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anime edition
prev >>202208279
20 hours a day - all he can talk about

since he has stopped more people have enjoyed the thread or had discussions - less complaints ITT
cum con sex
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it's mexican independence day on september 16 and my mexican neighbors won't stop playing mexican music loudly in public and waving mexican flags everywhere
I don't have any days off. I work from 9 to 21 September no days off
...do you need an apprentice (please say yes)?
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me? not drun k hahahahaahah
im gonna get ripped
i'm going to do black magick on them. i already went to their mailbox at night and got their full names. these people are going to learn the hard way.
fun post
no dude you always flirt with me but it's fake and insincere. I'm not giving you handouts because you are fake-gay and not real gay
do u live in mejico
feeling lustful tonight, might cruise at the local park
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i hate these
told you yesterday that i dont love you anymore. i was just asking for a job with you
tell the other to kill himself
business idea: kms
post the Canadian guy in his bathtub
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sell black magick products and make more money
What must be must be
>brian and mousey itt
sounds like you live in mejixo
Isn’t it crazy that a sitting president went to a Hollywood fundraiser and just because of that he resigned?
mexicans should bring back ritual human sacrifice in the city square but only for narcos
the only manly anime is dragon ball, any other anime is faggotry, grow up
demons help humans achieve worldly power, wealth, and fame
messicano messsicano cum bum bum
>only thing that's good is lupin
JoJo is literally fagshit. The entire manga is the creator coming to terms with being a fag.
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very mexican opinion
>a based gringo
rare to see nowadays
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he has sexy feet
boring faggot
ewwwwwww look at this veins/calves
before he posts, tell him to kill himself btw XD btw
you never loved me it was all fake
my brain fills up with dopamine whenever i see a white man's big beefy feet
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>filtered by valkyrie drive
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which one
Public transit is horrible, cars are beautiful
dragon ball is pretty girly in a way. it's like steven universe literally
this scottish man is gay >>202210827
>gringoes start defending their gay shit
canadian niggas be like
"I may be stuck in traffic for 3 hours, but at least Im not on a bus!"
a boose as they say in canada
What's there to imply? The first 2 manga are about blasting white stuff from men onto vampires. It's super gay. Only a closetfag would think that JoJo is straight.
JoJo's the most tranime there is.
nigga you watch super, you have no ground to stand on
Your stuck in traffic stuffed like a sardine in a bus
I almost vomited on public transportation yesterday. Such cases
Canadians live in literal paradise
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born to live the californian dream
forced to settle for the miami life
kinda dig my body odor
you wouldnt watch ANY anime if it wasn't for us making dragon ball as big as it is.
Can I have a sniff?
let me guess... you need more?
cabron I was watching Z before you were even in diapers
for me it's foot musk followed by ball musk followed by armpit musk followed by butt musk
again, you wouldnt watch ANY anime if itwasnt for us
I spent hours shitposting on /cum/ and 4chan instead of studying (informal) like I was supposed to.
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just admit you were filtered and quit whining
That's gay
ive mined 4k pess
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I watched toonami, foxbox and 4kids just fine, actually
Filtered? You're a closeted fag in denial about what you watch. JoJo's the gayest anime.
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dollar sisters?
you good?
I sold my goat's baby now she looks sad
t. lardass
what could possibly be entertaining in this? literally wtf is this shit even about
Malcolm Mooney doesn't care about worldly things
not your problem
If I was gay, why did I put valkyrie drive in the picture, retard
it's pure emotional self hug, tranime is truly deranged thing, that's why only dragon ball is acceptable
its powerpuff girls but with witches. It was the first show on in the morning for the 4kids block, so I had to watch it before the good stuff started
Because you chose something from a way later story, and ignored well over half of the manga's publication. Just because you're not ready to be openly gay.
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>you want me to....EXERCISE???? what are you, gay???
i need to tone my body. tired of being skinny fat
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>and ignored well over half of the manga's publication
I didnt though? Here's joseph being absed
>there are people out there watching animes than other dragon ball
Lifting weights is chad, riding a bike when your out of grade school is incel
protein is 4 calories per gram, fat is 9
grow up
its just dudes charging up their semen or whatever every episode
I watched DBZ but only in the company of my friend. On my own I only watched both Berserks and Akira and a lot of the Studio Ghibli stuff.
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>riding a bike when your out of grade school is incel
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>friday night
>cum discussing anime for children
I did grow up that's why I stopped playing with children's toys like a bicycle
my legs are fucking ripped it's scary. i can outrun cars going the speed limit for my entire commute on my pedal bike. with just a bit more endurance training so i don't run out of breath
>you, putting a damper on their good time
ambient music
>tell them their anime are just faggot tranny shit
long live dragon ball
>gets called out
>tries to say that he's always been posting girls
You do know that gays get to see naked girls more often than most straight guys, right?
All you're doing is selecting very specific moments, while ignoring the entire point of the manga.
Look, fag. I don't really care if you do come out of the closet or not. You love one of the gayest anime, and you're too stupid to realize it.
Thanks for the (You)s, but I'm not wasting my night going over JoJo, while you select hyper specific moments to use as a beard.
All anime is for children.
>All you're doing is selecting very specific moments, while ignoring the entire point of the manga.
to defeat a vampire? what exactly is gay about a bunch of stand fights?
listen to this. the speed limit all the way to my work is 40 km/h at maximum. why would you use a car lol! in my town the speed limit doesn't apply to non motorized vehicles like bikes. i speed through school zones and race cars.
You fags thinks this is all a game
I'm so excited to see Wicked but I know the second half is shit so probably will skip the second movie
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roadhouse boogie...as interpreted by pasty, wispy English hippies
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cagers HATE him
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I live in a city, and park my car at work and school, I don't like being stuffed in a sardine can with smelly jeets
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>being excited for a re-interpretation
I never got that. No reimagining of a great work of imagination has ever been good.
Anita Sarkeesian is my enemy
That bitch is still around?
That diminutive name is a super mexican name. What is she a white supremacist?
Further proving that you ignored what I said. Part 1 and 2, weren't about stands. It was about blasting sparkly white stuff from your body, onto vampires. Hamon = semen.
>but what about muh stands
Picrel, it's all about having another man inside you.
The manga creator was really on the nose with JoJo, and you somehow missed it all.
Anyways, that's all the (You)s that I'm giving you. You didn't understand what I said, nor did you even pay attention.
It's tranime.
Another great Canadian export
ahorita estoy cagando en el desierto
>Picrel, it's all about having another man inside you.
thats a very, very gay thing to take from it
i should join a fun discord server instead of this shit
no she's a libtard who ruins vidya games cause she hates when men have fun on cawwadoody
Let's have a tilly, boys! Wanna have a donnybrook?
>Anita Sarkeesian
>Sarkeesian was born and raised near Toronto, Canada
Toronto isn't part of Canada, in the same way that Commiefornia isn't part of USA.
dragon ball is boring and overrated shonen
you should.

fuck off now bye
The manga creator is gay, anon. That's the correct understanding of it.
I remember when she told me Bayonetta was based and I played it and it was the gayest game ever made
I just fucking farted so badly
Did you time travel straight from 2014 old ass nigga
freud saw penises in everything he researched, does that mean psychoanalysis is gay?

are YOU gay?
no one thinks that california isn't part of america
Yeah, now she's having fake weddings as he birthday celebrations.
just ate a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie. glad they're back in season
no I googled her. what the fuck are you talmbout, unc?
yes, and yes
Want to eat a knuckle sandwich?
anita sarkeesian and the SJWs are ruining everything
Downed beer. Now on my third glass of wine.
>what the fuck are you talmbout, unc?
Could it be? Has the Gringo Papi blessed us with his presence?
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blow it out your ass, pajeet
hey man whats your problem?
Yes, no. Stop turning this on me, anon. You're projecting. Go read the manga.
haven't heard that name since gamergate like eight years ago. never would've thought that people still give a shit about her now
I did. Youre projecting spirit ghosts as having another man inside you(VERY gay)
post leaf in his bathtub
Commiefornians spotted.
I like being mean, it's fun
video games are for children
no feminazis allowed on this based anti sjw atheist kekistani genral
It's literally having another man inside you.
Anyways, this is the end. Thanks for the next (You), as I know that you're unable to not feed me attention.
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Ok *let's your child play GTA*
its literally not, youre finding homosexuality in nothing
>implying that we all weren't playing GTA as kids
haha this is literally him
Can't stop farting
i wasn't allowed to play m rated games as a kid
california is as late stage capitalist as it gets, ackshually
Go shit or eat a better diet.
Yeah, if you're an ADHD-riddled console-humping Jap. However, if you're based and superior PC god Josh Sawyer, then video games are for balanced adults.
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would u hit
now that i have a job i can act better than everyone itt still looking, HA
I'm bloated, I gotta let out all this gas
Where they can trans your kids without telling you about it, and if you try to stop it, they take your kids away. You don't own your kids in Commiefornia. The state does.
is that your therapist
don't worry they'll fire you soon
>The law bans school rules requiring teachers and other staff to disclose a student’s gender identity or sexual orientation to any other person without the child’s permission. Proponents of the legislation say it will help protect LGBTQ students who live in unwelcoming households
once again you didnt actually read it
congrats on joining the McDonalds team
cope and naughty wagie projection
is it possible to never fart again? i've tried to just burp it all out but the need to fart and the need to burp are separate feelings
we need a cure for farting
try plugging your colon with a cork
i need pictures
pictures of leafs in bathtubs
im 100% serious. farting is just gross and shouldn't exist
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any weekend plans?
If you don't affirm, then you're neglecting medical treatments, which gets the state taking away your kids.
I fucking read the actual bill, unlike you.
i couldn't agree more
I love farting.
are you sure?

>(i) As a prerequisite to considering allegations of abuse, the court may require independent corroboration, including, but not limited to, written reports by law enforcement agencies, child protective services or other social welfare agencies, courts, medical facilities, or other public agencies or private nonprofit organizations providing services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence
>girls when they have 1 stella
Enough with the anti-immigrant hypocrisy. Remember, we are all the descendants of immigrants who got free food, housing, healthcare, and airfare to Ohio paid for by taxpayers
this! so much this!
2k gp made isnt much
but 1k gp extra, with 50 arrowheads, is
Xitter made me realize most professors were retarded boomers
Also we already know that the doctors that do the trans surgeries, are true believers. They're going to sign a document saying that it's abuse to not get the surgery.
They already start by saying "Would you rather have a trans daughter or a dead son", so let's not pretend like the doctors are doing this as a last resort.
>. They're going to sign a document saying that it's abuse to not get the surgery.
>They already start by saying "Would you rather have a trans daughter or a dead son", so let's not pretend like the doctors are doing this as a last resort.
thats a lot of assuming
imagine all of us as kids had AI to talk to whilst playing Runescape
just askin it questions n stuff
cant do that with
i descended from invaders, not immigrants. we are not the same
Just unloaded a big shitt
Instead of Haitians and Latinos and jeets we should try to import Eastern Europeans (minus Russians)
umm buddy those guys are WHITE are you some sorta fuckin NAZI
are you still of the opinion that 1 gp = 0 gp?
>thats a lot of assuming
That's zero assuming. That's what's happening.
>Step 1: It's not happening.
>Step 2: It's happening, but why do you care?
>Step 3: It's happening, and it's a good thing.
You're on Step 1. Ever since the changes that Obama did to the health care system with Obamacare, the trans surgeries got covered, and it all sky rocketed from there.
Metabolizing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates involves different processes in the body. Here’s a brief overview of how each macronutrient is metabolized:

Digestion: Proteins are broken down into amino acids by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine.
Absorption: Amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells.
Metabolism: In cells, amino acids are used to build new proteins or are converted into other molecules. Excess amino acids can be converted into glucose or fat for energy storage.
Digestion: Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars (mainly glucose) by enzymes in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.
Absorption: Glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells.
Metabolism: In cells, glucose is used for energy through glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Excess glucose can be stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles or converted into fat.
Digestion: Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by enzymes in the small intestine.
Absorption: Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to cells.
Metabolism: In cells, fatty acids are used for energy through beta-oxidation and the citric acid cycle. Excess fatty acids can be stored as triglycerides in adipose tissue.
Each macronutrient plays a unique role in providing energy and building blocks for the body. If you have more specific questions about any of these processes, feel free to ask!
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she just changed her pfp on ig
she WANTS me
post a single time its happened then
No one told me hot pockets got rid of the sleeve
you just wont ever understand my gigabrained knowledge about the economy
how do those two things correlate
I think chudleaf and libtard leaf are the same person
they're not
That what happened? Kids got taken away? Or trans surgery on kids?
kids got taken away
>imagine all of us as kids had AI to talk to whilst playing Runescape
as an oldfag, that is exactly what I think of the past that so many folks today glorify: it was just a lot of looking at the exact same things over and over again without even a shred of new information
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yeah, janny necked himself because of it. where have you been?
agility is the only skill which requires effort
At least once.
This is probably good bait for boomers, but then you'd have to talk to boomers
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got another link? I genuinely cant read it
not sure i like very much the idea of anon killing himself because he got banned from 4chan, not that it would be jannies fault. it would be a shame to not prevent that!
It's my actual opinion. It's also bait. I'm just based like that


Runescape was all that i had and they (LGBT) took it from me
for me it's simply because i don't like old people
5x rune, mithril
10 (or 11) x iron
^ arrowtips

350 gp per run for all that (profit without 5x rune)
old people are the most likely to VOOOOTE for kamballo, and also the most enthusiastic to vote for her.

so lol lmao at you
I just scrolled down fast, and pressed print screen. I realized that it wasn't a great link.
Not sure if Voz is a trusted source in USA, but Adam Vena is the father's name, if you want to look for a different source. I just googled Adam Vena trans.
you wouldn't get it
not my problem, if im getting molested by a million ads id rather it be of a cute jeeta mutt than a wrinkly orange ballsack with hair and lips
was watching Towering Inferno a few days ago and 40 minutes in fucking NOTHING happened. stopped it and binged like 200 shorts before finally sleeping
sorry that you've been brainwashed by old people, must be a rough life
i am gigabrained economist
All ethnic food is literally just rice, meat, pepper and garlic. That’s it

I saved you 40 bucks and staring for 20 minutes at an unrefilled glass while the cashier has a shouting match on the phone with a family member
>not voting for boomers makes you a victim of boomers
cope harder brian
pasta isnt rice
Both make you fat
Then why are Japanese so skinny
My boss makes a dollar and I make a dime that's why I shit on company time
next year's the year i get a gf, i can feel it in me bones
>China will lose
I'd rather they chill out and keep the status quo so we can trade with them in peace
Probably because they eat a lot more than rice, not that your ignorant American ass would know.
They eat rice with every meal
>voting for the party that caters to the boomers doesn't make you a slave to the boomers
seethe harder brian
i love Japan and China
And protein. And they don't overeat either.
>t. american but with a red leaf
I'm skinny as frick
calm down with the seethe, jamaroqui. you know it to be true
Imagine getting fucked in the ass by a horse.
I hate that band
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>no u!!
dimwit detected, as if you didn't make it obvious by how WRONG you are
>brian shitting and sperging and seething cause he got btfo
u finna boutta spam that fag porn yet, boy?
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do you sometimes dream of being the feet slave of a latina ? i have this fantasie when i dream. Imagine to sniff, kiss, massage, suck , stinky brown petite latina feet 24/7.
I see myself as a latina feet slave.
the original beetlejuice movie is pretty lame tbqh
havent seen it
I liked it
no, never that's gross
extremely undeveloped legs, disgusting
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I love latinas.
I love the way Jamaicans talk
im back
i would legit like a big dicked gringo break me in two
Where'd you go
its fat saying hes about to shit up the thread
but you're a male
went to have my 'za
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you guys ready for them to attack russia right before vooooting
so it is
I actually saw a father scatting an improvised version of 'Informer' to his prepubescent kid while walking home from the playing field last week. Lolz were had.
deep inside Russia? ok noting that down in my notes i use to form a sensible and informed decision
because - as i recall - they said invading bad
I like Gene Simmons but he sure knows how to take the piss out of people who don't deserve it.
not super drunk
2025 is my gf year i can feel it
hey me too
i wish to die a volcel
2025 is 45 squared. so it's a special year if you're turning 45
latinas are built to serve, especially if you're white.
i should buy a 45 cal big iron
you'd blow ur hand off with those little sissy wrists of yours
not really but i do have a thing for cute jeetas and latinas
Hate being sober Hate being alive
my therapist sucked my dick
That's why he's called the rapist
do u know da wey?
nice projection, i can curl your sister for reps without breaking a sweat nigga
remember that anon who got forced to wear womens clothing by the football team
I don't have a sister but your little sissy girly wrists are as good as broken my nibba
i enjoyed it
thats hot
troons ruined crossdressing
faggot nigga thinking bout anonymous men at 4 am, like go to bed nigga
no, nigga
just crossdress to own the troons
It was ruined from the start. AGP is forcing everyone else to go along with your fetish.
sex sex
What do you think of bugs bunny crossdressing?

funny gag or AGP's tryna trans the kids
grand old party
Bugs is a cartoon. I don't anthropomorphize cartoons. I think the director or producer or someone in the creation process was an AGP.
I never said anything about trying to trans the kids, I said force everyone else to go along with the fetish.
i'm gonna bump because Mexicans don't know how to count
if i was in America then i wouldnt fuck an under 18 year old
Obama helped a lot of people
it's also an old thread
sicko mode mobama
Yeah, into the grave.
*starts crying*
Joe Mama
sum1 make a real new

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