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Smiling edition
>tfw lil timmy sends his pale pencil dick on snapchat
>people unironically choose to go into a back-breaking job surrounded by retards instead of coasting along in a wfh job

insane really
so Tilde looks like an ugly woman instead of an ugly freak bloke? l dont believe it
there's two Aldis in Shrewsbury according to Google Maps
so someone just picked one arbitrarily, photographed the first employee they saw and that's 100% definitely sacked tranny no question about it?
they're brainwashed by university is a scam course sellers
>I'll just quit my job to hang out on a job site with the tradies
Anon, was a US flag ever rude to you in one of the /cum/ threads? Allow me to personally apologize.
Yeah it’s not him. Pictures are all dogshit quality as well.
every single time i look at the youtube comments on a song there's multiple comments about how "my family member/friend died in a car crash last week, he loved this song" or "i was going to kill myself but this song made me not"
Gen X power fantasy film
my mum is cool and my mum will treat you right
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Migrants bellies full.
Migrants bollocks empty.
wfh seems soul crushing to me
you're basically a NEET with a thin layer of responsibility added
no socialising, no bonding with colleagues, no reason to even leave your home
I'd start to question the point of my own existence
My balls are really full and heavy right now :/
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you have no hair sweetie
Every time I see a post with "Chad" or "Alpha" I feel like I'm talking to a gay man. Chad literally sounds like a power word and in all of these lurid fantasies about Chad the woman is an accessory or held in open contempt
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or went to both and looked at the obvious fucking tranny.
I can't work from home. I just end up browsing X and jacking off.
I get literally nothing done.
alri toilberg propaganda agent
You ever have that thing happen where you don’t poo for like 4 days straight and then it all unleashes over 3 poos on the same day where you walk away a kilo lighter? What’s up with that?
lmages not loading. Probably for the best
>wfh job
they're dogshit
what sort of mong unironically calls it X?
from the pictures it's not an obvious tranny, just looks like a chubby woman
who's to say Tilde was even working a shift on that day
heading down to the Aldi in Shrewsbury lads you want anything?
toilbergcord raid incoming
you're insane and mindbroken
good to know it's not just on my end, cheers lad
kill kill kill
>they're dogshit
they're really not
use your free time to train up if you feel guilty about being useless or something
Pure cope haha, imagine thinking forced socialising with colleagues at work is a GOOD thing
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yeah miss the banter at the office haha Jane's 50th birthday today make sure you sign the card before lunch
its over
yeah a clear, sharp image of sacked tranny
Going to Japan opened my eyes to how amazing public transport can be.
Going to Germany showed me how nice it is to have all of Europe at your doorstep
NZ sucks
really really into redheads lads, not sure if that's considered a fetish or not, i think it might be considering redheads are technically rare enough to be considered an endangered species
Me you nutter
It's called X now.
I xeet almost every day
>use your free time to train up
lol when
you are an autistic shut-in if you think socialising with colleagues is something you are forced into
people who needs work to socialise is just incapable of getting anyone who isn't forced into the same room as them to enjoy their company
making friends at work is a gen x mindset
WFH should be banned tbqh
Harms the productivity of the British nation
nobody "worked" from home at the peak of the British empire
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rorke's creps
The Queen did
you can always tell the permanently online neets because they all seem to think every job is exactly like what they saw in The Office and that time they watched Office Space
if you can toil from home then your job was probably bullshit to begin with
Wfh has destroyed my career. I’ve been so stagnant and distracted for so long I’ve just lost my way. No idea how to have any traction in things anymore everyone hates meetings now.
a quick blowie and some poo on my willy x
It literally is. You literally only see those people because you work in the same place, that’s the only thing you have in common. There’s nothing wrong with my colleagues, they’re decent people, but there’s no way I’m ever going to meet them outside of work if I leave my job.
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One of the best Pink Floyd songs. I'm told it's not "real" PF because this was after one of the band members left but it's still a banger imho.

You know you can make friends at work... And outside of work too, right?
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today's luncheon

minestrone soup with a chicken toastie, cut up for dipping, and a can of Lewis Hamilton flavour energy drink
wonder what toilberg would think if he knew i called him toilberg
working from home is awful
your home is turned into a workplace, literally just staring at a screen all day, godawful endless series of messages on teams or emails, unable to ask people questions unless they respond to your message
Get a clue you little fanny
Nah it still counts in my view and the album is better than at least one of the Roger Waters ones
only the most basic bitch non-jobs can be WFH long term, the kind that could be made redundant any time and not be missed at all
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Thanks lad

I do genuinely feel that way though
Also might ask him to make me a katana next time I see him
I can, yes, that's why I'm okay with WFH
if I weren't then I'd be arguing in favour of people being trapped in a room with me 8 hours a day
I doubt those pictures are of Tilde but if they are I really hope he gets on the store CCTV and posts some pictures of the creepy gimp who took them.
Definitely the most kino image of seasideMARK we've seen in a while.
get the lewis hamiltons chugged lad
this is true but it beats going to an office. At least at home, I can fill the dead time by watching tv
business idea: a house with more than one room and an off button on your laptop
Love going to the office. The travel, the banter, wearing a tie.
are you actually working when you wfh? well disregard that

I just don't get how you can hate wfh, you save so much money and time on travel, you have more energy to do things after work. it's great
>a house with more than one room
doesn't matter where you do it, it's still using your home for work
desu anon
I don't blame you for not wanting to work in an office with other British people all day.
The amount of whinging would drive me utterly insane
the final cut was godawful, he just doubled down on the "reee why did my dad have to die in a war" stuff
Ooooh, office banter, I'm so jealous.
Just watched a video trying to debunk racist claims by some American conservative who claimed blacks are 13% of the population but commit 58% of murders and the black lad debunking it went "ummm actually it's 46% of all murders" and acted like that was a victory for the blacks lol

Need to get those sort of things out of my youtube recommendeds though. What are some good youtube things I can watch?
So uh what proof is there that the Aldi worker posts here?

toby unmasked
yeah it was horrid. His screeching about Thatcher and the Falklands was awful too there was a balance in the band that obviously tipped at some point
Someone say The Office?
Just clocked that it's called the "afternoon" because its literally after noon
It's the dream. Sit about the house all day playing videogames and being paid for it. I've even had a date on a day that I was working from home lol
>currently wfh, listening to music, playing video games and having the odd wank, while getting laundry done
>tomorrow I have to go into the office, get coughed on, listen to yapping all day, wear office attire, sit in traffic, be watched all day
bosses just want you to suffer, that's all there is to it
Wfh destroying my mental health today especially. Wish I’d gone in
I wish I could just ban sarcasm in the UK, like in Liar Liar.
your first reply of the thread
Imagine how many African skulls these have crushed
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autumn is here
playing some geoguessr
At this point I only use youtube for music and recipies. Even the "informative" stuff feels like junk at this point, no idea what happened but it went from something that was hard to keep up with to something you can check once every few weeks and there will still be nothing new worth watching.
Ruby Granger tights.
>WFH is bad because you can’t form relationships with your colleagues
Not true, I have a good relationship with my colleagues. We talk most days, have regular meetings and every month or so we work from Spoons on a Friday afternoon and have a good laugh together. But I don’t work to socialise, I have actual friends for that.
>You can’t separate work from your home life!
Skill issue. I have a home office with a big comfy desk, threr screens, my music going, I get on with finishing my work and when I’m done my laptop is closed. Simple as.

Also have plenty of free time. I can plan my day around other stuff I need to do. If I want to go the supermarket and do a big shop in the afternoon when it’s quiet I can do that. If I’m having an Amazon delivery I’m always in. It’s based.
What's an easy WFH job lads?
NEETs v.s. Office workers

Who wins?
watch one elden ring lore video and you'll see nothing but that forever
spreadsheet technician
sex line worker
I was listening to my favourite band The Aristocrats, and old Guthrie Govan wrote a song called "Last Orders", about that dreadful time of night at the pub when they ring the bell and call last orders, before kicking everyone out.
Are there any places left in the UK that still let you drink all night and into the morning?
>"getting paid to wank off and do house chores, music and hobbies"
>"wtf why do they want me to go into the office
you are a spam bot in real life as well btw if you get paid in a job to do nothing and you not looking around and asking questions because you get away with this is proof
Making methamphetamine
council jobs are famously piss easy, that's what I do
they want me back in the office but fortunately my boss doesn't give a shit for now
I did exactly that for over a year when I was unemployed
it's not the dream, the idea of spending another day doing fuck all in your bedroom starts to repulse you after a while, you need to be mentally ill to enjoy it past the honeymoon period
yeah my place
Stop being jealous Mousenonce
the prospective cop



Trick is to use Open in New Private Window for videos that you know will poison your algorithm.
I'm still more productive at home with all that
I've spend a decade staring at the walls in office jobs and been called a hard worker for it
Thanks love
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What does this make you feel?
wonder if making meth is as piss easy as i imagine
breaking bad makes it look pretty hard but they're making god-tier meth, not run-of-the-mill meth
>are you actually working when you wfh
yes obviously
never get how people on here seem to think they do nothing for 6 hours a day
toilberg needs to crack the whip on you
advertising or begging
rope yourself
you are getting paid a wage to do your own laundry you goyim freak
considered real friends you toilbroken freaks
I don't mind much because the game itself doesn't explain anything
anyone up for some
they're autistic and they think we're being literal when we say "watching youtube ALL DAY"
I’m going to quit my wfh job. I can’t take it anymore. I’m so fucking fucked
Lmao, Vtubers does that too.
I told my guitar teacher to open a song in private browsing once for that exact reason
American women are penger that British girls
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good post
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>workers did not reap advances in productivity as a reduced workday because, as a societal norm, they believe that work determines their self-worth, even as they find that work pointless. This cycle is a "profound psychological violence"[4] and "a scar across our collective soul".[5] One of the challenges to confronting our feelings about bullshit jobs is a lack of a behavioral script, in much the same way that people are unsure of how to feel if they are the object of unrequited love. In turn, rather than correcting this system, individuals attack those whose jobs are innately fulfilling
>they do nothing for 6 hours a day
this is literally unironically true for me
I work from home and some days I do literally nothing desu lol
yeah mate I'm sure between that you're also learning Hungarian, making clay pots and studying the oboe
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somehow doubt this site is receiving any "upgrades" in any capacity
meteorology; a scam
Why do we get so worked up about NEETs again?
devs are doing laundry and eating icecream
love thinking lads
love sitting on my smelly arse with my thinking cap on
which vid is this from
New NSA and GCHQ backdoors being installed
the mind of a WFH drone summed up quite succinctly there
the wfh debate goes around in circles because people fail to realise there are two types of people (essentially introverts and extraverts) and that wfh/office affects those 2 groups in opposite ways
Zanzibart... forgive me.
my £6 mil goat finally proved his worth with a 92nd minute winner against the league leaders
mad how quickly i learned to drive, a few months ago i was a nervous freak who'd never touched a steering wheel in his life and didn't know how to work the pedals, now i'm 100% confident and know every maneuver in the book (although sometimes i forget to engage and disengage the handbrake)
makes me think i could accomplish anything (even though i can't)
Because NEETs are stealing from the taxpayer

My employer pays me to do a job and I do it. If that job happens to take less time than I’m contracted for that’s not really my problem is it?

Spaedo will just randomly decide to post shit like this and get no replies and still do it every day because hes so fucking done in the head
NEETs aren't stealing.

Pensioners are. Don't know how many times we have to go over this.
I'm an extravert but I hate a lot of the retard normies in the office.
Middle age women posting boomer memes about how "my body isn't a temple but a storage bin of regrets" and reacting with the :joy: emoji
Or making jokes about how people should keep their cats and dogs away from Trump because he might eat them
automatic though innit you muppet
isn't driving in straya just driving on a straight road for hours on end
>Quorn meat-free food brand sees supermarket sales slump as it loses £60m
we did it carnivore chads
NEETs take money they haven’t earned. Pensioners have at least paid into the tax system all their lives.
yeah but im gonna learn manual soon, should be a piece of piss considering how quickly i picked up the basics of driving
get every NEET put in a workhouse

get every pensioner's benefits doubled

get every refugee housed, watered and fed
Nah you get to run the odd Abo over when he lies down on the road and goes back to the dreamtime
in some areas it might be, in urban areas there are a shitload of roundabouts and cops who stalk the roads looking for reasons to fine you so you have to be pretty careful
I just keep spamming the toil chat with orangutans so I dont have to see that
Pensioners are the biggest fraudsters on the social welfare system. They take money up they are not entitled to and break the rules allotted.

The social welfare system is apart of GDP anyhow and is an economy in itself. It is something ridiculous like 20% that is how much it pays into itself.
I wfh for the government and have had multiple days where I just get high and shag some girl off hinge, play video games all day or go to the beach
>go kart driver thinks he's a big boy
if they're able to remain NEET through nefarious means (pretending to have severe anxiety or some other bullshit) then they absolutely are stealing from the taxpayer
SSM is a classic example
poo taster
NEETs are parasites. I mean, it doesn’t really annoy me, there will always be waste of oxygen parasites in any society but don’t deny what they are.
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SSM has a diagnosed medical condition that prevents him from working
yanks don't know how to drive manual and yanks are the most relevant people on the internet so i feel like i fit right in
Yeah but
On the other hand
Imagine working in an office in the UK
sounds like hell desu
seasideMARK has a genetic disease making him smell of fish and shit though. would love to see you go about life without killing yourself if that were you
im 27 and stammer my words in social situations. i just dont talk enough, like i don't have enough practice. shit's embarrasing.
What are office jobs like in Ireland and Scotland?
Are work drink functions more exciting than usual, with Siobhan the receptionist dancing drunk on the table?
I do the same, never used to as a lad but I sound like a twat now.
I know the answer is to socialise more but frankly that ship has sailed.
this but i also did nothing while in the office a lot of the time
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what are the Arabs up to here then?
Condom ban for cronem
Condom mandate for timmies
i think that's just a stammer problem and not a social anxiety problem, i don't talk to people much either and sometimes when i say things out loud to others it reveals thoughts i didn't even know i had in my internal monologue
average Australian man
De lids the fallout 4 game arrived
You not having any friends or hobbies outside your bedroom is your problem, not mine. I get to sit around playing vidya and watching movies and then I go to the gym at a reasonable time because I don't need to commute home and then I get to indulge in any of my other hobbies because I'm not completely drained from work. It's based. Life is only as boring as you are.
nobody was buying that shit during covid when all the freezers were empty
Same old shite. Most birds in the office are fat, if not obese, and still have boyfriends.

Any work nights out I've been on has quickly become just the lads then getting the bags in and going back to some cunt's gaff for the sesh.
I like some people I work with
I'm not even a social person, but working on my own for 8 hours a day without any interaction is absolutely grim
sir word stammer
smelling bad doesn't prevent him from working in a warehouse or a factory or literally any manual labour job that doesn't have face to face contact with customers
190 why are you using Canadian multicultural English in a Belgian flag?
Bros, I met a boomer on the plane coming back to NZ from Japan.
He was going on about the Maoris being on welfare, so I said we should just deport them all.
After a pause, he replied "...to where? Melanesia?" to which I said yes.
He went silent after that
Fucking lmao
Fuck I crack myself up
erm it wouldn't be fair to the workers on the factory line who have to deal with his smell

this could cause a very serious workplace incident and big trouble for HR + the company. You wouldn't understand such matters as you have a child's view of the world of work
so go see your friends in that time
if you're working a job where you actually have 8 hours of real a day look for a new one
>quickly become just the lads then getting the bags in and going back to some cunt's gaff for the sesh.
Kinda based tbdesu
Why is it so impossibly complicated to learn a trade in this country?

No wonder there's a shortage of tradesmen. I'm trying to research how to become an electrician and it seems very complicated. I'm 28 and strongly considering trying to learn a trade despite having a degree because it's not that valuable.

People talk about all sorts of qualifications, some say you need an apprenticeship, some say you need to go to a college, some say you need work with an electrician, some say you can do fast track courses but others say they aren't worth it.

Everything in Britain just always seems needlessly complicated.
two people double self own
Sometimes we sing song at the pub and the women are prettier. But that's about it.
anyone with half a brain could see it was a bubble
companies went in HARD with all the vegan meat free shite thinking there was a revolution happening when in actual fact it was a passing fad and now they're suffering the consequences
you just ask Davie to ask his da if you can tag along on monday as his apprentice

If you're a Deano shagger that is. If you're not then there's no hope of you ever entering this career.
simply cannot get rid of my belly fat, starved myself for months eating nothing but pure protein and it still won't fuck off
Sounds fun
Looks like work may be making me write an essay about myself and if it's good enough, I will not get a £6000 pay cut. If this is the case, then the only document i'm writing is an updated CV.
>if you're working a job where you actually have 8 hours of real a day look for a new one
That's how all jobs are. Maybe not a full 8 hours but I've never once thought a day at work went slow.
No idea what jobs people here do where they're sat around all day.
toildrones need everyone to be as miserable as them
is this one of those things that people actually bought before society collectively decided that smoking almost as bad as molesting children?
to become an electrician in this country just play with the brown wires in the plug sockets. recommend wet hands or something conductive
here we go
Holy shits lads the Russians are storming Vuhledar!
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can't remember
do 200 crunches a day
i should get money for doing my laundry and washing up
used to do this when I was 13
wow *surreptitiously googles vuhledarf*
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is going back to an old job humiliating?
i left there a year ago but i dislike my current job
got an interview for a new one today, but if i don't get this, i might ask for my old job back
I think my problem is that I overthink what I'm gonna say. When it comes time to say what I want to say, I end up rushing it and stumbling over my own words. I need to slow down and just say things out loud at run time, rather than plotting out exactly what I'm gonna say.
Too attractive. I wouldn't even bother talking to her.
Confession, Elucidation, Education, and Transformation
you think the average warehouse worker smells of roses? What about if he worked outdoors then with plenty of fresh air? Literally hundreds of suitable jobs he could do but nah, he'd prefer to just spend taxpayer money on alcohol and PS5s while using his disability as a crutch
ummm you can't post that
yeah i get what you mean, the trick is to be drunk or high before entering any social engagement
dark side of the poo
kind of women brown men go insane for
for a man of European stock she is only average
just been sacked FFS
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Only if you let it be humiliating.
You just gotta not care
refill please
*opens mouth*
maxmofoe is so cute
i like those people that say "puts" instead of "put"
where he tells people to do things as if they have done it in the past tense
he is so powerful
any nondualism man in
You just know the people defending office toil to the death are those jobsworth control freak types who constantly need to be doing tasks and allocating tasks onto others while snivelling up to their boss for promotion
Unironically send the gov department that handles bennies a link to his YT channel
non dualist in what sense?
time to transition and apply to aldi
nah it's just better for work
feel like i lost a part of my soul when i found out that gigachad isn't a real person and is actually a composite of various male models
assistant to the regional manager
cockberg shooting straight up
Exactly. Boring cunts who have no life whatsoever outside of work so they need to leech off people who are forced to be in the same room as them for five days a week. Very weird individuals.
I'm the same mate. Means you can't get a word in edgeways at a group setting.
toilberg's snivelling little runt reporting for duty
im out of work atm and im the happiest ive ever been. you dont realise how miserable work makes you when you're in the thick of it, just trying to get through the week.
honestly don't know what to do. the thought of going back to work, an office, makes me queasy.
in every sense
don't be a cynic
for what reason?
Just walk past a playground did you?
got the steve lookner on
*munches on popcorn snuggled warm in bed whilst watching the toilfreaks argue amongst themselves*
did you not see that NSFW
feel like my foreskin has gotten tighter lately, that means that either my willy has magically gotten bigger or i haven't been stretching it enough (definitely the latter knowing my luck)
mental how badly fucked up the war in Ukraine
wondering how to convince mumstein to see a gp about dementia
*plays smoke on the water in the guitar shop*
>Means you can't get a word in edgeways at a group setting
too true. you finally think of something to say, but then the moment passes. rince and repeat, and you end up sitting out the whole conversation, just observing from the side lines.
what to do...
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what would you do if you got sentenced to life in prison (or a sentence so long that it might as well be life)?
would you just tough it out or hang yourself in your cell?
depends if l can watch tv
get back to work slacker
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in a modern british prison yeah probably
I've already got a WIFE sentence mate haha
what is this
Would be dead via suicide long before any sentencing hearing took place my lad.

But it would never come to that as I wouldn't commit any crimes because I'm good at heart.
everyone always complains prisoners get it too easy so I would probably just enjoy the easy life I'm been hearing about all these years
relief doll for young reckless goons
How do brits make pies in bulk?
Is it worth freezing?
Pommes á la Elton
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Just heard "Young Lust" for the first time
haha don't kill her x
even good people can be pushed to the brink, you never know m8 you might get married to a real vicious bitch and kill her in the spur of the moment like the previous lad
l'd watch and read all the things l wanted then kill myself. Sooner if there was physical danger from other prisoners
>degree in history, fluked into my old job via an agency, stayed there for 5 years
>stupidly started a new job 8 months ago
>no friends, kissless handholdless virgin
>live at home
>don't want to leave my current job without having another one lined up
>took me months of applying last year to get this job

I don't know what to do
I'm considering going back to my old job
I've been desperately looking at how to learn a trade or useful skill (e.g electrician, or CAD, or something idk) in the hope I can do something more lucrative. I have plenty of money saved up so I could fund studies.
I'm terrified that I'm going to end up a NEET. I was NEET after uni for 7 months until I got a job.
My life is swirling and I don't know what to do, help
elton piper potatoes
doin some reckless gooning
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>degree in history
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holy blogamoli!
I doubt I will ever be in a relationship on account of my being extremely weird and autistic. It's probably for the best; I think women deserve a normal man. Quite content just to get on with my life by myself.
now thats a tune
makes me feel like that pic haha
probably not going to have much trouble from other crims as long as you're not retarded and aren't in there for noncing (although if you were you'd be sequestered from them anyway)
I'd take up an art class and dedicate myself to getting really good and then just paint pictures of hot slags so I've got something visual to masturbate to.
Naww don't say that lad. A lot of women look out for that sort of thing.
doing some reckless gaming
sex with that autism mascot
bridget phillipson sex arse
l've seen every episode of Columbo l wouldnt get caught
you can but you have to pay a daily rental fee for it which means you also need to work
Would just WFH in a prison cell
Consider the following scenario:

>Graduate high school
>Get a job at a bank
>Start as a teller and work your way up
>Regional manager position opens
>Oh look at that you're not qualified to apply because you don't have a uni degree
>That guy who majored in history applies and gets the job

Our system is stupid, but it do be like that.
perfect on the weekly travle :)
been watching mr. inbetween and reacher
both shows seem like a sequence of arguments that you'd imagine in your head, literally no one is that cunty in real life
it never occurs to office toilers to ask for equivelant benefits
in their mind their employer can waste hundreds of thousands to pay people to watch youtube at home all day but can't spare anything for travel expenses, let them go home earlier to avoid traffic, make the office environment a better place to be in, pay them a bonus for showing up etc.
they just see others enjoying a good thing and want to ruin it for them
I've heard about people with degrees in music getting manager positions in the civil service. It is completely broken
i dont know how the ycan do that work from home where its just them sitting on the computer and take the money and not ask questions. seems a bit farm animal-ly
I thought people with these degrees just ended up as team leaders at Starbucks
been playing the sims
mad how you're more likely to die setting yourself on fire when making dinner than you are joining the military career
Was watching a video about office toilers in Japan
They'll lay back on their chairs, put a this ring rest thing around their neck, eye mask on and fall asleep at their desk like they're on a flight
toildrones derive a sick pleasure from dragging down their fellow toildrone
>can I go home early to avoid traffic?
>yeah sure just be in early tomorrow by however many minutes / hours early you leave today, thus achieving nothing
Do you really think history grads go straight into regional manager bank roles mate
fun fact, a longer single version exists with a proper intro/outro
The civil service is the infrastructure that keeps this country running. They hire new talent and people become so disillusioned by the time they're 35-40 they quit. They've slackened their recruitment standards it is like Stalingrad (allegedly)
wtf, why don't we do this
just pay them min wage
in early everyday, out early everyday. simple as.
It's not "achieving nothing" though is it dickhead
If you leave 30 minutes early but save 20 minutes in traffic you've still gained 20 minutes
tried applying to a civil service job but got a score of 2/7 after my interview

also one of the interviewers was laughing at my monotone autistic voice on the zoom interview call
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You wouldn't like to work there anyway, it's full of bullies and managers that act like utter obnoxious snobs.
recycle when you're ready
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oooooh I need a dirty woman
*speaks in a dull emotionless voice*
You there, cease your laughter
sounds like you dodged a bullet honestly
tragic that lad. Couldn't be me, im an SEO
learning to be more lik maxmoefoe
then moving to Australia
Family member of mine has a fucking archaeology degree yet has a solid finance-related position in government. I don't know, I think we just have to drop this boomer idea that whatever you study in university has to somehow be related to whatever job you go on to do. Having a diploma at least shows that you are able to responsibly commit to something for 4 years, which shows some level of long-term thinking, which in-turn shows a modicum of intelligence on your part.
If that's me I'm definitely sending emails to all contacts calling them poo wankers and asking for bob and vagen as they'll never see your face anyway
used to always show up to supermarket toil 39 mins late and leave 29 mins early

overheard manager mention one day that our sign in system was retarded and it would round your clock in/out time up or down to the nearest hour
tried it out one day and didnt get in any trouble or have anyone bring it up, so I just kept doing it
bald people should care less ^.^
unironically showing more initiative and smarts than most high paid office drones
90 IQ response, I know this because you weren't able to infer that what I meant there is degree in whatever the fuck + experience is better than experience alone.

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