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San Miguel Edition
setting sail for bedtime island
goodnight, anons
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things fall apart
but nothing breaks like a heart
mumsnet wog going to be seeething about this edish
San Miguel is shit
Life's what you make it.
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Piss in a bottle
It's not. It's actually very refreshing — especially on draught.
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pooing a nigger
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i had a San Miguel beer 1 year ago and this was the worst shit i ever drank in my life. German beer is number 1 that is for sure. British beer is okay. Some dutch beer is okay. But San Miguel holy shit that tasted like crap. To be honest Germany,UK,Netherlands,maybe Belgium and Austrians are the real beer nations.... rest is shit
/brit/'s favourite actor

Mickey Rourke
My life is such a joke
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back from being banned
will never phonepost again, awful
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not very funny though, more tragic than anything so would appreciate you not posting about it as it sours the mood x
bit pissed like
wish my life was hilariously embarassing instead of dreadfully dour
no it isn't, I didn't make this
If I did, I'm sorry
gwon lass show us yer tits!
had one of these (San Miguel) for the first time when I went to the UK not long ago
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>girl sits next to me on the train
>rubs against me taking her coat off
>convinved shes into me
why am i like this lads
enjoying the music of lenny breau x

My heart is so powerful it only goes at 1BPM
and Australia
Those two posts were made less than a minute apart, you retard. Raging cause you waited 5 minutes for nothing
What do you drink from the tap when go to the pub lads?
For me it's Asahi (if they have it), Peroni, Stella, Madri
the vile cowards above committing constant deliberate banging on my ceiling just done a bit of criminal damage on the (landlords) property from my rented flat in south east london kent england
Not even joking lads, I considered becoming trans, even started taking estrogen.
What saved me was all the images of botched fannies that are occasionally spammed, it just hit me how absurd my goal was.
I still struggle with being a man, but I now understand that I'm mentally ill. I see a Christian therapist because he's the only one in my local area who helps me to overcome my desire to be a woman and not embrace it.
I think there might be light at the end of the tunnel :)
mad to think someone ejaculated deep inside her
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I remember when you posted this reaction to my post four years ago, pic related during covid lockdowns.
Where did the time go bro?
you gay?
thought they were all blue in avatar
Foreign muck
how big are your tits
had dreams of doing something important when I was a lad, thought I'd be some great engineer or mathematician
turned into a finance software devmong instead, pathetic really and I can see people fall asleep when I tell them what I do
how do i get a straight boyfriend as a man
>Pure peppermint
>Strawberry & raspberry
Hmm, you say that but my favourite beers are Franziskaner and Hofbrau yet I like San Miguel. Maybe our San Miguel is made in a different brewery.
honestly think the elites just did this because they were bored
Bit fucking racist
>what is IVF
Do a little transition
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I can't believe it's already September
Forgot to mention Asahi was one of my favourites. Like the dryness of it.
get arses poowanked
is there anybody out there?
Margot Robbie? Yuck! Who would want to ejaculate inside HER?
agnosticism is correct
Wake me up when September ends haha
scooping up the grubs from my vacuum bag with my hands and shovelling them into my holes
depends, does she have nice feet?
i'm not growing up, i'm just burning out
I like men and women
a cups, they're like soft puffy manboobs
saging this post
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Off to bed
Sorry lad can you repeat that?
yeah ive got soul but im not a soldier
Wikifeet gives her 5/5 stars!
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i don't remember it but it's definitely my style
four years ago? b-but the covid thing was just last year...
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ah it's alright
that said, what took me by surprise when I was in the UK is that most pubs have a lineup of just foreign beers and maybe one or two locals, and something dark. Whereas here it's all local beers, a few crafties, and then maybe a Heiniken or Asahi tap on the end
mental how you woke up one day and realised you were 32



wikifeet angela rayner
her feet are very pedestrian (excuse the pun) but footfreaks go mental over them
As I said she's pregnant right now. you could go in rawdog and not care about cumming or anything. Bet she loves that
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unreal how quick this year's gone
fuck lads we're almost halfway through the DECADE
aha good lad
should I have a third wank before bed or leave it for tomorrow?
feels more like a chore but I don't want think back in regret when I'm on my deathbed about all the wanks I missed out on
Lonely and push everyone away that tries to get close aha
32 is a very strange age. 31 and 33 don't sound bad but 32 does.
quick tip: drink before bed to increase your chance of having nightmares
i thought it through ~ and i wanna do a bad thing twice
>Ella liked your photo!
Too bad she's a fucking walrus of a woman
Only issue with the pregnant thing is the woman would have a CHILD inside of her, so I'd guess you can't be that rough Lol
don't know anything about beers. reckon some in depth research is required
we're almost a quarter way through the century
Autistic people be like
these are the kind of copes office karens go through

literally no one thinks about this shit until they're 25
wouldnt mind getting to feel a rabbit
Sound like a perfect match for a nasty goblin of a man


rorke curling 5kg dumbbells to this in preparation for the race war
you're right they're not bad at all
I guess she got a lot of publicity from the barbie movie eheheh
All women have to do is not be fat and a growing minority fail that
I am an autistic man in his early 20s.
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I would drink beer if it were medieval times or something and that was the standard thing. But now it just seems weird. Seems in contrast to our modern life. Old fashioned drink
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off to the pub with you ASAP
here's a start - although confusingly they mucked up the colours, the lager should be lighter
not nice
going to have a little cry then?
>5 stars
don't go to bars, just stay home and drink
getting utterly buck broken by time me
Spends all your money partying and satisfying your desires

Saves every penny so I can afford a nurse and the nice wheelchair when I'm 100
>lol you feel things
Yeah, I am.
Wanna join me?
On the cans
@ many of youse
a post indicative of a pub-less society
Costs far too much to get pissed at the pub
a beer dodging yank, what a surprise
bunch of poofs over there
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A part of me genuinely thinks that they're explicitly trying to destroy the pub as a community.
Reckon we should start signing posts
you sound like a cheapy peepy
don't let them do it
that monky fuming lol
got me pissy boxers on in bed
fucking stinks
how's it going greg
always howl at the notion that beer is manly when it's literally estrogenic
drinking absolut have no idea if it tastes worse than chekov or supermarket own but don't want to try
prefer not to say (will be busy arsewanking)

sick of it to be honest, it'll be a crime to have a cheeky pint soon
got the weyes blood on
she's lovely
sounds a bit like karen carpenter
Got a little bit of a visual aura which is disconcerting but will see how it goes
doing a poo
i'm a poor
i'm a pooer
i'm a midnight wanker
This is part I monkey has rude morning

part two II is monkey goes for a bath with his otter friends
if a few beers turns you into a woman then to be honest you were a fucking poof all along
state of yanks
get yourself some wyborowa lad. knocks the shite out of any russian or swedish shite. poles know how to make vodka
Titanic Rising is criminally forgotten. I assume because it came out at the start of Covid
Vodka drinkers be like "dude this tastes so different to the other vodkas"
Ever seen her toes? They are very long
never implied that it turns me into a woman after a few just that it's objectively estrogenic you stupid cunt

it's a masterpiece
hearts aglow was NOT as good
Going to doctors nowadays be like
>Hmmm, well get some rest and stay hydrated then we'll see if it improves. See you again in a month
where you from
what shall it be for the alone day-drinking?
natural ice, icehouse, or the steel reserve?
Hello Britbongs I come in peace
I was in Coventry recently and it was a shithole, what's up with that
Is this a result of the famed "austerity" you speak of?
seeing this cunt in London supported by Good Morning (great aussie band)
Yes I enjoy my Apple music subscription. Just another way to get the dopamine flowing ... I use Audio Technica headphones
How about a big tall glass of nobody cares
no need for the hysterics you mucky little poofter
whats it to YOU
Prefer demos from before the 90s me
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Can someone explain what this cunt is about and what sets him off? Always meant to ask.
swallowed that long ago, that's why i'm drinking lad
ahaha good post lad
it's very needed for a single digit iq cunt like you
yeah should be good. saw Weyes Blood at primavera few years ago and cried because her voice was so beautiful live (also I was really high aha x)
famed british town planner Herman Goring is to thank for that
listening to ludacris
no mate
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No way
No you are not
they are enemies
the pongo loathes and possibly even fears the otter
dumb ape
same here
can be a bit dangerous for babies
just cant really trust an animal
or a man
or yourself
I said a glass of juice
thinking about killing myself
Rotterdam is great but was also bombed to shit, seems like a weak excuse that one
Did Göring import all the foreigners?
Why not
you need a trip to the pub ASAP
There is a person who posts here under a Belgian flag who constantly posts about black cocks and cuckoldry, so when I see your flag I get angry and am inclined to view your posts in the worst possible light. Would just like to warn you of this, as our hostility towards you might seem to come from nowhere.
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stay chipper

nothing to smile about in my life!
its boring to explain
just some incels doing their little ritual
yeah, wood-chipper!
Just got banned for 2 weeks because I tried linking k farms to the poster asking about the leaf spammer
Very cool stuff
only food gives me enjoyment
4chan is specifically designed to allow you to procrastinate and avoid doing the shit you have to in life :)
nah he'll grow into an even bigger poofter the second he gets a whiff of the drip tray

why don't you try forcing it like the joker chap? get yourself some lipstick and get in front of the mirror x
still kind of crazy to me Russel Brand went full chud
my beautiful wife Getty Image
mental how 1984 basically captured the essence of life past the age of 25

the most dangerous aspect of your life now is looking too long at someone while in the shop buying food to eat that night

just because it is the most noteworthy experience you can recollect as it caused you some distress.
Remember to get out and enjoy some fresh air lads. Sunday morning in September is the perfect time for this - church bells ringing in the distance, cool misty mornings, fields ready to be harvested. Don't sit there wasting your life away x
He didn't go full chud, the left went bonkers.
Russel the Rapist
Is the chippy your favorite place to eat?
not that unbelievable though is it
love turtles me
he goes where the fame and money is
why are yanks so poofy? is it yanks in general or just the ones that visit /brit/?
ah yes Coventry """cathedral"""
im 29 years old and never had a gf or bf NOT EVEN CLOSE
are you upset about russel brand
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mental how brutal time's futa BBC is
not my favourite
not sure what my favourite
just buying loads of treats and junk food from the shop
just me
/cum/ is very straight despite the name
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for me, it's Clifton Cathedral
Visceral gut punch
how'd you manage that
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I've wondered this myself. Gets deleted all too quick. Gotta be a janny
>or bf
well that's why you never had the former
two fingers knuckle deep in my arse doing a powerful poowank
probably not what you want to read at 12.30am on a sunday but here we are
my brother
why are we like this
ugly as shit!
he's not wrong
he was a cool chill guy before now he rants about chud stuff, I don't know what I just heard he's one now
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took this lovely pic at the gym today :)
are you fat? i'm not yet, somehow, despite the veracity of my statement
stepmum has the same body type CORRR
ultra based gym creeper
didn't though did you
boring gimp get a life
oiya, don't talk about yourself like that
fucking hell. genuinely lush
What position do you think is her favorite?
unfortunately it's true!
Just got back lads, played pool with a mate

Wish I hadn't tbqh. See so many stunning fit birds about it kind of makes you depressed.
what's she listening to
doesn't it inspire you to become more Chadlike in life?
got approx £73k saved up
how can i leverage this
fatman scoop
you would just think i'm an unremarkable british lad if you saw me walking down the street
though my monochrome clothing and glum look on my face might lead you to wonder if i post here
Buy 73,000 kneepads
All on red
So sick of being a freak
Just entered the thread, so I won't get any of the references. Sorry
if by "chud stuff" you mean what most mainstream normies believe now since it's pretty self-evident at this point
73k in the bank
still alone
still miserable
what a joke!
i look exactly like youd imagine i look
fat bloke at the gig emanating what can only. be described as whalesong after each song
become a scalper
y'all niggas need christ
you can start by please shouting me a few pints
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Move out of Britain
Yeah I guess I should take gymtoil more seriously
becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy after a while
you'll completely atrophy your prospects by being so harsh on yourself

What is your favourite burger, or where did you have the best burger you've ever tasted?
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>The number of gonorrhoea diagnoses in 2023 was the largest annual number reported since records began in 1918, while the number of syphilis diagnoses was the largest annual number reported since 1948
>infectious syphilis diagnoses increased 9.4% from 8,693 diagnoses in 2022 to 9,513 diagnoses in 2023
>there was a larger proportional increase in syphilis diagnoses among heterosexual men and women (21.8%; from 1,608 in 2022 to 1,958 in 2023) than among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) (7.3%; from 6,081 in 2022 to 6,527 in 2023)
doing a gay porn dance while listening to this x

i know i won't even get high if i smoke the niggerweed, but the temptation calls me nonetheless
only part i enjoy is the inhaling and exhaling of the smoke
genuinely never had anybody show the slightest sexual or romantic interest in 29 years on this earth, my proportions are alien and my face is a
horrow show
it was over before it began!
this is a little bit disturbing if I'm being honest
that thread is dead
this isn't reddit
fuck off
The ones my local butcher sells, flame grilled nicely on my cast iron pan.
get the looks maxxed
corrr time for a joint
idk maybe something with bleu cheese and bacon
find some other british freak
or >>201674785
they all taste the same to me
nice larp you degenerate liar
you can't flame grill a burger in a pan
also get stared at every time I go outside like I'm a freakshow
mental how fucking pathetic I am
well that's like your opinion man
you get used to it eventually
best burger I ever had was in america, they know how to do a burger, full credit given
Get them over here safely
Get them vaccinated
Get them shagged
get them snuggled
get them a warm glass of milk
get them a bedtime story
get them a kiss on the forehead or cheek
He'll always be 23
Yet the train runs on and on
Past the place they found his clothing
I'm not ugly but I am lazy and shy, in some ways that's worse than being a disgusting freak
nice haircut
A S A P lads
>spend 10 years saving £10k
>go to the casino and win £10k in 2 hours

why is this allowed
whats he got against slugboy
got my mind set on macaroni cheese and steak tomorrow
doesn't fix fucked up proportions and ugly facial features
that’s what good pussy sounds like
Done all of those in the past 2 weeks
Can't wash, trim or drink away freakishness
the effort will do you a great deal whether you believe it or not
Snape kills dumbledore
do not trust anyone
do not help anyone
be selfish
anything that you do that may help anyone and make their life easier will make yours harder
zero sum game
spreading my cheeks and sending poo squirting all over the pub counter
when i go to club i wann hear those club classics
club classics
club club classics
>been to the pub
good lad
already doing all those things
can't fix ugly with a haircut or new shirt
Sir Kierbot T3000
squidward kills spongebob
sir poo embalmer
i dont want to see fat people in public
Makes me feel even more freakish when I go seeing normal people and being stared at by them. Might just hide in my house for a few months again
Bitcoin futures, its gonna go back up
would happily shout you a pint were it not for the tyranny of distance
i am the great mighty poo
and i'm going to throw my shit at you
Yes you can. Wtf are you on
the candy raver gf
yeah i'm fat
they call me creepy crawly
Burger & Beyond. Most of these burger places are just chasing a trend but this was excellent.
me sister's favourite song x

can't modify my skeletal structure can i
I'm so fat and ugly, might just actually legit kms
pace around your room, that's what i do
Father's Day (Australia), not to be confused with Father's Day (UK)
Will Candi Staton do?
loads of females seething hard atm because of Mason Greenwood
plenty of bigger or unconventional looking blokes do well lad, don't give up on yourself - no one else will be your biggest champion
i were 3 when princess di passed on
and i remeber it like it were yesterday
the rapist Mason Greenwood
thinking about things
omds no one cares rorke
put your poo on my shoulder
cared enough to reply
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hope i have the balls to kill myself before i turn 30
getting closer every week
burger king
Get the new made
Get us migrated
Get us wanked
he should be wearing a big bonnet too
>siri turn off the lights
>doesnt do anything
>doesnt do anything
>siri turn off ALL the lights
>turns them off
fucking sick of this stupid BINT
A big car bonnet would crush him

the tall skinny one is fit
what an awful thing to say or think about
Bunch of girls on a a night in town. Overheard two of them say "Smash, definitely smash" while looking at me. Didn't really register until a few seconds later.

They looked a bit young to me but I'm pushing 30. A more confident man would have gone back to chat to them.
siri unsubscribe from this blog
always thought i would do myself in before 30 but im 30 now
will wait until my parents die
sounds like you're the stupid one
thought i'd be dead by now when i was growing up
im 29
thought i'd be dead by 25 but here we are!
Have you had sexe?
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dont like your attitude sunshine
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>Bunch of girls on a a night in town. Overheard two of them say "Smash, definitely smash" while looking at me. Didn't really register until a few seconds later.
>They looked a bit young to me but I'm pushing 30. A more confident man would have gone back to chat to them.
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sucking off a virgin freak in his dark smelly bedroom
been over 8 years since i last did the sex
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skibidi ruzz
Whoever makes the new is gay. Like really totally gay
Not single because I'm ugly anon. Single because I have a porn addiction and only get off to fetish stuff like piss.
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the new in question
had the third wank in the end
decided it would be timid and weak to put it off

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