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The /mu/ Wiki:

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Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

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I've warmed up to it. It slaps when played in the car
i just wanna see if she's a mutt too or not
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was xg good at coachella?

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Have your musical tastes ever gotten you laid?
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>IMed me because she liked the Megadeth lyrics in my AOL profile
I want to go back ;_;
theres some songs where they talk about deep throating and hitting the back of her throat singing about it and i have to wonder how much sex and with what kind of women one would have to have to be able to sing let alone listen to it do people just drown out the vulgar lyrics?
My nigga that was unreadable, learn about punctuation marks please
He thought the gang shit was real and got charged with a bunch of gun and gang offences, then he ratted on everyone to stay out of jail. Later on a bunch of people bashed him inside a Planet Fitness for being a rat.
A quick reminder that /mu/ isn't /tv/

2.6 Rating, RYM Filtered Edition


Garbage General:

Only Perceptible:
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>'brutal' is our word you're not allowed to use it brahbrah
Tell him to share his thoughts on Cradle of Filth's EP V Empire, or listen to it if he hasn't.
Now that's some pooooooooooser ass canoe shit bruhskie
Tell him to suck my cock

>The cover art shows "a nude man kneeling on a bed and holding an upside-down baby doll".
>The photograph was taken by Xiu Xiu frontperson Jamie Stewart, who met the photo's subject, a prostitute, at a gay cruising spot in Hanoi, Vietnam, and paid the man to take photos with the baby.
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Muslims don’t deserve freedom
People with good taste
Sorry you're so basic that you got filtered by this classic pedopop bop
name 1 (one) good song of his.
Israelis deserve to be hostages
I haven't been able to listen to Xiu Xiu since they removed Black Dick from Angel Guts. It's one thing to apologize for problematic art, that's fine, but something about retroactively sanitizing it and trying to retcon it into being more palatable for a zeitgeist with a new and rapidly shifting set of norms gives me the heebie-jeebies, especially if that piece is supposed to be one that is deliberately provocative in the first place. It kind of compromised my view of Xiu Xiu as a whole. I used to see them as a fearless and outspoken group prone to statements that are bound to upset but that appeal is lost when they begin to revise those statements to make them safer and more limp. For the love of God, make a definitive statement that is permanent, immutable and etched in stone even if you don't stand by it later.

I don't even really like Black Dick, that's the funny thing. I found the song kind of offensive when it was released.

I hate this neo-evangelical obsession with political purity and I fucking hate the impermanence of streaming.

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Uhhhh, Damonbros... what is this ?
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Zoomers don't know who Blur is
Oasis could headline coachella and itd be awesome
It's a one hit wonder trust fund band that was relevant before anyone in the audience was even born
what did they expect?
Gorillaz self titled is the only good album he's ever done
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>some boring boomer straight out of /fa/ trying as hard as he can to be anything but 2-D
Was this performance supposed to make me Feel Good (Inc) or what? Holy shit.

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Well Jack climbed the beanstalk but Kerkorian ate the buckshot
>verification not required
The Star-Spangled Banner

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Nah man, vaporwave has been around for +10 years now.
And it's been dead since 2015, so what?
It's not though. That's an advantage of being ephemeral and parascopic by design, it cruises on the waves of nostalgia which never really die.
vaporwave is a literal audio shitpost
it shouldve never became what it is today
>It only took four days to slow down some k-pop songs and some songs from Sonic R and put glitching effects on them

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jazz peaked here
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>Japan is so great that their enemies literally have to compare Japan (a singular country with a population of 125 million) to the Western world (70 countries with a population over a billion) to make a point
Where did everything go so right?
No, you don't understand. I NEED to compare the WEST to Japan so that when I can't name something from my preferred country I can dig up some obscure demo from Liechtenstein I never heard of that I quickly found on RYM 5 minutes ago to win the argument
(Keith Rowe aside) All the Japanese artists on Erstwhile and Ftarri are superior EAI performers.
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>Not even peak weeb jazz trio
link to album plox

Are there any good blends between extreme metal genres (goregrind, grindcore, deathcore) and elements of psychedelic rock (swirling, hypnotic melodies, complex riffs, experimental soundscapes, layered arrangements, reverb, delay, phasing)? I would really appreciate any album or song recommendations.
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Cynic's Focus and Sigh's Imaginary Sonicscape.
>verification not required

Rameau edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>121368186
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for me it's Gergiev and LSO with the prog metal looking cover
great recording
Based and redpilled.
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now playing

Thanks for the rec, I'll use that one for the next-next re-listen.
>actually thinking evolution is the only justification for lived experience
What a sad existence you must live. No love, no happiness, no faith in higher ideals, an utterly black, dead, void of an existence. As black and hidden from the wrest of us as Tartarus itself!
see >>121408594 faggot
>nothing philosophical beyond that

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Let’s hear it
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Hawaii Nostalgic Instrumental

> chill guitar


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hay this track im very proud of please give er a listen, i will return any interactions :p

great stuff in this thread, recs below
>>121408683 as always phenomenal
latest draft song:
Should I throw out the front, or make it work?

Recently organised and 'completed' sets:

Not sure what direction to take my music next, I'm kind of up to a next effort.

no tracks uploaded in last year skipped
make a song with the bit at 0:30 it is good

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Ty dog. Earthbound soundfonts go hard

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Mars Alien™ amplifier edition
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post a voca
oh wait, youre not allowed to use your amp kek
>voca de macaco
please no
>134 dollars
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Be born with Mozart-tier prodigal talent
SOPHIE wasn't pretending to be female, she was better
The whole leaked music video for Transnation is on youtube now

Because it's annoying art school kid shit to ask people to always refer to you by name in a stilted manner and avoid using pronouns entirely, she was possibly the greatest producer of the 21st century to date but the fact she died after one album trying to freehand-climb her way from her balcony to the rooftop up the side of a building like Tobey Maguire's Spiderman and nobody stopped her probably tells you something about what she was like as a person
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Apparently this book was a core influence on her life and she wanted to adapt it into an opera one day, has anybody here read it?
Jasmine magnetize inspired? ⊙
>verification not required

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