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Why you learn Japanese?
im not
>5 anime girls
>only 3 3dpd
did the band already break up?
the others are too ugly to be marketed
please understand
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Is there a free tool that can color words by pitch like migaku? i want to srs pitch while i read linnies
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mango is the lowest form of entertainment
why wouldn't you just read the visual novel or light novel or heck if you're so lazy you don't want to actually read or invest lots of hours into that story just eat the anime
mango is the worst of all worlds and only for the lowest iq ppl
I do all 4
>最寄り and 最果て really kills me
they shouldn't. if you want to die see 最中(さいちゅう), 最中(さなか), and 最中(もなか, the wafer cake thingy with bean jam)
also, 最も and 尤も
i think its good if you want to go through something really fast since you can skip the boring exposition/narration from linnies and vinnies and anime is often too slow
most mangas dont have a full adaptation
>i want to skip all of the flavorful language the author uses to describe the scene and instead focus on gripping dialogue like えええぇぇぇぇ???どうしよう
mango has pictures
>i want to skip all of the flavorful language the author
yes i dont have a soul and dont care about that shit
pictures yes, photos no
how often does japanese decide to just use chinese in their writing like this.
no learn, only 繰り返す
split shit in your head. you'll make out the words
((銃砲・刀剣)類 所持...等 取り締まり)法
English also drops words for, say, signage for brevity: the parking of vehicles in this area is prohibited -> no parking
i NEED season 2 of this slop
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I'm better than you
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oh yeah?


>"look at what i did"
>50% of photo taken up by boobs
>can barely see the certificate
better yet of
why did he delete it bros?
what is that i cant read those weird squiggly letters
too good for us mortals
it's some chingchong exam. nothing related to learning japanese
yeah, i don't think you fuckers can read that
why do you want to read chinese
seems like a neat language
more like a neet language
>check /uvng/ to see what dekirus do
>everybody is reading some bottom of the barrel nukige simply because it doesn't have an english tl
dekirus play jrpgs
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where does one catch this dekirus thing?
vns attract the dregs of the society so its par for the course
in some ways theyre worse than the guys on r/learnjapanese
skypech + lonely bbas
if i dont like rpgs does that mean i will never be dekiru?
i feel like the "what do i do to make it" conversation is no different from the "how do i lose weight" questions. people will get mad, but at the end of the day "read more/listen more" is the answer, just like "calories in vs calories out"
nah its output more and eat raw meat
it's possible to lose weight the wrong way too, just like whitenoising
what do I play erpg? :)
you play the post vocaroo or stfu game
what you want is wrpg
w-wetty? :O
it means western rocket propelled grenade! haha
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So what does whitenoising actually mean?
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武田砂鉄のプレ金ナイト 2024/09/06

文筆家・イラストレーター #金井真紀(@uzumakidou)さん!

新著 #テヘランのすてきな女 の話など伺います!

Podcast Ranking - Top Recommended Podcasts in Japan

Apple Podcast - Japan

Spotify - Japan

Amazon Music - Japan
seeing that instantly brings to mind 日本贔屓, 日本気触れ
>So what does whitenoising actually mean?
It's when you post in the DJT and nobody replies
i dont think thats what it means
let's play whitenoising rpg
ひろゆき - 差別根絶を倫理感で語る勿かれ。なんか呑みながら 2024/9/6 V22
fake me posts while i sleep its creepy
clearly gambs sent the fabricated document in a letter addressed to himself in order to make that video and by doing so 'get back' at 4chan for talking shit about him

oh oh, i made a big oopsie. that's not correct
i believe he passed it because it can be done purely with anki without learning japanese
you have 5 seconds to tell me what the error in my sentence is and prove you learned anything at all
for starters its gay
i posted several unscripted vocaroos last night and you can listen to them on your own time
how we feeling about this one guys? do we vote him out amogus style? i think he's the impostor
im the real deal
will turn the trip off tho because i enjoy seeing fake me waste his life
>im the real deal
it makes no difference
how many hours of vtuber streams to fluent?
till your oshi graduates
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one of the hardest things about re:zero is the amount of slang and bs words they use thats not in the dictionaries. anybody got some resources for slang?
which is more common out of たわいない vs たあいない
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yo wtf you've been here for longer than i can remember.
like what?
well the slang is difficult in general, but for a word example: yesterday i was watching it with subs and subaru was talking and used ケツまく. the dictionaries i have gave me fucking nothing on it; only when i dumped the sentence into gpt did it tell me that it essentially means "running away with your tail between your legs". like wtf.
just feel it out
brother, what does that even mean in this situation. we're not talking about synonyms or something.
ask me
but you have the context of the situation
this sounds completely normal in the ears of a japanese native LMAO
the dialogue is basically explicitly designed for you to feel out. subaru repeats the same expression again and then expands on it:
felt: 何だそりゃ 私にケツまくって逃げろってのか?
subaru: そうだ ケツまくって尻尾巻いて逃げちまえ
During the emergency meeting, Dr. Lee outlined the [ ] in vague terms, only mentioning [ ] and [ ]. The team was left bewildered, unable to discern the [ ]or the critical milestones needed to address the patient's condition. Consequently, their ability to formulate an effective response was compromised.

fill in the blanks
thats not context thats a sentence
a sentence taken out of context that is
that's not what it means
that's not slang, that's what is called idiomatic speech. every language has it.
尻が暖まる doesn't mean s.o.'s butt is getting warm
尻が軽い featherweight booty?
尻が来る not as raunchy as it might sound like
尻が割れる nobody's ass is getting parted (at least no literally)
knowing expressions like this is essential and there are ~ 4 million of them. there are so many more with しり and けつ alone. i've been saying the real enemy is idiomatic speech in the long run. in english you say stuff like this all the time without ever even thinking about it.
moe is the k shami of djt
>idiomatic speech in english
>idiomatic speech in japanese
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acquired 意地悪
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read that as いくじ
>read that as ijiaku
Is 1 doujinshi a day good enough?
todays immersion + yotsuba + hajime no ippo
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thank god they finally kicked her out of knight scoop
Reminder that learning Japanese isn't hard. It's easy, actually.
shut up man
while we're on the topic, how do people come up with shit like "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"?????
it comes from a time where people used horses for transportation and looking at their teeth health was a way to appraise them
oh wow that actually makes sense. what about "you can't have your cake and eat it, too"
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Understanding these gigantic strings of hiragana are way harder than hearing individual words / particles
thanks, i keep forgetting this...
thats not hard
means once you've eaten the cake you no longer own it
means in life you cant have it all
I just said it was though
is this actually u??
tripfriends have been getting worse as of late
Anyone using 出口日語 as their grammar reference? His JLPT grammar from 3 to 1 looks nice. The others are in chinese though.
we don't use grammar references over here
>needing a jap to explain baby jap
basically what 432 said
hey can i get a tutor from here
sure ill help you
ok i want to learn japanese without interacting with the language at all. what should i do?
turn on english subs for your media
we got a guy from here who does nothing but that for all the latest anime
thanks man i'll try it
need some elite human capital from here to be in the trash thread to make it not trash.
english subs are so bad that i refuse to use them and i don't even know japanese
the shotanon ruined it for me
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yeah this one took me a few seconds
neithers hard
you know what is hard..?
unko ruined djt for me
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this place wouldnt be worth visiting if it werent for me
im the only one left who knows japanese
where did all the skilled bros go?
b&ed because they couldnt follow the rules
why do they use the past form when finding a person?
should i read this as
>so you were there after all
consequences of not listening enough
you should read it as ほらいたじゃねえか
in english we emphasize where a person is currently they emphasize where a person had been
kinda like saying there you were instead of there you are
HorribleSubs keeps translating フェミニスト as feminist and i keep getting triggered every single time i see it
congratulations you have been groomed by /pol/
isnt horrible subs just crunchyroll rips?
i dont think they alter the subs
Most of his higher level videos are in japanese so you should probably watch those (the grammar is still not that advanced but its nice i guess).
afaik horriblesubs had original stand names in jojo
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faggots like fecalmatter suck dick
>just immerse bro!
ive been immersing in native content for 3-6 hours everyday for 3 years and cant speak japanese. Why did u guys lie to me?
skill issue
what can you do and what can't you do?
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going forward, ill check in every week:

It has been a great week. I have around 70 hours of immersion over the last 7 days. Met my 10 hours a day minimum goal for this week without trouble. I'm probably closer to 75 honestly.

Next week might be tough since I have some work stuff due, but we'll go for it anyway. Only had 2 tough anki days this week that took over 40 minutrs, but the rest were 25 and under.

Currently on vol2. ch.12 of yotsuba.
another chill 11 fake posts while i was on a date and fucking my wife
how do we stop it
he will get tired
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My purpose in life is to consume Japanese media. If I'm going to waste my life consuming slop I might as well learn something. I already learned English that way, might as well learn another language. Besides consuming Japanese media raw is more fun and satisfying.
i have huge respect for people like this
got no respect for fake gamer switch bitches
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feels like youve been playing this one forever
fake me do a vocaroo
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it's hard
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整頓 is definitely on jisho
i bet it is
i type this and it have no hits: 製頓

how the FUCK 頓 and 頓 are different
baited for this exact response
wrong sei
epic win
now vocaroo
consider investing into an ocr program or some glasses because you might be blind
i would never rec ocr software i think its extremely ngmi
why are you impersonating me?
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i don't know who to trust but i won't use ocr anyway, sorry
you were ngmi after the flood incident anyway
i want to see how shit you are
she looks photoshopped
brb guys gotta change my wifes diaper
youll get tired of this eventually
>doesn't mean s.o.'s butt is getting warm
no, but it's extremely close to the meaning which really helps in remembering it. you only have to wonder under what circumstances one's butt would get warm
thats not what i sound like
i'm way past the point of no return now
who watches this shit
no normal person that's for sure
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why are you spamming pc98 porn in djt
ok riddle me this what is the difference between 連れ戻す and 連れて戻す
the te inflection i think
people say one of them and they don't say the other one
ok nvm i found the answer on re dit
my wife can attest im 20x better than that guy
your wife sucks cocks when you're not around lil q
yeah my cock
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ok dekirus, explain the joke
do you leave your balls at home too before leaving you little pussy lol
yea i hate these homophones
this is why japanese will always be the most homosexual language
we should all become like nuke and learn chinese
ok i got humbled
I don't understand why
Translates to
>It's definitely a lie.

The literal translation is
>(I) decided it's a lie
It kind of makes sense but isn't there a better way to say the same thing?
first of all 決まってる is intransitive not transitive like how youre translating it
second this sense of the word means youre calling something obvious or certain
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yes gimmegimmegimme
Two years ago, I posted on djt, elated, as I had just experienced understanding my first sentence ever during immersion practice. The sentence was バンクーバーに行った . So simple, but for me at the time, so exciting.

Since then, there have been countless times where I felt like I couldn't understand the most basic things. I used to try and listen to YuYu No just because he seemed fun and energetic, but the lack of comprehension every time would just depress me. I kept tuning into his podcast occasionally over time, but never really understood enough to get any sort of enjoyment from it.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Lately, I've been feeling a lot more confident. I've been understanding a lot more in HelloTalk rooms, and in my bimonthly iTalki lessons. During a late walk a few nights ago, I decided to throw on YuYu No again. 5 minutes into the podcast, I had to pause, because I was freaking out: I was understanding almost all of it. Like 90-95%. I couldn't believe it, and was so happy, but assumed that it was just a fluke and that soon, I'd hit a segment where comprehension plummets, like it always does.

12 minutes in, I paused again. My heart is racing out of excitement, I quite literally am mildly out of breath because I'm so happy. I'm still understanding all of it. I stopped listening to make a voice recording to document the moment because I can't remember the last time I felt such pure joy. This year has been rough for me for various reasons, but this right here... this feeling makes all the pain and hard work worth it. I continued listening, and enjoyed the entire podcast, and understood a vast majority of the 30 minutes.

Some disclaimers: Of course, YuYu No is not a super advanced podcast., and of course, I still have so far to go, so much work to do. However, it is something I know that I personally have never understood before this point, and now I do, and it feels awesome, and now I want to listen to all of his podcasts.

I was so happy that evening that I couldn't sleep. There is something so incredibly rewarding about feeling the hard work over the last two years actually manifest. It is indescribable. The happiness has carried on into subsequent days. I've been beaming lately.

Y'all don't know me, but just know that being really happy for consecutive days was something I really needed. Japanese has depressed me so many times, and it will no doubt at some point depress me again, but things really seem to be improving rapidly and noticeably these days, and I am, again, over the moon. It dominates my daily thinking; the satisfaction is insane!

What makes it even better is I'm going to Japan in 2 months (my first time) with some friends who have no idea I know any Japanese at all. I've been keeping it a secret.

Keep grinding, guys. It's so, so worth it.
why does this feel like reading an NTRfic?
>not a reddit repost
lmao, even more grim
ok nvm, it is a reddit repost, thanks god
he was clever and added djt for authenticity
but the whole post shape was a dead giveaway
>first of all 決まってる is intransitive not transitive li
Ah, yes. My bad.
>second this sense of the word means youre calling something obvious or certain
Ok, thank you.
Anyone have experience teaching English in Japan? Thoughts? I'm considering doing it for a year so I can explore the country while living there (I have enough money that I don't actually need income, but I figure it would be a nice supplement/base).
yuyu hakusho?
no problem
sorry this place is such a dumpster fire
self own
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not a self own
im the only one making it good
love this thread and love you guys.
love you too anon
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lil donda is back?!
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oh shit it's my nigga moe!
low iq
that's not what mommy told me
I'm thinking I may want to switch my vocab Anki deck from Kaishi 1.5k to something else.
A lot of places were recommending Kaishi 1.5k, but I don't like how It's all in kanji. I'm already doing kanji learning with Wanikani (and the Wanikani Anki deck), I feel like it might be better to have a vocab deck where I'm exclusively learning just the words, with a focus on the kanji later. It's easier for me to learn Kanji the way Wanikani teaches it versus just seeing the word and trying to remember the kanji from that.
>but I don't like how It's all in kanji
just learn the kanji
something is wrong with you if you spend hours of your life impersonating me online
you make posts pretending to be me several hours every day
i know it and you know it too
you're gonna look back this and think "wow i was retarded". to avoid that, keep doing kaishi and trying to learn it through rote memorization. you're already on the right path, don't fuck it up.
Fine, I'll stick with it.
I just think it feels a bit redundant doing both kanji learning and vocab with the kanji.
that would be equivalent to a japanese person complaining that he has to memorize the spelling of each word he learns
i'm just like dude like oh my god like can we talk about like the political and economic state of the world right now
Spelling is easy though, kanji is a lot more difficult if you don't already have the radicals associated with that kanji, otherwise it just looks like squiggly lines.
Wanikani especially helps since it gives me mnemonics or points out how some of the radicals might relate to the meaning of the word.
radicals arent needed you only need a rough idea of the general shape of the kanji to recognize it in context
this is how kids can play gba/ds games with tiny fonts that squish the radicals in a way that makes them sometimes unrecognizable
but ill admit its more difficult than english
An example of why I thought it might be better to learn the kanji is 明日. I don't know what the first kanji is, but I know what the second kanji's meaning is, so It's easier for me to remember that word since I can assume the former is something like "next" while I know from my learning that 日 is day or sun.
you would be assuming wrong hence why its pointless
every kanji has a rythm to it. this is why stroke order is so important to learn
you might recognize a kanji even with a small font size or written in bad quality because you can recognize the "flow" of the kanji
Maybe, but even knowing the meaning of the kanji helps me actually remember the word.
It gives me some sort of system to remember it, even just knowing the second kanji is day is a big help in that instance, which is my point.
trust me when i say kanji meanings are largely irrelevant
if the language were all pictograms and ideograms then you might have a point but its not
you might enjoy learning them now but it gets old 2000+ deep
took me 10 seconds to understand 等身大
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read this as atiko
is the next Legend of Zelda going to be wahuu style? lol
Pizzicato Five - Bananas
i hate that wanpaku style so much
it almost killed zelda

Pizzicato Five - Thank You (World Peace Now Mix)

you kando try foss?
when i hear
>two hundred fifty thousand five hundred
my brain goes
250XXX... -> 250500

when i hear
my brain goes
25 * 10000 + 500.... ok so its 250000 + 500 .... 250500

i have no way of intuitively turning 二十五万 into 250000, the first thing my brain sees is 25 * 10000 and then i quickly turn it into 250k


why do japs go by 10000 but they still put the comma 3 digits in from the right
I could get used to switching from Burger Units to the metric system no problem, but counting in tens of thousands still fucks my shit up. Especially with money for some reason.
when you live in japan and always deal with 万s of yen its easy
otherwise just knowing things like 100万 = million






didnt read
in the game im playing, sometimes its spelled 取り敢えず, but it's usually written とりあえず. what gives.
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I thought it was going to be easy...
Yeah I'm going through his jlpt 3 right now. It's been pretty good, although I was having a problem with his explaination for さえ. I was probably focusing on the wrong words so I had to look up some other explaination.
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bros... why are women like this?
sucks to be old
lil gramps...
that reminds me. I've heard 聞いてすらいない. can you also say 聞いてさえいない?
thats either fake semen or this dude is terribly mineral deficient
if you cum multiple times every day it gets like that
sure why not
I remember watching a 日本語の森 video where the girl speaking lists "連用形+て/で+すら" but not "連用形+て/で+さえ" so the omission struck me as really odd.
then she moves on to さえ~ば, さえ~なら, etc.
Pizzicato Five - The World's Spinning at 45 R.P.M.
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What does this part mean? Is it かた as in 方?
Yeah this was the video I had to use. They mean almost the same thing.
why does he say that で+さえ/すら is complicated? it just indicates that it's the 主格(nominative case). i.e. not the object, etc.
>サルですら解ける問題 a problem that even a monkey can solve (nominative case, monkey does the solving)
it's similar to the で in 僕では解けない I (in my case) can't solve it
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Do you have any resources for listening comprehension? Things that range from "Listen then write down what he said", to "Can you understand what she's saying?"

download any anime and write down what they say
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these come with an answer key



There's additional rules in the end. seems like you can't use で for when ものがない. Also use で for explaining only 1 thing and you can ない with it.
とても悲しいことです :(
>can't use で for when ものがない
yes, because the things(もの) are not performing an action or being used by someone to perform one (as an instrument).
>で for explaining only 1 thing and you can ない with it
yes, because 人間すらない is ungrammatical, while 人間すらいない means there aren't even people, so you're forced to say 人間ですらない (i.e. 人間でない (is not human) with すら in the middle) to say he's not even human
looks fun reminds me of some of the games i used to play as a kid
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JBW wins again
what's the best anki deck for beginners in terms of frequency for animanga (or just in general)?
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we've moved past optimized beginner decks
post something better or I'm using that one
my foot moved past your sphincter
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once youre done with kaishi jump straight into loli incest vinnies if you wanna make it
could I take out the goat? (*´ェ`*)メェー
true true
man 90s dramas are so much better than modern ones
tell me some good ones
im not gay are there any woman 90s dramas
why are there so many indians in the reactions?
impression zombies
I'm sorry I have literally no clue what that means.
bots that reply to any viral tweet in order to farm impressions for jeets in uttar pradesh
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Do you think linguistically gifted, just like some people are gifted in math, exist?
it's called having high iq
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1 like my jlpt level
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another self own. another self own by unko from /djt/
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this is my first
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how the heck does that happen...
lucky sukebe superpowers
So, hypotetically, if I had a manga with handwritten text whose kanji are too hard for a noob like me to get... could I ask here for help?
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an expert at deciphering kanji like ciaran might help you out if he's not too busy running his own business
Should I watch Dolly?
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What in the fuck is she saying?
Especially the last sentence

feel like ive heard 2 on anime before so id go with that
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need to finish the episode first before i can watch this
is this show 昨日 ive heard good things
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realistically how attracted are people to big boobs. i've never understood the attachment to this whole 'i have massive titties" thing.
They make my penis hard
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oh it was a clip from an older episode

its fun how they track all her calories on the website
ngl some of these still throw me off

lil c...
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i thought they didnt even know it existed
i deleted the bookmark but there's a webpage showing the extent to which men like huge tits by examining average breast size of women in things like hentai sites, and other places. aella posted data showing that slim prostitutes with big tits charge the most per hour. men really do prefer bigger tits
that's not the highest standard on that list
if they're specifically asking for a translator you figure they'd know.
lol cherry picking degenerates, great methodology as expected from that broad
above native level? dame this is your dream job guys
i remember watching this with the original video link
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almost 2 months since last nene stream. is she dieding?
How much do you watch Japanese television?
2 hours anime each day + japanese television over IPTV
watched like 2 hours in the last 2 years
i know we have some smut readers here. you guys know any smut wns that are also passable as normal stories? female protagonist preferred
ok seems to be depression, hope the hiatus isnt because of a suicide attempt. id be depressed if i had to live in japan too tho
>female protagonist
yeah i dont read those...
you dont like women?

are you gay?
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if you're gay that's good because we need more of you ehc in this thread.
stop filtering all my posts
i prefer otome vns
the stories are better written and my wife likes watching me play them
could be worse. they could ask for a 4-year degree too.
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this is just sad
i mean they're ok i guess
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christian bros..
nah its hot
are we all reading hxh in preparation for the new chapters next month?
just saw 投げ売り
i could somehow feel out that it has to do with something worthless/less valuable but i still looked it up to be sure
damn cant believe i missed this
the thing the first guy said is such a stupid thing to say
to assume that all japanese kids understand 100% of all anime is such a bizarre take lol
i know it was intentionally worded like that so matt could reply but still
so stupid but hes still richer and bigger and better than you
yea the only thing i got is im 6.2 inches
im taller than you
had to relearn 引っ掛ける
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moe mogs him to oblivion tho
一言 means 一文 sometimes
I am a long time Buddhist practitioner, who wanted to be able to read works by Honen and Shinran in Japanese, and possibly other Japanese Buddhist masters because I find their approach to the Chinese Mahayana practices that they borrowed particularly interesting. Regardless of tradition, they take a very forward, no bullshit approach, and theres also a ton of incredible Japanese Buddhist poetry as well that has never been translated to English and looks like much of it never will be.
havent play any videogames in the last 3 years but i just bought sun wukong to support my fellows ccpbros and dab onto the sjws that tried to sabotage their game for not putting woke shit in it
long time virgin more like lmao
I'm married to an actual, existing woman
lmao you didn't know that the average djter is happily married, tall and handsome and always on the tanshinfunin making big kane
Not tanshinfunin, but I've met a couple of people here in person who are surprisingly not ultra weird perma virgins.
can confirm
(never had a gf in my life
At 1900 known vocab wagmi
buddhism is cringe


is jav immersion?
it espouses viewpoints contrary to western theology and eschatology
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>western theology
concession accepted
I think technically its the opposite, western theology expresses viewpoints contrary to Buddhism, since it predates all that retardation. Buddhism is retardation too, but still.
does the average japanese know all 大字s?
convert to japanese religion. become buddhist and shinto
I’m starting to have moments when I’m reading or listening where my brain just shuts off and it’s like I’m back in month 1 idk what’s happening
>christcucks on /jp/
good fucking post
just discovered that くノ一 aka female shinobi literally just represents the kanji 女
>western theology expresses viewpoints contrary to Buddhism, since it predates all that retardation.

>Buddhism arose in the eastern Gangetic plain as a śramaṇa–movement in the 5th century BCE
i never said that
someones got some issues
>western theology existed before 5th century bce
anon, plato was born in 427 BCE
daily unkshit L
this is a cool revelation innit
stop trolling queef
Let that sink in lil bro.
fake me continuing to post dozens of times a day pretending to be me while im out there living my life
ehm, anon, that means there wasn't any western theology before buddhism.....
That was my point, the entire time. You good?
is this fake you in the room with us right now
Lmao is that you meant in >>47743597? ESL bro....
lmao how do you even reply to this without sounding mad
Its pretty clear, I stated western theology is contradictory to eastern beliefs, because that shits older than anyone that tried to formulate any westernized theological positions.

I think you were just skimming anon...
anon, in that construction the subject is western theology not eastern beliefs....
>not eastern beliefs
>>I think technically its the opposite, western theology expresses viewpoints contrary to Buddhism, since it predates all that retardation. Buddhism is retardation too, but still.

Its a semantic argument, the original christcuck anon was saying that Buddhism (an eastern belief) contradicts theology and thus isn't valid, in reality western theology contradicts Buddhism based on age.
this is a test this kanji appears bold in anki, and yea, im learning fish names

lil bro really clicked on all those posts rofl
naaaaaaahhhhhh aint no way
some unemployed nigga posted them all
and hes been going at around this rate for a week
dude what the hell is wrong with you lmao
i will never understand the difference between turu and tuta
holy unko COOOOPE
nigga where do you find the time to be this obsessed tho
it took me like 3 minutes at most and it definitely took that guy much more than that to post all of that shit
reacting logically is not being trolled bro you are a loser
bro i don't give a shit i just think it's funny that you're so mad lmao
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>reacting logically is not being trolled bro you are a loser
help me out bunko pls >>47743774
lil bro do you know the difference between vine and ivy
tuta is a plant and turu is a bird
if you cover yourself in dogshit and people say you stink does that mean theyre mad and you trolled them?
idk do you cover yourself in dogshit regularly
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unko your monitor.....
watch this

youre doing it again
i do not know what you mean but i hope you're able to calm down later lol
why has unko been so aggressive lately? feels like he was more chill a month ago
roid period
lmao explains a lot ready for the jacked unko arc
you're late bro
kek good post
bba period
filter all namefags period
ty bro
iyaaahh tanosikattazeeEe
my Jap JLPT skill level is directly inverse to the length of my wiener in inches when immersing and this makes me N -3
japanese harms your penile health confirmed
is that why there are hardly any male Japanese teachers?
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dame this is what happens when you let gaijin into your country
must be some good music
The type of people that can't read this also are unable to read 裡 or 襍
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got todays reps in before going to bed lets goo
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oh no no no no jlptbros
our learning materials are sabotaged
gosinsetu arigatoo gozaimas. o sewa ni narimasita
ki ni sunnatte
let me calm you down and stretch you out :3
emeresion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAT8J4j0ISw
量より質だよアニキぃ! >:3
>says 暗殺ペーパー
what did she mean by this
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猫の手も借りたい desu
>asks what kind of keigo 拝見 is
>answers 丁寧語
was that on purpose
no one's watching lil bro
STOP USING 書き換え字 NOW!!!!!!!!!
chill niggas chill
ニッガ言うなし! (#^ω^)
i was just expressing my disbelief at witnessing something equally dumb as someone claiming that an expression like 'a quick peep' can be used in formal conversation
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books.
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you can consume the vn experience using just your eyes and ears. producing it involves running nonfree software, but the same is true of manga, anime and lns
what does that even mean?
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beautiful bba
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crazy that he just had barbecue there with his girlfriend while i havent left my house in 3 years
What does it mean when japs repeat a word they heard back in katakana?

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