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YOU! Yes, you.
Congratulations! You've been asked to lead a Mecha show of your own! You get to decide the story, plotlines, general tone, art style, casting... basically all aspects that one person CAN be in charge of alone.

The Caveats:
>You have an animation team. They can work to your specifications, but the more complex the art style, the longer they'll take to work.
>You get 8 episodes. No more, no less. This is what the studio was willing to greenlight
>It MUST be in the Mech or Mecha genre. You can get flexible if you wish, as long as the show involves a character or preferrably characters piloting some form of machine with legs, the suits will probably be satisfied.
>You get to handle PR for the show and promotion for the show, but the Suits have to greenlight it, so follow FCC guidelines, Tokyo broadcasting rules, etc.

WHAT is your Mecha show about, what do you call it, and what happens in it?
I make it a story where a blatant self insert character completely demolishes everyone while spouting stupid ideology at his enemies while fawning over a girl with the personality of a stale bread crust and as every episode goes on the writing becomes worse and worse. While it airs with every passing episode i will become increasingly more unhinged in interviews until i have a full public meltdown and episode 8 is just a clipshow interspersed with the characters ranting about the viewers while graphically copulating
dragon ball but mecha
Anon, you shouldn't just copy the formula that's worked in Japan for the last 40 years.
...Go on.
There are many ways this could go.
All of them could be interesting.
>Hurricane Bowling Robo Othello
>Character Design: Hirohiko Araki
>Mechanical Design: Ippei Gyoubu
The year is 1996. Vampires have teamed up with Reptilians and used massive bio-weapons called Demons to devastate humanity, now isolated in pockets around the wastelands of the remains of the ruins of the former USA. Humanity's final hope is the Cowboy Guild's legacy: the super robot Othello and it's propulsion ball system. When thrown precisely into the core of a demon it will destroy them for good. Follow Jackson Lincoln as he pilots the Othello into the depths of the enemy's stronghold: New York City and attempts to end their menace for good.
So... is it engineering and mechanic montages instead of training sequences to demonstrate the Mech "getting stronger" for the next challenge?
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...This is the most Japanese take on American culture using Mecha as a cover I have yet to read.

I hope you like becoming an instant cult hit with Japanese audiences.
Title: The Mech Games

We follow a Young man who has been given yhe opportunity to fight in THE MECH GAMES. We watch as he works with a crotchety old engineer, a ditzy but shockingly autistically tech-savvy young woman, and a semi-scuzzy promoter, as he has to build, upgrade, and fight with his mech in a series of arena battles against other Mechs. Each episode centers around one bracket of the Mech Games, with episodes 5-8 cutting to an amazing woman pilot who will eventually be his final opponet and love interest.
He wins by a very small margin in episode 8, earns her respect, kisses her, and the show ends with his victory and an upbeat J-rock song.
uhh cargo cultists piloting mechs
So wait like.
People who saw mechs making scrap mechs to venerate the mechs they saw?
Yeah. (bro i just pulled some shit out of my ass idk it sounded cool) or just idk slapping scrap metal onto some existing mechs they found. There should also be some religious schism civil war thing going on because of the usage of mechs and whether or not tha

Holy fuck is this just moon moon in zz gundam kill me now
I am down for Scrappy Junk Mecha
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Aliens from a far off galaxy suddenly invade earth and with their evil advanced technology they begin laying a war of conquest by stealing the size of the breasts of the women of earth. However a rebel princess of the Galactic Empire desires to put a stop to this so she steals the technology to give to the people of earth which they use to great a powerful mech that can fight them on their own level. It's pilot, a busty former scientist, now must pilot the mech steal back the breasts power into her own self by piloting it in the nude and find a way to fend off the invaders but restore tits to the women of earth and perhaps even find a way to bring peace to the cosmos.
my show idea is
I take a third of the budget to make the show, half the budget to buy coke for the execs above me, then the remainder is for myself
obviously this will run forever
What is the technical purpose of the two enormous torso modules hanging from that mech?
give this man a second season
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If you know a better place to store machine guns I'd like to hear it.
I can't argue with results!
Deep sea power armor (think James Cameron's submarine mixed with James Cameron's powerloader from Aliens) recovery team comes across the temple city on the sea floor near Point Nemo. They have lost contact with their surface support team on the ship and begin examining the weird city and its ancient ruins, finding treasure and monstrous sea life. They initially believe it's Atlantis but come to realize it's R'lyeh and must escape the city before Cthulhu awakens.
HP Lovecraft meets (a better version of) Abyss? Yes please.
>They initially believe it's Atlantis but come to realize it's R'lyeh
Are you Fukuda?
Make sure you throw something that Twitter hates in the first episode and then leverage that for free marketing.
>Completely bog standard Mecha anime with nothing to differentiate it from the crowd. Basic designs, basic characters, basic premise. The most simplistic humans vs bad guys plot you can get
>7 episodes in, suddenly hard pivot into completely unhinged spiritualistic psychobabble inspired by Mayan mythology and UFO death cults
>writing and direction becomes more and more incomprehensible. Episode 13 consists of nothing but a side character reciting the plot so far while staring directly at the camera.
>Deliberately bury high end frequencies in the audio to make viewing as uncomfortable as possible
>drop the mechs entirely by episode 15
>the big reveal is actually just the Xenu lore from Scientology with the names changed around
>blow entire budget on massive visually stunning scene in the second to last episode
>Immediately after make numerous libellous claims and death threats against the staff, executives and voice cast, forcing my removal from the project. Take all planning notes with me.
>My replacement now has to salvage the car crash I’ve left from them with no budget, no script and with an extremely angry audience and company against them
>kill self immediately after to push the tortured artist image
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The Protestant Reformation and subsequent holy wars but the Papacy unseals an ancient super mech used by the Israelites and Martin Luther is forced to seek aid from the last living Kabbalah Master to create a Golem of his own.
The crusades but with mechs would actually be pretty cool
There was a period for several years where I wrote basically noting but outlines/pitches for mecha shows. Some that come to mind are
>A house mecha-duelist serving under a royal space court must go on the run after a military coup. He falls in with a band of salvagers/space pirates and forms a relationship with the captain/clan leader's daughter (who has huge tits). Because his mech is meant for duels and not zero-g combat he has to rely on the daughter who pilots a G-Defenser like support craft.
>In a setting where Kaiju and Sentai battles are common place, the young heir to a local clean up and salvage business finds an injured kaiju and turns it into a cyborg in the hopes of breaking into the city defense market, but over time they form a true friendship.
>A grunt suit pilot and his mech get isekai'd to a fantasy world where he teams up with the misunderstood Demon Empire in the their battle with the evil Elf hegemony. Ammo count and accumulating battle damage is taken into account as the episodes go on, but the mech revives several fantasy style upgrades like dragon scale plating and a giant enchanted sword. The leader of the demon empire is the daughter of the late demon king. She has huge tits and becomes the MC's love interest early on. All of the elf women are smug and flat. All of their attempts to seduce the MC fail miserably.
I lack the creative skillset to properly weave together what I like into a cohesive product. It would end up as some ungodly hybrid of my favorite cowboy and scifi concepts & films just duking it with revolvers and robots.

>Colony ship on course to another galaxy
>A Texas Colony-like setting is the colony ship, so everyone is wearing cowboy Americana like outfits when not in uniform for space work. Basically a massive community of cowboy larpers in space fighting themselves, rogue androids, and deep space pirates harassing the colony
>decades after launching their society suffers a brief famine due to a power failure and computer fuckup that all but kills off the horses they had (most were killed to save food/water and to be used as food). The surviving horses are put into cryosleep to save them from extinction. They are replaced with robotic horses.
>because society suffered this mishap, the farmers became absurdly wealthy and it reordered the colony around the big 13 ranches as land barons
>synthetic humans/androids start out like old west Marshals but two or three feuding AI programs or viruses corrupt some of the androids into acting/dressing like Cavalrymen, Mexican bandits, Comanche warriors, etc. They turn into vaguely stock western archetypes that would otherwise not be present in the setting, albeit with cybernetic flair and twists
>themes & styles from Eastwood westerns, The Aliens franchise, Terminator, Space Mutiny, Cowboy Bebop/Trigun/Outlaw Star, Starsector, RDR, Westworld, etc.
Fuck off tourist.
If those 8 episodes are OVA length then I adapt the novel working on about a space redneck and a private security company. If it's just eight normal episodes I have an idea for a story about an Alien Werewolf piloting a super robot built by his crazy grandma as they face a rival clan I a classic super robot style showdown with a tone in.line with G Gindam and Mazinkaiser
Armored Trooper Votoms in the style of Armored Trooper Votoms
I am going to delegate all creative endeavora to my fellow /m/en.
>>22716394 is the title
>>22669145 is the summary
>>22710144 is what the mecha piloted by the hero looks like
>>22725769 starring this anon as the main antagonist
>>22715488 and this anon as my PR manager.
With our powers combined, we are unstoppable.
I had forgotten that I had even posted in that thread.
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Treading a legal fine line with a Turn A Gundam and Wall-E rip-off post-apocalyptic, coming-of-age story about returning to Earth. Will have 2 protagonists, a young wild savage boy from Earth and a young mute recon girl from Space. Tone will be mostly kiddie and light-hearted but can be brutal and bittersweet during some moments.

Art style will be kiddie and easy to animate. Character design by Shigeto Koyama and Background art by Shigemi Ikeda.
Same with the mecha: simple and easy to animate with less lines. I'm thinking of Ishigaki, Ebikawa, and maybe Gyoubu for the mecha. Yamane for the ships.

>You have an animation team. They can work to your specifications, but the more complex the art style, the longer they'll take to work.
I'll get BONES to handle the animation and contract a shitton of studios to handle the inbetween animation. With the simple art style, the animation will have more frames and look fluid.

>You get 8 episodes. No more, no less. This is what the studio was willing to greenlight
8 episodes but with OVA length? I'll take it.

>It MUST be in the Mech or Mecha genre. You can get flexible if you wish, as long as the show involves a character or preferrably characters piloting some form of machine with legs, the suits will probably be satisfied.
The main notGundam mecha needs 2 pilots and will be the key for the 2 protagonists to UNDERSTAND each other.

>You get to handle PR for the show and promotion for the show, but the Suits have to greenlight it, so follow FCC guidelines, Tokyo broadcasting rules, etc.
I'll have it aired at the last late-night anime slot at WOWOW and will use bot farms to create buzz around the show on social media.
The mecha will all share the same base modular frame so that they will be good as toys.

>what do you call it
I would call it "G-Wish" just to fuck with Sunrise and Bandai.
>The earth was destroyed by a cataclysm about 500 years ago. We don't know exactly why, whether it was an asteroid, a botched experiment or total war, but it doesn't really matter for the plot. In any case, humans can't really live on Earth any more, because its surface is completely ruined and there are no resources left.
>Humanity's survivors are the remnants of the old colonies, whether on different planets, asteroids, stations on Lagrange points or orbital stations. The stations are either independent or confederated. The colonies on each planet are more or less united by a united decision-making body (Luna union, Venus federation, etc etc).
>Most resources are extracted from asteroids or planets, except that, surprisingly, they are fairly limited. So there's a war for resources, with each sector having resources that the others want and that everyone needs to function. Although there is trade between the colonies, there is still a semi-cold war for key resources and skirmishes are not uncommon.
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>Mechs are old. Really old, the majority of them being pre-cataclysm and oldtech, and it's very rare that people innovate, they are mostly repaired until it's no longer possible. They're very graceful and bloody quick and agile.
>The pilot is in a sphere at their centre, and controls them via a brain impulse unit (hence the humanoid shape, the brain being optimised for this).
>The pilot is regarded as a simple mechanical part that can be changed, pumped full of chemicals and stimulants to withstand the sick accelerations he receives. If he dies because of piloting or an overdose, he's replaced.

>There is no supra-light travel whatsoever; every journey is made in torchships, which means that journeys are long and costly. The mechs are generally transported in carrier ships for combat. Mechs are mainly armed with kinetic weapons and missiles, as energy weapons would over-pump their reactor.
>Energy weapons do exist, but are generally either single-shot weapons for mechs with an integrated energy battery, or static weapons on colonies or ships.

It would be a story about humanity and an attempt to unify it and get back on its feet, because in its current state humanity isn't stagnating, it's going backwards and rotting. There's hardly any innovation, just human survival in tired, worn-out colonies that are on the verge of collapse despite constant repairs.
I'll just take that team, go to headgears and will help making patlabor ezy
>During a war between major powers, a group of POWs are being used as labor to build infrastructure.
>They slowly upgrade their construction mechs (Votoms-esque in terms of design).
>They use them to overpower the guards and escape.
>They have to go through enemy territory and take the long way round back to friendly lines.
>Main Character is a young (early 20s) officer who has to learn to effectively lead the escapees.
>Sort of WW2 or Coldwar turned Hot in terms of aesthetics, OST takes inspiration from old WW2 film soundtracks and Votoms ost.
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>EP 1 Battle in which main character is captured, shows his main flaws of over-confidence and cowardice.
>EP 2 Prison labor camp, most of the cast gets introduced, older veteran officer begins plan of escape.
>EP 3 preparation, paranoia over whether someone might leak the plan, MC almost breaks after the base commandant promises good conditions for those who snitch.
>EP 4 Escape attempt, some of the cast die, most of ep time spent on the fight.
>EP 5 Older veteran officer dies of wounds and appoints MC to lead the men back, reluctantly MC agrees, enemy scouting party is seen trying to take out a single friendly spy unit, MC and crew intervene saving the spy and adding them to the party.
>EP 6 After fighting off several pursuit squads, squad discovers the friendly spy took important Intel to the enemy, squad debates leaving him due to the risk of bringing them along, MC makes the decision to keep going with the spy, squad discovers that the main route out is blocked and they have to go the long way.
>EP 7 Squad sneaks through neutral country, however in order to get the supplies to keep going, they have to enter a mech battling arena, Enemy factions spec ops team that is hinted at over the series is shown getting closer, Squad also recruits an arena fighter who knew the older veteran and tests the MCs resolve before joining.
>EP 8 Finale confrontation as the squad is close to the finish line as they have to fight the spec ops team who have been joined by a few of the guards from the prison camp and a few mercenaries hired from the arena.

Could be neat. Cold War inspired stuff is nice.

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