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poo ice cream ediiton
absolutely creaming my knickers at the thought of the post-work nap. I might even start napping during the last couple hours of work
off to the Aldi in Shrewsbury lads you want anything?
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Thanks lad

I do genuinely feel that way though
Also might ask him to make me a katana next time I see him
Still don't understand how the man is meant to be a poster from here
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Migrants' bellies full.
Migrants' bollocks empty.
all just cogs in the wheel really int we
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getting the news
another fun fact, a version of Pigs on the Wing that combined the two halves with a solo in the middle exists, it was only released on 8-track
>not actually poo
is it still free then?
haha your images didn't load
Most government positions they ideally need conscientious and hard working people to get the workload done but there's this effect where they will promote you to positions where you reach a limit and it explains why everything is so shit and mismanaged. Think it's called the Ferris effect or something. Anyway, the civil service is so massive at this point it can't fail.
wevver's cleared up
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Welcome to Omorashi High School! You're the first boy to attend this prestigious female-only academy with a twist: There's not a single bathroom in the entire school. All students are expected to hold their pee in as long as they can.

Go interact with your fellow classmates, get through the school day, and watch your fellow classmates struggle to not have an accident!
Think 4chan is being DDOS'd
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got a like of Bumble last night
images are fucked again
a blowie x
must have an IQ of 180 to be as autistic and detached from humanity as i is
announcement thingy says they're doing maintenance
serious question mate what the fuck are you talking about
that whole wall of text was gibberish
state it in one line
Belgium and clogwog appearing at the same time once again
this storyline was so stupid was I supposed to believe roy wouldn't notice hayley's cock and balls
bit vague - I wonder what that means
might do some maintenance on my bollocks while the 'chon is acting all fucky
Meant Belgium and Heathernonce
Got city in the 'arabao next
discrete images of the bloke in a frock working the tills
Bahahahaaha you're so fucked in the head Spaedo

Get some sleep you fat virgin
- Word
- Excel
- Powerpoint
- Can work well both in a team or by myself
spent the last couple of hours deeply focused at work and hence thoughts of the ex did not manifest
seems like a promising strategy, just keep busy
My daughter is BBCmaxxing again
Gonna be an absolutely kino and based moment wheen arrogant WFH programmers earning megabucks get replaced by Indians and AI. Absolutely massacred.
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aussie girls
It's spaedo attentionwhoring because he found a new shit gimmick idea
Its mostly him samefagging as per usual
specialism is far more valuable than being a generalist
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okay timothy
won't stop listening to radio 4?
this is me
I’m not afraid of AI, it can’t replace me but it might replace those junior runts that can only handle basic tasks
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- Enjoys problem solving
- Good customer service skills
- Comfortable working under time pressure
- Works well in a team or under own initiative
might just randomly put on my cv that i'm perfectly happy to commit murder just to see if prospective toilbergs actually read it
4chan being a bit fucky for you lads as well?
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do fat people get stronger from doing pushups than thnk people?
>An AirBnBate is a bator-friendly place to stay when travelling. Bateworld members share accommodations and rentals for other bators and their friends or partners.

booking a wanking holiday
probably better off just adding lies that benefit you: fill in any gaps with entirely made up jobs, inflate your responsibilities, maximise lying. End of the day, either you get caught for lying or you don't.

If they catch you at the onboarding stage, worst case you don't get the job. If they catch you 6 months into the job, worst case you get the sack but they have no right to recoup wages they've already paid you.
saw a porn parody of supernanny called "superfanny" once
it had that english lad with the really big wilkins in it (you know the bloke i mean)
Toil have announced they're moving offices to the middle of nowhere
What a bollockache
Need to watch The Wall again one of these days. Watched it a while back with the mum, she's a big Pink Floyd fan. Love when mums show you something cool for a change!
when you read these headlines and comments you'd think "phwoar how could they do this to the old and vulnerable eh"
and then you find out the allowance being axed is to the tune of £300 a year
you do not hate the media and boomers enough ...
post hidden
danny d?
I'm 315 pounds last I checked and not really. I have very strong calf muscles though
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she wants a man with very strong calf muscles
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Got the Lego Concorde

Wife and I shall be building it together
If you had a genie, what would you wish?

Serious answers only please, not something like a third bollock etc.
proper knobber on him alright
going to the off licence
Uh no BBC means the apendages of African males
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- Will work off my own initiative
- Hard worker
- Doesn't cut corners
I'm asking for advice on how to proceed with my career.
yeah i reckon he's got at least a 10 incher on him, if he'd pursued any career other than porn it would have been a waste
business idea: invade germany
lunch time. might watch that final episode of The Grand Tour
why not
Fourth bollock
>he's got at least a 10 incher on him,
There's a £10,000 reward for a man who can prove he has one that size
Never been proved
Normalise right wing porn
rather fitting given you are /brit/s grand bore
wow, my friend just told me a fan of the show 'the sopranos' just got wacked in the face with a shovel really, really hard
well it's all relative. the bigger you are the more you should be able to lift anyway
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cat tug
is that so? well it looks pretty fucking huge to me, and he's apparently over 6 foot so you can't just say it's average but looks big on him because he's a manlet
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might read bout rorke and his missus
southerner freaks pronouncing tour like 'tore' grim lol
How long did it take the guy to cum?
If it has to be realistic then I'd ask for a lot of money. Billions, all clean and above board, anonymously in my name to be used as I wish.

But if the sky is the limit then I might ask for magic powers like the ability to move stuff with my mind or become invisible and then just become a villain type character, or at the very least cause mischief (and steal money).
shouldn't you be off getting killed by a drone strike?
Southrens pronouncing right like rite lol
Just milling about in the town centre
on their phones are they?

with their JustEat bags and their bicycles with big puffy tyres?
wonder what sort of shitposting people would've done if they'd had the internet and 4chan during world war 2
i can't imagine it'd be too dissimilar to the average ukraine happening general on /pol/
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I’ve come to the conclusion that if you don’t have confidence or a big dick, life really isn’t worth living
nah i decided to hop in your mum's bedroom first
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How will Iran respond?
Why do brown men do that? Just wander about the town all day
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dunno what it is about nora but she gives me a furious urge to masturbate
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Don't know how to stop wasting my life
enhanced, accelerated abortion rights for migrants
cause shes fit
mondays are scary amirite
Reminder that these hoes use clever angling + filters to tantalize you. Do not be fooled by these harlots, these sirens. IRL women are better.
they're all on annual leave from their full time, paid-and-taxed employment lad
I need her to cuck me
Get a job brokie

Use that job to do cool shit brokie
start making babies before (((those people))) start telling you to
can't get a job
David Silva failed to impress againts his former club in Shrewsbury's 5-1 defeat to Manchester City in the second round of the Carabao Cup as Erling Haaland sealed a hat trick less than an hour into the match.
she's beyond sexo
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Brits be like
>oohhh noooo I’m wasting my life I’m so unfulfilled
My nigga you can fly to anywhere in Europe for like £10 go out and walk around a new country or something damn
fancy a bum? a bit of man on man action?
>dude solo travel lmao
not falling for this meme any more
airoplanes arent real
i could really use tome pum pum myself right now, curse this incel chud baka existence, must listen to more old school garage
why would anyone want to go to some european shithole that stinks of piss?
Big dick is all that matters
Yea Nora Fawn is a top tier eslut

Probably the best even
>you can't suffer because Bulgaria exists
Is CAD/CAM a good career
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Worked 7 days last week lads
Wish I could travel
Would have to sell my kidneys just to be able to go to SEA, let alone Europe or East Asia or NA
What’s a meme about it it’s fucking freeing just take like £500 with you for a weekend and do anything you want
Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland all smell like piss? Get real you just don’t know what you have

If I wanna go anywhere like that I’m spending at the very very cheapest $600 just to get there
criminal. I weep for you.
she doesn't have any tattoos

it makes you think it really really does
and she hasn't even put nudes out yet (to the best of my knowledge anyway)
you WILL travel to Gdansk
Pretty sure I’ve seen her nipples

Who is that one girl that did the cosplay of the green haired girl of my hero academia she got her pussy out in that one, very good pussy at that
Spain, Germany, and Italy do indeed stink of piss
Mental how women can just post pictures of themselves on the internet and make a trillion dollars and I have to actually work for slave wages
Central attacking midfielder? Yeah.
saturated af afaik
one could argue that being gifted intellectually as a man is equal to being gifted physically/aesthetically for a woman
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spare me
yeah but that's a shit argument, can't post pics of your fucking brain for easy ££££
What happens in /brit/ stays in /brit/ l mao
First of all, I am a 7.5 to 8 physically. Secondly, my game is a 10. At least it was back in the days in Paris before I got too spoiled in Thailand. Had the balls to turned off my cigarette in the ashtray next to her while making her a bit physically uncomfortable, rode that sexual tension whilr talking real close to her, exposed opposing political views to hers which really made her think and most importantly tooled her agressive little orbiter without even trying. Not that I would expect a quasi yank to understand the subtelty of my game. Just FYI.
Why are all jobs so shit
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New team just been hired and trained on a line that is already completely dead work wise. The general public would riot if they could see the state of your standard Civil Service office
arsehole gone all pooey so going to have to turn you down
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Ikr got some days off though so that is good
Yeah and it would be a shit argument
even if you are smart you still have to actually spend time studying to learn things
then you have to spend time applying what your knowledge to some sort of project that will generate money

whereas with looks you can just spend a bit doing your hair and makeup then take some pics
Begin with your family
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>Who is that one girl that did the cosplay of the green haired girl of my hero academia
do you mean this bint?
That's disappointing
What's good as a career then
petition to change ngubu gimmicks to Agyeman because it sounds like 'a gay man'
>good career
wonder how many people in the world are doing a poo at this exact moment
just make silly internet videos and hope you get lucky and blow up
b-b-boner alert! wowieeee!!!!
Ever pissed on a woman during sex?
£5.50 mini cod and chips lunch
Don't mind if I do
Don't mind if I bloody do
cheesy beano down the hatch
omds Everton already got relegated
Makes me cry everytim
ye dude thats how babies are made
bit conflicted about the endings of gta 4
on one hand i really want to kill dimitri but on the other hand i think kate deserves to live more than roman because roman is a twat and kate is probably the only decent person in the whole game
no but i did do half a poo once
Tatsumaki's boobs aren't that big, she should have wrapped them
Yes mate I'm sure wandering aimlessly around a European old town is all it's going to take to fulfil me
Are we back?
nice one gookmoot
Spyware installation successful!
wake up lads
Guess who's back
Back again
apparently nobody
even though 4chan is working again, no one is posting, i've never been more lonely in my life
Chat GPT is always there for you :)
poo barm as they say
Did the northern hemisphere get fucking nuked or something
mossad finally detonated the fleshlight bombs
alas poor /brit/
is this another instance of only we pass chads being able to post
I can sense the bubbling rage of pass-less lurkers, desperately refreshing every minute to try and post

If no Brit posts in the next five minutes, /brit/ officially becomes an Australian general
all the aussiebergs in x
4chan has been carking its knickers regularly in recent times
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the so-called employed woman
hath a jew not japs eyes
Thing about 4chan passes is that it sounds neat on paper to not have captchas n dat but say you get drunk one night and go on a mad one and end up being banned from 4chan for a year because you violated US law.....what then?
buy a new pass since that one's a write-off
so only us passchads can post?
favorite kill tony regular?

for me it’d have to be that estonian guy ari
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Gamers.. it's over......
for me its the mongs on here that type like a 1950s dockhand to try and fit in
leave it on reddit next time
why no more gaming?
just woke up from a terrible nightmare where only australians were allowed to post
Begin with your family.
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eating nigger shit
womenmongs at toil banging on about their other halves and babies and dogs again
good post
hope i can get a ridiculously fit dumb gf half my age when i'm middle aged
evil post
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next stop: Clifton suspension bridge
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The face of a new driver, one who might lose his licence for a single phone conviction.
need a retarded gf who can say a total of two words and just mumbles and dribbles all over herself
This website is absolutely fucked.
>major funders pulling out in recent years
>huge court case in the state of new york over that /pol/tard shooting a few years ago
>regular site outages that last multiple hours
>random features being inexplicably removed (like the poster count in threads)
>ads are getting dodgier and dodgier
>hiroshimoot nowhere to be seen for the past 5+ years

4chan is clearly on its last legs, I give it til the end of 2026 maximum before this place goes under.
cycling michael?
Did they send 7'' riot control bobby to arrest this lad?
testing testing 1 2 3
huh? how are you still seeing ads 2011+13?
>major funders
what funders lmao
>regular site outages that last multiple hours
has happened since the beginning. it used to be far worse back in 2008-2012

everything else you said is correctomundo though. i’d say banning /qa/ was a major fumble
>>random features being inexplicably removed (like the poster count in threads)
Kek, havn't even noticed this
Diego is buzzing, he just got Hilary Benn's autograph. The Labour Party Conference is amazing!
I'm trying to support my home website
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Mikey just finishing work for the day
I imagine it'll end like Krautchan did and just go offline one day completely out of the blue.
That New York shooter was absolutely mental. Payton Gendron, he was sentenced to like 5,000 years in prison with no chance of parole and he was only 18. Imagine that at 18
rasheed lowkey telegraphing his next terrorist attack by printing it on fabric
Diego completely BTFO

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>I'm trying to support my home website
Fuck off already before you randomly tip over and hurt yourself
if you’re doing a fucking mass shooting with no intent of killing yourself you could probably guess you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison, yea. not that cray
do i care?
>he was sentenced to like 5,000 years in prison with no
Can't tell if Americans do this because they think people might live for more than 70 years or something else
No it's hi who are you
it’s unironically as impotent as “sending a message”. as if that means anything. people have received 400 years with the chance of parole and get out in 30 years. our legal system is retarded
i was talking about the motive at such a young age you
Main problem with 4chan is there's absolutely no connection between the owners and users

I have a better chance at getting dinner with Starmer than a message from the.
Sometimes I use 4chan in incognito mode so my adblock gets turned off.
Tbh I've developed a morbid curiosity seeing what kind of insane shite is getting advertised here lately. A few years ago it was exclusively crypto bollocks. Now it's that + increasingly deranged ads for "AI girlfriend" services. You also occasionally get some committed schizo who sinks a bunch of money into promoting something he's made all over the site (like that "musician" with the dyed-blue hair).

Point is that 4chan clearly isn't receiving any advertising funds from anybody reputable, and I don't see how this can be a sustainable way to run a website of this size.

>>major funders
>what funders lmao
Japanese toy company Good Smile had a 30% share in 4chan ever since Hiroshimoot took over, but pulled out last year due to mounting controversies.

hello my nigger
it's so they can't get out on parole, and if one sentence gets overturned then they still stay there 4evar
"life without parole"
Sounds better than 5000 years since I'm not Adam
4chan is a honey pot that will never be shut down
If gookmoot wants to let it deteriorate and make it lose all its ostensible value then Elon Musk will unironically buy it
You could tell KC wasn't going to last very long because of the announcements that they were struggling to pay for servers
I remember as early as 2012 there was a big fuss about them being on the verge of shutting down, but they still had six more years in them
Though I think it was DerGeneral's paranoia of getting doxxed was what brought it down
4chan wont go down, it has an onion address and will just retreat to the good old tor network like kiwifarms did
Had moot and a global mod post below each other in a roll 69 thread on b

Never had hiro moot post in a thread I made
and at what point in your post did you make such a point? are you a fat gay retard yourself? you have the level of self-expression of a black woman
g'day ketut
the rare group signed 4chan post
say what you will but the majority of normgroids who come here will not use tor
fucking hell the poster quality will get even worse when that happens
How do I get a haircut at the barbers without them giving me the incel cut?
Will have a cry when 4chan dies as it's been my anonymous home for so so many years. Won't know where to be anonymous after this (the dark web is full of paedos)
if 4chan dies just use britfa.gs instead
it will increase. women and kids and jews wont be able to figure out or be bothered to set up tor. but goblinos like you and me who post on a monday afternoon will
Ask for an incel cut and subtly move your head in the oppsite direction of what you want and you"ll get a perfect hair cut
>Apple is hoping to trademark the abbreviation A.I after introducing their new 'Apple Intelligence' feature for their iPhone 16.
Corporations are bad kids.
density of freaks like gingerpedo and heathermong will increase substantially also imagine the state of 4chan janitors that would use tor
>4chan is a honey pot that will never be shut down
I think this was true many years ago (I remember that old copypasta from 2010 which claimed American intelligence agencies basically had full control over /b/), but this website has outlived its usefulness.

What does anybody gain anymore from 4chan staying up? If anything, i think "the powers that be" have switched to trying to slowly suffocate it to death. That's why the website, particularly on larger boards, gets hit with huge spam waves (probably from bots) of grotesque material that makes discussion impossible.
too slow and very reddit
don't know why i'm super racist but i never bother to go to any of the thirdie generals on this board to harass the non-whites there, just can't be arsed i suppose
If 4chan dies use table 42 Monty Pyke every Saturday instead
We've always got the backup brit room on matrix.org
my honest thought is that if this site went down the majority of users would either
a) log off, or
b) migrate to the sharty
4chan is a relic of the wild west internet 2000-2006, like somethingawful
not proud to say ive been posting since 2007 and ive never had a knock on the door from the police despite breaking multiple computer crime laws daily
Kiwifarms is run by Joshua Moon who is an extremely committed and extremely autistic individual who basically dedicates his entire life to maintaining that site.

4chan has no equivalent figurehead. Moot WAS that guy for 4chan, but even he never cared about this site that much as evidenced by him leaving and never even showing his face here for 9+ years. If Hiro were to pull the plug, that would just be the end of it, but you'd of course get a few imitators cropping up to replace it (none of them would last long however).
i'd probably go and work on my real social life, or, more likely, kill myself out of loneliness
Log off.
Go outside.
just means theyre building a file on you
How does one even date after uni? My extended social circle is almost all single men, bars and clubs I go to all of the women are there with their boyfriends unless they’re cows
my anxiety rises whenever I hear police sirens outside
I hate corporations for making "AI" a thing in the first place.
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cold approaches at the coffee shop or pub

if you havent done any of these post-uni you’re a bit retarded
>How does one even date after uni?
don't bother asking that, you won't get a genuine answer here
>What does anybody gain anymore from 4chan staying up?
central place to watch bizarre nazi memes appear and proliferate
the entire website has been on life support to keep /pol/ churning out retards that incriminate themselves or compromise their conspirators
I agree with the rest of your post though and the above seems unlikely but what other explanation is there for this site becoming so exceedingly shit? Why would Hiroshimoot keep the website for this long while it's been complete dogshit and getting attacked more and more often? There has to be some ulterior motive for it.
Are they not by their nature always outside?
I’d be a bit fucked as while I have friends I don’t have nearly close enough or many enough to fulfill my social needs. This site has always bridged a gap for me and I get really annoying and manic when I haven’t worked off my retarded energy here
Same, punching down is never fun for me. Being a white male, it gets old fast what with being superior just by waking up each day.
Making friends after 30 is more difficult than getting a gf
might go out and seduce women by telling them i've got buffalo '66 on dvd
>cold approaches at the coffee shop or pub
this is how you know this twat is a disingenuous virgin
>never even showing his face here for 9+ years
guaranteed he still posts here but has the decency to not be a tripfaggot unlike some unfortunate individuals
>bizarre nazi memes
/pol/ hasn’t been funny or creative since 2016. just a bunch of fat brown retards screaming about the jews to one another
outside is shit mate. just full of cunts and children who will film you trying to go viral.

I only leave the house to go to the shops now (I WFH) and even then I go at 7 in the morning when it's nice and quiet
How so?
We don’t have “pubs” here you freak and life is not a ‘00s rom-com people don’t cold approach in cafes
Everyone has headphones in or is with friends/partners
grow weed and deal to 20 year olds
Erm what the sigma, did TikTok get banned? Joe Biden was that you, is this what you planned?
emptied the bin there from last night
threw out
an empty bokkle of gin
a bottle of lube
takeaway debris
tummy hurts
literally how
i’ve gotten plenty of dates from cold approaches. not all of us are dysgenic autistic freaks
nigga calling meeting new people cold approaching :skull:
gfberg keeps playing this song
I have nefarious things on my hard drive. (Not a nonce)
knee hurting
might need to take a break from running
you look interesting to talk to
lmfao fuck right off
claiming you've got dates by cold approaching women at coffee shops is just ridiculous, quit the LARP
I'm amrozi
>i’ve gotten plenty of dates from cold approaches
Dropped that incel like a turd
>Why would Hiroshimoot keep the website for this long while it's been complete dogshit and getting attacked more and more often?
Well, consider that in 2015 when he bought it, 4chan was at peak cultural influence. Those were the days when "rare pepe" memes were filtering through onto normalfag social media at an alarming rate. And the following year, there was the US election which sent this site's traffic into the stratosphere. He must have thought he had struck gold. The site's quality went dramatically downwards, but from a business perspective it was probably doing its best circa 2015-2020.

At this point though, traffic has been declining for several years, and 4chan's cultural influence has reduced to basically nothing, being entirely eclipsed by the likes of Tiktok and even Youtube. But now Hiro is already deeply invested and there's nobody he can even sell the place to because of how controversial it is. He can't back out.
don't think I could name a single torrent site these days worth using
If i play my cards right, I could get a raise to potentially £57K a year
i said pub to HIM as he is from britain
obviously if i was talking to an american i’d say bar
1337x.to surely
it's a bit of an earworm but gets annoying pretty quickly
man's writing a dissertation on 4chan
You're baiting to get the good trackers.
what about saloon
Wageberg has you around his finger.

>if you play your cards right (by doing 6 months of unpaid extra labour) I can see good things for you next April, anon
is that some kind of bizarro muslim chinaman name?
would I do that to my fellow /brit/ brothers?
went from £35k to £53k and still spunk away all my money each month no idea how
The ‘berg has us metaphysically cucked at all turns
buffalo 66 is actually a strange film
>guy gets out of prison and literally kidnaps a random girl and she falls in love with him for some reason
> £35k to £53k
what the fuck is that pay rise?
>by doing 6 months of unpaid extra labour
no i just have to write a form saying how i'm mint and they should give me extra money. It's some government civil servant scheme thing idk but it's pretty easy to get tbf. I have one now but it only took me to £48k
Bruv, there's 1337x, nyaa, ext, torlock, piratebay. You hardly need anything else other than these
Amrozi is an old indonesian word for runt
bossberg and bossbergs bossberg both resigned in quick succession so i got a cheeky double promotion
he used to dm my exgfberg asking to make a “film” with her
>1337x, nyaa, ext, torlock, piratebay
john mcafee
lucky bugger
1337x and piratebay are sound, never heard of the other ones, i'd give them a miss
>he used to dm my exgfberg asking to make a “film” with her
Think that is a movie with Jim Carrey
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3.22 MB GIF
just sent a meme to the groupchat like a proper normie
Hope it was a good one otherwise you're gonna get exiled matey
>aussies are naturally good youtubers
we are?
You've convinced me and now I'm sad about it despite how much I hate this place now.

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