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previous: >>47218789
152 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.
looks like a modern anime
matt was right
season 1 of binland saga had some epic fights but then the mangaka become a stupid retard and slobbed the knob of the "weary warrior becomes a pacifist" trope too hard
It’s really just a double negative + a rhetorical question asked in the negative.
don't worry about them. they are tear bait slave characters intended to pad the story by an extra 8 episodes. their introduction is when the show starts its decline so you can drop it when you get to that part.

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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
234 replies and 78 images omitted. Click here to view.
Every year in MGC, there's a designated "Penis Inspection Day" where single mamono are trained to inspect the penises of single men. Married mamono are encouraged to continue this practice with their husbands.

This custom began when mamono made contact with our world and learned of penis inspection days that were held in primary and secondary schools.
That's gay. Vagina inspection day is far better.
It's only gay if balls are touching.
Hers are pretty big...
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Your answer is confusing the Lim in charge of the Penis Inspections.

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Sandar edition


Delisted thread:
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I have returned from my goon shesh, I almost did not make it. I also think my chinpo broke. I have to rest and will speak with you sirs in a couple days

I cant tell to what I coomed as this would be too much text. It involves my whole 80TB collection. There was nothing i did not fap too. The golden bust was to last scene of STARS828
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a lot of those never even saw much usage or were really old/obscure at that point but still really capture that "sirposting on /jav/ vibe" when considered as a whole kek
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>mfw i know 95% of all those pictures

Sore Throat Edition

Post your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else.
Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus

前スレ >>47150002

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure

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You don't either.
Miichan wearing shorts is the hottest thing:

I can't stop pleasuring myself because of her.
Unlike other guys who only have seen naked women on AV through a screen, I'd love Non to give me a gentle bj so I can nakadashi in her mouth. Then, as a reward, I'd completely lick, kiss and suck her wet, clean, beautiful pussy until she cums once or twice.
Mayu is probably having hot, clandestine sex at her married sugar daddy's office in Chiyoda.
Increasingly hot. She should be the new WNL star after Saya (no longer at WNI), Yui (married) and Non (sick and probably soon to marry). If she doesn't, well, Miichan, Mayu and Yuiko are right there.

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(06/28)) Nogizaka46 LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 Hong Kong (Nogizaka46)
(07/01) CDTV LIVE! LIVE! (Sakurazaka46)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(07/11) BokuAo's first stage play "Summer Haze"
(07/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20-21) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Kyocera Dome Osaka (Nogizaka46)
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photobook
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/07) BokuAo 3rd single スペアのない恋 Yagi Toa center)
(08/24-24) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)

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3ki's solo LIVE is coming soon, she might do it there during MC
Huh? But why? She can see all the content for free, no?
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JOY asked the same question, she said she wants to know how the fans feel.
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>Airitan loves HxH
Togashi Sensei, kiiteiru?
He will have to oshihen to her now

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Previous thread:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
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how does lodging work in elin? do you need a skill book for it or do you need to the beds a room?
If you mean where the NPCs in your base sleep you can activate the bed and use the menu to decide who's allowed to use it. NPCs will automatically reserve a free bed for themselves unless it's restricted. Once they've picked one you'll see their name on it and after this you can just move the bed to wherever you want them to sleep.

If you're trying to run a hotel "Making multiple Makeshift Beds and placing them in a room with the "Open For Business" policy from Loytel can give the players a passive, daily income." - https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/User:Hachimitsu/EarlyGameBeta
Do Elin have random events too?

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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>47040192

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

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Such a shame you don't get to see the legs ingame.
>Meruel from free daily pulls
There was once a time you were useful, you gigantic tiddied osanajimi
Oh, smol Almo and Mamadalena took over the X account again.
Boob size ranking:
1. Koumei
2. Magdalena
3. Gloria
>tomaru's rank steadily increasing each day
>18th Tomaru
>17th Helena
We can't let this fake beat our girl!

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Previous thread: >>47189524

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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Really? I used to be blocked from EGS but that ended a few years back, I assumed he did away with it altogether. You could always try to access with VPNGate & SoftEther.
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Here are the user-submitted read orders since you can't access the site
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Guys what was the name of that VN with the rough-looking but charming art that has like a German title and it's medieval fantasy?

Last >>47205702

Judgement and Responsibility Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links

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Nah, my educated guess is, as a prequel, the name's a follow up from the hebrew letter theme from II (Aleph, Beth, Gimmel, Daleth, Zayin, plus Lamedh and Ayin), but we never had a confirmation since it's fron japanese only mobile game.
Oooooooooooh it would be even smarter!
How do you change other demons' alignments
Either by using Light/Dark/Law/Chaos Stones or by training
POnOs in vagOO

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Previous: >>47189189

A place for discussion of Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON works.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - WITCH ON THE HOLY NIGHT
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material

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Thread is off to a great start. Good job, Anons!
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Hugging Akiha.
I'm curious how the translation looks in Ciel's True. I sure hope they didn't downplay ARC.
Akiha's legs!
>The "joke" is that they're all biscum.
Even Mikiya? I admittedly avoid KnK for spook reasons, but I didn't think he's into men. I'm not sure Shiki's male personality counts.

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BanG Dream!

Revue Starlight

Dig Delight Direct Drive!

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Eimi Fukada
>aimi looks like a bogged Jav actress
anon… what are you saying..
jesus christ anon what the absolute fuck
get your fucking eyes checked
Why can't Bushiroad do what Sony and Aniplex do?
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Previous thread: >>47185130

All AKB sub-groups and related Japanese *48 groups welcome.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vnf5EBHe

(05~07/24) AKB48 Group 6th Singing Contest
(07/14) Odorakka-sai Summer Festival (SKE48)
(07/17) AKB48 64th single (TBA). Sato Airi center
(07/06~08/03) SKE48 SUMMER Tour 2024
(07/21) Shinseikai Summer Festival (AKB48)
(07/27) CBC Radio Summer Festival 2024 (SKE48)
(08/02~04) TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2024 (AKB48, SKE48, HKT48, NMB48, NGT48, STU48)

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Has JACK has discovered Sara Kawamichi? This girl is cute.


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Angel in human form

Yikes! Kill it with fire!

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:
magnet: xt=urn:btih:311bb86e9f983a9393cca7d2190233c5b86a872c&dn=07th%20Expansion%20archive&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>47162246
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hmmmm... is this justice?
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In my opinion these eyes are 10x scarier than the hawk/cat eyes
Erika's cup size.
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Kyrie sure did with Ange.
>We married because we wanted to live with the man we loved.
>kyrie says, to the woman who had an arranged marriage that was only coincidentally a happy one

Parsee-chan is jealous that Anon keeps bumping other girls' threads but not hers. He even let it get archived...
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A truly unmatched beauty~!
>which sanrio character would she be into
I’d say Keroppi because he’d match with her green-eyed color scheme. But then again, she could be one of those toxic Hello Kitty girls…
I would love to spend time with Parsee, leaning against the railing of her bridge while having some drinks and complaining about the world.
Parsee's smile is a thing of beauty

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140 replies and 59 images omitted. Click here to view.
Honmei for the Yama
Finally, a gem on the 'pee.
>sits on ur face
>'Well anon, i did like you asked, you will follow on your promise and be a better person, right?'
>"Sure, sure, just let me stay in this position for an hour and I'll be better. Preferably an hour a day will help me."

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