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>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 11 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.
So many threads have died, but only Flutterrape has remained. We shall always remain. We are bound to the fate of the board as a lich is bound to its phylactery.


Masterlist: https://ponepaste.org/user/FlutterrapeGeneral
Author List: https://ponepaste.org/1270
FIMfiction Group: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/211640/flutterrape
Request Bin: https://ponepaste.org/1268

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/Flutterrape/

Does a Bear Shit in the Woods?
OLD THREAD: >>41045951
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Yeeeah, work that grill baby
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Nay. Abandon the barbecue, wench.
It was an 'or' question Fluttershy! Not both!
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Devious little mare, isn't she?
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>"Nighty-night bump, Anon."
>"I'll be waiting for (You) in your dreams!"
She sure is lewd
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>Forced to stay awake as long as possible.
>Fall asleep after 36 hours
>Stay asleep and dream 12+ hours
>Which is entirely filled with Fluttershy doing dream rapey bullshit.
>Specifically to do inception bullshit to get a fetish confession.
I stopped bringing up the problem to Luna, she thinks this shit is funny.
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late night boop
My man needs some hypnocil
Cool. we can play Go Fish in my dreams!
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>one two
>Flutters coming for you
>three four
>better lock your door
>five six
>grab your crucifix
>seven eight
>gonna stay up late
>nine ten
>never sleep again
You need to look like a burn victim. Let’s fix that.
Just ask Twilight to cast a spell that makes it so you no longer lose energy or brain functionality from staying awake 24/7.
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>"I know Anon doesn't really mean all the means things he says to me."
>"It will just take time and gentle persuasion."
>"But soon that hot monkey dick will be mine, all mine!"
what if being horny always made her feel confident? would she turn into Rainbow Dash lite?
>she finally guesses Anon's fetish
>Anon knocks her up
>She becomes more self-confident and assertive than any Iron Will seminar could possibly have made her
It’s not impossible
I feel like she goes after Anon because he doesn't set off all the social anxieties hard coded in her physic. So even if she got what she wanted, she would still fold like wet paper when talking to the pony at the grocery store.
Sounds right to me
what is the point of this? is this a joke? April fools was years ago. let's get real here, no one is gonna put foals in Fluttershy
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>no one is gonna put foals in Fluttershy
And now you know why she turned into a rapist.
If I were you, I would make sure your doors and windows are locked up tight tonight.
>During the day, fetish guesses.
>At night, attempts at discovering your greatest fear.
>Flutters cycles through various scary subconscious/forgotten/prominent memories to try and find something that will stop you from getting your bat behind the door or grabbing her by the scruff and throwing her to the curb in the waking world.
>Shit like >>41135756 or she dons a hockey mask while you're alone in the woods or you're trapped in a space ship chased by some terrible, yellow creature.
>Eventually you're just going to be afraid of the color yellow.
She sure is peeved about something
don't open the link
makes mustard gas
and is an IP grabber
>afraid of the color yellow.
All fifty shades of it
Probably done before but flutters dealing with anon's appreciation for milfs and trying to either
-look closer to her mother
-get her mom involved

Just putting the idea down for later, may write a little about it.
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Posey Shy is a terrifying creature.
Posey Shy does not need to guess your fetish.
Posey Shy KNOWS your fetish.
I liked Neb's short with Posey. I read it, like, a few months ago. Can't believe I never did when it was posted in the thread.
It starts on line 762.
yeah, yeah, we know
stupid sexy Posey
She sure is lewd.
what about talking to the pony at the
She probably just mumbles to them a lot
>"I-is questing your fetish, anon?"
>Be you.
>44 year old man with no aspirations.
>Got hit by bus-kun and woke up in equestria.
>Reach into the Fluttershy strapped to your side.
>The flaps are quite moist today, you note as she moans retardedly.
>Look around inside the Fluttershy.
>"O-oh yes! Yes oohh..."
Where is-
>Pull out sword.
>It glistens with flutter slime.
>Press forward on into the dungeon.
>Rustling noise.
>You spot it slurking out and into your line of sight.
>Jump back.
>It's there.
>A four hundred and eighth pound vehicle of rapenous energy.
>Oozing pink lacerations.
>Twenty six dick sucking lamprey mouths.
>And wall eyes.
>You recognize the Mongolian glow of its horn anywhere..
Twilight sparkle.
>"Um...you know..you could probably find a better weapon if you reach back in-"
>Twilights stomach let's out a fearsome gurgle as her sloppy jalopy of a vagina shoots out two arms like missiles into your direction.
No time for that now, sluttershy!
>Your sticky sword slams down towards a limb as you jump back, it knicks her but...not enough to dissuade her.
>Though you do see the arm retreat back to her baby cavern.
>Twilight stands about like an ethnic business man at a comics convention, her mouth drooling. Body built more like a T-Rex than a pony.
>Those lacerations glimmer with spittle spattle and vaginal fluids.
>You shortly realize they aren't wounds.
>They're miniature vaginas.
>Further you can see sticking out of each of them is a small pony, long since dead from several ungodly rapes and vaginal asphyxiation.
>Her back cooter arms slam out towards you again, as she barrels forward unmercifully.
>"A-anon...watch out maybe... If you dont-dont mind."
>Youre sent flying back, the fluttershy squirms uncomfortably against you when you hit a stone brick wall some distance behind.
>Fluttershys cunt winks, then slowly begins to push out a pair of nunchuks.
I told you Fluttershy, I don't need your help in here!
>Fluttershy squeaks and slowly sucks them back inside.
>Twilight looks down at you, eyeing her prey from some distance away.
>A rape corpse falls from one of the many vaginas ok her purple torso.
>Her predatory cooch seems to hunger with rape desire.
>She slowly begins to saunter over, her rear pussy arms twitching in anticipation.
>You have to think and you have to think fast.
twilight is fucking gross, dude. even Fluttershy's bottomless marecunt is better than that hot mess
>Sword is a few inches away, knocked out from your grasp when you got dent flying.
>The pain is a lot but...you can put it out of mind for now.
>You look for an advantage, anything, but before you know it you're taken up into the air by her slimy arms.
>Twilight moans, the arms are like a clitoris. You know this.
>Your arms are trapped.
>You watch with horror, the slowly retract back and up to the shimmering maw of her rear baby canon.
>It winks at you mischievously.
>Your fluttershy sighs.
>"Oh goodness...not again..."
>She braces herself.
>The heat flares up Infront of you.
>No other option.
>As you brace up against her mouldy lips, you bite down on one as hard as you can.
>This causes twilight to let out a shriek, releasing you.
>You let your teeth go from her and fall to the ground, hard.
>Something snaps, suddenly your right leg is useless.
>Twilight reels in agony, her vaginas squirming with displeasure.
>"Really um...I could help you know..."
>Glare at the Fluttershy.
>Her vagina quivers nervously like a flan.
>Twilight comes over, ass facing towards you.
>She's determined you're going in a back hole one way or another.
>That's when you see it, a chance! The she beast dropped you within sight of the slippery sword!
>Twilight approaches you fast, time seems to somehow slow down, thicken and become a blur.
>Her genitals are mere inches away, you're nearly swallowed...
>But you find that in the midst of terror, your sword is in your hand.
>And impaled deep within a labia.
>A major artery has been hit.
>Twilight collapses...
>And dies.
>The yellow pony on your side looks in awe.
>She does this anytime you succeed.
>"Wow... You did um..really really..good! But maybe we could have done that a little less..violently.."
>You shrug.
Life in the dungeon ain't easy buttersquash.
>Pat her on the mane.
>She likes that.
>Sheath the sword back into her gooch.
>She loves that.
>Loot the corpses in the outer torso vaginas.
>Just another day in the rape dungeons.
Twilight takes her stint as DM too seriously.
That's just the rape dungeon lifestyle m8
Welp, that's enough internet for today, I think.
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So can Fluttershy only carry 200 rupees or do we already have the big wallet?
Is the giant wallet Princess Celestia
She’d have to be the giant wallet
Horrifying. Good work.
Bump. Wanna see some Redheart green. Any writefags accept this challenge?
I've seen greens where Redheart is the gf that Fluttershy is jealous of, and greens where Reheart is the medical professional who has to deal with Fluttershy's shit when a fetish guess goes bad, but I don't recall any where Redheart was the antagonist.
late night boop
Found an older green today called Rarity Convinces Anon by Force

Read this one like it's something Rarity wrote herself. Makes it twice as fun.
>Redheart is the gf that Fluttershy is jealous of
Flutterpriest wants in your pants
>greens where Reheart is the medical professional who has to deal with Fluttershy's shit when a fetish guess goes bad
I actually don't remember these. Unless it's hoveringpope again and i'm just having a brainfart.

I dunno. The nurse couldn't be a rapist, Reheart is just too nice to be.
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Alright, which one of you lazy fuckers left the door open?
Own up, who was it?
That's part of Fluttershy's little army of spies, watching your every move before reporting back to her. Army ants, not surprisingly, speak like they're in the army, though which army that is depends on the region where their anthill is.
some of them even hold hopes that one day they'll be able to colonize themselves inside of anon, turning him into some kind of alien ant farm
>Redheart is just too nice
And fucking fluttershy isnt?
Here have a simple prompt.
>Anon has accident requiring medical attention.
>hospital staff generally doesnt want to deal with potential liability of accidentally fucking up only human in equestria.
>all other personnel are really freaked out by anon...except for one who is oddly excited
>left with no option anon gets seen by nurse
>examination gets uncomfortably thorough. 'Its a sprained ankle why do you need my pants off exactly? Do nurses typically weigh your testcles?'
>several days later *knock knock
>fucking Fluttershy youve already bothered me once today ..
>its nurse horse.
>one day complain loudly about fluttershy harassment but get over heard by white horse who coincidentally seems to run into you alot lately
>Flutters is later discovered full of drugs and medical taped to a wheelchair. Cant remember details but know there were many scary needles involved. Flutters stops bothering anon as much afterwards.
>one day anon cuts hand helping pinkie with something at bakery
>Before he can finish yelling 'son of a bitch' he is set upon by white horse from nowhere.
>several stitches and band-aid later...
>Anon must be oh so careful. Must not get injured must not get sick. Other medical staff refuse to see him except her.
>Local pones tell anon how lucky he is somepony cares so much to be his personal medical horse.
>'you dont even jave to sot in the waiting room for half an hour like the rest of us. Besides shes cute and has an actual job'
>'I shall not allow the tiny white horse to touch my sacred non horse defiled gonads and thats final!'
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>The air is somehow both humid and cold all at once.
>Your leg still hasn't healed fully, each step you take your leg drags behind just a little.
>You know that somewhere around here is a centaur settlement, they'll provide you with some healing ointment.
>"Hmm hmm hmm,,,"
>Your fluttershy bops back and forth against your side as you walk, gently and with more mildness than a chicken tender.
>My little ponyyy,,,~"
What are you doing?
>"Is that okay..?"
>"Is singing your fetish...?"
>The corners of her mouth pull down, her pussy jiddles about and queefs a low, sodden note.
Bananahush, this isn't really the time to be doing that sort of thing.
God, if you weren't the way you are I'd think you were actually crushed.
>"It's alright..I just wanted to do it pretty badly.. but that's ok I don't want to um impose."
Why do you even want to sing?
>"I just think it helps brighten the mood,"
>She smiles at you.
Fine, but try not to be too loud alright?
>Fluttershy nods.
>You continue to limp away like a cursed rat through the dungeons.
>The Fluttershy never stops singing, you suspect really it was to make it feel better. This hasn't been easy.
>You're just trying to get to the centaurs, but the further you go the less you recognize anything.
>It's like being in a dream, it doesn't look like anything you KNOW but everything here seems to be made up of familiar elements.
>Eventually the torches which line the walls are gone, you and the Fluttershy are alone.
>In the dark.
>"Ooohh goodness me...isn't the dark so..romantic?"
>Fluttershy giggles nervously.
I prefer a fully lit room for a romantic evening.
>You don't hear what she says next, your focus goes back on making your way through pitch black.
>You hear a feint squelching noise and-
>Look down.
>It's you.
>You can't quite see it, but you feel it better now on your good leg- there's water trickling in to the side of this ..hall?
>There's water, it flows gently against the floor in an easy motion. It's distinctly unclean, filthy water.
>You don't need to see it to know that, because you can smell it in the air..and feel it against your bare foot.
>Grime of an unkown origin squishes against each toe. Slimey, only to be washed away (barely) by the clearer bits of water...then replaced again with new grime that gets passed down from who-knows-where.
>"If you wouldn't mind, is it okay if we keep moving? It's a little bit...terrible smelling here, Anon."
>Stepping in this water is like wading through cold piss and sand mixed with vaginal fluids.
Yeah we can.
>You go back to limping in the dark, Fluttershy goes back to singing and your attention stays with the sound of the water and grime each time you walk.
>It wasn't wrong, it did smell horrible here.
>It smelt just as unclean.
>The entire area had a sensation of filth to it.
>Like the atmosphere itself had been dipped into sewage and sludge and left out in a damp sink. Like an old wash rag left to rot and mildew.
>The noises are no longer your own, you stand still. Hand clutching a wall.
>Fluttershy has since stopped singing too, her ears twitch as she listens to the sounds.
Quiet Coot, long sword now.
>Fluttershy grunts, her vaginal muscles flexing as she shites out your sword nice and greasy for you.
>Grasping it firmly in your free hand, you do what you can to assess the situation.
>You think about asking for the tinder and torch but..
>You see it, just ahead, a pale-grey and pink light emanating from the dark.
Oh thank fuck that must be the centaurs.
>You holler.
>The noises stop.
Hey! Hey over here!
>You clang your sword against the wall, whistling.
>That'll get their attention.
>The air is tense.
>The only noise being the filthy water at your feet.
>The light thrumms ahead.
>Then it starts.
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>It's slow at first.
>You quickly assess the noise as it comes closer isn't the centaurs.
>That's not the sound of hoof on water and stone.
>It sounds more like a dog you had back at home- a small cihuahua. The way it would sound when his paw pads hit the floor.
>How it sounds when you drum your fingers in a puddle?
>Perhaps a griffin tribe is-
>Plip Plip
>The light and the sound moves at you in lightning fast speed.
>So fast that for a moment-
>You're blinded.
>You swing your sword out at whatever is infront of you, something jumps back.
>You're an idiot, attracting the attention of something you didn't know for sure was-
>Your vision returns.
>You are a fucking idiot.
>The light is filthy, glowing pink.
>It stands infront of you with a depressive apprehension.
>Greasy long hair parted behind it's ears. Small tangles in some places.
>It has a head shaped like a pony.
>No eyes though, just two mouths in the sockets.
>They breath out hefty steam into the air, smelling you can smell sugar and cavities in it's breath.
>Drool. seeps down each mouth, it licks it's teeth in anticipation.
>It's not a pony anymore.
>From the neck down, it's body is a hand.
>Covered in testicle like tumors, ranging in blue..yellow..pink colours."
>Not a pony but it is-
Ah fuck not another Pinkie Pie.
>It smiles at you, if you can call it that, those lips around its infected teeth looks more vaginal than facial.
>It's loose lips flap against it's own breath. Flexing
>It points a finger at your crotch.
>It points, best it can, to it's twin mouths which gape and twitch.
>Nope nope nope nope, FUCK no.
>Cant, legs fucked.
>"Hi Pinkie..."
>Pinkie tilts her head at your vagina of inserting.
>Thunderous cracks roar out through the dungeon, pinkie stretches her finger-legs and slowly stand up on her middle, index and ring fingers.
>The testicles on her body jiggle with delight as she does so.. revealing dead center in the middle of her hand-body's palm a winking asshole.
>Covered in detritus and sandy grime, used and abused, It winks at Fluttershy anticipating her.
>It rasps out.
>Fluttershy's eyes turn pin prick.
>"I think we should maybe go.."
Nevermind! Fuck!
>Pinkie wheezes, her dirty body heaving, back on her fingers.
>Anxiety floods your body like lava, you turn around and hobble as fast as you can.
>You know for a fact you could do something better.
>Something smarter.
>But you can't think of it.
>The rape beast runs after you faster than your dad leaving your mother.
>"Maybe-maybe you should move a litle-"
>All the air is knocked out of you.
>You land onto the ground, hard. Pinkie rammed you nice and hard.
>You aren't the only one who feels it either- fluttershy is slipped off of you.
>In the process of fluttershy being sent to the ground and off the safety of your manly form, her clitoris vibrates tremendously as several items squirt out of her slip 'n slide at high speed.
>Among these items being;
>Six rubber ducks.
>Sword sheath.
>Anti Itch cream.
>A condom (God willing you can slide it on before your precious flower is stolen in a bad situation.)
>Small statuette of Discord.
>Fluttershy heaves.
>Her Coot fwibbles and fwabbles and jibble jab jobbles uncomfortably.
>Pinkie stands above you.
>You can barely breathe, your vision swirls.
>She's satisfied you're incapacitated and spiders along to the pony knocked off you.
>Her head twitches.
>She leans forward...
>Hot steam from her breath..
>She adjusts herself.
>Then crouches down and begins to violently rub her asshole against Fluttershy.
>Fluttershy sighs.
>Pinkies asshole begins to clench her, fluttershy notes it smells strongly of cobwebs.
>Mercifully, she's let go of and allowed to stay on the floor.
>Pinkie moves off her, testicular tumors swaying as she does so.
>Her fingers stretch out, one at a time, twitching and flexing.
>Arachnoid and strange, the sight fills you with twin feelings of dread and uselessness.
>You can't fucking move.
>Because you still can't fucking breathe.
>Pinkie stops Stretching.
>Come on.
>Her ears twitch, swivelling to your direction... then turning the back end of her body to face you.
>You didn't even let go of the sword this time, just get your breath.
>Plip. Plip. Plip.
>Oh no.
>Your eyes are face to face with the winking, cobweb smelly hole.
>She crouches down.
>Asshole only mere foot from you.
>Her rotting teeth however are pressed up against your pants.
>Pinkie presses her right mouth-socket against the crotch of your pants.
Nnn...nnooo Pinkie-
>You grip the sword harder.
>You're getting your air back maybe you can-
>Her finger slips down onto your wrist, ear twitching. She holds you down and keeps the hand with sword stuck in place.
>Pinlkies mouth can't move much, it's simply too full of teeth. It's constantly stuck open in a gape. Slobbering it's vile sludge onto your capri's. Teeth crumble slightly as it sucks like a vacuum cleaner at you.
>It's mouth simply moves back and forth uncomfortably,
>It's tongue begins to slither out.
>Wire thin and thread like.
>It writhes on you like a snake on meth.
>You pray for a quick death.
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>Is that..?
>Pinkie's head shoots up, her mouth sockets wet with sludge and hate, drooling lustfully as the wire-tongues flail about. Tasting the air.
>The finger finally gives you enough slack, her attention off of you.
>Your point the sword up and with all your might slam it deep into her asshole.
>It screams out, skittering off you.
>Pinkie hisses, tongues wilder than ever.
>Rainbow dash eyes her, nervous, ready to fight.
>But she knows it wont be neccesarry.
>The sword went clean through her asshole straight the other side of her hand.
>Pinkie's breaths become more labored, she continues to try to steady herself.
>Fingers get weaker...less stable..until finally she falls over, curling up on herself and dies
>Sword sticking straight through, like a toothpick in a sandwich..
>The light blinking out as suddenly as it came.
>"Don't worry, I got it."
>Rainbow says.
>Moans fluttershy as Dash goes through her cooter and,
>Warm orange light bathes the three of you.
>"Looks like I saved your sorry flank Again bro!"
>Cough up blood.
Looks like it Rainbro.
>Both of you laugh.
>Just another day in the rape dungeon.
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>actually don't remember these
I think it was Neb, but I'm not sure. If I run into again it I'll post a link in the thread.

Oh man, pic related.
I feel like this "rape dungeon" must be the result of some kind of Twilight fuckup.
>"Hold on, Fluttershy, I'm sure I've got a spell or ritual or something in here that will find out what his fetish is for you! Ooh! Let's try this book with the three eyes and scary fangs on the cover!"
Interesting stuff anon
>”Um, Anon?”
>”Could you have a look in the book please?”
>”Let me know if any of this is your fetish… if that’s okay with you…”
I see Anon is level 1, aka rusty shank town tape edition.
>"Ooohh goodness me...isn't the dark so..romantic?"
>Fluttershy giggles nervously.
I prefer a fully lit room for a romantic evening.

I love it.
what the fuck is that thing
>In the process of fluttershy being sent to the ground and off the safety of your manly form, her clitoris vibrates tremendously as several items squirt out of her slip 'n slide at high speed.
>Among these items being;
>Six rubber ducks.
>Sword sheath.
>Anti Itch cream.
>A condom (God willing you can slide it on before your precious flower is stolen in a bad situation.)
>Small statuette of Discord.
>Fluttershy heaves.
>Her Coot fwibbles and fwabbles and jibble jab jobbles uncomfortably.

holy fucking shit, kek

>She adjusts herself.
>Then crouches down and begins to violently rub her asshole against Fluttershy.
>Fluttershy sighs.
>Pinkies asshole begins to clench her, fluttershy notes it smells strongly of cobwebs.

You're unhinged. You're an insane person and I think you've been in the rape dungeon too long.
I too cough up blood and enjoy Rainbro. Well done m8.
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shut up tia
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>what the fuck is that thing
Apparently it comes from the same rape dimension as pic related.
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I swear you guys are trying to get Appleraped…
appul isn't around at this time, but the midnight blue dream demon is who you gotta be worried about
She’s still here in spirit
>the American waltz is, in effect, a rather simple dance.
>One two three.
>One, two, three.
>"Oh goodness me here I go again!"
>Not with Celestia.
>You look down at her, as she lays on top of shattered glass. A table full of ancient porcelain now is a pile of abstract art.
You good there?
>"Er..yes, just a bit sore. "
I can't believe nothing's pierced you...
>You mean into a knee, wrapping one arm around as you help her get up again.
Or otherwise scratched you, kinda weird.
>Celestia smiles.
>"Immortality has its perks,"
Impervious to small time damage being one of them?
>"Quite so my little human,"
Sigh..well, are you ready to try again?
>Celestia nods.
>Before the evening is done, many more priceless antiques are broken.
>Along with some geriatric spice racks.
>And the cooks kitchen.
>Not just one part of the kitchen, but the kitchen in it's entirety was destroyed by the Princess and her gargantuan fat horses ass.
>Goes a glass hitting a wall.
>Cooks pretty mad still, you surmise.
>You wait outside the kitchen, were you not used to Celestia having four left hooves, you'd be more bemused.
>"Yes yes, I promise my little pony, it won't happen again."
>Trots delicately out Celestia.
>Celestia leans towards you and whispers
>"He appears to be a little less..upset...we should make haste before he realizes what happened to the Sink. "
What happened to the sink?
>Celestia stays silent.
Alright where to?
>"The royal chambers,"
>Off you go.
>Sitting on her bed.
>"Ohhohohoh, could you believe the way he got so mad?"
Well you did fuck up his ability to do his job.
>Celestia rolls her eyes.
>"Oh yes, as if he would get into any trouble over that. Not hardly his fault at all. "
>"Oh you know what I meant, my little human."
>You hate it when she says that.
So, you're done with the dance instructions today..Princess?
>Celestia nods.
>"Yes I think me and my posterior have had enough of bumping into everything for now."
>The royal sighs, sitting on the bed beside you.
>"Really, I thought you said this would be an easy dance to learn, Anonymous...'
It is, you're just terrible at dancing.
>That gets you a rather dour glare.
No offense meant....
>Her look intensifies.
>Then softens, sighing as she cast her gaze to the other side of the boudoir.
>"Yes...well I do appreciate you taking me up on my request."
Hey, it's no problem. Especially not with the rates you pay me.
>She smiles, though you do not see this.
Uh...I do have a question though.
>"Yes, dear?"
>Gonna have to talk to her about the pet names someday.
You're a Princess..
>"Observant as ever I see,"
Yeah, well, don't they teach you dancing when you're still a filly here? That's what they did on earth.
>Doors open quickly, a waitress looks on annoyed as she puts down two champagne flutes on the table closest to Celestia..
>"That will be all, thank you."
>The waitress leaves.
>"Well...you see...er.."
>She coughs.
>"Goodness the air is dry."
>She punctuates this with a sip of her drink.
>"See uh.."
Alright alright,
>You hold up a hand.
No need to explain it to me if you can't right now.
>She turns back to face you, her smile emanates with a gentle warmth.
>"Thank you, Anonymous."
>That's a frequent phrase you hear.
>If you were to tell the truth...
>You think she just has you around because she's lonely.
>Honestly, you don't mind.
>Even if it's possible the dance lessons were bullshit.
>You might be mad about six wasted months of teaching.
>But hey, you get to stay here for free until she 'learns'.
>Food and room included.
>It's just nice to help someone feel a little less solitary in their world.
>Loneliness is a terrible curse.
>That said, her behaviour has been getting a little chummy for your liking.
>Speaking of...
Uh, Is that other glass supposed to be for me or something?
>You point at the second glass, untouched, held in her glowing aura.
Hope you do more of this
What a nice pony.
She does her best
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>”So, uhmm… how many of you are also registered sex offenders?”
Is that an issue?
“I’m sorry Fluttershy, I can never fuck you because I’m a huge furfag gryphon lover and I’ve been visiting Griffonstone frequently over the last few months.”
Anon you have no idea what you’ve just done
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She thinks it’s hot
who's that guy
>that ending
kek. don't drink that

but why stop at just dancing? Celestia's butt acting similarly to a bull in a china shop is a headcanon I can get behind. just imagine all those poor servants that have to spend their entire lives on Celestia culo clean up duty. everywhere she goes, they're constantly having to follow behind her, picking up everything that her butt tears down. it's not like she does it on purpose, either; it just seems to have a mind of its own sometimes. going down the hall that leads to the throne room, her ass will sometimes just be pulled towards the wall, seemingly on its own, until it crashes against the surface. the servants wince, watching as one of the dozens of tapestries that are hung here flops down to the floor. they know this is just the beginning. Celestia, now screaming, bounces off of this wall before spanking her flanks against the opposite one. a meaty THWACK fills the air. white flesh ripples. Celestia moans, then starts to let out an embarrassed whinny, because she moaned while being spanked. but she's cut off by her own screaming, when that ass starts bouncing again. this is how Celestia plays Pong in the castle, with her butt as the ball. and with all the servants scrambling behind her, hurrying to hang the tapestries back up as their princesses' plot ping pongs down the hallway, spanking herself and whinnying.
glad she's in a support group for destructive butts that Derpy founded. does her a lot of good to be there
Oh no
Shoot it!
gladly, i'd paint her beak ifyaknowwhatimean
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late night boop
What if Bon Bon and Lyra try to get Anon?
Neb might get upset enough about a Bon Bon story theoretically being written that he’d come back.
>"Neb, help me!"
>You stare oddly at Lyra, ignoring the fact that she's wearing one of your dirty socks on her horn right now.
>You were gonna pick her up by the back of her neck, pluck her out of your dirty clothes hamper and chuck her out the window.
>Normal, everyday Lyra rape stuff
>But now you're just confused.
Who's Neb?
>"It's... an old nickname of Bon Bon's," Lyra says slowly, unsure as to why she hasn't been thrown yet
>You're still confused
What the hell is a Neb?
>But you need to know this now
>"Neb is actually an old Equestria nickname. It's what the other ponies used to call her in school. They used to say 'Hey, there goes ol' Neb.'"
Are you lying to me?
>"I'm not lying. I was the only pony who called her Ben."
>"Yeah, don't try to do it yourself, or she'll freak out!"
I have no idea where this is going. Say hello to my rose bush on the way out.
>You pluck Lyra up by her neck and toss her out the window
I call her Spike.
>Later, Bon Bon shows up
>She doesn't try any rapey stuff today, she just sits next to you on the couch
>She's much more chill than Lyra
Hey, Ben.
>"Fuck you."
>"She lied about all of that, by the way."
Of course she did.
>"My nickname in school was candy ass."

bump, I have to fly today bros, I fucking hate flying
Good stuff
She certainly is an ass.
It’s the anti-grill…Floom!
Airports suck.
The TSA sucks.
It's almost worth it to go to Equestria and put up with Fluttershy's rape attempts and fetish guesses if I never have to fly again.
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>Weather starts getting warmer
>Anon starts wearing those shorts that show off his legs
Oh god I can’t tell if she’s cumming or having a stroke
it's both
Yeah she is that kind of pervert guess
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This is one of my favorite Shout pics
I hope it kills her then.
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>"OoOoOoO are ghosts your fetish? OoOoOoO..."
Not at all
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>"Are you su-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ure?"
Hope she enjoys staying in a vacuum cleaner forever.
>poners with kitty-reflecto-night-vision eyes
Great idea
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late night boop
we do not need that running around
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Too late, it has been willed into this little corner of reality.
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Many times over, in fact.
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>Page 9
Prepare yourselves, lazy Anons...
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>Page 8
>"I'm beginning to think y'all ain't here for the greentexts. Is Veggie-boy on vacation or something?"
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Apples? More like crapples.
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>"You want a piece, veggie soup?"
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Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier. Unlike apples.
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I am the true and honest Vegeta. This IMPOSTER is Ian Begita Anderson!
Well you know what they say, an apple a day keeps better mares at bay.
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To distract an apple, throw a strawberry pegasus in her path. She makes her seethe.
After years of spilling her spaghetti in front of you, imagine how terrible Fluttershy's blood pressure must be. All those times her heart rate just skyrocketed whenever you were around, and not noticing that she was also around--specifically behind you.

Your alien monkey dick gave her heart a murmur in more ways than one, Anon.
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>"Sounds like somebody wants to get raped again."
“Be careful with that rape attempt, wouldn’t want to bruise that mushy apple skin. A strawberry might be more Anon’s speed.”
That’s an awful lotta red
Shut up, fatass.
>"Soon as I wake up from my nap, you're getting raped first."
Would Applejack really like Dragonball if Anon managed to bring it with him somehow? Feel like that's more of a Dash thing.
Either way, you just know one of these poor mares would develop a Saiyan fetish from it.

>"Say the line, Anon, like Vegeta does!"
I'm not saying that old meme for you again.
>you never should have indulged her in the first place
>"Come on, just say it's over nine thousand. Just once. One time. I've got the rest from there."
>furious horse schlicking noises
>"Yeah. You sound just like him when you do that."
>horse schlicking intensifies
>"Keep doing it, and say the line!"
I didn't do anything. And I'm not saying the line.
>"You won't say it, you're just too proud. I get it, you're a proud warrior. A proud. Sexy. Monkey. Warrior..."
I'm not a Saiyan, Dash.
>"Yeah, I know. But you look like one, and sound like one, and... Are you sure you never had a tail? I think you'd look cool with one."
>she starts checking out your ass, you can hear her sniffing when she does
>shit like this is why you only let her watch up to the saiyan saga
>she will never fucking see Namek
>you'll wake up one day with yellow hair if you do
>fucking Rainbow dash
decided it was dash
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fillies are sillies
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I had a dream where I was taking a shower.
I had just gotten nice and wet and was getting ready to lather up when this mare comes into the shower with me.
Before I can even ask why, she licks my shaft until I’m hard and then starts sucking me off in the shower, water washing over both of us as she goes faster…
I nutted so hard it woke me up from a pretty sound sleep.
So I guess Tree Hugger is what does it for me.
No Fluttershy, painting yourself green isn’t going to cut the mustard.
Nice to know I can still blow a load to ponies though.
they're basically the same pony. put a bandana on fluttershy, get her stoned and make her mane look all reggae. suddenly she's tree hugger
they're the same pony.
both their names have three syllables
>Tree Hug-ger
same pony.
they both like animals, and they both talk fucking stupid. same pony.
you just know they're both freaky for monkey funk. same pony.
they're both gonna rape you. same pony.
you jerked it to tree Hugger? nah, bruh. that was green Fluttershy, with a bandana and reggae mane.
she dream raped you morty. you're dream-raped-by-Fluttershy-pretending-to-be-Tree Hugger morty now, anon
it's okay, man, it happened to me too
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We really don’t see much tree hugger here
>The Ponyville Doc always has a good sense of humor, even when you come limping into the hospital foyer.
>Limping and bent over, of course.
>Humans still have to mind their foreheads when they’re coming through the doors here at the horsepital.
>“Well, well. It seems our most popular patient is here again,” he says, chuckling.
>He tosses away a copy of Pony magazine he was looking at.
>He was shuffling through all the old ones again, seeing if any pony had finished the crosswords in them yet, before you hobbled towards the waiting room.
How ya doin’, Doc? My ankle hurts.
>His eyes go from your bent knee down to your droopy foot, leaning slightly to the right.
>“I see that. Have you noticed any other changes since last week?”
>You were here last week, after Fluttershy found a way to steal your key from you again.
>You’re here a lot, thanks to her.
>Actually, you’re surprised she didn’t try to follow you inside today.
>She already tried stringing you up in her rope trap.
>All she did was fuck your ankle up, when the snare tightened around your foot.
>And Harry pulled you up in the air, so you were dangling upside down, your shoe getting caught up in the branches.
>There’s another tree you’re going to have to avoid on your way to town from now on.
>Why do they all seem to have a bush next to them here in Equestria?
>And of course you’ve caught her trying to plant more of them sometimes.
>Fucking Fluttershy.
>Following an old habit of his, Doc is already calling for “Nurse Redheart!” before he’s even finished turning towards the front desk.
>He is expecting to have to call for her again, this time from around the corner of the breakroom.
>But she’s already barreling out from behind the reception desk, and headed your way at a quick prance.
>He looks surprised that she’s there already.
>You’re not.
>She showed up in the room right when you did, actually.
>She’s just been waiting to be given the go ahead to see her favorite patient.
>She stops prancing when she reaches your foot and lets out a loud puff of breath and wipes the sweat from off of her forehead.
>”Looks like you hurt your ankle today,” she says, smiling up at you.
Why are you sweating? You barely trotted ten feet.
>“I’m perfectly healthy, if that’s what you’re implying. I just can’t trot, it wears me out.”
I would think having to see me so much would do that.
>“So, how’d you manage to do it this time?”
How else?
>At the same time, you both say:
“Fucking Fluttershy!”
>She giggles and starts running a hoof over her pink mane, smoothing it over everywhere that isn’t covered by her cap.
>”I just thought I’d check anyway.”
>She turns and addresses the ponies in the room.
>“...Can we get the extra-large wheelchair and help Anonymous to room thirteen? I got this one, Doc.”
>Soon you’re sitting on the examining chair, after Redheart has folded the patient step, since your legs are too long for that here.
>With Redheart watching closely, you ease your right shoe off.
>Last time you were here, it was because Fluttershy snuck up on you while you were taking a shower.
>She tried to shove Rarity’s favorite lavender-scented conditioner up your ass.
>A stray strand of Rarity’s mane was still stuck to the bottle, too.
>“Are shower surprises your fetish, sweetie?” she said, before trying to shove it in.
The fuck are you doing in here–?
>You felt Rarity’s hair tickle your clenching asscheeks.
>This was just before you slipped, fell onto your back, and kicked the faucet.
>Ended up tearing open the webbing that’s inside your big toe like it was a ketchup packet.
>Fluttershy initially passed out when she saw the blood.
>But she later got away with just one of your socks, before you came to your senses and chased her out.
>There’s still a trail of blood in your house that leads from the bathroom to the front door.
>And to the laundry room.
>And your bedroom.
>Your closet too.
>Pretty much anywhere in the house where you’ve got some dirty clothes lying around.
>In the dishwasher…
>Fluttershy stashed some underwear in there while you were chasing her.
>Probably was planning to get ‘em later, when you weren’t trying to kill her.
>Anyway, Redheart stitched you up later.
>”Why are you not wearing two socks?” Which is why she’s staring at your feet.
I’m in-between loads of laundry, so it’s a one sock day today.
>“Well, I’m glad to see that that’s the foot you’re choosing to keep dry,” Redheart says, once your shoe is off.
>When your foot is bare, Redheart inspects the red swelling that’s around your ankle, judging it from every angle.
>“So, tell me now, what was it this time?”
Rope trap around my foot.
>“That’s the kind of mark a snare leaves, all right.”
That’s actually right. You sure know your ropes.
>“I was always good at tying them.”
>Still chatting, she gently takes both sides of your foot in her hooves and moves it slightly in different directions.
>She only stops talking to occasionally ask you how much pain you’re feeling.
>“You know, I was actually in the filly scouts with Fluttershy when I first learned how to tie knots. She’s sure gotten better at it since then… How’s that feel?”
It’s fine… And, yeah, she’s gotten better at a lot of things since I’ve been here. It felt like my foot was being torn off.
>“But she’ll never get you, right?”
That’s the plan.
>She smiles up at you.
>The way her mouth curls, it’s like the hearts of her cutie mark, the way the two lines curve into each other at the top before they meet.
>”How’s that feel?” Redheart says as she rubs your ankle.
Pretty good. I think–Ow!
>Redheart lets go of you, snickering silently.
>“Sorry. But the good news is I’m pretty sure it’s just a sprain. We’re going to take some x-rays though, just to make sure.”
>Pony x-rays don’t work when you have all your clothes on.
>Redheart clearly reads the slight crinkle of your nose.
>“Yes, it’s necessary. I know how you feel about losing your clothes, but I don’t want you walking on that foot if this ends up being something more serious.”
Something more serious, and a lot more horny, is gonna come if you make me take my clothes off.
>“It’s just us here.”
A nice thought.
>”It is. So come with me, and we’ll go somewhere where you can take them off.”
No snares there, right?
>“Hush. Somewhere private, I mean.”
No bushes or trees for her to hide in there, right?
>Her smile curls again.
>You would miss seeing it, if you weren’t over here so much anyway.
>So you go with her.
>Just another day of hanging out at the horsepital with Redheart.

idk i wanted to write rapey redheart, since i've never written nurse pone before, but she didn't come off that way. well, maybe next time
She’s still got plenty of time left to get Anon, though the hospital is probably not the best venue, since that would most likely cost her her job.
But if she used Anon’s injuries or condition as an excuse to provide at-home care…
Yeah can’t blame you
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get that thing away from me
SPOILER: she did not
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Time to do some sketchy shit,
Doo-dah, doo-dah,
Hope I get away with it,
Oh, doo-dah-day.
how the FUCK did you know that camptown races and mare pets were both my fetish? who fucking told you?!
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Thankfully there’s no way she can hold that form for long
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late night boop
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>late morning boop
>from Page 9
>"Y'all never learn, do ya..."
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Keep it up and see what happens...
That’s a risky game you’re playing
He's already lost.
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Fugg yeah someone is runnin with the Redheart idea. Now make the bitch crazy.
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Doctor help me!
What a lewd mare
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>Just another day of hanging out at the horsepital with Redheart.
I trust her, she seems nice.
>Jury duty
>With Fluttershy
there, imagine that, you filthy animals
Yellow hooves made this thread:
"Your honor, I wish to challenge Juror number eight for cause."
>"Mr. Anonymous, only the defense and Crown's Attorneys have the authority to challenge a juror for cause."
"In that case I request to be excused from jury service."
>"On what basis?"
>You glance nervously at the yellow pegasus, who is next to the vacant seat you had formerly occupied.
>She's blushing fiercely, and a steady patter of drips falls from her seat onto the formerly dry floor.
"Your honor, I would really prefer not to spend an extended amount of time."
>"Mister Anonymous, that is the Element of Kindness. She would normally be exempt from jury service, but she insisted on performing her civic duties the same as any other pony. You ought to be honored."
"Nonetheless, your honor, We have something of a history which would make serving with her very uncomfortable for me."
>The judge peers at you over his glasses, and frowns before beckoning you over.
>"Approach the Bench."
>You move closer.
>"What sort of history?"
>You lower your voice.
"She has made multiple attempts to rape me."
>The judges eyebrows shoot up.
>"Nonsense! Why, she's literally the kindest creature in all of Equestria, not to mention the fact that you are nearly four times her size. I find your assertion to have no basis in fact, and I warn you against perjuring yourself further."
"Your honor, please! I really can't--"
>The judge interrupts your protest with a sharp rap of his gavel.
"That's a two-hundred Bit fine for Contempt of Court."
>"Want to make it four?" The judge asks menacingly, his gavel held aloft.
>You wilt.
"No, your honor."
>"Good. Then I trust I shall hear no more of these reservations. In fact..."
>The judge smiles.
>"Considering the nature of this case, I deem it proper for this duly impaneled jury to be sequestered for the duration of the trial. Bailiff, please see to it that the jurors are provided with comfortable quarters."
>"Yes your honor," the Court Bailiff replies, also smiling.
>The Judge nods.
>The Bailiff nods.
>Fluttershy nods.
>It's a set-up.
>"Space is a bit tight. You don't mind sharing quarters with your fellow juror, do you?"
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Oh you filthy, filthy animal
i'm absolutely tickled
Good stuff anon
Time to jump the judge.
Tinfoil Trouble
>"A MARE is in love with YOU and you don't love her back!?"
I don't believe in love, Cornstarch.
she has autism
ṃ͎͍̫̤͊̃̀̈́̏͋͜͝y̴̺̻̳̞̝̙̝̽̐͆̐̑̇̀͢͟͞ h̳͚͎͎̐́̐̇̂̑̒͂ę̻̗̮̠̩̞̔̿́͌͊͋͂͢ͅả̰̹̜̫̜̋͛̿̓̚r̥̥͙͕̙̞͚̘̿͋̐̒̎̊̈͘͜ͅt̨͓̤̫̰̫̪̜̖̒͗̌̕͜͠ í̡͉̺̬̃̈̀͝s̢̛͉̜̻͚̤̝̜̰̻͒͛̓͛͒̐̀͌ ą̷̨̯̗̮͇̼̤̀̋̾́͐̆̉̏̒̓͜n̸̬̤͔̼͎̤̈́̋͂̂̔̃͘͢͝ e̡̛̱̻̟̭̼̪̩̼͑̏͛̍͌͟͞͝m̵̛̛̩̝̺̟̮̠͈͊̎̒̒́̾͌̚p̷̨̺̤͕̞̪͖̝̳̥̽̑͆̂̿̚͘͞t̷̨̪̗̘͉͍̩̉̌̌͛̔͜y̷̢̯̗̟̙̟͚̓̀́͑̕͜ b̢̢̹̜̳͆͆̉̀̕͠l͎͓͈͎͗̇͌̀͂͆͢͢͢a̧̛̻̰̹͓̳̓͊̽̄̕͡͠͡c̴̛̯̘̩̱̺͗́̈͌͑̽͘k̷̨̖̯̣̫̞̀͗̊̈͐̕͝͠͞ ḫ̢͍͇̻͓͋̄̇͆͑̉̕̕o̻̤͍͙͍͔̎͌̆̂̈́̋͆̚͞l̨̡̥͉̖̝͉̪̈̑͌̃͊̑́̚͢͢͡e̶̡̧̠͓͙̘̫̯͕͊̑̂̓͗̽͠
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No, Fluttershy, love isn't my fetish.
Now get outta my house.
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>"Welp, time to knock some sense into Anon."
>"And then rape him."
>"I got first dibs."
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>"Fluttershy, what a beautiful song!"
>"Anonymous will undoubtedly swoon for you now~!"
Nope, heart is like stone. Ain't workn'.
>Open your eyes at the end of your meditation session
>You're shocked to see Cadance is suddenly in your face
>Very close in your face
>Breathing in the air you're blowing out your nose
>Ponies inviting themselves into your house isn't anything new
>They're all rapists
>You pull out your earplugs
>Look around
>Dash is there too, saying she's got first dibs
>She's licking a carrot dog suggestively as she does, one that she got out of your fridge
>Applejack is shadowboxing over by Fluttershy, who winces following every hit
>Even though Applejack is facing in the opposite direction of her
>"Gonna knock some sense into Anon, and then rape him," she says as she uppercuts the heavyweight champion of blank space that's before her
>Fluttershy sees this and rubs her chin
>She is standing by the karaoke machine in your living room, and holding the microphone
>Oh, were they singing again?
>Ponies love that shit
>"That was such a beautiful song, Fluttershy!"
>Case in point: Cadance
>"Anonymous will undoubtedly swoon for you now~!"
>All the ponies turn towards you
>Applejack is boxing
>Dash is sucking on a carrot and doing her best ahegao face
>Fluttershy is waiting hopefully for you to say yes, or for you to fuck her or something
>Cadance is even more hopeful for the latter
>You force yourself to cough
Yeah, I hate music, and love. They're both gay as fuck. Sorry, not sorry.
>Fluttershy frowns
>"Oh," she says, her ears drooping down as the mic slumps down in her grasp
>"I've had it!"
>Applejack pounds her hooves together and blows steam out her nose
>"Let's just rape him already!"
>"Yeah," Dash says, tossing her stolen carrot dog out the window, ready to follow AJ headlong into rape
>"No," Cadance says
>She holds her hoof up and the two ponies stop screech to a halt
>She never looks behind her to see them
>"He needs to love us first."
>Cadance looks in your eyes
>"I want you to feel what we feel before we take what we want."
Yeah, too bad your magic don't work on me. Now, get out.
>The ponies all shuffle out the door and into the night, their heads slumped down towards the floor in defeat
>Only Fluttershy looks back at you and forces herself to smile
>"Goodbye, Anon. I'll see you again soon."
>When she turns back around, you slam the door shut
>You turn the karaoke machine back on and go to the last played song
>Do You Believe in Love by Huey Lewis starts playing
>The masterpiece itself
>That sexy, sexy masterpiece...
>Immediately start fapping
>You get chills everytime you start screeching along with it
>And whenever you cum while listening to it, while you're thinking about good ol' Huey
>You may hate music
>But you love hearing the News
>Still, thank God aka Huey for the fact that you had ear plugs on just moments ago
>Cause to be honest, you totally would have had a pony orgy with all of them if you had just heard Fluttershy singing
>Fucking Huey Lewis
bump. anyone in here meditate?
Have you met Fluttershy? If you did, you would see my point of view
Nice short anon
The ponies must never know your secret.
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>Rara wasn't invited
kek. get fucked Rarity
What’s she crying about?
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You're not plowing her.
I am s͉̮̣̟̀̃̀̀͋̈́ͅh̶̥͇͓̳̳͂̎͑̆̀̌̌͘͟ͅį̵̢̭̘̙̤̞̮̯͑̌̑͝t̴̹̖̯͙̯̰̐͋͂͋̏͢͝f̶͕̮̮̰̱̬̂̒͋̌̚͝͠a̛̫͙̹͆̃̎̌̇͂͟ͅc̸̝̺̯͚̜̾́̿͘͝e̩̦̮̤̯̭͔̒͑̿̍̏̆́̀͟͠ď̗̯̙͇͎̤̺͇͋̿̒̈͌̄͟ͅ.̤̞̖̹̗̼̾̋͐̏̋͛̒̕
Well okay then
She needs to calm down
There is a law in Equestria (The Ingram Act) which states that all friendship/emotional problems must be resolved in song.

What song do (You) sing to Fluttershy to get her to leave you alone?
But it isn’t time for Winter Wrap Up.
Actually this might send entirely the wrong message.
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Jingle bells
Luna smells
Twilight laid an egg
I couldn't steer cause of Kirin beer
and my car ran over your leg

the only pic I could find of Fluttershy in a cast on derpibooru also had diaper fetish stuff going on, so just pretend scoots is flutters here
One for appul hoers
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>"And so, by Royal decree, I hereby sign into law the Anon act!"
>"Specifically stating that any song wherein he mentions /not/ liking, loving, or wanting to befriend, or pursue intimacy of any kind with mares in Equestria, is immediately irrelevant and void!"
I wouldn’t have expected there to be so little art of Fluttershy in a cast
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>"Sorry Princess, but according to The Second Amendment of the Diarchy: 'Any strong emotion expressed by song, poem, limerick, haiku, or other vocal artistic expression is not bound to and/or nullified by proposed bills, coming laws, or any emerging legal framework.'"
>"In other words, anything Anonymous said before your new act is still valid in the eyes of the law."
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If she ever did a cartwheel in front of me, I would literally drop everything and marry her. She can't do one though. She gets dizzy whenever she's upside down. She could bring about the apocalypse before lunchtime if I told her it was my fetish, but she can't do a cartwheel. It's beyond her.
That's why I'm fucking Ponka.
One day she’ll get it down and you’ll be sorry
she can't handle the pressure of me watching her trying to cartwheel, i heard pinkie helped her practice but she just can't help but turn into a clutz in front of me.
Nah. Can't do it. I signed the contract.

You wouldn't believe the amount of red tape you have to go through to get to Equestria. A portal doesn't just open up, suck you in, and then spit you out naked on the other side, leaving you free to pump whatever pony pleases you with your willy. There's rules when it comes to shit like this. You have to sign a contract first, and there's a long waiting period after that. If you get lucky, they'll pick you. But that's just the beginning. Then there's the usual formalities that come with being sent to a different dimension. The background checks, the psychiatric evaluations, the mandatory acupuncture classes, etc.

And even after you do get to Equestria, they've run every simulation imaginable. They know the limits of that universe, and of the damage that leaving you to run around unchecked could cause. So there's all kinds of caveats involved, once you do get spit naked out the other side of the portal.

Here's a personal example: I can't ever start up the Equestria section of the KKK with Applejack. It's an entirely possible thing that could happen in the version of Equestria that I exist in. I know exactly how to trigger the events that would lead to it happening. By suppertime tomorrow I could have the entire town dressed in white robes and organizing fish fries. Even Zecora. The Equestria KKK doesn't discriminate, after all. We'll let in niggers idgaf.
I can't do it though. Cause I signed the contract.
So we don't let in niggers.
dat too
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But how would Mean Fluttershy try to find anons fetish?
she'd probably rape you and eat your ass
honestly, anon's typical cynical side would appreciate her, and they might hit it off.
With extreme force
>No fetish guess, only rape.
>”I bet being dominated is your fetish, isn’t it, bitch.”
She'd be the same as Fluttershy, but she would bully the shit out of you and be a huge bitch about it the whole time.

>"Is this mousetrap your fetish?"
>Meanshy throws it at your balls and the trap snaps, clamping down onto your bulge like a chimp biting down on an apple
>Doesn't hurt at all
>Actually, it really pays to wear a cup whenever you find yourself around this bitch
>You pry the jaws of the trap off of your pants and say:
Well, let's review what you just did here...
>"Be quiet!"
>But she always gets pissed when you tell her off like this, or say anything to her, really
>"Just say it's your fetish."
It is not my fetish.
>"Well, why not?"
>She sneers, her sour face curdles
>"You know what, I don't even care. Why don't you just fuck me already, Anon? I'm sick and tired of trying to make you like me all the time. All I want is your stupid, sexy monkey dick. I don't care if you like me or not. You're not that special, you know."
>"Y-Yes he is," Fluttershy squeaks, hidden within the rose bushes
>The ones that Meanshy shoved her in just a few seconds ago, and is currently screaming at
>"What'd you say?!"
>The leaves are trembling with fear, as Fluttershy feels her new bushy body being stared down by Meanshy's glare
>Poor kid
>There's no way she's coming out of there until after Meanshy leaves
>All she wanted when she came over a few moments ago was to have you listen to her eat a daisy sandwich in the dark
>Basically ASMR, but she wanted to call it a blind date "Because your eyes will be closed when we do it.
>"I want you to feel nice and relaxed when you hear me eat--Agh!"
>"Get out of here!" Meanshy says as she bodyslams the top of her head into Fluttershy's right ribs
>Sending her crashing into the rosebushes next to your door
>Yeah, that's how it happened
>Anyway, you help Fluttershy pull herself out of there
>But first you snap the mousetrap on Meanshy's tail before cunt punting her into the horizon
>When she soars into the center of the sun, she plummets, and comes crashing back down into the tree tops of the Everfree Forest
>That takes care of that for now
>Fluttershy always needs a lot of help getting out of your rosebushes though
>She's got that long pink mane and all
>Later you listen to her eat a rose sandwich instead, after she cleans herself up
>It is kind of relaxing, actually
>And you don't even have to wear a cup around her either
>A blanket is enough to dissuade her from trying to give you a gentle bite down there, once you're nodding off a little
bump; I think swift would have had a ball with the mean 6 if they had been around back in 2013; he was good at writing bitches
If you fuck Meanshy, does that mean you did it with a faggot?
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>"Whats wrong, Anon?"
>"Are you... chicken?"
You're a horse.
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So let's make a chicken-horse
You are already yellow so we're done here. Get out.
I dig the horror aspect of your green/art. Reminds me of what would pop up in ghost quest or pizzaria quest
Good shit
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late night boop
>”Oh! Good morning!”
> https://derpibooru.org/images/3387954
Whuh- HEY! No seed stealing for you!!
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Oh aye, she does that...
Pretty impressive
She doesnt. Anon tries to find out her fetish and fails. Anonymousrape with several, unsuccessful attempts. Anon finally gains an empathetic understanding of the ordeal Fluttershy goes through.

He of course learns nothing at the end of the day.
What a fool
She’ll just show up and force herself on you
>be horse
>have wings
a pegasus is already a horse-chicken
no wonder her shit is so dry all the time
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...pardon? are you inspecting her turds??
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Of course not. That's not my fetish, Fluttershy.
Would you find it endearing if Fluttershy tried to do a dance for you and shook a little turd out of the bottom of her pants
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nigger... what?
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Why the fuck is she wearing pants?
She thought it'd be funny if you found her in your house and she was wearing your pants, pretending to be you. I think she's just trying to steal your life, honestly. She even drew your face on a little paper plate and started going around town, talking like Anonymous does. She was actually very convincing. It took her a couple of weeks until she was finally able to walk upright for more than a few steps, but it was worth it. No pony could tell the difference between her and Anonymous; if anything they actually all liked the new Anon better. Much better. And so, one day, everyone jumped her in the center of town, tore your pants off of her, and raped her. Right next to the fountain. The water sure sounds pretty there.

She probably would have escaped if she hadn't tried to run away on two legs. But you know how she is. Always committed to the bit. That's why she had that replica of your cock strapped onto her waist in the first place. She wanted to have that bump in her pants, you know.
Requesting ponified Sour Sweet.
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>"Are you okay?"
>"Do you have brain damage?"
>"Are you even in the right thread?"
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>Page 10
>"Y'all better hold still if you know what's good for ya, Anon."
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All according to plan...
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>"Um... I already called...dibs..."
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You're too late, Butterhush. As we speak, Appul is riding Anon's HMD like no tomorrow.
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Better version
What Appul doesn't realize Anon got a monkey to put on a suit, she doesn't know the difference. Anon is slightly insulted it worked, but he got away from the dumb hick. Fluttershy is devastated.
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>N-No! That was supposed to me! *sniff* ME!!
We all knew that ponies were kinda racist like that.

>Yep, it's you in Equestria again.
>And you know what's gonna happen, right?
>Uh-huh. Right on cue.
>Setting down your coffee, you schlep on over to your front door to see what the fetish guess of the day is.
>You open the door, and lo and behold, there is Fluttershy.
>Of course.
>At least, you expect it's her.
>It's hard to tell, because she's wearing a gorilla suit.
>So you're basically looking at a pony-sized gorilla with flowing pink tresses and a matching tail.
>This shit's all kinds of messed up.
>"Um, ooga-booga?"
"The fuck is this even supposed to be?"
>"Oh, well-um, I thought you might be more attracted to me if I looked closer to your species."
>She turns in place and wiggles her butt at you.
>"Is it working?"
"Not really. In fact, it seems kinda racist."
>Fluttershy is, as usual, crestfallen.
"Where in Ponyville did you even find a gorilla suit anyhow?"
>"Oh, I mail-ordered it. I actually asked for a human suit, but they didn't know what a human was. This is the closest thing they had."
>An awkward silence descends between you.
"I'm gonna go finish my breakfast now."
>"Oh, alright. Same time tomorrow then?"
>You sigh.
"If you must."
>"A-alright. See you then!"
>You slam the door and bolt it.
>This shit is just going on too long now if that's the best guess she can some up with on a Sunday.
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Anon should just do it and get it over with. He'd probably love it, really. Fluttershy is a great pony!
Nice try, Flutteryellow.
But we're not as dumb as you look.
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Anon, no! Shield your hands- Oop. There she goes.
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I hope she enjoys the hot sauce I smeared all over my hands.
>"Uhnnnn Anon~. You'll have to wash that sauce down with some of.... your sauce."
No, I won't. Bye.
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You should smear it on her eyes while she's suffering.
>You leave town for a while, without Fluttershy noticing
>Chimp escapes from the zoo at same time
>Somehow gets your clothes on its body
>Keeps them on, goes to town
>All the ponies just assume it's you
>No one thinks it's strange that you hardly say anything anymore, outside of grunts and shrieks
>"Meh. Anon's always been like that," they all say
>Rainbow Dash loves the new you, and is constantly coming up with games for the two of you to compete in
>Sure, explaining the rules to you always takes forever...
>But once you've got the game down, whether it's buckball or just a simple pull up competition, you always push her to her limit
>You also teach Pinkie how to throw her own feces, which is fun
>And despite all of her fussing, Rarity has gotten used to you grooming her, and might even secretly enjoy it now
>All of your swinging around from tree to tree at Sweet Apple Acres helps AJ out too
>She just has to place buckets down and then set you loose in the orchards for a while
>Gets the job done even better than an entire day of applebucking would
>Twilight is fascinated with the changes you're going through, both physically and seemingly mentally
>But she's also skeptical
>She's not ruling out the possibility that you're pulling a prank on her here, that this is all an act you're putting on
>The only one who actually sees through the clothes, sees that you aren't actually you, is--
>"That's not my, Anon!"
>Fucking Fluttershy
>She knows that this sinister simian is just masquerading as you
>She tries to get other ponies to listen to her
>But who's gonna listen to Fucking Fluttershy's ass
>Especially when you start screeching and beating your fists on the ground whenever she tries to speak
>"Anon's always been like that though," they all say
>Fluttershy vows to capture the monkey herself
>It doesn't matter if she has to use traps, nets, ropes--whatever
>All she knows is that she needs to get this monkey off of our streets
>Also, the monkey is pregnant
>Nobody knows how this happened, just that human biology be whack bro
>Still, they're delighted that Anon is going to be a father/mother soon
>Rarity is planning a baby shower
>Meanwhile, you spend your vacation doing whatever it is that you're doing right now
>But doing the vacation version of it, so it's more fun
That poor ape
Good thing she isn't smart enough to find Anon.
I like to think that he somehow ended up replacing the missing chimp somehow, probably through a series of wacky misunderstandings

Then Lyra shows up, cause it turns out she was dressed up as one of the chimps the entire time; so now they're locked in a cage together. Bon Bon doesn't approve, obviously. She likes to stand behind the railing and throw peanuts at the two of you.
Yeah that sounds about right
Yes. She’s throws peanuts at the two of you while having sex. Because ponies are sexy.
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I think dude bro Twilight would do a better job at guessing my fetish than regular Twi
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>No she wouldn't!
It has been over a decade, you should take a hint. Fetish guessing isn't a cutie mark.
Nor does it work.
Have you ever considered the thought that finding an Anon's fetish is not the way to win their heart?
Just sayin'...
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>"Nah. It'll work. Fluttershy can't lose if she keeps trying. Now get out there."
>"I don't..." Fluttershy sighs, feeling Dash jostle her back with that friendly, rough hoof she has.
>"Oh, do I have to do it again today, Rainbow Dash?"
>"You asked for my help, didn't ya?"
>"That was ten years ago..."
>"So get out there!"
>"O-Okay..." Fluttershy shoots you an apologetic look from behind her mane.
>"Don't worry, you got this," Rainbow says, grabbing Fluttershy by the flanks.
>She shoves forward, practically into your legs.
>You see Fluttershy walking unsteadily, swaying a bit before falling before your feet.
>As her chin tucks against your shoes, you notice something.
>Something is sticking out from under her tail.
>It's a foreign object, tubular; and it's in her ass.
>"Is this Pringles can your fetish?"
>"Yeah, is it?" Dash cheers. "It's stuck in her ass!"
>"It won't come out..."
>Dash grins widely.
>Fluttershy squeaks in terror, still lying on the ground.
>She looks up at you.
>"Please help me..."
Nah. It's been over a decade. Go fuck yourself.
>Placing your foot on her forehead, you gently scoot her back, enough to push the mat off the front step, before slamming the door in her face.
>From behind the door, you hear Dash sigh with determination.
>"Well, we'll just try again tomorrow."
>"Please no..."
>She grabs Fluttershy's tail in her teeth and flies off, dragging the yellow pegasus on the ground behind her.
>With Fluttershy smacking her chin against every rock that's there, and Dash seemingly going out of her way to fly over them.
>She never should have asked her friends for help all those years ago.
>Fucking Fluttershy
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late night boop
I almost feel bad for her
So this whole time the daily fetish guess ritual has actually been topcunt’s fault?
It’s Dash’s way of finding it out through someone else so SHE can get your dick.
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Presumably she is unaware of the meme, then.
It’s not impossible
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>"What would you say to a day at the beach, Anon?"
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>"And then, after the sun goes down...SQUEE!"
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Is your mom gonna be there with us?
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Is Pinkie gonna be there with us?
She needs to calm the fuck down...
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Only Fluttershy could sleep lewdly AT (You).
kinda nice seeing her sleeping peacefully.
no it's not my fetish.
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late night boop
Here's a longshot. Anyone have this Slasher story about Moon Dancer that didn't get saved? It's not on poneb.in and I couldn't find it in that mega folder thing that's in the masterlist.

>2017 was seven years ago
holy crap Lois
she's in your bed dood
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>"Is van life your fetish?"
>no wings
She worked very hard practicing that
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Back to 1.
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You fools!!
Will you try again at
She really does seem like the type to live in a van down by the river.
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late night boop
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oh no you don't
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>"Well hello there, Anon."
>"(You) let the thread get to page 9."
>"So they asked me if I would come and rape you."
>"So of COURSE I said YES!"
Would a time traveling Glim Glam get into a fight with her past self to rape Anon? Her fragile ego probably wouldn't allow herself to share.
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At last she gets to fulfil her desire...
I’m sure she’s aware of the butterfly effect that could cause
is that that thing where she turns you into a butterfly before sucking you into her ponut?
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>TFW pg1
I don’t think Glim Glam considers her own actions before doing them. Her modus operandi is use magic to cause and fix the problem.
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>magic rape
Found this ass kissing green on Ponepaste today. Might as well post it here.
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late night boop
Reminder; While Fluttershy is an absolute dunce and completely inept in wooing you, her friends share no such troubles. If they can’t win you over, they will >rape. And there’s not really much you can do to stop them.
This, Fluttershy at least has some sort of code to follow
She's very courteous about it, all things considered
She's the least dangerous and yet the most persistent at the same time
She also won't sneak onto your roof at night and destroy your A/C so you're forced to leave your windows open to beat the summer heat. Unlike some other ponies.
fucking Applejack
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>"Hey Anon, is surfing your fetish?"
>She's just thinking over and over again
Beach Bunny Fluttershy
>She's no social butterfly, but she'll come out and try to win the surfing competition
>For Anon
>Anon is the big kahuna of the beach
>All the mares want him but he doesn't just want any pony
>Only the most bodacious surfing babe can be his bride, and live with him in his van on the beach
>Fluttershy wants to be that babe
>She has no hope of winning Anon's competition though
>There's only one pony that's even come close to being a good enough surfer to win
>Can Fluttershy find her and get her to teach her the ways of the surf
>or will she just end up a Beach Bummer Fluttershy instead?
oh, and the water is filled with sea mines too, as well as an elusive species known only as the Fucktopus
And you HAVE to jump the shark.
Yeah, and you can't just jump the shark either. You have to subvert his expectations somehow. You know, just jumping ain't enough anymore. You have to surprise him with the way you jump now too.
I think she should wear a lobster costume.
The Fucktopus is just Fluttershy underwater isn’t it
>In a separate universe.
>Another Equestria.
>A different rape dungeon.
>You are Anonymous, Dark Priest.
>The ancient spell cracks out into the hallways with thunderous intent, lightning tickling the cold stone walls.
>Hours earlier, but not many.
>Rainbow Dash stands at your side.
>"You're really out of beer?"
>Fluttershy's body lay dead, cold.
You are absolutely an acoholic,
>"I am not!"
>You aptly ignore that and the ten hour conversation it would involve.
>Dash sighs.
>"So, what's the plan?"
>The pegasus points to your dead rapist on the floor.
I was thinking a nice throw rug would be in order, she always wanted to be thrown around by me.
>Dash's eyes soften.
>"I know she might be a registered sex offender, but she's my friend."
>"And I don't think getting mauled to death by a bear is EXACTLY the best way to go out.."
If she hadn't snuck all that viagra into our food supply it wouldn't have happened..
>You gesture lightly to the bears corpse, still as erect as Celestia's horn is hard.
>You withdraw the blade from your side holder, slicing your hand, the spell begins to trickle from your pallid lips.
Ia Ia, Fl'oy'd Jio'rge..
>You watch, the blood from your hand finding it's way to her wounds..watching as it slithers inside, only to have each entry area or bruise vanish away.
>Fluttershy's eyes pop open, though they do not look living, she sits up gasping like a fish drowning on land.
>"Welcome back Flutters!"
>Pinkie says.
>Nearly forgot she was here.
>"Welcome back Fluttershy!! We missed you so much much much!"
>Pinkie swoops in to hug the undead pony..
>Only to pull back with an abject look of disgust on her face, though she tries her best to hide it away.
>"So cold..."
>Fluttershy turns to look at you.
>"What.. happened?"
The bear.
>Jizz rolls down the bears dead cock.
>Your blade finds it's way back home into the sheath.
If we're all done with roofies and theatrics, we have a dungeon to crawl.
>"Wer'e going to the crypts yeah? Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah?"
>"Yeah! You said we could find some before.."
>Hold up a hand to interrupt Dash.
>Fluttershy is quiet, looking out at nothing.
>"WOOOOO! First pony there is a rotten egg~!"
>Off goes the Pink Pony like an autistic weasel down a rabbit hole.
>"Whuh-Hey-hey! Wait for me Pinkie!"
Better catch up to her,
>"Hey! No need to tell me-last time she took everything and spent it all on that stupid gold slinky!"
>Off zips Rainbow Dash.
>You and Fluttershy walk, not trying too hard to catch up with the other two.
>They can handle themselves.
>Plus you want to keep an eye on Fluttershy.
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You wish.
>You don't talk much to her.
>Well, generally you don't talk much at all to anyone.
>God you're lonely.
>But that's the life of a Dark Priest.
>Black magic, loneliness, selling creatine powder.
>Wouldn't change it for the world.
>Each step on the ground produces a click from the heels of your black boots, which are followed by the softer pace of the yellow ponies hooves.
>While you may not talk much to Fluttershy,
>She makes sure to talk much to you..normally.
>Her silence since her resurrection sets you on guard.
>You may have fucked up the spell.
Have you ever been impregnated?
Have you ever-
>A long groan echoes out behind you, followed by heavy scratching noises.
We should speed up a bit here.
>So you do, Fluttershy follows behind you at a close prance.
>You sprint until you can't hear the noises anymore.
>Your breath heavy like a lead balloon, the stale air of the dungeon tasting foul on your breath.
>You assume at first you've finally entered the crypts.
>A glance around the area shows that you haven't
>Your surroundings consist of a circular room like section.
>The walls are covered in scantily dressed Japonese school foal posters.
>Alongside that, several life size figurines of school foals, covered in some sort of slimey fluid.
>The stale air here is no longer just of the scent of cobwebs, dust and mildew.
>But now smells highly of something similar to axe body spray.
>It takes a moment but there's another new sound-
>"What's that?"
>Asks Fluttershy, who seems unaffected by whatever the answer would be.
It..sounds like...cicadas?
...Fluttershy, have you seen Pinkie or Dash since we caught up here?
>She shakes her head.
>The chittering, insectoid noises get louder and louder.
>Followed then by buzzing, it seems to be somehow all around you but no discernible source.
>Then you look up and see stuck to the ceiling in green slime your two party members. Barely illuminated by the torches in the room.
>And around them thousands...and thousands of-
Oh no!
We're being attacked by Democrats!
Oh dear
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late night boop
>child molesters
Forgot it was still pride month. Wish anon luck against the rainbow brigade
a mean 6 herd vs. main 6 herd story as they battle for the HMD (and your love but only for the main 6)
They would never work together thankfully. Mean 6 barely work together.
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>Ruins Fluttershy's chances with Anon forever
>Looking down at Pg8 from Pg1.
she is hot as fuck. I love her
They’ve got no chance
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green chicks turn me on
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late night boop
You can fly, you should be air surfing.
i'm a firm believer that the gold slinky will come in handy someday
also, damn, Fluttershy died? that's rough
It’s not impossible
Old meme but still accurate.
I'll have Eris, please.
Can’t blame you, she’s an excellent rapist
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And damned cute, too.
Well yeah, that probably helped her get in S tier
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>"Anon, you fucking clown, where's my god-damned greentext? This company runs on money; I want clicks, sales, and ad revenue, not some lonely slut's wet dreams!"
You don’t even have a company anymore, you just keep trying your operation in my fucking living room.
Didn't the ERS fine the shit out of you for 12 years of unpaid taxes?
Fluttershy had put Anon under company assets without his knowledge, when the ERS came knocking they claimed his dumb butt. Currently he grabs coffee so they can slap his rump when he passes by. At least is isn't fucking Fluttershy.
why is rd bad? applejack would break your hips and rest are probably into some fucked up shit, but why rd?
Well yeah, that's why she's not as bad as AJ.
That’s a dangerous request anon
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This mare will rape (You) in your sleep tonight unless you reply to this post.
I don’t even know who she is
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But she knows who (You) are.
She seems a little too desperate
I'll let Fluttershy rape her to display dominance. Only the best can attempt me and none have beaten her yet recently.
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late night boop
I dunno that’s pretty cute
Correct horse.
How are you supposed to rape on page 10?
You tread carefully to avoid it.
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don't let her catch you
That's fantastic
This is really good
Looks like a new FR header pic.

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