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If your fighter jet can't take off and land vertically, you're just an impoverished faggot.

previous: >>61955349
>image limit reached

>instructions for getting sound images to work
I like dominant women.
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this is also a thread for posting the Year Hare Affair edits that one guy makes

because I like them
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F35 friendship plane
>Finland got F35s
>Japan got F35s
>Norway got F35s
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super cute.
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she's not like the other planes
>preventing Mao dynasty
Some good things happen to China too
I sure love you anime waifu faggot not putting EDITION in the fucking thread title so your shit cancer thread skips the filter
kill yourself
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fuck off newnigger
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damn, that retard is VERY angry
>he's so mentally retarded he hasn't filtered " /ak "
holy shit you can't seriously be this stupid
you must be baiting
I'm getting baited right now
I know I am but I'm gonna reply anyway
I would be willing to put up with the stench of the person who drew this just to shake their hand.
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There's always some retarded tourist outing himself in these threads.
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What ever happened to this webcomic? Did he stop making it?
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There's forty tea bags on the drum
For those who volunteer to come
To 'list in senshado today
Over the hills and far away

O'er the hills and o'er the sea
Through Saunders, Anzio, BC
Pekoe commands and we obey
Over the hills and far away

When Darjeeling calls, I must go
To stand and fight against Miho
Nishizumi style is feared they say
Over the hills and far away


If the flag should rise to fight no more
Like Rukuriri’s tank before
Then ‘til the cranes arrive we’ll play
Over the hills and far away


Now fall in girls behind hair buns
With tanks all shining like the Sun
As Rosehip charges into the fray
Over the hills and far away

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ass ass ass ass ass
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It is a real shame we never got more of these.
Me too, wish they were more common
Why is the global hawk doing the autistic wrist thing
its cute
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dork plane
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she's really not good with children though
It is never to late to activate her maternal instincts
Women in sundresses are the only positive thing about summer
After 30 is too late.
thanks nigga
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Damn weebs.
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It's not like it's uncommon in these threads
all the suomiposting has made me want a sauna
I have never met a finnish woman, but Senno Leppo and this comic >>61970473 makes finnish women seem absolutely lovely.
I prefer motherly women over dominant women.
Is the other one F-22?
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The ability to kill is what gives a machine a soul, if it aint built to drop bombs who gives a fuck
Big dumb plane deserved it
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But I like women over 30..
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This freak has some kind of adult woman fetish
Both are good. Better yet dominant AND motherly
Rapid dragon makes your point invalid
I wonder if losing his son drove Mao to doing some of the more aggressively batshit stuff he did later though
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I am forever in Ostwindprojekts debt for making this image.
>If your fighter jet can't take off and land vertically
Has equipment only for VTOL; the extra weight makes it limited to 6G manuevers. Just get a chopper at that point...
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>FBI Aaramaki
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can confirm I'm a chud and I would definitely dm her
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As a dirtbag absent father I gotta disagree. I have two baby mommas that I knocked up after they were thirty and they actually seem to be some of the better more caring moms.
Then again I suppose it could be they had them instincts activated beforehand and I was just the first to sow the field.
>what's the dumbest, laziest way I can anthropomorphize a military vehicle
>damn I know just strap the entire vehicle to the back of an anime girl
This shit makes me irrationally angry and you need to stop posting it.
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I need your help anons. Somewhere out there there are artbooks for both flight high school and atamonica. I need to know if these ever got english releases and if so are they still available somewhere?
Is it any worse than Atamonica who just draws some chick who more often than not has no design cues (MAYBE color if you are lucky) from the vehicle itself? Both of these are incredibly lazy, but personally Atamonica's shit irritates me far more
M590 wants to be kawaii but her melanin won't let her
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Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/ecology-and-evolution/articles/10.3389/fevo.2019.00230/full
>What we can say with certainty is that if our last common ancestor were “gorilla like,” we have become less dimorphic and less polygynous.
>Therefore, we can only say that human values are consistent with pair-bonded polygynous species, but not with species where females mate multiply.
>What becomes clear when the traits above are viewed collectively is that humans fall within the range of variation typical of pairbonded species.
>How mothers resolve this trade-off to support a rapid reproductive pace has long been theoretically tied to monogamy and the cooperation of fathers, siblings, and others to help mothers raise dependents.
>These results suggest that partnered men, and in particular fathers, are hormonally primed to invest more time and energy into parenting rather than mating effort
>In sum, we conclude that while there are many ethnographic examples of variation across human societies in terms of mating patterns, the stability of relationships, and the ways in which fathers invest, the residential pair-bond is a ubiquitous feature of human mating relationships. This, at times, is expressed through polygyny and/or polyandry, but is most commonly observed in the form of monogamous marriage that is serial and characterized by low levels of extra-pair paternity and high levels of paternal care.
Try reading an article before citing it.
too busy jerking off
I'm to busy banging your mom (monogamously)
>v*rtex uh-1
fucking chinks
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>Better yet dominant AND motherly
This is the correct choice
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The funny bit is that I was planning to use that very article to support my own arguments.
I had a lecture form one of the authors once, so I already knew what it said.
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What is life like as a Pravda Mobik?
that will be 1.58 trillion $ for you kek
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animu MiG-31 a good girl
i hope her only motherly instinct is to kick me in the balls
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>M590 wants to be kawaii but her melanin won't let her
But the melanin is the cutest part of a girl!
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>peak woman
>no kids
That's where (you) come in
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Gripen a pure lewd
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Oh, how times have changed.
>f35 seething
was this made by a swede?
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These are also from like, a decade ago when the F-35 program was still working through major issues
Oh yeah, i forgot about those days
>a decade ago
>when the F-35 program was still working through major issues
>a decade ago
>MAJOR! you forgot to go autistic mode
>These are also from like, a decade ago when the F-35 program was still working through major issues
Report card with all Fs, rejoices that the D- on her test will bring her up to passing (it won't) and that she only needs a few more weeks to bring up her average so she doesn't repeat the grade, something she's been saying for the majority of the semester. She's repeated this grade 2 times and is going on 3.
Gonna get a pair of new range glasses, thx for reading my blog. Expect future updates maybe.
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I immediately thought Major Degtyarev, I was extremely disappointed when I saw the post you're replying to wasn't about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Still better than chopping off legs
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It's alright, at the end of the day same can be said for most of the GFL girls.
this, you might as well just draw the plane if you're removing the legs off of characters where legs are probably the best part.
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>preventing Mao dynasty
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this is an anime thread anon...
>stalker anime never ever
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isn't there some shitty yuri anime like stalker?
idk i only watch good anime, like gits :)
also never played stalker
but i enjoy watching stalkerfags have fun with their 20 year old eurojank
When are America and China getting married?
Based and coco pilled
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Stalker is fun. super comfy. It's supposed to be super depressing and alienating but it reminds me of going on hunting trips as a child. You should try it
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I remembered. Its Coppelion
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It isn't like stalker, they literally throw bolts at anomalies episode 1 and the title of the show is a reference to Roadside Picnic.
Their "zone" is just more paranormal and exists parallel to the regular world instead of just being a specific geographic location that's fucked up and weird.
It was okay but needed more operators operating operationally.
>not available in your cuntry
fucking niggers
game is too spoiled for me at this point, but i might check out the new stalker whenever it comes out.
saars bros :(
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>Expert .308. I figured it would be cheaper to shoot. Turns out that was a lie
There's lots more new 7.62NATO available than .30-'06 on the market. Mine likes GGG and Saltech. L2A2 ball is OK too.
>already gave myself Garand thumb when I was fucking with the action
Love bites.
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>not available in your cuntry
this nigga really not know how to VPN / torrent?

IDK about the new game. Kinda worried its gonna be too much like Metro with all the cutscene shit
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>game is too spoiled
the game isn't about the story
you know I was thinking about the ending of CoP, why did both hinds land? imagine if only one landed while the other circles the city and provided C.A.S. Imagine the serious damage it could do to monolith fighters. I love S.T.A.L.K.E.R. it scratches my 'tism immensely.
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why aren't they shooting one another?
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I love her cuteness
the power of love
unity under monlita
You know, on rare occasions I do find myself wondering what happened to the toegoblin tripfag spammer. Then I realise I don't care and it gives me a good chuckle.
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You can find an ex-monolith squad in CoP and help them join one of the factions. Although it wasn't an option in game, she's been hired by the ecologists there, who work with mercs.
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I forgot about Strider, enjoyed his questline. Apparently he's going to be in the new game too.
Does love work in the zone?
>Does love work in the zone?
it's a little anomalous
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If you know, you know.
The other reason I went .308 was I didn't have to be as picky with ammo then. I took her shooting a couple hours after that post. Had the biggest smile on my face as I cleared out half of my local indoor range. Didn't like feeding a full 8 rounds but from what I've read that is somewhat common with new clips. Let my coworkers put a couple rounds downrange too.
I’m a Chud and would be too scared to dm her
>260 lbs of pure muscle
They need to undress for mandatory breeding day.
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not /k/.
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It says here you're nogunz
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need more are of M590 and M500 together
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Can we see her getting pampered and spoiled instead of tortured and dismembered?
what kind of sick fucking degenerate are you, that's disgusting.
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If she can make it so can you anon

Just no!

Being a degenerate edgelord for gatekeeping purposes is one thing.

But that ain't it, Chief. That ain't it!
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>Being a degenerate edgelord for gatekeeping purposes
He was just pretending lol
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Hiei is ready to spoil her. With delicious, selfmade curry.
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If you think this mountain of a woman isnt heavier than that then I have some news for you fren
God she is so cool and cute
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>tfw you want to go to your bed and sleep but the tall lotta found out about the real coffee you've got stashed away
This photo makes me want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I didn't bring my laptop, to my current location, DAMN IT!
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For me, its ruined metropolis. Seems comfy in a melancholic way
what are these, sonic zones?
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Always go for the moka pot
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This is too real, please don't
This pic makes me want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I'm currently away from home and I didn't bring my laptop.
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Meня зoвyт мaйop Aлeкcaндp Дeгтяpeв. Я здecь, чтoбы paccлeдoвaть пpoвaл oпepaции "Фapвaтep"
Don't worry, she didn't need a passing mark on that exam anyway
if anything it's better for her this way because she can focus more on other subjects instead
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Less Traveled Path. The others just seem like exercises in frustration or just plain unpleasant. I want my answers.
I’m gonna need to feel her weight myself to confirm your point.
Forgotten Mansion, I lived a homebody NEET my way of purification will be as one.
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My favorite plane can’t be this cute!
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careful what you ask for
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God save the King, Earl Grey sama
not anime but points for trying
Less traveled path. I want answers, even in death.
they're all over the place wtf so you mean?
where do I find one then
favourite ukie or russkie /ak/ pics?
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Anything with Marichka
The russian vehicles are nice too.
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Have we seen Vicker's mounted on tanks yet?
Shut the fuck up, limey
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Is tard pussy good for you?
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> M1A1 SA Abrams with SHTORA, Relikt, and Vickers MGs
I know Mikelan is a bit retarded but what the fuck man
fucking where
If what my slightly retarded and possibly schizoid dutch friend says is true, they're all over The Netherlands. Man claims that all Dutch women are dominant whores, sluts, feminists and so on. He was serious and made these claims unironically.
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Holy Land for me. Seems like the best way to actually get into Heaven.
Important Question, are we allowed to rape the guide?
Special needs operation vehicles are cute! CUTE!
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it's 2024. Plenty of women are sadists.
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God I need to get out more if that is true
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What if the guide wants to rape you?
I only knew that dutch women were tall
I want to be groped by a bunch of drunk women
I don't know how accurate that guy's description of dutch women is. Guy wants to move to Eastern Europe because it's "based & trad" so I don't know how trustworthy he is when it comes to describing dutch anything.
He sounds like a retard desu
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I want be raped by a bunch of drunk women. Especially if they’re 30 and up
bad news anon
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I'm Flemish and I've got a fair bit of experience dealing with dutch women and I agree with that guy on principle.
My main gripe with Dutch women would be that they are somehow even more vapid than ours. It's just that they aren't so bad you'd have to go to Eastern Europe to find a woman.
Heck there is a decently sized trad cath community in the Netherlands and they have their own protestant bible belt.
Me thinks that he's a city slicker NEET that doesn't want to put in the effort to look where he could find a woman he'd like (and they'd most likely not like him)
that my FREE run down on Dutch women just be happy I'm not Dutch or I'd have charged you for the explanation.
So there are tall Dutch women that also are not whores?
I encourage her to try, but caution her against the consequences of a failed attack.
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I'd rather groped by my wife
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fucking hell, I am NOT going to goon a 4th time today
You're not going to what?
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Anyone notice the decline in wumao Korean War posts after everyone on /k start spamming these in response?
Can't rape the willing!
Yes and more just a bit lose at times not whore or sure cheaters.
but I'd advise you to look elsewhere if you don't speak Dutch, it's a hard language to learn as an adult (and their accent sounds like shit, Vlaams beste Nederlands en de hollanders kunnen er op zuigen)
nice embed file, faggot
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What is the difference between flemish and dutch women? Are they as tall as the dutch? Flemish history is pretty cool by the way
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Why is pantyhose and shorts so sexy?
triple layer means pussy is warm and cozy when its go time.
a few cm less tall, a bit less cuntish oh and if they can cook they can at least cook tasty food.
the dutch where hard core protestants and their food reflects the "fun is a sin" attitude very very well
We are also tri or quadrilingual so we have an easier time learning other languages and have less pronounced accents.
also way better beer.
yea we have had a bit of a wild ride
kind off fun to think that back when my city was like a 6th of it's current size it could raise an army off about 20k men (and get absolutely crushed)
Meh, I kinda agree but the Gripen is cute regardless.
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I'm guessing their handlers either feel like they're exposing their people to "cognitohazards" (see: the truth) which means they have to imprison or kill them, or they just feel so embarrassed by this that they can't keep showing them this board. Perhaps both.
this girl looks exactly like a character from some anime, but I can't put my finger on which.
>dutch wife
you ARE aware of what that is euphemism for, right?
literally a blow-up sexdoll
I'll say it again, the thunder screech needs to be reborn and made into a psyop drone
Fuck, I need a tall biological female living breathing dutch wife.
you are welcome
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Based and plane pilled thread
>Saber sitting on the wing of a Saber
China is winning the long war.
ruh roh
China only needs to collapse into warring states a few more times and they'll roll a really good superpower, I promise. 90% of nations quit before they win big.
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>that one friend whose entire life revolves solely around nerdhammer and just has to bring it up in every single discussion somehow
It will be funny when the island chinks effortlessly repel an invasion and China blames America for "making them attack" Taiwan.
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Next thread, let's go.
all my time is occupied by work, household tasks like cooking, or hobbies like warhammer.
I mean would you like to hear about how congressional earmarks are going to fuck over the srfs and the states' ability to continue to fund water and sewer infrastructure?
Sounds more interesting that my rodeo which is bridges.
I'll take literally anything else at this point. I'm not interested one bit in the same stories over and over again about space communists or some corpse on a mechanical chair or whatever.
baking one







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