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>be me
>spends 10k+ on camera gear the past 2 years
>turns my end game setup is a Pentax LX and the 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5
>a fucking $30 lens on a $300 body
111 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
lol no one cares
Post them/

I used my Pixel 7 Pro as a pocketable walkaround in Dublin, it's actually fairly decent for a phone.
>spends 10k+ on camera gear the past 2 years
Can you post some photos from the high end gear?
What gear did you end up buying over time?
What did you like about what you bought, and what didn't you like?
How did you end up liking the Pentax combo the best?
Just curious on the mindset, and your findings.
Any services you recommend that aren't bottom line? Trying to decide if I want to snag a epson ET-8550 to do printing at home at 12x19 and 8x10/11 or if I want to go through a dedicated service personally
Post 'em, I've gotten some half decent photos with my s23 ultra and was a great tool to start leaning the histogram before I got my standalone.
Congrats anon.
>be me
>similar 10k+ situation but 5 years ago
I sold everything after the pandemic and only kept my Fuji X-T3 + Contax Zeiss 50 1.4 + cheap adapter.
People praise my jpeg sooc portraits and I enjoy photograpy.
Gear buying syndrome kills creativity.

I currently shoot digital and like the convenience, flexibility when editing and how fast and hassle free everything is.

It comes a point where the digital images look very cookie cutter to me; too artificially and clinically perfect.

I have also shot film in the past, and I get that it's a whole aesthetic and more manual/tactile process, which is rewarding. The drawback is that it's not very flexible in what you can do to your images, it requires considerably more time, you might fuck up and have light leaks, so on. Not to mention the high cost of buying and developing and scanning.

I like the manual feel of putting a new roll, advancing the film, the classic vibe you get from the shots, but at the same time digital is just so much more convenient.
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You dont. That's a thing.
And this “purpose of film”, you got this from who exactly? I’ve never heard of it, sounds like a you issue.
>The purpose of film is making sure no one can ever know your 8x10 dick pics are macro shots, not even the government
>It comes a point where the digital images look very cookie cutter to me; too artificially and clinically perfect.
skills issue.
>too artificially and clinically perfect
Film is too time consuming. I use vintage glass, mist filter and jpg sooc (natural look and b/w mostly).
inb4 you can't edit jpeg: I have a real job, so I just enjoy photography

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This cute gull came next to me as if he wanted to be photographed. I gave them some fries for being such a good model.

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>is that a normal bird everyone sees daily?
>NOOOOOO youre suppsed to go out to fantasy countries and take picturs of rare birds with your olympus
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powershots are made for gulls

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Number131-2602
what are you even trying to say
>can't find good birds where he lives
Keep making excuses, fatty
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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot SX160 IS
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Image Number100-0093

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Took this photo of a cute lovely bird

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Subject Distance13.630 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed192
Image Number130-1950
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Camera-Specific Properties:
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old thread reached limit >>4313178 , let's fill this one up
you think the swans in the background are gossipping about this cute couple?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Camera ModelILCA-68
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Camera Raw 16.1 (Windows)
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Image Created2024:02:16 18:39:48
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Scene Capture TypeStandard
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3.83 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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1.66 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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Image Number117901-0630
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3.2 MB JPG

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
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Maximum Lens Aperturef/5.0
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Image Number100-0013

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32 KB
What's your favorite 35mm roll?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Image-Specific Properties:
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
54 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Fucked scan, they stuck it on auto mode and didnt check if anything actually lined up.
Also the fact the bar is the same sickly orange as the rest of the image means auto mode boosted the shadows probably due to underexposure.

a rescan or a home scan would make these pics look so much better.
Push it one stop and enjoy.
Fujifilm velvia
Fomapan 400.
The best and the cheapest, literally $4.50 per roll. Massive grain though, so it's not for everyone.

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Spoopy Edition
>Post the spookiest shit you've ever emprisoned in a silver halide cage for all eternity

/fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit
>negative film ages better than positive
>black and white better than color
>slow films better than fast
>storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years
>Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited
>slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled.
>if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process

Useful links
>[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development

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148 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
Got myself couple rolls of Neopan SS 100 dated 1988
What iso should i shoot it at?
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Here is my latest 8x10 wetplate. I may still attempt a couple more to improve the lighting. It is tricky with only one strobe.

In person the stick has more detail, but it is quite dark, and the highlights are blown out in some of the white feathers. I was struggling with weird artifacts that were ruining my plates prior to this and a higher exposure + shorter dev time seemed to remedy them, which is partly why the lighting has been so challenging.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS 5D Mark III
Camera SoftwareAdobe Lightroom 9.4.1 (Android)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.8
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Created2024:07:30 11:24:14
Exposure Time1/15 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating100
Lens Aperturef/8.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length150.00 mm
Color Space InformationsRGB
What's the fundamental difference between wetplate vs diy emulsion?
Depends what sort of diy emulsion you're talking about.

With wetplate the colloidion has the iodide and bromide, and the silver nitrate bath sensitizes the plate. It must remain wet through exposure and development or the plate will fail.

A gelatine based dry plate emulsion has all the stuff mixed together.

Or any Film-like mirrorless...

I am interested in obtaining that Film-like photos straight from the camera.

I know Ricoh is very populat these days.. bu can it get those film shots... no

Any other suggestion from the second hand market is welcome.. maybe Fujifilm XS10?

I don't know why Ricoh is so expensive..
46 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
>fuji weather sealing doesnt work
How so?
too bad you lose the camera rather sooner than later due to dust.
OP here

Seems like I might end up buying X-T5 + Fujifilm 35mm F2 R WR XF lenses.
>me buying a ricoh griiix
>me having fun with it
>me reading everywhere it's a dust magnet and should be avoided
from what you've showed here, it's a matter of color balance/grading and highlight bloom. the first depends on editing, not camera. the second you can get on any camera that accepts a filter, with a particle halation filter such as glimmer glass, formatt firecrest bloom, k&f shimmer, etc. or you can also add highlight bloom in post.
camera choice should be informed by technical demands of the shot and ergonomic/workflow preferences

I mostly shoot digital on a Leica Q3, but recently got a film point and shoot for fun.

My favorite camera in terms of looks/features is the Leica MP, and I also like that it's mostly mechanical and it'll last a long time as opposed to the Q3 which will become obsolete as new models come out.

Should I try the MP out? It's an expensive combo with body and lens, plus you have to buy film and develop which also costs money, whereas with the Q3 I can shoot a ton and send directly to my computer.

I don't know, I feel like it's mostly GAS.
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Would having a Leica be like buying 3oz of gold or are you better off just buying gold/crypto? I know if I had one of these it'd be more of an investment cus I would be deathly afraid to take it outside.
Dont buy the most expensive model and get one thats not in pristine condition.

The M8 is perfect for bringing out n about
Idk if you need mechanical sure, but the hexar rf is an excellent alternative.
>getting a Leica when the Pixii+ exists
>paying full frame prices for apsc
Smells like fujislug in here

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"Dust, in MY lens?" Edition. Sending this one to Canon for cleaning. It's hardly been used and is filled with dust all over. This is lust the top left quarter.
When taking portraits, face or full body, what apertures would you use for a 50mm or 80mm equivalent to get your subject in focus (more than just eyes) but keep the image a little soft elsewhere?
Any rational for tightening the aperture versus keeping it wide open?

Bump limit reached for last thread.
Previous Thread: >>4319497

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS R7
Camera SoftwareDigital Photo Professional
Lens Size18.00 - 150.00 mm
Firmware VersionFirmware Version 1.5.0
Lens NameRF-S18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
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Vertical Resolution350 dpi
Image Created2024:06:12 15:52:13
Exposure Time1/125 sec
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Focus TypeAuto
Metering ModeCenter-Weighted
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Shooting ModeManual
Image SizeUnknown
Focus ModeUnknown
Drive ModeUnknown
Flash ModeOff
Compression SettingFine
Macro ModeNormal
Subject Distance81.910 m
White BalanceAuto
Exposure Compensation3
Sensor ISO Speed180
Color Matrix136
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That looks like sensor dust..
Does anyone have 1:1 HR FF/MF film comparisons like this, shot by the same photographer with the same level of competence?
No, why get some random ass bundle? Get exactly the kit you want not some boomer scraps.

If it’s below market price then whatever. Idk anon I don’t give a shit how you spend your money. Make up your mind dummy.
Yes all of that is good

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Summer 2024 edition

All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door.
Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged.
We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses.
In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens.

>STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J
>Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ


Previous thread >>4307820

Quick FAQS

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You’d have to look for hacked firmware that lets you do it. I doubt canon would allow you to do that without hacking the fuck out of the camera. I don’t know if such a hack exists or if it is even possible to do.
>asking brain dead simple questions that have simple answers
lol sure kid
I see a lot of articles online stating 28mm-35mm being the most common.

Asking the thread- what do you use most often for filming cinematic projects?
GoPros and suction clamps. Don’t risk a real camera if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Wait, no… I don’t care about you. Do it anon. Do minimal research and fuck your shit up. Post results.

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What are the best cameras for that superior CCD look?
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>4-5 months
You don't say
>I'm retarded
Oh sorry, I didn't know you were actually mentally disabled. Would have been nicer had I known about your special challenges. Again best of luck! (I mean it this time)
Nah not actually a rere, but that's valuable feedback and I appreciate that cause I learned something.
95% of this board is just saying "it's shit" or "cause you're using x camera/lens/whatever", for example when I was asking about the blur on the birds, I was being genuine, I was only paying attention to the eye focus and making sure they were good until either you or the other anon pointed out the difference in sharpness on the head vs chest feathers. That's something I need to pay attention to and a good tell about shutterspeed being either too low for that subject or me messing up with my handholding technique.
When I take people shooting for the first time(pew pews not cameras) or doing precision shooting, I don't just say they're shit when shooting, I give advice and demonstrate it based on what I see.
It's a big issue with /k/ and this board in general when the majority of people just giving blanket shit statements without demonstrating the why.

Sincerely, have a good one mang.
>That's blue instead of green
Why didn't I think of that
>should have stopped down
f/8 is plenty, you just missed.
Why didn't canon's legendary colorists think of that? Canon blues have always been weird as fuck
>then: dark indigo
>now: light cyan?
Probably has something to do with the way veins show on asian women since canon colors have always been about making japanese girls look like dark haired swedes

When are gonna nips restart the digishit production? Will they restart the production at all?
While one might think that digishits are no longer needed due to phones, it is not the case. Phones are too small to jam good optics inside, especially zoom lenses.
So argument of "we won't make cameras that can be replaced with a phone" is kinda full of shit.
I think what did stop the sales of digishits, is corona. People bought digishits when they were traveling and realized that their phone kinda sucks. Or alternatively, they didn't just want to drain their phone battery in middle of nowhere in country where they don't speak local language for shit.

Seeing the success of Fuji X100VI or whatever it's called and similar big-ish sensor cameras, I wonder if they will start making bridge or compact cameras with smaller sensor but zoom lenses so you can get in close up and personal?
Or the success (of sort) Taiwanese Kodak digishits that are literally 2012 low-end digishit that is still manufactured today for some reason.

Think about it. Imagine what can you achieve with a modern phone sensor (which are quite big these days, 1/1.7" etc.), coupled with much bigger lens!
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Taiwan numba one!
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they still make em yknow
I know.
Idk, less of a landfill than aliexpress camera with phone sensor and lens.

Problem is that Kodak (Taiwanese OEM digishit) is bit too shit. I don't think 140 mm equivalent digishits make that much sense. If sensor is small 1/2.3" piece of shit (possibly CCD lol), it would make more sense to couple it with 28-450mm equivalent lens or smth like that, because otherwise there is no real benefit over a phone.

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What's causing this ghosting effect?
Sony a6700 with sigma 150-600mm.
Never had it happen before and then pulled the lens out after a while of not using and it's like this. I tried a different lens on my camera and it doesn't seem to have any issues so I have to assume it's the lens?
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Your lens could have elements knocked out of place

i've heard of sigma and tamron lenses with elements just held in place with double sided tape from the factory lol
I did move around a fair bit during the time I wasn't using it (Had to move houses and stuff, had it in my van for a bit). So that seems potentially likely. Guess I'll keep experimenting and if nothing take it back to the shop.
for shiggles try a shot at the following
whatever iso
if you still see the same thing, it's time to inspect your sensor and the lens itself.
Are you manually focusing or using AF? Is the AF working in viewfinder or does it struggle?
Are you seeing this vaseline-ness in viewfinder as well and on image replay on the jpg preview?
I'd definitely clean both sides of the front and rear element on the lens, but This feels like a bigger issue than smudged glass but could be that as well.
Looks like a classic case of user gayness, I'm afraid.
>What's causing this ghosting effect?
>Sony a6700
Look, you answered your own question!

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156 KB JPG
Why is no one else currently building a digital rangefinder camera?
I mean, I get that the whole "insignificant niche" argument worked 10 years ago. But since cameras as a whole have become an insignificant niche, why not give people what they want? Because I'm pretty sure many people want a Leica but can't afford it. Just look at how popular the meme camera X100 has become - isn't it time for someone to capitalize on that?

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You could buy a Leica if you just saved up. They're really not that expensive dude. If you cant stop blowing loads on crP NGMI
I wasnt fishing for you's. Just telling it how it is. How is the A7C not a rangefinder?
Anon, are.. are you really this retarded?
>how is this device with no optical viewfinder whatsoever not this other device with a specific design and function of optical viewfinder
You do realize that rangefinder doesn’t mean “looks like a foolji” despite what fujislugs would have you believe, right?
It has the EVF on the left side. Those are rangefinders. The ones with the EVF in the middle are regular cameras.
Har har semantics i r so smart.

Heres the definition everyone uses.

Would one of you gentlemen please be so kind and post some Ultramax 400 (unedited, no added gold cast etc.) scans so I would know if my home scanning setup is working?

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Weird question but do you guys develop your own photos or have someone else do it for you?
lab for cn, scan myself
i dont shoot enough color to make use of the chemicals
thought about buying powder and mixing only small batches, not sure the concentrations are guaranteed in that case though
clouds arent blue/green
Scans need color correction. This one needs to be color corrected better. That's just how it be. If you're searching for the genuine actual true unedited sooc colors of ultramax you're wasting your time. It's a negative film, the unedited color is orange mask.

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