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>he’s traveling to America for school


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>I studied in India to get a forged degree
Hah! Thanks anon that's great.
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your ass gets pounded by trains, you quasinigger
No other race does this. Poos are a underachieving and laughable race of thieves and con artists who are socially unpleasant to be around.

Heard they also invented the world wide web during the bronze age.

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>Industrial strength significantly increased by the formation of a new Reich
Is he going mask off? Was it an autistic red pilled staffer thinking no one would notice or that it wouldn't be called out?
Will this just be another hysterical nazi accusation thrown at the Teflon Don, or did he fly to close to The Black Sun?
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And? Every dead American is already consumed debt, that won't be able to be paid back without yields going greek style
Us Americans leverage our debt. We owe you money? Come and take it.
Its not about who you owe what. Its about Americans dying like flies abroad and making yields go
Americans aren't dying like flies abroad. We rule the world.
Don is hinting that we will invade Canada, he will make Day of the Rake real.

This man single-handedly annihilated a nation. Javier Mileikowsky, the Jewish libertarian, the destroyer of Argentina.
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No. Argentinians are obviously retarded to elect a kike clown who’s expertise on economics is that deregulated Manchester capitalism good because this capitalism made stuff.
He just forgot about the steam engine and the de facto slavery.
Whatever, South America.
Yeah werent they fucked already and voted this guy as a desperate way to get 'change'?
this last week he insulted Antonio, it was fun and all that, we will be talking about it the next weeks because the European elections, it doesn't feel that special, he did the same shit with Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, some retards could try to force a color revolution from here.
>65 years to buy a house in Rio
>Minimum wage Vs cost 100 square meters
There are places where you can get it for free kek, no way it's that high, only in the beach front property
Safe and sound.


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Has anything of value or substance ever came from any of these countries?
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Europeans BTFOd them pretty easily.
apples and pears originate from Kyrgyzstan
nah, horse was tamed further west in steppe Russia/Ukraine
it's a buffer zone between sand niggers, jeets, chinks and europoopers
Always had original cuisine and whores - not ones you want daily, but great if you want something different.
Tajiks recently have become more confident - they do MMA and behave like Dags/Chechens. However they are still one step further: so for a Dag Russians and Tajiks are both 1 step away, while for a Russian Dags are 1 step away and Tajiks are 2 steps (and Pakis are 3).
Kazakhstan was supposed to become a thing when China builds a land route to Europe through it, however retarded hohols buried that project along with nord streams and their own country. The route had already been under construction, and if hohols were not retarded, it could have made the Ukraine and Southern Russia rich as well, but nope.
Yes. Unreal woman hate originated from here.

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ytppo should just incite war among spics and niggers. Win for ytppo either way
Aren’t mexican gangs already at war with black gangs in USA? And what good has come of it? How about just enforcing the law and deporting them?

This is incredibly on the nose.

>hyper-specifically weaponized virus with a handwaved source
>early days autistic hyperfixation on R-0
>trust the experts theyre all blameless innocent heroes undertones
>dont do your own research overtones
>literal ivermectin stand-in, an entire character made to fill in alex jones and/or 4chan as a whole. has no purpose but to be a vehicle for humiliating anyone with personal agency
>preemptive trust the vaccines pre-bunking
The only thing they missed was the actual massive death, but when the rioting, curfews and martial law failed to materials they literally just invented it with the summer of love. This is just the same fucking thing as actual events, but actual events turned out to be the fucking flu with added government hysteria. The whole game is given away, no subtlety at all.
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>Why would they make this movie?

>>This is incredibly on the nose

Thy made it just in case there was some sort of reckoning -- If some Autismo did the research -- made the right FOI request -- lined up all the evidence to show the government killed people. So and So like Fauche lied and caused panics -- that the government committed crimes and lied .

They would wave it away -- call you crazy conspiracy theorist that thinks that he is in a Movie and is the Hero --

So rather than pubic listening to your Proofs -- you will be defending yourself from mental illness accusations -- and the Hags on the View will be debating what kind of crazy you are .
>Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Secretary, has revealed that the 2011 movie Contagion partly influenced his strategy on the UK’s coronavirus vaccination programme.

Very much.
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>when a goy watches a movie it sticks to his brain as real information.
the Korean War really happened and the Chinese really did use human wave attacks
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>literal ivermectin stand-in
Actually, they were referring to artemisia annua, which is what Africans used for their Convid essentials. That was the natural alternative to ivermectin and that they were trash-talking from day 1
Also, keep in mind that the movie references bat-shit zoonosis viral mutations
And at the end, it blames mankinds encroaching on natural habitats for everything (the scene with the excavator mowing the forest down, displacing the bat into the pig-pen)
I found so many more references
> starts in China in filthy kitchen
> zoonosis
> muh humans le bad at fault
> don't trust Alex Jones
> the WHO and CDC are the good goys
> panic buying
> face masks helb u
> hand sanitization and social distancing
I will give the movie the benefit of the doubt as being made by the doomsday fetishist science consultants and not as some predictive programming. But it's incredibly clear how COVID followed everything depicted in this movie down to all details. This just shines a light on the "scientific community" and how they plan ahead with zealous fervor and will stick to their plan without re-evaluating. The that COVID was a fucking lab-leak/released from a lab and they tried so fucking hard to discredit it as being an animals crossover just shows how pathetic they are.

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Is it possible to go back in time?
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WTF did you do?
You're just mad that your mind is too slow to conceptualize continuity of existence. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Our species was not designed to be able to process that. In fact there are many safety mechanisms built into the human mind to prevent it from being overwhelmed by such things. But our species is evolving and learning to understand this fundamental deterministic principle of existence will eventually be one of the benefits. We're only scratching the surface theoretically and have barely begun to apply it practically.
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>All existence throughout all of time exists simultaneously.
literally the point of time is that it does not exist simultaneously retard
If you can do it in your head, you can do it in real.
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Yes,we are in 1920's right now, can you feel it anon?

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Don't they know the stock market is at an all time high? What dumbass can't make obscene profits in these market conditions?
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Does Sizzler still exist or did Covid bankrupt them?
Real estate fraud. When the company was sold, the land the restaurants were on was sold to another party and then leased back to the restaurants. That's only part of it, but that's how you know it was just being used to essentially steal money.

>tell burgers they can eat all they can eat
>they eat everything
I think these corporate chains are a scam. They close all the time when they are no longer growing. They need contact growth so they can constantly borrow against them for other scams.
>SS on the sign
Alert the ADL!!!

Leaf anon here in Japan for vacation. I am voting Trudeau next election. Here is why:

1. He is the least pro-israel out of all the parties
Trudeau literally told Netanyahu to stop killing babies which made bibi seethe (pic related)

2. Jewish liberals are leaving liberal party enmass including its prominent jewish members with dual citizenship to conservative party

2. Conservatives will not and does not have actual plans to stop immigration
poilievre is quite literally fighting against deportation of illegal jeets right now as we speak

Conservatives want to tie immigration to job vacancies. Retard boomers hear this and eat it up without realizing that Canada has 900,000 job vacancies and growing right now according to statcan.

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Every country should get the cancerous jews out of their governments, corporations, and media
has your current prime minister made your country better or worse over the last 10 years
Would the result have changed if zionist loving conservatives were in power? We still would have had mass imimgration, we still would have had high housing crisis
you sort of avoided directly answering the question but i gather that you think he's made your country worse
do you expect this trend to continue under his leadership
Nah, you're just the chink that shits on us in every thread.

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So my vote is on whatever political party that will force these guys to pay taxes
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Keep dreaming, it will never happen. Also, i reported your post to the Pope
I pay a tax to them
You can't force taxes on another country.
oh you can that's the whole point of the church

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Should active duty Israeli soldiers be able to come to the US without visas and attempt to seriously injure and murder US civilians on US soil for their political beliefs about Israel?

Should the US have sovereignty and autonomy?

Should foreign nations determine and dictate US laws and policy?

Simple yes or no questions
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>Should the US have sovereignty and autonomy?
No because you are an Israeli colony and you deserve to be because you are too weak and cowardly to pick up any of your 400 million privately owned firearms and fix your country.
Ahahaha a us citizen is looking like that because of a kike and there is nothing mutts can do about it exept scream piss and moan on the internet.
>pick up any of your 400 million privately owned firearms and fix your country.
Nooo thats what they want!!
Just sit at home posting online thats how you stop them!
>so effective makes heebs screech

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Methodist magazine:

There is inadequate measuring of Pfizers corona vaccines contamination in its mRNA. The mRNA is supposed to only produce protein spikes inside a human being. But contaminated mRNA can produce in theory, whatever. We dont know what is the outcome.

Germans now claim that Pfizer cant reliably make a vaccine where the mRNA is truly pure and would produce only the promised spike protein which everyone wants.


There are other scientist too who have the same concerns, they have investigated a Pfizer vaxx in their lab thoroughly and can find contaminated mRNA from time to time. The vaccines they investigated where from 2022-2023, nobody was able to properly peek into 2021 vaccine because everyone was in the hurry of injecting them to people.

>even google patent says "mRNA vaccine has a POSSIBILITY of producing a insertion mutation"

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Just wait till they manage to create such thing as a oral powder, substance. They can contaminate the food and do with the population whatever they want.
Do not worry. After some time they will make you take it , even you without knowing it. THrough the
.Now you know why in the middle ages all the so calle scietists were hunted and burned alive.
THey are the servants of SATAN - the enemies of the humanity.
The good scientists is the dead scientist!
Never even got tested. Lost the few friends I had left but I guess they were enemies all along. Hope they enjoyed their jab and all the other jewish bonus prizes.
Also: everyone should fuck a titsy blonde at least once, even if the means using an escort.
>THrough the food
That’s not how it works anon…

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How did capitalism come up with 'all you can eat'?
Personally i never even saw a restaurant like that in Poland (not like i looked for one) but how do they turn the profit if more and more people are obese? Which implies they swallow loads of food and can easily out eat the profit margins
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Also most people like to say they will take advantage of "all you can eat" buffets but its usually all talk. Few people have the confidence or the autistry to actually pile a plate sky high around people watching them and few people get to that ugly/lethargic stage of eating while in company where you are sweating and getting lazy eye.
The food is dogshit
My friend would travel to the US around 20 years ago and he used them all the time, the answer is that the US is freaking wealthy and the society can afford this shit. Same why you can find amazing things in Goodwill and pawn shops for nothing while our second hand market of used stuff is pitiful.
Also, "all you can eat" restaurants use tricks to encourage people to eat as little and mostly cheaper stuff as possible.
>Personally i never even saw a restaurant like that in Poland
because you won't find them in your Zapizdów Dolny
>and can easily out eat the profit margins
no, they can't
even if some super mega fatass can in fact eat more than he paid for
there will be 99 other customers who will eat a regular amount and the restaurant makes profit

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there is a preponderance of certain opinions among posters here but it is less of an echo chamber than anywhere else on the internet because people are free to contradict you when you say stupid shit without fear of getting banned
It's just controlled opposition for the ruling class to know what to target.
An example is all the neo nazi controlled opposition bullshit. It's meant to attract the low iq movements. If you think you're red pilled because of "da joos" then you have been successfully controlled by the ruling elite. You think you're privy to some special secret? Think again.
No because anyone can post

If you want a echo chamber go on r/Asianmasculinity
We need a Whites only echo chamber /pol/ equivalent shitskins can't participate

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I have no idea how it is in the west, but I can't even get a decent job nowadays because everyone employs Indians and Pakis due of how cheap they are. Fuck local business owners, they turn on their own just for a little profit.

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Why does this image cause so much seething among tankies?
It causes imaginary seething among imaginary tankies
Only in your childlike mind, turkey. Turkey goes well with a certain herb. I think it may be sage

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The guy in charge is an unelected person who can now rule with an iron fist forever.

How does the West with a straight face support this dictator?
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>Well according to these laws
But that's the thing, dumb memeflag. Ukraine didn't act according to its laws neither in 2014 nor does it now. Their parliament didn't use the legal norms on removing president in absentia. The Ukrainian constitution is full of holes like that, but the only proper way to remove the president was to impeach him, which never happened. What the parliament did was claim that the president "unconstitutionally self liquidated himself from the exercise of constitutional powers." They simply proceeded to vote on this resolution and it meant nothing in terms of legal norms as no such wording existed in Ukrainian law. This was the consensus even within the Ukrainian government pre-2022.
The Ukrainian constitution doesn't even have a clause on the matter of delaying presidential elections due to the martial law and general mobilization the way it's happening right now. Moreover, the martial law can't even last for as long as it does. The government resets the counter every 90 days as it's about to expire, because they don't want to deal with the technical state of war that they are legally obliged to declare after it expires, with no exceptions. So they use a loophole to not allow it to expire. Smart!
You fucking wish the Russian and Ukrainian governments could be equated, but it's simply not the case.
Here’s why
Since when do the conflict complex, Ashkenazim, and Redditors care about honesty?
Israel does it all the time
>Israel does it all the time
subhuman jihadis do it... never

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I cooked some eggs for breakfast, give me some morning news to read while I eat
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or get some extra porkfat in there ..seed oil ruins the flavour
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good job anon, proud of you.
how do we deal with the moose question
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I shall add it to the collection
I swear they do it on purpose now so they can say they are being retarded on purpose
I fry my eggs in transformator oil

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You have no argument against this.
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based nigger humanity denier
>41% of trannies aren’t pro life
>having a stance on reproduction

Lmao not like they can kek
She got me with the non-White part
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5/10 no tits, average.

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