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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

HG Gunleon now available
New SRW game in development

Black Sarana - Formation Nadesico
GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" - Long Range Beam Rifle

For discussion on SRC (SRW fangame program), please join the dedicated Discord

If you need help with any game try checking Akurasu for help (links for other resources also here):
(add ?action=purge to the end of the url in case of a blank page)

SRW Japanese Wiki


Game Availability in English:

Music Pastebin:

Bring Stabity's Quick Guide to Katakana:

Game Modification Pastebin:

Translated Plot Pastebin:

Art Pastebin:

SRC Pastebin V2:

Make your own SRW character Pastebin:

If you wish to help with the SRW fan game they are always in need of more musicians and artists
Please contact the following e-mail: suparoboeternity@gmail.com
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HG Gunleon.
no ttgl no hope
Danguard Ace
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Ignore all Oldrin haters
You'll get Oldrin in the next SRW but she will be craving for Guest OG Kouta Azuma's cock that she won't stop talking about Kouta everytime she appears on the screen
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>people hate the fans of Oldrin
>somehow he thinks this is hating Oldrin
You know constantly posting her nonstop and picking fights with her "haters" isn't going to get people to like her, right?
What are its chances?
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KnM got in so I don't see why this wouldn't, but honestly I'd rather the dude's other mecha isekai thing got in, because Avid is cool.
The fun thing is, Evil Lord and Otome Mob's settings, once fused together, would be a really good backbone for either a deep space or X-style alternate world setting for an SRW game. Throw in K&M, maybe some real garbage ass picks like Smartphone and a couple series like FMP somewhere in there and you've got a decent light novel SRW game cooking.
I haven't read Evil Lord so I wonder what kind of interactions Leon and the MC would have or with any other characters like say Lelouch or Sousuke.
Because of the way Liam works, he'd look at Leon and go "Fuck that piece of shit harem MC with his three wives and cucking his king by stealing his wife", ignoring his literal army of maid robots and knights who are busy stealing his DNA to get themselves pregnant.

He would like Lelouch a lot because he wants a treacherous grand vizier type and wants a scumbag advisor who tells him to do evil shit for shits and giggles, while Lelouch is unsure of how to handle this person who makes seemingly insane, dumb decisions for everyone that somehow turns out alright and beneficial in the end. It's like he's dealing with an even dumber Suzaku.

Most of the tech in the FMP world is taken from Whispered connecting to the Evil Lord/Mob setting, they're all plugged in to the AI network Amagi and the maid army are connected to and the AI network Luxion and co. are part of. Sosuke is constantly plotting to kill Liam as he genuinely believes Liam claiming he's an evil lord on the same level as Gauron.
>Fuck that piece of shit harem MC

agreed, all harem MCs suck.

all the same shit with a different coat of paint
>hates Leon for having a harem when he himself has one too
Now, that's funny.
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Terada in his mid 50's.
"I'm in my mid-50s now. It's been almost three years since I started using X (Twitter). I look forward to your continued support."
On the one hand no new SRW makes anon a dull boy on the other hand it's just going to be another game like 30 which I kind of disliked
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What's with Lycoreco that makes Boomers like Kojima and Terada like it?
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Who knows? Action? Cute girls? Chisato's thighs?
How do I avoid becoming Clawshrimpy?
Do the exact opposite of what he's doing. Being annoying is expected on bloody 4chan, but you gotta understand there are lines you really don't want to cross for your own sake.
>but you gotta understand there are lines you really don't want to cross for your own sake.

like trying to force a character on a general that no one here really cares for and turning their opinions on the character from "neutral" to "dislike"
Clawshrimpy hasn't been relevant for like a decade
Lycoris recoil in SRW confirmed
No one past the age of 19 thinks that dogshit show is good, terada and kojima just have shit taste.
Stop being salty that people like what you don't.
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I don't understand why people do this. If someone doesn't like a character that you like don't throw a tantrum and act like it's a personal attack on you or vice versa.
Lelouch and Suzaku are getting new gattai Gawain and Lancelot in a couple days. Could be cool in SRW game
What's the name of the Zeta Gundam's biosensor sword attack?
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Asking more specifically how to avoid coming off like a fuckwit and how to cope with emotional sunk-cost without throwing a temper tantrum.
Hyper Beam Saber or Beam Saber(Hyper)
Hyper Beam Saber usually
Thanks. Watching Gundam AGE and I need to find the proper terms to yell at it.
Which part of AGE are you at?
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Episode 14. They just unloaded a whole bunch of unearned drama by having not-Tiffa undergo Lalah's death without having given her enough characterization or even agency for me to care, and then followed that by stealing the "Kamille lets loose on Yazan" scene from Zeta without realizing that scene wasn't actually good.
Then again Gundam writers seem terminally incapable of understanding what made Lalah work and they just keep copy-pasting the Forever Four scenario over and over again. And it never, ever, ever works.
Pretty decent except for the fact the franchise is on life support. Still no OG Final.
Oh, for a moment, I thought you were at the Kio arc before the reply.
Not!Tifa got offed for pity points and nothing else, she's a meta-victim that the writers mishandled about as badly as I handle my day to day life.
After episode 15 expect a slog until 28 and 29 which may or may not be where it peaks. That's where it peaked for me. Nearly every bad writing decision could be traced back to Asemu in some fashion.
>without having given her enough characterization or even agency for me to care

know that feeling. FF15 did the same shit with the love interest
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>They just unloaded a whole bunch of unearned drama by having not-Tiffa undergo Lalah's death without having given her enough characterization or even agency for me to care
I think a lot of deaths in AGE are like that. One big criticism often hear about AGE is it has awful pacing.
>Nearly every bad writing decision could be traced back to Asemu in some fashion.
How does Asemu himself generally get less flak than Kio?
Lack of action would be more accurate, the pacing is only bad when you realize every arc takes place over the course of a week or two, too crammed and not enough time skips to important moments.
Yeah, didn't he ditch his family to become a pirate or something? Maybe people just forget it compared to Kio's "understanding" schtick.
Age aired back when Kira was still hated on by half the fan base and Kio was a simplified version of that. You also got real robot military fans that hate psychics and guess who was the non-psychic of the three. Now compound Age's other issues. Kio actually bothered to have action scenes plural in his arc and was only in middle school, but fans thought he would be mature as Flirt and Asemu.
Wonder if they could put Fafner with Freedom in a future game.
Was Kio meant to be a parody of Kira? Like unlike Kira Kio trying to save everyone, including the more iredeemable Vagans like the fat guy, actually bites him in the ass later on. Guess you chalk that up to him being a kid and not understanding things. How ironic.
Pretty sure people still hate Kira and think Destiny was a mess. Though they probably don't bash it as the worst of the worst now that G-Witch is keeping the bad actors busy.
Wasn't the main bad guy in Kio's arc some social Darwinist asshole yet the show still wanted you to feel sorry for him because of his dead son?
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Ryusei approved
Is there an F91 art style design for Tobia?
I kinda wish his new voice was Kazuyuki Okitsu
It started out fine but the last third was, without question, the most retarded shit I think I've ever seen.
The show was already pretty retarded with how Chisato has the power to "predict the predictions". Implying that A-1's writers unironically enjoy the slop they make.
I'm willing to go with that but the whole "Dude let's just loose a bunch of guns in the street it will be total anarchy." "Dude let's just exploded a building and say it's a cover up." "Dude we have a whole agency whose purpose is to get people to be the best themselves they can be even if it means encouraging and aiding terrorists also why are we doing this?" "Anyways while we're at it let's just completely undermine any potential emotional pathos by having a secret second pacemaker for the heroine that was totally there the whole time."
The writers are idiots and want everybody to be seen as likable and justified in their behavior.
Tune in next season where Rean Coldsteel becomes a secret good guy fighting against the REALLY evil secret police who do the same thing Lycoris does but "mean" and Takina to gets jealous because she just can't understand that he and Chisato are just friends but the girls still never kiss.
Nobuyuki Hiyama, the voice of the Brave franchise.
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I honestly wonder if the author had that kind of in mind. After all, the same guy did both. Hell, he's doing a new IS-style mecha story called Fairy Bullet.

I'm out
>SRW General
Isn't this franchise dead?
It's funny.
Here we have a thread called Super Robot Wars and it has the least pictures of any actual mecha than any other thread on /m/.
The development team announced they're working on the series. That's the last official news.
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You want a picture? Here.
Sounds like cope.
The Ultraman and Kamen Rider threads have more actual mecha pictures than /srwg/?
Here. Have some more.
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What's so funny about that?
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Super Grunt Wars spin-off when?
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seems showy
Orpheus is so lucky to have a sister as beautiful as Oldrin
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I got your gundam replacement
Then here's the Mazinger replacement.
Who will be the rep for each shows?
Oldrin period blood yum
Oldrin haters have been real quiet. I take that as a win
kusuha's kusuhas
Yeah, what about Kusuha's Kusuhas?
which mech should I pick in D?
Genuinely pointless bloat worse than the FA version, but that goes for basically every UC gundam upgrade they've shown off so far.
Get excited because it's coming next SRW to coincide with a toy release
As long as they're optional parts I don't care, SRW is easy enough that giving up on power means nothing.
Regular Nu has been given side unit stats to make sure the new parts feel like a good upgrade
Again, I don't really care because this whole franchise, with a few exceptions, is really, really easy.
crosszinger M
Super Robot Wars O(h Fuck)
super loli wars spinoff when
Cowboy Bebop's inclusion in T just feels so weird from both a plot and mech perspective. Did they really just throw in as many US-friendly shows in the roster for some reason or what?
It's weird because if they put many US friendly shows in the game it would have made sense for them to also release it in the US. By comparison 30 rooster doesn't feel like it targets the west at all
I like this. Besides these, who else is worthy for an SRW with big guys capable of ending universes? Demonbane? who else?
IIRC there was an expensive Swordfish II model out at the time
Demonbane doesn't end universes he saves them
On their way to destroy OGverse
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Random characters that barely or never interact being grouped together in a fanart for some reason?
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We have a bunch of those i guess, mostly because people love to draw their top aces list in SRW
How do you think they feel? Firm or soft?
I actually like the 3D models in GC, grandpa Gundam looks really sexy.
I just wish the animations weren't worse than Alpha DC for some reason
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How long would it take for Shu to manipulate Crowe via his debt? And how long till Crowe would try to choke Shu?
Is there a term for Gundam fans who only like stuff that reminds them of UC and think the franchise is only good when it's referencing Zeta Gundam?
What frustrates me is that from what I've seen of XO it improves animations immensly but there's next to no footage of the game online
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Crowe would be Shu's favourite experiment subject due to his durability and Crowe would get a "Male Traia" but probably a little bit more tolerable.
The issue is that basically every single gundam show is flawed so if someone wants to fuck with you for saying you like x gundam show they've got plenty of ammo to work with.
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For some reason i could see Shu having a soft spot towards Crowe after a while like he did with Albada
No, I asked if there's a term for it, like Genwunners.
Nah, just call them retards.
It was there to appeal to SEAs. Do not assume the United States cares more about SRW than China, Korea and Singapore. Bebop was for them, as were several other choices. Bebop is basically the anime version of a John Woo movie in case you forgot
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don't zetafags hate ZZ
I think you could say that about any show. Not just Gundam. They all have their flaws and there's always going to be that one person who flips out at the mere mention of a show they don't like.
>Shu tinkering with Librasta
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I wonder what will be the next Brave series to appear in SRW.
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>the next Brave series to appear in SRW
Sworgrader as the next Brave series to appear in SRW.
I thought CCAfags hate ZZ.
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I thought the West liked Code Geass. If they did want to appeal to the West, should they have also added stuff like Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Big O, and Gurren Lagann?
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Not really that surprising after they announced they were adding crossover pilots, but Hyoma and and Kenichi are getting added to Megaton Musashi too, alongside Ryoma, Kouji and Duke.

Oddly, they STILL haven't announced any of their VAs. I wonder if they will just use randoms already on Level 5's payroll rather than any returning Voice Actors.
>gorgon is voiced by gun jem
how much does he appear in the mazinger shows
Weirdly, I think Dagwon could let them get away with doing more than one especially if you use of one of the earlier entries like Exkaiser or Fighbird and just have the Geisters or Drias be prisoners of Sargasso. Mind you, there'd probably be named to be some recasts.

Dream would be BS1 and 2 personally.
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>could let them get away with doing more than one
The last four games (except DD) all had more than one. So what are you even talking about?
You do understand that they don't need an in-universe excuse to have any series related to any other series, right? I don't understand how people forget the truly bizarre crossovers we've had like Getter and Cross Ange in V or like, GxS, Victory Gundam and J-Decker in 30 and think that two series NEED to be similar or have converging plot elements for SRW to make them cross over.
NTA, but I thought V and X had only Might Gaine as the sole Brave series.
V and X only had MG. T had postplot MG and 2nd half GGG (neither which were debuts) while 30 had J-Decker and a speedrunned version of Hakaioh, which was the only double debut.
I think what would stop them from combining Braves is more the sheer number of units.

T mostly had to make new animations for GGG, MG didn't have a single new unit and just a couple of new attacks. 30 then had a good J-Decker, but a rushed GGG novel.
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The mecha faces of Sunrise.
I'd play that SRW.
There are some crossover games that focus exclusively on Sunrise stuff. Like one for Dreamcast. Some of the units even ended up in the Dreamcast port of Alpha 1.
30, T, DD and X-Omega is what I was referring to
None of the games in question have had the lengthy development time as whatever BB Studio is currently making
30 was supposed to be the last SRW game and the dev team had already been split up to work on other licensed trash before it turned out to be a success and Bamco had to spend years putting them back together
>30 was supposed to be the last SRW game
When was this ever said?
Not the ones I like, they're flawless
If there were going to be more SRW games, we would've heard about them by now.
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Hilarious but sad comment I read:
"Almost no Gundam season understands romance as well as G Gundam did."
That's not really wrong though
G Gundam did it so well because it was kept in the background where it belongs
>stabbing Garma in the back because ???
No, Char, "Blame it on the misfortune of your birth ;)" is not a good excuse for this nonsense.
That's a lot of W love
I liked Eureka Seven's romance, though. That wasn't backgrounded.
I also heard Macross did it well?
I think all that's missing is Wing and SEED.
So, it's just speculation.
Dead franchise is dead
Pack up nerds, /srwg/ is banned from /m/
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Reading the script of D.
This is hilarious.
There's a translation for D?
No. Some guy on Somethingawful is doing a Let's Play.
He has weird spellings for some stuff.
Spitballing off the the top of my head:
>The usual UC suspects
>Wing's OZ grunts
>Grapearls and Gunmen
>Mass-produced Knightmare Frames
>Dougram's various Combat Armors
>Patlabor's Labors
>VOTOMs' various ATs
>Macross' various Valkyries, Destroids, and battle pods
>Dunbine's mass-produced Aura Machines
>Death Army, Mobile Dolls, and Mass-produced EVA series as recurring enemy units

If you want to get silly, throw in Battletech and pretend the Marauders, Archers, Riflemen, etc. are totally not reused assets.
MP EVAs aren't grunts
Maybe also Ichinana or the Mass Produced Great Mazingers for Mazinger representation, and maybe Gespenst too.
What makes them not grunts? Is it because there's not actually that many of them? Power level disparity between them and other franchises' mass-produced goombas?
They're eldritch unkillable superweapons that totally stomp the good guys, kind of a far cry from the humble rank and file fodder
SRW has dozens of those. And all of them have been grunts.
Char is mentally ill of course he doesn’t have a good excuse for killing his best friend.
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I see Hiyama is entering his Classical Composer phase.
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It's crazy that some SRWs have Zechs go full retard with White Fang, then the Axis Drop happens with Char or we get 64 where Char AND Zechs go Beyond The Jackassery and team up.
I think Shin also had him working for Char. Mostly because Wing had no story in that game, and he, Heero, and Relena were the only characters to appear.
That sounds kinda stupid having only those three.
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Tamashii Nation 2024.
G Gundam was also in the game, but the Shuffle Alliance was absent. In fact, the Shuffle Alliance would not appear in a game until 64. Super Hero Sakusen also did not have them.
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Oldrin zevonnnn
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It was in development before Wing actually started airing and released while it was still airing so they only knew about Wing Gundam, Tallgeese and those three characters and nothing about the story and even if they did they couldn't spoil it.
SRW will never die!
So, if Roze ever gets added who's going to be playable? If Lelouch and C.C. don't pilot anything in the show, I assume the game would just give them Gekkoei Sui.
So, I am playing trough the entire alpha series and I just finished Alpha Gaiden after leaving it on the backburner for a long time and now I am jumping directly into Alpha 2, any tips I should keep in mind? mostly cause I know jack shit about stuff like the squad system, otherwise thinking on doing either Sanger or Kusuha route.
Hiyama video.
Your squadmates in Alpha are basically just spirit command or combination attack fodder, they contribute practically no damage. This goes double if the squad leader has a good MAP attack: it's worth getting Katoki Wing Gundam just because its MAP attack is strong and easy to use, so sticking Noin in it and using Luck via squadmates will let you hoover up lots of cash quickly.
Is this the closest thing to Glory of the Losers being in SRW we'll ever get?
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>Same voice actress
>Never appeared in a game together
Any other examples like this?
In magma
Final OG will never come out.
The new mainline game will be in 2025?
It breaks my heart to see how old hiyama is getting.
A very late and what did I missed? But anyway, new SSR attack part for Bravern and Gundam Sandrock Kai (EW version), respectively.

Also, Bravern's short story event will becomes permanently on Friday.
Barely anyone gets a good ALL until very late in the game
Gaiking and Daimos are very reliable and don't really get outclassed until you get Mazinkaiser back. Gaiking will hog a GS Ride for sure though, Face Open is expensive
How is Morikawa aging better with grace than Hiyama with the similar ages?
I wonder if DD would add Sandrock summoning the Maganacs like in W and L.
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Bring them back.
Or else?
Could we please bring the Gawain back? It's not like Lulu's there to fight once you get him to Ace status, at least let him and C2 ride in something cool.
I fucking wish I'd look like Asian Beethoven at his age.
>bring this unit back!
>no, bring this series back!
They should bring SRW back first
I don't really care about SRW coming back unless it provides fanservice for series I want to see
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Code Geass Super Robot, with Gawain and Lancelot gattai
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Its even got a big sword
I can dig it.
His voice is still going strong
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oh nice, i saw this and wasn't sure if it was a rerun or else. thanks
I wanna see C.C. and Kallen in uniform too. But who would be their fifth if it will be that kind of gattai?
That's not true, anon, Dr. J also showed up.

You also fight Leos and Aries.

How about Orange?
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>The "Voltes V Legacy" version of Voltes V will be debuting in SRW DD. Details on its appearance will be revealed at the end of the month.
Orange seems the kind of guy to suddenly announce the arrival of his sword or jetpack upgrade unit
I need this
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surely that means daimos is just around the corner
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Its the character added to the gacha.
C.C. is getting one but hers releases later
why is Judau a lanklet now
When the live action Filipino series comes lol.
Yes. Kazuya's name was changed to Richard.
Not only a new Swordfish II release, but also three new SH Figuarts for Vicious, Faye, and Spike were set to release around T's release. They never released the Faye figure.
That's official SRW art?
Kyosuke and Guy don't look too bad but Ryusei >>22932714 ..... he's only a year older. Please God OG Final.
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Yes please
But it doesn't sound good anymore for a karate practitioner, so there has to be petitions to return his Japanese name. While most others can keep their Filipino dub names (thanks, Telesuccess), having Richard as the name of a karate practitioner feels way off anymore.
Ryusei needs to change his hairstyle.
In the interest of fairness, unless my memory's failing me (It's been a LONG while since I played 64) I think if you went with the OZ Route he doesn't actually join up with Char so there's that.
... I know Wing TV isn't the most common entry nowadays but how weird is it that only D and 64 actually let TV!Zechs join permanently? Like I know in F/F Final he hangs around for a while in the middle but I don't think he comes back, and yes he's playable in Shin but that's for all of 1 stage or so and then the game ends.
Also that just reminded me that I think if you pick to choose a fight with the DC at the end of F Final Heero doesn't join back up which is... one hell of a choice by Winkisoft, I must say.
He's probably the one that most sounds his age nowadays too. I remember when the Uzumaki Anime was coming out there were times were it legit felt like he was about to slip into his old man voice. Which wouldn't even be that noticeable were it not for the fact that he was playing a teenager.
Didn't you also need to get Quatre first before you get any of the others? I think you also needed him to not get the Eva ending since I believe he becomes friends with Shinji which helps his mental state. I wonder if part of the reason we see Endless Waltz more often is so the Wing Boys will join easily. Just need to fight Wufei because it's Wufei.
Hope so. What world could they put it in? Will just they stick it in World 6 or any of the others? Maybe World 2 since that world is meant to be like Alpha.
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Yeah I think the order you got them was something like Quatre>Duo>Trowa>Heero and then Wufei doesn't join up until the very end of the game. Admittedly Quatre joining up early does make some sense (I can buy him being the first one to go "Hey how about we talk things out instead of shooting each other") but it is no less amusing.
>I wonder if part of the reason we see Endless Waltz more often is so the Wing Boys will join easily.
Could be although honestly 64 and Z2 proved Wing can be adapted in such a way to have them be present across most of the game. Doesn't make for the most accurate adaptation, but it CAN be done.
Okawara video.
Just a reminder that Mickey's current Japanese voice actor is Van.
Yeah, I think in most games with TV Wing he and Duo are the most likely to work alongside others. Also, with 64 and Z2 it probably helped that those games had you fighting guys like the Titans and Britannia.
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And Jack Atlas.
And the current Iori Yagami.
and Hijikata Toshizō in Fate
>Robot Spirits Mazingers
Fucking finally. Even if its for Grendizer U, I've been wanting Robot Spirits sizes forever
Someone said there's gonna be an actual announcement for that new SRW they said they're working on. Is this actually true?
>Still no combination attack with Koji, Ryoma, and Amuro yet
For what reason?
BB Studio said a few months ago that they're still making SRW, and Terada said a few days ago that he's done working on the gacha but still working on OG in some way, that could just be more toys or it could be a game, who knows.
Who fucking knows at this point. It’s been taking them a long ass time.
They sacked Kabutack and Robotack to give Mickey this... Damn.
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Kallen said the thing
Ok, this might actually get me to play Lost Stories again.
Looking quite Gravion there
Fitting since Lelouch is Touga
Apparently that's very much the inspiration, possibly because >>22934651
Lol the design is by Kunio Okawara
>Touma Kanou
>Touma Kamijou
>Touma Kamiyama
>X-Dairaioh (Imagin Breaker)
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We have the Original Touma KA
and they combine for no real reason
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>no real reason
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It appears that some VN channel on youtube has made an english translation walkthrough of Kishin Hishou on Youtube some 6 months back (which is very nice, but dude put age restriction on his channel so that google won't ban him just in case... And I can't access google accounts as I have no phone, fucking google CUNTS have more anal probes than sectoids aaaaaaaaaaaaa).
Did anyone watch it? Is it a complete translation?
>The stoic, The smart guy and The moodmaker
Sounds like a roommates sitcom
Very nice.
>Al Van looks like he is giving a speech or trying to hype up the group
>Rai posing like he is a perfume model
>Axel is confused
>Masaki and Zash on a frisky mood
Thoughts on TechnoBoyager getting into SRW if that ever happens?
What enemies would it contribute to the roster?
SRW Alter
>Tranzor Z
>Voltes V Legacy
>Star Blazers
>Ninja Robot
>Daimos ft Richard Hartford
>Orbots (?)
Anything else?
Keith Courage.
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DQ3 is fun, played the SNES version a couple months ago.
Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot
Star Fleet
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>red rai with tits

According to this there's submarines, giant plants, rogue robots warning the dangers of AI, and aliens.
>Moon vapor with psychic powers was a thing in a show about a futuristic rescue team
What the hell did I just read?
I know it's an adaptation of a pre-existing Japanese show but I still feel like the first non-Japanese production in SRW getting in as a gacha event is really lame
>This hand of mine is burning crimson red! It roars for me to seize tomorrow!
And from the rest of the scene
>Guren Hadou Palm!

Kallen doing Burning Finger is now official.
Well she IS Domon’s daughter after all
whelp, this means no SRW for a while since Tedara posted this
IIRC, her mom even has the same voice actress as Rain.
You know what, I can dig Geass's Getter Team
Huh, Yaps finally made an article on that Thunderbirds... Homage? Spin off? Remake?
Basically. I feel like one of the Lost Stories devs got drunk off their ass, and suddenly talked about Jun Fukuyama's time as Touga in Gravion that led to this. I think that's exactly what happened. Still, would you decide to modify your highly expensive P-Bandai model kits to make them combine into God Rebellion? No?
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They should adapt Lost Stories plots into SRW if for no other reason than so the giant Wakamoto made of gold can be a boss
Harmony Gold would never
Oh shit, Cell Max in SRW!?
No, because they're definitely going to release a toy of it in like three months.
I love how Yusei is his son-in-law because he's Akiza's (Kallen's) love interest.
30 sec video.
DQ3's not too long
inti creates Wataru homage game is up on Steam


So are they just going all in on VA jokes and memes now?
Did Touga and Lelouch have any lines with each other in Z2?
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>Trans Sword, Blaze up! Scarlet Sword Flash! Glinda Strike!
>Borrowing the power of rebellion! Hisatsu no! Gefjun! Breaker! This is the final blow! Type 7 Railgun, shoot!
>Hisatsu! Winged! Dragon! Sword!

The other three from the fight, Oldrin, Orpheus and Akito. All doing Super Robot style finishers with references
Wait, can the twins combine too?
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No, but Kallen, Akito, Oldrin and Orpheus basically got powered up by the God Rebellion's Rebellion Generator and defeated the Hyper Alchemy Dolls, which were 4 of the Knight of Rounds Knightsmares that got converted and super powered up by the enemy.
>First to escape Arzenal wins $100,000
It's a goddamn Wataru reboot, holy shit.
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>terada is at bandai again
He's been a busy man lately
Also, I have to say them announcing Weissritter and Ashsaviour without proper promo pics must be showing a ton of faith in the brand
Kill yourself spammer.
>Neo Getter was only in 3 games
But why though?
No, that's Duracell.
Go is an antidraw
Whenever Ryoma's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Ryoma?"
No new Bravern remix.
You can beat DQ3 in a weekend if you know where to go and what to do.

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