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*monkey's paw curls*
Australians are BANNED from this edish
for fucks sake
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*enters /brit/*
me in the back
rorke's holy boxers
beautiful blue sky outside, lads
love september. best month for weather imo
I just need a day of peace and quiet to get my head together so I can sort my life out. (This is the 378th day in a row I've been saying this)
you've been down to long in your smelly bedroom
Oh piss off
just woke up
any highlights from the last couple of threads?
t. sun-hating virgin
I've mad some excellent posts, didn't get any (You)s must have been a mistake
Nah the essay was actually pro Spanish, weirdly


>Many leading traits for our future national personality, and some of the best ones, will certainly prove to have originated from other than British stock. As it is, the British and German, valuable as they are in the concrete, already threaten excess. Or rather, I should say, they have certainly reach’d that excess. To-day, something outside of them, and to counterbalance them, is seriously needed.

>To that composite American identity of the future, Spanish character will supply some of the most needed parts. No stock shows a grander historic retrospect — grander in religiousness and loyalty, or for patriotism, courage, decorum, gravity and honor. (It is time to dismiss utterly the illusion-compound, half raw-head-and-bloody-bones and half Mysteries-of-Udolpho, inherited from the English writers of the past 200 years. It is time to realize — for it is certainly true — that there will not be found any more cruelty, tyranny, superstition, &c., in the resume of past Spanish history than in the corresponding resume of Anglo-Norman history. Nay, I think there will not be found so much.)

>As to the Spanish stock of our Southwest, it is certain to me that we do not begin to appreciate the splendor and sterling value of its race element. Who knows but that element, like the course of some subterranean river, dipping invisibly for a hundred or two years, is now to emerge in broadest flow and permanent action?

Well, I hope he's happy in his grave
spreading my arse and pushing my hole against the living room window
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birthday tomorrow, lads
none of my mates are available
looks like i'll be sitting in my room drinking by myself
got raped

Wanna go pub?
>none of my mates are available
at least you have mates
The 17yo gf
mad how much shagging was going on at new years
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He obviously doesn't, no mate would let a mate be alone on his birthday mate
>mates won't make time for you on your birthday
not really mates are they
Any parents no?
just described my last 6 birthdays
haven't had a friend in years
what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
caring about birthdays is feminine
they've got pretty valid reasons not to be available desu
Lucky, lucky, lucky me!
I'm a lucky son of a gun.
I work eight hours, and sleep eight hours.
That leaves eight hours for fun.
pensioners turning to onlyfans to keep the house warm in winter
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you watched any good films lately?

any recommendations?
where's a nice place to go for Christmas?
just had to buy a tshirt in XL

grim, need to get back to the gym pronto
Cope that
all horror monster motifs are based on human psychological fears

vampires represent the machiavellian outsiders who parasitize society and morally corrupt your women/children, literally (figuratively) sucking the lifeblood of your culture and corrupting its heritage

werewolves represent the nonthinking barbarian outsiders who can only consume and rape, and fear of the bestial masculinity that goes along with that in contrast to the more ordered, sedate, sexless society

zombies represent mob mentality and ideological totalitarianism, the literal enemy that cannot be reasoned with and turns everyone they touch into another one of them

slasher movies represent the fear of our own decadence and hedonism and the unexamined corners of our imperfect history and cultural guilt
Turns out my appointment with a GP isn't with a GP but a physician associate and it's not in person but over the phone

So less impressed with the NHS but nevertheless better than nothing
He raped high on drugs then was extremely remorseful afterwards. What's the verdict? Is he gay or not?
yeah parents and a brother
millennials inheriting moldy homes
why have we give more money to ukraine than the yanks this time? we should get a vote on things like this surely, for £600m you could build tens of thousands of houses
Legends of the Fall was alright
Good Will hunting
that's still only medium in america thoughbeit
im guessing you've only just invited them. giving them just a few hours of notice essentially
The guy he raped was also a sex offender so little sympathy from me
no i invited them at the start of the month, they're all either working or not in the area
Visit them and have a cake lad, watch a film with your brother
AHAHAHAHAHA they mugged you right off. The NHS is SHIT
Rounders (1998)
on the list for the chopping block when I restore the death penalty as PM
tell them, the physician's associate, no thanks as you want to speak to an actual doctor

really make it clear that you do not consider their time or advice valuable or in any way comparable to that of an actual doctor
mad how being white still means something in some parts of the world, would have expected the fascination would have got old by now
parentbergs are a 100 mile drive away, brother's in london
keep 100% of your claim
g4claims ~~
so they deliberately made plans on the day of your birthday despite the advanced noticed.
they're not your mates.
I hear it's fairly easy to shag in asia as a tall white lad
that's a bit of a cynical way of viewing it
for me it's hunting for good willies primarily on grindr
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>Hello I need a doctor
>Best I can do is a phone call with someone who barely speaks English or someone on work experience
Clap for the NHS!
That ship sailed about 5 years ago
Come to Pengdon - go to a museum.
that is 100% gay
what do you have against australians? they're really nice people
yeah just get yourself out there on your birthday, to a museum

maybe stop in and get a quick coffee while you're at it
Once Were Warriors and Wake in Fright
bore off 190
It's over ;_;

I hate being fetishised for my race as then all my actions are as a microscope, I understand why blacks chimp out, it's because they can and have nothing to lose.
excuse me mate?
REAL men go for older women
Well apparently they need to have graduated and undertaken post graduate training to take up that role so they're not as unqualified as you're making out
i do lots of stuff alone, i've been on tons of day trips and a couple holidays alone, and i frequently go for long hikes or trips to the pub by myself. i always enjoy it
Yeah and visit his brother you mongloid.
doing a kino dance
don't care
clarkson may and hammond are symbols of a pale, male and stale britain that we are better off without
If you mean SEA creatures then it's because white is symbolic of being from the west and therefore rich.
they knew it was your birthday
they made other plans for the day, despite the invitation a month in advance

is that the behaviour of a friend?
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read that as "couple's holidays alone" and was about to rip into you
Milf hunter are you
get the milves hunted
I remember unironically hearing that phrase in 2010 when I was 13 during the election (referring to Clegg/Cameron/Brown) and my jaw dropped to the fucking floor.

Mad how mild of a phrase that is 14 years later given how globohomo everything's become.
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>Undergraduate integrated Master of Physician Associate Studies programmes are now available and these courses require A-levels or equivalent for entry.
It can literally just be some mong who did biology at a-level (or a foren who has an "equivalent qualification" from their country) and is doing a shitty government ran programme
any moo deng man in
it's honestly shocking how much living standards have declined since 2019
feels like a different world entirely
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>18 minutes
you are having a larf mate
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Your jaw dropped to the floor when you heard the phrase "male, pale and stale" when you were 13 years old in relation to the party politicians of the time?

What the actual fuck are you talking about lad.
we live in a society
mad how fish and chips now is so expensive that it's basically a gourmet meal
back in the 2010s fish and chips was a cheap and cheerful meal i'd get after work if i couldn't be arsed cooking. £5 for a nice big meal
now it's like £12. simply not worth it
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leave it on reddit next time
Not me. I live in my bedroom
just criticising the political candidates for being white
I couldn't believe what I was hearing

think that's the moment I became a rorke
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what did i ever do to you?
FTSE has hardly moved at all for the past 4 months.
What the hell is going on
14.60 for large cod
Nothing friend. It's from the movie 'Borat'. I couldn't resist
6 quid at the chippy near me for a sausage supper (you get two sausages and lots of chippies)
you're demented if you're willing to spend this on fish and chips honestly
It's not a shitty government run course though it's a postgraduate degree
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sex erotic
All the top comments read like bots
Picked up a big bag of doritos in tesco and saw they were £2.50 and I stood staring at them for a few minutes confused before putting them back on the shelf and deciding they're not worth it.
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I tired of them puttin' chemicals in the water
comments cant read
The fully-qualified physicians associates are on their way to see your gran at her GP appointment.
dumb crossposter
american sausages are fucking rank
It say's undergraduate in the title mate and you only need an a-level to do it.
honestly it's not.
shite like doritos or chocolate are basically just drugs, they provide no nutrition and they're consumed purely for the dopamine response at the expense of your health
aldi doritos are better, less than a pound
hot dogs =/= sausages
Same but the batters always greasy and peels off. How hard is it to make crispy batter
big autistic fun time
oh i thought it seemed familiar
Well if this is the hoop I have to jump through to get referred to a specialist I'll just have to do it won't I
LOL im not eating aldi food
what're your thoughts on the bombing of dresden, lads?
a war crime or a justifiable target?
mans gonna die waiting to see a "specialist" who just googles his symptoms
100 percent a war crime
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nothing to do with me
scarn on
>war crime
not real
labour aren't going to do a single fucking thing to fix the tory's mess are they?
don't have any opinions on anything that isn't affecting me at this present moment in time
bum her harris i think
the thing about modern era, say post WW2, is that everyone is working all the time
it used to be the man would work, and the woman would be at home. division of labour from early on, like 20 most people would be married already
but now people stay single well into their 30s and have to do everything by themselves
we are miserable as a result. everyone is poorer. no one is having children
any time i spy a squirrel in the garden he has disgusting nipples on show and horrendous little claws. genuinely evil creatures
Just pay more tax, you fuxking bhenchod
The physician's associate will see you now.
they're digging a bigger hole and asking us to all jump in
what a fascinating worthwhile insight that no-one else has noticed
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You never know, you might get someone that has just graduated from an actual English uni and knows what they're doing and is being a physicians associate for a bit before they go become a GP or something.
who did this?
No mate it's british culture.
Was a thread on outer /int/ a while back where lads were talking about what there grandparents were doing during wwii. Was an interesting thread but one post stood out to me. A brit posted saying his grandfather was a bomber in the raf. He said it's funny to think his grandfather probably killed hundreds of mostly civilians. It is crazy to think that when I see an old man here he possible killed hundreds of german civilians. That really changed my perspective so now when I see elderly men, I salute them and I wear a poppy all year round.
she looks nice
don't like knowing that /brit/ posters are sentient beings capable of cringe-shit like this - I don't like knowing you people have voices, or faces, or beliefs, or physical bodies. to me you lot are just a chatbot I scream nonsense at - this shatters the illusion totally.
it's funny how every progressive movement or policy that has been implemented within the past 70 years has done nothing but increase the net amount of misery in the world
women forced to wageslave, trannies molesting children, infants being murdered before even being born
feels very very demonic
Cockmogs me!
do orangutan females even feel it?
my gf just saw your post and casually said to me in a single tone, without taking her eyes from the screen "this guy is definitely a virgin"
who cares?
>before even being born
not an infant then, and therefore not murder
It's time to put the porn down mate
why is he not cumming
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did deegz ever recover from this
i think for monkeys and that it doesnt really matter because theyll just get a smack if they complain
My grandad died in Germany during WWII. Fell out of a watchtower
babies are still babies even if they're still in the womb
Might put the heating on
And manufacture a bacon sarnoid in the kitchen
Am doing alreet there me lid
abortions happen before they're babies
gf yeah? exists does she? doubt it
same for humans. the bbc myth endures because when sbc fucks a woman he just hits her into submission
bacon bacon mutty times
curtis bacon all the wayy
if female orangutan's aren't being sexually pleasured one of us have to step up

they aren't monkeys
they are apes
There are 8 extant apes - chimps, bonobos, 2 gorilla species, 3 orangutan species and us
please don't say something so stupid again
it's a load of racist rubbish if you ask me

these healthcare workers are as good at any doctor educated here in the UK
>My grandad died in Germany during WWII.
same. A bloke fell out of a watchtower onto him
Aha hilarious, saw that one on reddit.
dont need to peay for heating. just have 2 covers
What temperature do you lot set the heating to come on at?
Mine kicks in at 18.5c
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Ok I will eat it!!
Rorke on film
might go to scranton in the USA to get me lunch
get them housed
get them inserting catheters into shivering pensioners
haha good one ain't it
big fan of your work mate
love gingerbread me
and make the pensioners wank them off for a day of heating
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when we rising up i had enough
might have to revisit that though because I currently have a cold
too scared to say "gingerbread man"
to be fair video games are a really shit hobby to have
qualifications are a load of shite anyway. doesnt teach you anything. education only exists to justify higher salaries to a certain elite
woke digestives
maybe, but women don't have hobbies so they should keep their whore mouths shut
serving suggestion is wrapped in ribbon being hugged by an iced gingerbread person yet they provide none of the provisions to do so
this is how they get you
wish i could go to the shops and find interesting things but i always get overwhelmed by choice anxiety and just leave
none of them were wife material
rorke refusing to eat the gingerbread people unless he can see the perfectly sculpted and throbbing dough cock between his legs
rorke giving his gingerbread man a massive willard and a hitler stache to one up the woke mob
hitler should have won
just a standard /int/ thread i guess>>202180297
things would be much worse
ah yes the horrible miserable shit-eating modern institution known as "dating"
there are plenty of in door girls who love video game guys
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lel yeah that is a bit weird actually
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Way to early. FUcking woke at it again
normies don't have hobbies
if you actually have a hobby (a proper one like being an artist or musician) it indicates that your are neurodivergent
normdrone NPC's lack the cognition or introspection needed for a real hobby
But theyre all mingers
It's a Bengali name but it's also tower Hamlets so as a good of a chance they were born here as not
Sat like a gay with my legs crossed. Way up on the thigh crossed.
secretary bird
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My hobbies are fishing and weightlifting
>last train home (on a friday) is at 9pm
fuck off scotrail
*starts flamboyantly stamping on you like a secretary bird does a snake*
until hitler racism, antisemitism and eugenics was pretty mainstream
then he sperged out and did it in such a comically evil way that no one dared touch it again
history would've been better had he simply never existed
If you think this is early then the Xmas stuff started being put out last week of July, I started seeing the Maltesers Reindeer bars put out then
i sit in the flamboyant legs crossed configuration all the time. looks gay but i find it comfy
once lost a toilberg because he was caught shagging his secretary bird aha
fuck I thought they were from last Christmas, but it's nearly nearly Christmas again
That's why I've stopped going out in town
>animal abuse and toxic masculinity
no but it's giving ick
currently don't have any hobbies, barely exist desu
remember when he mugged off that goalkeeper child
defeat of the nazis was a strategy to absorb and legitimise fascism under western control. if the nazis had won we would unironically be free right now
I hate women
you would think for a gingerbread style digestive biscuit they'd make the effort of putting a gingerbread face motif made of icing on the non-chocolate side of the biscuits. Or make the biscuits gingerbread.

but nah in today's world they just add essence of ginger bread oil extract monobenzene-2-ethyl-dione (E252, not suitable for sale in the EU or USA) to the existing digestive biscuit mix
buses cost £2 basically everywhere now
Shops starting bringing christmas stuff out earlier these days because it stops people rushing to buy everything in the last couple of months and going broke

>t. knower
ruining your health and longevity by lifting unnatural heavy weights excessively is not a hobby
fucking joke
off to the co-op for lunch, will get something festive and report back
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>steam families is here
alright billionaire spare some loose change for the rest of us
reckon it is
You're clueless
commerce doesn't give a shit if people go broke
You're pooless
who even is a "gamer" anymore
games are shite now
best mate found his wife playing world of warcraft
got 4 games on steam, no friends, no groups or whatever
better than finding her with a black fella
i found my oneitis there too but i was too pussy to follow up on it
Games have been shit for 20 years now. Its like the Simpsons was only ever good for 8 out of the 30 years theyve been about
bizarre post
>you WILL destroy your health with the heavy weights goy, you want to be muscular right?
why was she hiding that from him?
roosters getting dabbed on by the panthers lads
bizarre post
games aren't art
You have to find your niche, AAAs are all terrible.
considering getting a job but they all require experience I don't have
what is a sensitive young man with 130iq meant to do for money?
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just remembered when mark showed up dressed like this for a job interview
Mmm yes I'm sure this time period in no way coincides with your advancement from child to adult and longing for earlier years
the only good games coming out in the past few years are remakes of games from 15+ years ago
still kind of annoys me that zoomers demand everything get remade rather than just going back and playing the original
humans only have a finite number of heartbeats per lifetime anyway, you shouldnt really be "working out" to begin with just stop eating slop and stop driving everywhere and youll be fine
i warned ya folks
i warned ya sista
i'm the new
bad characteeeeeeeeeeer
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every one of my peers who's a "fitness freak" looks like haggard shit now and has some kind of chronic pain
turns out the human body isn't designed to run aimlessly for an hour every day and lift needlessly heavy weights for no reason
People who are this pathetic should simply be shot
total scotrail death
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Why do women say they love guys that read but hate guys that play video games? I don't really play vidya but what difference does it make?
They aren't going to ask about my book. They aren't going to ask about my game. I'm going to fuck off for a few hours on my own and either stare at some pages or stare at a screen.
Is it literally just the instagram aesthetic of having a boyfriend reading a book vs the stereotypical nerd hunched over his PC screaming at league of legends? I read books hunched up on my smelly bed with my gay glasses on, it's not a pretty sight.
should get a uc sanction for that
what was ian watkins laptop password again?
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didn't read this dogshit frogpost
fuck off
Your "peers" in what exactly? They're not your friends, so what are they to you?
whatever it is the other brainlets do
bizarre response
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any messages for the french?
Glad my life has improved significantly so I don't feel the need to moan on /brit/ about my life.
Had a v nice birthday with the missus the other day
how come him is wearing dat
When you say fitness freaks it's more just runners. There's a thing called 'runner's face' and it's that runners are exposed to more sun and don't use suncream/it gets washed off with sweat so they look older, it's also bad on your joints.
strongly prefer not to say
ian watkins shouldn't have been culpable as he was drunk and high off his face. the mothers forced him into it
which is?
I just looked up a data centre job cos I am not a retard and can use computers
"up to 25k DOE" and this is in London
what the fuck? you make more on the tills at Aldi
what the fuck is the point of this country anymore
Running for an hour each day and lifting weights does not constitute being a "fitness freak"
Not very nice. It was a very good post
next week... back up to 20c
so get in there
We are sorry to announce that 12:30 train to Milngavie is delayed by approximately 12 minutes, please wait for further notice. We are sorry to announce that the 12:30 train to Milngavie is cancelled due to, a fault with the signalling system, please wait for further notice.
read the court docs from ian watkin's trial once
he was a bit of a wrongun to say the least lads, the very least
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just the way his jeans are

there's no fate that can't be surmounted by scorn
My life has improved significantly yet I still go through periods of 'pression, there's no escape.
>it's also bad on your joints.
Not really, only if you run with bad form and don't give time to recover.
Is that a real animal
Quite possible
Yes I am coping very well thanks
Every runner's legs are blown out completely by the time they hit 50
>Hell's Kitchen star admits he was cautioned for gross indecency in public toilet with two other men... HELL'S Kitchen star Gordon Ramsay was once cautioned for gross indecency in a public toilet, The People can reveal today
Skinnyfat goblincels pretending to be health scientists after 2 hours of scrolling reddit threads 6 months ago
Form mitigates some stress on joints, but doesn't remove it.
>I am coping
lol he admitted it
reading books implies gaining knowledge which implies learning new ways to gain power/status/money/whatever which benefits their safety or simply broadening your mind which can be used to improve yourself which also benefits them
playing video games implies someone wasting their time doing the exact same repetitive shit for hours on end to drown out a grim reality
and also the excessive oxidative stress caused by over-exerting your body regularly
Swimming is probably the best exercise in the world
Not true at all, you'd see loads of 50+ running normally at your local parkrun if you ever left the house
you are ruining your body, the consensus is clear
shame you have to get naked in front of children to do it
Old runners doesn't mean long-time runners thoughever
Nice projection. Just wear suncream and don't get too thin and you'll be alri.
"Stress on joints" does not cause injury, it builds strong tendons, bones and muscles.
Excuse me?
more concerning being in a pool with their wee and poo
What if I just read fantasy novels?
No you dont. You see 20-45 maximum out there and the occasional over 50 but dont cope about it
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thats an orse
don't have a pool and i'm scared to swim in the ocean because of sharks and jellyfish, this is australia after all
Sauna at my gym always stinks of piss, I think blokes go for a shower and just piss in their shorts and then go to the sauna.
You are speaking from non-experience
You can easily look up parkrun age ranges online
dunno maybe that would give a woman the ick
but it's still immersing yourself in a narrative and learning about humanity and stuff because even the most far fetched of fantasy books has to be rooted in human struggle/emotion to have any readership
when i was young there was just a bench that old men would get their willies out to dry off.

nowadays it's all individual stalls and unisex.

woke mob at it again
why does he wear the boots with the fur

(the fur)
*Waves my wand and a new appears*
You shouldn't pick your hobbies based on whether women find them attractive.
Ah yes the parkrun website will clear this up for us

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