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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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Last one

Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!
Need help identifying a chassis?

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Accord touring
Accord the correct and only choice for daily car
That makes it a lot simpler then. Be careful about them trying to tack on extra shit and gap coverage. You probably aren't going to get much of a deal but try not to get fucked
>tenth gen civic
Gonna have to get one of those midsize beauties if the CM ever dies.

If it ever dies.

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there are lots of preventable faults with vehicles manufacturers won't fix unless the government force them to like in the pictured example. they had to be forced to rustproof cars better.
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The issue is when's too much? The problem with regulatory bodies is that they have to constantly make new rules or revise existing ones or they're out of business.
Yeh GM only bothered commissioning that study when rust warranties started to appear. They could have done it years before but had no real motivation to.
I'm all for it if it makes sense. Once they switched to catalytic converters and unleaded gas the smog around large cities cleared and you can see the skyline every day now (well, most days, looking at you, LA).
A lot of the "safety" shit is usually just a band-aid for how huge modern cars are and just adds weight and distracts the driver. It has also led to mass surveillance in the same of "safety."
>The problem with regulatory bodies is that they have to constantly make new rules or revise existing ones or they're out of business.
This is a very important point.
>if you remove the government required standard tire pressure monitor system and back up systems you could drop the price of every car $2000 or more.
brother you are retarded as fuck. a new mitsubishi mirage is like 15k, you really think 15% of the value of the car comes from a $50 set of sensors and a $200 camera? and furthermore those things didn't magically pop into existence because the government said so. they started being implemented into cars because that's what consumers wanted. they were already common options on cars for years and years before govt mandates. but most importantly, removing regulations won't make them go away. no car maker in the world would start selling a new car, at least in the western world, without those things even if they had the choice. no one would want it. people get accustomed to convenience.
What I meant is the NHTSA began requiring vinyl dashes on USDM cars starting in 1968. The manufacturers had no problem with this because the vinyl dashes weighed less and cost less than the old metal ones. The transition to FWD during the '80s also reduced costs and provided many other useful advantages.

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shopping basket thread

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webms, and streamables
>Motorcycle adventure greentexts
>rip gn, gaymoo, indian, pink horny
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>Motorcycle ice riding techniques
>don't buy EV motorcycles
>shopping basket mounting solutions
>put the stickers on your bike
>class, (ear) plug(s)


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>The highways here are a war zone. Absolutely.
On what?
I'm looking into that carpe iter stuff but its pretty expensive for just a fancy tablet and I doubt the mount will fit on a non adventure bike.
> Doing that shit
> Doing that shit, but on 20
Good luck, and don't die, anon. What ear-pro have you found that handles that much windnoise?
I remember driving to California solely on a map quest printout in 2010 and it was the last time I felt like I could truly get lost. It was fun.

I quite know what you're trying to convey, but the emotion is coming across and I feel it everytime I get on my bike.

I'll have to look up carpe iter, I'm not familiar with it. I'll update dbt if this unit is any good when it comes out and show my setup if I decide it will work and I'm going to keep it.

So, what's the catch?
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It's not a "meme," it's just an all inclusive acronym for the cars currently being sold, and the cars that mostly get posted here in general. Mostly.
Kamala LOST faggot.
No usglets left behind
You'll never fit democrat.
How does one "fit democrat?"

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the virgin creeper vs the chad sheet of cardboard
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>he folded the cardboard to make it thicker
Well look at Mr.fancy pants with his luxury creeper.
>Calls others fancy pants
>Has his own spot to wrench
Don't talk to me unless you have nowhere to wrench but a sunny, sandy, public park. You rich people and your concrete make me sick.
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So comfy I can fall asleep under my car during a spring afternoon.
Bold of you to assume I have a paved driveway, I lay in the dirt.
My dad calls those "Mexican creepers"

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Which state has the shittiest self entitled drivers?
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The strangest thing in the east bay - there’s a stretch of 880 around Berkeley where the limit is 65 and everyone drives 55, then it drops to 55 and everyone drives 70. I could never figure that one out.
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>they will cut you off constantly
Maybe if you let me in after I've had my blinker on for the past mile I wouldn't have to cut you off
Being high on coke.
That's literally just how black or indigenous criminals of color drive
They do it on purpose to make you mad so that if you say something, it is seen as racist
It's also why they walk so slow on the sidewalk if there's someone behind them despite being the fastest runners
They do the same when they cross the street lol

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Bullshit asshole, no one likes the tuna here.
You never had your tuna.
in n out is still under 10 dollars for a double double combo
fucking love in n out
Brian was trying to taste Mia’s tuna sandwich if you catch my drift
>no crust
He was telling her to shave that jungle she had going on.

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.

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Somesort of Dodge that's old from the 1950s.
Still assessing the damage on the Galaxie. Did an oil change and despite the oil only having like 300 miles on it, it was super black and smelled varnished.

Found out that my alternator is only keeping the battery at 12.2-3, so need a new one. I found a adapter kit for GM alternators to Ford motors so I'm gonna try that vs having to drill out the alternator hole. I'm torn between doing an Amazon special or a quality high out put alternator since idk if I want to keep the car
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1967 dodge phoenix. RHD plymouth fury of the same year. apparently shipped to oz as a complete knock down kit, then factory converted to RHD.
Roger. I'd buy a strayan v8 car if I ever moved to bongland.
Could be worse, on my other classic-car-which-is-old-enough-to-be-a-classic-but-isn't-for-the-purposes-of-this-general, I had to pull the engine entirely to have room to drop its pan. The other option was dropping the subframe out but I decided on pulling the engine since I already needed to separate the engine and transmission to do the clutch at the same time too.

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>ywn work at a tuner shop in its heyday and work on legendary machines you care about

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There is no such thing as a perfect car, but I have never seen anyone say that this car sucks.
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*deafening busracer noises*
911s come with geriatric dentist cringe. They're the generic buy for people with middle management money who aren't into cars.
brainrot take
this board is for car enthusiasts not status wankers
Porsche had double wishbones on all those cars you dipshit. Maybe you can make an exception for the 935 but that had lower bones which a NARP doesn’t have: God damn I hate this board
I’ll fucking murder yo if you modified your M5 you pathetic poorfag. Just leave it stock

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Why are EVfags delusional about the fundamental issues with the technology?

> batteries are never good enough and manufacturers constantly lie about the estimated range (which is not true if youre going uphill, in winter, or going fast on a highway)
> working on EVs will NEVER be safe owning to the fact that 400+V wiring is everywhere, and a wrong touch can kill a mechanic or a first responder
> battery packs are inherently unsafe - even if you somehow magically managed to construct one that doesn't catch fire, shorting it will make it turn into a furnace from the heat output, meaning something in the car or its environment will catch fire and burn for 24+ hours
> battery packs are wired in series, meaning even if you have 20 cells, which could be redundant, even if ONE fails (or just goes out of sync with the others), the whole battery is scrap
> fast 100+kW chargers draw so much fucking power that for a 20+ unit charger draws as much power as a small town - to make all cars EVs, you'd need to build giant charger parks in the middle of nowhere
>Even firstie countries are going broke installing fast chargers
>Everything in the car is factory sealed and unserviceable
>Due to how heavy these fucks are, suspension overall will be less reliable and there will be more road and tire wear
>Modern ICE car engines last the lifetime of the car for normal people with just oil changes
>Shit quality power electronics in inverters can die to age, exposure and usage, just like mechanical parts can

EVs will NEVER be safe and reliable due to these factors, they will consistently be more expensive than ICE cars and die earlier and permanently

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Well, no maintenance is needed when it explodes, that's for sure.
Politicians don't need to understand, they're just talking heads fronting for a hidden comitee. Probably the plans has never been total ICE replacement, so far it's just another con. (Like fusion)
>muh saudi russian oil
Lmao this nigga thinks there's more than one side
But also
>le future without oil
Lmao good luck charging millions of evs
At least fusion has some interesting scientific ramifications and, while guzzling grant money, scientists are still making nuclear discoveries. Pushing EV's on the populous despite knowing they will never be viable just lines the pockets of a few richfags with nothing to show for it.
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>EV debate continues to rage on when hybrids are superior in nearly every way

>Not heavy as fuck like full EVs (less road damage)
>Low emissions (to please the retards who buy chicken little's environmentalist bullshit)
>More reliable than pure EV and pure ICE
>no range anxiety
>no loss of range in the cold
>don't lose value like EVs

Fuck this gay earth. NTMA

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Guys, I need your advice.

I am looking forward into modding and tuning my old V70 2001 model VOLVO, but no matter how hard I look, I keep getting 0 results of either the availability of the parts needed or no customization options. I was looking at atleast 10+ website where they offer high customization, but I get almost nothing on my car model.

I really don't want to consider DIY when it comes to making my own bodykits and interior design because I have 0 experience with customization.

Basically where it comes to modding, there's just so little I can do and that sucks. I don't care about finances since I will invest top dollar on my car. Any advice could be nice, thanks.
Boost & Bad Habits youtube channel.

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But still pretier than 2020s cars
>2000s cars were really fucking cool*
why did mercs come nigged from the factory.
Mercedes had some of the worst designs in the 2000's because they were trying to hang on to their round headlight look from the 90's, which was purely a result of sealed beam regulations and not a legitimate design choice. Their design language improved remarkably in the 2010s once they stopped trying to mimic regulatory features.
worst offender is pic rel

>xmr/btc double bottoms
>xmr pumps
>sol/btc double bottoms
>sol pumps
>eth/btc double bottoms
>time to rotate into eth??
wrong board cryptotard
Eth is like my car on account of the gas fees
goddamnit why are they both blue
Get a job shitskin

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