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Fab edish
looks like a terrorist
religion of crease!
Employed Woman’s bouncy breasts
Are adidas gazelles still good non-incel trainers? Just need some standard-issue white middle-middle class british man's shoes
Welcome to Central Industrial. We are the future.
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i'm about to tear up the fucking dance floor check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUqcBwQjj4k
>cant name 30 black inventions
>cant name 4
>sperg out in the thread and have a complete mental breakdown
can someone find out where spainfreak lives, move there and befriend him so he has one person to talk to in his life and doesnt have to come here and spam child porn? thanks x
Is there a town/city centre in the UK that isn't a depressing shithole
Just saw a woman sucking a poo
that little town in hot fuzz looks nice if you ignore the murder cult
his name is adam barrett and he lives in chester
Stratford upon Avon is nice, Worcester and the old parts of Gloucester are nice as well
spainnonce putting his vpn to good use
Lush that
York is the only nice place in the UK
how so?
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she's 18
filters doing some heavy lifting today
literally the only one I knew was peanut butter but it turns out even that isn't technically a black invention
It nice
erm actually she is 400 years old and she's not even a human anyway
or better yet just wheel him off a bridge
File deleted.
Wallabees mi prefer?
he knew he fucked up, resigned and put himself on the front lines for 6 months to repent. doubt he would do that if he hated aussies
quintessential french post
Just did my monthly take pictures of the top of my head toil and I’m officially a Norwood stage IV now
love the sound of brainbombs so much but the lyrics of almost every song would get me arrested if anyone found me listening.
would actually like it if this cunt died a horrible painful death
done anything about it?
bought a huge packet of mini cheddars but I don't even want them
show the lads
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Chelsea boots are good for all situations and applications
Nothing I can do mate except marvel at how shit my life is
"Interior Crocodile Alligator" by Chip tha Ripper, also known as King Chip, is a line from a freestyle rap that gained notoriety and became an internet meme. The phrase itself is a boastful reference to the luxurious interior of Chip's Chevrolet, which is likened to crocodile leather, and the car's entertainment system, humorously described as a movie theater. This line encapsulates the essence of hip-hop's braggadocio—celebrating success and wealth in a playful, exaggerated manner. The freestyle, originally performed on Street Starz TV Radio, showcases Chip's wit and confidence, characteristics often celebrated in hip-hop culture. The meme's popularity, which resurged with platforms like TikTok, underscores the enduring appeal of catchy, vivid imagery in music. It also reflects the way digital culture can breathe new life into older artistic works, introducing them to new audiences and contexts. While the line may seem superficial at first glance, it represents a larger tradition in hip-hop of using metaphor and hyperbole to convey one's achievements and aspirations. The deep meaning, therefore, lies not just in the words, but in their cultural resonance and the way they echo the aspirations of many who seek success and recognition. It was also about smoking crack.
have you heard the news coming out of cheadle?
>Tilde stops posting after being humiliated
>canada and spain start spamming heinous shit


hop on fin nigga
Poms are flogs I reckon. Not a larrikin to be found.
it's all kicking off
looks like a queer
scranning some patak's butter chicken i made earlier
crows like them
you could feed some crows
Starmer has put it under a d notice, mainstream media are banned from talking about it. Even Twitter threads about it are being deleted, it’s so fucked
I hear that Daedra worship has become increasingly prevalent
>microwave beeps and a red car drives outside
>canada and spain start spamming heinous shit
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>Just did my monthly take pictures of the top of my head toil and I’m officially a Norwood stage IV now
let's see lad
>zone 1 apartment
>vintage BYU crewneck sweater
>polo lounge bottoms
>uniqlo thermal socks
>gf just ordered starbucks
my sunday, who's got me beat?
supposed to put this in your bio x
not sure if I should be feeding refined processed muck to crowbergs
Deano my son!!
significantly more frogs were at Gallipoli than anzac troops
the austrialian / new zealand contribution to that campaign is GROSSLY overstated
poms don't even know what a larrikin is
https://light.wiki/ actually looks pretty good
from the 4chan ad
imagine paying some little paki fella to go and fetch your overpriced bean water
worse than ordering pasta
really can't stand work, 30 seconds of work feels like basically the equivalent of getting flogged with a cat o nine tails 100 times
their stomachs have evolved to eat rotten meat and any old shit that humans throw out
anyone that orders Starbucks from home needs to rope themselves
Felt really gay then I came and I don't anymore
Putin isn't going to nuke the UK he owns like half of it
We didn’t get coffee mate, who the fuck buys coffee from Starbucks what is this 1980?
got every single jf filtered at this stage, excluding the aussies and kiwis
for me, it's dunkin donuts
even worse then
you're overpaying paying for some shite sugary goyslop drink
this is a head-on drawing of ancient Egypt, thats why they built the pyramids (to get water out of clouds). im right you know
have a meltdown all you want tilde, but no cp. you're not allowed to post the cp.
What did you get then
so you're buying their hilariously overpriced sandwiches/cakes instead? Oh ok that's much better yeah
20 quid for some tasty drinks and snacks is nothing, won’t even notice it come out of my Monzo
Hate people who are nasty vile cunts but act all timid and nicey nicey to your face
since the cp has been getting posted, nobody has been getting called a pedophile
Shut up you miserable little goblin cunt
Those are the worst true

Especially when you find out from somebody else how they talked shit about you behind your back
can't be fucked with Putin's empty threats
matey can't even handle btech poland but keeps larping like his about to kick in the rotten door of the west
nothing ever happens
chagpt show me ruby granger futa
people like you are the reason jews find it so easy to subvert us
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nothing to do with being able to afford it. I could get Starbucks and takeaway daily if I wanted to no problem. I don't, because I have a 3 digit IQ
um how deep can you bottom out at?
Been on grindr and a lad wants to sniff my armpits and underwear after I work out
/brit/ anthem
>Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, I like him just fine
>But he's a mouth breather
not going to fret over nickels and dimes and don't want to ruin the comfy by going outside
reminds me, I need to rewatch school of rock
have you tried rubbing your ringpiece while wanking? it feels good
hit a nerve did it? Aww buy yourself some more overpriced slop to make you feel better x
is he spamming the cp on his VPNs now
someone must have really done his nut in this morning
Two dragonfruit refreshers and two almost croissants with a cakepop
Weird post, go outside more
What does it have to do with IQ?
>I don't, because I have a 3 digit IQ
No, it's because you're a runt who has literally fuck-all to do or anyone to do it with, so you spend half your day on /brit/ criticising anyone who takes even the smallest shortcut or spends a penny more than absolutely necessary on food and drink
>get btfo'ed
>flick on the VPN and have a meltdown
this is just what happens when you have a loser make /brit/ their hobby - it's sad and transparent
what is it about the UK that leads you all to produce the most schizo posters per capita
achtung maus!
ktims (kek this is my sisterbergsteinwitz)

this poster is actual spaintard
kill yourself
Yep you're raging
you're allowed to post the mice today
Unending depression
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come home white man
toby has done his fucking nut in
the post that saved brit
Just to let you know I'll be on the look out for any spamming/flooding ITT, and yes that does include the mice
and the post where you called me a miserable gremlin through tears, that wasn't rage?
laid in bed in silence staring at the wall in the dark
Don't like this season of /brit/, give me eddie back
It’s weird the stuff that makes people rage in /brit/, never knew me buying a couple of drinks and croissants would cause WWIII
we're all unambitious povvos who barely go outside, have abysmal diets, and are addicted to cigarettes and alcohol
it's a miracle we're not weirder
you CANNOT post that
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You think girls really like teasing their dads?
you CAN post that
Me summoning mousegod to destroy EW
these the gay shoes?
Speak for yourself
correct, you can't post them spai.. I mean toby
as leader of /brit/ I will allow the mice
Imagine having a vagina

Would be mental
right well then
spainmong onamadone
who let spaino cook
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these are my creps
only like £40 and look decent enough
get a fucking life
Bradford on Avon is bussin
dont you see the n word? it's for the black lads actually
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Oh my days rorke
grow up
Was worried about my 6 incher but every guy I've been with but one has been the same size or smaller so it's fine>>202265099
give it a fucking rest adam you virgin
>2 bedroom 70sqm apartment, "Altbau" (meaning old building with high carved ceilings)
>Masters degree
>Good job, 85k gross salary (VERY good in Germoney)
>All of this at 25
>Work out, run regularly, no sixpack but toned body
>Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6ft

>Kissless sexless virgin
>No female friends
>No social interactions aside from family

Being successful in everything but being a total failure at the social component hurts like you can't imagine, bros.
rorke blud...
what makes you think other rule-breaking posts aren't getting report? rein in your victim complex you schizo twat, you CANNOT post the mice
shut up nigga
Toby are you gay?
still find it hysterical that spainnonce spent literal YEARS pretending to have a girlfriend here, and in a single day got completely exposed and has been on an almost non-stop mental down since
rorke senpai they are not it
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start posting as employed women again please :c
sqeualing at my captcha
thanks for making me feel better about myself, having only 1 gf, still living at home age 27 with no job
Who the fuck is toby
Im the complete opposite to you, a fat, boring, uneducated mongoloid but i've had many a foid in my time, and im happier than you.
ok i have to stop posting completely then
i dont mean to get all this attention. it just
omdz rorke....
He wanted so hard to be like the deanos that picked on him at school, the fact he could only roleplay that fantasy here is just pitiful and even then he failed at that
The average wage in Germany is £28,000.
fucking meds
KYS paedo freak
I think spaino has actually gone insane
in all seriousness jokes aside, what is the purpose of spamming shit like that
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you spend 16 hours a day on /brit/ in your smelly childhood bedroom in chester
it would send anybody up the wall
More than I make by about £28,000
was reading on /pol/ that indian immigrants to canada and america, like to hire sports cars and drive down to the beach because they think it’s like the movies and music videos where bikini clad blonde women jump in

they honestly think that. but of course women would maybe only do that for a ripped handsome surfer athlete that owned it, not 4 short ugly smelly jeets in a rented convertible
ok but there isnt a horse dick in that image?
he's bringing out all the VPNs today
distinct lack of a certain belgium flag funnily enough

mad how that happens
can I download and use this gif myself?
I have a hatred for German people and like to see them suffer
absolutely not
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at the same time, this is what 4chan used to be about
and its the person whos stopping 4chan from being that, who is also a janny, allowing 4chan to be what it once was, by doing what he normally does anyway only in the way he doesnt normally or is supposed to
loneliness innit
>try to be part of the conversation
Get called a retard or ignored
>try to btfo everyone calling you a retard
Get called a retard or ignored
>spam on a trip or meme flag for attention
Get called a retard or ignored
>have a melt down and spam the thread because you aren’t getting attention
most sexually repressed italian
that's funny, but I'd need to see pics of it to believe it
i love how, even when you're posting the mice and being allowed, you're still ranting about the janny
its spaedo you retard
it's adam on a VPN

this isnt waht 4chan used to be about
i dont know who that is, go outside virgins
adam is having a psychotic breakdown
he's too distracted to delete the mice
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squattoil completed
it's like an actual child having a tantrum
it's really pathetic to behold
honestly what are they thinking
that she’ll think
>omg he done a flip and handed me a flower fuck me now!
imagine if you did this to a woman in a pub here you’d probably get fucking sectioned

such a bizzare and cringe race
Good morning
Mental how badly I mindraped him
I have two dogbergs
it's raining
yes you do, be quiet
Some of you really do use this shit little general like a social media platform
I thought it was just a gimmick
mousey won
Need to lose 4 stone me will go do chest and bicep toil later
rosie jones is fab

he is literally me
i know this is probably just Whygena self-insert of a boyfriend that he had, or something...
ok but now that adam has gone off the rails you pretty much won didn't you?
reckon the retard namefags would go away if we didn't have a small autistic band of retards keeping track of the names and the lore like these idiots
I mean our thread gets spammed by lolcows sometimes, but holy fuck bongs this is BAD in here kek.

I'm gonna go back to /deutsch/
no, not really. i think my goals are a little different
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I don't think it's cringe, I think it's the opposite and comes from a place of childlike enjoyment. They see something which they think is really cool, like a flip, so they keep trying until they can do it, and then they think everyone else must think it's really cool too. The problem is that everyone else is too worried about what others around them think and so cynical that they lose what it means to be a child, fun and awe in the simplest things, when they are forced to grow up.
your only goal was to drive spaedo to insanity and mental breakdown was it not?
What are you lads up to this afternoon then?
Batch cooking then wanktoil for me
Yeah you think the retard that's here literally all day every day for 10+ years would go away do you?
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aussie tums
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probably do a bit of laying motionless on the bed covers listening to ASMR lulling in and out of consciousness
cant be you because he has all his teeth still
keep doing yawns
What are you making?>>202265684
Thread’s too mentally ill for me today and just getting worse. I’m gonna bounce, see ya lads

Chicken, rice and veg, in various sauces. I'm on a cut
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bro said bounce
So what set off this gigamelty? I wasn't here for the beginning
can you get wireless computer monitors? does such technology exist?
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Your failures as a son are my failure as a father
who? spaedo or toby?
people watching in Paris on googlemaps
Oh my days
think the delay would be really noticeable
you can use most TVs as an additional monitor wirelessly from your laptop
yanks ruined cadbury
whatever happened to mikey? genuinely the best namefag by a good margin.
Agreed, it's too sweet now, complete muck
got a wife an kids
ran out of money in the bank
wouldn't surprise me, seemed like the type of lad to have lots of children with women he probably couldn't remember the names of
was killed in a paving accident
nearly beer o clock
adam you fucking dirty nonce
>Who’s the fairest of them all
Bit racist?
i am brucestralian
corr wish i had a pissy gf
Got that gay porn on
she meant like who is the most just
Doing a gay porn jig
screaming at this and yelling KTIM over and over
I'm bisexual
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Ukrainian nationalists have killed more of their own people in the last 2 years (600,000+) than the USSR did in the entire "Holodomor" (0).
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QUICK THE JANNY ISNT HERE so post the nudes from their OF
STOP posting porn
don't post leaked content
Just made a hinge profile LMAO
Do I order a maccies lads? Yay or nay?
What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off
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have a lovely bowl of veg
Lmao I feel sorry for straightoids
Yeah double quarter pounder with cheese, side of mac sauce and a 10 piece nuggets
Ok don’t have a melty or anything
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this .webm doesnt load but it looks like a black from the thumbnail anyway
Amazing shout tbf
did mousey finally win? is this /brit/ when there are no rules?
No 3 for £3 deal has ended. Money better spent elsewhere
genuinely think about 10% of /brit/'s population deserves to be imprisoned or executed
You’ve only got one life mate. Just enjoy that lovely maccies
you are the cancer that is killing this website and ify ou left it would improve, even when hes not having a meltdown
we dont need you. there are actual jannies and mods
At least 50% desu
great thread lads keep it up
They're more like 15% of the population nowadays actually
Indians are unbelievably
Literally didn’t happen
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Bro was taken out by a jeet sniper before he could finish this post
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even meee 0-0?
post the blackhaired OF models nudes or just their content...
>mousenonce free to post the mice
>spaedo free to post nonce shit
/brit/ has fallen
Fax, fuck the snitch neeks
depends on if you post schizo shit or gay shit
Mad isn’t it. They actually let schizo freaks like me roam the streets. AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
the doctor on ds9 is fit
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Are those Crowley’s eyes?
Isn't he a bloke
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Didn't happen
has this pic been edited
her face is too small for her head >.< but in a good way
her lips are too small for her face
thats why it works
Fair, Bashir is meant to be perfect and generically modified after all
right i'm getting myself an unfiltered stella artois
those onion rings look like shit
one bite and you'll pull the whole onion out, like a fucking worm
this persons mouth looks like goatse in the same way ice spice looks like gonorrhoea
Not acceptable. Sobriety is the only way.
can't believe jeremy clarkson banned james may from his pub
Toby won
looks like the monster from Monsters Inc who got his lips sucked by a hoover if that machine also made the monsters trans if if the monsters entire bit for their videos was "i have a penis btw"
i can't watch arsenal sober i'm sorry
pile in

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