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last >>36620288
qott what's the weirdest outfit you've worn ever
fuck you
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One time I put on a maid dress then became suicidal because of it
i wantdrugs
Men's clothes with a skirt over my jeans
I let laguna braid my hair into corn rows
And why would I do that.
My cat fights with foxes if i let him outside, he will endure it. The sacrifice must be made so we keep this kidnapping job.. I just got started, I don't wanna get fired already ;-;
Maybe like give me some tips or something, this isn't going well...
your mother dead
Cause were just so very in love with eachother
Te amo amorcito
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Tip n1 bake me a cheesecake
motivate me to do my cardio and smth productive, come on, do it
creepy pic
no don't do it be lazy

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I love me too thanks
you invoked the devil

Please tell me there is a bit where the he "doesn't want to get in a quarrel" so he lets "that guy" have his way with him.
But I'm still here
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kat i love you
Why are you sexually attracted to the cat
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Why would I be that

Kat is pretty hot.
Pretty sure it was referencing blaze from the image I posted there.
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well, there iiis this homemade Bailey's cheesecake I made last Christmas... (I swear it didn't take me 10mins to find this).

But how is this meant to be evil? Are you sure this is how I'm meant to kidnap someone???

Okay, in that case i don't know why anyone would be attracted to that.

Not even babies.

I want to yell at babies for liking sonic.
Shut up and go back to your cave you neanderthal
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Sauce on pic related
I was referencing tthe cat, when did you know you were a furry? How has this changed your lifestyle choices

I should go back to my gooning cave and think about kat.
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Yeah. Give me cheesecake ice cream and hamburgers then give me money to gamble on gachas and buy sonic figurines with.
That pic is not kat. And I don't jerk the jerky to sonic characters.
that does sound pretty evil to do to someone. I-I don't think I can do it :(
...maybe I'm just not cut out for the kidnapping business.
Damn you have feelings thats crazy
What are your plans today?
I'd take all your gacha away and make sure you never touch them again
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Welp.. to the list of fumbles it goes
I lay down and watch sonic x then maybe work out then I play games then I sleep
Like basically every day
I need to start doing something before I go insane
Why would you ever do that??
You got no self control.
I have all the self control.
Sonic x? Never seen it before , to be honest i dont watch tv shows so much
It's actually pretty fun to watch even if you're not only there for sonic
nobody i know is intelligent.
i dont say that to insult them.
i say it because i feel alone.
and i have for a long time.
i have no money for therapy and my therapy is worthless
Why dont you have self control
Lol pay prostitute 5 bucks for a hug
I have much self control
Do you? You seem to be unable to control yourself
I want coffee that isnt caffeinated, i often wonder if such things exist in this hell of a world. Wheres the admin we need to delete this server
Sonic gf

There are unique experiences all the time.

Like you were today years old when you learned about decaf.
Why would anyone want coffee for anything else than it's caffeine.
OCD is so fucking ass
Be honest
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Extremely transphobic.

There are positive flavors in there. They're just hard to find.

I'm not joking. Or trolling.

That's how you "acquire the taste". You learn to pick out and focus on the good flavors.

High quality coffee has less of the bad flavors so it's easier to learn to acquire the taste by drinking high quality coffee. But once you learn what to look for you can find it in any coffee.

Like mcdonalds coffee is terrible but you can still taste the good bits in there.

Why would ftms be fake?

Men all the time want to be men, why couldn't some women want that too?
Of course
The taste,
Is a constant feeling of asphixiation normal
And feeling really speedy
Shit sucks but it doesnt exactly affect me other than just feeling slightly uncomfortable
god please have mercy on my soul
i am so fukcing angry
you fucking annoying sacks of shits

*curls up on your shoulders and purrs*
Its prob mild neurological issue
tf happened to repgen
that schizo guy is hilarious lmao

I think people are sick of the internet. I think covid gave them an overdose and they're noticing that they have considerably less stress if they just stop using the fucking internet.
Every gen is full of cucoos even lesgen is and I expected it to be normal
When i take over the world i am going to orchestrate a giant "touch grass" conspiracy to get people off the internet so i can have it to myself.
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sounds like picrel + anxiety
I posted the inverse question in /ftmg/ so I wanted to do the same here and then start shit because I’m a bitter asshole

Uh huh.
Inherently evil.
Big stretch.
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Be happier.
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>doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
did the same thing
got the same results
it wasn't worth it
it never ever is
Would you have sex with Sonic?
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wish i could just excise the pp and the things attached to it and feeling and emotions and horrors i just want it to not exist to stop being

so true
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Life is about the cycle of doing gacha dailies
Cmon laguna lets get it on, we gotta go fast!
Dont tell amy
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Any tgirls interested in finding a hot trans man aapchad who might rape you a bit? Then come join this st4t server or something
y do you keep posting screenshots of this shit
inb4 i poo as i please

>hot trans man
Lol, why not tho?
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anyone here a big fallout nv nerd?
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Keep talking abt how you wanna suck off a guy champ
Why the fuck would I.
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I'm good all yours
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why wouldn't there be
nv is the best game in a massively popular franchise

>Keep talking abt how you wanna suck off a guy champ
that does sound kinda nice...
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dropped desu
cause i miss you all the time
me whenever i fall down the hole of drug/alcohol use
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well i know it's a trope in the community but also my friend wants me to play it, but i think she's looking at it with really rose tinted glasses or something...
so I kinda wanted to mod the shit out of it and was hoping someone could give me some suggestions for mod/modlists/packs.
Rouge being besties with a random police officer dyke she found is probably the best bit of this entire show. There's also their introduction being a bdsm joke so I fear theres something freaky going on behind the scenes but I'll try not to think about it
i hate this video so much
so so so much
so fucking
good morning mrfg
what should I do today in beautiful seattle washington
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Helping her steal. Weird.
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>really rose tinted glasses or something...
it's a great game, a little janky without modding but the story is great and quest design is enjoyable mostly

>so I kinda wanted to mod the shit out of it and was hoping someone could give me some suggestions for mod/modlists/packs.
personally i would avoid the massive animation overhauls, they can look nice but they can also mess with things. i like Powered Power Armour, and there's another mod out there that makes the power armour also work like the frames in fo4 for extra auti- i mean immersion
also do ttw if you have fo3, tho again it can be a bit jank
idk it's been a while but i could pull up my fnv modlist maybe, tho i might have uninstalled it to make room on my drive for lies of p

i don't watch the video
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Me personally I think she's one of the cooler characters on the sonic series but has to be ignored for mass appeal. How would they ever go about showing off a bratty bat with massive honkers to a broad audience? At least sonic x didn't give a fuck and put bdsm jokes and direct comments on her design on it. Even sa2 ignored it when the designers went out of their way to comment they made her like that fully aware of how it looks. Also on sonic 06 shadow is meant to be permanently looking around her aoobas which again the devs admitted. Its so weird. Reminds me how sonic used to be way more brave with this kinda stuff
>sonic x didn't give a fuck and put bdsm jokes and direct comments on her design on i
its disgusting when writers shoehorn this shit into a show meant for kids
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Actually it's targeted at older teens specially on that phase. Now it's more for everyone with a slight target towards older audiences since those are the nostalgic fans
>like the frames in fo4 for extra auti- i mean immersion

thank you so much for the list :>
and for the recommendations because I was full on at least 10 tabs of various animation mods.
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bleh I just wanna play Vengeance
stupid career !
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Fallout n(ot)v(ery entertaining)
no worries, best of luck! fnv is a great game, i fell into it so hard when it came out and i have over 1k hours in it these days
the dlc can be hit or miss, but make sure you do dead money. the others are optional
the big mt is fun but goofy
the one with ulysses is a bit too serious but a fun challenge for upper level characters
the one with the indians is a bit lacklustre
is it possible to take snri/ssri and or anxio without being a weak ass piece of miserable shit? serious question
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They turn me into a miserable pos cuz of causing me to be nauseous and bothered by stomach pain all day
Would not recommend
Would recommend xannies tho.
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no ssri bad snri even worse
omg I literally just started a new job I hope I don't get sucked into 1k hours territory...
I will keep all of this in mind tho and post progress maybe if it's fun
stop taking xannies u retatds
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I haven't taken any in a whole uh 2 or 3 days. Doing so well
Whats a good place to source SN? Does the stuff on amazon work? Im not going to pay those sui pushers jack but I need an easy way out
therapists on meds are such a fucking joke it makes me want to kms i just can't like can't just follow your fucking advices
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>Asked for My Pronouns for the first time in nearly 18months.
>want to kms
>ffs failed
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>ffs failed
triple dosage of dewormer right now
More a fallout nerd in general, mad max, and all sorts of post apocalypse stuff. Did you have a question?
Oh i see now. Schijo elijah had a nice mod recommendation list bit his youtube channel got deleted somehow so idk where to start recommendations. Project nevada is a pretty simple overhaul pack and you could just run that desu
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It sucks to be this pretty. I literally don't even need to pursue anyone they just pursue me from the get go. It's boring. I'm a fan of trying to get cool things and now the cool things are just showering me. So there's no value in them. Very boring
nv is a trans icon i'm sure there are a few at least.
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average polytransbian discord user
Actually I don't use discord and haven't for the past few weeks.
It's a good thing to be delusional in this world though, that's how you make the world yours
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Also trve
How dirty is your room?
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It's pretty bad. I clean everything except my room basically since by the time I'm here I'm too tired to do anything
What, I thought you played gacha all day
good job !!
i am mentally ill and feel funny
same bro, same
Transbian sexo, thoughts?
hot if i get to watch
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Well maybe I cook and clean sometimes too
when neither of you can get a boner are you really interested? or just brainwashed goons?
i can get a boner
if i was ugly id kms
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What is it with everyone saying trans wrimblings womanling doesn't work? Mine hasn't changed a bit in function
You are beyond saving.
i'm ugly and i wanna kms
for now...
No. I am already saved.
Have you tried being pretty?
Been like 3 yrs now it's just how it is
Unless it changes once I change dosage but I doubt it considering my levels looked normal and I had t at 0 all along
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i don't think it rly changes function if u don't have an ed and sufficient e.

yeah trying very hard every day.
When i take over the world i'm gonna have so many pets.
same desu
i love my wife
can i fuck your wife?
are you hot and would you bully me about it
the persistent tranny thoughts are back in my head... im not agp but also not suicidal about it like everyone else seems to be... is any of this real or am i just being a retard
i guess im approaching 19 and thinking like i might still have a chance at making it if i give in

i feel like impostor what do i do
just troon out already retard it only gets worse
no im ugly and it would be awkward and forced if i tried to bully you desu
what if i horribly regret it because it turned out to not be real and now my relationships with my family have all blown up
than yeah im sorry im gonna have to reject your offer of fucking my wife
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I just hope this guy got a fraction of the laughs that the rest of us got out of it.
funny bad
so trueee
you are prob not ugly stfu
just do it retard
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The 4Tran sub is so fucking stupid. It's literally just screenshots of OPs and random comments that are just like either rude or attempting to be witty. I don't get it. What's the point of it? You could literally just search the board and see them yourself.
it gets worse. i knew from an early age but tried to fit in and the coping got so bad I almost joined the military.
gf making us eggs and bacon while i take shower
quite poggers

idk back whrn I had a wardrobe I didn't really own anything my female friends wouldn't have been seen wearing themselves
even the agp shit like my short skirts an see through shirts and ect
I guess the cheongsam probably
my mom looked so much prettier in that shit than me... :/
if ur family would fuck their relations with u over ur gender why would you even care about having them around? sound like awful ppl desu.

u are prob not ugly stfu.
>leddit tards are retarded
breaking news
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I'm just confused
you can get upvotes and build karma on reddit and be a highly regarded paid celebrity there when you have enough precious karma points, here you cannot

I don't use reddit. I didn't go on reddit to find that pic of reddit i just posted. I googled "that guy's dead wife" and it sent me to a pic of a reddit post. Not sure what site that pic was hosted on.
contained tripfagging
Is mefmoder doing ok
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Im getting into trench crusade lore its cool
Aren't you guys tired of bitching about where people get their memes?

Every other year some new aggregate site pops up and a whole new crop of newfags have to bitch about it.

Who the fuck cares.
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I should steal someone else's top.
I always thought it was annoying when someone I wasn't dating took my clothes.
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I uh meant the uh the uhm
Okay well yeah it'd be cool to steal someone's top piece of clothing in a cutesy flirting way if the occasion where it wouldn't be awkward arrived
Clearly I'm fucking Cassandra, because an incident happened at work I fucking shot called months ago
I told HR that if they didn't fix the HVAC system, we'd have people having health events because of it, and now it happened!
well this isnt exactly a trivial change
i am deeply bored i want to do smth fun fun
never saw them doing ok a single time in years
I dunno, I'm kind of a buzzkill when it comes to flirtation. This one girl kept stealing my underwear thinking it was cute but it just resulted in me going to her place, grabbing my stuff and never talking to her again.
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tf is it on about now
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I'm a fucking idiot, I know what you mean now.
Im just an anon dont worry none of you know me i just used to lurk here a long time ago and heard of sn from this board so figured itd be a good place to ask.
yes I am fu
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That sounds fucking annoying
Nono uh the other one is okay too
it's quite amusing to watch it, isn't it?
do not eat this sandwich..
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Okay I'll go for a non murderous alternative.
That horrible realization when you realize you can't eat your girl and have her too.
Do you pay for your own food?
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'tis truly a godless world we live een
No I am a leech of society.
And what kinda food do you leech off society?
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Today it was a bit of a brownie, a burger with 2 patties and two eggs and a bit of cheese with mayo and then a black coffee with a bit of chocolate protein powder in it
That's a big appetite for someone so tiny
That's fine for like a whole day right. I hope it is
It would depend, how tall are you?
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probably gonna re-install Cyberpunk again
it’s part of a huge DIY grimdark trend in miniatures gaming rn see also Turnip28 and Sludge
found another ttrpg you might like Eldritch Escape Tokyo
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It looks interesting I've considered playing it many times but never actually do it
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>t looks interesting I've considered playing it many times but never actually do it
It's easily my favorite game of the 2020s so far. Definitely worth it if you obsessively self-insert in games like I do.
5'1? Lmao are you trolling?
>she self inserts in Cyberpunk
No way !
beer and bacon and eggs for breakfast
love my life love my wife
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I'm more of a treating characters like little toys to play around with to make my own scenarios and things that I think would fit type of person, every time I try to self insert I just make a nerd with glasses that looks like me and keep it at that, and if I'm trying to be fully realistic I cuck myself out of all good choices because I know very well what I'd actually do
Also makes it lame since I'm like a human being that's a bit evil sometimes but not too evil so I always end up with neutral endings since I'm not evil enough to get the bad one nor good enough to get the good one.
Why would I bee
sad image, i would be mad if i had a tranny kid desu
I wish caffeine hit me like that. Takes me four cups just to feel normal.
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>cis friend tried explaining gender to me
very vivid description
Only 2? Coffee doesn't do anything for me anymore I can shotgun monsters like nothing

Take choline supplements.
genuinely nobody gives a shit
what beer?
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>every time I try to self insert I just make a nerd with glasses that looks like me and keep it at that
I just make mine as accurate to me as possible. Very glad Ghost in the Shell mods exist, the default in-game bob cut sucks
Everybody needs to check whether their multivitamin contains choline. Look up the chemical yourself. It forms acetylcholine. The neurotransmitter that interfaces your nerves to your muscles and the neurotransmitter that caffeine acts on.

Choline used to be vitamin b4, but was removed in 2020. If your multivitamin doesn't include it it's possible you're deficient.

If you feel like killing yourself before you've had caffeine in the morning, you're certainly deficient.
i drank my beer while doing my cardio at the same time instead of water and now i feel like shit
I can just put a fringe and round glasses on a character and it's already 1:1 to me as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes I put scars here and there if it lets me
he understood better than you apparently

Did someone give julia the val name to use or are you copying her personality without bothering to switch to a new name?
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why would it matter to them? because they want you to be a certain way for their enjoyment or because they want something out of you? not exactly a healthy premise for a relationship.

You need one because it makes you feel super girly to put one on every day.

But yes, it's more comfortable to have the support.
Is that fucking carterpcs
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gods plan
yeah definitely. it makes me feel dumb for transitioning when i just could not have and still been valid and happy
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Dysphoria can't enter your body if you say no to it.
Did you google what I said?
The dedication to the bit of lazily shit posting /pol/shit in here would be admirable if it wash' so boaing
I tried to make coffee today
and the coffee maker broke and made a giant mess and I accidentally poured scalding water on my hand
You are identical tho

It would be really funny if you just said this randomly without reading the thread and leave us guessing who you mean.

You are an anime character.

That would have been pretty good
It also would have been better if I'd fixed it so it didn't look like I had a stroke shortly before hitting post
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do yoy frens like my new fahsion

holy shit gtfo underage newfage
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there's a certain letter that is just so incredibly tempting right now ngl
Mayhap it is near nimrod in length and initial characters?
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pretty sure learned most of my gender stuff from cis ppl who know way more about this stuff than i do. and i think it's easier for me to trust them because they're not partial to this whole affair.

google scald first aid and how to make coffee with whatever contraption ur trying to use.
i used to fuck up and pack my moka pot too tight and let it boil for too long before i watched someone who knows what they're doing use it.

looks like my characters do/10.
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most certainly
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can't tell if this is lasagna or kat samefagging, or if they're talking to each other
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You truly are german
If only you had my autistic savant abilities to tell absolutely all anons apart
idk about the savant part
I wish people actually found this shit endearing
but no
nobody actually likes clumsy dumbfucks
Do you know about dn tho?
I know how to use a drip machine
it just sprung a giant leak while I was trying to clean it and I didn't notice the leak until like 6 cups of water wound up everywhere
burn I managed well I guess
because it only managed first degree
i am hungry again but i genuinely should not eat, i should always do my cardio before eating from now on bc yea.. i am bored and tired..
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blood kitten xannies? need mommy daughter murder orgy bpdemon ketamine
maybe... vagueposting.... no....
tempted by dark circles in time wearing schoolgirl clothes in my head.....
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such a mind boggling mystery
im going to invent a slur specifically for you and you alone
is 21 and 1/2 too late to transition. what do I lose from not transitioning earlier. i have sorta broad shoulders and wide-ish chest, but I think losing muscle mass on e would help that massively. am i fucked
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Why must you seethe youngin
Shut up take pills goodbye
transitioning post puberty is always a bad idea, according to cafebeef
>shut up and take the pills goodbye
in the process of setting an appointment with an endo at an informed consent clinic, but im still on my parent's insurance meaning im kinda risking outing myself rn, but if I follow through with it, I'd probably actually get on hormones.

more or less just weighing out options
Just try to get them then put effort into looking female
>just take your pills
lol lmao even, i am taking no pills and i am fine
the girl with a combover who dresses like a nazi?
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ah i've never used one of those drip machines way too complicated for me.

depends on genetics and what treatments you'll have access to (depends on where u live). probably missed out on staying smol, getting hips and getting to skip laser.
wait a minute that’s not how you make coffee
>probably missed out on staying smol, getting hips, and getting to skip laser
is there a hope of going stealth eventually even if getting on hormones this old? ik im acting like a moron asking anons on the internet this but looking for some semblance of hope to continue and not just give up on everything entirely
but all well that ends well I guess
cousin was nice enough to buy me a coffee from tim hortons to tide me over
so I got my caffeine fix
and also a free breakfast :>
>stupid 4chan its 20024
Know then, that it is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padisha Emperor Shaddam IV, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the Universe is the spice melange.
just post your face and i will tell you in less than 10 seconds, actually you don't even need to do that bc hrt does nothing and ffs is very minal so if you don't really kinda already naturally look like a girl before hrt without anything besides maybe just long hair and make up, you are fucked basically
yes, transition before twink death obviously.
it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good
how is your vidya coming along ?
I would love to be at home playing rn
Transitioning before/during puberty is a crime and is grooming or some shit, and transitioning after is too late
Guess we should all just detransition and be happy and adjusted
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anyone here playing the new poe league on friday?
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Please shut up
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>would you love me if i was a worm
>drip machine
good callsign for fashionable kid
>Transitioning before/during puberty is a crime and is grooming or some shit, and transitioning after is too late
this is true though, except it's still too late even before/during puberty
>Guess we should all just detransition and be happy and adjusted
no, but not targeting minors would be a good start
I started after twink death and have narrower than average shoulders and wide hips and laser has almost taken care of the hair situation
Don't repress just because the shittiest people in this thread are poisonous
Leto II lives in trans girls’ heads rent free
>wriggle wriggle
Shut the fuck up valia
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>been sort of dodging a moot for a while now
>Don't dislike them, just grew apart, they likely still see me as close and I dont wanna hurt them by unadding them
>realized this is probably exactly how my ex views me
>targeting minors
I wish hrt and that sort of info was part of the sex education program we had in school, I would have been able to transition much earlier.
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that is the truth, they are better off just buying the rope and necking themselves rn bc they will do it at some point anyway, at leas this way they are not wasting more time and sparing themselves some extra suffering
hi lia
and lots of gnc kids who don't need to transition or are transitioning to avoid confronting actual traumas would be sucked into that too
it sends the message that if you're not gender conforming then you must be the opposite sex, or that if you don't like something about your body or are uncomfortable with it then you should change it rather than accept it. those are unhealthy mindsets to be giving to kids, and it will encourage eating disorders and self harm and all that sort of stuff. elementary schoolers don't need to know anything about men getting their penises chopped up to look like vaginas
>Guess we should all just detransition and be happy and adjusted
what do you think I Saw The TV Glow was about?
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just sometimes
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also read Gyo
It's cool I think me personally I'm glad you have a "new" hobby
i'm not posting my face on this board. i don't even really have long hair atm, but i think i have the potential to pass with some minor makeup. my brow ridge is pretty small and my chin/jaw is damn near nonexistent. I just need to pluck my eyebrows correctly and correctly frame my face with my hair. im probably just coping but im just gonna stick it out for now, talk to a close friend of mine when i get the chance and figure out if this is right for me.
No one is teaching that shit to elementary schoolers you bad faith shitposter
>also read Gyo
is that fish manga

>No one is teaching that shit to elementary schoolers you bad faith shitposter
you said sex ed, what else would i think?
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what are the chances this has nothing to do w trans stuff
anybody else feels bpd just online?
but offline you're a really nice and normal person?

i feel so sad to act bpd to a really nice girl who have done nothing against me and i have been working on myself to apologize or at least stop acting that way for no reason to her.
irl i have never had any problem with anybody other than my close family and i was already diagnosed as bpd when i was little
wanna be poe oomfs...
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that is indeed fish manga
Im not a very social person anymore sry

eh it's more of a temporary thing rn im sure I get bored of games pretty soon again
it feels too much like wasting time even tho there isn't rly anything else to do bleh
i miss snew, you all suck
i hate lvp floors i have to spend like 60$ a month on swiffer pads to keep them clean dust sticks to them like nothing else
The final action shot of fury road makes me so angry woth the steering wheel flying around oh man grrr why did they ruin such a good practical stunt with that GARBAGE
No one gives a shit nulia
Most of American sex ed classes take place across middle and high school
tretinoin after facial hair electrolysis or no?
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>how is your vidya coming along ?
I am become princess
chrysopeleia of gielinor :^)
fisher of fish and kisser of random men
i've been on hrt for a little over a year and i JUST learned from a doll i hooked up with that i should probably be taking my Estradiol sublingually rather than swallowing. i'm actually kinda pissed my endo never suggested this, my levels would probably a good deal higher by now
see above post in re grimdark and ttrpg
yeah it was really weird that they included one shot of CGI in a movie full of practical effects. Damn, that movie's good. Did you ever play the game? It's a typical linear open-world game but the vehicular and melee combat is stellar. I really hope they make a sequel (probably never)

Furiosa I forgave it a lot, because I didn't go in expecting "Fury Road 2" like the rest of the audience and critics were
this place is not for you go back to twitter



is it worth a watch
don’t believe the marketing Fury Road was absolutely chock full of CGI
Not that it’s a bad thing or makes the movie bad
But that shit you’re talking about seems like a retrospective preview of Furiosa’s style
>don’t believe the marketing Fury Road was absolutely chock full of CGI
they hid it well then
Fury Road is really good definitely worth at least a watch
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Yeah I'm predicting that too, same happens w me with different hobbies and games
The bad bit is when my brain starts rotting from switching them often and getting no dopamine from them
Your name is appropriate, given you parrot hiiiiighly trustworthy news sites. The one you linked also pushed articles and headlines about letterboxes in bathrooms for children identifying as cats
Fuck off
how to stop ruminating
Yes and no — like remember the gigantic dust storm ?
But I think it’s more like, Fury Road used CGI well
The same can be said of the new Dune pics
But saying a film uses all practical effects has become a required marketing lie nowadays
Thanks for the recs. I will look into them. Still reading the lorebook for tranch crusade so ill make a note for those ones
Its sorta funny where i think the 10s were a decade that leaned neo retro into the 89s i think the 2020s are leaning neo retro into the 70s. Probably because of economic decline and social bleakness.
>yeah it was really weird that they included one shot of CGI in a movie full of practical effects. Damn, that movie's good. Did you ever play the game? It's a typical linear open-world game but the vehicular and melee combat is stellar. I really hope they make a sequel (probably never)
I didnt play the game but literally yesterday i talked to sarah aboit wanting to.
We watched all the mad max movies together. Man 2 is actually just my fave movie ever lol.
They are planning a mad max sequel called wasteland but it might never come around.
>Furiosa I forgave it a lot, because I didn't go in expecting "Fury Road 2" like the rest of the audience and critics were
Me too. It was fun and pretty good. It was to fury road like 3 was to 2 for me. Fun and exciting at points but unfair to compare side to side. Still fun.
>Yes and no — like remember the gigantic dust storm ?
I guess I was more referring to the vehicular scenes

there is a link to the document from the school board in the first paragraph
>i think the 2020s are leaning neo retro into the 70s
very interesting examples ? (longlegs ?)
yes they look really good and the CGI is hidden well but there is a ton of it in those scenes too
I did play the video game and really enjoyed it a lot it’s just a fun world to play in
>I didnt play the game but literally yesterday i talked to sarah aboit wanting to.
>We watched all the mad max movies together. Man 2 is actually just my fave movie ever lol.
idk who sarah is sorry but sounds like you had a lot of fun, happy for ya'
>They are planning a mad max sequel called wasteland but it might never come around.
Likely dead since Furiosa didn't perform well
>Me too. It was fun and pretty good. It was to fury road like 3 was to 2 for me. Fun and exciting at points but unfair to compare side to side. Still fun.
I personally liked the story more. Seeing Dementus ' color changing as the story unfolded is the type of cinema trope I eat tf up. Plus the ending was stellar. Also shows that the Mad Max setting is a lot more interesting than max by himself. I wouldn't mind seeing more "Mad Max Saga" stories. Post-Apocalyptic politics really gets my heart pumping, seeing the power struggle between all the towns with insane lore was so good.
>sekrit club
doll is something i'm used to hearing in the brooklyn club scene not online but whatever anon
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People like this is why I hate people outspoken about liking Indies
I find playing a game, while watching a video, while reading thread
all at once helps
no room for the bad thoughts if I just surrender to hyperfocus
chaser couples at the clubs call me "doll" when they think I'm the one who's going to spice up their failing marriage lol
Just with the drama and action idk its just a feeling to me but people have sorta embraced maximum grittiness imo. Its just my subjective vibe dont really have anything to prove it.
>Most of American sex ed classes take place across middle and high school
that's not true
im in america and had sex ed in 3rd grade retard
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i forgot how good plushies are for coping with lonely sads. alcohol helps too.
The first time you had sex ed is not the majority of your sex ed you dingbat. Although I guess based on your reading comprehension it may have been
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I never really touch mine these days even tho i got one that's my size for cuddling
>tfw was never allowed stuffed animals growing up
>even now my mum doesn't like them because in her mind they are associated with eating disorders and borderline pd
like i have both of those and u still won't let me have stuffed animals...
what spinoffs?
is anon in picrel talking about super princess peach and zeldas adventure?
Sarahs my girlfriend.
I like the new mad max stuff but they lost some of the charming speech mannerisms and biker gang aesthetic in the transition which i miss. The setting in fury road does less for me than 2 and 3, so i just use stuff like hokuto no ken to scratch the retro more punky leather itch. Furiosa did have a better story tho i agree, but fury road didnt really have one at all it was just a chase scene
Yeah, he's saying they're all shit and the quirky indie game about average4chantranny is the most influential tittle in the last decade
>The first time you had sex ed is not the majority of your sex ed you dingbat.
it pretty much was
and even then i knew pretty much everything they said from parental teaching, i honestly don't remember ever not knowing about sex, or even homosexuality
apparently one time in either preschool or early grade school i asked my parents what "gay" was bc i got called gay at school
sex ed really is something parents should be teaching in the first place, not the state
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We will never get a shiek game sob sob
the Innsmouth look …
Salt tells me it is pretty popular in the UK
Well I will start paying more attention to look for this it’s a very interesting hypothesis
For example, Alien Romulus may be a good place to look for it as it is very consciously looking back to the first two movies
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are you sure? i wasn't looking for much, maybe just swapping unique drops or crafts and sharing builds
always looking for more poe frens
stuffed frens r important...
>kisser of random men
idk meng sounds like sexual harassment
Did you play it? It was a really good game. All the endings were fun and the experience was really powerful.
don’t get the stuffed animals wasted again
like even in third grade sex ed they showed us tampons and condoms and such
idk why anon is pretending that sex ed doesn't exist in america
yeah I see what you mean there. Although I think that's by design. In Mad Max 1 the world is broken, but still somewhat normal. 2 and 3 go by and the world goes to complete shit. Makes sense that it got even worse by the time Fury Road took place. Even gangs settle down to create fortification and shelter eventually.
It was the 3928th game of that type that I could find identical copies of on a five minute itch.io search but it got popular from people reposting it
Just went on lunch at work, last client was another trans woman. Says to me when I grabbed her prescription
>Gotta stay strong, sis
Fucking kill me. I just got clocked. Goddamnit.
i've always thought of the first one being the start of mad max's story, and the rest of the movies are just fairy tales of the character known as mad max in that world as his exploits spread and he became a folk character like paul bunion or jonny appleseed
it's a hoke because I got the white dress from kissing the frog prince
we did ask him first tho
whether or not someone under a curse that can only be lifted by a kiss can comsent is another can of worms I guess
>implying the average parent is gonna do a remotely okay job teaching sex ed
Your arguments are getting worse by the post
If it were left up to our folks teen pregnancy rates would be back through the roof like they were before modern sex ed, and repression rates/suicide rates would likely climb too
>i've always thought of the first one being the start of mad max's story, and the rest of the movies are just fairy tales of the character known as mad max in that world as his exploits spread and he became a folk character like paul bunion or jonny appleseed
That's exactly the vibe I got as well considering the narrator isn't a visible character always tells stories like he's describing myths to a tribe
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The fuck else did you expect?

because morons think all schools have the same exact curriculum
gf made sure i took one with me when i moved away guess this is what it was for. it's not very big but does the job.

would she actively try to stop you if you got one? inhumane desu.
thanks for sharing
The continuity is fucked and doesnt make any sense in any world according tp canon. The plane in 3 had the kids on it when it crashed so they must be about 15 years after the nuclear wae in that movie. 2 shoukd be about 5-10 years after the nuclear war and the war should be immediately after the first movie. Immortan joe has adult children in fury road from mother slaves so it must be like 2-3 decades after the first movie that fury road takes place. Best justification ive heard is the tom hardy max is the feral boy from mad max 2 and the citadel is the tribe in the north.
>dont play a game
>get mad about it
>I just got clocked
how is this surprising in the slightest

idk my parents taught me about sex and the body and stuff well, but they're both medical ppl so maybe they're just good at it
but still, my point was that there exists sex ed in america in elementary school, which is objectively true, and that i think elementary school (and even middle or high school kids) do not need to be taught about transgenderism bc it might lead to vulnerable kids using transgenderism as a cope for other issues. like in sex ed they taught practical things, not fanciful stuff like srs making men into women or whatever. that will damage their understanding of the world, rather than expand it

>would she actively try to stop you if you got one?
she discourages it if i ask for her opinion on getting one
or she asks what i want for christmas and i send her a link to a stuffed animal she will just ignore it
>getting upset over another tranny clocking you
>in her mind they are associated with eating disorders and borderline pd
any idea why
I did play it. But good point. What are your views on gachas again?
I guess I can't speak much on it since I've never played any of those games
one day ill play zeldas adventure tho
and I also want to play echos of wisdom
echos has me super excited! which is why I'm fascinated by the post
I've managed to dodge tbis latest indie trend like I doged domi doki when that blew up
and I'm hoping I can keep it that way since game kinda looks wayyy to clique
and the "clique" that's actually super unique and poignant actually is also done to death
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r u telling me this isn't stealth??

her experience in psych work
Oh god its this moron
Im sorry i began speaking to you dont talk to me more
Nigga please
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Nigga really be serious though
>echos of wisdom
Did you know that every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes
Isn't an unspoken rule not to clock other trannies in public?
one of my fav things about Mad Max is that you just see society collapse without any huge catastrophe even necessary
it just erodes or degrades like in the first one there is a lot of infrastructure and a lot of verdance
To me, it gives the impression that we want to be the cause of our own demise as the ultimate vanity when really anthropomorphizing the decline of humanity is cope, it’s more like the environment itself just steadily becomes less amenable to human civilization purely according to macro forces totally beyond greed and war and pollution
yea one minute and like five kids from violent rape
Nigga please
I mean, scanning for clockiness is still kinda trans phobic, even if based on internalized trans phobia and our own insecurities
Fuck are these recommendations
>shiek game
that would be based
never even thought of that myself
I mean we do spend most our time by the water
I'm so fucking hype
haven't played the third links awakening remake
but I loved the shit out of links awakening and dx
and I think the artstyle looks really nice for 3d topdown zeldas
Yeah, i agree. Thats kinda why i hate 3s changes tp the lore and fury road. The whole point of the first movie is that biker gangs are already doing all this fucked up shit and the physical dominance of people holding up the law is all thats preventing anarchy. In 2, the loss of oil being all that haplens basically suggests humans regressed to that state eithoit basically any pretense. The environments in 2 aee also australia rather than the fantasy sand desert and feel more connected to the society thats collapsing than new things cropping up. Its also why i liked fallouts 1 and 2 so much more than the later ones, there feels like a clear chain of continuity for a fucked up humanity rather than wacky premises for civilizations and villages based on gimmicks
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he's a baby boar he's too young to drink.
i had a shot of vodka and it made me care about life and be sentimental which was a nice change of pace from the usual emotional flatline.

>i think elementary school (and even middle or high school kids) do not need to be taught about transgenderism bc it might lead to vulnerable kids using transgenderism as a cope for other issues
so it's better to make all trannies into suffering lateshits that require expensive surgical interventions to be happy by keeping them in the dark? just to keep some vulnerable kids from coping with this one thing instead of one of the million other potentially more harmful things they cope with?
i think your line of reasoning needs some work.

also just buy yourself a plush don't need your lame moms approval.
you can't be serious
literally just a (fat) guy
Literally me
don't b a baka
it's up to you to be unclockable not for the world to operate how you want them to. hell you're the one who thinks the golden rule is some yap ur mom made up to annoy you you don't get to complain wtf.
>so it's better to make all trannies into suffering lateshits
i feel like that's a fallacious argument
you can transition as a young adult and still attain happiness in life
>require expensive surgical interventions
>to be happy
no not at all, you can be happy without surgery
>just to keep some vulnerable kids from coping with this one thing instead of one of the million other potentially more harmful things they cope with?
the chances of a kid being transgender are extremely small, whereas EDs and SA are unfortunately extremely common
it's easy to confuse the latter two for the first, and children pulled into ROGD often detrans when removed from the social environment plagued by that contagion
I am a baka actually. A vaca. Go google that one
>you can be happy without surgery
Can we take you as a prime example of that champ?
Uh oh bitterhon alert
ya im shamelessly buying more day 1 nintendo slop. its too cute to pass up on
links awakening is peak, ive never played the remake but the gameboy games were great
never got 2 beat the original bc i lost my copy at my cousins house as a kid and i got stuck in dx as a kid and never beat it
did finally recently beat it and alttp a few years ago tho and they were incredible
>do not need to be taught
I was in elementary around like 2006-2012
school refused to teach me about gays pr trans and yet
here we are...
you'd probably like it in my province tho
the "don't say gay" bill is gonna pass eventually prob and then it'll be illegal
how is it bitter? it's extremely unhealthy to tell minors that they will only be happy if they get tons of surgery lmao that's fucked up
and minors can't consent, so the idea that they could consent to hrt when it's not necessary is ludicrous, and saying they'll commit suicide is just a manipulation tactic
they can transition at 18, anything earlier is exploitative and immoral

>school refused to teach me about gays pr trans and yet
so? your parents are the one who should be teaching you stuff like that

if kids are trans and suffer from dysphoria they will transition we live in 2024 identity politics do not need to be taught in school do you think all kids live under a rock
Pol is one click away this is the wrong stop
I like her hair
You should have better hobbies than making life even harder for teenaged trans ppl lol. Just cause ur a trender that wasnt dysphoric as a minor doesnt mean everyone else is, and uncle tim pulling the ladder up behind her is gross af.
my dad failed teaching me sex ed so hard
I was absolutely fucking clueless until like highschool
hilarious since puberty hit me early like a fucking brick
hypersexuality and cluelessness do not go well together
and also parents can *not* be expected to educate their own children in a continent where illiteracy still exists
I like her with long hair a lot me personally I think it looks great
Too bad no playable characters of her have long hair it's only little ult skills that got it
I can't imagine thinking sex ed in na is adequate as is tho
my "first time"
the person I was with (who was afab) genuinely thought vaginas had 3 holes
and was very confused
was alot smarter and more educated than me too yet somehow...
we pussy foot around too much and people get hurt
>wasnt dysphoric as a minor
i was tho... why do you think i had an eating disorder
i couldn't start until 19 because i had to wait until 18 to do therapy and then a year of that before the letter of recommendation, i started as early as i could
it's not pulling the ladder up behind me, the idea that ppl need to transition as early as possible even into childhood is creepy and wrong. it's totally possible to transition as a young adult and still be possible, heck it's even possible to do it as an old person like lia and still be happy
forcing it onto kids who have no idea who they are yet is just going to lead to regret and further traumatization, as well as rigidification of gender norms rather than their dissolution as any gnc kid will be forced down the path of transition like they do in fucking iran
it's just fucked up

>and also parents can *not* be expected to educate their own children in a continent where illiteracy still exists
those people shouldn't be having kids in the first place
>you can transition as a young adult and still attain happiness in life
sure but i would be a lot happier if i didn't have to deal with all the damage t did to my body. and would have likely had better academic success, more money from not having spent all this money on treatments, higher earning potential from looking better, higher quality of life from having to deal with less self image problems etc.
>you can be happy without surgery
i wish that was true but it isn't. some lucky people maybe can be but i'm not one of them. wouldn't wish this misery upon anyone else especially since its so easily preventable.
>the chances of a kid being transgender are extremely small, whereas EDs and SA are unfortunately extremely common
good thing being trans doesn't cause the other two so we can help trans kids without any issues then.
and hell i probably wouldn't have developed eds or been groomed as a teen if i wasn't so desperate and confused about what was wrong with my changing body.
>those people shouldn't be having kids in the first place
And what are ya gonna do about it champ? Let others compensate for their flaws or bitch over them doing it?
There's an entire genre of TikTok videos of people asking randos basic shit about reproductive health, tampons, etc and the hapless randos getting shit ludicrously wrong
idk it just feels wrong to let kids make life changing decisions so early in their life
look at how many tifs are getting mastecomies and then regretting it and detransing
it's just harmful imo, since transgenderism is so rare
just because it would have helped you doesn't mean it's beneficial for 99% of other kids in that situation

im gonna cry about tfw no bf

am i wrong. i literally got homeschooled sophomore year because kids started talking about how i was on hrt. i never told anyone
Unfortunately we got saddled with policy changes like "no child left behind" that yielded an entire generation of actually illiterate kids developing into still illiterate 30-somethings
oh yes
I forgot the ultimate solution is fucking eugenics
can't wait till the big mtfg meetup happens
I'll see u at camp
Detransition rates are extremely low, and the vast majority of detransitioners do so because of intense pressure and harassment from their parents/peers or are unablemtomfind work because discrimination, etc
If we were partaking in eugenics pring and nomi wouldn't be real.
Maybe she does have a point
that explains twitter ig
>Detransition rates are extremely low
because of the social pressure to not talk about it
>vast majority of detransitioners do so because of intense pressure
>unablemtomfind work because discrimination
in what universe
being trans doesn't hinder anyone from getting a job
how could I be so stupid
scrap sex ed scrap education
let's just find the gentic indicator of iq and cull all that don't meet the minimum smart boi requirements :/
NA hours sob
The daily fast food meals are not aiding in the development of their brains it seems
so close to being done for the dayyyyyy
Nobodys forcing kids to transition tho lol.
>social pressure only matters when I pretend it helps my argument
>just be trans and find a job in Florida, or Ohio, or anywhere with more laws on the books making being trans a crime
Okay bad faith
>extremely unhealthy to tell minors that they will only be happy if they get tons of surgery
nigga what the hell do you think education is? just the information that hrt exists is enough.
was easier just to talk
hug that bear hard
fish princess could be a new trip
i live in nc and have had no issues due to being trans for over a decade, nor anywhere else in america i've gone
>forcing it onto kids
incredibly dishonest bad faith argument. no one is forcing anything onto kids by informing them about it. school informs kids about a ton of shit doesn't mean everyone who learns about china existing becomes a ccp member and starts learning mandarin.
that's about as reasonable of a leap in logic as you're proposing here with your transgenderism education mind virus approach.

they don't get to just make life changing decisions on their own wtf are you smoking? you still have to be informed and assessed by professionals so you can make the best and most informed decision for your future outcomes.

it's far more irresponsible to not treat kids with a condition that has a suicide rate this high when left untreated and such high costs to treat later. literally irrecoverable damage to the body when left untreated.

imagine if we took this approach with other diseases?
like oh sorry kid we thought you might wanna live with ur ricket deformities that's why we thought you should wait til ur 18 to see if you really wanna start taking vitamin D lol. we didn't wanna intervene or tell u about it just in case u prefer it this way. many ppl with ricket growing up can still live a happy life despite everything lole.
Cant listen rn watching kill bill
I remember.. when I was a kid.. I got forced to eat food.. They groomed me into eating. It's honestly disgusting.
boar not bear but yeh.
cousin is loudly spouting misogynist nonsense again
told me my opinion matters not because I'm an unemployed loser
idk if a kid tells doctors he or she is trans that should be grounds for cps assessing the parents for sexual abuse

>we didn't wanna intervene or tell u about it just in case u prefer it this way.

yeah but there is no reason why they need to be taught at school. if a kid has dysphoria they will know. it is gender dysphoria. they can bring it up with their gp.
that's why we shouldn't even tell kids about trans stuff. if they never go to that doctor then the abuse can't possibly have taken place because it didn't get reported. win win.
I hate myself
why do I even try to be nice to anyone
>n≈1 is literally everyone
Shut the fuck up
Kids can't consent to taking hrt tho they can magically know they feel gender dysphoria even though people that are trans many many times only figure that many years after
I literally explicitly told everyone I wanted to be a woman as a kid and did a girlvoice most of the time because "being male made me feel bad". If my parents or I were actually well informed about trannies I would've transitioned ASAP considering this was happening when my age was on single digits. If it wasn't for me getting lucky and puberty not doing much due to hormonal issues and manlet genes I could've lived the rest of my life feeling like shit over not passing well.
it's impossible to think kids won't know what transgenderism is given the world we live in

>I could've lived the rest of my life feeling like shit over not passing well.
you don't
plus you can practice accepting yourself for who you are instead of forcing yourself to be something you aren't, which is the greater recipe for long term discontent
if you're going to pretend you're a woman, the sneaking knowledge that you are not and never will be will always be there, gnawing at you. meanwhile if you accept that, then it doesn't bother you
oh I thought it was a typo but cool
abolish all schools desu what's the point? if a kid needs to know maths they can open a book themselves and learn it. plenty of information online about it or just ask ur parents to help lol.
I put up with the transphobia with a smile
but no I'm not allowed to be openly feminist until I clean my damn room
my mom does so much for us
like all of us
she lives in a trailer while we all live in insulated building built ontop of rock solid foundation
and she lives on her besties backyard with a little fence
and yet she gives and gives and gives to all of us
every month sometimes weekly
it's not even her fault shes poor it's mine and my dads
and yet the sexism is so rampant amoung xy havers :(
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Okay. Stop taking hormones and accept yourself as you are and give me a good example champ. Make yaself proud
Just repress lmao
It never turned into anything else or got worse lmao
Literally just don't have those feelings
Smile more
Don't starve
Just bring your application in-person and give a strong handshake
Dude shut the fuck up
nope you can take hormones to help alleviate dysphoria without believing it makes you a woman or anything close

i never said any of those things
bruh, this kris drama thing got boring and stale real fast, wish there was genuine hard evidence of them being a pedo, would have been a lot lot more entertaining to watch..
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Nono that's not accepting yourself as you are. You're a man paige. You say so yourself. That you have to accept yourself as you are. I've never seen a woman with that set of genitals. And certainly no transwoman that says they should've just accepted themselves. So you're a man. Accept it and make your own words have value.
he wanks to shadman
he messages minors sexual shit
he's a pedo
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ah yes let the media teach ur kids about this highly politicized topic that's helpful and sane and results in well informed and educated ppl.
jfc you people are fucking stupid holy shit.
yeah, a man with dysphoria
>I've never seen a woman with that set of genitals
im a transwoman u fucking retard
>And certainly no transwoman that says they should've just accepted themselves
im not saying you should do that as an alternative to taking hrt, but it should be done in conjunction u fucking dipshit
why not teach mormonism in schools then, it's just as cultish as gender ideology
How about you accept yourself as the worthless retard you truly are and stop wasting everyone's time with your incoherent babbling
says the guy posting about gatcha and sonic 25/7
Which generally ends up on people talking to me over it and sometimes indulging in it too because of me. I speak with pride and passion about what I enjoy whilst all you do is cry and seethe over being unable to walk outside and over not being happy like everyone not crying over others happiness is.
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this pls I yearn for death
stop arguing bs that was already argued a million times before by people a lot smarter than you, it makes you look just like a bunch of cretins and morons
yea he is a pedo obviously but is like just subtle indirect evidence, it is not hard evidence, it would have been hilarious if he actually ended up in prison for that shit, one year later after trooning out.. also i saw somewhere on the internet that apparently the shad dude might be a repper.. so yea..
I mean I definitely look like a deepsea fish on land
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Gonna cry more?
poor kris' son, he's probably molesting tf out of that kid
he's already grooming the boy into a being tranny, it's sad to see
the sonicposting is pretty based honestly
nah you look like a gangly depressed girl from the prairie who endures poverty
Youre right,give the gen character laguna is the one
i just want a bf who loves me :(

what do i look like
besides a fucking ugly loser
How japanese are u ? Ur giving cyber cafe dweller
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Ninjas call me the gooner
a nerdy ren faire chick
school did teach me what mormonism was in a secular european country. along with hinduism, islam etc. knowing about them didn't mind virus me into a mormon or a hindu or a muslim.

or you mean full on cult indoctrination because your bullshit argument doesn't work without making up some falsehoods about how they're gonna brainwash kids into trannies?
yeah totally.
also don't they have mormon schools in utah or wherever? just ran without taxpayer funding?
im going to kill myself
I think I’m turning Japanese
I think I’m turning Japanese
i really think so
is it weird to want to check your dad's laptop to make sure he's not fapping to trannies or something
my doctor said I need to quit drinking and smoking ;_;
easy task, just replace both with crack and cocaine
That goes for literally everyone.
Hell yeh panty vending machine hav3 you seen one irl
Actual question
It's kinda cute how my gf misunderstands Homelander as a character and absolutely loves every moment of him on screen
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can i get a maiq appearance horoscope or is an image prompt required coz i can't give one of those.

they say that to everyone who drinks and smokes. they don't need to know tho unless u got a problem that might be related to either.
just as noted
he is fun to watch tho you never know when he's gonna start tweaking. so much tension in every scene.
>I'd be soooooooo fuckin' smitten if I found out my dad watched trans porn oh my god why did you put that image in my head hahahahaha
oh no no no hahahaaahahaha

I'm anemic and it's getting worse so blah no more fun
this is why i was laughing
you meant smote, right? the past tense of smite?
lol yeah I really enjoy him as an antagonist too. I just got thrown off when she started talking about him and was like "I think he's very relateable" which made me realize how unhinged I must have looked to one of my exes when I said how much I liked Patrick Bateman as a villain

yeah I fucked up
I have never seen one traveling the length and breadth of Tamriel
tall sad girl w lowkey cool clothes and prob glasses
I'm pissed off, why tf is Mr beast giving into the transphobes.
>yeah I fucked up
lol wew ok good

what's he done? acknowledge that chris tyson is a pedophile?
Damn daddy id like to see your length and breadth
She did nothing wrong
Do not have sex with your family members. Only roleplay doing so with people you are not blood related to. Thank you
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mogs me.

wow that must be some heavy drinking if ur getting anemia from alcohol. probably best u stop yeh.

damn i'm that characterizable huh.
is that maiq?
Yeh rare pep
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then why does he acknowledge that he did
chaser goatee and hair combo
snew bread
lmao that is cinder
lol it wasn't from drinking, idk what it's from. I was checked for it during a long period of sobriety then I started drinking again and it got slightly worse.
Havn't you been on HRT for like 18months and not had surgeries yet?

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