's not my fault if children follow my toxic examples and lose money, get hurt or die! I shouldn't have to be held responsible for anything! I just want money and to be able to lie about things, I don't care what happens to other people! I just get cash for influencing, it's their own fault if they get influenced! Besides, other people in the world do worse things so I should be allowed to do whatever I want without consequence!"

I love that she burns up a significant chunk of her allotted time saying, "Influencers have a very positive impact on people. I could list many examples, but I'm not going to - that wouldn't be a productive use of my time." Ruby, you're at a debate over whether influencers have a negative impact or not and you're arguing for the opposition, that's the only way you should be using your time!

It's a good job she has no plans to pursue a law degree. "Your honour, Oiy cyould provoide avvidence pryooving moiy cloient is VARRY MOCH INNOCENT, boht that wouldn't beee ayyy prodocktive yeese of moiy toiyme. Instead, please allow me tyeu recoite some onrelated acadammick quotes Oiy Gyeegolled."
ah yes the banker I have that can withstand the end of the world
might go down the pub and go in the keir garden
Textbooks, may as well do a learn while I'm there
didn't dab my willy now got a mild post-piss sting going
There we have it. From the man himself.
dried parsley
omds you freak
war and peace
the qur'an
erimentha parker's to-do list
white wine stock pots
will the death penalty return to the UK?
Cracked a couple raw eggs in my arse and now it's time for a hot bath to let them cook
*rubs your willy with a doc leaf*
Going home from the pub for a fag
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love how eyeberg and eyestein glazes over the moment a post goes beyond a few words
What if you grab your flashlight and forget its in there then start fucking broken fragments of glass?
I think I’d enjoy penetrating her.
when i go to the club i wanna hear those club classics
club classics
club club classics
dont think Christ likes queer little fruits last I checked
popped the bollocks in the air fryer
She wouldn't like it due to her negrosexuality
Bid them enter, and attend to their pleasures
tranny keeps touching a fella so he kicks the tranny in the face
feel like SHIT
would be so peng to win the euromillions
would just sit in the gaff and do gear all day
so it wouldnt change your life at all?
Watching the movie for the second time I believe after seeing in cinema. This movie is basically the same you saw, but with more padding and longer scenes. Vanessa Kirby is still a great Josephine despite being younger than she really was. She brings alive this character trying to stay alive in this new world. Her scene with Barras gives a slightly different context to her meeting Napoleon. Though it's changing nothing. Phoenix is a terrible choice. Or I would say Scott wanted him to channel some of Joker into his Napoleon. Giving us this twisted guy who barely feels anything, simping for Josephine and basically too old for every scene.

At first I didn't mind him being older since make-up can make you look younger and acting can cover for the years. But it's just not working. And I mainly blame it on Scott. I think he asked Phoenix things which lead him down to this character portrayal. Ofc he's at blame too. And if your choice for the titular guy is a misfire then your whole movie is in a deep shit.

Save for Waterloo, all the battle scenes are just pretty much placeholder action scenes. Put in there so people won't doze off or wake up at the noise. These scenes serves this sole purpose and clearly historical accuracy wasn't a point while making them.

Behind Waterloo, Austerlitz is the longest. It looks stunning, as the whole movie since Scott despite being 86 years old still knows his game, but looks all over the place. The wide shots gives you idea how the battle looks and actually makes no sense. Some buildings in the middle of nowhere then some armies shows up and fighting ensues. It's like it took the Sokolnitz part of towards the end of the battle and make it a standalone thing. Nothing before that.

I'm generally fine with artistic lincense, but you have to be mindful of this. The closer you are to the present day, the harder to get away with this. We know more and a lot of people want to see that.
I'd have my own harem
Business idea: start calling you all Ukanians
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what's some good healthy pudding ideas?
Shut up and do some gear will you
Employed Woman commuting to ALDI
why would it?
Grow up will you
Elton Mess
If I won the Euromillions I'd buy or rent a croft and live off my own produce

Actually mad now that I think about that to live like a peasant I need to become a millionaire
On the 'let 'avin a 'oo
cat will be next on the plate
the gaol's are ful
christ i nearly forgot to take my beers out of the freezer
I just heard a bizarre excuse for raising rents from a landlord.

He claimed that he didn't raise rent price is property would lose value.

That's insane. It can't even be true.
2nd weekend not having a drink
Gasping for one
just fucking set fire to his property and walk off
what's he gonna do?
Go on, have a nice cider. It won’t kill you!
All set for the Oasis tickets tomorrow lads. Going to grab as many as I can and flog them at vastly inflated prices.
involuntarily farted at this
are you jewish
Why don't we have internet cafes here?
fuck off
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sums starmer's "labour" party up
true, the gaols are ful afterall
just have a pint you big puff
Rorke unmasked
I’m sorry. Are you an alchy?
it’s not 2007 anymore
this post belongs on /pol/
we have internet on our phones here*

*in this plane of existence in 2024 and for the past 15 years
no one cares liberalmong
not just one pint though is it
one can of cider becomes 4 then i move onto the spirits until i black out on the floor
can’t control myself
Yeah but the japanese have them and they seem quite popular. Think of all the commuter mongs you could trick into renting a booth for an hour to work in
Guess that answers that
your mum got rid of your dad's spunk and replaced it with a speccy gimp
japs are all bugmen who live in pods that don't have space for even a laptop
So I should make one in London?
demolished a 5 pack of tesco doughnuts in 15 minutes. £1.15 for all that nourishment, cost of living crisis is a myth
urban youths would make short work of them
Proper spacker post and this was 5 hours ago but is this lad still here right now? Just wanted to know why you're not able to pull anymore how old are you now that you can't pull

you can try but it won't work
because all cafes are internet cafes in 2024
even that one on top of mount snowdon
Grim feeling seeing your friend group slowly drift apart
They hardly even answer my texts anymore and don’t speak or go out with each other. They’ve all got new girlfriends and new friends while I languish in my smeggy bedroom trying to organise a pint with a few of my best mates but it’s the 3rd week in a row and it just looks pathetic now.
Exactly. They are perfect and cheap for people with serious processed sugar deficiencies such as ourselves.
tell them you're feeling suicidal and see if that gets any their arses into gear
what nourishment? tesco doughnuts taste ok but there is no nutrition in them
why are they all such fucking freaks
Tarqs would absolutely rent a private booth to work in and drink coffee instead of doing it in the middle of costa where commoners are shouting over their meetings
it doesnt t.knower
Urgh, commoners. They make me heave.
love weevils
love beetles
love mantis
love grasshoppers
in the service, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils
remember bin weevils
All weevils are the same though
>euro lucky dipped
>sweeties acquired
>pizza fresh out the oven
>kino on the box
>my best friends (You) are all here
wahey to be honest
Another shit week might get smashed out of my head on booze and weed
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gymtoil complete
wont matter. in 60 seconds we will cum
sad existence honestly
kill yourself
In a blind taste test you couldn't tell the difference between a man's pooey bumhole and a woman's pooey bumhole.
Stop kidding yourself.
see those black beetles crossing the road all the time
I have been observing them for some time now
they love crossing the road
as we enter - nas and damien marley
mental how most of the folk posting here were born after the year 2000
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Nice mate. I wish you an evening of comfiness.
stop being a poofter then
I was born in 1986
itchy nose
itchy eye
feel like my body's falling apart
Picked up some moss and rolled it into a ball
1991 lad me
Men’s are hairier
wanking a blokes arse with my arse
won't it be strange when we're all fully grooown
92, me. /brit/ is a millennial board
Alri granddads
what film you watching
eating nigger shit
new thread
strongly suspect that isn't true, or perhaps i just don't want to believe
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no fucking way
/brit/ is a mid-30s stronghold
you can google almost any random combination of a first name and a last name and there'll be a footballer called that in the search results
only gone and got the blue velvet on
Steve Blackman's brother
so you lads buying Oasis tickets tommorow morning?
Born in 1993 me
House prices gone up again
air fryers on
chips in one
soon to be pizzas (made from old naan breads) in the other
missed that edish, absolutely sexoooooooooooio
excellent news for property owners such as myself
Don’t leave the flat, me
>air fryers
fat cunt
feel like SHIT
typed in my dead uncles name and it came up with a musician from the 80s
why are you alive exactly? seems like you're just needlessly taking up a home someone who isnt a waste of skin could inhabit.
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for me it's the boring weevil
wypipo be like i'll use my credit card
I am a property owner

t. time traveller from about 10 years in the future when I gain my inheritance
To feel comfy
air fryers are obviously a game changer but they don't have the flexibility of a double oven
a double air fryer is the obvious solution
your parents must be ancient
its fortunate people like you tend to die off early
in a way it is
gblog on
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get him freed
As opposed to total cunts like yourself?
shant be looking up who paul watson is
got arrested in denmark for protesting whaling in japan
I'm John Honey
*other lads start raising up*
I'm John Honey
I'm John Honey
bit silly really isn't it. why didn't he go to japan and do it?
vicetone with another banger
would you rather felch your grandma or bite the dick off a baby?
they arrested paul joseph watson?
what a vile little toad you are
good if true
bite the dick off a baby
Get him, Keir
State of your reading comprehension
why do you want to make a poor innocent baby dickless for life?
might invent a sex bot to sex me to death
had enough of this realm
you're 6 inches in liz truss and keir starmer is 6 inches in you
which way do you move?
can tell you're an utter specimen from this post
wringing your neck would be a mercy
shut up tubsy
>bite the dick off a baby?
do i have to do the total conversion to judaism or just the circumcision?
I'm at my capacity at 6 inches so I can only move backwards
Keir famously has a 8 inch penis
would love to kill them both
>image contains no explicit nudity

>image contains explicit nudity
>not deleted

weird that

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