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ITT: your waifu reacts to your cock size. picrel. mine's tiny, if that wasnt clear
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the volumetric mouth is so fucking ugly who do people like it
It took dropping the pants until AJ realized that?
humans are much bigger than ponies in ever facet including dicks btw. they're tiny little ponies, not big irl horses. only alicorns could compete and even then barely so.
dont worry bro shes the element of loyalty so shes stuck with dat micro ya got
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Trips of Satan confirm that showing Rainbow Dash your penis will turn her into a alicorn
Dashie wanted cakie for her birthie
Let me see a drawing diagram of that, because I doubt it.
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The everlasting cope post
clever way to get porn anon
Monkeyfag cope lol. But why does it matter if every anon gets their own Equestria with specific headcanons. Just don't be so insecure retard.
the everlasting ptfgnigger seething
>Everyone who doesn't submit to my ultragay power fantasy is a ptfgfag
truth struck a nerve didn't it? Those ponies are TINY fag. cry about it.
>Small dick energy
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if you wanna deny basic reality for your shitty fetishes go right ahead but don't accuse me of coping just because your retarded horsecock fetish gets deboonked.
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Average horsecock on ponies is the size of your elbow to arm. You are coping pretty hard
didn't read, take your horsecock fetish elsewhere >>>/trash/
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You did read, and seething about the truth
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>it's only a dumb power fantasy if you stay the same species
when are you dumb zoomers gonna fuck off from spaces you don't belong? all the ptfg and anonstallion bullshit wasn't nearly as prevalent until you genuine sub 80 iq autists joined in. This is the board for horsefuckers, if you don't like it then fuck off.
>Small dick energy
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>Twilight horrified to think about how such a species breeds
>Fluttershy worried about what might happen to a pony
>Rarity's fear winning over her temptation
>Applejack surprised to see one bigger than Big Mac's
>Dash dreading how long she'd be unable to walk
>Pinkie excited to finally get a real toy capable of pleasing her
Back to fimfiction
womp womp
>>>r/cuckold with you
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Go be a dickless fag somewhere else.
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go back to tiktok and tumblr. stay in your safe place because you obviously don't belong here, at the very least lurk for a year or more before you post again.
>Trve to poni: Gunna make it to equestria

>Dishonest: Not gunna make it to equestria with furry lite flandarization
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No, go away Twilight no one likes you
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>"Not bad, Anon, but mine's bigger"
wow you (You)'d a bunch of posts!
I want to lay down under her and collect all her drool in my mouth :O
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holy unf
glimmy gluk gluk
Statistically, 3 of the big cock claimers are telling the truth OwO
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some genuine fags itt who don't want pony puss
Make her butt normal size and i wouldnt even last one minute in this scenario
>Furry proportions
>Furry dialog
Monkoids aren't sending their best
Don't disrespect the monks, bro.
If they are monks then why are they coombrains?
Why are there so many cucks in this thread?
Did you mean to post this on /lgbt/?
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this. they didn't do shit!
fuck you monk hater!
no idea, debating between educating newfags directly or just drowning them out.
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This doesn't even make any sense, cumbrains are truly brainrotted
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Wait, whose cock is being reacted to?
I'm trying to find what started the discussion, I just don't get it
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(You)rs, there's no other males in the room anon.
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Ick. Why is there so much emphasis on making foals in this fandom? Fuck those shrieky ass demons abort them for all i care
you're trying too hard anon, for this whole thread. here have a pity (You).
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Absolutely sickening post.
...on 'eck
Fluttershy's entranced
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>rainbow's nervous laughter
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Furries barged into a joke thread and spewed their hmd /hmoff/ autism everywhere
She's horrified, you have face-blindness
why are you guys so gay
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what is hmd?
Anons with a room temperature IQ are both the most gullible and the most vocal
>trying to flip the narrative
>still crying abuout his dumb horsecock fetish while calling others furries
One of their shitty mantras like "X looks like it fucks humans"
sorry that this isn't a ptfg or anonstallion thread bro
thats based n g l
>Sockpuppets are based
Twitter is for you
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yeah and it outs actual furries, octards, and transformation autists by making them seethe.
i dont know what youre trying to say
Then you're clearly retarded. It's putting your own words into a pony's mouth, no matter how ooc it is just to fulfill some self-masturbation like all furries do
when did i ever say i wanted to do that?
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if you don't want to fuck horse pussy you don't belong here, simple as.
A lot of assumptions and nothing to grab onto as an argument
Big L
since when are shadows against the rules?
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lmao it's fiction you retard. furries didn't invent fantasizing and there's nothing saying these characters wouldn't behave this way, not everything you don't like has some ooc copout critique.
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In case anyone’s curious these 2 anons are arguing about whose cock is smaller using coded language. They’re rapidly approaching Planck length territory and it’s getting difficult to keep score, but they both seem determined to win the coveted title of Microcock

This one’s gonna be close, folks
pls explain
anyway you faggots need to stop being retarded and thinking you can decide how youll end up in equestria.
Ah yes the ultimate slop content, Lyra who has no other braincells dedicated to anything other than HUMAN HUMAN HUMAN. Post discarded.
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you reveal everything about yourself in your incessant seething over wanting to fuck ponies.
>thinking you can decide how you'll end up in Equestria
see, seething ptfg tard, called it.
im the guy he was saying wanted sockpuppets? what im trying to say is you faggots shouldnt care how you end up as there as long as you get there.
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if pic related makes you seethe you don't belong here.
dude if im ending up in equestria at all in the first place it's clearly like. a magical thing. and if that force is kind and powerful enough to put me in equestria it's also going to put into consideration our ideal forms and shit. TLDR personalized equestrias for everyone. BTW I want anonstallion x anonmare (formerly male anon) sex and nobody can stop me
you're in the wrong thread for that.
here >>41235226
Shit take. Painted-green bald man is the worst iteration out of all Anonymous
>shit take
fine normal skinned human with hair, just don't be a retarded furry about it and add some dumb transformation fetish into it.
>unf unf ooc plap plap plap
I'm not the furry here, you are.
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Not either of the dramafags, but could I kiss you? You're looking positively gorgeous tonight.
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>still crying
you've had ample time to fuck off to your shitty threads where you don't have to project your furfaggotry onto others.
see! do you fucking see!
What I see is some /pol/tier autistic cope
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>noo ponies can't be sexually attracted to humans it's ooc
>ad infinitum despite the flwed logic
lol lmao
what if i want to become a mare who fucks human men, huh? am i ooc then?
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alright you can keep crying itt, don't let me stop you
Calling it flawed logic while posting low hanging fruit is actually pathetic. Just admit to being a furry, you do the same thing
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is this that guy who thinks anon the human and anon as a pony are two completely different characters?
Not only that, you have to recreate the nipple scene from Meet the Parents, with Rainbow Dash, who is now playing Robert De Niro's former role, delivering the line
>"I have nipples, Anon. Could you milk me?"
>Become a mare
You are already in the closet
>Fuck human man
You are a gayboy
it is a mystery
Why would you think that? If you take a AiE powerfantasy story and make it about anonstallion instead you still got a powerfantasy story
if i become a mare it is not gay. i would have a biological horse pussy.
But you have the memories and brain of a man, you're just gay with more mental gymnastics
assuming i become transformed into a mare the structure of my brain would change. i would no longer be a man. whos to say i would keep my memories?
Why consider it you at that point?
>muh soul
Man soul.
>Not keeping your memories
This is some kind of retarded suicide without outright coming to terms with it. Totally mentally ill
because i would be living it out. youre going to fuck me and youre going to like it.
There is no "You" without your life experiences, retard.
and how about instead of putting words in my mouth you shove your cock in there instead?
i want to cum in anon?
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no, you're doing it wrong
here let me show you
fuck i cant stop thinking about it. i think this thread has awoken me. the /ptfg/s got me. i am going to make a mare oc to fantasize as. maybe i will use the one i used in marequest.
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lol got another one welcome to the herd retard!
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Don't listen to that other anon, you're doing it right.
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If this is true then
Celestia is at least 6'6"
Redo your calculations.
i will fantasize about fucking (you)r ass
Why does my penis hurt
Oh man... the disappointment
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have fun bro. i know i will.
Explain yours
Celestia should be large. Simple as.
She is large in comparison to the ponies. An Elephant isn't short because they aren't as tall as a Giraffe.
Celestia being shorter than most humans is wrong.
just think she can get bigger with magic then if that bother you so much
The chart was made by some insecure manlet faggot, just print it out and use it as toilet paper
>board for horsefuckers
>filled with eqg and anthro

lol n/i/gger
>he doesn't like thick asses
don't worry other chans have a zoo board for you
You have a strong argument and speak with authority. You are correct.
She is that tall to reach you SOLAR plexus
she stil is when compared to the other ponies
Most humans are 5'6'-5'10.
Smelly dumb, ESL scum
Smart noble, ESL chum
>Your bias matches with mine. You are correct.
Yes, and?
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It gets bigger, I swear.
Damn horse...
anthro is banned here but nice bait
Actually me.
My dick is really dark compared to the rest of my body.
She is still taller if you include her horn
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this post was made by a fat purple mare
>"I hate myself, so I'm superior!"
The truth will set you free.
But he's right.
>talking about yourself in the 3rd person
c'mon anon having a small dick is one thing but samefagging? that's just unforgivable.
I'm not him, just being honest. But yeah I do have a small dick and that is unforgivable IRL. But we're all outclassed by stallions and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
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>tfw she's so pent up she instacums at a mere sight of sone salty hyooman weiner
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speak for yourself. those tiny ponies have got nothing on your average human.
Absolute Copium. What vintage is it?
look I don't live in your fantasy land where ponies have horse dicks that extend past their torsos. proportionally they reach their "belly buttons" (they're ponies not full grown horses) which is gonna be no bigger than anything a human has. This bigger than a human nonsense is thoughtless headcanon for those who wanna suck horsecock or be a pony, both are pure faggotry. call it whatever you want just don't involve me in this horsecock obsession.
That's a lot of words for being a coping faggot. Do you want me to fuck your waifu when I get to Equestria as a stallion? It's not really your fault you can't hope to satisfy her.
ive hidden all replies to the initial post so whatever you might be saying about how great horse peen is is falling on deaf ears.
I just think that ponies have evolved to have smaller dicks than their primal counterparts as they evolved to have sex for pleasure, since a horse vagina's pleasure receptors are near the entrance.
It doesn't matter if you're a human dicklet or if you get TF'd, it will still feel extremely good for your wife. It will probably feel bad for you if you're into humiliation and getting YABBA'd, because get fucked for having a shit fetish, retard.
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She'd be happy enough.
I ain't a monster cock owner but I'm also nothing to sneeze at.
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>tfw she pants you in front of all of ponyville
yes big mac is a fag
Shetland ponies still have bigger dicks than humans and MLP ponies are literally in their size range. This actually proves the opposite.
nice headcanon, keep sucking horse dick bro!
they look a lot longer than mlp ponies. That's ignoring the fact that they aren't based off of shetlands in the first place.
Stop pretending you speak for the ponies you sick fucks. Fine pretend you speak through the Mane6.

I'm 5'2 ft tall, 90 pounds and have a 7 inch cock. What's your reaction to me?

what is your reaction to me?you multiple personality disorder freaks pretending to be 6 personalities in one? take note that I didn't mention my eye color so your ugoo bugoo mexicans don't get jealous and start ranting and ignoring the question.
What kind of fucking midget are you?
>hypermanlet is mindbroken by his own shortness and develops schizophrenia
Sad stuff. You hate to see it.
I could genuinely fastball special this little gremlin across Ponyville holy shit
Fluttershy vomiting.gif
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Too thick, the novelty of it would pass really quickly with how fast it'd change to pain for her
It's also one of the reasons I'm a macro fag
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>It's t-too thick trust me bro
>90 pounds?
dude how can you fuck yourself up like this
eat more you decrepit fucker i dont think you have that much blood to pump up your dick to begin with
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>I'm 5'2 ft tall, 90 pounds and have a 7 inch cock. What's your reaction to me?
This man is a rape goblin ripped straight from some jap hentai.
>5'2 ft tall, 90 pounds and have a 7 inch cock
Anons are just jealous they aren't JTRHNBR for their waifus like this guy
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I'm actually very similar in size. Barely two inches taller, and slightly above 7", but not much heavier. I don't think I've ever been above, say, 102 pounds in my whole life. I'm just not big on eating... or big in general.
I'm going to go to Equestria and frot with all the stallions! (Their cocks are much bigger than mine and that's hot.)
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> She doesn't care about the size of my human wiener.
> Average sized is still fun sized for her.
> She is The Best Waifu (tm)
Based fun horse enjoyer
Uhm. I'm a HiEfag but I want to play with both mares and the stallions too. I want to introduce the cute ones to the handjob.
Post lyras.
I seethed because I'm not him. What now?
>it's also going to put into consideration our ideal forms and shit
It aint gotta do shit.
>nobody can stop me
Now this is based and you'll get what you want. The people who can't fantasize when someone else's fantasy doesn't fit it are retarded.
I just looked at my cock with this new revelation. It was made for pony pussy.
It will be a pleasure to fuck all the ptfags with my human body. Don't worry. I'll make it nice.
Imagine the ponies casually asking you to give them hornjobs. And when you say it's weird, they say what do you mean it's completely normal and not sexual. Like giving a friend a hug normal. Even though you've never seen this happen because ponies don't have fucking hands, you agree to it. You blush as much as she does when she gets into it, saying
>yeah just like that you HUMAN!
>U-UNF yeah, nice and slow, squueze it a bit harder!
Finally she has what appears to be an orgasn, her face squinting and followed by ahegao.
Then she thanks you and continues with a normal conversation.

These fucking ponies, man.
>What's your reaction to me?
I give you a cheeseburger. Jesus dude. Eat.
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I want to give the Princess a hornjob.
>I just looked at some circlejerk meme and confirmed my confirmation bias
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I just cringe because Anon is peak wish-fulfillment faggotry. Up there with the most cringe of super-special OCs.
You're not wrong, assuming the anon is an insert and not Anon the Character™.
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Unf she WANTS it.
Sounds like you hate yourself.
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(You)'r goddamn right.
Eat more. I don’t want to look at you when I get to Marefair. Sure, you won’t look as good in your sisters panties but it’s worth it to gain the respect of mares. They won’t date someone who looks weak and sick all the time.
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>what if she becomes obsessed with your pp to the point you have to hide from her
This anon will still need to use a bucket, only he won’t be the one standing on it
Yeah... same
100% This.
Your pp is not made for pony but mine is.
>i just cringe because adult men enjoying a girls toy cartoon is just peak cringe
Hopefully you can see that if we gave a shit about opinions, we couldn't even be here. Now go back if you can't.
Ironic autistic screeching.
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>Anon is peak wish-fulfillment faggotry
And that’s wrong because?
5.7 in. Feels bad man...
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where is the downside in that?
>Hide it in her
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> Someone said hide&seek ??
> Wow Anon, that's awesome !!
> she genuinely wants to play hide&seek, no sexy meanings between the lines
They are though, G4 is a derivative of G1 which is very obviously trying to be Shetlands.
The bulk was lost but its not like they were trying to be a different pony like G2.
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G-gigantic...I only ever see one that's like 3.6 in

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