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Welcome to your /green/text sanctuary.

Our mission: rally the troops, get fingers typing, flood the board with greentexts.

Anchor your stories here, finished or not. Seek feedback and tips on them. Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites, dig up an underrated gem, brainstorm your next big idea? Do it here. We want (You).
Let's keep this cornerstone of /mlp/ culture alive!

▶/mlp/ paste service:


▶Tips and links:

Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories: https://rentry.org/CleverShort
Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction: http://eznguide.neocities.org/ (Also useful for green and MLP writing in general.)
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes: https://ponepaste.org/932
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop: https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
/Mare/con 2024 - Writing Greentext: https://pony.tube/w/p/6JD1ZDY4s7xt96uANx21sG?playlistPosition=13
Horsewords and You: Characters & Motivation: https://youtu.be/4Uqj0orBS0s

▶Generals Greentext Gallery:

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Anchor your greentexts here! Niche generals, dying slidethreads, cool finds, latest masterpieces - all are welcome.

Just give us the quick rundown. A few lines is all it takes.

Want a review? Tag your post with "/ic/" in the name or comment field.
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▶Greens anchored:

Equestria's Most Pettable >>41129372 https://ponepaste.org/10075
>One fateful morning, Rarity awakes with a startling epiphany - she is the silkiest, most luxuriously strokeable being in all of Equestria.
Ceily's Day Out >>41129546 https://ponepaste.org/10118
>Older Floorb's teenage daughter going to the store on a nerve-wracking quest to surprise her mom and dad with dinner.
Luna vs all the Griffins: A Poem >>41130104 https://ponepaste.org/6124
A Poem for Pine Ponder >>41130104 https://ponepaste.org/5857
On Redemption >>41130411 https://ponepaste.org/10008
>A green about Anon begrudgingly helping with Chrysalis's reformation. Neither of them are enthused about it
The Wanderer - ACT II >>41130411 https://ponepaste.org/10098
Flurry Heart & Cozy glow green >>41132312 >>41062920
>Flurry Heart accidentally free Cozy Glow.
Momlight Sparkle >>41133103 https://ponepaste.org/10125
>Anoncolt lives with Meanlight Sparkle
The Gabagoosh was not good >>41148282 https://ponepaste.org/10147
>Twilight has been living with Anon for a while and he decided to bring up their existences to his psychiatrist. Days after this he comes home to a worried Twilight
Short little shitpost >>41159062 >>41156816
Nurse Redheart green >>41161275 >>41159971
>You go to the horsepital, after some flutterrape shenanigans have happened, and Nurse Redheart takes a look at your sprained ankle.
Alicorn Twi Libido >>41174251 >>41173247
MLP + JoJo green >>41136171 >>41102737
Trixie's Baby Trick >>41179624
FoE: A Dry Heat >>41183192 https://ponepaste.org/10187
>finally wrote up the foe green that came to me in a fucked up dream

▶Reviews delivered:
For Equestria's Most Pettable
Review: >>41185869
For Momlight Sparkle >>41133103
Reviews: >>41134236, >>41136167, >>41170239
For The Gabagoosh was not good
Reviews: >>41148424, >>41150100
On Redemption
Review: >>41188065

▶Other delivery:
Applejack comic: >>41132834, >>41132836
AI Song + Lyrics: >>41143627
1000 words, Chrysalis lewd: >>41177576
Glimmerfart Horsepussy >>41172217
Participative, chain green: >>41189004, >>41189135, >>41189438, >>41189990, >>41190159, >>41191882, >>41191883, >>41192386, >>41193386

Why Can't I Talk The Way I Do in My Mind >>41129394 https://youtu.be/N-Zel07vrro?t=97
Balancing detail with simplicity >>41136167 https://mariaeandreu.com/2015/01/12/writing-what-to-tell-vs-what-to-leave-out/
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life >>41129399
The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller >>41129399
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Anon's greens he's most proud of: >>41129553
On how Rarity is more pettable than Sweetie Belle: >>41129685
4chan character limit: >>41129723
Essentials or must-reads?: >>41129969, >>41129985, >>41130236, >>41130602, >>41130662
What the hell is prose?: >>41131650, >>41131677, >>41131765
Is green a form of prose?: >>41131875
Middle is the hardest?: >>41134616, >>41134743
What's it like to write a green? What do you love about it?: >>41151249, >>41151390, >>41151530, >>41151809, >>41151820
Rarity ball-busting green: >>41164716
Easiest and hardest genres to write for?: >>41147307, >>41147326, >>41147331, >>41147396, >>41147428, >>41147429
Music you listen to when you write?: >>41147743, >>41147752, >>41147816, >>41147821, >>41147928, >>41147986, >>41148798, >>41149627
A bunch of green: >>41150250
What would be the first thing/website you would show a pony?: >>41168681, >>41168694, >>41168707, >>41168884, >>41169041
Favorite genre?: >>41184407, >>41184882, >>41184947, >>41185303, >>41186802
On word count: >>41179538, >>41179548, >>41190265
Previous: >>41129180
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holy shit this must have taken you forever. as far as I can tell all the links are correct, and you even noticed that one wasn't and fixed it. here's a Ponka for your troubles
gonna start posting any reviews I do in the thread now so that way you're not linking to empty Ponepaste pages, should you choose to do this again on another thread
That is an insanely impressive OP post.
I don't know if it will make much of a difference, but I believe showing anons that we care about what was posted and that it will be ported over can help a bit with participation.
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Forgot to anchor last thread.
https://ponepaste.org/10125 - Anon is turned into a foal after being captured by Meanlight Sparkle.
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Got a setting you prefer to write in or around, anons? I'm more at home writing in settings that take place before FiM.
PiE is my jam. Most if not all my green revolve around that in one way or another. I find it comfy to work with.
bruh check out these poetry doods
Not really. I'm not ambitious when it comes to setting. Over ninety-five percent of my greens take place in Ponyville, and some of the most fun I've had is when all the characters I'm writing about are all in one room. They're usually complaining, but sometimes they'll also argue with each other or even start talking about some stupid bollocks that don't matter none.
I'd probably write like this even if my characters were at the foot of Mount Doom. There's just no hope for me.
I'm a very vanilla, boring guy, so it's mostly Equestria in the same period as the show.
Based, PiE done well is max comfy.
Still sounds good to me; it can definitely morph talking points, but that interplay is the most important part.
Nothing at all wrong with that. Do you tend toward established areas too, then? Even if I'm writing a more laidback green, even in present-day Equestria, I like to target fringe Equestrian lands: it's familiar, while simultaneously serving as a gateway to adventure.
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I don't have any strong preferences, it all depends on what the story is about. Usually I'm doing AiE so it's just Equestria but I mostly enjoy non-Ponyville locations, I think they're fun to explore because there's not a lot of concrete canon tied to them. There's something about big Equestrian cities that blends modern life with idealistic comfiness that makes them so alluring to me.
>Posts /boot/
so now that the bunker imploded forever, is /PiE/ the new home?
>Do you tend toward established areas too, then?
I like both, actually. It's always interesting to see new locations being developed, but there's nothing wrong with Ponyville if the green/story is more focused on the characters.
Eh, probably not. I don't know how other /boot/ writers feel but I don't have any real intent of becoming yet another refugee in /AiE/.
Maybe one day I'll wind up writing a /PiE/ story that isn't neet or boot adjacent, though. No clue what it'd be about, though.
Would anons be interested in a green club? We could have two days: one for a selected green and another for a small green chosen at random from ponepaste.
Sounds like it'd be fun, but I'm one of those people who absolutely suck at reviewing/giving my thoughts on a green, even if I love it.
It absolutely needs to happen. Let’s fucking do it.
I'd argue no. NHNB will be coming back soon. Even when it was just me and another anon keeping /bootleg/ going, there was active refusal to let the thread dissolve. That led to Auto, Fortune, Reggie and Caster writing their own greens and a mountain of art.
/bootleg/ can and shall stand on it's own. It may have themes that are familiar in /neet/ and /pie/ but it is absolutely it's own entity with it's own history and track record.
>You bumrush Rarity
>But stumble over Opal
>Now, flying like Batman, you ram into Rarity and you two roll on the floor, demolishing ponyqins
>The scroll flies away, to the door
>At that moment the door opens and Sweetie Belle enters the boutique
>"Hey, Ra-" she stops on her tracks
>She looks into the corner, where Rarity, her mane and tail in disarray, sits atop of you; her butt firmly planted into your crotch
>"Oooh... Wow." Sweetie manages to say
>"Sweetie, darling, that's not what it-"
>"That's alright, m- errr... sis!" Sweetie giggles nervously, blushing "Hey, a scroll!" she rushes to change the subject
>The filly takes the scroll with her magic and unfolds it
>Her blush intensifies
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>don't even have time or motivation to read something longer than a shitpost
Go on without me lads.
Rarity is a cute pony.
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i will participate, but if you pick bad stories chryssi will kill you
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I agree
>Sweetie gasps, watching as the burning shame on her cheeks crawls up her face, bleeding like red ink.
>The flashing color, like worn caliche, pools in rings around her eyes, now still.
>They are dark rings, deep and worn, like she has been going in circles for so long that she wears it on her face now.
>She looks hopelessly to her sister.
>Then all that color, it begins seeping into her eyes. Blood and guts swirling down the drains.
>And she screams like hell, clutching her head and crying up to the darkness.
>"It's in my brain!"
>Sweetie Belle's eyes bulge out of her head and stick out like they're two ping pong balls cut in half.
>"It's in me!" she cries. "Oh God, dear sweet holy Judeo-Christian false God, I feel him, I--"
>She slams her eyes shut.
>Slowly, she forces them open again, the lids sopping with blood.
>And twin laser beams shoot out of her eyes, past opposite sides of Rarity's ears, to obliterate the wall behind you.
>Exploding drywall whizzes over your face like shrapnel, gliding over the tip of your nose.
>A missed boop that still tears the skin.
>Sweetie is a firin her lazer.
>She doesn't seem to think it's as cool as it really is.
>It's even making the air hum like she's got two lightsabers for eyes.
>"Rarity, what's going on?!" she cries, her eyes still obliterating the boutique.
>Wherever she looks, the lasers cut into the walls like they're made of butter.
>Wooden beams snap and bust through the drywall.
>Pipes burst, the walls shake and creak like the hull of a ship that could sink at any second.
>Her older sister is too scared to answer her right away, as the ceiling has just dipped down a few feet before stopping suddenly.
>You hear the walls crunch all around you from that.
>No, Rarity is frozen where she sits, with a thin dusting of her boutique resting on her mane and horn, and your boner pressing its shape right up against the bottom of those cushy marshmallow flanks.
>They're heavy, too.
>That spring diet she kept bringing up didn't stick, but those pounds on her flanks sure did.
>Snacking on chocolate truffles while working on every other mare's swimwear for summer will do that.
>Sweetie shrieks: "Rarity!"
>You jerk your hips and poke up in Rarity's new summer ass flab, waking her up out of her stupor.
I think Twilight broke your sister.
>She blinks once, slowly. "How?!
>"I mean, what in Equestria could she possibly have read that could have caused all of that?!"
>She points at her sister, who is clawing at her eyes without actually touching them, lest she burn her hooves.
>Her screaming is growing tired now, but stays constant, dipping and rising like the tide.

fucking sweetie belle
Alright, I combined both the random option (to maybe discover hidden gems) and the 'Your choice' option. I generated random numbers between 1 and 10201 until I had 5 greens that were:
- Stand-alone.
- Finished (or seemed so, I didn't spoil myself).
- Not monstrous in length.

So here's the poll to vote for the one that holds your interest:


> I'm one of those people who absolutely suck at reviewing/giving my thoughts on a green
I don't think that's much of a problem. Even basic reviews would be good. You can also just wait for anons to post their opinions/reviews first and then add your points of agreement or disagreement.
>One of Neb's stories.
This is gonna happen so fucking much, lel.
It's got my vote. I know I have some stuff I can say about it.
>someone voted for one of my stories
kek, fuck off
So what is this green club about?
You vote for the green that interests you the most here: >>41200146
Once we have a winner, we give everyone a period of time (not defined yet) to read the green.
Once the club starts, we all talk about the green. You can give a review, say what you liked or disliked, agree or disagree with the takes of other anons, discuss the themes addressed, etc.
Makes sense.
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Alright fagets, how will Meanlight turn a new leaf and start taking care of Anoncolt like a good loving mother?

1. Anoncolt verbally tears her a new asshole in front of everypony in Ponyville
2. Chrysalis foalnaps Anoncolt and treats him even more cruelly than Meanlight, forcing her to realize the error of her ways
3. Discord pulls some hair-brained scheme to trick Meanlight into being nice to Anoncolt, but over time she starts to do it willingly
3 is the only plausible one. Twilight Barkle is explicitly a pony with all the goodness taken away. She would have to fake being nice with some kind of spell, and have it slowly become permanent.
I'd want this to be added to the OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYtcqDtoTm4&t=5s
Just because it focuses on characters (plural) versus characters (singular). The one I did over the weekend... I agree, it was kinda weak. With a better understanding of characters alone, anyone should be fine to grow their own way.
There is a tie, so I will wait a bit before rolling the dice.
First time writefag writes indulgent smut, featuring Nurse Red Heart.
was inspired by a recent organ failure.

>Be Anon.
>Be put to sleep to undergo surgical procedure.
>Awake to a new patient ward.
>The previously bland room has been replaced with a colorfully decorated one full of vibrant symbols and horse-like memorabilia.
>After adjusting your eyes your other senses begin to return.
>Reveling a strange, heated sensation building in your lower regions.
>Along with a stranger lapping sound…
>And the strangest sight of a great big lump, under the thin bed sheets that layer the patient bed.
>The heat grows enough for you to consider adjusting yourself, but your hand was only meet by a soft round surface.
>Despite being quite soft it refused to budge even an inch.
>Perhaps it was a weird new bandage of sorts.
"But why would it be there?"
>a panic took you.
>Oh, no!
"They must have cut off my cock!"
>Shaking your head and body in a panic didn't help much - in fact it made it marginally worse.
>The world spun around as if you were once again in a medically drugged up haze.
>How could you live without your penis?
>You were still planning to use it weren't you?
>Oh god!
>The world would be cruel to do such a thing!
>You hesitated to lift the sheet fearing to see what they've done, yet you had to know.
>Hurling off the thin sheets reveled —
>A small white Horse…
>With a smaller nurse hat...
>Your eyes lock with the white mare for a brief moment before she decides to raise her head.
>Her face showing a rather odd carefree expression given the situation.
>the situation being your shaft - still quite numb - sliding out of her throat.
>"Oh, you're awake! How about that..."
>After a soft gulp she continued.
>"Well, we know your motor skills are intact" the mare said with a brisk smirk.
>It not only sucked my dick, but it talks to?
>Huh, neat.
>"But that doesn't mean the operation didn't leave you unscathed. I think we may need a few more 'tests' before we let you out and about".
"S-sure I guess we could do that…"
>"Oh yeah, I'm Red Heart, nurse Red Heart. Welcome to Ponyville".
>Anyone else would-be asking questions, but you were just relived to have your cock still attached.
>Plus, it's most likely a dream.
>And if it turns out not to be, well…
>There hasn't been much to be upset about, this place seems nothing but friendly so far.
>So, why no enjoy it?
>Even if it feels quite real.
>"No sense in keeping you in bed any longer, I'll see to the rest of your checkup".
>Nurse Red Heart hoped out the bed flicking her soft pink tail into your face only just now flustered face.
"I hope it's all to your liking"
>Red Heart only chuckled in response.

A full review seems excessive to ask for since this is quite small, but any advice or corrections would be appreciated.
Cute. Redheart is a sexy mare. Such a wonderful thing to wake up to.

>So, why no enjoy it?
1. Not sure on this one. Anon's main problem isn't that he lacks assertiveness. He could tell Meanlight off, but she's evil, so she wouldn't care. His problem is he's been turned into a filly. There's also a spell that's warping his mind, and he wants an evil pony to be his mother. Besides that, writing Meanlight so that she believably ends up in such a dangerous and exposed situation, like being in front of every pony in town, is also a tall order.
2. The way your green's written now, I don't see Meanlight caring enough about Anon to go after him. Especially against Chrysalis (isn't she stronger than Meanlight?) Though I bet Meanlight would love to defeat her, especially since, with the rest of the mean 6 not being included, this would seemingly be the second time Chrysalis has taken her minions away from her. If you ever want to give Meanlight a taste of her own medicine, have Chrysalis capture her.
3. This is probably the one that's most suited to your green so far, and the Fluttershy angle your story has taken provides an easy way for Discord to get involved.
Like you said, it's small, so there's not a lot to say, but it was an enjoyable read. I would classify this as what I call silly smut. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't believe the main focus was the sex itself. The characters' reactions (or lack of fucks given) are amusing.

Here are some errors I saw:

>Reveling a strange, heated sensation building in your lower regions.
>The heat grows enough for you to consider adjusting yourself, but your hand was only meet by a soft round surface.
Met not meet.
>a panic took you.
Uppercase on 'a'
>Hurling off the thin sheets reveled
>the situation being your shaft - still quite numb - sliding out of her throat.
Uppercase on 'the'
>It not only sucked my dick, but it talks to?
>Anyone else would-be asking questions, but you were just relived to have your cock still attached.
>So, why no enjoy it?
>Nurse Red Heart hoped out the bed flicking her soft pink tail into your face only just now flustered face.
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It's good for a first time. On a technical level, you write clearly. There are some mistakes, though.

There were some confusing moments in the story. A few leaps in logic.
The idea just wasn't developed enough.

I thought this green was normal AiE at first, not first contact AiE; so when this showed up:
>It not only sucked my dick, but it talks to?
I was, like, "Wait, he just got there?" (You also switched out of second person POV and into first; it should have been 'sucked your dick'. Also, you meant to use 'too' and not 'to.')

You did try to tip us off that something was amiss early on, with that line about the horse-like memorabilia. It just wasn't enough though, especially when Anon doesn't question that it's there.
You just needed more story/detail to sell that something was really off here, before introducing us to the surprise Redheart BJ.
Something like this might've helped:

>The previously bland room has been replaced with a colorfully decorated one full of vibrant symbols and horse-like memorabilia.
>Do hospitals normally have horseshoes nailed up over the door like that?
>And why do you hear a horse trotting somewhere in the halls?
>Did they move you to a veterinarian hospital or something?

There were other confusing moments. The green starts with Anon undergoing surgery. We never know for what, or if it's serious or not. Then, after he wakes up from surgery, he says this:

>Perhaps it was a weird new bandage of sorts.
"But why would it be there?"

All I can gather from this is that he wasn't originally getting dick surgery. Again, there's not a lot of detail to go off of here beforehand.
And then he says this:

"They must have cut off my cock!"

I have to admit, when my eyes scanned your green, I saw that line out of context and laughed.
Then I read it, and, well, there's just no reason for him to think this happened at all. I hate to say this about an AiE green, but it isn't believable.

Verisimilitude, creating the fictional dream so that it engrosses readers, can only be improved with practice. Unironic advice: Write moar.

Here's two links that go into it a little more:

Oh. And proofread:
>Nurse Red Heart hoped out the bed flicking her soft pink tail into your face only just now flustered face.

That's it. Hope that didn't come off excessive.
Also, I gotta ask, are you this Anon >>41191216
While waiting a bit for a tie-breaker, how long do you think the reading period should be? One week seems a lot for a short green, but I'm not sure making it more frequent than a weekly event is a good idea.
One of my Old Reliable greens from some ways back. Probably one of my favorite from the old Casual Sex thread.
Wish it finished.
5 days? Maybe change it around based off its length?
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I should stop writing at midnight, or at least hold off from posting till the next day. Will attempt to fix and add what was pointed out to hopefully give something a lot better thanks for all the corrections.

Glad it was enjoyable to some regard. Thanks for all the spelling corrections autocorrect has failed me.

damn I really messed up bad. Thanks again for going the extra mile though I really needed it.
>Write moar.
will do so
>Also, I gotta ask, are you this Anon >>41191216
Thankfully not. My surgery was for the same thing but less severe from what he describes, and mine was a month before.

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